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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction PDP WRITING FORM AND CHECKLIST PI-PDP-1 (Rev.


INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form when writing your PDP.

Professional Development Plan (PDP) forms available at: BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Educator Name Educator Telephone Area/No.

Evelyn Gray
Educator Address Street, City, State, Zip

(608) 341-7579
Educator Fax Area/No.

P.O. Box 70 Platteville Wi

E-Mail Address Educator File No.*
Educator School District

Current Educational Assignment No. of Years in Current Assignment Years of Educational Experience

Month/Year PDP Submitted for Goal Approval (Initial Educators Only)

Month/Year Plan Submitted for PDP Verification

Present Licensure Stage Initial Educator Professional Educator Master Educator Licensure Category Teacher Administrator Pupil Services

Date Current License Expires

*Educator file numbers may be found on the DPI Educator License lookup at:



Step I: Preparing to Write the PlanREFLECTION

Reflect and prepare to write your PDP goal in Step II. While reflection is a required step in the PDP process, recording your reflection below is optional.

During my first year of teaching I hope to improve my collaboration with my fellow colleagues. I also hope to become more familiar with the National Common Core Standards.

Step II: Writing the PlanCOMPONENTS A. Description of School and Teaching, Administrative, or Pupil Services Situation NA

Review Checklist for Description of School Situation

Did you include a description of your teaching, pupil services, or administrative position? Did you include the number of years you have taught, been an administrator, or been in pupil services? Did you include whether the school is located in an urban, suburban, or rural setting? Did you include the ethnic, special needs, and socioeconomic makeup of the school population? Did you include your building goals/mission and/or district goals/mission?

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B. Description of Goal to be Addressed

It is recommended that you use this stem: I will (research, study, learn, apply, etc.) So that (describe what you want to see happening differently with student learning).

I will study and research reading for comprehension techniques in conjunction with the common core standards so that my students will be able to help themselves with new readings based on techniques taught and so that all students will have learned the skills that they will need in the grade across the nation. Review Checklist for Description of the Goal
Did you describe how your goal will impact your professional growth? Did you describe how your professional growth will have an effect on student learning?

C. Rationale for the Goal: Links to Professional Situation and Wisconsin Educator Standards
Based on your reflection, describe the reason for your goal. Describe how your goal is linked to your educational situation, and write out the Wisconsin Educator Standards (two or more) that you will focus on to meet your goal.

My reason for this goal is because the ability to fully comprehend a piece of writing is a difficult skill to acquire and is needed no matter what subject is being taught. I will focus on Wisconsin State Standard; 1 (Content: Teachers know the subjects they are teaching), 3 (Diversity: Teachers understand that children learn differently), and 4 (Instructional Strategies: Teachers know how to teach). Review Checklist for Rationale for the Goal
Does the rationale tell how your goal connects to your school, teaching, administrative, or pupil services situation? (Choose the category that applies to your situation) Did you write out the Wisconsin Educator Standards that you will focus on to meet your goal? (must select two or more)

D. Plan for Assessing and Documenting the Goal

Record the anticipated methods you will use to assess your professional growth and the effect on student learning. It may be helpful to review steps III and IV when writing your assessment plan as they outline what is necessary when documenting your completed plan.

I will meet with colleagues to discuss my lessons and assessments and how they meet/ dont meet the National Common Core Standards. I will complete seminars on reading techniques. I will review my assessments of my class to see if the techniques taught are working and in conjunction with my results I will discuss the results and assessments of my students in my colleagues classrooms. Review Checklist for Plan for Assessing and Documenting Achievement of the Goal
Did you include in the plan the anticipated methods you will use to assess your professional growth? Did you include in the plan the anticipated methods you will use to assess the effect on student learning?

E. Plan to Meet the Goal: Objectives, Activities, Timeline, and Plan for Collaboration
Note: Completion dates will be filled in during Step III as each objective/activity is completed .

I will research and study the techniques used for complete reading comprehension of a piece of writing.
Activities Timeline Collaboration Date Completed

I will meet with the school's reading specialist to discuss methods to implement and courses/books to take or read. I will take a seminar on Nation Common Core Standards



I will collaborate with the school's reading specialist I will collaborate with colleagues as to what was gleaned from the seminar and can practically be applied to

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Page 3

our school and students I will discuss with colleagues about what they would like to see as for reading comprehension in their classrooms as well as what they are already doing to help this issue I will take a course in teaching reading techniques 2011-2012 I will collaborate with colleagues and administration



I will assess my students in all classrooms to make sure the lessons being taught are used universally.
Activities Timeline Collaboration Date Completed

I will collaborate with colleagues to set up a plan in which evaluation, suggestion and assessment of reading comprehension can all be recorded. I will use the state standard test results from last year to set a base line and goal for this year's students for performance. I will continue to collaborate with collegues as to the progress of student's reading comprehnsion. I will use the end of the year assessments to guage the viability and success of this years teaching approach.


I will collaborate with colleagues.


I will collaborate with colleagues. I will collaborate with colleagues. I will collaborate with colleagues.




I will learn and implement the National Common Core Standards

Activities Timeline Collaboration Date Completed

I will discuss the application of the National Common Core Standards with colleagues and administration. I will go to a conference on using the National Common Core Standards.


I will collaborate with colleagues and administration.






Date Completed

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Date Completed

Review Checklist for Objectives, Activities, Timeline, and Plan for Collaboration
1. Objectives Did you include objectives that directly address the goal? Did you include objectives that are observable and verifiable? 2. Description of Activities and Timelines Did you align your activities with your goal and objectives? Did you extend the activities through multiple years of the licensure cycle? Did you state a timeline for completing the activities? 3. Plan for Collaboration Did you include collaboration with others in your plan?

Initial educators must submit Step II, A-E, to a PDP Team for Goal Approval. Step III: Annual Review of the PDP
Annual reviews are done in years two, three, and four and will be submitted as part of your completed plan in the last year of your licensure cycle.

Return to Step II E and enter completion dates for each activity completed. Write a reflection in year two summarizing the progress made towards completing your goal. Indicate, in your reflection, how you grew professionally and/or how your professional growth had an effect on student learning. Write any revisions to your objectives or activities in the revision area. Return to this step annually until your PDP is complete and ready to be submitted for verification.

Initial Educators may complete a 3, 4, or 5 year plan. One annual review is required for a three-year plan, two annual reviews are required for a four-year plan, and three annual reviews are required for a five-year plan. If there is a substantial change to your GOAL, you must complete and resubmit section II A-II E to a team for review and approval of the new goal. Professional Educators must complete a five-year plan with three annual reviews.

Reflection (Year 2) Date: Date:

Revision (if needed)

Well the implementation of universal reading strategies assessment was harder than I thought it was. It was hard to accurately assess the students progress or lack of progress in each class. Also, the results based off of the state standardized test was unreliable. Students who routinely do well informally did poorly in the high stress situation.
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Reflection (Year 3) Date: Date:

Revision (if needed)

The use of the National Common Core Standards is widely used and became a help in the creation of scaffolded knowledge. It made collaboration between subjects easier. Also it made the planning of units easier as it was well establish as to what the students walking in the door had already learned.
Reflection (Year 4) Date: Date: Revision (if needed)

Review Checklist for Annual Review

Did you include in your reflection how you grew professionally and/or how your professional growth had an effect on student learning? Did you include any revisions to your objectives or activities? Did you fill in completion dates for activities? (refer to Step II E of your plan)

Step IV: Documentation of Completion of the PDP

Your PDP must include 3-5 pieces of evidence that document professional growth and the effect on student learning. Number and label each piece of evidence (i.e., 1. Student test score analysis). You may use a single piece of evidence that focuses solely on professional growth or the effect on student learning as long as your completed plan includes both types of documented eviden ce. When attaching evidence, please include the number and label entered below.

A. Evidence of Professional Growth and the Impact of Professional Growth on Student Learning

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Number and label each piece of evidence. Indicate whether each piece of evidence documents professional growth, the effect on student learning, or both. Describe each piece of evidence identifying what is documented and the relationship of the evidence to the goal.

Assessment graph showing results of reading comprehension scores.

Review Checklist for Evidence of Completion of Your Plan

Did you provide three to five pieces of evidence? Did you describe how your evidence documents your professional growth? Did you describe how your evidence documents the effect on student learning?

B. Reflection and Summary

Describe how you grew professionally in the Wisconsin Educator Standards identified in your PDP. Describe in detail the effect of your professional growth on student learning. Describe how you collaborated with others while working on your PDP.

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Review Checklist for Summary and Reflection Statement

Did you describe how you grew professionally in the Wisconsin Educator standards identified in your plan? Did you describe the effect of your professional growth on student learning? Did you describe how you collaborated with others?

C. Submitting the Completed PDP for Plan Verification

Submit your completed PDP including your 3-5 pieces of labeled evidence to a PDP Team no later than January 15 of the final year of the plan. If you are an Initial Educator, include a copy of your signed Goal Approval Signature Form(s).

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