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NCERT Books Mathematics Class IV

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What is inside this book?

1. Building with Bricks 1

2. Long and Short 13
3. A Trip to Bhopal 23
4. Tick-Tick-Tick 35
5. The Way The World Looks 52
6. The Junk Seller 60
7. Jugs and Mugs 69
8. Carts and Wheels 81
9. Halves and Quarters 94
10. Play with Patterns 107
11. Tables and Shares 120
12. How Heavy? How Light? 133
13. Fields and Fences 149
14. Smart Charts 162
1 Building with Bricks
Brick Patterns for Jagriti School
This is the true story of Jagriti School in Murshidabad (West
Bengal). When its building was being made, there was a plan to
make brick patterns on the floor and walls. Jamaal, Kaalu and
Piyaar were the masons for the brick work. They wanted to get
new ideas for the school building. So they took their other friends
to see the old tomb of Murshid Kuli Khan. (See photos.)

This building has a big floor with about two thousand beautiful
brick patterns. These were made by masons long back – about
three hundred years ago.
1 2

Look how the bricks are arranged in these five floor patterns.

3 4 5

Which floor pattern do you like the most? _____________

Have you seen such patterns anywhere?
The masons came back excited. Jamaal said — Ah! In those days
they had made so many interesting brick patterns. We had
forgotten these! Let us make some nice
designs on the floor of this school.
Each mason made a different brick
pattern. The school is proud to have
such a beautiful building! Children play
and sing on it and also make new
patterns themselves.





✤ Which pattern is made in a circle?

✤ In which pattern can you show mirror halves? Draw a line.
✤ Now you draw some new floor patterns.

How to Draw a Brick?
These are two photos of the same brick.
In one photo we can see only one face of the 3 faces
brick. In the other we can see three faces. Circle
the photo showing three faces.
✤ How many faces in all does a brick have? ____
✤ Is any face a square? one face

✤ Draw the smallest face of the brick.

✤ Which of these are the faces of a brick? Mark a ( ).

✤ Which of these is a drawing of a brick? Mark a ( ).

✤ Make a drawing of this box to show 3 of its faces.

✤ Can you make a drawing of a brick which shows 4 of its faces?

A Wall that will not Fall
One day Muniya and Zainab are playing with bricks and making
their walls. Each makes a different wall.

Zainab Muniya

Zainab says her wall will not fall easily. Masons too do not put
bricks one on top of the other, as Muniya has done.
What do you think? Which wall will be stronger?
Look for walls where you can see different brick patterns.

Different Wall Patterns

✤ Here are photos of three kinds of brick walls. Can you see the
difference in the way the bricks are placed?

✤ Now match the photo of each wall with the correct drawing

This 'jaali' is from a library
building in Kerala.
See how the edge of the bricks
is used to make a triangle in
the wall.

Have you seen bricks that look like

triangles? Look at the bricks around
the tree in this photo.

Do you see the arch in this photo?

This is from a school in Faizabad.

Find out
Look for other arches around you
and draw them.

Have you seen arches in
a bridge?
✤ Where else have you
seen an arch?

A Special Arch
In this photo from Orchha, see how the arch is made. It has a
nice name – Ghoonghat Waali Mehraab ( the arch with a veil ).

Isn't the 'jaali' of this window beautiful? It is made of thin bricks.

Have you ever seen thin bricks? Look around.

Jamaal and Kaalu, the masons of Jagriti School, said that their
grandfathers used many different kinds of bricks. Some of these
are shown in this photo.
✤ Which of these bricks have
curved edges?
✤ How many faces do you see of
the longest brick?
✤ Is there any brick which has
more than six faces?

Find Out: The Size of a Brick

Have you seen bricks of different sizes?
✤ Take one brick and measure it.
a) How long is it? __________________
b) How wide is it? __________________
c) How high is it? __________________
✤ Muniya wants to make a wall 1 metre long. How many bricks
will she need to put in a line? _________

Bricks and Bricks — Hot and Fresh!

Ganesh and Sahiba live near a kiln where bricks are made.

✤ Can you guess how high is

the chimney here? Is it:
a) about 5 metres?
b) about 15 metres?
c) about 50 metres?

Ganesh and Sahiba love to look at
the pattern of bricks in the long,
long lines kept out to dry. They also
watch how bricks are made.

Here are four pictures from the brick kiln. These pictures are
jumbled up. Look at them carefully.
Write the correct order. ________________________

How do you think a brick is made out of soil dug from the earth?
Look at the pictures and discuss in groups.

Have you seen a brick kiln? Did you try to guess the number of
bricks kept there?
There are many, many brick kilns in India – thousands of them!
More than one hundred thousand! Can you imagine how big
this number is? This number is also called one lakh. Can you try
to write it? Ask your friends where they have heard of a lakh.

Find out
Look at these photos and guess how many bricks are carried by
this truck.
Also find out from a truck driver how many bricks they can carry
in one truck.

Mental Math: Bhajan Buys Bricks

Bhajan went to buy bricks. The price was given for one thousand
bricks. The prices were also different for different types of bricks.
Old bricks – Rs 1200 for one thousand bricks
New bricks from Intapur – Rs 1800 for one thousand bricks
New bricks from Brickabad – Rs 2000 for one thousand bricks
Bhajan decided to buy the new bricks from Brickabad. He bought
three thousand bricks. How much did he pay? ______________
✤ Guess what he will pay if he buys 500 old bricks.

Do this without

2 Long and Short
How Far Apart are the Dots?


★ Guess the distance between any two dots.

How many centimetres is it? Now measure it
with the help of a scale. Did you guess right?
★ Which two dots do you think are farthest
from each other? Check your answer.
★ Which two dots are nearest to each other?
Check your answer.

Children can play this game in pairs, making dots on a plain sheet and asking their partner to
guess the distance. This can also be extended to estimating bigger distances on the floor.
The border of this chapter should also be used as a scale.

The Shorter Line
Akbar was a famous king. He had a smart minister called Birbal.
Once Akbar gave him a difficult question. He drew a line on
the floor.
Birbal, here is a line.
Make it shorter
without erasing.

Now your line

is shorter.

Akbar's line

Birbal's line

Look at the picture and explain how Birbal made Akbar's line
Now can you be as smart as Birbal? Make his line shorter without
erasing it. Just think is there any longest line?

Try This
★ Make her right arm 1 cm longer than the left arm.

★ Draw a cup 1 cm shorter than this cup.

★ Draw a broom half as long as this broom.

★ Draw another hair of double the length.

How Tall Have You Grown?
Do you remember that in Class 3 you measured your height?
Do you think you have grown taller?
How much? ____________ (cm)
Have your friends also grown taller?
Find out and fill the table below.

Friend's Last year's This year's How many cm

name height (in cm) height (in cm) have they grown?

Jhumpa once read a list of the tallest people in the

world. One of them was 272 cm tall! That is just
double of Jhumpa's height. How tall is Jhumpa?
__________ cm.
Wow! His height
is exactly double
my height.
★ Could that person pass through the door
of your classroom without bending?
★ Will his head touch the roof of your
house if he stands straight?

The Long and Short of Your Family!

★ Who is the tallest in your family? _____
★ Who is the shortest in your family? _____
★ What is the difference between their
heights? _____
Inter-School Sports Meet
This is a 100 metre race for girls. Arundhati is nearest the
finishing line. She is about 6 metres from it.
Behind her is Rehana. Konkana and Uma are running behind
Rehana. Look at the picture. To answer the questions below
choose from these distances:
3 metres
6 metres
10 metres
15 metres

6 metres

a) How far is Rehana from Arundhati? __________

b) How far ahead is Rehana from Konkana and Uma? __________
c) How far are Konkana and Uma from the finishing line? _______

Have you heard about a 1500 m or 3000 m race? (You remember

that 1000 metres make 1 kilometre and 500 metres make half a
★ So you can say
In a 1500 metres race people run ______ km
In a 3000 metres race people run ______ km

Have you heard about marathon races in which people have to
run about 40 kilometres? People run marathons on roads
because the track of a stadium is only 400 metres.
10 rounds of a stadium track = _______ km
So, if you run a marathon on a stadium track, you will have to
complete __________ rounds !

Long Jump
This is the long jump for boys.

Dhanu has the longest jump of 3 metres 40 cm. Gurjeet is

second. His jump is 20 cm less than Dhanu's. Gopi comes third.
His jump is only 5 cm less than Gurjeet's jump.
★ How long are Gurjeet's and Gopi's jumps?

★ Try and see how far you can jump.

★ How far can you throw a ball? ___________ metres.
★ Look for a big ball, like a football or volleyball. How far can you
kick it? ___________

Here are the Indian Records and World Records for some jumps.

Sports World Record Indian Record

High Jump (Men) Javier S. (2m 45 cm) Chandra Pal (2m 17 cm)

Long Jump (Men) Mike P. (8m 95 cm) Amrit Pal (8m 8 cm)

High Jump (Women) Stefka K. (2m 9 cm) Bobby A. (1m 91 cm)

Long Jump (Women) Galina C. (7m 52 cm) Anju G. (6m 83 cm)

Find out from the table

1. How many centimetres more should Chandra Pal jump to
equal the Men's World Record for high jump?
2. How many centimetres higher should Bobby A. jump to reach
2 metres?
Remember that 1m = 100 cm
Half metre = ?
3. Galina's long jump is nearly
a) 7 metres
b) 7 and a half metres
c) 8 metres
4. Look at the Women's World Records. What is the difference
between the longest jump and the highest jump?
5. If Mike P. could jump ______ centimetres longer, his jump
would be full 9 metres.
6. Whose high jump is very close to two and half metres?
a) Stefka K.
b) Chandra Pal
c) Javier S.
d) Bobby A.
Running Exercise 500 m
The doctor has told Devi Prasad
to run 2 km every day to stay fit.
He took one round of this field.

500 m

500 m
How far did he run?
The field was very far from his
home. So he chose a park nearby.
The boundary of the park was
about 400 metres long.
★ How many rounds of the park 400 m
500 m
must Devi Prasad run to
complete 2 km?

★ One day the weather was very good and a cool breeze was
blowing. He felt so good that he kept jogging till he got tired
after 8 rounds. That day he ran _______ km and _________
metres !

How Many Rooms High?

The Qutab Minar is 72 metres
About how many metres high is
your classroom?
Guess how many rooms, one on
top of the other, will be equal to
the Qutab Minar. ______________
Explain how you made a guess.

From Kozhikode to Thalassery
Subodh is going to Kozhikode which is 24 kilometres (km) away.
Manjani is going to Thalassery which is 46 km away in the
opposite direction.
How far is Kozhikode from Thalassery? ________________

Kozhikode (24 km)

Thalassery (46 km)

How Far is Your Home from School?

Momun comes to school from very far. He first walks about
400 metres to the pond. With slippers in his hands, he then
walks 150 metres through the pond. Next he runs across the
350 metres wide green field. Then he carefully crosses the
40 metres wide road to reach his school.

How much does Momun walk every day to reach school? _______
Is it more than 1 km? _______
★ Find out how far your friends live from school and fill the table.
Write in metres or kilometres.

Friend's name Distance of home

from school

Who among you lives nearest to the school? ___________

Who lives farthest from the school? ___________
How many children live less than 1 kilometre away from your
school? ____________
Is there anyone who lives more than 5 km away from the school?
How do they come to school? __________________________________

Guess and Find Out

1. How long is the thread in a reel?
2. How long is the string of a kite reel? Can it be more than a
kilometre long?
3. If a handkerchief is made out of a single thread, how long
would that thread be?

Children will get a good idea of 1 kilometre distance if it is possible to take them for a 1 km
walk, preferably along a straight path.

I Wish I Were

I wish I were a kite

So that I could rise
Above this building's height.

I wish I were a bird

So that I could fly
And reach above that kite.

I wish I were a cloud

So that I could move
Above those little birds.

I wish I were a plane

So that I could rise
Above the clouds and the hills.

Try to find out:

1. Which is the highest building that you have seen? About how
many rooms high was it?
2. How high can a kite go? Can it go higher than the Qutab
3. How high can a plane fly? Can it fly higher than Mount Everest
which is about 9 km high?
4. Have you ever seen clouds below you?
It would be useful here to discuss about children's experiences, particularly when talking
about clouds and their height, so that they get an intuitive feel of relative heights, and can
begin to estimate large distances.

3 A Trip to Bhopal
Today Sugandha is very excited. All the children of her school are
going on a trip to Bhopal with their teachers. Ms. Meenakshi and
Mr. Rakesh are talking about the number of buses needed.
Ms. Meenakshi — We will need 4 buses.
Mr. Rakesh — I think we need at least 5.
Ms. Meenakshi — Each bus has 50 seats.

Mr. Rakesh — Let us see how many

children are going.

Class Number of children

I 33
II 32 4 buses
ed 0
o we ne n take 5
III 42 D c a
bus uses
One ren, 4 b ....?
IV 50 child e 50 × 4
V 53 can t

✤ So there are a total of __________ children going.

✤ If they get 4 buses, how many children will get seats? _______

✤ Will there be any children left without seats?

We can
For just a few share seats.
children, we can't
get another bus!

Children should be encouraged to estimate first and then find out the answer using any method
they want. It is important to discuss the methods children use to solve a problem.

Waiting for the Buses
Sahiba jumps out of the line to see
if the buses are coming. She
shouts loudly — Hey! I can see
them. Run! Grab the window seats.
Many children start jumping in
excitement. But ..........

p! se
Sto ? The l!
s l
is thi sma
at so
Wh es are

Now there is an argument.

not have
id .
We d big buses
We told you to h y
bring big buses! enoug got man
So we i buses.

Each mini bus can take 35 students.

How many mini buses are needed?

e o n now, The Journey Begins
Com t. It'
i n f a s k.
o'cloc As the buses start moving, children
d y 9
alrea sing at the top of their voices. Some look
outside to enjoy the view of the green
fields and the hills.
Indra — When will we reach Bhopal?
Ms. Asha — If we don't stop anywhere,
we should reach there in 2 hours, that is
around ______ o' clock.
Manjeet — Is it very far?
Mr. Bhimsen — It is about 70 km.
Ruby — Are we going to stop anywhere?
Mr. Rakesh — May be at Bhimbetka, about 50 km from here.
✤ If they go to Bhimbetka, they will reach there
— Before 10 o'clock
— Between 10 o'clock and 11 o' clock
— After 11 o' clock
As they are talking, Bahadur shouts — Hey! look at the Narmada.
Everyone looks out of the windows.
Ruby — Wow! it is soooo long and so wide!
Let us guess how wide it is.

Gopi — Uhm---m, 100 metres? No, it is much more.
Can't say.
Victoria — It must be more than half a kilometre.
Ms. Asha — Look, it is written – 'This bridge is 756.82 metres
long'. So we can guess that the Narmada must be
about 500 metres wide at this place.

✤ Was Victoria right ?

Sadaf — I just can't imagine 500 metres.

Ms. Asha — See, our bus is about 5 metres long. Imagine how
many buses can stand in a line on this bridge.

✤ Have you ever crossed a long bridge? About how many metres
long was it? ____________
Everyone looks down at the river.
Mr. Rakesh — The water level now is quite low. It must be about
40 metres below the bridge.
Ms. Asha — But in the rainy season, the water had risen. Then
it was just about 15 metres below the bridge.

✤ What is the difference between the water level of the Narmada

in the rainy season and now? ___________ metres.

The children discuss about

the river for some time. ......

Suddenly, the bus stops with a jerk.
Oh! The petrol pump. Two buses need to be refilled.
The buses stand in a line. Children are sticking their necks out to
see how diesel is filled in the bus. Some children have got down to
look more closely.
✤ Each bus takes about 15 minutes to refill and there are two
buses to be refilled. So they stop there for about _________
minutes, which means they are late by about _______ minutes.

Ltrs 100
Rupees: 175.00
Litres: 5 RS
Rate per Litre: 35.00

Hey it has such a big tummy!

It has already taken 100 litres.

So we have to pay 3500

Rupees for the diesel!

✤ Look in the picture and find the price of 1 litre of diesel. ______
As the buses are being refilled, kena y
ta pt
some children go to the toilet near h as o em is
an et us
the petrol pump. Am tim one b ll!
ch s fi
mu elf a o re
How much time did Aman take to s t
him aking
come out of the toilet? __________ t

To Bhimbetka
After the buses are refilled, the journey starts again. Now the
children are told that they are stopping at Bhimbetka.
Anjan — What is Bhimbetka?
Ms. Raina — It's a place with lots of caves and cave-paintings
made by people ten thousand years ago.
Sumonto — Ten tho....uu....saa....nd years! I cannot even
think of one thousand years back!
Gopi — Oh! one thousand years is a big thing, I can't
even think of one hundred years.
Gauri — I can think of 100 years because my father's
grandmother is 100 years old.
Manjeet — That means those caves are almost hundred
great grandmothers old!!
Everybody bursts into laughter – Ha! Ha! Ha!
Now the children are really excited to see the cave-paintings. It is
about 11 o' clock when they reach Bhimbetka.
0 e The
00 ad are se r
0 thou oc
n ple ngs
m , sand ks
e year s
v o
! E , pe ain cks!
ti s old of
w p !
o o o
W ag ely n r
s v o
ear h lo oo
y uc t t
s ha

Shankar — This painting also has very big bisons. Hey, I got
an idea. I will count the bisons and you count the
deer in the paintings.
Bonomala — I will count people. Let us see which are the most
— bisons, deer or people.
so ...
bi 37
37 36,
go 35,


1 2 , 1 1 3 , 1 14 ... I got
... 1
117 deer!

✤ How many more deer are there than bisons? _______________

But Bonomala is the happiest because the number of people is
even more than the number of deer and bisons together. Her
count is less than 200.
✤ How many people must Bonomala have counted?
214 / 154 / 134 / 177
The guide tells them that there are 600 cave-paintings in all.
It is time to leave Bhimbetka.
✤ They have spent 1 hour there. What time is it? __________
They are now moving towards Bhopal. They should reach there
in less than 1 hour, at about __________ o' clock.

Lunch Time
The children are hungry by this time so they take out their lunch-
packs. Biscuits, oranges and bananas are also distributed in all
the buses.
Each child is to be given 1 orange, 1 banana
and 5 biscuits.
All the children take oranges and biscuits but
38 children do not take bananas.

✤ How many oranges, biscuits and bananas are distributed?

Manjeet and Bhanu quickly finish their lunch and start asking
puzzles to pass the time.
Manjeet — Tell me the number which is
exactly between 100 and 150.
Bhanu — 120 ... no, 130 ... no it is 125.
Manjeet — Right. OK! You ask now.
Other children join in. Everyone is asking puzzling questions.

A I gave four toffees B What

make u r s can y
each to four of my sing 3, ou
friends and three You ca 5 and
n make 7?
toffees are left with 537. W 357 an
hat ot d
me. How many toffees hers?
did I have?
A number becomes
double if it is
increased by 8. What
is the number?

Children can be asked to solve many more similar questions or puzzles, both orally and in
writing. They should also be encouraged to explain the strategies they use.

Think of a number
which can be divided by
2, 3 and 5 and comes E A small ant climbs
between 25 and 50. 3 cm in 1 minute but
slips down 2 cm. How
much time will it take
Can you solve these? Try them out. to climb to 2 cm?

Which Boat do We Take?

They are so lost in puzzles that they do not notice they have
reached the lake. It is a very big lake with a small island in it.

The lake looks very beautiful at this time. There are a lot of ducks
making a loud noise. Some children give them popcorn.

Now comes the exciting part! It is time to go for boating. They

have to choose which boat to take. But that is not easy.

There are different kinds of boats. Each has a different ticket
price, and also different trip times.

i l l tak e
w ac
o f us and r oup. We w
Fou le boat her gr moto l take the
d d r-boa
pad uri an costl t.
y but It is
Ga fun —
with Zooo

Based on the table showing ticket rates, trip time etc. some questions are given in the book.
Children should be motivated to make many more questions themselves.

e oar Hey!
th ly We a
ke t cost e doub re
no tim le-de going on
Let . It is more ide. has m cker t
t usic. . It a he
t r lso
boa we ge eful but w It
e get costs a l
and a pea more

✤ Indra and Bhanu first went in the motor-boat, and then took
the oar-boat.
How much did they pay for both the boats? Rs __________
How much time did they get for both rides? __________
✤ One group of children went for the double-decker trip.
They paid Rs 450 in total. How many children went for the
double-decker trip? ______________
✤ Which boat makes two trips in 1 hour?
✤ Which boat takes less than half an hour to complete a trip?
✤ Which boat gives them the most time taking the least money?
✤ Javed went twice for boating. He paid a total of Rs 40. and
boated for 50 minutes. Which two boats did he take? ________

Time to Return
Children enjoy different boat rides till
4 o'clock. It is time to return. Now they
will not stop anywhere and reach back
in two hours.
So, they should reach Hoshangabad by
__________ o'clock.

Find out
Have you ever been on a school trip? How many
children were there in all? How did you go and
how far? How much time did it take? Try to find
out the cost of travel for each child.

Practice Time
1. There are four very old cave-paintings. Mark the oldest.
a) 4200 years old c) 8500 years old
b) 1000 years old d) 1300 years old

2. One bus can carry 48 children. How many children can three
buses carry? About —
a) 100 b) 200 c) 150

3. Which pair of numbers add to make more than 500?

a) 152 and 241 c) 99 and 299
b) 321 and 192 d) 401 and 91

4. What happened at what time? Draw lines to match.

✤ Crossed the Narmada bridge 3:00 p.m.

✤ Looked at Bhimbetka paintings 6:00 p.m.

✤ At the petrol pump 9:10 a.m.

✤ Boating in the lake 12:30 p.m.

✤ Had lunch 11:30 a.m.
✤ Retur ned to Hoshangabad 9:30 a.m.

4 Tick-Tick-Tick
Pamposh and Shazia were discussing whose home is farther
from school.
ve to w to I just
walk f
I ha inutes 2 min or
5m hool
. utes t
for h sc reach o
reac schoo

r I ch I start for school
i b l e ! You my w ecked
oss r atch at 7 o' clock.
Imp is farthe .
e .
hom s c hool
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

When I reach
school, the minute itb 7
hand points at 2.
d n' ast
l p
h ou es 2?
s u :0 t
12 1 So min r 7
11 2 2 o
7 6 5

re wr ong! Y How?
You a ol at 7
sch o se
reach u s ee the
Can y s between Yes. So what?
thin l rs?
the n

The minute hand

moves across 10 lines
after 12. So it is 10 I
minutes past 7 or 7:10. S ea
I start for ha ee, ch
nd th at
school at 7. mo e m 7:0
5 ves inu 5.
11 12 1 lin t
10 2 es acr e
9 3 . os
8 4 s
7 6 5

11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

Practice Time
1) Three friends read time from a clock. Who is right?

Cheeku Bittu Pinki

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4 12:03 12:15 3:00
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
3 7:25 5:07 5:35
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3 3:35 7:03 7:15
8 4
7 6 5

2) Show the following times in the clock:

11 1
10 2

8 4
7 5

Do you like sky watching? If yes, then this one should

interest you:
11 12 1
10 2

a) At what time does the sun rise at your place? ——— 9

8 4

7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
b) When does the sun set? ——— 9
7 6 5

Dose the sun rise and set at the same

times every day?

Look at a newspaper and see the

time of sunrise and sunset in different months.

Look at the photo and guess the time at this place.

This photo was taken in Paris, France. In Paris the sun sets
after 9 pm at night during summer. This photo was taken at
night! But in winter it becomes dark here by 4 pm in the

3) Find out
❋ How long will it take the minute hand to move from
11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 11 12 1 11 12 1

8 4
3 to 9
8 4
——— c)
3 to
3 ———
7 6 5 7 6 5 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
b) 10
3 to
——— d) 10
3 to
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

❋ Draw where the hands will be:
a) 20 minutes after c) 10 minutes after
6 o' clock 7 o' clock 11 12 1
11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

b) 30 minutes after d) 15 minutes after

8 o' clock 5 o' clock
11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

❋ How long does your school assembly take? _________

How long is your lunch

break? _________
How long is your games
period? _________
Is it the same as all the other
periods? _________

The games period

and lunch break
seem very short!
Aren't they?

❋ How many minutes can these activities take? Make a guess
and then check at home.

Boiling 1 litre milk Filling a bucket Sweeping your room

___________ ___________ ___________

Activity Time
❋ In one minute, how many times can you —
a) Snap your finger _______________
b) Skip a rope _______________
c) Jump up and down _______________
d) _______________ _______________
Write more such fun activities in this column.

❋ Here is another challenge for you. How long can you —

a) Speak non-stop _______________
b) Stand on one leg _______________
c) Sing 'Aaaaa....' without a break _______________

❋ How long do you take to —

a) Run a 50 metre race ______________
b) Collect 50 pebbles from the ground ______________
c) Count 1 to 100 ______________ Who is the
❋ Let's look at a clock again! Solve this one —
a) The minute hand started from '2'. How many minutes will
it take to come back to '2' again? _______________

b) What happens to the hour hand? Does it also move? How

long will it take to move from one number to the next?

c) Look around you and list the activities that take about one
hour to complete.
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
4. _________________
5. _________________

How long does it take to

cook dinner at home?
More than an hour/less
than an hour.

Ask your father if he can cook as fast

as your mother does. Yes / No
Which games take less than an hour
to finish? __________________________
How long does a football match take?

Children will enjoy doing activities to see all the things they can do in one minute. observing
activities at home will give them a sense of time and also help them value the effort of others.

Rani's Diary
Come let's go
to see my new
baby sister.

But she can't eat.

Maa I have
She is too small!
brought sweets
for Muniya.

And she doesn't

even talk!
She will start doing
all this slowly as she
grows up!

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

I will note down in

my diary when she
Here are some pages
first starts talking, from Rani's Diary —
eating, walking....

5 March
2005 15 September 10 November mber
20 Nove
2005 2005 2005
Muniya is
Muniya got up Muniya started
born today! Muniya sat
her first tooth! crawling.

2 February
5 January 5 September
2006 2005
Muniya started
Muniya ate
Muniya walking
a banana
stood up

Mark these in the correct order on Muniya's Time Line.


Was born

❋ Muniya got her first tooth in September. How many months

old was she then? How many months have passed from March
to September? ________
❋ How old was Muniya, when
(a) she first sat up? _________________
(b) she got her first tooth? _________________
❋ What did she do first — 1) walking/eating a banana?
2) crawling/standing?

Rani had a pet puppy. After 2 weeks it opened its eyes. She
watched it grow like this:

After 3 weeks it got its first

teeth and started eating.

After 4 weeks — it started

walking around but was It had a full set of teeth
still wobbling. by the time it was 7
months old.

After 1 year, it was a

grown-up dog and got
its own puppies.

❋ Now make a time-line of this dog's life in your notebook.

❋ Note the differences between Muniya and Rani's puppy:

Positions Muniya (age) Puppy (age)

Started walking

Ate food for the first time

Got the first tooth

Find out
Do all animals grow at the same speed?
Discuss about the growth of —
1. A hen
2. A cow
3. A bird
Draw pictures of the baby animal and the big animal.

Here are the pictures of grandfathers posing for a photograph.

Who looks the oldest to you?

Elephant Appu's Rani's

grandfather grandfather
(95 years old) Chuchoo rat's (70 years old)
(2 years old)

❋ How much older is Appu’s grandfather than Rani’s

grandfather? _____________________________________________

❋ Will Chuchoo’s grandfather ever grow as old as Appu’s

grandfather? _____________________________________________

❋ How much younger is Chuchoo rat’s grandfather than Rani’s

grandfather? ____________________________________________

This is a good opportunity for children and teachers to find out about the life spans and
growth patterns of different animals. The idea is to compare and discuss without having to
memorise any such information.

Holidays are Fun!
Atif's holidays had begun. He was very excited. He had made some
wonderful plans and wanted to tell his cousin Shabana. So he wrote
her a letter —
Dear Shabana aapa,
How are you? I am fine here. Aapa, my holidays have
started from today! I am going to my Nani's place on
5/5/06. I will be back on 20/5/06. My school will reopen on
30/6/06. When does your school close? Why don't you
come here? We will have great fun!
Bye for now

Shabana who stays in Nagpur, got this letter on 6/5/06. She

wrote back to Atif —

Dear Atif,
I am doing well here. I got your letter yesterday. Happy
holidays! My school will close on 1st June 2006. It will
reopen on 10th August. I will go on a school trip to Goa and
will return on 7/6/06. I will try to come to Ajmer after
that. Bye

Atif wrote his letter on 1/5/06. You remember how we write a

date in numbers?
1/5/06 is 1 May 2006.

Now write which dates these stand for –
5/5/06 5 May 2006
20/5/06 ___________________________
7/6/06 ___________________________
1/1/07 ___________________________
Write these dates in numbers.
1 June 2006 _____________________________
30 May 2006 _____________________________
10 Aug 2007 _____________________________
❋ How long did it take the letter to reach from Ajmer to
❋ How many days will Atif spend at his Nani's place? ________
❋ Fill in the table:
Dates Number
From To of days
Shabana's holidays
Atif's holidays

Who has got longer holidays — Shabana or Atif?

❋ Which long holidays do you get in school? Fill the table.

Dates Number of
Occasion From days

Summer holidays

Autumn break

Winter break

Holidays after the exam

On 15 May 2006 Chandran went to a shop to buy butter. He
checked the packet to see if this butter was safe to eat.
It was written on the packet — Best before 180 days from the date of packing.
Then he checked the date of packing. It was 15/01/06.
Help him find out if he should buy this butter or not.
— In which month was the butter packed? ________
— Which month will it be 180 days after 15/01/06? ______
— Can Chandran eat it on 15th May 2006? ________
Do you ever check the date of packing of things you buy?
Have you seen medicines which have the expiry date written on
them? It tells you after which date it is unsafe to take
the medicine.

Find Out
❋ Which are the other things that come with an expiry date?
On a cough syrup it was written:
Mfg. date 07/03
This shows it was made in July 2003.
Exp. date 07/05
This shows the month and year till
when it is safe to take.
❋ What month and year is written as
07/05 ? _______________
Would it be safe to take the cough
syrup in September 2005? __________

Children are not expected to know the words 'manufacturing' or 'expiry' dates, but only
to recognise these as symbols that show when the medicine is made and till when it is safe
to take. Teachers could encourage children to read and observe more such dates on
different products.

Tutun Missed the Train
Tutun's school had closed for the summer holidays. He went to
his grandma's place. He met a lot of his cousins there. He was
enjoying himself and didn't want to go back home.

Tutun, pack your

bag. The train Oh no! We are
leaves at 5:30 in going back so soon!
the evening. I wish we miss our train.

Tutun and his parents reached the station at 5:15.

But guess what? They had actually missed the train!

Platform 4

Hurray! That
means I am not
going back today.

Can you guess why they missed the train?

Actually the train had left at 5:30 in the morning! Tutun's
parents were upset. They asked the station master —

eans Oh yes. How could

Our ticket But Sir, this m
says 5:30. 5:30 in the mo I forget that?

The Railways will

write 17:30 for 5:30
in the evening.

Why? use
the ock.
ause ur c
c o
Be 4-h
a 2

Look at this chart. It tells the

difference between your watch and
a 24-hour clock. Try to complete it.

Time by your watch Time by a 24-hour clock

(12-hour clock)
1 o' clock in the afternoon 13:00 hours
2 o' clock in the afternoon 14:00 hours
3 o' clock in the afternoon _____________
3:30 in the afternoon 15:30 hours
6 o' clock in the evening _____________
9 o' clock in the evening _____________
12 o' clock at midnight _____________

Now can you tell why a 24-hour clock is called so?

Suppose a train leaves at 8:30 at night. The time written on the

Railway ticket would be ________________.

In a 12-hour clock, each time

comes twice in a day.
So 5:30 in the morning is 5:30 am.
What about 12:30 in
5:30 in the evening is 5:30 pm.
the afternoon?

That is 12:30 pm.

After 12 o'clock
at noon we use pm
till midnight.

You must have noted the time of sunrise and sunset.

Write here using am and pm.

Time of Sunrise
Time of Sunset

Where have you seen a 24-hour clock being used?

1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
5 The Way The World Looks

Gappu's Air Journey

Gappu was a brave little
mouse. One day, he saw
children playing with a huge
gas balloon. The balloon went
up and touched the roof.
Gappu was thrilled. He got an
idea. Next day, when the children
went to school, Gappu climbed up Oh! There is so much dirt
the string of the balloon. He could on these blades. From
see the blades of the fan from above. below they look so clean.

✤ Draw how the fan looks from below.

Gappu looked down. He could see the bed, the chair, one table
with books on it and the other table with a bottle, a jug, fruits etc.
✤ Look for these things in the photo.

That stupid
Chinky is looking
for cheese. Can't
even see it is kept
on top of the jug.

The story demands a high level of imagination and children need adequate discussion about
how things look differently in shape and size when you see them from different views and
distances. However, the story should not lose its fun element.

✤ Can you think why Gappu could see the cheese on the jug but
Chinky could not?
When I ran around in my
Just then a strong wind pushed the house, it looked so big! But
balloon out of the room. from here, it looks small.
How is that?
The balloon flew up and Gappu
started going up in the sky. As he looked down, he
could see his house.
As he went higher he could see things around his house —
the park, the Gurudwara, the railway-line, a sweet-shop
and Suhasini's house with the big water-tank on its roof ...

Who is that, on the

railway track? Is it
that fat cat Monty?
This must be the
Ha! Ha! Ha! From here
Gurudwara where
it looks like a big
Amarjeet goes every day.
white mouse.

I did not know

there is a sweet
shop here! Yummy!

✤ Imagine how your classroom looks from above. Try to draw it
and mark the benches, blackboard, doors, windows etc.

The balloon went up, up and up. Gappu kept wondering how big
the world is! Now he could see lots of houses, streets, roads
and buses.

Wow! Is that the

train, looking like a
long box from here?
These cars and
buses look so small
from here! Just like
toys. And people
look like ants!

Suddenly, there was a loud sound ... phatt! The balloon

burst and started falling down ... down ... and everything
started looking bigger and bigger. Dhapp! --- Gappu fell on the
railway-track. He ran to save himself from the cruel Monty
who ran after Gappu and
the other rats on the
railway track.

When Gappu saw the

railway-track from above,
it looked like this —

But when he fell on the
track, the railway line
looked like this.

Oh! Things look so

different when you look at
them from the top and
from the side.

✤ Look at these pictures and discuss why things look wide and
big at this end but narrow and small at the other end.

Match Two Views of the Same Pose

This is a top view of a girl in a yoga pose.
Only one of the photos below is the correct
match of the same yoga pose. Mark it.

These are two different views of the same bowls.

1 2

✤ In which photo are the bowls upside down? ____________

Look at the side view in photo 3 to find the answer.

✤ Draw lines to match the side view with the top view of

— A pipe
— A funnel

✤ Try to draw pictures of a shoe from the side, top, front etc.

It would be exciting for children to imagine and find out how different things can look from
different angles. It also helps to improve their spatial understanding.

The Park behind Gappu's House
Do you remember the park behind Gappu's house?
Here is a bigger picture of that park. Look at it carefully and
answer the questions.

✤ Mark the gate nearest to the sweet shop. A / B / C / D

✤ Which gate is nearest to Gappu's house?
✤ If you enter from gate B, the green bench will be to your —
Left / Right / Front
✤ When Suhasini entered the park, the flower bed was to her
right. Which gate did she enter from?
✤ Which of these is nearest to you if you enter from gate C?
1. Basketball court 2. Flower bed
3. Green bench 4. See-saw

Young children tend to think of directions like left, front etc. in absolute terms. It is important
for the development of spatial understanding to make them aware that directions are relative
to one's position. Something that is towards the left from one position can be towards the
right from another position. More activities can be done in the class based on this concept.

Ismail's Home
On the phone Ismail told Srijata the route to his house from her
house. The route map is shown here.
Ismail's House



Srijata's House

This is what Ismail told Srijata:

"From your house, reach the milk-booth and then take a

left turn. From the second crossing take a right turn and
go over the bridge. Go straight and then take the first right
turn. After about 100 metres you will see a big park.
When you cross the park you will come to a side lane. My house is
the first house in that lane.

✤ Did Ismail go wrong somewhere? Can you correct him?

✤ Show where Srijata will reach if she takes the route he
told her.
✤ Write the directions for going from Ismail's house to Srijata's

Gibli and the Big Box
Do you remember Gibli the ant in the Math-Magic
Book 3? 4
Well, one day Gibli saw a big box on her way.
It looked like this.

Gibli moved across and turned left. Now she could

see the other face of the big box. 5

Gibli was confused. What was this box? She
climbed on a cup and tried to see from there. The
box looked like this. 5
Can you guess what that box-like thing was?
The numbers on the opposite faces of this box add up to 7.
✤ Which number was on the opposite side of 5?
✤ In the picture, which number will be at the bottom?
✤ Which number will Gibli see if she again turns left from 5?
✤ What will this box look like if you opened it up? Mark the
correct picture.
3 4

2 1 6 1



4 4 5 6
A 6 B C 3 D 4

Try it out
Draw a shape like this on a thick paper. Cut it out and colour the
different faces in different colours.
Can you use this box to play a game?

6 The Junk Seller

Have you ever met a Kabariwali – a woman who sells junk? This
is a true story told by Kiran, who has a junk shop in Patna.

I studied in a Hindi medium school in my village. My father

wanted girls to study like boys. I loved Hindi and Science, but I
hated Maths! Today Maths is most useful for my work. I could
never imagine this in school.
What about you? Do you also find Maths difficult?
What is the most difficult thing in your Maths book?_______
What do you think is the easiest lesson? ________
When I was young, my father died in an accident. So my mother
worked as a servant in some houses. We had a difficult time.
I had to leave school after Class VIII. I wanted to study more but
my mother got me married.
My husband's family lived in a mud house. His two brothers and
his sister did not go to school. He had a tea stall.

Find out: how much for a cup of tea?
Ask people and find out the cost of a cup of tea
★ at a tea stall ____________
★ at a hotel ________________

If a person who runs a tea stall earns Rs 30 in a day,

how much will he earn in 10 days? _____________
And in a month? ________________
How did you get the answer? Discuss.

I thought of starting my own business. I thought I should open

a bangle shop or a tailor shop. But my uncle said that we
could earn a lot by opening a junk shop.
In 2001, my mother-in-law and I opened a junk shop. We took
a loan of Rs 8000 for the shop.

Find out: what is a loan?

★ Have you ever heard of someone taking a loan?
For what? _________
★ How much loan was taken? ____________
★ How much money was paid back? ____________
Hariya and Babu want to buy a handcart for Rs 300.

But I have taken a

I have taken a loan of loan of Rs 300 from
Rs 300 from a bank for six Chunnilal. After six
months. I will pay Rs 51 months, I will pay
every month to the bank. back Rs 360.

Hariya Babu
Who has to pay back more — Hariya or Babu? ___________

People laughed and teased us about our work. They called it
ganda kaam or 'dirty business'. But I did not think so. I knew
this idea would work.

Now we have a pucca house with

electricity. We have a fridge, a TV
and a gas stove. My husband's
brothers, sister and also my
daughter go to school.

I have 9 rickshaws of my own. I give the rickshaws on rent, each

for Rs 20 a day. On Sundays I do not take any money for them.

How Much does Kiran Earn from 9 Rickshaws in a Day?

For 1 rickshaw she gets Rs 20 per day.
So, for 9 rickshaws she will earn Rs __________.
How did you do it?

Encourage children to use their own strategies to solve such problems. There should be
discussion on how they arrived at their answers.

✽ How much will Kiran pay for
Kind of Junk Price of 1 Kg 42 kg newspaper?
✽ Also find the cost of:
1. Waste Paper ...... Rs 4/-
a) 22 kg of plastic
2. Newspaper ......... Rs 5/- b) 23 kg of waste paper
3. Iron ..................... Rs 12/- c) 12 kg of iron
4. Brass .................. Rs 170/-

5. Plastic ................. Rs 10/- Guess the total money

Kiran will pay to the junk
Can you do this without writing? collectors. Will it be
— More than 600?
— Less than 600?

Smart Kiran Sells the Junk

Kiran sells her junk to a big shop. She
checks the prices on her mobile phone and
sells only when she gets a good price.

Today she has gone to sell plastic, newspaper, iron and brass at
Dinu's big shop.
Dinu weighs 32 kg iron, 4 kg brass, 152 kg newspaper, 63 kg

A. How much will Dinu pay for 63 kg plastic?
The rate of 1 kg plastic is Rs 12.
So the cost of 63 kg plastic will be Dinu's Rate–List
Rs 12 × 63.
Kind of Junk Price of 1 Kg
Remember, you used boxes to multiply
two numbers in Class III. 1. Newspaper ........ Rs 6/-

2. Iron .................... Rs 14/-

60 3 3. Brass .................. Rs 180/-

60 × 10 3 × 10 4. Plastic .............. Rs 12/-

107 5. Waste Paper ..... Rs 4.50/-
600 30
60 × 2 3×2
120 6

12 × 63 means 12 times 63.

Dinu added the numbers
in the boxes:
12 times 60 is 720. So, the
answer is more than 720. 600
Also the answer is less 120
than 800. Can you tell why? 30
+ 6

So, for 63 kg plastic, Dinu will give Rs 756.

✽ Kiran bought 1 kg plastic for Rs 10, but sold 1 kg plastic
for Rs 12. How much money does she earn on selling 1 kg
plastic? Rs __________
So, how much money does she earn for 63 kg? Rs _________

B. Kiran sells 32 kg iron
✽ How much money will Dinu pay for 32 kg iron?
✽ Kiran buys 1 kg iron for Rs 12, but sells it for Rs 14.
How much does she earn when she sells 32 kg iron? Rs _________
C. What will Dinu pay for 152 kg newspaper?
The rate of 1 kg newspaper is Rs 6. So the cost of 152 kg
newspaper is Rs 6 × 152.
Dinu writes: 6 × 100 = 600. So, the
answer is more than
100 50 2
600. Is the answer
100 × 6 50 × 6 2×6 less than 1000?
6 How did you guess?
600 300 12

Then he adds the numbers in the boxes:

I bought 1 kg
300 newspaper for Rs 5,
but sold it for Rs 6.
+ 12
How much money did I
912 earn by selling 152 kg
of newspaper? ______

So, for 152 kg newspaper

he will give Kiran Rs 912.

D. What does Dinu pay for brass?

How much money will Dinu pay for 4 kg brass? _________

Guess the
answer first.

First guess the answer and then calculate:
a) 37 × 18 = e) 142 × 5 =
b) 45 × 24 = f) 382 × 3 =
c) 69 × 52 = g) 2 × 175 =
d) 77 × 55 = h) 4 × 206 =

Fill My Diary
Kiran bought some junk from the junk collectors. She paid them
Rs 841. She sold the junk at Dinu's big shop and Dinu gave her
these notes and coins.
3 note
s of
6 notes of
8 notes o
7 no
tes o
4 coins of te s of
6 no

Kiran wrote the record in her diary.

11 March 2007
Money I paid — Rs 841
Money I got— Rs 600
— Rs 150
— Rs 140
— Rs 60
— Rs 40
— Rs 4
Total Rs 994
Rs 994
– Rs 841
Money I earned : Rs 153

Later she paid Rs 919 to the junk collectors. When she sold the
junk she got these notes and coins from Dinu.

e s of
5 notes of
1n tes
ote of

Now you make a record in her diary.

Find out how much she earned this time.

18 March 2007

7 Jugs and Mugs

Bunny and Banno Celebrate their Wedding Anniversary.

Do you remember the wedding in Bunny's family last year? (See
Math-Magic Class III page 153). Bunny and Banno decided to
have a party one year after their wedding.

py Anniversary

They invited their

family and friends.
They made a special
sweet dish — kheer.
All the animals came —
running, hopping and
even crawling!

Long Live! Bunny and Banno

The elephant is drinking 50 litres of kheer.

The giraffe is drinking ______ litres.
The cow is drinking ______ litres.
Then came the squirrel. She said — I can't drink 1 litre of kheer,
please give me only 500 millilitres.
The donkey asked — 500 millilitres of kheer? Isn't that more than
a litre?
The fox said — Come on, don't behave like a donkey! One litre is
1000 millilitres, so 500 millilitres is half a litre.

The frog hopped along with nine other friends. He said — Oh, we
only want 100 millilitres each!

OK., here is your kheer — said the

cat, while serving the kheer. She took
10 glasses and poured 100 millilitres
kheer in each glass.


The donkey looked confused and asked — Ten glasses of 100 mL

each. How much is that?
The fox got another chance to show off ! He said — Ah, That is
simple! 10 times hundred millilitres is ___________ millilitres
= ___________ litre.
Now you write it 10 × 100 mL = ________.

Look, a group of ants is Are we late?

marching here! — the grass
hopper said.
The kheer is finished. Now
what can we do? — the cat said

Don't worry, they won't drink much. Each of them will take only
one millilitre. That is all. I will share my kheer with them — the
elephant said and wiped the cat's tears with his ear.
How many are you all together? — the elephant asked.
We are only one thousand — said the ants.
The cat said — Oh no, one thousand! We have to give kheer to
1000 ants!
After thinking the elephant said — No problem, I can manage.
Each ant drinks 1 millilitre of kheer.
So, 1000 ants drink: 1000 × 1 mL = _________ mL.
Ah! they will need the same as the ten frogs — said the donkey.
All the ants drank the kheer. Everyone was happy. They sang and
danced to celebrate the wedding anniversary.

Who can have 1 Litre Kheer
Do you like kheer? What do you call it at home?
How much kheer can you have?
Can you drink 1 L water at one time?

I think I can I can drink

drink one litre. 400 mL.

The donkey is trying to look for different ways to add up to 1 litre.

Help him complete the chart.
mL mL
+ +
250 mL mL

____ mL + 200 mL One 500 mL + 500 mL


mL 100 mL
+ +
mL ____ mL
+ +
____ mL
____ mL

Look Around
Look at these pictures. Now look for some other things we get in
packets or bottles like these. Make your own list.

Packet How many

mL or L?

Milk 500 mL

My Litre Bottle
Have you seen a one-litre water bottle?

Collect a 1-litre bottle and some other small

bottles. Guess how many times you have to
pour from each of the small bottles to fill the
litre bottle.

Bottles My guess My measure
Check if your guess is
correct and fill the table. Bottle 1
Bottle 2
Bottle 3

Look what Adithyan is saying.

How much water does
I poured two small his small bottle hold?
bottles of water to ___________
fill this 1-litre bottle.


To fill the 1-litre

Then how much water
bottle I need to pour
water 5 times from
does Leela's bottle
my small bottle. hold? ___________


Ramu's Measuring Bottle

Ramu got an empty 250 mL
coconut oil bottle. Look at the
picture and discuss what he did 1 Litre ____

to make his big measuring bottle. 750 mL ____

500 mL ____

250 mL ____

My Measuring Bottle
Find your own way to make a bottle which can measure 200 mL,
400 mL, 600 mL, 800 mL and 1 litre. Discuss with your friends
and teacher how you made this.

Guess and check

Look at the buckets, mugs, glasses and other things in your
house. Guess how much water each can hold. Check if your
guess is right by using your measuring bottle.

My Guess My Measure


I think it's a little

less than 750 mL.

I think this can

carry between 250 mL
and 500 mL.

Neetu in Hospital One injection gives
Neetu has to take 3 injections 5 mL of the medicine
to your body.
in a day for 5 days.
How much medicine will she
need for one day? I am not
afraid of
How much medicine in all for injections!
5 days?

How much
medicine will
I need for
one injection?

How much do we use at a time?

✤ Eye drops We use less than 1 mL at a time.
✤ _____________ _____________________________________________

✤ _____________ _____________________________________________

✤ _____________ _____________________________________________

List things we use more than one litre at a time.

✤ Water for taking bath
✤ _________________________________________________________

✤ _________________________________________________________

✤ _________________________________________________________

Practice Time
1. Amina's water bottle holds one litre of water. She drank
250 mL of water and her friend Govind drank 150 mL. How
much water is left in her bottle?
2. Yusuf runs a tea shop. For making a glass of tea he uses 20 mL
of milk. Yesterday he made 100 glasses of tea. How much milk
did he use?

Tea Shop

3. Radha's grandma was ill. The doctor gave her a bottle with
200 mL of medicine. She has to take the medicine every
morning for 10 days.

How many millilitres of medicine does

she have to take every morning? _____

Water- Water
The table shows the water used in one day by a family of 5 people.
They live in Goodallur village.
Water in
litres (L)
Cooking and drinking 30 L

Washing clothes 40 L

Cleaning pots, pans 20 L

Bathing 75 L

Total water used by them ___________

How many litres of water does your family use in a day? Guess
and fill in this table.
Water used Water used
(in buckets) (in litres)
Cooking and drinking
Washing clothes
Cleaning pots, pans

Drops and Drops Make an Ocean

Is there any tap in your school or your home which is leaking?
How much water do you think we waste through a leaking tap?
Place your litre jar below the leaking tap so as to catch all the
drops in the bottle. Note the time. After one hour check how
much water is in the bottle.

Find out how much water is wasted in a day. _________
In a week? ___________
In a month? _________
In a year? ___________

Milk Soc
the ie


Chelannur village has a milk society. Geetha and Ammini went

there to buy 4 litres of milk. But the man could not find the one
litre measure. He had only a 3 litre and a 5 litre bottle with him.
But he gave them exactly 4 litres of milk.
Explain how he did this.

8 Carts & Wheels

Hey! See, how big

this wheel is! I have
never seen a wheel
like this.

You must have seen many such round things around you.
List some more in your notebook.

Round Bangle
Have you ever gone to a bangle shop?

I cannot wear these

bangles. These are
too small.
❊ Guess which of these bangles is of
your size.

❊ Take a wire and make a bangle for yourself. Can your teacher
wear this bangle? ___________
❊ A bangle can be used to trace a circle. What are the other
things around you that you can use to trace a circle?
__________ __________ ____________________
__________ __________ ____________________
❊ Trace a circle with the help of some of these in your notebook
or on the ground.
Which thing makes the smallest circle?
Which thing makes the biggest circle?

Games with Circles
Children are playing some
games ...............

Game 1

Game 2

Do you play these games?

Which song do you sing when you play these?
Play these games in your school.

Why do we make a circle in each of these

games ?
What if a rectangle was made? Discuss.
❊ Think of some other games you play by
making circles.

Making a Circle
Naina, Chippu and Ariba want to play a game. They want to make
a big circle on the ground. But they cannot make it by tracing. So,
Ariba tries to draw a circle with a stick.

Chippu and Naina — It does not

look like a circle at all.
Ariba — OK! Why don't both of
you try?
Chippu and Naina both make
circles on the ground.

❊ Is any of these a good drawing of a circle? Discuss.

❊ Can you draw a circle on the floor with a chalk? Try.
❊ Also draw a circle in your notebook using a pencil.
❊ Look at the circles drawn by your friends. Who has drawn the
best circle?
The purpose of this exercise is to give opportunities to each child to make freehand circles.
They can also make circles on the ground with a stick. They can compare different drawings
to get an intuitive sense of the shape of a circle.

Making a Circle with a Rope
Ariba decided to use nails and a thread to make a circle on the
ground. She took a thin rope and tied nails on both ends of the
rope. Then she made a circle with the help of her friend. Look at
the picture and see how they are making the circle.

Can you also make a

circle with a rope and
nails like Ariba?

❊ Do the activity in small groups. Each group should take a rope

of a different length. See the circles made by different groups.
❊ Which group made the smallest circle? ___________
How long was their rope? ___________
❊ Does a longer rope make a bigger circle? ___________
Can you say why?

The length of Radius

rope used is equal
to the length of
the radius of the

❊ What was the radius of the smallest circle? ______________

The purpose of this exercise is to help children make different circles, measure the lengths of
their radii and see how the size of a circle changes with its radius.

❊ Draw the radius of this bangle using a ruler.
Measure the length of the radius.

Now see what your friends have drawn. Discuss the length of the
radius they measured. Is it the same as yours?

❊ Draw the radius of these circles.

Guess which circle has the longer radius._______

Measure the radius of both the circles using a ruler.

Write the length of their radius.
❊ Radius of the green circle __________
❊ Radius of the blue circle __________

Find out
❊ Measure the radius of the wheels of a bicycle or a bullock-cart.
You can use a thread or a measuring tape.
Are all the wheels of a bicycle or a bullock cart of the same
radius? ___________
❊ Have you seen a tractor or a road roller?
❊ Which is the biggest wheel you have ever seen?
❊ Are all wheels of a tractor or road roller of the same radius?

Children need a lot of interesting exercises of making and measuring the radius of circles of
different sizes. They can also make wheels and carts.

❊ Lali and Kali are tied to a
pole with ropes. Kali has a
longer rope. Who can look
for more grass to eat?
________ Kali


Daljeet's Design
Daljeet has made these designs using a compass.

His sister came and started making more designs with him.

Do you want to make such designs?

To make such designs you will need
to use a compass.

Using a Compass
❊ Have you seen a compass before? How
will you use this to make a circle?
— Open your compass.
— Press the tip of the compass on the
paper. Hold the compass from the top.
— Without moving the tip, try to move
the pencil around.
— Do you get a circle?

Look for a mark where you had kept the tip of the compass.

This mark is the centre of your circle.

❊ Is this circle better than the one you made earlier without a
compass? Draw the radius of this circle and measure it.

❊ Now you can make your own designs like Daljeet had made.
How many did you make?

Guess how this design has been made. Use a compass to make a
similar one in the box.

Encourage children to explore their own designs with a compass. This will also give them
more practice in drawing circles with a compass.

Is It a Circle?

Naina was making a circle.

Ravi asked her for an eraser. She kept

her compass and gave him the eraser.
Then she started again to complete her
circle. But she got this.


❊ Why did Naina get such a drawing? Discuss.

Can a circle have more than one centre?

Another day Naina was using a compass to

make circle. But it came out like this.

❊ Did any one of you ever get a shape like Naina's?

Oh! The screw of the

compass is loose ........... Let
me tighten it .......... Now my
compass will not slip ......

Find the Centre
Sadiq and Sameena want to make circles for themselves.

I will make No, I will trace

it with a it with a bangle.

Then they cut their circle.

Don't worry. See

See, my circle has how I find it.
a centre. But where
is the centre of
your circle?

She folded her circle into half.

Then she folded it again like this.

She opened the folded circle.

Can you see the Yes

two creased
lines crossing
each other?

See, I put a point

where these lines
cross. This is the
centre of my circle.

❊ Now you trace a circle on a paper using a bangle. Cut it. Then
find its centre like Sameena did.

We can also make the design on page 88 like this. How did you
do it?

Balancing Act
Can you balance a plate on your finger?

I will balance
it ...
I will try again.
I think I have
found the centre
of the plate.

You also try to balance a plate or a round lid on your finger.

Where does it balance?

Spin the Top

Zakir, Appu, Naina and Guddo were getting bored. It was raining.
So they could not go out to play.
Suddenly Appu said — Let's each make a top.

They took a piece of cardboard traced a circle on it. Then they
made a hole and put a matchstick in it.

Now everybody was excited to spin their tops which looked

like this.

Zakir Appu Naina Guddo

❊ Whose top will not spin at all? _________
❊ Whose top will spin a little? _________
❊ Whose top will spin the best? _________
❊ In whose top is the stick nearest to the centre? _________

Make Your Own Top

You also make your own top and play this game.
❊ To make the top spin well, where will you make the hole?

9 Halves and Quarters
Mintu cat and Mottu cat were friends. Once they stole a chapati
from Malini’s kitchen. I will take it — said Mintu. No, I will take it
— said Mottu. While they were quarrelling, there came Tittu
Monkey. Hi! What is the problem? why are you quarrelling? — he
asked. “We don’t know how to divide this chapati between us —
the cats said. OK! don’t worry. I will divide the chapati equally for
both of you — he said. Clever Tittu divided the chapati like this:

These are not equal, the left part is bigger — Mintu and Mottu
said. Oh, no problem, I will make it equal — Tittu said. He then
cut a part of the left piece and ate it.

Now is it

Oh! Now the right part is bigger — the cats cried. I am sorry —
said Tittu. He cut a part from the bigger piece and ate it. When
there was only a small piece remaining, he said — This is my
share for the work. Tittu then quickly ate the last piece and
climbed the tree.

✤ If the cats ask you to divide the chapati equally,
how will you divide it?

If you do not cheat like Tittu, the cats will have these parts.

Half of Half
✤ If two more cats come for food, how will you divide one chapati
equally for four cats?
Each of us got a
quarter of the
chapati. You are a
good 'divider'. Ha!

Half of Many Pieces

Rani got a chocolate. She divided it
equally and gave half to her friend Reena.
✤ Circle the portion that Reena got.

How many pieces of chocolate are there? _________
How many pieces were left with Rani? _________

Ha! Half a chocolate is as

tasty as a whole chocolate!

Many Shapes from a Half Sheet

Take a piece of paper. Cut the sheet into two equal triangles so
that each triangle is equal to half of the sheet.
Shade the two triangles with different colours.
✤ Draw different shapes using these triangles. One such shape
is shown here.

Many Ways to Cut into Half

I have made a rectangle into

two equal parts like this. Each
part is half.

We write it as ½. It means 1 part out of 2. You

can check if these parts are equal. Try keeping
one on top of the other.

In how many different ways can you cut a rectangle into half ?
✤ Draw 5 different ways .

Can you check if they are equal?

Many Ways to Make Quarters

I make four parts like this. 1 1

Each part is a quarter. 4 4
And I can write it as ¼. 1 1
4 4
It means 1 part out of 4.

✤ In how many different ways can you cut a rectangle into four
equal parts? Draw 5 different ways.

Can you check if they are equal?

Cutting the Cake
Rajni’s father brought a cake. She divided the cake into 4 equal
parts — for herself, her brother Raju, her father and her mother.

✤ Colour each share with different colours.

✤ How much does each get? ________

✤ Mother gave her share of cake to Rajni.

Now colour the total part that Rajni will
✤ Out of 4 parts Rajni will get _____ parts,
which is equal to half of the cake.
So she can write it as 4 or ½.

Before Rajni's mother gave her share to

Rajni, she had only ½ of 'half the cake',
which was ¼ of the total cake.
✤ Colour the share Raju got.

✤ How much of the cake do Rajni and Raju

together get? Colour their total share.
Altogether they get 3 parts out of 4, so we
can write it as ¾.

Greedy Kundu
Kundu is a greedy man. Whenever he goes to the market, he
wants to get more and more but doesn't want to spend much
One day he wants to eat pumpkin halwa (sweet dish). He tries
to buy a big pumpkin with only Rs10. He asks the first pumpkin
seller the price of a big pumpkin.
First pumpkin-seller — ¼ of this pumpkin is for Rs 10.

✤ This full pumpkin will cost Rs ___________.

Kundu — Eh! For Rs 10, you should give me ½ of this pumpkin.

First pumpkin-seller — Then you go to the next seller, he can
give you ½ of such a big pumpkin for Rs 10. I keep only good
quality pumpkins.

Kundu walks to the next seller and looks for a pumpkin of the
same size.
Kundu — How much of this pumpkin will I get for Rs10?
Second pumpkin-seller — Half.
✤ This full pumpkin will cost Rs ___________.

Kundu— Eh! Why not give me ¾?
Second pumpkin -seller — Run away! Go, get your pumpkin
from that man. He sells such bad vegetables that he will even
give you a full pumpkin of this size for Rs 10.
The greedy Kundu walks to the next pumpkin seller. He looks
at a pumpkin of the same size
and asks him —will you give
me this big one for Rs 10?

Third pumpkin -seller — Why

don't you climb the roof of that
house? You can get pumpkins
free from the plant itself !
Kundu is very happy. He
climbs the roof of that house
and then ...................

Using a Price List

Price in Rs
a) How much does ½ kg of tomatoes Item (per kg)
cost? 8
b) Which costs more – ½ kg of onions Potato 12
or ¼ kg of carrots? Onion 10

c) What is the price of ¾ kg of Carrot 16

potatoes? Pumpkin

d) Keerthi is going for shopping. She has

only Rs 20 with her. Can she buy all
the things in her shopping list? Pot
Pum to- ½
e) Make two questions yourself from the Car pkin- kg
rot 2

price list. - ¼ kg


Practice Time

a) What part of the whole is coloured? Write below each shape.

½ ¼

½ ¾
b) Colour that part of the shape which is written below.
c) Cut in half

Draw a line which into half.
divides these shapes

d) Colour half the number of shapes as shown here.

Quarter ¾


Three Quarters ½

Whole ¼
e) Colour ¼ of these shapes.
f ) Match the coloured part as shown.

g) Make the other half

½ of the picture is drawn here. Can you complete the picture

by drawing the other half?
h) This is a quarter of a picture. Can you complete it? How many
more quarters will you draw to complete it? _______________
Half and Quarter of a Metre

1 metre = 100 cm

Using your metre scale, cut a string of one metre.
✤ On this string, mark the length ½ metre, ¼ metre and ¾
✤ Using your string, draw a line of length ½ metre on the floor.
How many centimetres long is the line? ___________
½ metre= ……… cm
¼ metre= ……… cm
¾ metre= ……… cm
Can you see that when we add ½ and ¼ we get ¾?

Remember, 1 litre=1000 millilitres

Sharing Milk

This bottle is full of milk and it holds

one litre. The milk is put into 4 other
bottles so that each bottle has ¼ litre
of milk.
✤ Shade the bottles to show the level of
milk in each.

✤ How many millilitres of milk does each bottle have? _________

50g 25g
50g 20
g0 200


0 250 25
50g g g0

Shan poured 1 litre of milk into two bottles

so that the first bottle holds
¾ litre and the other holds ¼ litre.
✤ Shade the level of milk in each bottle.

Remember, 1kg =1000 g


✤ How many millilitres of milk does

each bottle hold?

Balance the Weight

✤ Choose from the weights above
kg to
make the two pans equal. In how
¾ kg kg

many ways can you do it?
a) Draw the weights in the empty pan.

b) In how many different ways can you balance this weight of ¾

1) ........................

2) ........................

3) ........................
Why is It Wrong?
Kannan shaded some parts as shown. But his friend Mini says
that it is wrong. Explain why it is wrong.
Practice Time

10 Play with Patterns
Tinu used this block to make a sari.

Next he made this bedsheet with the same block.

He also made this dupatta with the same block.

Can you see how Tinu has made different patterns using the
same block? Now you too make 3 different patterns using .
Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 3

Yamini has used her blocks to make a few patterns. Help her to
take these patterns forward.

We can also make patterns with numbers and letters. Below are a
few examples. Can you take them forward?


28Z 27Y 26X

864 664

9 109 209

Now write your own number patterns.

Make a pattern without numbers.

No Number Comes Twice

Look at the number box. Can you see a pattern?

No number comes
1 2 3 twice in any line!

3 1 2

2 3 1

Now you try writing the letters — A, B, C in the box so that no

letter comes twice in any line.

We have not used the terms row or column here, but using the word 'line' teachers may discuss
the idea of rows and columns.

Magic Patterns

2 3 7
Look at the pattern of numbers
1 to 7 . See how each line adds
up to 12!

1 5 6

Now you fill these stars. Use

numbers 1 – 9 and the rule
that the numbers on each
line add up to 15.

Magic Triangles
Look at this number pattern .
Rule: Numbers on each side of the
triangle add up to 9.
4 5
3 + 4 + 2 = 9

See if the other sides of the

2 6 1
triangle also add up to 9.

Now use numbers 1 – 6 to make your
own magic triangle.
Rule: Numbers on each side must
add up to 10.

Number Towers
Numbers can be arranged as a tower. We start from below and get
this number pattern.


30 50 Can you see the rule for this pattern?

10 20 30

Rule: We add 2 numbers below to get the number in the box

above them.

30 50
30 50 30 + 50 = 80
10 20 30
10 20 30

20 + 30 = 50

Using the same rule, complete these number towers.


5 10 15 20
1 2 3 4 5

The Same Sum Rule

Some friends are playing with number cards. See how they add.
First First
from left from right

Can you see the rule which gives us the same

11 + 16 = 27 sum each time?
12 + 15 = 27 Rule: We get the same sum when we add the
two numbers —
13 + 14 = 27
First from left and First from right
Second from left and Second from right
Third from left and Third from right

Now you write any number and the three

numbers after that. Make a pattern
using the rule. + =
See if you get the same sum. + =

Patterns with Addition

1 + 2 + 3 = 6

2 + 3 + 4 = 9

3 + 4 + 5 = 12 Oh! The sum

grows by 3
each time.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10

2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14

Here, the sum 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18

grows by 4
each time.

Now, you try to make such a pattern with 5 numbers in order.

+ + + + =

+ + + + =

+ + + + =

+ + + + =

+ + + + =

Does the sum grow by 5 each time?

Secret Messages What are I am trying to read
you doing? the note my friend
gave me ...... but I
cannot understand it.

7 15
15 4
14 9

OK, let me see.

It looks like a
secret message.

Yamini explained the rule — Numbers have been used for letters.
For example, 'J' is 10, 'P' is 16. So JUMP is 10 21 13 16 .
❈ Complete this list of letters and numbers to help you.

1 2 3 4 5

❈ Teenu wants to write to his friend 'Good Morning'.

What will he write by using the same rule?

❈ If we change the rule and write 1 in place of 'B', 3 in place of 'D'

and so on, then how will we write 'Let Us Dance'?

Coding and decoding secret messages is also a part of recognising patterns. Recognising
rules is important for the development of mathematical thinking.

More Secret Messages

IFMMP! ??!!


Shablu and Jaggu are playing a game. They are writing some
secret messages. But Kahuli is not able to understand them.
So Jaggu explained the rule —
Jaggu – You see, we have changed each letter by its next letter.
That is, we write 'G' in place of 'F', 'O' in place of 'N'. So
YES becomes ZFT .
Kahuli – Oh! Now I understand.
Kahuli – See what I have written XF BSF GSJFOE T
❈ What was Kahuli's secret message? ________________________
❈ What did Shablu and Jaggu write?
❈ Use the same rule to write — 'Meet me on the moon'.
❈ Make different rules and ask your friends to crack the secret

Upside Down
Anisha is playing. She is showing her friends that she can stand
on her head.

Now, Anisha is playing with this card. Draw what it will look like
when upside down.

Floor Patterns
Have you ever seen a floor with tiles of these shapes?

These designs are made by covering the floor completely with

tiles that fit into each other without any gaps.

a) Now, you cover this floor with this tile.

Can you make such a floor design with a tile like a circle?

b) Try with this green tile without leaving a gap. Could you do it?
Discuss with your friends.

c) Complete this tiling pattern.

d) Ramaiya has made a wall with his blocks. Can you complete
this for him?

e) Renu began to paint this wall. Now you help her to complete it.

11 Tables and Shares

Shyama's Garden

Shyama has planted sunflower,

rose and marigold plants in her
garden. She has planted them in
three flower-beds. Her garden
looks like this.

See, how I planted

18 plants in each
flower bed!

Each flower- bed has a different arrangement.

See how the roses are planted.
18 = 6 × 3 So there are 6 rows with 3 plants each.
What are the ways in which the sunflower and marigold are
18 = _____ × ______ So there are ___ rows with ___ plants each.
18 = _____ × ______ So there are ___ rows with ___ plants each.
You too can make your own garden. Draw a garden, showing
flower-beds with 48 plants. Each row should have the same
number of plants.

The concept of multiplication can be related to the arrangement of things in an array. Some
other problems, based on contexts like the arrangement of chairs, children in the school
assembly, etc., can also be discussed.

Jars in the Shelf
Bheema made a shelf for 30 jars. This is a long shelf with two
rows. Each row has the same number of jars.

Can you think of other ways to make a shelf to keep 30 jars?

✽ Draw a shelf. Show how many jars you will keep in each
row. How many rows are there?
Have your friends drawn it in different ways?

Easy Tricks

I do not know the

multiplication table
of 7.

I know the tables till 5 but

there is an easy trick.
I can make the table of 7 with
the tables of 2 and 5.


Children will enjoy building new multiplication tables for themselves instead of only
memorising them.

Table of 2 4× 2 10× 2
3× 2 5× 2 6× 2 9× 2
2× 2 8 8× 2 20
1× 2 6 10 7× 2 18
4 12 16
2 14
Table of 5 4× 5 10× 5
3× 5 5× 5 9× 5
2× 5 20 6× 5 8× 5 50
1× 5
10 15 25 7× 5 45
30 40
5 35

Table of 7 28 70
14 21 35 63
42 56
7 49

See, how I added the

two numbers in the
yellow boxes to get
the table of 7.
Aha... it is easy.
I can also make the
table of 7 with the
tables of 4 and 3.

Help Bunty to make the table of 7, using tables of 4 and 3.

Table of 4 4× 4 10× 4
3× 4 5× 4 6× 4 9× 4
2× 4 8× 4
1× 4 8 7× 4
Table of 3 4× 3 10× 3
3× 3 5× 3 6× 3 9× 3
2× 3 8× 3
1× 3 7× 3

Table of 7

Which two tables will you use for writing the table of 12?

How Many Cats?
Some of Gayatri's cats were playing in a box. When she tried to
count, all she could see were legs. She counted 28 legs. How
many cats are there in the box?

8 legs mean 2 cats.

12 legs mean _____ cats.

How many legs? 4 8 12

How many cats? 1 2

So 28 legs mean __________ cats.

✽ Billo has kept his chickens in a box. He counted 28 legs. How
many chickens are there?
✽ Leela has not gone to school for 21 days. For how many weeks
was she away from school?

Encourage children to fill in the table and also proceed towards making generalisations. For
example, they should be able to see that 48 legs would mean there are 12 cats, or
vice versa. In fact, this forms the foundation for algebraic thinking in later years.

Jumping Animals
Do you remember the jumping animals of Class III?
A frog jumps 3 steps at a time starting from 0.
✽ Count the jumps he takes to reach 27.
So, he has taken 27 ÷ 3 = _______ jumps.
43 42
40 1
46 39 25 10 9 2 0
26 24
47 11 8 3
38 37 27
48 36 23 2 1 20 19 12 7 4
60 59 58 49 28 22
18 6 5
57 50 35 13
51 17
56 34 30 14
52 16 15
55 31
54 53 33 32

66 67

✽ He has taken _________ jumps, if he is at 36.

✽ If he is at 42, he has taken _______ jumps.
Starting from 0, a rabbit jumps 5 steps at a time.
✽ In how many jumps does he reach 25? ______________
✽ He reaches _________ after taking 8 jumps.
✽ He needs _________ jumps to reach 55.

Practice Time
1) 28 ÷ 2 = 2) 56 ÷ 7 =
3) 48 ÷ 4 = 4) 66 ÷ 6 =
5) 96 ÷ 8 = 6) 110 ÷ 10 =
Children have done similar kinds of exercises for multiplication and division in Class III.
Refer to pages 173-176, Math-Magic Class III, NCERT.

Sea Shells
Dhruv lives near the sea. He thought of making necklaces for his
three friends. He looked for sea-shells the whole day. He collected
112 sea-shells by evening. Now he had many different colourful
and shiny shells.
I will make a necklace of
28 shells. Will these shells
be enough to make necklaces
for all my friends?

He took 28 shells for one necklace.

112 – 28 = 84
Now he was left with 84 shells. Again he took 28 more shells for
the second necklace.
✽ How many shells are left now? ________
Then he took shells for the third necklace.
✽ So he was left with ________ shells.
✽ How many necklaces can Dhruv make from 112 shells?
✽ Are the shells enough for making necklaces for all his friends?
Try these
A) Kannu made a necklace of 17 sea-shells. How many such
necklaces can be made using 100 sea-shells?
Encourage children to solve questions based on division with large numbers, for which they
do not know multiplication tables, using repeated subtraction. More problems based on real
life contexts can be given.

B) One carton can hold 85 soap bars. Shally wants to pack
338 soap bars. How many cartons does she need for packing
all of them?

C) Manpreet wants 1500 sacks of cement for making a house.

A truck carries 250 sacks at a time. How many trips will the
truck make?

A driver charges Rs 500 for a trip. How much will Manpreet

pay the driver for all the trips?

Gangu's Sweets
Gangu is making sweets for Id. He has made a tray of 80 laddoos.

Please pack 4
laddoos in a box.
I need 23 small


✽ Are the sweets in the tray enough to pack 23 small boxes?

✽ How many more sweets are needed? ______________
For solving this problem, encourage children to use their own strategies — of making groups
in the tray, using multiplication to do division or repeated subtraction, etc.

✽ Gangu also has a bigger box in which he packs 12 laddoos.
How many boxes does he need for packing 60 laddoos?

Practice Time
1) Neelu brought 15 storybooks to her class. Today 45 students
are present. How many children will need to share one book?
2) A family of 8 people needs 60 kg wheat for a month. How
much wheat does this family need for a week?
3) Razia wants change for Rs 500.

How many notes will she get if she wants in return —

(a) All 100 rupee notes? _________________
(b) All 50 rupee notes? _________________
(c) All 20 rupee notes? _________________
(d) All 5 rupee notes? _________________
✽ You have to distribute 72 tomatoes equally in 3 baskets. How
many tomatoes will there be in each?
✽ There are 350 bricks in a hand-cart. Binod found the weight of
a brick to be 2 kg. What will be the weight of all the bricks?

Children and their Grandfather
Rashi, Seema, Mridul, Rohit and Lokesh asked their grandfather
to give them money for the Fair.

I have 70 rupees in my pocket.

Tell me how to share money
equally among all of you . If you
are right, you get this money!

One method
Rashi and Seema thought for a while and said — We know how to
do 70 ÷ 5.
Seema starts writing and says —
10 First I give Rs 10 to each one of us.
5 70
– 50 So, I have distributed 5 × 10 = 50 rupees.

20 20 rupees are still left.

Rashi completes it like this. She says — 10 + 4

5 70
– 50
I give 4 rupees more to each. So I have 20
distributed 20 rupees. – 20
Now nothing is left. And all the money is divided 0
So, each gets 10 + 4 = 14 rupees.
This method is actually about how children divide when they distribute some objects
repeatedly. In this case, they might first give Rs 10 each to five people and then next
distribute the remaining money in the second round. They could as well distribute it by first
giving Rs 5 to each. Children can, thus, use any way to complete the process of division. This
is the beauty of this method.

Another Method
Mridul and Lokesh are trying 70 ÷ 5 in a different way.
Lokesh writes —
First, I give Rs 5 to each. 5+6

5 70
I have distributed 5 × 5 = 25 rupees. – 25
Next, I give Rs 6 more to every one. 45
I have distributed 30 rupees more. – 30
Now I am left with ________ rupees. ?

How will Lokesh distribute the rest of the money? Complete it.
So, each child gets 5 + 6 + ________ = ________ rupees.

Check your answer!

Multiply your answer by 5 and
see if you get 70. Is your
answer correct?

Your Method
✽ Now use your own method to divide Rs 70 equally among
5 people. If you want you can start by giving Rs 2 to each.
Or you can even start with Rs 11 to each.

Can you start with

Rs 15 to each?

Try Doing These

a) 5 65 b) 84 ÷ 2 c) 3 69 d) 90 ÷ 6

e) 4 72 f ) 9 108 g) 232 ÷ 2 h) 2 428

i) Meera made 204 candles to sell in the market. She
makes packets of 6. How many packets will she make?
If she packs them in packets of 12, then how many
packets will she make?
j) On Sports Day, 161 children are in the school playground.
They are standing in 7 equal rows. How many children are
there in each row?
Story Problems
Srishti's grandma is asking her to make problems.

Look at the picture and

make a question on it.

There are 3 crates. Each

crate has 24 bottles in it.
My question: How many
bottles are there in all?

Now you look at the other pictures and make questions like


There are 8 packets

of rakhis.
Each packet has 6
rakhis in it.

Your question:


There are 10 packets of sugar.

Saurabh paid 110 rupees for all the packets.

Your question:


There are 35 students in 7 rows. Each row has the same

number of students.

Your question:

4. Hari, Seema, Chinku and Lakshmi are going to Guwahati.
The cost of one rail ticket is Rs 62.

Your question:

5. One metre of cloth costs Rs 20. Lalbiak bought some cloth and
paid Rs 140.

Your question:

Also guess the



12 How Heavy? How Light?

Jaiju and Mannu were shifting house. They loaded all their
things on a horse-cart. There were many things like — a water
tank, five sacks of wheat, three tables, an almirah, four chairs,
two mattresses, three sacks of rice, a bamboo ladder, pots and
When they were ready to move, the horse refused to start. They
wondered why. Their father said that this horse was not well and
would not pull a load heavier than 700 kg. Oh! But how heavy is
this load? — they asked.




Father gave them some idea of the Thing loaded Weight

weight of each thing. A sack of wheat 100 kg
A sack of rice 35 kg
❊ Find out the total weight they had
Water tank 50 kg
loaded on the cart.
Almirah 70 kg
Now they decided to remove a few A table 10 kg
things from the cart. A chair 5 kg
❊ Which things should be removed so A mattress 20 kg
that the weight of the load is not Bamboo ladder 10 kg
more than 700 kgs? Pots and pans 10 kg


The things which were loaded on the cart were big in

size and also very heavy. To measure the weight of such
heavy and big things, we need a big balance.

But Jaiju and Mannu wanted to make their own


balance. They collected a few things — a stick, two lids

and a thick thread. They made this balance.

❊ Now you also make your own balance. Write

down how you made it. Also draw a picture of
your balance in the box below.


Making Weights
Do this activity in pairs. You need a balance, weights, a cake of
soap, plastic packets, sand and rubber bands. You can also take
help of an older person.
Get a new cake of soap. The packet will have the weight written
on it. You can use this soap to make your own different weights.
The soap weighs ____________ grams (g).
Take a small plastic packet.
Put it in one pan of the balance. Put the
soap in the other pan.
Slowly add sand to the packet till the pans
are balanced.

Close the packet with a rubber band or

string. Now stick a strip of paper and write '____ g'

on it.
If you put the soap and the weight you just made
together in a pan, how many grams will both these
weigh? ________

Now make different weights — 150 g, 200 g

and 250 g. You can use soaps of different
weights for this.
Also make some bigger weights of 500 g,
1000 g, and 750 g.
❊ Use your weights to weigh different things and
write in your notebook.


Practice Time
❊ Which pan of the balance will go down? Show by drawing
an arrow.

25g 35g 75g 35g

40g 40g 75g 140g


105g 150g 245g 254g
200g 250g 700g 600g

20g 36g 63g

196g 197g 75g 100g

❊ Is the weight on any of the pans equal to 1 kilogram? Mark it.

❊ How many grams are there in 1 kg?


Grams and Kilograms

Name 5 things that we usually buy —
In grams In kilograms
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Which is Heavier?

Which is heavier —
one kilogram cotton or

one kilogram iron?


Sir, she threw a He threw a one kg pillow

heavy watermelon of cotton. So, I threw a
at me! one kg watermelon!
Yesterday you said that
the weight of 1 kg cotton
and 1 kg melon is equal.


Dinesan Went Shopping

Dinesan went to a shop and bought some things.
His younger brother cut the end of the bill where the weights
were written.
❊ Guess and write the weight of each thing he bought in g or kg.

Items Weight

Rice 5
Sugar 1
Mustard seeds 10

Wheat 3

Dal 500

Tea 250

Pepper 25

Car and Tractor
Ritu is weighing her toys. She If I put 2 cars,
will the tractor
wants to know if her tractor is
still be heavier?
heavier than her car. How would
you help her to find out quickly?
Guess which is the heaviest —
a real car, a bus or a tractor?
Which is the heaviest thing you
have seen?


Oh, no! I cannot

bear this pain.
Elephant's Weight
Once a king had pain in his
stomach. None of the palace
doctors could cure his pain.

The king then said:


Anyone who cures


my pain will get gold

equal to the weight
of an elephant.

On hearing this, doctors from all over the country came. But only
Dr. Vaidika could cure him.

Oh great! My pain
has gone. Thank So, can I have my
you, Dr. Vaidika. reward now, sir?


OK, first find

But, the greedy king didn't the weight of an
elephant. Then I
want to give her the gold. So,
will give you that
he thought of a trick. much gold.

Vaidika was unhappy when she reached home. She told her
daughter the whole story.
Don't worry Ma. I have
an idea ..... tell the king
to arrange an elephant
How can I weigh
and a big boat.
an elephant?

Where will I get
such a big balance?

Next morning, Dr. Vaidika invited the king near a river. The king
came with an elephant and a big boat.

I think she is a fool.

How will she weigh an
elephant with a boat!


Vaidika's daughter went into the

river. She marked on the boat
how much it sank in the river.

Then she asked them to bring the

elephant into the boat. The boat
sank deeper. So she marked the
new water level on the boat.

Now imagine what happened next and complete the story.

Discuss with your friends how Vaidika's daughter found the
weight of the elephant.

How Much the Chair Weighs
Anamika wants to weigh this chair using the
weighing machine.

Can you suggest a way for doing this?

Broken Stones
Abdu sells firewood. There was a
stone in his shop which weighed
13 kg. He used it to weigh firewood.
One day the stone fell down and
broke into three pieces which
weighed – 2 kg, 5 kg and 6 kg.

5 kg 2 kg
6 kg

But Abdu was very smart. He used those three pieces to weigh
firewood of all weights — from 1 kg to 13 kg.
Here is how Abdu weighed 1 kg of firewood —

✤ Now you show how Abdu will use these stone pieces to
weigh —

6 kg
5 kg 2 kg
a) 4 kg of firewood

b) 3 kg of firewood

c) 7 kg of firewood


Post Office
Have you ever been to a post office? _________
What different things do people go there for?
How much does a postcard cost? _________
How much does an inland letter cost? _________

Hkkjrh; Mkd
Postal Rates

Postal Items Postal Rates

(in Rs)
Single post card 0.50
Printed post card 6.00
Inland Letter 2.50

Letter weighing
i) 20 grams or less 5.00
ii) For every additional 2.00

20 grams
Parcel weighing
i) 50 grams or less 5.00
ii) For every additional 3.00
50 grams

Look at the postal rates given in the chart.

1. How much will you have to pay for stamps on a letter weighing
50 grams? _____________
2. Akash wants to send a parcel of the Math Magic textbook to
his friend Rani in Chennai. The book weighs 200 g. See the
chart to find the cost of posting the book. ____________


How Many Oranges?

All oranges have equal weight. The two papayas have the same
weight. The weights in the first and second balances are equal.
How many oranges balance the weight in the third?


How many oranges?

Find That Marble

There are 3 marbles of the same size but one marble is slightly
heavier or lighter than the other two. Can you find which is that
marble and if it is heavier or lighter? You can use a balance only
two times.

13 Fields and Fences

Rahmat is a farmer. He grows wheat in his field.

I need a fence
around my field.
How much wire
should I buy?

Rahmat needs to find the length of the boundary of the field. Can
you find it from this picture? See the length of each side written
near it.
9 metre

9 metre


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 13 1 14 2 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

21 metre

Uhm---m! The
boundary is
54 metres long.

Rahmat bought a roll of 70 m wire for

the fence.

I should also
do the same
for my field.


Can you give me the Oh sure,

wire that is left why not!
with you? I will use
it for my field.

How much wire did Rahmat giveto Ganpat? ________



Ganpat thanked Rahmat and started

fencing his own field. But he needed
to get more wire.
❇ How long is the boundary of

Ganpat's field? ____________

❇ How much more wire will Ganpat
18 m
need for his field? __________

Practice Time
1. Here are pictures of some more fields. Find out which one has
the longest boundary.
a) 6 metre




Boundary = __________ metre

24 metre

6 metre

3 metre
6 metre

9 metre

6 metre
Boundary = __________ metre

12 metre

c) m


Boundary = __________ metre


15 metre

9 metre

re 15
et m
m et
d) 15 re

re re
et et
m m
15 15
Boundary = __________ metre
9 metre

100 m 2. Chandu's father is called the
'young old man' in his village.
At 70 years of age, he is fully
fit. Do you know his secret?


He goes for a walk around the

field every morning. Everyday

he takes four rounds of
Chandu's field.
❇ What is the total distance he
100 m
4 × ______ = ______ m = ______ km

3. Ganpat's wife works in a tailor's shop. She has to fix lace

around a table cloth.
She bought a 100 metre roll of lace.
❇ Look at the picture of the table cloth and tell how much lace is
used for one table cloth. _________________

1 m 50 cm
50 cm

50 cm

1 m 50 cm

❇ How much lace will be used in 3 such table cloths? _________

❇ How much lace will be left in the roll? ____________

1. Find out the length of the boundary of these shapes. (Hint :– You
can use a thread)



Now count the squares to find out :

❇ How many squares are there in each shape?
❇ Which shape covers the least number of squares?
❇ Which shape covers the most number of squares?
2. Take a 20 centimetre long thread. Make different shapes by
joining the ends. Place on the squared sheet on the next page.
Find out:
❇ How many squares are there in each shape?
❇ Which is the biggest shape?
❇ Which is the smallest shape?
❇ How long is the boundary of each shape?
Children could be asked to ignore a square if it is less than half, but count it as 1 if is more
than half. This will give them a feel for ' rounding off'.

3. How many different shapes can you make by joining
two squares? Draw them on the squared sheet given
below. How long is the boundary of each shape?

Try this activity with three squares also.

Practice Time
3 cm
1. A square has a boundary of
12 cm.

3 cm
3 cm
a) From the corner of this
square, a small square of A B
side 1 cm is cut off. Will the 3 cm
boundary of B be less or 3 cm
more? Find its length.
b) If you cut a 1 cm square to

3 cm
3 cm
get shape C, what will be the
length of the boundary of C? A C
3 cm
Square New shape

2. a) Find the length of the boundary of square D.

b) 8 squares of side 1 cm are cut out of the square D. Now it
looks like shape E. What is the length of the boundary of
shape E ?
5 cm
5 cm
5 cm


5 cm
1 cm

c) The boundary of this is ____ + ____ + ____ + ____

Can we also say that the boundary is 4 × 1 cm?

3. A hockey field is 91 metres 40 cm long and 55 metres wide.
How long is the boundary of the field?

4. Usha and Valsamma are running a race. Usha is running on

the inner circle. Valsamma is running on the outer circle.

Valsamma runs faster than
Usha. But still she loses
the race. Can you guess
why? ______________


Have you seen any race where

runners start from different
places like in this picture?
T Guess why?


School Garden
The students of Class III and IV thought of making a vegetable
garden. They chose a place which looked like this.


Garden 2

Students of both the classes thought that garden 1 was bigger. So

both wanted to take garden 1. Suddenly Neetu said

I think both
gardens are Quite possible!
equally big.
Let us find out if
you are right.

❇ How will Neetu find out if the two gardens are equally big?

1. Look at the table in your
classroom. Guess how many Math-
Magic books you can place on it.
(Remember The books should

not overlap. Do not leave gaps

between the books.)




Write your guess here. __________






Now check if your guess was right.



How many books could you place?

What is the difference between
your guess and the actual number
of books? __________
2. Now look for another table.
a) Is this table bigger than the last table? Yes/No
b) Make a guess how many Math-Magic books can be kept on
this table. __________
c) Check if your guess was correct
How many Math-Magic books could you keep? __________
d) The difference between the sizes of the two tables is
__________ books.
3. a) How many Math-Magic books can be covered with one
sheet of newspaper?
b) Try covering your Math-Magic book with half a sheet of
c) Can you cover your book with a smaller sheet?

d) Find the smallest sheet which can cover your book. Check
if your friend used a smaller sheet than you did.
4. a) Which is the biggest leaf in this picture?

b) Collect some leaves from the garden. Place each of them

here on this squared sheet. Trace out their edges and
check how many squares there are in each leaf.
c) Which is the biggest leaf?
d) Which is the smallest leaf?

2. a) How many small squares of size 1
cm are there in this big green
b) Can you think of a faster way to
know the total number of small
squares without counting each ?

3. Guess how many squares of one

centimetre can fill this blue rectangle.

Write your guess here. ____________________

Check your guess by filling it with small squares.
4. Look at the picture. Can you divide it into 4 equal pieces? Each
piece should have the same number of squares.

Puzzle: A House and the Well
Raghavan has a piece of land.
There are 4 houses on his land and in the middle there is a well.
He wants to divide this land equally among his four children.
Each should get one house and be able to use the well without
entering the other's land. Can you help him divide the land?
Give different colours to each one's share.

14 Smart Charts
How Many Hours?
All of us enjoy watching television (TV) or listening to the radio.

How much time do we spend in this?

❖ Note the time you spend in front of a TV or radio every day. Do
this for one week. The time spent in a week is _________ hours.
So in a month you spend about 30 × ___ = _____ hours.
❖ Find out from your friends the time they spend in a week.

How many hours they watch TV Number of V

t c hT
or listen to the radio (in a week) children wa urs!
c an o
I 2 4 h or
More than 6 hours for t good e?
Six hours Is for m
Five hours
Four hours
Three hours
Two hours
One hour
Zero hour (do not watch)

From your table
Watching TV/listening to the radio...
❖ ________ children spend more than 6 hours in a week.
❖ ________ children spend no time at all.
❖ Most children spend ________ hours in a week.
❖ ________ children spend more than 3 hours.

Which Programme?
There are different types of programmes on TV or radio such as
cartoons, news, sports, music, plays, serials. Juhi's father likes
watching serials. Her mother likes sports. Juhi likes news
(1) Ask people in your family to name one programme they like
and one programme they dislike. Make a table.

Family member Programme they like Programme they dislike



The kind of programme most family members like ___________

The kind of programme most family members dislike _______

2) Find out from 20 friends the programmes they like and
dislike, and write in a table.

Kind of Number of Number of

programme children liking it children disliking it



Comedy shows

❖ Which kind of programme is liked by most children?

❖ Which kind of programme is disliked by the least number of
❖ How many children like sports programmes?
❖ Is there any kind of programme not liked by any one?
Yes/No If yes, which one? ________________.

Who is my friend?

I've a friend with me always,

In the nights and through the days.

When I run he runs with me,
Sometimes I lead, sometimes he.
When it's dark he can't be seen,
Do you know which friend I mean?

❖ Read the poem carefully and answer these questions:
a) Which word comes most often in the poem?
b) Which letter has been used most?
c) Which letter comes the least?

❖ Take a paragraph you like from your language textbook. Read

carefully and find out:
a) Which word comes most often? ________
How many times? ________
b) Which word comes least often? ________________
c) The letter used most often is ________________
d) The letter used least often is ________________

Food We Eat
Children were talking about what things they eat in the morning
— made of rice, wheat, maize, barley, etc.

c h apat t
o dr f
t e
I ea e from I lik made o My favourite is
I eat rice and mad at. But, I eat sattu arley. porridge made
things made whe rotis made b from ragi.
from rice. from maize.

Find out from your classmates and fill the table:
Main food Number of persons



Look at the table and tell:

❖ Most children eat food made from _____________.
❖ Compared to children who eat rice, those who eat wheat are
❖ Compared to those who eat wheat, children eating ragi are

Preparing for the Class Drama

All children of a class are getting ready for a drama. Some
children are acting. Some are busy collecting the dresses. Some
are bringing tables and chairs to make the sets.

The Drama Chart This shows 3

Number of

Acting Collecting Playing Making

Dresses music the sets

a) How many children are acting in the drama?

b) Which are more — children making the sets or those acting?
c) What is being done by most of the children?
d) How many children are collecting dresses?

Whose Head is Bigger?

Cut long paper strips from waste paper.
Give one strip to each of your friends.
Now put the paper strip around your
head and tear off the extra strip. On a
big sheet, paste these paper strips
along a line.

Some children had pasted their strips and
made a chart like this.
R o h i t
Your chart should also look like this.

❖ Use a scale and find out from your chart: Sadiq

The length of the longest strip is _________ cm. Sameena

So ____________ has the biggest head.

The smallest strip is ___________ cm long. It belongs to __________.

Chapati Chart
All children of a school take part in different clubs:

Games Clubs Garden Club

The Chapati Chart shows the number

of children in different clubs.

Drawing Club
From the picture we can see that:
a) Half the children in the class take part in the Games Club.
b) One fourth of the children are members of the Garden Club.
c) The Drawing Club has one fourth of the children of the class.
If there are 200 students in the school, look at the above Chapati
Chart and tell the number of members in each club:
❖ The Games Club has ______ members.
❖ The Garden Club has ______ members.
❖ There are _____ members in the Drawing Club.

Getting Wet in the Rain

Who likes to get wet in the rain? A child made this Chapati Chart
after asking his friends.

Those who like Those who do

to get wet in not like to get
the rain wet in the rain

See the Chapati Chart and tell:

1) How many children like to get wet in the rain?
a) half b) one-fourth c) three-fourth
2) How many children do not like to get wet in the rain?
a) half b) one-fourth c) three-fourth

If the number of children in the class is 28, then tell the number
of children
❖ who like to get wet in the rain __________
❖ who do not like to get wet in the rain __________

Tea, Coffee or Milk

Some children were asked which of these they liked most — Tea,
Coffee or Milk.

The drink they like Number of children

Milk 20

Coffee 10
Tea 10

Total Number of
children ________

Find out from the table:

❖ Children who like milk are ½/¼ of the total children.
❖ Children who like coffee are ½/¼ of the total children.
Show the liking for Tea, Coffee or Milk in a Chapati Chart.


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