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Prayer Purification Maliki

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Piayei and Puiification accoiding to the Maaliki School of Piayei and Puiification accoiding to the Maaliki School of Piayei

ei and Puiification accoiding to the Maaliki School of Piayei and Puiification accoiding to the Maaliki School of
Islamic Juiispiudence Islamic Juiispiudence Islamic Juiispiudence Islamic Juiispiudence

A manual composed by Bi. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali A manual composed by Bi. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali A manual composed by Bi. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali A manual composed by Bi. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali

Table of Contents: Table of Contents: Table of Contents: Table of Contents:

1 1 1 1 - -- - Pieface. Pieface. Pieface. Pieface. 3 3 3 3

2 2 2 2 - -- - Intioduction. Intioduction. Intioduction. Intioduction. 7 77 7

3 3 3 3 - -- - Pieiequisites of Piayei. Pieiequisites of Piayei. Pieiequisites of Piayei. Pieiequisites of Piayei. 9 99 9

4 4 4 4 - -- - The Steps of The Steps of The Steps of The Steps of Wudoo Wudoo Wudoo Wudoo. .. . 10 10 10 10

5 5 5 5 - -- - How to Piay? How to Piay? How to Piay? How to Piay? 11 11 11 11

6 6 6 6 - -- - The Obligatoiy Piayeis, theii names, and times. The Obligatoiy Piayeis, theii names, and times. The Obligatoiy Piayeis, theii names, and times. The Obligatoiy Piayeis, theii names, and times. 20 20 20 20

7 7 7 7 - -- - The Obligatoiy Piayeis, and theii Numbei of Units. The Obligatoiy Piayeis, and theii Numbei of Units. The Obligatoiy Piayeis, and theii Numbei of Units. The Obligatoiy Piayeis, and theii Numbei of Units. 22 22 22 22

8 8 8 8 - -- - The Audible Piayeis The Audible Piayeis The Audible Piayeis The Audible Piayeis and Inaudible. and Inaudible. and Inaudible. and Inaudible. 23 23 23 23

9 9 9 9 - -- - Piayei in Congiegation. Piayei in Congiegation. Piayei in Congiegation. Piayei in Congiegation. 24 24 24 24

10 10 10 10 - -- - Things that Nullify the Piayei. Things that Nullify the Piayei. Things that Nullify the Piayei. Things that Nullify the Piayei. 28 28 28 28

11 11 11 11 - -- - Things that Nullify Things that Nullify Things that Nullify Things that Nullify Wudoo. Wudoo. Wudoo. Wudoo. 29 29 29 29

12 12 12 12 - -- - The Ritual Showei The Ritual Showei The Ritual Showei The Ritual Showei (Al (Al (Al (Al- -- -Chusl) Chusl) Chusl) Chusl) 30 30 30 30

13 13 13 13 - -- - The Voluntaiy Piayeis. The Voluntaiy Piayeis. The Voluntaiy Piayeis. The Voluntaiy Piayeis. 32 32 32 32

14 14 14 14 - -- - Diy Ablu Diy Ablu Diy Ablu Diy Ablution tion tion tion (Tayammum) (Tayammum) (Tayammum) (Tayammum) 36 36 36 36

15 15 15 15 - -- - Wiping ovei leathei socks Wiping ovei leathei socks Wiping ovei leathei socks Wiping ovei leathei socks (khuff) (khuff) (khuff) (khuff) 39 39 39 39

16 16 16 16 - -- - Wiping ovei the cast and medicated pad Wiping ovei the cast and medicated pad Wiping ovei the cast and medicated pad Wiping ovei the cast and medicated pad 40 40 40 40

17 17 17 17 - -- - Additional Shoit Additional Shoit Additional Shoit Additional Shoit Suiahs Suiahs Suiahs Suiahs 42 42 42 42

Piayei and Puiification accoiding to the Maaliki School of Piayei and Puiification accoiding to the Maaliki School of Piayei and Puiification accoiding to the Maaliki School of Piayei and Puiification accoiding to the Maaliki School of
Islamic J Islamic J Islamic J Islamic Juiispiudence uiispiudence uiispiudence uiispiudence
Foi new comeis to the Foi new comeis to the Foi new comeis to the Foi new comeis to the Islamic Islamic Islamic Islamic faith and othei conceined faith and othei conceined faith and othei conceined faith and othei conceined Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims


All piaise is due to Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah. We beseech Him foi His aid and foigiveness.
Whoevei He guides, none can misguide. And whomevei He misguides,
he/she has no one capable of gianting guidance. And I testify that theie is no
deity othei than Him. He has no associates. And I testify to the tiuthfulness
of his Noble Messengei, Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad - may Allah Allah Allah Allah bless him and giant him

This is a manual foi the Maaliki piayei. It is designed as a iefeience book
foi new comeis to Islam, although it can be a gieat souice of benefit foi
those seeking to know piayei as desciibed by the |uiists of the Maaliki
school of law.
The ieadei who is cognizant of the aiiangement of the chapteis in the books
of Fiqh (|uiispiudence) will immediately notice that I didn`t follow the same
pattein customaiily followed by Islamic scholais; that being that the sub|ect
of puiification (At (At (At (At- -- -Tahaaiah) Tahaaiah) Tahaaiah) Tahaaiah) would usually be mentioned exhaustively in
the fiist chaptei, then followed by piayei (Salaat). (Salaat). (Salaat). (Salaat). As foi me, I chose to mix
between the chaptei of piayei and puiification, while placing the gieatest
impoitance on the pieiequisites of piayei and what follows it.
What led to this mixing was the ob|ective fiom wiiting about the topic itself,
which is to teach the new comei to the faith how to piay. Theiefoie, I saw it
necessaiy to aiiange the chapteis in the mannei that you soon will see in the
oidei of impoitance that it would be deemed so with ielation to the new
It appeaied to me to be most impoitant to fiist mention the pieiequisites of
piayei, since ones piayei would not valid if these pieiequisites weie not
fulfilled. I chose then to discuss the steps of wudoo wudoo wudoo wudoo (ablution), since it is the
only of the pieiequisites that is absolutely iequiied foi the validity of ones
piayei. The one who isn`t in a state of minoi iitual puiity (wudoo) cannot
piay, |ust as weie they to do so the piayei would be invalid whethei oi not
they had the ability to peifoim wudoo, and whethei oi not they iemembeied
they weie in its inviolable state.
Aftei dealing with the pieiequisites, I explained the steps of the piayei.
Aftei leaining how to piay it seems most natuial foi one to know what
piayeis aie compulsoiy and which aie optional. So I mentioned theii names,
times, and the numbei of units that each is compiised of.
Then, I pointed out which of the piayeis aie to be peifoimed audibly and
which aie not.
Aftei that, I talked about the congiegational piayei, and the distinctions
between it and the individual piayeis.
Aftei I felt that the new comei should know enough about his piayei, I
talked about those matteis that nullify ones piayei, because once one is able
to piay it would seem necessaiy foi them to know what things iendei his/hei
piayei to be null and void. That`s namely because one should be woiking on
how to peifect ones piayei aftei knowing the physical exteiioi motions of it.
Next, I talk about the things that nullify ones wudoo, since it is an absolutely
necessaiy ingiedient foi the soundness of ones piayei. And weie it invalid,
the piayei would automatically be invalid by extension, since the validity of
the piayei is built upon the soundness of ones ablution (wudoo).
Aftei that I talk about the iitual showei (al (al (al (al- -- -ghusl) ghusl) ghusl) ghusl), its steps, and nullifieis as
a way of biinging to the attention of the new comei ceitain matteis that one
must be conceined about in ones eveiyday life, like how to bathe, and how
to iemove ones state of ma|oi iitual impuiity (al (al (al (al- -- -|anaabah) |anaabah) |anaabah) |anaabah) when woiship
becomes a duty.
Then finally, I close with the chaptei dealing with voluntaiy piayeis, and
theii ielative desciiptions as a way of biinging oui discussion to completion
and peifection. Foi one may be inteiested in knowing how one can gain
additional iewaid foi ones own sake.

I tiied to keep the language of this manual veiy simple and plain, so that al-
fiqh (|uiispiudence) could be accessible to all Muslims, the educated and the
unletteied, and the pooi and iich alike. That`s because this knowledge is not
the monopoly of any paiticulai class oi iace, |ust as undeistanding it doesn`t
iequiie an extensive English vocabulaiy.
I adopted a simplified foim of tiansliteiation in an attempt to make the
memoiization of ceitain Islamic piayeis in Aiabic easy foi the new comeis
who aie mainly non-Aiabic speakeis and ieadeis. This in no means is an
attempt to encouiage anyone not to leain how to iead Aiabic letteis, etc.
Rathei, it was done meiely in consideiation of the gieat many people who
have difficulty in leaining Aiabic, as well as new comeis who aie obligated
to piay five times a day once they embiace Islam. It takes less time foi them
to memoiize a tiansliteiated text than it does foi one to leain how to iead
and wiite in Aiabic. So, one would definitely be iequiied to eventually leain
how to iecite all compulsoiy piayeis in Aiabic, and theii piopei iecitations.
So, it is simply a mattei of necessity.
I didn`t adopt a moie scholaily foim of tiansliteiation, since the bettei
educated would not find any difficulty in decipheiing such a basic
tiansliteiation, wheieas the lessei educated would suiely find gieat difficulty
in tiying to iead a moie scholaily tiansliteiation. And the Piophet said,
Move at the pace of the weak amongst you (seeioo masaiia aD`afikum).
So we ask Allah Allah Allah Allah, The Most High, to bless this ventuie, and make it a souice
of benefit to all Muslims seeking an easy way to become acquainted with
theii piayeis. Amin.



Just as we found that when one accepted the Islamic faith theie was a
specific utteiance iequiied foi one to say in oidei to be consideied a
Muslim, theie aie also iules one must follow in fulfilling the second pillai of
Islam, piayei (Salaat).
Ceneially, it is a Muslim`s ob|ective in piayei to caiiy it out in the same way
that the Holy Messengei Muhammad - may Allah Allah Allah Allah bless him and giant him
peace - did so. Howevei, due to vaiiant tiaditions and the level of theii
weakness and stiength, theie had aiisen a numbei of diffeient schools of
|uiispiudence, each defining the piayei in theii own paiticulai teims, and in
accoidance with the legislative piinciples adopted by the foundeis of each
individual school.
Of these vaiious schools of Sunni Muslims, theie only iemain 4 that have
been accepted by all Sunni Muslims fiom as eaily as the thiid centuiy of
Islam until the piesent day. This acceptance constitutes a consensus, which
is consideied a legislative pioof in the view of the oveiwhelming ma|oiity of
Sunni scholais. The iesult being that it would be equally valid foi one to
emulate the foundei of any of the foui schools in the aiea of piayei, |ust as
such a piayei would be equally valid iegaidless of the paiticulai
|uiispiudence adopted. This in itself helps to save the Muslim fiom gieat
confusion with iegaid to his/hei ieligion. Foi it piovides them with a simple
and valid way of piaying without sub|ecting them to the doubts and
difficulties many have suffeied fiom foi yeais as Muslims who constantly
altei theii mannei of piayei when confionted by ceitain tendencies cuiient
in the Islamic woild today. So, my advice to the new believei would be to
hold fast by this fiist foim of piayei that you shall leain heie in this manual.

Know that, although youi piayei might diffei fiom many otheis` styles of
piaying, you do not violate any essential component of the piayei that would
iendei it invalid. And the testimony of ovei a thousand yeais of Muslim
scholaiship tenaciously holding on to this paiticulai foim of piayei, as well
as the foims found in the othei thiee schools, is a testimony much much
moie woithy of consideiation, than the testimony and ob|ections of modein-
day dissenteis who have only appeaied within the last two centuiies.
The names of the 4 schools of Sunni Iaw aie 1) the Haanafi Haanafi Haanafi Haanafi school, 2) the
Maaliki Maaliki Maaliki Maaliki school, 3) the Shaafi`ee Shaafi`ee Shaafi`ee Shaafi`ee school, and 4) the Hanbali Hanbali Hanbali Hanbali school. The foim
of piayei explained in this manual is in accoidance with the Maaliki school,
especially since it is the school studied and piacticed by the authoi. As foi
now, we leave you with The Muslim piayei accoiding to the Maaliki school
of |uiispiudence.

The same goes foi the one who leains piayei accoiding to any of the othei accepted schools of Islamic

The Pieiequisites of Piayei: The Pieiequisites of Piayei: The Pieiequisites of Piayei: The Pieiequisites of Piayei:

Foi piayei in Islam aie pieiequisites by which eveiy peison seeking to
peifoim the obligatoiy act of piayei must obseive in oidei foi it to be
consideied valid. The peison must obseive foui matteis:
1 11 1 - One must face the diiection of Mecca One must face the diiection of Mecca One must face the diiection of Mecca One must face the diiection of Mecca. It is on the Noith Ameiican
continent appioximately the noitheastein diiection with slight vaiiance fiom
one locality to anothei.
2 2 2 2 - One must iemove fiom ones body, clothing, and place of piayei all foims One must iemove fiom ones body, clothing, and place of piayei all foims One must iemove fiom ones body, clothing, and place of piayei all foims One must iemove fiom ones body, clothing, and place of piayei all foims
of filth e.g. uiine, feces, blood, etc of filth e.g. uiine, feces, blood, etc of filth e.g. uiine, feces, blood, etc of filth e.g. uiine, feces, blood, etc.
3 3 3 3 - One must piopeily covei ones nakedness One must piopeily covei ones nakedness One must piopeily covei ones nakedness One must piopeily covei ones nakedness while placing special emphasis
on the piivate paits. Meaning, that one must be suie that ones nakedness oi
piivate paits aie not showing. This entails foi the man to covei all between
his navel and knees. It is piefeiied that he also coveis the aiea above his
navel up to his shouldeis. As foi the woman, she is iequiied to covei hei
entiie body with the exception of hei face and hands.
The clothing of neithei the man noi the woman should be tight fitting oi

4 44 4 - One must peifoim One must peifoim One must peifoim One must peifoim - -- - in piepaiation foi the piayei in piepaiation foi the piayei in piepaiation foi the piayei in piepaiation foi the piayei - -- - what is known what is known what is known what is known as as as as
wudu wudu wudu wudu. It is a special foim of washing of the bodily limbs that we will
specialize foi its steps a section of its own.

To get a moie detailed legal explanation of the limits of ones nakedness, one should enioll in the neainess
class on Maaliki law.
The Steps of The Steps of The Steps of The Steps of Wudu Wudu Wudu Wudu: :: :

1 1 1 1 - One should begin ones wudu, |ust as all othei acts of woiship, with the
saying In the name of Allah( In the name of Allah( In the name of Allah( In the name of Allah(bismi bismi bismi bismillaa llaa llaa llaa). ). ). ).
2 2 2 2 - The fiist step aftei mentioning Allah`s Allah`s Allah`s Allah`s name is to wash fiom the hands
any filth oi othei mattei that may pievent watei fiom dampening the skin.
3 3 3 3 - Next, one should iinse out his/hei mouth thiee times.
4 4 4 4 - Take watei up the nose and blow it out thiee times.
5 5 5 5 - Wash the face thiee times. The boundaiies of the face aie fiom the fiont
haiiline to the tip of the chin, and fiom the edge of one eai to the othei. If
one happens to have a beaid, he meiely wipes ovei the top of it if the skin
cannot be seen due to its denseness. Howevei, if the beaid happens to be
thin/shoit allowing foi one to see the coloi of the skin, one must sepaiate
the haiis of the beaid to be suie that watei ieaches the skin.
6 6 6 6 - Wash the aims to and including the elbows, beginning fiom the
fingeitips, thiee times.
7 7 7 7 - Wipe the head. The way to do this is to inteilace the fingeis of both
hands. Position the two thumbs at each iespective tempoial lobe. Then,
commence to wipe the head, staiting fiom the fiont haiiline and ending up
at the nape of the neck oi end of the cianium, and then ietuin the hands
back ovei the head until they ieach the fiont haiiline once again. This all
should be done in two stiokes, using of the same watei.
8 8 8 8 - Wet the thumbs and index fingeis again, and wipe the backside of the
eais that aie closest to the head. Use the index fingeis to wipe the holes of
the eais.
9 9 9 9 - Wash each foot to and including the ankle thiee times staiting with the
iight foot. One should sepaiate the toes of each foot while doing this with
the pinky to insuie that watei gets between the gaps of the toes.
10 10 10 10 - It is iecommended foi one to say: I beai witness that theie is no deity I beai witness that theie is no deity I beai witness that theie is no deity I beai witness that theie is no deity
othei than othei than othei than othei than Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah. He is alone, and has no associates. And I beai witness that He is alone, and has no associates. And I beai witness that He is alone, and has no associates. And I beai witness that He is alone, and has no associates. And I beai witness that
Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad is his slav is his slav is his slav is his slave and messengei. ( e and messengei. ( e and messengei. ( e and messengei. (Ash hadu allaa ilaaha illallahu Ash hadu allaa ilaaha illallahu Ash hadu allaa ilaaha illallahu Ash hadu allaa ilaaha illallahu
wah dahu laa shaieekala wa wah dahu laa shaieekala wa wah dahu laa shaieekala wa wah dahu laa shaieekala wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa
iasooluhu). iasooluhu). iasooluhu). iasooluhu). Now you`ie ieady to piay.

How to piay: How to piay: How to piay: How to piay:

The woid foi piayei in Aiabic (which is the language of the Qui`an Qui`an Qui`an Qui`an and
Islam Islam Islam Islam) is Salaat Salaat Salaat Salaat. It is moie than what is known in othei ieligious tiaditions as
supplication, which is called Du`aa Du`aa Du`aa Du`aa. Rathei, the piayei of Islam is moie
likened to a complete seivice in itself, since it is compiised of many units,
bowings, piostiations, supplications, and the like.
The obligatoiy piayei should begin with the iecitation of what is teimed
Al Al Al Al- -- -Iqaamah Iqaamah Iqaamah Iqaamah(The Second Call to Piayei). The woids of Al Al Al Al- -- -Iqaamah Iqaamah Iqaamah Iqaamah aie as
(Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, Ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, wa ash hadu (Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, Ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, wa ash hadu (Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, Ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, wa ash hadu (Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, Ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, wa ash hadu
anna Muhammad anna Muhammad anna Muhammad anna Muhammadan iasool Allah, Hayya alas Salaati, Hayya alal falaah, an iasool Allah, Hayya alas Salaati, Hayya alal falaah, an iasool Allah, Hayya alas Salaati, Hayya alal falaah, an iasool Allah, Hayya alas Salaati, Hayya alal falaah,
qad qaama tis Salaatu, qad qaama tis Salaatu, Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, qad qaama tis Salaatu, qad qaama tis Salaatu, Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, qad qaama tis Salaatu, qad qaama tis Salaatu, Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, qad qaama tis Salaatu, qad qaama tis Salaatu, Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai,
Iaa ilaaha ill Allah.) Iaa ilaaha ill Allah.) Iaa ilaaha ill Allah.) Iaa ilaaha ill Allah.)
( (( (Allah Allah Allah Allah is Cieatei. is Cieatei. is Cieatei. is Cieatei. Allah Allah Allah Allah is Cieatei. I beai witness that theie is no deity but is Cieatei. I beai witness that theie is no deity but is Cieatei. I beai witness that theie is no deity but is Cieatei. I beai witness that theie is no deity but
Allah Allah Allah Allah, and I beai witn , and I beai witn , and I beai witn , and I beai witness that Muhammad is the Messengei of ess that Muhammad is the Messengei of ess that Muhammad is the Messengei of ess that Muhammad is the Messengei of Allah Allah Allah Allah. . . .
Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Piospeiity. Piayei has diawn neai. Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Piospeiity. Piayei has diawn neai. Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Piospeiity. Piayei has diawn neai. Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Piospeiity. Piayei has diawn neai. Allah Allah Allah Allah is is is is
Cieatei. Cieatei. Cieatei. Cieatei. Allah Allah Allah Allah is Cieatei. Theie is no god but is Cieatei. Theie is no god but is Cieatei. Theie is no god but is Cieatei. Theie is no god but Allah Allah Allah Allah.) .) .) .)
Al Al Al Al- -- -Iqaamah Iqaamah Iqaamah Iqaamah should be iecited befoie obligatoiy piayeis, those done in
congiegation, as well as those peifoimed individually. As foi the voluntaiy
piayeis, it is not necessaiy noi piefeiable that one iecites al al al al- -- -iqaamah iqaamah iqaamah iqaamah.
As foi the steps foi the Islamic piayei seivice, they aie as follows:

1 11 1 - Raise both hands paiallel with the shouldeis (almost as if iaising them in
suiiendei), and say Allahu Akbai Allahu Akbai Allahu Akbai Allahu Akbai (Allah is Cieatest). No othei expiession
will suffice. The hands aie not iaised at any othei time duiing the piayei,
|ust as the aims should be at one`s sides as if standing at attention. This is
the view of the ma|oiity of Maliki |uiists, although it is also peimissible foi
one to piay with ones hands folded, the iight being ovei the left.
The hands
should be positioned between the chest and navel.
2 22 2 - Recite the opening chaptei of the Qui`an Qui`an Qui`an Qui`an entitled Al Al Al Al- -- -Faatiha Faatiha Faatiha Faatiha. It must be
iecited in Aiabic, although it is taken into account that one may have
difficulty in memoiizing it at the out stait. If this is the case, one must find
someone else who peifects its iecitation to piay behind. This might entail
attending the mosque at the piesciibed times foi piayei. Howevei, if one

I deemed it impoitant to mention this, since theie is much dispute between most adheients of the ieligion
of the faith, who aie unleained, with iegaid to the peimissibility of piaying with ones hands at ones sides. It
might be wise foi one to abandon what they believe to be the coiiect position oi even a valid position
sometimes when they find that theii fellow biotheis and sisteis in the faith have not yet leained to be
toleiant to valid diffeiences of opinion. The new Muslim will come to know this in no time, |ust as
he`ll/she`ll come to know the ciicles wheie it would be advisable to possibly abandon what one has leained
initially to be coiiect and valid. This would meiely be done foi the sake of pieseiving unity.
As foi the validity of one piaying with ones hands at ones side, the pioofs of its validity will not be
mentioned heie. Rathei, I will specialize anothei woik foi that. It is sufficient to know that the claim that
you will heai fiom many with iegaid to the ieasoning behind Imaam Maalik piaying with his hands at his
sides being that he was toituied shaies no poition with the tiuth. Especially since, the Imaam himself
expiessly mentioned his piefeience of piaying with his hands at his sides to his students as quoted in Al Al Al Al- -- -
Mudawwanah Mudawwanah Mudawwanah Mudawwanah of Imaam Sahnoon.
doesn`t find someone to piay behind, ieciting Al-Faatiha falls as an
obligation, |ust as one should not iecite anything in its stead. This is the
populai view in the Maliki School. Yet, theie is a minoi view that holds it to
be peimissible foi one to iecite ceitain foims of gloiification of Cod. So, in
accoidance with this second view, it is iecommended foi one to say:
Subhaan Allah wal Hamdu lillaa wa Allahu Subhaan Allah wal Hamdu lillaa wa Allahu Subhaan Allah wal Hamdu lillaa wa Allahu Subhaan Allah wal Hamdu lillaa wa Allahu Akbai wa laa h Akbai wa laa h Akbai wa laa h Akbai wa laa haula wa laa quw aula wa laa quw aula wa laa quw aula wa laa quw
wata illaa billaa wata illaa billaa wata illaa billaa wata illaa billaa (Cloiy be to (Cloiy be to (Cloiy be to (Cloiy be to Allah Allah Allah Allah. All piaise is due to . All piaise is due to . All piaise is due to . All piaise is due to Allah Allah Allah Allah. . . . Allah Allah Allah Allah is is is is
Cieatest. And theie is no might and no powei except by Cieatest. And theie is no might and no powei except by Cieatest. And theie is no might and no powei except by Cieatest. And theie is no might and no powei except by Allah Allah Allah Allah). ). ). ). This can be
said until one has fully memoiized Al-Faatiha. At that time, it is not
peimissible foi one to iecite anything in its stead.
As foi the woids of Al-Faatiha, they follow below.
Al Al Al Al- -- -hamdu lillaahi iab bil aalameen, ai iahmaa nii iaheem, maaliki yo mid hamdu lillaahi iab bil aalameen, ai iahmaa nii iaheem, maaliki yo mid hamdu lillaahi iab bil aalameen, ai iahmaa nii iaheem, maaliki yo mid hamdu lillaahi iab bil aalameen, ai iahmaa nii iaheem, maaliki yo mid
deen, iyyaaka na` budu wa iyyaaka nasta`een, ih dinas si iaw tal mus taqeem, deen, iyyaaka na` budu wa iyyaaka nasta`een, ih dinas si iaw tal mus taqeem, deen, iyyaaka na` budu wa iyyaaka nasta`een, ih dinas si iaw tal mus taqeem, deen, iyyaaka na` budu wa iyyaaka nasta`een, ih dinas si iaw tal mus taqeem,
siiaw tal ladhee siiaw tal ladhee siiaw tal ladhee siiaw tal ladheena an`amta alaihim, ghaiiil magh doobi alaihim wa lad dawl na an`amta alaihim, ghaiiil magh doobi alaihim wa lad dawl na an`amta alaihim, ghaiiil magh doobi alaihim wa lad dawl na an`amta alaihim, ghaiiil magh doobi alaihim wa lad dawl
leen. leen. leen. leen.
(All piaise is due to Allah, Ioid of the woilds, the Most Ciacious, the Most (All piaise is due to Allah, Ioid of the woilds, the Most Ciacious, the Most (All piaise is due to Allah, Ioid of the woilds, the Most Ciacious, the Most (All piaise is due to Allah, Ioid of the woilds, the Most Ciacious, the Most
Meiciful, Mastei of the Day of Judgment. You alone do we woiship, and Meiciful, Mastei of the Day of Judgment. You alone do we woiship, and Meiciful, Mastei of the Day of Judgment. You alone do we woiship, and Meiciful, Mastei of the Day of Judgment. You alone do we woiship, and
fiom You alone we beseech foi aid. Show fiom You alone we beseech foi aid. Show fiom You alone we beseech foi aid. Show fiom You alone we beseech foi aid. Show us the stiaight way, the way of us the stiaight way, the way of us the stiaight way, the way of us the stiaight way, the way of
those upon whom you have bestowed youi giace. Not of those who have those upon whom you have bestowed youi giace. Not of those who have those upon whom you have bestowed youi giace. Not of those who have those upon whom you have bestowed youi giace. Not of those who have
incuiied youi wiath. Noi of those who aie astiay.) incuiied youi wiath. Noi of those who aie astiay.) incuiied youi wiath. Noi of those who aie astiay.) incuiied youi wiath. Noi of those who aie astiay.)
Aftei saying Wa lad Dawl Ieen Wa lad Dawl Ieen Wa lad Dawl Ieen Wa lad Dawl Ieen you should say Aameen. Aameen. Aameen. Aameen. It is a phiase
that means O Allah! Respond. It is iecommended that it be said silently
(i.e. in a low voice). This is the populai opinion held in the Maaliki School,
although it is peimissible foi one to say it out loud. As foi the one leading
the piayei, he shouldn`t say it unless it is duiing one of the inaudible piayeis
wheie the iecitation of Al-Faatiha heaid.

3 33 3 - Recite any additional shoit chaptei (Suiah Suiah Suiah Suiah) of the Qui`an Qui`an Qui`an Qui`an one might
know. If not, the iecitation of the afoiementioned gloiification will suffice
until one memoiizes an additional Suiah alongside Al-Faatiha.
4 44 4 - Aftei completing the Suiah oi gloiification (dhiki), one must bow
(iukoo`) while placing the palms of the hands on the knees. Ones
countenance should be pointed to the giound, and the back should be
stiaight. In plainei teims, the body should be shaped like an inveited I.
One should say while bowing Subhaana iab bil aZeem wa bi hamdih Subhaana iab bil aZeem wa bi hamdih Subhaana iab bil aZeem wa bi hamdih Subhaana iab bil aZeem wa bi hamdih
(Cloiy and Piaise be to my Ioid, The Magnificent), (Cloiy and Piaise be to my Ioid, The Magnificent), (Cloiy and Piaise be to my Ioid, The Magnificent), (Cloiy and Piaise be to my Ioid, The Magnificent), although any othei
gloiification would suffice.
5 55 5 - Retuin to the standing position. On the way up fiom bowing (iukoo`),
one should say Sami Allahu liman hamidah Sami Allahu liman hamidah Sami Allahu liman hamidah Sami Allahu liman hamidah (Allah heais the one who (Allah heais the one who (Allah heais the one who (Allah heais the one who
piaises Him). piaises Him). piaises Him). piaises Him). This is said if one is piaying alone, oi is leading someone else
in piayei. Howevei, if one is following someone else this should not be said.
That is, only the one leading should say this. When piaying alone one should
say in addition to the pievious statement Rab banaa wa lakal Rab banaa wa lakal Rab banaa wa lakal Rab banaa wa lakal hamd hamd hamd hamd (Oui (Oui (Oui (Oui
Ioid! And foi You is all piaise). Ioid! And foi You is all piaise). Ioid! And foi You is all piaise). Ioid! And foi You is all piaise). If following someone else in piayei, one
should only say the lattei statement aftei the one leading (imaam) says the
foimei, |ust as the lattei statement shouldn`t be said if one is leading
someone else in piayei. Meaning, that one should limit oneself to saying
Sami Allahu liman hamidah. Sami Allahu liman hamidah. Sami Allahu liman hamidah. Sami Allahu liman hamidah.

It is also peimitted foi the Imam to say Aameen Aameen Aameen Aameen out loud, since theie exists sound hadiths that mention
the Piophet (pbuh) as having said Aam Aam Aam Aameen een een een until those in the iow behind him could heai him say it. The
above opinion is the standaid view taken by Maalikis.
6 66 6 - Fall piostiate to the giound. Ones foiehead and nose should touch the
giound. The hands should be paiallel with the eais with the fingeis pointing
in a foiwaid diiection (i.e. the diiection of piayei). When moving fiom the
standing position into piostiation, ones hands should touch the giound
befoie the knees. The toes of the feet should be pointing in the foiwaid
diiection while piostiating also. Not backwaid in the westeily diiection. The
aims of the male should be outspiead as if one had wings with elbows bent
in a way such that theii aims take the shape of two squaies, one on both
sides of the body.
The feet should have a small gap between them, and the
knees should not be too close to the abdominal aiea.
As foi the female, it should be the opposite. That is, the aims should not be
extended. Rathei, they should be constiicted and at hei sides. The feet
should be togethei.
It should be said while piostiating, Sub haanaka iab bee innee zalamtu Sub haanaka iab bee innee zalamtu Sub haanaka iab bee innee zalamtu Sub haanaka iab bee innee zalamtu
nafsee wa nafsee wa nafsee wa nafsee wa amiltu soo an fagh fiilee amiltu soo an fagh fiilee amiltu soo an fagh fiilee amiltu soo an fagh fiilee (Cloiy to You, My Ioid! I have suiely (Cloiy to You, My Ioid! I have suiely (Cloiy to You, My Ioid! I have suiely (Cloiy to You, My Ioid! I have suiely
wionged my soul wionged my soul wionged my soul wionged my soul and done evil, so foigive me). and done evil, so foigive me). and done evil, so foigive me). and done evil, so foigive me). Any othei gloiification will
do also.
7 77 7 - Remove head and hands fiom flooi, and assume a sitting postuie. The
palms of the hands should iest on the thighs, and the feet should be
positioned in a way that the iight foot is piopped up (toes pointing in the
diiection of piayei) and the left foot should be bent undeineath ones
bottom. The left buttock should be iesting on the flooi.

Of couise, this is if one is able to do so. If one is in a tight iank with othei people it is not an obligation to
fulfill this iecommended act. Especially since, it would cause unnecessaiy comfoit foi ones fellow biotheis
and sisteis, and it would distiact them in a way that one would not be able to focus in piayei. This might
cause fiiction between one anothei and violate the sense of biotheihood that is compulsoiy upon all
Muslims. So, one should be caieful not to abandon an obligation in oidei to peifoim something that is not
This is as long as one is able to do so. This might not be possible when one is
piaying with otheis in a tight iank. Heie, one can simply fold ones left foot
undeineath his/hei left buttock iesting the posteiioi upon it. If it is too
ciowded one may sit in a way most suitable to ones comfoit.
Duiing this sitting, one should say: Allah hum magh fiil Allah hum magh fiil Allah hum magh fiil Allah hum magh fiilee wai hamnee wa ee wai hamnee wa ee wai hamnee wa ee wai hamnee wa
aafinee aafinee aafinee aafinee wa`fu annee wa`fu annee wa`fu annee wa`fu annee (O Allah! Foigive me, have meicy upon me, cuie me, (O Allah! Foigive me, have meicy upon me, cuie me, (O Allah! Foigive me, have meicy upon me, cuie me, (O Allah! Foigive me, have meicy upon me, cuie me,
and paidon me). and paidon me). and paidon me). and paidon me). Howevei, any othei foim of gloiification will be sufficient.
8 88 8 - Aftei sitting aftei the fiist piostiation, one piostiates a second time in
the same mannei as he/she did the fiist time while saying the same
gloiification/supplication. Step 1 to heie (step 8 i.e. end of second
piostiation) is consideied to be what is known as a complete iak`at iak`at iak`at iak`at oi unit of
piayei. A piayei may be compiised of 1, 2, 3, oi 4 units (iak`aat). (iak`aat). (iak`aat). (iak`aat).
9 99 9 - Retuin to standing position, and iepeat the same sequence of actions
pieviously mentioned.
10 10 10 10 - Instead of standing aftei the second piostiation, this time one sits to
iecite what is known as the tashahhud tashahhud tashahhud tashahhud (testimonial piayei). Its woids aie as
At tahiyyaatu lil laa hiz zaakiyaatu lil laa hit tayyibaatus salawaatu lil laa. At tahiyyaatu lil laa hiz zaakiyaatu lil laa hit tayyibaatus salawaatu lil laa. At tahiyyaatu lil laa hiz zaakiyaatu lil laa hit tayyibaatus salawaatu lil laa. At tahiyyaatu lil laa hiz zaakiyaatu lil laa hit tayyibaatus salawaatu lil laa.
As salaamu alaika ai yuhan nabiyyu wa iah mat Allahi wa baiakaatu. As As salaamu alaika ai yuhan nabiyyu wa iah mat Allahi wa baiakaatu. As As salaamu alaika ai yuhan nabiyyu wa iah mat Allahi wa baiakaatu. As As salaamu alaika ai yuhan nabiyyu wa iah mat Allahi wa baiakaatu. As
salaamu alainaa wa alaa ibaa dillaa his saaliheen. Ash hadu al laa ilaaha il salaamu alainaa wa alaa ibaa dillaa his saaliheen. Ash hadu al laa ilaaha il salaamu alainaa wa alaa ibaa dillaa his saaliheen. Ash hadu al laa ilaaha il salaamu alainaa wa alaa ibaa dillaa his saaliheen. Ash hadu al laa ilaaha il
Allah. Wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa iasooluh. Allah. Wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa iasooluh. Allah. Wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa iasooluh. Allah. Wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa iasooluh.
(All salutations aie foi (All salutations aie foi (All salutations aie foi (All salutations aie foi Allah Allah Allah Allah. All puie things aie foi . All puie things aie foi . All puie things aie foi . All puie things aie foi Allah Allah Allah Allah. All good things . All good things . All good things . All good things
aie foi aie foi aie foi aie foi Allah Allah Allah Allah. Peace be upon you, O Piophet! And . Peace be upon you, O Piophet! And . Peace be upon you, O Piophet! And . Peace be upon you, O Piophet! And Allah` Allah` Allah` Allah`s meicy and s meicy and s meicy and s meicy and
blessings. Peace be upon us, and upon blessings. Peace be upon us, and upon blessings. Peace be upon us, and upon blessings. Peace be upon us, and upon Allah`s Allah`s Allah`s Allah`s iighte iighte iighte iighteous slaves. I testify that ous slaves. I testify that ous slaves. I testify that ous slaves. I testify that
theie is no deity othei than theie is no deity othei than theie is no deity othei than theie is no deity othei than Allah Allah Allah Allah. And I testify that . And I testify that . And I testify that . And I testify that Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad is His slave is His slave is His slave is His slave
and His messengei.) and His messengei.) and His messengei.) and His messengei.)
While sitting one places theii left hand on theii left thigh with fingeis
sepaiated, and the fingeis of the iight hand should be clasped in a fist in
such a mannei that the left side of the index fingei is closest to the face, and
the knuckles aie facing the iight side of the body. One should move the
index fingei fiom iight to left until he has completed the iecitation of the
tashahhud and whatevei follows it. This goes foi the fiist and last sittings.
11 11 11 11 - If the piayei being peifoimed is one that consists of only two units
(iak`aat), one may add any additional supplications aftei the tashahhud; |ust
as it is peimissible to confine ones final piayei to the afoiementioned
tashahhud, then pioceed to exit the piayei. The way to do this is to say the
woids As As As As- -- -Salaamu alaikum Salaamu alaikum Salaamu alaikum Salaamu alaikum (Peace be unto all (Peace be unto all (Peace be unto all (Peace be unto all of you) of you) of you) of you) while tuining the
head to the iight shouldei, the measuie of appioximately a 45 degiee angle.

[ [ [ [Note Note Note Note: If one is being lead in piayei, his/oi hei depaituie fiom it would : If one is being lead in piayei, his/oi hei depaituie fiom it would : If one is being lead in piayei, his/oi hei depaituie fiom it would : If one is being lead in piayei, his/oi hei depaituie fiom it would
diffei fiom that of the one leading. As foi the diffei fiom that of the one leading. As foi the diffei fiom that of the one leading. As foi the diffei fiom that of the one leading. As foi the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam (leadei), he exits the (leadei), he exits the (leadei), he exits the (leadei), he exits the
piayei by tuining his head to the iight and saying piayei by tuining his head to the iight and saying piayei by tuining his head to the iight and saying piayei by tuining his head to the iight and saying As As As As- -- -Salaamu alaikum. Salaamu alaikum. Salaamu alaikum. Salaamu alaikum.
As foi the followe As foi the followe As foi the followe As foi the followei, he oi she is to give salaams (i.e. say i, he oi she is to give salaams (i.e. say i, he oi she is to give salaams (i.e. say i, he oi she is to give salaams (i.e. say as as as as- -- -salaamu salaamu salaamu salaamu
alaikum) alaikum) alaikum) alaikum) once to the iight, once to the once to the iight, once to the once to the iight, once to the once to the iight, once to the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam in fiont of him/hei, and in fiont of him/hei, and in fiont of him/hei, and in fiont of him/hei, and
once to the peison on ones left side if theie is one.j once to the peison on ones left side if theie is one.j once to the peison on ones left side if theie is one.j once to the peison on ones left side if theie is one.j

Howevei, if the piayei happens to consist of moie than two units, one
stands, aftei the completion of the fiist tashahhud, foi the thiid iak`at (unit)
oi fouith if the piayei consists of foui units. If the piayei is one unit, one
obviously iemains seated aftei completing the second piostiation, then exits
fiom the piay with the tasleemah tasleemah tasleemah tasleemah (i.e. to say as-salaamu alaikum).
When the piayei exceeding two units is an audible piayei, the consecutive
unit/units aie said silently.
Upon completing the final unit (iak`at) of the piayei exceeding two units,
one sits again to iecite the tashahhud, and any additional supplication
sending piaises and salutations upon the Piophet - peace be upon him -
befoie exiting the piayei in the customaiy fashion. Howevei, it is
iecommended to say the following aftei ieciting the tashahhud:
wa ash h wa ash h wa ash h wa ash hadu annal ladhee |aa adu annal ladhee |aa adu annal ladhee |aa adu annal ladhee |aa- -- -a bihee Muhammadun haq qun, wa annal a bihee Muhammadun haq qun, wa annal a bihee Muhammadun haq qun, wa annal a bihee Muhammadun haq qun, wa annal
|annata haq qun wa annan naaia haq qun, wa annas saa`ata aatiyatun laa |annata haq qun wa annan naaia haq qun, wa annas saa`ata aatiyatun laa |annata haq qun wa annan naaia haq qun, wa annas saa`ata aatiyatun laa |annata haq qun wa annan naaia haq qun, wa annas saa`ata aatiyatun laa
iaiba feehaa wa an Allaha yab`athu man fil qabooi. Allahumma salli alaa iaiba feehaa wa an Allaha yab`athu man fil qabooi. Allahumma salli alaa iaiba feehaa wa an Allaha yab`athu man fil qabooi. Allahumma salli alaa iaiba feehaa wa an Allaha yab`athu man fil qabooi. Allahumma salli alaa
Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sallaita a Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sallaita a Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sallaita a Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sallaita alaa Ibiaaheem laa Ibiaaheem laa Ibiaaheem laa Ibiaaheem
wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem, wa baaiik alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem, wa baaiik alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem, wa baaiik alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem, wa baaiik alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali
Muhammadin, kamaa baaiakta alaa Ibiaaheem wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem, fil Muhammadin, kamaa baaiakta alaa Ibiaaheem wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem, fil Muhammadin, kamaa baaiakta alaa Ibiaaheem wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem, fil Muhammadin, kamaa baaiakta alaa Ibiaaheem wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem, fil
aalameen, innaka Hameedun Ma|eed. aalameen, innaka Hameedun Ma|eed. aalameen, innaka Hameedun Ma|eed. aalameen, innaka Hameedun Ma|eed.
(And I testify that what (And I testify that what (And I testify that what (And I testify that what Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad came with is tiue, and that came with is tiue, and that came with is tiue, and that came with is tiue, and that
Paiadi Paiadi Paiadi Paiadise/Heaven is tiue, and Hell is tiue, and the Houi is coming se/Heaven is tiue, and Hell is tiue, and the Houi is coming se/Heaven is tiue, and Hell is tiue, and the Houi is coming se/Heaven is tiue, and Hell is tiue, and the Houi is coming - -- - theie`s theie`s theie`s theie`s
no doubt about it, and that no doubt about it, and that no doubt about it, and that no doubt about it, and that Allah Allah Allah Allah will iaise those who aie in the giaves. O will iaise those who aie in the giaves. O will iaise those who aie in the giaves. O will iaise those who aie in the giaves. O
Allah Allah Allah Allah! Send piayeis upon ! Send piayeis upon ! Send piayeis upon ! Send piayeis upon Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad, and on the family of , and on the family of , and on the family of , and on the family of Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad,
|ust as you sent piayeis upon Abiaham and on |ust as you sent piayeis upon Abiaham and on |ust as you sent piayeis upon Abiaham and on |ust as you sent piayeis upon Abiaham and on the family of Abiaham. And the family of Abiaham. And the family of Abiaham. And the family of Abiaham. And
bless bless bless bless Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad and the family of and the family of and the family of and the family of Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, like you blessed Abiaham like you blessed Abiaham like you blessed Abiaham like you blessed Abiaham
and the family of Abiaham. With all the cieation you aie Woithy of Piaise, and the family of Abiaham. With all the cieation you aie Woithy of Piaise, and the family of Abiaham. With all the cieation you aie Woithy of Piaise, and the family of Abiaham. With all the cieation you aie Woithy of Piaise,
Magnanimous.) Magnanimous.) Magnanimous.) Magnanimous.)


Allahumma salli alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, wai Allahumma salli alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, wai Allahumma salli alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, wai Allahumma salli alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, wai ham ham ham ham
Muhammadan wa aala Muhammadin, wa baaiik alaa Muhammadin wa Muhammadan wa aala Muhammadin, wa baaiik alaa Muhammadin wa Muhammadan wa aala Muhammadin, wa baaiik alaa Muhammadin wa Muhammadan wa aala Muhammadin, wa baaiik alaa Muhammadin wa
alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sallaita wa iahimta wa baaiakta alaa alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sallaita wa iahimta wa baaiakta alaa alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sallaita wa iahimta wa baaiakta alaa alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sallaita wa iahimta wa baaiakta alaa
Ibiaaheem wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem fil aalameen innaka Hameedun Ibiaaheem wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem fil aalameen innaka Hameedun Ibiaaheem wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem fil aalameen innaka Hameedun Ibiaaheem wa alaa aali Ibiaaheem fil aalameen innaka Hameedun
Ma|eed. Ma|eed. Ma|eed. Ma|eed.
Allahumma salli alaa malaa Allahumma salli alaa malaa Allahumma salli alaa malaa Allahumma salli alaa malaa- -- -ikatika wal muqaiiabe ikatika wal muqaiiabe ikatika wal muqaiiabe ikatika wal muqaiiabeen wa alaa anbiyaa en wa alaa anbiyaa en wa alaa anbiyaa en wa alaa anbiyaa- -- -ika ika ika ika
wal muisaleen wa alaa ahli taa`atika a|ma`een. wal muisaleen wa alaa ahli taa`atika a|ma`een. wal muisaleen wa alaa ahli taa`atika a|ma`een. wal muisaleen wa alaa ahli taa`atika a|ma`een.
Allahum maghfiilee wa li waalidayya wa li a Allahum maghfiilee wa li waalidayya wa li a Allahum maghfiilee wa li waalidayya wa li a Allahum maghfiilee wa li waalidayya wa li a- -- -immatinaa wa liman sabaqanaa immatinaa wa liman sabaqanaa immatinaa wa liman sabaqanaa immatinaa wa liman sabaqanaa
fil eemaan maghfi iatan azmah. fil eemaan maghfi iatan azmah. fil eemaan maghfi iatan azmah. fil eemaan maghfi iatan azmah.
Allahumma innee as aluka min kulli khaiiin sa alaka minhu Muhammadun Allahumma innee as aluka min kulli khaiiin sa alaka minhu Muhammadun Allahumma innee as aluka min kulli khaiiin sa alaka minhu Muhammadun Allahumma innee as aluka min kulli khaiiin sa alaka minhu Muhammadun
nabiyyuk nabiyyuk nabiyyuk nabiyyuk, wa a`oodhu bika min kulli shaiiin sa alaka minhu Muhammadun , wa a`oodhu bika min kulli shaiiin sa alaka minhu Muhammadun , wa a`oodhu bika min kulli shaiiin sa alaka minhu Muhammadun , wa a`oodhu bika min kulli shaiiin sa alaka minhu Muhammadun
nabiyyuk. nabiyyuk. nabiyyuk. nabiyyuk.
Allahum maghfii lanaa maa qaddamnaa wa maa akh khainaa wa maa Allahum maghfii lanaa maa qaddamnaa wa maa akh khainaa wa maa Allahum maghfii lanaa maa qaddamnaa wa maa akh khainaa wa maa Allahum maghfii lanaa maa qaddamnaa wa maa akh khainaa wa maa
aalannaa wa maa asiainaa wa maa anta aalamu bihi minnaa. aalannaa wa maa asiainaa wa maa anta aalamu bihi minnaa. aalannaa wa maa asiainaa wa maa anta aalamu bihi minnaa. aalannaa wa maa asiainaa wa maa anta aalamu bihi minnaa.
Rabbanaa aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanah wa fil aakhiiati hasanah Rabbanaa aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanah wa fil aakhiiati hasanah Rabbanaa aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanah wa fil aakhiiati hasanah Rabbanaa aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanah wa fil aakhiiati hasanah wa qinaa wa qinaa wa qinaa wa qinaa
adhaaban naai. adhaaban naai. adhaaban naai. adhaaban naai.
Wa a`oodhu bika min fitna til mahyaa wal mamaat, wa fitna til adhaabil Wa a`oodhu bika min fitna til mahyaa wal mamaat, wa fitna til adhaabil Wa a`oodhu bika min fitna til mahyaa wal mamaat, wa fitna til adhaabil Wa a`oodhu bika min fitna til mahyaa wal mamaat, wa fitna til adhaabil
qabi wa fitna til masee hid da||aal wa min adhaabin naai wa soo il maseei. qabi wa fitna til masee hid da||aal wa min adhaabin naai wa soo il maseei. qabi wa fitna til masee hid da||aal wa min adhaabin naai wa soo il maseei. qabi wa fitna til masee hid da||aal wa min adhaabin naai wa soo il maseei.
As salaamu alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa iahmat Allahi wa baiakaatu, was As salaamu alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa iahmat Allahi wa baiakaatu, was As salaamu alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa iahmat Allahi wa baiakaatu, was As salaamu alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa iahmat Allahi wa baiakaatu, was
salaamu ala salaamu ala salaamu ala salaamu alainaa wa alaa ibaadillaahis saaliheen. inaa wa alaa ibaadillaahis saaliheen. inaa wa alaa ibaadillaahis saaliheen. inaa wa alaa ibaadillaahis saaliheen.

(O (O (O (O Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah! Send piayeis upon Send piayeis upon Send piayeis upon Send piayeis upon Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad and the on the family of and the on the family of and the on the family of and the on the family of
Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad. Have meicy upon . Have meicy upon . Have meicy upon . Have meicy upon Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad and on the family of and on the family of and on the family of and on the family of
Muhammad. Muhammad. Muhammad. Muhammad. Bless Bless Bless Bless Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad and the family of and the family of and the family of and the family of Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, like you sent like you sent like you sent like you sent
piayeis, showed meicy, and b piayeis, showed meicy, and b piayeis, showed meicy, and b piayeis, showed meicy, and blessed Abiaham and the family of Abiaham. lessed Abiaham and the family of Abiaham. lessed Abiaham and the family of Abiaham. lessed Abiaham and the family of Abiaham.
With all the cieation you aie Woithy of Piaise, Magnanimous. With all the cieation you aie Woithy of Piaise, Magnanimous. With all the cieation you aie Woithy of Piaise, Magnanimous. With all the cieation you aie Woithy of Piaise, Magnanimous.
O O O O Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah! Send piayeis upon youi angels and those diawn neai (to you), and Send piayeis upon youi angels and those diawn neai (to you), and Send piayeis upon youi angels and those diawn neai (to you), and Send piayeis upon youi angels and those diawn neai (to you), and
on youi piophets and those sent, and on all the people who constantly obey on youi piophets and those sent, and on all the people who constantly obey on youi piophets and those sent, and on all the people who constantly obey on youi piophets and those sent, and on all the people who constantly obey
you you you you. . . .
O O O O Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah! Foigive me, my paients, oui leadeis, and all who pieceded us in Foigive me, my paients, oui leadeis, and all who pieceded us in Foigive me, my paients, oui leadeis, and all who pieceded us in Foigive me, my paients, oui leadeis, and all who pieceded us in
faith a paidon iesolved. faith a paidon iesolved. faith a paidon iesolved. faith a paidon iesolved.
O O O O Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah! I ask of you all good that I ask of you all good that I ask of you all good that I ask of you all good that Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad asked of You, and I take asked of You, and I take asked of You, and I take asked of You, and I take
iefuge with you fiom all evil iefuge with you fiom all evil iefuge with you fiom all evil iefuge with you fiom all evil Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad took iefuge with You fiom it. took iefuge with You fiom it. took iefuge with You fiom it. took iefuge with You fiom it.
O O O O Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah! Foigi Foigi Foigi Foigive us what we have set foith, what have not yet committed, ve us what we have set foith, what have not yet committed, ve us what we have set foith, what have not yet committed, ve us what we have set foith, what have not yet committed,
what we have done openly, what we have done secietly, and what you aie what we have done openly, what we have done secietly, and what you aie what we have done openly, what we have done secietly, and what you aie what we have done openly, what we have done secietly, and what you aie
moie acquainted with it than we aie. moie acquainted with it than we aie. moie acquainted with it than we aie. moie acquainted with it than we aie.
Oui Ioid! Cive us good in the woild, and good in the Heieaftei, and shield Oui Ioid! Cive us good in the woild, and good in the Heieaftei, and shield Oui Ioid! Cive us good in the woild, and good in the Heieaftei, and shield Oui Ioid! Cive us good in the woild, and good in the Heieaftei, and shield
us fiom the us fiom the us fiom the us fiom the Fiie. Fiie. Fiie. Fiie.
And I take iefuge with you fiom the tiial of life and death, fiom the tiial of And I take iefuge with you fiom the tiial of life and death, fiom the tiial of And I take iefuge with you fiom the tiial of life and death, fiom the tiial of And I take iefuge with you fiom the tiial of life and death, fiom the tiial of
the chastisement of the giave, the tiial of the Anti the chastisement of the giave, the tiial of the Anti the chastisement of the giave, the tiial of the Anti the chastisement of the giave, the tiial of the Anti- -- -Chiist, and fiom an evil Chiist, and fiom an evil Chiist, and fiom an evil Chiist, and fiom an evil
outcome. outcome. outcome. outcome.
I testify that theie is no deity othei than I testify that theie is no deity othei than I testify that theie is no deity othei than I testify that theie is no deity othei than Allah Allah Allah Allah, and I testify that , and I testify that , and I testify that , and I testify that Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad
is is is is His slave and His messengei.) His slave and His messengei.) His slave and His messengei.) His slave and His messengei.)

The Obligatoiy Piayeis, Theii Names, and Times: The Obligatoiy Piayeis, Theii Names, and Times: The Obligatoiy Piayeis, Theii Names, and Times: The Obligatoiy Piayeis, Theii Names, and Times:

The obligatoiy piayeis aie five in numbei. Some of them aie peifoimed
duiing the daylight houis while otheis aie peifoimed at night. Some of them
aie peifoimed audibly, some inaudibly, while otheis aie paitly audible,
paitly inaudible. What we mean by the piayei being audible is foi Al-
Faatiha and the subsequent Suiah to be iecited aloud. We mean by the
piayei being inaudible the opposite. As foi it being paitly audible and paitly
inaudible, we mean that Al-Faatiha and the Suiah aie iecited aloud in some
units (iakats), and not iecited aloud in otheis. The obligatoiy piayeis in the
oidei that they occui within a 24 houi peiiod aie as listed below.

1 11 1 - Subh: Subh: Subh: Subh: The Dawn Piayei. Known as Fa|i Fa|i Fa|i Fa|i in the ciicles of most Muslims.
Fa|i is a sepaiate voluntaiy piayei in the |uiispiudence of the Maliki school
peifoimed befoie Subh, although within the lattei`s timefiame. That time
being at the fiist bieak of dawn while it is still daik befoie the sun bieaks the
hoiizon. Once the sun bieaks thiough the hoiizon, the time foi Subh has
elapsed. Hence, it is not peimissible foi one to peifoim any piayei at that
time until the sun has completely iisen.

2 2 2 2 - Zuhi: Zuhi: Zuhi: Zuhi: The Midday Piayei. That is, aftei the sun has passed its midway
passage (meiidian) and begins its decline in the westein poition of the sky.
Its time extends until the time foi the next piayei.
3 33 3 - Asi: Asi: Asi: Asi: The Afteinoon Piayei. The time foi this piayei extends until
sunset, anothei time at which piayeis aie piohibited until the sun has
completely set.
4 44 4 - Maghiib: Maghiib: Maghiib: Maghiib: The Sunset Piayei. Aftei the sun has completely set, this
piayei becomes obligatoiy. Theie is enoimous emphasis with iegaid to
peifoiming this piayei as soon as its time enteis. Its meiits aie achieved by
peifoiming it at its eailiest time. The latei one waits to peifoim it, the moie
disliked/undesiiable it is to piay it, although it would iemain ones obligation
to do so in such a case.
5 55 5 - Ishaa: Ishaa: Ishaa: Ishaa: The Evening Piayei. Its time begins at the teimination of the time
foi the Maghiib piayei, and should be piayed befoie the fiist thiid of the
night has passed, although its time extends until the time of the dawn piayei

That is, at least, if one has alieady piayed Subh. As foi when one hasn`t piayed it, it may be piayed as long
as one has enough time to complete one iakat of piayei befoie the sun has completely iisen oi set. If not,
one has to wait until the descent oi ascension of the sun in complete.
Foi the times of each piayei, one should check with one of the local
mosques to obtain a piayei schedule, oi should leain how to deteimine
them foi ones self thiough attending one of the sessions dealing with the
|uiispiudence of woiship (fiqh al-ibaadaat) that aie piesented at the Quba Quba Quba Quba
Institute Institute Institute Institute oi wheievei else they might be offeied.

The Obligatoiy Piayeis and the Theii Numbei of Units: The Obligatoiy Piayeis and the Theii Numbei of Units: The Obligatoiy Piayeis and the Theii Numbei of Units: The Obligatoiy Piayeis and the Theii Numbei of Units:

1 11 1 - Subh Subh Subh Subh = 2 units (iak`aat).
2 22 2 - Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi = 4 units.
3 33 3 - Asi Asi Asi Asi = 4 units.
4 44 4 - Maghiib Maghiib Maghiib Maghiib = 3 units.
5 55 5 - Ishaa Ishaa Ishaa Ishaa = 4 units.

[ [[ [Note Note Note Note: The shoitest of the obligatoiy piayeis : The shoitest of the obligatoiy piayeis : The shoitest of the obligatoiy piayeis : The shoitest of the obligatoiy piayeis is 2 units. It is a iule that one is 2 units. It is a iule that one is 2 units. It is a iule that one is 2 units. It is a iule that one
must sit aftei the second piostiation at the end of eveiy 2 units to iecite the must sit aftei the second piostiation at the end of eveiy 2 units to iecite the must sit aftei the second piostiation at the end of eveiy 2 units to iecite the must sit aftei the second piostiation at the end of eveiy 2 units to iecite the
tashahhud tashahhud tashahhud tashahhud iegaidless of how many units the piayei may be. In the case of iegaidless of how many units the piayei may be. In the case of iegaidless of how many units the piayei may be. In the case of iegaidless of how many units the piayei may be. In the case of
Maghiib, theie is a second sitting at the end of the thiid unit. Con Maghiib, theie is a second sitting at the end of the thiid unit. Con Maghiib, theie is a second sitting at the end of the thiid unit. Con Maghiib, theie is a second sitting at the end of the thiid unit. Contiaiy to tiaiy to tiaiy to tiaiy to
the case of the othei piayeis wheie the second sitting occuis at the end of the case of the othei piayeis wheie the second sitting occuis at the end of the case of the othei piayeis wheie the second sitting occuis at the end of the case of the othei piayeis wheie the second sitting occuis at the end of
the fouith unit in accoidance with the afoiementioned iule stating that the fouith unit in accoidance with the afoiementioned iule stating that the fouith unit in accoidance with the afoiementioned iule stating that the fouith unit in accoidance with the afoiementioned iule stating that
theie is a sitting foi the theie is a sitting foi the theie is a sitting foi the theie is a sitting foi the tashahhud tashahhud tashahhud tashahhud at the teimination of eveiy two units at the teimination of eveiy two units at the teimination of eveiy two units at the teimination of eveiy two units
(iak`aat) (iak`aat) (iak`aat) (iak`aat).j .j .j .j

The Aud The Aud The Aud The Audible Piayeis and The Inaudible: ible Piayeis and The Inaudible: ible Piayeis and The Inaudible: ible Piayeis and The Inaudible:

1 11 1 - Subh Subh Subh Subh is an audible piayei. Meaning, that the iecitation of the Al-Faatiha
and anothei Suiah is iecited aloud in both iakats. In addition to this, it is
iecommended that one iecite what is called Du`aa al Du`aa al Du`aa al Du`aa al- -- -qunoot qunoot qunoot qunoot once iecitation
has been teiminated at the end of the second iak`at (unit). It is piefeiable to
do it befoie one changes to the position of bowing (iukoo`), although it is
peimissible to iecite it aftei iising fiom iukoo` befoie moving to the position
of piostiation. The woids of al-qunoot aie as follows:

Allahumma innaa nasta`eenuka wa nastagh fiiuk, wa numinu bika wa Allahumma innaa nasta`eenuka wa nastagh fiiuk, wa numinu bika wa Allahumma innaa nasta`eenuka wa nastagh fiiuk, wa numinu bika wa Allahumma innaa nasta`eenuka wa nastagh fiiuk, wa numinu bika wa
natawakkalu alaik, wa nakh na`u laka wa nakh la`u, wa natiuku man natawakkalu alaik, wa nakh na`u laka wa nakh la`u, wa natiuku man natawakkalu alaik, wa nakh na`u laka wa nakh la`u, wa natiuku man natawakkalu alaik, wa nakh na`u laka wa nakh la`u, wa natiuku man
yakfuiuk. yakfuiuk. yakfuiuk. yakfuiuk.
Allahumma iyyaaka na`bud, wa laka nusallee wa nas|ud, ilaika nas`aa Allahumma iyyaaka na`bud, wa laka nusallee wa nas|ud, ilaika nas`aa Allahumma iyyaaka na`bud, wa laka nusallee wa nas|ud, ilaika nas`aa Allahumma iyyaaka na`bud, wa laka nusallee wa nas|ud, ilaika nas`aa wa nah wa nah wa nah wa nah
fid, nai|oo iahma taka wa nakhaafu adhaabak. Inna adhaabaka bil fid, nai|oo iahma taka wa nakhaafu adhaabak. Inna adhaabaka bil fid, nai|oo iahma taka wa nakhaafu adhaabak. Inna adhaabaka bil fid, nai|oo iahma taka wa nakhaafu adhaabak. Inna adhaabaka bil
kaafiieena mulhiq. kaafiieena mulhiq. kaafiieena mulhiq. kaafiieena mulhiq.

(O (O (O (O Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah! Veiily, we seek youi aid, and foigiveness. We believe in you, and Veiily, we seek youi aid, and foigiveness. We believe in you, and Veiily, we seek youi aid, and foigiveness. We believe in you, and Veiily, we seek youi aid, and foigiveness. We believe in you, and
depend upon you. We yield to you, and give up. We ienounce he who is depend upon you. We yield to you, and give up. We ienounce he who is depend upon you. We yield to you, and give up. We ienounce he who is depend upon you. We yield to you, and give up. We ienounce he who is
ungiateful to yo ungiateful to yo ungiateful to yo ungiateful to you. O u. O u. O u. O Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah! Only You do we woiship, and to You we piay Only You do we woiship, and to You we piay Only You do we woiship, and to You we piay Only You do we woiship, and to You we piay
and piostiate. To You we aspiie, and hasten (in action). We hope foi Youi and piostiate. To You we aspiie, and hasten (in action). We hope foi Youi and piostiate. To You we aspiie, and hasten (in action). We hope foi Youi and piostiate. To You we aspiie, and hasten (in action). We hope foi Youi
meicy, and we feai Youi chastisement. Veiily, Youi chastisement will meicy, and we feai Youi chastisement. Veiily, Youi chastisement will meicy, and we feai Youi chastisement. Veiily, Youi chastisement will meicy, and we feai Youi chastisement. Veiily, Youi chastisement will
oveitake ie|ecteis of faith.) oveitake ie|ecteis of faith.) oveitake ie|ecteis of faith.) oveitake ie|ecteis of faith.)

Du`aa al-Qunoot should be iecited inaudibly, and without iaising ones

2 22 2 - Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi is totally inaudible with the exception of the takbeeis takbeeis takbeeis takbeeis (i.e. to say
Allahu Akbai befoie each motion), the concluding salaam, etc.
3 33 3 - Asi Asi Asi Asi is also inaudible. It is exactly identical to Zuhi in its peifoimance
with the exception of ceitain iecommended suiahs to be iecited.
4 44 4 - Maghiib Maghiib Maghiib Maghiib is paitly audible, and paitly inaudible. The fiist two units aie
audible. As foi the last unit, it is inaudible.
5 55 5 - Ishaa Ishaa Ishaa Ishaa is also paitly audible, and paitly inaudible. The fiist two units aie
audible. The last two aie inaudible.

Piayei in Congiegation: Piayei in Congiegation: Piayei in Congiegation: Piayei in Congiegation:

The Piophet of Islam - may Allah Allah Allah Allah bless him and giant him peace - placed
gieat emphasis on piayei in congiegation at the mosque. Piophetic
tiaditions (hadiths) point out the supeiioiity of piaying in congiegation so
much so that its iewaids aie at least 25 times moie meiitoiious than ones
piayei alone in ones home (i.e. with iegaid to men). As foi women, piayei
in theii homes aie moie meiitoiious, although theie is no ob|ection to them
attending congiegational piayeis at mosques as long as they obseive the
piopei conduct of the mosque. That is, not weaiing stiong peifumes, oi any
kind of clothing (e.g. tight, oi see-thiough) that might distiact piaying men.
It is exactly because of this feaied distiaction that it is disliked foi young
attiactive women to attend congiegational piayeis with the exception of the
two iecommended holiday piayeis (Salaat al (Salaat al (Salaat al (Salaat al- -- -Eedain). Eedain). Eedain). Eedain).
What has been customaiy foi Muslims is to piay all congiegational piayeis
at theii eailiest times in mosques. This is so, even though it is peimissible foi
one to piay up to the beginning of the times foi each iespective consecutive
piayei. The ieason foi peifoiming piayeis at theii eailiest times is in light of
the piophetic tiaditions mentioning that piayeis peifoimed thus aie most
In the Maaliki school of |uiispiudence this is the case with iegaid to both the
dawn (Subh) and sunset (Maghiib) piayeis. That is that they should be
piayed as soon as theii times entei iegaidless of whethei oi not a
congiegation has foimed. If one happens to go to the mosque aftei that and
finds a congiegation being peifoimed, one should iepeat the piayei in
congiegation. This goes foi all piayeis with the exception of Maghiib, which
one should not iepeat in congiegation if one has alieady peifoimed it alone.
As foi Zuhi and Asi piayeis, it is bettei to delay them if one knows that the
congiegation will be peifoiming them latei than the time that they entei. If
theie is no congiegation, it is bettei to piay them at theii eailiest times
In the case of Ishaa, it is bettei to delay its peifoimance until the last
poition of the fiist thiid of the night foi those who aie able to do so. The
night begins at sunset.

In addition to what has been mentioned above, it is iecommended foi
someone fiom the piaying congiegation to iecite the Fiist Call to Piayei
(Al (Al (Al (Al- -- -Adhaan) Adhaan) Adhaan) Adhaan) once the time foi piayei has enteied. The puipose of it is to
indicate that the time foi piayei has enteied, as well as to call otheis to the
mas|id in oidei to piay. Then, immediately befoie beginning the piayei one
should iecite the Second Call to Piayei (Al (Al (Al (Al- -- -Iqaamah). Iqaamah). Iqaamah). Iqaamah). The woids of al al al al- -- -
iqaamah iqaamah iqaamah iqaamah have alieady been mentioned above. As foi al al al al- -- -adhaan adhaan adhaan adhaan, its woiding
is as follows.
(Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu allaa (Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu allaa (Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu allaa (Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu allaa
ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan iasool Allah, ash hadu anna ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan iasool Allah, ash hadu anna ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan iasool Allah, ash hadu anna ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan iasool Allah, ash hadu anna
Muhammadan iasool Allah, Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya Muhammadan iasool Allah, Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya Muhammadan iasool Allah, Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya Muhammadan iasool Allah, Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya
alal Fala alal Fala alal Fala alal Falaah, Hayya alal Falaah, Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, laa ilaaha ill ah, Hayya alal Falaah, Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, laa ilaaha ill ah, Hayya alal Falaah, Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, laa ilaaha ill ah, Hayya alal Falaah, Allahu Akbai, Allahu Akbai, laa ilaaha ill
Allah.) Allah.) Allah.) Allah.)
( (( (Allah Allah Allah Allah is Cieatei. is Cieatei. is Cieatei. is Cieatei. Allah Allah Allah Allah is Cieatei. I beai witness that theie is no god but is Cieatei. I beai witness that theie is no god but is Cieatei. I beai witness that theie is no god but is Cieatei. I beai witness that theie is no god but
Allah Allah Allah Allah. I beai witness that theie is no god but . I beai witness that theie is no god but . I beai witness that theie is no god but . I beai witness that theie is no god but Allah Allah Allah Allah. I beai witness that . I beai witness that . I beai witness that . I beai witness that
Muhammad is the Messengei of Muhammad is the Messengei of Muhammad is the Messengei of Muhammad is the Messengei of A AA Allah llah llah llah. I beai witness that Muhammad is . I beai witness that Muhammad is . I beai witness that Muhammad is . I beai witness that Muhammad is
the Messengei of the Messengei of the Messengei of the Messengei of Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah. Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to Piayei. Hasten to
Piospeiity. Hasten to Piospeiity. Piospeiity. Hasten to Piospeiity. Piospeiity. Hasten to Piospeiity. Piospeiity. Hasten to Piospeiity. Allah Allah Allah Allah is Cieatei. is Cieatei. is Cieatei. is Cieatei. Allah Allah Allah Allah is Cieatei. Theie is is Cieatei. Theie is is Cieatei. Theie is is Cieatei. Theie is
no god but no god but no god but no god but Allah.) Allah.) Allah.) Allah.)

If the piayei being peifoimed is the dawn piayei (Subh), one adds aftei
saying Hayya alal Falaah Hayya alal Falaah Hayya alal Falaah Hayya alal Falaah the second time: As Salaatu khaiiun min an As Salaatu khaiiun min an As Salaatu khaiiun min an As Salaatu khaiiun min an
nawm, As Salaatu khaiiun min an nawm. nawm, As Salaatu khaiiun min an nawm. nawm, As Salaatu khaiiun min an nawm. nawm, As Salaatu khaiiun min an nawm. Then, one completes al-adhaan
as mentioned above.
It is held by Maaliki |uiists that one should iepeat the woids: ash ha ash ha ash ha ash hadu allaa du allaa du allaa du allaa
ilaah ill Allah, ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan ilaah ill Allah, ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan ilaah ill Allah, ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan ilaah ill Allah, ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan
iasool Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan iasool Allah iasool Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan iasool Allah iasool Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan iasool Allah iasool Allah, ash hadu anna Muhammadan iasool Allah twice. The fiist
time should be said in a veiy low voice. The second time it should be iecited
in a high voice.
[ [[ [Note Note Note Note 1: One is obligated to follow the 1: One is obligated to follow the 1: One is obligated to follow the 1: One is obligated to follow the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam (leadei of piayei) in all (leadei of piayei) in all (leadei of piayei) in all (leadei of piayei) in all
movements of the piayei to the extent that one does not make any motion movements of the piayei to the extent that one does not make any motion movements of the piayei to the extent that one does not make any motion movements of the piayei to the extent that one does not make any motion
befoie the befoie the befoie the befoie the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam. In the audible piayeis one should not iecite along with . In the audible piayeis one should not iecite along with . In the audible piayeis one should not iecite along with . In the audible piayeis one should not iecite along with
the the the the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam in those in those in those in those iakats iakats iakats iakats that he iecites au that he iecites au that he iecites au that he iecites audibly. One should meiely listen dibly. One should meiely listen dibly. One should meiely listen dibly. One should meiely listen
and be attentive to his iecitation. Howevei, one should iecite in all and be attentive to his iecitation. Howevei, one should iecite in all and be attentive to his iecitation. Howevei, one should iecite in all and be attentive to his iecitation. Howevei, one should iecite in all iakats iakats iakats iakats
that the that the that the that the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam iecites inaudibly, although it would not be an obligation to iecites inaudibly, although it would not be an obligation to iecites inaudibly, although it would not be an obligation to iecites inaudibly, although it would not be an obligation to
do so. do so. do so. do so.
Note Note Note Note 2: Women aie not allowed to lead othei women in piayei. No 2: Women aie not allowed to lead othei women in piayei. No 2: Women aie not allowed to lead othei women in piayei. No 2: Women aie not allowed to lead othei women in piayei. Noi aie i aie i aie i aie
they allowed to lead men in piayei. The piayei of one who piays behind the they allowed to lead men in piayei. The piayei of one who piays behind the they allowed to lead men in piayei. The piayei of one who piays behind the they allowed to lead men in piayei. The piayei of one who piays behind the
leadeiship of a woman is invalid in the school of leadeiship of a woman is invalid in the school of leadeiship of a woman is invalid in the school of leadeiship of a woman is invalid in the school of Imaam Maalik Imaam Maalik Imaam Maalik Imaam Maalik. It must be . It must be . It must be . It must be
piayed ovei. piayed ovei. piayed ovei. piayed ovei.
Note Note Note Note 3: The Fiiday Congiegational Piayei ( 3: The Fiiday Congiegational Piayei ( 3: The Fiiday Congiegational Piayei ( 3: The Fiiday Congiegational Piayei (Salaatul Salaatul Salaatul Salaatul- -- -Jumu`ah Jumu`ah Jumu`ah Jumu`ah) is anothei ) is anothei ) is anothei ) is anothei
one of the piay one of the piay one of the piay one of the piayeis that is especially compulsoiy foi men to peifoim, eis that is especially compulsoiy foi men to peifoim, eis that is especially compulsoiy foi men to peifoim, eis that is especially compulsoiy foi men to peifoim,
although women may also attend. The piayei is peifoimed at the vaiious although women may also attend. The piayei is peifoimed at the vaiious although women may also attend. The piayei is peifoimed at the vaiious although women may also attend. The piayei is peifoimed at the vaiious
local mosques at the same time that the local mosques at the same time that the local mosques at the same time that the local mosques at the same time that the Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi piayei is customaiily piayei is customaiily piayei is customaiily piayei is customaiily
peifoimed. The peifoimed. The peifoimed. The peifoimed. The Jumu`ah Jumu`ah Jumu`ah Jumu`ah piayei is an audible piayei consisting of piayei is an audible piayei consisting of piayei is an audible piayei consisting of piayei is an audible piayei consisting of 2 2 2 2 iakats iakats iakats iakats
(units) only. It takes the place of the (units) only. It takes the place of the (units) only. It takes the place of the (units) only. It takes the place of the Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi piayei foi both men and women piayei foi both men and women piayei foi both men and women piayei foi both men and women
who attend. So, one is not obligated to piay the who attend. So, one is not obligated to piay the who attend. So, one is not obligated to piay the who attend. So, one is not obligated to piay the Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi Zuhi piayei if he/she piayei if he/she piayei if he/she piayei if he/she
happens to catch the happens to catch the happens to catch the happens to catch the Jumu`ah Jumu`ah Jumu`ah Jumu`ah piayei. The piayei is also pieceded by a piayei. The piayei is also pieceded by a piayei. The piayei is also pieceded by a piayei. The piayei is also pieceded by a
seimon consisting of two pait seimon consisting of two pait seimon consisting of two pait seimon consisting of two paits duiing which one is iequiied to be attentive s duiing which one is iequiied to be attentive s duiing which one is iequiied to be attentive s duiing which one is iequiied to be attentive
to the woids of the speakei. Meaning, that one should not be holding a to the woids of the speakei. Meaning, that one should not be holding a to the woids of the speakei. Meaning, that one should not be holding a to the woids of the speakei. Meaning, that one should not be holding a
conveisation with any othei attending the seimon oi doing any othei thing conveisation with any othei attending the seimon oi doing any othei thing conveisation with any othei attending the seimon oi doing any othei thing conveisation with any othei attending the seimon oi doing any othei thing
that would diveit ones attention fiom the oiatoi`s topic of disc that would diveit ones attention fiom the oiatoi`s topic of disc that would diveit ones attention fiom the oiatoi`s topic of disc that would diveit ones attention fiom the oiatoi`s topic of discussion. ussion. ussion. ussion.
Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4: If the congiegation is moie than two people, the : If the congiegation is moie than two people, the : If the congiegation is moie than two people, the : If the congiegation is moie than two people, the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam should should should should
stand in fiont, while all the otheis should stand behind him. If theie aie only stand in fiont, while all the otheis should stand behind him. If theie aie only stand in fiont, while all the otheis should stand behind him. If theie aie only stand in fiont, while all the otheis should stand behind him. If theie aie only
two people piaying, the two people piaying, the two people piaying, the two people piaying, the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam and his followei should be in a single iank and his followei should be in a single iank and his followei should be in a single iank and his followei should be in a single iank
with the with the with the with the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam a little a little a little a little in fiont of him. If a man is leading a woman oi in fiont of him. If a man is leading a woman oi in fiont of him. If a man is leading a woman oi in fiont of him. If a man is leading a woman oi
women in piayei, they stand behind him. If the congiegation is composed of women in piayei, they stand behind him. If the congiegation is composed of women in piayei, they stand behind him. If the congiegation is composed of women in piayei, they stand behind him. If the congiegation is composed of
both gendeis and is moie than thiee people, the men stand behind the both gendeis and is moie than thiee people, the men stand behind the both gendeis and is moie than thiee people, the men stand behind the both gendeis and is moie than thiee people, the men stand behind the
Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam and the women stand behind the iank(s) of the men.j and the women stand behind the iank(s) of the men.j and the women stand behind the iank(s) of the men.j and the women stand behind the iank(s) of the men.j


Things that Nullify the Piayei: Things that Nullify the Piayei: Things that Nullify the Piayei: Things that Nullify the Piayei:

Piayei is nullified by intentionally not obseiving any of the fiist thiee
pieiequisites of piayei mentioned at the beginning of this manual while
having the capacity to do so.

They aie:
1 11 1 - Facing the appioximate diiection of piayei (qiblah/Mecca).
2 22 2 - Removing filth fiom ones peison, clothing, and place of piayei.
3 33 3 - Coveiing ones nakedness and piivate paits.

As foi the fouith of the pieiequisites, wudu, piayei is nullified foi not
obseiving it iegaidless of whethei oi not one abandoned it intentionally. It is
a piecondition that is absolutely necessaiy foi the validity of ones piayei.
Wheieas, the otheis aie only iequiied as long as one iemembeis and is able
to fulfill them.
The distinct chaiactei of wudu giants it enoimous impoitance. So it would
behoove us to compose a section dealing with those things that iendei wudu
invalid. Foi if ones wudu is invalid, one`s piayei is invalid by way of

Theie aie othei things that nullify the piayei, which I haven`t mentioned heie foi ieason of facility.
These aie not the othei things that nullify the piayei. One should enioll in a class the details the othei
nullifieis of piayei.
Things that Nullify Things that Nullify Things that Nullify Things that Nullify Wudu: Wudu: Wudu: Wudu:

The nullifieis of wudu aie sixteen in numbei as mentioned in Maaliki
|uiispiudence. They aie as follows:
1 11 1 - Uiinating.
2 22 2 - Passing gas.
3 33 3 - Continence of uiine, passing gas, pie-e|aculatoiy fluid, oi excessive
bleeding on the pait of a woman foi a peiiod beyond hei usual menstiual
cycle, oi beyond the usual inteival of post-natal bleeding. These matteis aie
all consideied nullifieis if they aie iaie occuiiences. As foi when they aie
continuous and constant, one meiely makes wudu befoie peifoiming each
piayei, and ones piayei is valid even if one is oveicome by one of these
afflictions duiing the piayei, although medical attention should be sought
foi these ailments.
4 44 4 - Defecating.
5 55 5 - Falling into a heavy sleep aftei one has peifoimed wudu.
6 66 6 - The excietion of pie-e|aculatoiy fluid (madhy). It is the seminal fluid
that comes out when one pondeis about sexual inteicouise and the like, oi
when one is playing with ones spouse. One must clean the piivate pait of
such fluid befoie making wudu. As foi the climax fluid (i.e. speim) one is
iequiied to peifoim a special bath/showei called gusl. This means that wudu
isn`t sufficient foi piayei in such a case.
7 77 7 - Intoxication.
8 88 8 - Fainting.
9 99 9 - Tempoiaiy insanity.
10 10 10 10 - The dischaige of wady wady wady wady. It is a foim of seminal fluid that usually comes
out aftei uiinating. Its mention heie by Maaliki |uiists seems to be simply to
indicate that ghusl isn`t iequiied fiom it. Rathei, all one is iequiied to do is
to clean such fluid befoie peifoiming wudu. I say this because uiination
nullifies ones wudu. So, it would seem effusive to mention wady as one of
the nullifieis as long as it appeais aftei uiinating. Unless, theie aie cases
wheie it appeais without the company of uiine.
11/12 11/12 11/12 11/12 - Expeiiencing oi seeking pleasuie thiough touching oi kissing the
opposite sex. This also goes foi the one who seeks pleasuie thiough such a
kiss oi touch, but doesn`t expeiience it.
13 13 13 13 - Enteiing the hand within the boideis of a woman`s vagina.
14 14 14 14 - Touching a man`s penis.
15 15 15 15 - Having doubt as whethei oi not one is in a state of puiity peimitting the
peifoimance of piayei. That is, doubting whethei one has wudu oi ghusl
(when iequiied) oi not.
16 16 16 16 - Apostasy. When one ie|ects Islam in woid oi belief, ones wudu is
nullified, since piayei is only valid fiom a Muslim. Wudu, being a condition
foi the validity of the piayei would make the piayei itself invalid. That`s
because the invalidity of the ioot necessitates the invalidity of what bianches
out fiom it. Such an individual is iequiied to iepent foi his/hei apostasy,
then iemake ones wudu foi the following piayei.

The Ritual Showei The Ritual Showei The Ritual Showei The Ritual Showei (Al (Al (Al (Al- -- -Chusl): Chusl): Chusl): Chusl):

Upon enteiing Islam it is iecommended foi one to peifoim what is teimed
al al al al- -- -ghusl ghusl ghusl ghusl, oi the iitual showei. This is a special foim of washing whose aim is,
as oidinaiy baths/showeis aie, to iemove any impuie substances fiom the
body that may inteifeie with the soundness of ones piayei oi othei foims of
iitual woiship wheie cleanliness is a piecondition, |ust as it is intended as a
symbol of ones adoption of the new life of puiity and faith, and ones
ielinquishing of ones past life of impuiity and infidelity.
The things necessitating the iitual showei aie as follows:
1 11 1 - The cessation of a woman`s menstiual peiiod.
2 22 2 - The cessation of post-natal bleeding.
3 33 3 - E|aculation, whethei it be the iesult of sexual inteicouise, a wet dieam,
fantasizing oi mastuibation, although mastuibation is piohibited in the
Maliki school.
4 44 4 - Penetiation oi enteiing the penis in a woman`s vagina, even if
e|aculation doesn`t occui.

If one of the above happens, one is obligated to peifoim the iitual showei
befoie peifoiming the piayei oi the like. The steps foi making the iitual
showei aie as follows:

1 11 1 - One staits with the name of Allah Allah Allah Allah by saying Bis millaa.
2 22 2 - Wash ones piivate paits being suie that all blood oi seminal fluid is
3 33 3 - Peifoim the ablution (wudu) - as one would do in piepaiation foi Salaat
(piayei) - except that one meiely washes each extiemity once. Theie is no
meiit in washing them thiee times.
4 44 4 - Repeat the washing of the haii. It should be done thiee times.
5 55 5 - Poui watei ovei the entiie body while making suie that it dampens the
skin of the entiie body. This is insuied thiough iubbing. One should stait
with ones iight side, and fiom top to bottom. One should employ a towel, oi
the like to insuie the watei is iubbed into the skin of ones back. If these tools
don`t woik one may utilize one`s spouse oi any othei family membei.

[ [ [ [Note Note Note Note: If one doesn`t do anything that would nullify ones : If one doesn`t do anything that would nullify ones : If one doesn`t do anything that would nullify ones : If one doesn`t do anything that would nullify ones wudu wudu wudu wudu duiing the duiing the duiing the duiing the
washing, it is p washing, it is p washing, it is p washing, it is peimissible to peifoim all foims of woiship with this showei. eimissible to peifoim all foims of woiship with this showei. eimissible to peifoim all foims of woiship with this showei. eimissible to peifoim all foims of woiship with this showei.
So, weie one to touch ones genitals with the palms of the hands oi tips oi So, weie one to touch ones genitals with the palms of the hands oi tips oi So, weie one to touch ones genitals with the palms of the hands oi tips oi So, weie one to touch ones genitals with the palms of the hands oi tips oi
sides of fingeis, he/she would be iequiied to ienew ones ablution sides of fingeis, he/she would be iequiied to ienew ones ablution sides of fingeis, he/she would be iequiied to ienew ones ablution sides of fingeis, he/she would be iequiied to ienew ones ablution (wudu) (wudu) (wudu) (wudu) in in in in
oidei to peifoim acts of woiship. Howevei, i oidei to peifoim acts of woiship. Howevei, i oidei to peifoim acts of woiship. Howevei, i oidei to peifoim acts of woiship. Howevei, if the same peison weie to touch f the same peison weie to touch f the same peison weie to touch f the same peison weie to touch
his/hei genitals with the back of the hand, no invalidation would occui.j his/hei genitals with the back of the hand, no invalidation would occui.j his/hei genitals with the back of the hand, no invalidation would occui.j his/hei genitals with the back of the hand, no invalidation would occui.j

[ [[ [Additional Note Additional Note Additional Note Additional Note: When one uiinates oi defecates it is compulsoiy to clean : When one uiinates oi defecates it is compulsoiy to clean : When one uiinates oi defecates it is compulsoiy to clean : When one uiinates oi defecates it is compulsoiy to clean
any iemnants of waste exiting fiom the two passageways fiom the skin oi any iemnants of waste exiting fiom the two passageways fiom the skin oi any iemnants of waste exiting fiom the two passageways fiom the skin oi any iemnants of waste exiting fiom the two passageways fiom the skin oi
cl cl cl clothing. Using watei and the customaiy toilet tissue does this. One should othing. Using watei and the customaiy toilet tissue does this. One should othing. Using watei and the customaiy toilet tissue does this. One should othing. Using watei and the customaiy toilet tissue does this. One should
be suie that no filth iemains, |ust as one is to use his/hei left hand in oidei be suie that no filth iemains, |ust as one is to use his/hei left hand in oidei be suie that no filth iemains, |ust as one is to use his/hei left hand in oidei be suie that no filth iemains, |ust as one is to use his/hei left hand in oidei
to iemove such filth.j to iemove such filth.j to iemove such filth.j to iemove such filth.j

Voluntaiy Piayeis: Voluntaiy Piayeis: Voluntaiy Piayeis: Voluntaiy Piayeis:

Once one has incoipoiated the 5 obligatoiy piayeis into ones eveiy day
ioutine, it might be in ones inteiest to do additional piayeis in oidei to give
moie weight to ones scale of deeds on the Day of Judgment, and to make up
foi any impeifection which likely will occui in one`s piayei due to ones being
diveited by thoughts unielated to the piayei.

It has also been mentioned as a position of ease that one is allowed to simply make wudoo aftei washing
the genitals, and then poui thiee buckets of watei on ones peison. Rubbing wouldn`t be necessaiy.
Of the voluntaiy piayeis aie those that aie connected with the peifoimance
of the obligatoiy piayeis, and otheis that aie not connected to theii

A AA A. Those connected to the obligatoiy piayeis
1 11 1. Fa|i Fa|i Fa|i Fa|i. These aie two inaudible units of piayei that aie highly
iecommended. They
should be piayed befoie the dawn piayei (Subh). Howevei, if one is
deteiied fiom piaying the two iakats of Fa|i due to finding the
congiegation in the mosque piaying the obligatoiy, Subh, one may piay
the Fa|i aftei completing Subh as long as the sun hasn`t bioken the
hoiizon. And if one delays Fa|i until aftei suniise, it is peimissible to
piay it up to the time of Zuhi.
2 22 2. It is desiiable that one peifoim 4 units of piayei following the noon
piayei (Zuhi).
They should be divided into 2 units each, and sepaiated by the
concluding salaam. They aie also inaudible. Some scholais iecommend
that one make 4 units befoie Zuhi also. They aie executed in the same
mannei as the 4 units following Zuhi.
3 33 3. .. . Befoie the afteinoon piayei (Asi) one can make 4 units, |ust as in the
case of Zuhi.
Except that no voluntaiy piayeis aie to made aftei the compulsoiy
afteinoon piayei.
4. 4. 4. 4. Aftei the sunset piayei (Maghiib) one can make 2 units. It is said that
six units aie


B. B. B. B. Those that aie not connected to the obligatoiy piayeis
1 11 1.Cieeting the mosque (mas|id). It is iecommended that one peifoim 2
units of piayei
upon enteiing the mas|id befoie taking a seat, although this would not be
duiing the piohibited times foi piayei.

[ [[ [Note Note Note Note: The piohibited times aie aftei : The piohibited times aie aftei : The piohibited times aie aftei : The piohibited times aie aftei Subh Subh Subh Subh once the sun bieaks the once the sun bieaks the once the sun bieaks the once the sun bieaks the
hoiizon until it has fully iisen, and aftei hoiizon until it has fully iisen, and aftei hoiizon until it has fully iisen, and aftei hoiizon until it has fully iisen, and aftei Asi Asi Asi Asi once the sun begins to set once the sun begins to set once the sun begins to set once the sun begins to set
until it has completed its descen until it has completed its descen until it has completed its descen until it has completed its descent below the hoiizon. This is the geneial t below the hoiizon. This is the geneial t below the hoiizon. This is the geneial t below the hoiizon. This is the geneial
iule that applies mainly to voluntaiy piayeis. Added to the piohibited iule that applies mainly to voluntaiy piayeis. Added to the piohibited iule that applies mainly to voluntaiy piayeis. Added to the piohibited iule that applies mainly to voluntaiy piayeis. Added to the piohibited
times is the time that the times is the time that the times is the time that the times is the time that the Imaam Imaam Imaam Imaam exits foi the exits foi the exits foi the exits foi the Jumu`ah Jumu`ah Jumu`ah Jumu`ah piayei, as well as piayei, as well as piayei, as well as piayei, as well as
duiing the seimon. Also amongst the piohibited times aie when little t duiing the seimon. Also amongst the piohibited times aie when little t duiing the seimon. Also amongst the piohibited times aie when little t duiing the seimon. Also amongst the piohibited times aie when little time ime ime ime
iemains foi one to piay a compulsoiy piayei that one hasn`t made, when iemains foi one to piay a compulsoiy piayei that one hasn`t made, when iemains foi one to piay a compulsoiy piayei that one hasn`t made, when iemains foi one to piay a compulsoiy piayei that one hasn`t made, when
one iemembeis that he/she hasn`t piayed a compulsoiy piayei whose time one iemembeis that he/she hasn`t piayed a compulsoiy piayei whose time one iemembeis that he/she hasn`t piayed a compulsoiy piayei whose time one iemembeis that he/she hasn`t piayed a compulsoiy piayei whose time
has elapsed, and when one enteis and finds the obligatoiy piayei alieady has elapsed, and when one enteis and finds the obligatoiy piayei alieady has elapsed, and when one enteis and finds the obligatoiy piayei alieady has elapsed, and when one enteis and finds the obligatoiy piayei alieady
being peifoimed oi staited.j being peifoimed oi staited.j being peifoimed oi staited.j being peifoimed oi staited.j

2. 2. 2. 2. The Foienoon Piayei (Duhaa) (Duhaa) (Duhaa) (Duhaa). This is a piayei that is peifoimed aftei
the sun has
begun its ascent aftei dawn. Its time extends until the noon piayei. The
least numbei of units it is compiised of is two, and the most is eight.
They should be peifoimed as two units at a time being sepaiated by the
concluding salaam.
3. 3. 3. 3. The Even and Odd of the Night Vigil (As (As (As (As- -- -Shaf`u wal Shaf`u wal Shaf`u wal Shaf`u wal- -- -Witi). Witi). Witi). Witi). It was
customaiy foi
the Holy Piophet - peace be upon him - to peifoim what is teimed as
the night night night night vigil, vigil, vigil, vigil, oi taha||ud taha||ud taha||ud taha||ud (also known as qiyaam al qiyaam al qiyaam al qiyaam al- -- -lail lail lail lail). Aftei
peifoiming the night piayei (Ishaa) he would ietiie to his home, and
then wake in the middle of the night in oidei to piay so much so that
sometimes his feet would ciack fiom standing so long.
He would peifoim 2 units of piayei at a time sepaiating them by the
concluding salaam. Once he had completed the numbei of units
(iakats) he felt weie sufficient in numbei he would piay a single unit
piayei teimed al al al al- -- -witi. witi. witi. witi. The even numbei of iakats aie called ash ash ash ash- -- -
shaf`. shaf`. shaf`. shaf`.
Consideiing the enoimous difficulty theie is in abandoning ones
bedside in the middle of the night in oidei to stand foi piayei, it has
also been allowed foi one to piay the night vigil aftei the night piayei
(Ishaa) befoie ietiiing. The least numbei of iakats allowed in the view
of Imaam Maalik is thiee. The fiist two iakats (ash-shaf`) aie to be
piayed sepaiately fiom the one odd iakat (al-witi).
It was the customaiy piactice of the Holy Messengei - may Allah Allah Allah Allah bless
him and giant him peace - to piay eleven iakats. In one naiiation, he
used to piay thiiteen. Despite that, he didn`t expiessly set a limit to the
numbei of iakats that one is peimitted to piay. The geneial iule is that
one is to piay two iakats at a time, and when one feais that the dawn is
about to entei, he/she should peifoim the witi piayei making the
numbei of iakats an odd numbei.
4. 4. 4. 4. It is good to make two iakats of piayei aftei making wudu.
5 55 5. Voluntaiy piayeis aie iecommended absolutely. Meaning that
whenevei one
desiies to piay a voluntaiy piayei, doing so is peimitted with exception
being made to piaying duiing the piohibited times.

[ [[ [Note Note Note Note: Voluntaiy piayeis should not exceed two units at a time.j : Voluntaiy piayeis should not exceed two units at a time.j : Voluntaiy piayeis should not exceed two units at a time.j : Voluntaiy piayeis should not exceed two units at a time.j

Diy Ablution (Tayammum) Diy Ablution (Tayammum) Diy Ablution (Tayammum) Diy Ablution (Tayammum)

No ieligion stiesses the obligatoiy natuie of piayei moie than Islam. What
lends suppoit to this claim is the fact that Islam obliges its adheients to
peifoim piayei in cases wheie even some of the ma|oi pieiequisites have
not been fulfilled. Namely, in the case wheie one cannot find watei foi the
iitual ablution (wudoo), oi out of feai of some potential haim that may
afflict an individual weie he/she to utilize oi seek out watei. When unable to
find oi use watei foi wudoo, the Divine Iawgivei (Allah) (Allah) (Allah) (Allah) has piovided foi
His seivants a legal substitute called Tayammum Tayammum Tayammum Tayammum.
Ta Ta Ta Tayammum yammum yammum yammum is an eaithly puiification (i.e. thiough the use of eaithly mattei)
consisting of the wiping of the face and hands to the elbows. Its aim is to
make peimissible all things that the nullifieis of wudoo have iendeied
impeimissible foi one to caiiy out without it (i.e. wudoo) when watei is non-
The way of peifoiming tayammum is foi one to touch puie diit, a stone, oi
the like with both hands, and then wipe the face. Next, one should touch the
ob|ect a second time, then pioceed to wipe the hands and aims up to and
including the elbows as one would do in wudoo.

[ [[ [Note Note Note Note: One should only wipe the face and aims once.j : One should only wipe the face and aims once.j : One should only wipe the face and aims once.j : One should only wipe the face and aims once.j

As foi the types of things it is peimissible to make tayammum with in the
Maaliki school, they aie any thing found on the suiface of the Eaith in its
natuial state, whethei it be sand, iocks, mud, oi diit. Such things should not
be soiled by filth.
Tayammum is a peimissible substitute foi wudoo in two cases.
1 11 1 - Absence of watei Absence of watei Absence of watei Absence of watei. This also includes when one has an insufficient
amount of diinking watei while tiaveling and the like.
2 22 2 - Feai Feai Feai Feai, in the bioad sense of the woid. That is, feai that one might become
sick fiom the use of watei (even if it`s not cold outside), feai that ones
sickness will woisen, feai that one might be haimed by someone oi
something on the way to fetch watei in a paiticulai place, etc. And the
scenaiios aie many.

As foi the fiist case, tayammum is not deemed a peimissible substitute foi
wudoo absolutely. Rathei, the peimissibility of tayammum when watei is
absent is ielative to the state of the individual. The individual may be in
eithei one of thiee diffeient states. They aie as follows.

a aa a. .. . The Hopeful The Hopeful The Hopeful The Hopeful. That is, one might be hopeful that he/she will find watei
befoie the time foi piayei has exited. In this case, one must wait until
the latest time foi the piayei befoie its time elapses. If one finds
watei, they should make wudoo and piay. If they don`t, they should
make tayammum with clean diit, a iock, and the like, and then piay.

b bb b. .. . The Despondent The Despondent The Despondent The Despondent. As foi the one who has given up hope that they will
find watei even weie he/she to wait until the end of the piayei time, it
is peimissible foi them to make tayammum at the eailiest time of the
piayei then piay.

c cc c. .. . The Iiiesolute The Iiiesolute The Iiiesolute The Iiiesolute. The one who isn`t ceitain about finding watei oi not
finding it befoie the time foi the piayei elapses should wait until half
of the piayei`s time has elapsed then piay with tayammum.

Tayammum is valid foi all things peimitted by wudoo, such as the obligatoiy
and voluntaiy piayeis. An exception is made with iegaid to Jumu`ah piayei
wheie tayammum does not iepiesent a substitute foi watei in the case of the
healthy iesident. That is, one is iequiied to make wudoo foi Jumu`ah piayei
accoiding to the ma|oiity of Maaliki |uiists.
The same things that iendei wudoo invalid also iendei ones tayammum
invalid. Howevei, was one to find watei befoie piaying aftei peifoiming
tayammum the lattei would be iendeied invalid. On the othei hand, if one
weie to find watei aftei completing the piayei it would be iecommended to
iepeat the piayei as long as its time hasn`t elapsed. What is meant by time in
this instance is what is known as the Shaied Times Shaied Times Shaied Times Shaied Times between the piayeis.
That would be foi Zuhi, fiom the beginning of its time until the end of Asi
at sunset. As foi Maghiib, its time would be consideied fiom sunset until
dawn. Be caieful that one doesn`t confuse this with the times pieviously
mentioned iegaiding the times in which it is allowable foi one to peifoim
the piayei. As foi these times, they aie the times foi which it is peimitted foi
one to make up piayeis when iepeating them is consideied a iecommended

[Note: The peimissibility of [Note: The peimissibility of [Note: The peimissibility of [Note: The peimissibility of tayammum tayammum tayammum tayammum extends to both extends to both extends to both extends to both wudoo wudoo wudoo wudoo and and and and ghusl ghusl ghusl ghusl.j .j .j .j

Wiping Ovei the Ieathei Sock Wiping Ovei the Ieathei Sock Wiping Ovei the Ieathei Sock Wiping Ovei the Ieathei Sock (Khuff) (Khuff) (Khuff) (Khuff)

The Aiabs weie known foi weaiing a leathei sock called a Khuff. It was
woin to piotect theii feet fiom any haimful matteis, namely, the cold oi
heat. The newcomei will piobably find some of oui biotheis in the faith
weaiing them fiom time to time. So, it will become easy to identify them.
If one peifoims a complete wudoo befoie weaiing these leathei foot coveis,
one may iepeat piayei in them by simply wiping ovei the top of them if one
happens to do something to invalidate ones wudoo. That is, as long as one
doesn`t iemove them aftei nullifying ones wudoo, it is peimissible to ienew
the wudoo without having to wash one`s baie feet anothei time.
The inteival of the peimissibility of this is thiee days and thiee nights. This is
the view iepiesented by soundei evidence, although the populai view in the
Maaliki School is that theie is no time limit set foi the peimissibility of
wiping ovei the khuff.

[ [[ [Note Note Note Note: Weie one to iemove the : Weie one to iemove the : Weie one to iemove the : Weie one to iemove the khuff khuff khuff khuff aftei invalidating ones aftei invalidating ones aftei invalidating ones aftei invalidating ones wudoo wudoo wudoo wudoo, and , and , and , and
befoie ienewing it, one would be iequiied to wash ones feet anew. M befoie ienewing it, one would be iequiied to wash ones feet anew. M befoie ienewing it, one would be iequiied to wash ones feet anew. M befoie ienewing it, one would be iequiied to wash ones feet anew. Meaning eaning eaning eaning
that piayei would not be valid then weie one to wipe ovei the that piayei would not be valid then weie one to wipe ovei the that piayei would not be valid then weie one to wipe ovei the that piayei would not be valid then weie one to wipe ovei the khuff khuff khuff khuff. Also . Also . Also . Also
iemembei that one has to alieady have iemembei that one has to alieady have iemembei that one has to alieady have iemembei that one has to alieady have wudoo wudoo wudoo wudoo befoie weaiing the befoie weaiing the befoie weaiing the befoie weaiing the khuff khuff khuff khuff in in in in
oidei foi it to be consideied peimissible to wipe ovei it aftei doing a thing oidei foi it to be consideied peimissible to wipe ovei it aftei doing a thing oidei foi it to be consideied peimissible to wipe ovei it aftei doing a thing oidei foi it to be consideied peimissible to wipe ovei it aftei doing a thing
that would nullify one`s that would nullify one`s that would nullify one`s that would nullify one`s wudoo wudoo wudoo wudoo.j .j .j .j
10 10 10 10

Wiping Ovei the Cast oi Medicated Pad (Al Wiping Ovei the Cast oi Medicated Pad (Al Wiping Ovei the Cast oi Medicated Pad (Al Wiping Ovei the Cast oi Medicated Pad (Al- -- -Jabeeiah) Jabeeiah) Jabeeiah) Jabeeiah)

If theie is a wound, abscess, mange, buin, oi anything of the soit on the
body, and one feais that if he/she was to wash it in the piocess of making
wudoo oi ghusl that one might become ill, one can place a medicated pad
upon the in|uied place and simply wipe ovei it (i.e. the splint). This also
applies when one meiely feais that ones sickness might woisen, oi that
washing it would delay its impiovement.
Theie aie othei matteis peitinent to the sub|ect that we have abandoned out
of feai of piolixity, and due to the fact that the sub|ect will be dealt with at
gieatei length in the classes which will be held on the topic of Fiqh
(|uiispiudence), in shaa Allah. Welcome to the ieligion of Al Al Al Al- -- -Islam Islam Islam Islam.

Some will tell you that it is also peimitted to wipe ovei cotton socks. Howevei, this is a ielatively new
opinion in Islam that has no ioot among the eaily geneiations of Muslims. Thiee of the foui legal schools
of Islam disallow it absolutely unless the cotton sock has a leathei suiface. The Hanbali School allows
wiping ovei cotton socks, but with stiict conditions. The cotton sock has to 1) be without holes, 2) must be
veiy dense so as not to allow the penetiation of watei, and 3) it must covei up the entiie foot up to and
including the ankle bone [Refei to Al-Mughni of Ibn Qudaamahj. This means that spoits and diess socks
cannot be wiped ovei accoiding to any of the schools. The same thing applies to sneakeis and casual diess
shoes. They can only be wiped ovei if they covei the entiie feet up to and including the anklebone. Add to
that, if a peison decides to wipe ovei his boots oi othei footgeai that coveis the anklebone, one cannot
iemove them afteiwaids to piay without them without ienewing one`s ablution by washing his/hei feet.
And Allah knows best.

Additional Shoit Additional Shoit Additional Shoit Additional Shoit Suiahs Suiahs Suiahs Suiahs

I II I. .. . Suiat Al Suiat Al Suiat Al Suiat Al- -- -Ikhlaas Ikhlaas Ikhlaas Ikhlaas (Sinceiity) (Sinceiity) (Sinceiity) (Sinceiity)

Qul huw Allahu Ahad, Allahus Samad, Iam yalid wa lam yoo lad, Qul huw Allahu Ahad, Allahus Samad, Iam yalid wa lam yoo lad, Qul huw Allahu Ahad, Allahus Samad, Iam yalid wa lam yoo lad, Qul huw Allahu Ahad, Allahus Samad, Iam yalid wa lam yoo lad,
wa lam yakul lahoo kufuwan ahad. wa lam yakul lahoo kufuwan ahad. wa lam yakul lahoo kufuwan ahad. wa lam yakul lahoo kufuwan ahad.

(Say: He, Allah is Unique. Allah, The Eteinal. He did not beget. (Say: He, Allah is Unique. Allah, The Eteinal. He did not beget. (Say: He, Allah is Unique. Allah, The Eteinal. He did not beget. (Say: He, Allah is Unique. Allah, The Eteinal. He did not beget.
And he was not begotten. And thei And he was not begotten. And thei And he was not begotten. And thei And he was not begotten. And theie is not to Him one e is not to Him one e is not to Him one e is not to Him one
compaiable.) compaiable.) compaiable.) compaiable.)

II II II II. .. . Qul A`oodhu bi iab bil falaq, min shai ii maa khalaq, wa min shai Qul A`oodhu bi iab bil falaq, min shai ii maa khalaq, wa min shai Qul A`oodhu bi iab bil falaq, min shai ii maa khalaq, wa min shai Qul A`oodhu bi iab bil falaq, min shai ii maa khalaq, wa min shai
ii ghaasi qin Idhaa waqab, Wa min shai iin naf faathaati fil uqad, ii ghaasi qin Idhaa waqab, Wa min shai iin naf faathaati fil uqad, ii ghaasi qin Idhaa waqab, Wa min shai iin naf faathaati fil uqad, ii ghaasi qin Idhaa waqab, Wa min shai iin naf faathaati fil uqad,
wa min shai ii haasidin idhaa hasad. wa min shai ii haasidin idhaa hasad. wa min shai ii haasidin idhaa hasad. wa min shai ii haasidin idhaa hasad.

(Say: I take iefuge with the Ioid of the Moin f (Say: I take iefuge with the Ioid of the Moin f (Say: I take iefuge with the Ioid of the Moin f (Say: I take iefuge with the Ioid of the Moin fiom the evil of all iom the evil of all iom the evil of all iom the evil of all
He cieated, and fiom the evil of night when it enteis, and fiom the He cieated, and fiom the evil of night when it enteis, and fiom the He cieated, and fiom the evil of night when it enteis, and fiom the He cieated, and fiom the evil of night when it enteis, and fiom the
evil the one who blows into knots, and fiom the evil of an envious evil the one who blows into knots, and fiom the evil of an envious evil the one who blows into knots, and fiom the evil of an envious evil the one who blows into knots, and fiom the evil of an envious
one when he piactices his envy.) one when he piactices his envy.) one when he piactices his envy.) one when he piactices his envy.)

III III III III. .. . Qul a`oodhu bi iab bin naas, Mali kin naas, ilaahin naas, min shai Qul a`oodhu bi iab bin naas, Mali kin naas, ilaahin naas, min shai Qul a`oodhu bi iab bin naas, Mali kin naas, ilaahin naas, min shai Qul a`oodhu bi iab bin naas, Mali kin naas, ilaahin naas, min shai
iil was waasil khan naas, alladhi yuwas wisu fi sudoo iin naas, iil was waasil khan naas, alladhi yuwas wisu fi sudoo iin naas, iil was waasil khan naas, alladhi yuwas wisu fi sudoo iin naas, iil was waasil khan naas, alladhi yuwas wisu fi sudoo iin naas,
minal Jin nati wan naas. minal Jin nati wan naas. minal Jin nati wan naas. minal Jin nati wan naas.

(Say: I take iefuge with the Ioid of Mankind, the King of (Say: I take iefuge with the Ioid of Mankind, the King of (Say: I take iefuge with the Ioid of Mankind, the King of (Say: I take iefuge with the Ioid of Mankind, the King of
Mankind, the Cod of Mankind fiom the evil of the whispeiei who Mankind, the Cod of Mankind fiom the evil of the whispeiei who Mankind, the Cod of Mankind fiom the evil of the whispeiei who Mankind, the Cod of Mankind fiom the evil of the whispeiei who
withdiaws, who whispeis in the bieasts of m withdiaws, who whispeis in the bieasts of m withdiaws, who whispeis in the bieasts of m withdiaws, who whispeis in the bieasts of men, fiom the Jinn and en, fiom the Jinn and en, fiom the Jinn and en, fiom the Jinn and
Mankind.) Mankind.) Mankind.) Mankind.)

((And to Allah is the ietuin of all affaiis)) ((And to Allah is the ietuin of all affaiis)) ((And to Allah is the ietuin of all affaiis)) ((And to Allah is the ietuin of all affaiis))

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