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The Great Depression: Chapter 26 Test-Open Notebook

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The Great Depression


1. Who was elected the new President in 1929? a. Herbert Hoover b. Franklin D. Roosevelt c. Teddy Roosevelt d. Grover Cleveland 2. A problem farmers face was that their expenses rose higher than the price they received for their products and they did not a. increase their output. b. decrease production. c. communicate with the government. d. throw away excess products instead of selling them. 3. Buying on margin means using a. artificial butter. b. smart investment strategies. c. credit. d. unproven results. 4. On October 29th, there was a stampede of selling in the stock market which caused the stocks to be worthless and many people lost everything they owned. This day is known as a. Dark Friday b. Black Friday c. Stormy Tuesday d. Black Tuesday 5. What were two causes of the Great Depression? a. over production and a weak bank system b. over production and a strong bank system c. under production and a weak bank system d. under production and a strong bank system

6. To help the situation of bankruptcy, unemployment, hunger, and homelessness, Hoover set up government relief programs and public work projects. What is a public work project? a. a prison punishment b. a project built by the government for public use c. a project built for the government for private use d. a project creating private business factories 7. Roosevelts campaigned for the presidency under the promise to help the jobless workers and farmers in his plan known as the a. Raw Deal b. Plan to End Hunger and Homelessness c. New Deal d. Hoovervilles 8. What did people do under the Civilian Conservation Corps? a. plant trees b. build bridges c. work on flood control projects d. all of the above 9. To enable the jobless to work making clothes and building hospitals and schools, the Works Progress Administration was created. a. True b. False 10. The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1938 was a law that protected a. manufactures by not requiring them to list ingredients on their food products. b. manufactures by requiring them to use organic items. c. consumers by requiring manufactures to list their ingredients on food products. d. consumers by regulating the amount of cow in each hamburger. 11. Upton Sinclair wrote the novel, The Jungle, to protest a. bullying in schools. b. the governments handling of the New Deal. c. overproduction of goods. d. bank regulations.

12. The Supreme Court ruled the Industrial Recovery Act was unconstitutional. a. True b. False 13. What did President Roosevelt enlarge during his second term? a. minimum wage b. hours of the work day c. the federal court system d. the amount of congress members 14. How many Justices did Roosevelt add to the Supreme Court? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 15. To protect employees from unfair management practices and guarantee workers the right to collective bargaining, Congress passed the a. National Labor Relations Act b. Labor War Board c. League of Nations d. United Workers Foundation Act 16. What did the Social Securities Act set up? a. A system of pension for older people. b. The first System of unemployment insurance. c. Money to support dependent children and people with disabilities. d. All of the Above. 17. People worried about the decreased power of government from the New Deal? a. True b. False

18. The area made up of states from Texas to the Dakotas that suffered a severe drought and high winds that carried their soil away as known as the a. Great Plains b. Dust Bowl c. Dusty Plains d. Dirt Bowl 19. Another name for a person who moved from one region to another in search of work is a a. migrant worker. b. nomadic wanderer. c. traveling wilbury. d. tumble weed. 20. Many women help out during the depression by taking on jobs to help pay the rent when their unemployed husbands were out of work. a. True b. False 21. What did Eleanor Roosevelt, the Presidents wife, call for? a. The creation of more food pantries. b. Equal justice for all. c. The end to world hunger. d. The end of political parties. 22. When the Great Depression hit, the first people to lose their jobs were a. women. b. Asian Americans. c. African Americans. d. Latin Americans. 23. President Roosevelt invited black leaders to meet in the White House, and they became known as the unofficial a. black cabinet. b. presidential advisors. c. black advisors. d. African Advisors.

24. What did the Indian New Deal do for Native American nations? a. Granted more lands for reservations. b. Gave them more control over their own affairs. c. Created a system of repayments for the lands taken from them. d. Gave them the State of Colorado. 25. Movies and radio were important to Americans during the depression because they provided an escape for the hard times they were facing. a. True b. False

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