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Poetry Lesson

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Manuel Estrada Espinoza Dr.

Dobler Poetry Lesson When it rains, I like to Lesson Objective: The students will write a list poem listing what they do when it rains using bulleted list. State Writing Standards: First Grade Writing: W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. Language: L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Materials: Rainy Days with Bear by Maureen Hull, Illustrated by Leanne Franson SMART board Paper (hand out to write the poem) Pencil Crayons Sound of rain (Audio Clip) Umbrella Introduction: Begin by showing students the umbrella. I will ask what they think its happening if I have an umbrella. Once they respond raining, I will call them to carpet and I will read Rainy Days with Bear by Maureen Hull and Illustrated by Leanne Franson. Communication of Objective: Today, we are going to write a list poem describing what we like to do when it rains. We will began with a sentence and finish it using bullets to list what we do when it rains. Teacher Input: Explain what a list poem is. Explain that a list poem begins with a phrase containing bullets with ideas. The beginning phrase becomes a sentence every time you put the phrase and a bulleted idea together. I will have an example of a list poem on display. I will refer to this finished poem when talking about specific parts of a list poem. The list poem that I will be using as an example will be as follows: When it is sunny, I like to Play outside Eat ice cream Go for a walk Play with my friends I will explain that when you put the beginning phrase and an idea from the bulletin list together, a sentence is created.

When it is sunny, I like to play outside. I will also explain that the beginning phrase needs to be repeated every time with every idea from the bulleted list. For example: When it is sunny, I like to play outside. When it is sunny, I like to eat ice cream. When it is sunny, I like to go for a walk. When I is sunny, I like to play with my friends.

Modeling: I will begin with the beginning phrase, When it rains, I like to. (I will have this phrase written in several different document pages on the SMART board so that we do not waste time writing every time) Then I will model by writing two examples of things I do when it rains. I will write: 1. Do homework, 2. Watch a movie. These two items will be bulleted as follows: When it rains, I like to Watch movies Go for a run I will model it by doing a think aloud as follows: We have the starting phrase When it rains, I like to. After reading the beginning phrase, I know I need to think about things I like to do when it rains. First Im going to put a bullet to start listing my ideas. Every idea will have its own bullet. Lets see, what do I like to do when it rains? Right now Im thinking about several things. When I think about rain, first I think of things to do without getting wet and then about things I can do outside in the rain. What are some things I like to do inside my house when it rains and I do not want to get wet? Do I like being warm? Do I like being comfortable? I like being both, warm and comfortable so I am going to write that I like to watch movies. But I also like getting wet in the rain. But I want to make sure it is safe to go outside. So I have to think, is it storming? Is it lightning? If is not, I can go for a walk, I can go for a run, play with my dog, play with my friends, or step on the water puddles. I really like running and I like it more when it is raining, so I am going to put another bullet in my list and I am going to write go for a run. I now have two ideas on my bulleted list. Watch movies and Go for a run. If I put my beginning phrase and my ideas together I will have two sentences. I have When it rains, I like to watch movies and When it rains, I like to go for a run. Guided Practice: After writing down my two examples, Students will think of something they like to do when it rains. Next, they will talk to their shoulder partner what they thought about. I will call on three students to tell me what they like to do when it rains. I will add those three things to my list of two that I had already started when I modeled. Check for Understanding: Teacher will listen for contributions made by the students throughout the lesson. Teacher will listen to the students to see if they are on the right track. Students sharing several things they like to do when it rains will let the teacher know that they are ready to try it on their own. Teacher will also ask for students to share with the class some other ideas about what things they like to do when it rains.

Independent Practice: Students will work independently to create a list poem about what they like to do when it rains. Their sentence will begin saying When it rains, I like to. Following their opening sentence, they will add at least 3 bullets telling what they like to do when it rains. I will take the sample poem down, but the students will be able to write down an idea I wrote down if they can remember it. During this time, I will tell the students that if they work quietly, they will be able to hear rain. I will then play an audio clip with the sound of rain. Evaluation/Assessment: The teacher will check to see if the students have at least 3 things they like to do when it rains using the correct format of a list poem. Closure: Students can volunteer to share their poem. I will have at most five students share as we only have limited time. Adaptations: Gear Down o Category Input Teacher will create a sample of a poem so that students at below writing level can have as an example. o Category Level of Support Teacher will let the students look through the book read to them earlier in the lesson. By looking through the pages of the book, the students will be refreshed and will think of ideas they can write down. Gear Up o Category Size If students are done writing three things, the teacher will assign them to write two more things to make it a total of five things. o Category Alternate Goals Teacher will assign students to draw a picture that represents their poem.


Hull, M., & Franson, L. (2004). Rainy days with bear. Montreal, Quebec: Lobster Press. Sound of Rain: Dont have the url Im going to be using yet.

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