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Morphology of Permanent Molars Class Traits: in Order To Call A Tooth As A Molar It Needs To Have

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1 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

Peace be upon you Doctors , Today we are going to talk about molars , All slides are included here so you dont have to go back to them , Good Luck . Morphology of permanent molars Class traits : In order to call a tooth as a molar it needs to have: 3 or more cusps ,, but remember that some premolars have 3 cusps ,, so what do we have to do ? We need to count the number of the cusps buccaly , Molars should have at least 2 cusps buccaly but in premolars should have 1 cusp buccaly So if we have a premolar with a 3 cusps ,, you should know that 1 cusp buccaly and the other 2 lingualy. If we have a molar with 3 cusps , 2 buccaly and 1 lingualy. Generally molars have 2 or 3 roots ; 2 roots for mandibular molars and 3 roots for maxillary molars. But be careful ,, in maxillary molars 2 of the three roots can be fused so it will give an indication that its a mandibular one , so we have to depend on other features to determine . Arch traits : In maxillary molars BL diameter is greater than MD , and the opposite for mandibular molars , MD diameter is greater than BL as seen from the occlusal view . Cusps : Generally in maxillary permanent molars we see 3 cusps as major cusps and 1 cusp which is a minor cusp , the major 3 cusps which are Mesio buccal (MB) cusp , Mesiolingual (ML) cusp and Distobuccal (DB) cusp are arranged as a triangle and the fourth located outside , this minor cusp is

2 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

the distolingual (DL) cusp and when we move from the 1st the 3rd molar it tends to be smaller in size and usually missing in the upper third molar " usually we have only 3 cusps in maxillary 3rd molar . But in mandibular molars we can see 4 cusps which are equal in size and prominence . In maxillary molars the tow buccal cusps are not equal in size ; mesiobuccal MB cusp in larger , also mesiolingual ML cusp is larger than distolingual DL cusp But in mandibular the 4 cusps are equal in size. In addition to this feature , we have the oblique ridge in the maxillary molars and no oblique ridge in the mandibular molars , we see just transverse ridges in them . *remember : - oblique ridge runs from ML cusp toward DB cusp. - transverse ridge runs from buccal to lingual.

Maxillary permanent molars : Type treats : how to distinguish between 1st . 2nd and 3rd maxillary permanent molars ?! Generally as we go from 1st molar to 3rd molar the tooth become smaller in size , ; the biggest molar is the 1st molar and the smallest is the 3rd molar and this also applies on mandibular molars as well . And this is called human treat also , because our cousins " monkeys and apes " the biggest molar is the third . The distolingual (DL) cusp reduce in size as we go from the 1st to the 3rd molar ; the biggest in 1st , smaller in 2nd , more smaller or even missing in 3rd molar, When we go from 1st to 3rd molars he root become different ;

3 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

1st molars have root that are widely separated , as we go to 1nd and 3rd the root become closer to one another and become slightly distally inclined . So the distal inclination increases and the root divergence decreases as we go from 1st to 3rd molars. Cusp of carabelle ; is a small elevation on the mesiolingual cusp (ML) and if its present it will be on the first maxillary molar. Buccal aspect : We can see 3 roots ; MB , DB and palatal . *as we said when we have a molar with 3 roots 2 of them will be buccally MB and DB cusps are of equal height but MB is Wider than DB and they are separated by buccal groove and this groove ends up in the half of the height of the crown. Slopes of disto buccal are deeper ; the angle of DB cusp is sharper Tip of the ML cusp between B cusps ; because ML cusp is very large and its tip located mesioodistally so we can see it from the buccal aspect between the buccal cusps . The Mesial profile is highly convex in the occlusal 2/3rds and tend to be straight in the cervical 1/3. M HOC is the distance from Cervical line to Marginal ridge. Cervical 1/3 is flat or concave D profile is entirely convex D HOC is 3/5 the distance from CL to MR ; lower than the mesial one CL is 2 slightly curved segments ; mesial and distal segments separated by apical peak. But because this teeth is wide this convexity will be very small to the extent that you can see as a straight line.

4 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

Buccal surface D surface is visible ; we can see the distal surface from the buccal view because the angle between the buccal surface and the distal surface is obtuse angle. cervical 1/3 is convex Occlusal 2/3s are flat. Roots The 3 roots are visible B bifurcation "bifurcation between the two buccal roots" is at junction between Cervical & middle 1/3 of the root. Shallow vertical groove in the midline of the B root trunk *root trunk is the piece of the root before bi- or trifurcation . MB & DB roots are narrow & incline to each other in the apical 1/3 (type trait) and you must be careful when doing RCT , we should not use tuff instrument you should use resilient instrument "files" MB root apex is in line with MB cusp tip (type trait) ; if you draw a vertical line from the root apex it will fit the tip of the MB cusp. And this is a type trait because in 2nd molar for example the inclination will be more so the tip of the root will not be on the line with the tip of the cusp. The longest Lingual or palatal root is visible between the B roots. Lingual aspect : 2 cusps of unequal size ML cusp : the biggest one

5 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

Makes 3/5s of MD width of the crown Prominent & blunt DL cusp : makes 2/5s of MD width of the crown Rounded, shorter & narrower Larger than those of 2nd & 3rd max. molars (type trait) : as we said as we go from 1st to 3rd molar the DL cusp becomes smaller and tend to be missing in 3rd molar. L groove Separates L cusps : separates ML from DL cusp. Terminates midway of L surface M profile is convex except in the flat C 1/3 D profile is entirely convex L surface Evenly convex OC L groove divides L surface into M & D segment : but remember that ,mesial segment is larger than distal segment Cusp of Carabelli on M segment (racially variant) Roots The 3 roots are visible Proximal outline of B roots L root : Tapered with blunt apex Shallow vertical depression from CL to 2/3s ; because its a wide root. L root apex is in line with crown midline (type trait)

6 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

Mesial aspect Maximum BL dimension at the cervix of the crown : in the slides its written MD but this is wrong ,, correct it ML is higher than MB cusp Buccal cervical 1/3 is strongly convex Buccal outline continues lingually in a straight line Lingual outline is uniformly convex Lingual HOC is at the midpoint but Buccal HOC is near the Cervical line. Cervical Line is slightly convex occlusally

Mesial surface M Marginal Ridge(MR) is marked by several tubercles & supplementary grooves (type trait) : so it's tuberceled or segments united together and in 2nd and 3rd molars M MR is always one unit. Contact point is between middle & occlusal 1/3s Cervical 1/3 is flat or concave Occlusal 2/3s are convex Roots MB & L roots : DB is hidden because MB is broader than it. MB root is broad BL L root is narrow & Banana-shaped, curves L then B at the apex

7 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

Both MB & L roots project beyond crown profile : and this is a type trait because as we go from 1st to 3rd molar roots become closer to each other. Distal aspect DB cusp is more prominent than DL Only small portions of M cusps are visible (type trait) D MR is shorter & less prominent than M MR D MR rarely has tubercles B & L profiles are similar to those of M aspect CL is nearly straight Distal surface Uniformly convex Roots 3 roots visible : because DB is smaller than MB , remember that from the M view we can see 2 roots because MB is bigger than DB. DB root is shorter & narrower than MB root

Occlusal aspect : very important and a lot of Questions in the final exam will be specifically on the occlusal surface of 1st molar Square or rhomboidal : notice that we have 4 angles , 2 of them are acute and 2 of them are obtuse , the angles are not 90 degrees MB & DL angles are acute ML & DB angles are obtuse

8 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

- And this is an arch trait because in lower molars 4 angles are right angles so they look as a square . - Si if you see a tooth with 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles this will be an upper molar , but if you see a square tooth so this is a lower molar. 1/3 of B surface & of L are visible B outline: D part is more L than M part ; mesial part is projecting more buccaly than distal part. Occlusal table 2 distinct components Trigon - Bears MB, ML & DB cusps with Mesial MR - Tricuspate triangle Talon - Bears DL cusp & Distal MR - Located DL to the tricuspate triangle - Well-developed in 1st molar & undergoes reduction in size in 2nd & even missing in 3rd molars This feature is not present in lower molar ; we have 4 cusps at each corner which are equal in size . Cusps in order of decreasing size: ML, MB, DB & DL , zay ka2eno bnmshe counter-clockwise from ML to DL in right upper molar , and clockwise in left upper molar < this is a question in the exam> ! M MR is longer & more prominent than D MR Oblique ridge Major Fossae - 2 Triangular fossae :any fossa that's located just inside the marginal ridge

9 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

- Central fossa o Central pit o B & D grooves o Central groove - Distal fossa o D pit o DL groove which continues as the L groove - Now each cusp is a pyramid that has 4 ridges so from each cusp we have a ridgethat goes mesially and a ridge that goes distally . - The ridge of the mesial cusps that goes medially will be continuous with the mesial marginal ridge and the ridge that goes distally of the distal cusps will be continuous with the distal marginal ridge - The buccal groove continues and then turn to become the central groove - Now for the ML cusp the distal ridge does not go distally , it goes obliquely , and this point is very important and there will be question in the exam about it ,, so all cusps have mesial ridge that goes mesially and distal cusp that goes distally except ML cusp which the biggest here , has a distal ridge that goes obliquely " distobuccaly" . - Any ridge that is located in the crown is called triangular ridge . - Notice that the triangular ridge of the DB cusp is continuous with the distal ridge of the ML cup forming the oblique ridge. - Just distally to the oblique ridge we have a fossa contains a groove which is DL groove , this fossa is the distal fossa . - Also we have M triangular fossa M pit MB & ML supplementary grooves - D triangular fossa Distal pit DB & DL supplementary grooves So we have 4 fossae ; central fossa , distal fossa , mesial and distal triangular fossa.

10 Dental anatomy morphology of maxillary first molar

This is a maxillary first molar as seen from the occlusal view ,, may this will help you understand it better ;

This is all for today ,,forgive me for any mistake and record any if you found,, *_^ ~~~~~Believe you can ,, and you are half way there ~~~~~ ^_* Study hard , Hope U All the best DOCTORZ Your colleague : Raghad Rawabdeh .

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