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Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Disclaimer: 1. These are NOT the complete notes. 1.

These are NOT the complete notes. 1. These are NOT the complete notes. 1. These are NOT the complete notes.
2. May contain mistakes, spell errors etc. 2. May contain mistakes, spell errors etc. 2. May contain mistakes, spell errors etc. 2. May contain mistakes, spell errors etc.
3. Enhance the notes, if possible. 3. Enhance the notes, if possible. 3. Enhance the notes, if possible. 3. Enhance the notes, if possible.

1. 1. 1. 1. kalimah kalimah kalimah kalimah

2 2 2 2. Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) . Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) . Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) . Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) 10 yrs 10 yrs 10 yrs 10 yrs only only only only
kalimah kalimah kalimah kalimah no salah, no salah, no salah, no salah, no no no no zakah, zakah, zakah, zakah, no no no no sawm etc. sawm etc. sawm etc. sawm etc.

3 3 3 3. No God but Allah . No God but Allah . No God but Allah . No God but Allah correct but correct but correct but correct but not not not not true meaning. true meaning. true meaning. true meaning.

4 4 4 4. . . . : : : : The Worshipped The Worshipped The Worshipped The Worshipped. . . . Linguistic Linguistic Linguistic Linguistic: God/Creator : God/Creator : God/Creator : God/Creator

5 55 5. There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah . There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah . There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah . There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah

Importance of Kalimah: Importance of Kalimah: Importance of Kalimah: Importance of Kalimah:

1. Ta 1. Ta 1. Ta 1. Tawheed wheed wheed wheed basis basis basis basis of Islam. of Islam. of Islam. of Islam.

2. 2. 2. 2. No No No No statement statement statement statement more greater more greater more greater more greater and more important and more important and more important and more important

3. Dividing line between 3. Dividing line between 3. Dividing line between 3. Dividing line between eemaan eemaan eemaan eemaan and and and and kufr kufr kufr kufr tenets of tenets of tenets of tenets of
Islam. Islam. Islam. Islam.

4. 4. 4. 4. Call of all Call of all Call of all Call of all the Prophets and Messengers. the Prophets and Messengers. the Prophets and Messengers. the Prophets and Messengers.

6 66 6. For a disbeliever to become Muslim . For a disbeliever to become Muslim . For a disbeliever to become Muslim . For a disbeliever to become Muslim d dd declare eclare eclare eclare
kalimah kalimah kalimah kalimah property & life property & life property & life property & life safeguarded. safeguarded. safeguarded. safeguarded.

7 77 7. . . . Understand Understand Understand Understand the Deen of Islam the Deen of Islam the Deen of Islam the Deen of Islam realize realize realize realize its its its its
Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning
Place in life Place in life Place in life Place in life (7 pts) (7 pts) (7 pts) (7 pts)
Merits Merits Merits Merits (12 pts) (12 pts) (12 pts) (12 pts)
Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions (7 pts) (7 pts) (7 pts) (7 pts)
Principles Principles Principles Principles

8. Many aayaat in AlQuran stating its importance. 8. Many aayaat in AlQuran stating its importance. 8. Many aayaat in AlQuran stating its importance. 8. Many aayaat in AlQuran stating its importance.
Eg: Soora Eg: Soora Eg: Soora Eg: Soorah h h h attaghaabun 64:13 attaghaabun 64:13 attaghaabun 64:13 attaghaabun 64:13

9. Remembering Allah 9. Remembering Allah 9. Remembering Allah 9. Remembering Allah greatest greatest greatest greatest commandment commandment commandment commandment after after after after
the obligatory duties. the obligatory duties. the obligatory duties. the obligatory duties.

10. Hadith of Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) 10. Hadith of Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) 10. Hadith of Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) 10. Hadith of Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam)
Best Best Best Best supplication/proclamation: supplication/proclamation: supplication/proclamation: supplication/proclamation:

Best remembrance: Best remembrance: Best remembrance: Best remembrance:

Place of Kalimah in life of a Muslim: Place of Kalimah in life of a Muslim: Place of Kalimah in life of a Muslim: Place of Kalimah in life of a Muslim: (7) (7) (7) (7)

1. It is pronounced 1. It is pronounced 1. It is pronounced 1. It is pronounced daily daily daily daily in: in: in: in:
Adhaan Adhaan Adhaan Adhaan
Dua of istifdah in Salah Dua of istifdah in Salah Dua of istifdah in Salah Dua of istifdah in Salah
In Tashahhud In Tashahhud In Tashahhud In Tashahhud
In adkhaars In adkhaars In adkhaars In adkhaars before/after salah before/after salah before/after salah before/after salah
morning/evening morning/evening morning/evening morning/evening

2. The 2. The 2. The 2. The call call call call of all Prophets & Messengers of all Prophets & Messengers of all Prophets & Messengers of all Prophets & Messengers

3. About 3. About 3. About 3. About it it it it and its and its and its and its obligations obligations obligations obligations people people people people will be will be will be will be
questioned. questioned. questioned. questioned.

4. 4. 4. 4. 1 11 1
st st st st
call to disbelievers call to disbelievers call to disbelievers call to disbelievers Hadith of Hadith of Hadith of Hadith of Muadh ibn Jabal Muadh ibn Jabal Muadh ibn Jabal Muadh ibn Jabal: :: :

"You are going to en "You are going to en "You are going to en "You are going to encounter with a people of counter with a people of counter with a people of counter with a people of
the Book, so let the the Book, so let the the Book, so let the the Book, so let the first thing first thing first thing first thing you call them to is the you call them to is the you call them to is the you call them to is the
proclamation of proclamation of proclamation of proclamation of 'laa ilaaha ill Allah' 'laa ilaaha ill Allah' 'laa ilaaha ill Allah' 'laa ilaaha ill Allah'..." ..." ..." ..." [Bukhari] [Bukhari] [Bukhari] [Bukhari]

5. Established when sword of Muslims are drawn for 5. Established when sword of Muslims are drawn for 5. Established when sword of Muslims are drawn for 5. Established when sword of Muslims are drawn for
Jihaad. Jihaad. Jihaad. Jihaad.

6. 6. 6. 6. 1 11 1
st st st st
question in grave. question in grave. question in grave. question in grave.

7 7 7 7. . . . Key to Jannah. Key to Jannah. Key to Jannah. Key to Jannah.

Key to Remember: Key to Remember: Key to Remember: Key to Remember:

( (( (call of all Prophets call of all Prophets call of all Prophets call of all Prophets so we so we so we so we will be will be will be will be questioned about its questioned about its questioned about its questioned about its
obligations obligations obligations obligations, therefore it is our , therefore it is our , therefore it is our , therefore it is our 1 11 1
st st st st
call call call call the disbelievers, if the disbelievers, if the disbelievers, if the disbelievers, if
they deny they deny they deny they deny fight fight fight fight - -- - die because of that die because of that die because of that die because of that ( (( (grave grave grave grave) ) ) ) enter enter enter enter
Jannah Jannah Jannah Jannah) )) )

Merits of Kalimah Merits of Kalimah Merits of Kalimah Merits of Kalimah Ibn Rajab Ibn Rajab Ibn Rajab Ibn Rajab: :: : (12) (12) (12) (12)

1. Best: 1. Best: 1. Best: 1. Best:
Proclamation Proclamation Proclamation Proclamation of Prophets of Prophets of Prophets of Prophets
Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration of Allahs Praise of Allahs Praise of Allahs Praise of Allahs Praise
Of all Of all Of all Of all good deeds good deeds good deeds good deeds

2. 2. 2. 2. Traverses all barriers Traverses all barriers Traverses all barriers Traverses all barriers accepted by Allah. accepted by Allah. accepted by Allah. accepted by Allah.

3. 3. 3. 3. Pronouncer Pronouncer Pronouncer Pronouncer accepted by Allah. accepted by Allah. accepted by Allah. accepted by Allah.

4. Cause for a Muslim to be 4. Cause for a Muslim to be 4. Cause for a Muslim to be 4. Cause for a Muslim to be forgiven forgiven forgiven forgiven

5. 5. 5. 5. Wipes out sins Wipes out sins Wipes out sins Wipes out sins. .. .

6. 6. 6. 6. Protection from Protection from Protection from Protection from ShaiTaan ShaiTaan ShaiTaan ShaiTaan. .. .

7. 7. 7. 7. Uttering before death Uttering before death Uttering before death Uttering before death admitted to Jannah. admitted to Jannah. admitted to Jannah. admitted to Jannah.

8. Protection against 8. Protection against 8. Protection against 8. Protection against darkness, punishments of grave darkness, punishments of grave darkness, punishments of grave darkness, punishments of grave
and Hereafter. and Hereafter. and Hereafter. and Hereafter.

9. 9. 9. 9. Refuge from Hell Fire. Refuge from Hell Fire. Refuge from Hell Fire. Refuge from Hell Fire.

10. 10. 10. 10. Jannah Jannah Jannah Jannah is its reward. is its reward. is its reward. is its reward.

11. Accessible 11. Accessible 11. Accessible 11. Accessible 8 doors 8 doors 8 doors 8 doors of Jannah. of Jannah. of Jannah. of Jannah.

12. Pronounc 12. Pronounc 12. Pronounc 12. Pronounce with e with e with e with certain certain certain certain enter Jannah enter Jannah enter Jannah enter Jannah even after even after even after even after
cast out into Hell cast out into Hell cast out into Hell cast out into Hell falling short falling short falling short falling short in observing obligations. in observing obligations. in observing obligations. in observing obligations.

Key Key Key Key to Remember: to Remember: to Remember: to Remember:

Start with Start with Start with Start with best best best best (1) (1) (1) (1)
It should be It should be It should be It should be accepted accepted accepted accepted by Allah (2 by Allah (2 by Allah (2 by Allah (2- -- -3) 3) 3) 3)
If He accepts He forgives u and protects u from If He accepts He forgives u and protects u from If He accepts He forgives u and protects u from If He accepts He forgives u and protects u from
ShaiTaan (4 ShaiTaan (4 ShaiTaan (4 ShaiTaan (4- -- -6) 6) 6) 6)
Death, gra Death, gra Death, gra Death, grave, Hell, Jannah ( 7 ve, Hell, Jannah ( 7 ve, Hell, Jannah ( 7 ve, Hell, Jannah ( 7- -- -12) 12) 12) 12)

3 ahadith about the Merits of Kalimah: 3 ahadith about the Merits of Kalimah: 3 ahadith about the Merits of Kalimah: 3 ahadith about the Merits of Kalimah:

1. Hadith of 1. Hadith of 1. Hadith of 1. Hadith of Abu Saeed AlKhudri Abu Saeed AlKhudri Abu Saeed AlKhudri Abu Saeed AlKhudri dialogue between dialogue between dialogue between dialogue between
Moses Moses Moses Moses and and and and Allah Allah Allah Allah. .. .
If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them
other than Me and the seven Earths are put into one pan other than Me and the seven Earths are put into one pan other than Me and the seven Earths are put into one pan other than Me and the seven Earths are put into one pan
( (( (of the scale) and 'Laa ilaaha ill Allaah' is put into the of the scale) and 'Laa ilaaha ill Allaah' is put into the of the scale) and 'Laa ilaaha ill Allaah' is put into the of the scale) and 'Laa ilaaha ill Allaah' is put into the
other; other; other; other; 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah' would be heavier 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah' would be heavier 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah' would be heavier 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah' would be heavier

2. Hadith 2. Hadith 2. Hadith 2. Hadith best remembrance best remembrance best remembrance best remembrance = V - V

3. Hadith of 3. Hadith of 3. Hadith of 3. Hadith of 99 records 99 records 99 records 99 records. .. .

A. A. A. A. Conditions of the Shahada Conditions of the Shahada Conditions of the Shahada Conditions of the Shahada (1 (1 (1 (1
st st st st
part) part) part) part) and its and its and its and its
meaning: meaning: meaning: meaning: (7) (7) (7) (7)

Statement of Statement of Statement of Statement of Wahb ibn Munabbih: Wahb ibn Munabbih: Wahb ibn Munabbih: Wahb ibn Munabbih:
Shahada Shahada Shahada Shahada key; Conditions key; Conditions key; Conditions key; Conditions its ridges its ridges its ridges its ridges

1. 1. 1. 1. Alilm: Alilm: Alilm: Alilm: knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge of shahada of shahada of shahada of shahada its its its its affirma affirma affirma affirmation and tion and tion and tion and
negation negation negation negation

2. 2. 2. 2. AlYaqeen AlYaqeen AlYaqeen AlYaqeen: : : : Certainty/Perfect knowledge Certainty/Perfect knowledge Certainty/Perfect knowledge Certainty/Perfect knowledge as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to
doubt/suspicion doubt/suspicion doubt/suspicion doubt/suspicion

3. 3. 3. 3. AlQubool: AlQubool: AlQubool: AlQubool: Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to rejection. rejection. rejection. rejection.

4. 4. 4. 4. AlInqiaad: AlInqiaad: AlInqiaad: AlInqiaad: Submission Submission Submission Submission to its rightful requirements to its rightful requirements to its rightful requirements to its rightful requirements
obligatory duties obligatory duties obligatory duties obligatory duties done done done done sincerely sincerely sincerely sincerely for Allah for Allah for Allah for Allah Seekin Seekin Seekin Seeking His g His g His g His
pleasure. pleasure. pleasure. pleasure.

5. 5. 5. 5. AsSidq: AsSidq: AsSidq: AsSidq: Truthfulness Truthfulness Truthfulness Truthfulness as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to
falsehood/hypocrisy, falsehood/hypocrisy, falsehood/hypocrisy, falsehood/hypocrisy,

6. 6. 6. 6. Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas: Sincerity Sincerity Sincerity Sincerity as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to Shirk Shirk Shirk Shirk

7. 7. 7. 7. AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah: Love Love Love Love for the shahada for the shahada for the shahada for the shahada being being being being happy happy happy happy with with with with
it. it. it. it.

1. 1. 1. 1. Verbal statement Verbal statement Verbal statement Verbal statement of shahada is alone of shahada is alone of shahada is alone of shahada is alone not sufficient not sufficient not sufficient not sufficient for for for for
salvati salvati salvati salvation. on. on. on.

2. Allah called 2. Allah called 2. Allah called 2. Allah called hypocrites hypocrites hypocrites hypocrites as as as as liars liars liars liars will abide in the will abide in the will abide in the will abide in the
deepest Hell. deepest Hell. deepest Hell. deepest Hell.

3. Quran and Sunnah 3. Quran and Sunnah 3. Quran and Sunnah 3. Quran and Sunnah complement complement complement complement each other. To make a each other. To make a each other. To make a each other. To make a
conclusion take conclusion take conclusion take conclusion take all of them all of them all of them all of them together. together. together. together.

4. Conditions are 4. Conditions are 4. Conditions are 4. Conditions are 7 or 8 or 9 7 or 8 or 9 7 or 8 or 9 7 or 8 or 9 how we look it. how we look it. how we look it. how we look it.

5. Very Important: Look ourselves and 5. Very Important: Look ourselves and 5. Very Important: Look ourselves and 5. Very Important: Look ourselves and make sure WE ARE make sure WE ARE make sure WE ARE make sure WE ARE

Brief Study of the Conditions of Shahada: Brief Study of the Conditions of Shahada: Brief Study of the Conditions of Shahada: Brief Study of the Conditions of Shahada:
(Prefer 1 hadith (Prefer 1 hadith (Prefer 1 hadith (Prefer 1 hadith and/or and/or and/or and/or 1 aya 1 aya 1 aya 1 ayah hh h for each) for each) for each) for each)

Alilm: Alilm: Alilm: Alilm:

1. One should have the 1. One should have the 1. One should have the 1. One should have the basic and general knowledge basic and general knowledge basic and general knowledge basic and general knowledge
of the meaning of Shahada of the meaning of Shahada of the meaning of Shahada of the meaning of Shahada the the the the affirmation affirmation affirmation affirmation and and and and the the the the
negation negation negation negation in it in it in it in it

2. 2. 2. 2. Hadith Hadith Hadith Hadith: :: :

Prophet (salalla Prophet (salalla Prophet (salalla Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) ahu alaihi wa sallam) ahu alaihi wa sallam) ahu alaihi wa sallam) said, said, said, said,
"Whoever "Whoever "Whoever "Whoever dies dies dies dies knowing knowing knowing knowing that there is no one worthy of that there is no one worthy of that there is no one worthy of that there is no one worthy of
worship except Allaah shall worship except Allaah shall worship except Allaah shall worship except Allaah shall enter Paradise enter Paradise enter Paradise enter Paradise." ." ." ." [Muslim] [Muslim] [Muslim] [Muslim]

3. 3. 3. 3. Shahada is Shahada is Shahada is Shahada is testimony testimony testimony testimony testimony of one testimony of one testimony of one testimony of one who who who who does does does does
not not not not know what he is testifying to know what he is testifying to know what he is testifying to know what he is testifying to absolutely unaccepted absolutely unaccepted absolutely unaccepted absolutely unaccepted. .. .

4. 4. 4. 4. Ayah Ayah Ayah Ayah: : : :
Soorah Soorah Soorah Soorah AzZuhruf 43: AzZuhruf 43: AzZuhruf 43: AzZuhruf 43:86 86 86 86

5. Muslims 5. Muslims 5. Muslims 5. Muslims (??!!) (??!!) (??!!) (??!!) celebrating celebrating celebrating celebrating Gods of the Sea Gods of the Sea Gods of the Sea Gods of the Sea
naoodubillah. naoodubillah. naoodubillah. naoodubillah.

6. 6. 6. 6. Secularism Secularism Secularism Secularism NO NO! NO NO! NO NO! NO NO! accepting a Lawgive accepting a Lawgive accepting a Lawgive accepting a Lawgiver other r other r other r other
than Allah than Allah than Allah than Allah

AlYaqeen: AlYaqeen: AlYaqeen: AlYaqeen:

1. 1. 1. 1. Certainty Certainty Certainty Certainty as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to as opposed to
doubts/suspicion/uncertainty. doubts/suspicion/uncertainty. doubts/suspicion/uncertainty. doubts/suspicion/uncertainty.

2. 2. 2. 2. Any Any Any Any kind of doubt = kind of doubt = kind of doubt = kind of doubt = kufr/disbelief kufr/disbelief kufr/disbelief kufr/disbelief

3. 3. 3. 3. Hadith: Hadith: Hadith: Hadith:
Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "No "No "No "No
one meets Allaah with the test one meets Allaah with the test one meets Allaah with the test one meets Allaah with the testimony that there is none imony that there is none imony that there is none imony that there is none
worthy of worship but Allaah and worthy of worship but Allaah and worthy of worship but Allaah and worthy of worship but Allaah and I am the Messenger I am the Messenger I am the Messenger I am the Messenger
of Allaah, of Allaah, of Allaah, of Allaah, and and and and he has no doubt he has no doubt he has no doubt he has no doubt about that statement, about that statement, about that statement, about that statement,
except that he will except that he will except that he will except that he will enter Paradise enter Paradise enter Paradise enter Paradise." ." ." ." [ [[ [Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim] ]] ]

4 44 4. . . . Ayah: Ayah: Ayah: Ayah:
Soorah Soorah Soorah Soorah AlHujaraat 49:15 AlHujaraat 49:15 AlHujaraat 49:15 AlHujaraat 49:15

5 5 5 5. . . . Hypocrites hearts waver. Hypocrites hearts waver. Hypocrites hearts waver. Hypocrites hearts waver.
Soorah Soorah Soorah Soorah Attaw Attaw Attaw Attawba 9:45 ba 9:45 ba 9:45 ba 9:45

6 6 6 6. . . . Diseases Diseases Diseases Diseases of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart doubts and suspicion. doubts and suspicion. doubts and suspicion. doubts and suspicion. Worst Worst Worst Worst
than lusts and desires. than lusts and desires. than lusts and desires. than lusts and desires.

1 11 1 Can be Can be Can be Can be satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes. .. .
Lingers Lingers Lingers Lingers in the he in the he in the he in the heart art art art. .. .
2 22 2 Knows its wrong and Knows its wrong and Knows its wrong and Knows its wrong and
may may may may control control control control. .. .
No cure. No cure. No cure. No cure.
3 33 3 Repent Repent Repent Repent and give up that and give up that and give up that and give up that
evil deed. evil deed. evil deed. evil deed.
Leaves Islaam Leaves Islaam Leaves Islaam Leaves Islaam entirely or entirely or entirely or entirely or
continues to practice continues to practice continues to practice continues to practice
Islam with Islam with Islam with Islam with no true faith no true faith no true faith no true faith
in heart. in heart. in heart. in heart.

7 7 7 7. Greatest cure . Greatest cure . Greatest cure . Greatest cure seeking knowledge seeking knowledge seeking knowledge seeking knowledge through through through through
Quraan and Sunnah Quraan and Sunnah Quraan and Sunnah Quraan and Sunnah attain attain attain attain ce ce ce certainty rtainty rtainty rtainty become become become become firm firm firm firm. Eg. . Eg. . Eg. . Eg.
Hadith literature. Hadith literature. Hadith literature. Hadith literature.

8 8 8 8. . . . Keep away Keep away Keep away Keep away from sources of doubts from sources of doubts from sources of doubts from sources of doubts Orientalist, Orientalist, Orientalist, Orientalist,
bullentin boards, new groups etc. bullentin boards, new groups etc. bullentin boards, new groups etc. bullentin boards, new groups etc.

AlQubool: AlQubool: AlQubool: AlQubool:

1 1 1 1. Knowledge and certainty of shahada should be . Knowledge and certainty of shahada should be . Knowledge and certainty of shahada should be . Knowledge and certainty of shahada should be
followed by it followed by it followed by it followed by it unconditional acceptance. unconditional acceptance. unconditional acceptance. unconditional acceptance.

2. Acceptance in 2. Acceptance in 2. Acceptance in 2. Acceptance in heart and tongue. heart and tongue. heart and tongue. heart and tongue.

3. If one knows the shahada and is certain 3. If one knows the shahada and is certain 3. If one knows the shahada and is certain 3. If one knows the shahada and is certain but denies but denies but denies but denies
to accept to accept to accept to accept it it it it disbeliever. disbeliever. disbeliever. disbeliever.

4. Reasons for denial 4. Reasons for denial 4. Reasons for denial 4. Reasons for denial pride, envy pride, envy pride, envy pride, envy etc. etc. etc. etc.

5. Cannot 5. Cannot 5. Cannot 5. Cannot accept part accept part accept part accept part of of of of Islam and Islam and Islam and Islam and reject reject reject reject part part part part of it of it of it of it - -- -
disbelief disbelief disbelief disbelief
Soorah Soorah Soorah Soorah AlBaqarah 2:85 AlBaqarah 2:85 AlBaqarah 2:85 AlBaqarah 2:85

So do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve So do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve So do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve So do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve
in part? in part? in part? in part?

6. Eg. 6. Eg. 6. Eg. 6. Eg. Interpreting Interpreting Interpreting Interpreting Quranic aayaat, stating that hadith Quranic aayaat, stating that hadith Quranic aayaat, stating that hadith Quranic aayaat, stating that hadith
is is is is not authentic not authentic not authentic not authentic to suit personal whims and desires. to suit personal whims and desires. to suit personal whims and desires. to suit personal whims and desires.

Al Al Al Ali ii inq nq nq nqiaad: iaad: iaad: iaad:

1. The 1. The 1. The 1. The actual physical enactment actual physical enactment actual physical enactment actual physical enactment of the deeds of the deeds of the deeds of the deeds
required by our shahada. required by our shahada. required by our shahada. required by our shahada.

2. 2. 2. 2. One of the main meanings One of the main meanings One of the main meanings One of the main meanings of Islam, of Islam, of Islam, of Islam, Submission to Submission to Submission to Submission to
the will and command the will and command the will and command the will and commands ss s of Allah. of Allah. of Allah. of Allah.

3. 3. 3. 3. Ayah: Ayah: Ayah: Ayah: Soorah Soorah Soorah Soorah AzZumar :54 AzZumar :54 AzZumar :54 AzZumar :54

And return in repentance to your Lord and And return in repentance to your Lord and And return in repentance to your Lord and And return in repentance to your Lord and submit submit submit submit to to to to
Him Him Him Him

4. Allah had made it a 4. Allah had made it a 4. Allah had made it a 4. Allah had made it a condition for faith condition for faith condition for faith condition for faith and and and and praised praised praised praised
those who those who those who those who submit submit submit submit. .. .

5. Shahada must be implemented: 5. Shahada must be implemented: 5. Shahada must be implemented: 5. Shahada must be implemented: heart, tongue heart, tongue heart, tongue heart, tongue and and and and
actions. actions. actions. actions.
Heart Heart Heart Heart Love, fear Love, fear Love, fear Love, fear and and and and hope hope hope hope for Allah. for Allah. for Allah. for Allah.
Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue testifying testifying testifying testifying the shahada. the shahada. the shahada. the shahada.
Actions Actions Actions Actions fulfilling the requirements fulfilling the requirements fulfilling the requirements fulfilling the requirements of of of of
shahada. shahada. shahada. shahada.

6. True believers 6. True believers 6. True believers 6. True believers may commit sin may commit sin may commit sin may commit sin recognize recognize recognize recognize
I II It is t is t is t is not not not not correct. correct. correct. correct.
It is It is It is It is inconsistent inconsistent inconsistent inconsistent with their obligation with their obligation with their obligation with their obligation
submitting to Allah. submitting to Allah. submitting to Allah. submitting to Allah.

then then then then not not not not violated the soundness of shah violated the soundness of shah violated the soundness of shah violated the soundness of shahada ada ada ada still still still still sinners sinners sinners sinners

7. 7. 7. 7. Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum submission submission submission submission 5 daily prayer 5 daily prayer 5 daily prayer 5 daily prayers ss s. .. .
Abandoning it Abandoning it Abandoning it Abandoning it disbelief. disbelief. disbelief. disbelief.

AsSidq: AsSidq: AsSidq: AsSidq:

1 1 1 1. . . . hypocrisy/falsehood/dishonesty hypocrisy/falsehood/dishonesty hypocrisy/falsehood/dishonesty hypocrisy/falsehood/dishonesty not accepted not accepted not accepted not accepted
painful punishment painful punishment painful punishment painful punishment Hereafter Hereafter Hereafter Hereafter

2. Say it 2. Say it 2. Say it 2. Say it mean mean mean mean it. it. it. it.
3. 3. 3. 3. Hadith: Hadith: Hadith: Hadith:

The Prophet ( The Prophet ( The Prophet ( The Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam salallaahu alaihi wa sallam salallaahu alaihi wa sallam salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, ) said, ) said, ) said,
"No one bears testimony to there being no one worth of "No one bears testimony to there being no one worth of "No one bears testimony to there being no one worth of "No one bears testimony to there being no one worth of
worship save Allaah, worship save Allaah, worship save Allaah, worship save Allaah, sincerely from his heart sincerely from his heart sincerely from his heart sincerely from his heart, except that , except that , except that , except that
Allaah makes the Allaah makes the Allaah makes the Allaah makes the Hell Hell Hell Hell- -- -fire forbidden for him fire forbidden for him fire forbidden for him fire forbidden for him." ." ." ."
[Bukhari wa Muslim] [Bukhari wa Muslim] [Bukhari wa Muslim] [Bukhari wa Muslim]

4. 4. 4. 4. No No No No lyi lyi lyi lying ng ng ng Not for Not for Not for Not for benefit benefit benefit benefit nor nor nor nor protection protection protection protection
hypocrites. hypocrites. hypocrites. hypocrites.

5. Ayah: Soorah 5. Ayah: Soorah 5. Ayah: Soorah 5. Ayah: Soorah AlBaqarah 2:8 AlBaqarah 2:8 AlBaqarah 2:8 AlBaqarah 2:8

Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas:

1. 1. 1. 1. Solely Solely Solely Solely for the sake of Allah for the sake of Allah for the sake of Allah for the sake of Allah not anyone else. not anyone else. not anyone else. not anyone else.

2. Opposed to 2. Opposed to 2. Opposed to 2. Opposed to shirk shirk shirk shirk associating partners with Allah. associating partners with Allah. associating partners with Allah. associating partners with Allah.

3. 3. 3. 3. Hadith: Hadith: Hadith: Hadith:

Prophet Prophet Prophet Prophet (sallallaahu (sallallaahu (sallallaahu (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam alayhi wa sallam alayhi wa sallam alayhi wa sallam) )) ), , , , "Allaah "Allaah "Allaah "Allaah
has has has has forbidden for the Hell forbidden for the Hell forbidden for the Hell forbidden for the Hell- -- -fire fire fire fire anyone who says, 'There is anyone who says, 'There is anyone who says, 'There is anyone who says, 'There is
no one worthy of worship except Allaah,' and say so no one worthy of worship except Allaah,' and say so no one worthy of worship except Allaah,' and say so no one worthy of worship except Allaah,' and say so
desiring the face [and pleasure] of Allaah desiring the face [and pleasure] of Allaah desiring the face [and pleasure] of Allaah desiring the face [and pleasure] of Allaah." ." ." ." [Muslim]. [Muslim]. [Muslim]. [Muslim].

4. 4. 4. 4. Ayah: Ayah: Ayah: Ayah:
Soor Soor Soor Soorah ah ah ah AlBayyinah 98:5 AlBayyinah 98:5 AlBayyinah 98:5 AlBayyinah 98:5

5. Advice for 5. Advice for 5. Advice for 5. Advice for born Muslims born Muslims born Muslims born Muslims for Allah or for for Allah or for for Allah or for for Allah or for parents, parents, parents, parents,
family, friends, community? family, friends, community? family, friends, community? family, friends, community?

6. Obeying at times, disobeying at times 6. Obeying at times, disobeying at times 6. Obeying at times, disobeying at times 6. Obeying at times, disobeying at times mixing men & mixing men & mixing men & mixing men &
women women women women

AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah:

1. Love: 1. Love: 1. Love: 1. Love:
Shahada Shahada Shahada Shahada. .. .
According to shahada According to shahada According to shahada According to shahada. .. .
Implications & requ Implications & requ Implications & requ Implications & requirements of shahada. irements of shahada. irements of shahada. irements of shahada.
Someone who acts and strives for this shahada. Someone who acts and strives for this shahada. Someone who acts and strives for this shahada. Someone who acts and strives for this shahada.

2. Love 2. Love 2. Love 2. Love someone someone someone someone not not not not more than this shahada/Allah more than this shahada/Allah more than this shahada/Allah more than this shahada/Allah
necessary condition necessary condition necessary condition necessary condition of shahada of shahada of shahada of shahada important aspect important aspect important aspect important aspect of of of of
Islam. Islam. Islam. Islam.

3. 3. 3. 3. Hadith: Hadith: Hadith: Hadith:
The The The The Prophet Prophet Prophet Prophet ( (( (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa salla sallallaahu 'alayhi wa salla sallallaahu 'alayhi wa salla sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam mm m) )) ) said, said, said, said,
"Whoever has three characteristics has tasted the "Whoever has three characteristics has tasted the "Whoever has three characteristics has tasted the "Whoever has three characteristics has tasted the
sweetness of faith. sweetness of faith. sweetness of faith. sweetness of faith.
Loves Allaah and His Messenger more than he loves Loves Allaah and His Messenger more than he loves Loves Allaah and His Messenger more than he loves Loves Allaah and His Messenger more than he loves
anyone else. anyone else. anyone else. anyone else.
Loves a person for the sake of Allah Loves a person for the sake of Allah Loves a person for the sake of Allah Loves a person for the sake of Allah alone alone alone alone. .. .
Hates to return Hates to return Hates to return Hates to return to kufr after Allah has saved him to kufr after Allah has saved him to kufr after Allah has saved him to kufr after Allah has saved him
from it as if he from it as if he from it as if he from it as if he hates to be thrown in fire hates to be thrown in fire hates to be thrown in fire hates to be thrown in fire
[Bukhari wa Muslim] [Bukhari wa Muslim] [Bukhari wa Muslim] [Bukhari wa Muslim]

4. 4. 4. 4. Ayah: Ayah: Ayah: Ayah:
Soorah Soorah Soorah Soorah Almunaafiqoon 63:9 Almunaafiqoon 63:9 Almunaafiqoon 63:9 Almunaafiqoon 63:9


1. Dont let your knowledge to be a 1. Dont let your knowledge to be a 1. Dont let your knowledge to be a 1. Dont let your knowledge to be a witness against you witness against you witness against you witness against you
on the Day of Judgement. on the Day of Judgement. on the Day of Judgement. on the Day of Judgement.

2. I have deficiencies and I will 2. I have deficiencies and I will 2. I have deficiencies and I will 2. I have deficiencies and I will work work work work on it inshaa Allah on it inshaa Allah on it inshaa Allah on it inshaa Allah

Hadith Key: Hadith Key: Hadith Key: Hadith Key:

Alilm: Alilm: Alilm: Alilm: dies knowing dies knowing dies knowing dies knowing enter Jannah. enter Jannah. enter Jannah. enter Jannah.

AlYaqeen: AlYaqeen: AlYaqeen: AlYaqeen: no doubt in saying no doubt in saying no doubt in saying no doubt in saying enter Jannah. enter Jannah. enter Jannah. enter Jannah.

AlQabool: AlQabool: AlQabool: AlQabool: ---- ---- ---- ----

Alinqiaad: Alinqiaad: Alinqiaad: Alinqiaad: ---- ---- ---- ----

AsSidq: AsSidq: AsSidq: AsSidq: sincerely from heart sincerely from heart sincerely from heart sincerely from heart Hell fire forbidden Hell fire forbidden Hell fire forbidden Hell fire forbidden

Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas: Alikhlaas: solely for the sake of Allah, seeking His solely for the sake of Allah, seeking His solely for the sake of Allah, seeking His solely for the sake of Allah, seeking His
pl pl pl pleasure easure easure easure Hell fire forbidden. Hell fire forbidden. Hell fire forbidden. Hell fire forbidden.

AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah: AlMahabbah: 3 characters to taste the sweetness of 3 characters to taste the sweetness of 3 characters to taste the sweetness of 3 characters to taste the sweetness of
faith. faith. faith. faith.

Aayaat key: Aayaat key: Aayaat key: Aayaat key:

Alilm: Azzuhruf Alilm: Azzuhruf Alilm: Azzuhruf Alilm: Azzuhruf :--- - =-'- -+~ - V - -- -
testimony testimony testimony testimony

AlYaqeen: AlHujaraat AlYaqeen: AlHujaraat AlYaqeen: AlHujaraat AlYaqeen: AlHujaraat

-:~ ='- :-- --- :--:-- '-- :-'-:- -- --
-+= :-'~- - 4-- = J--~ - -+~-- -+-:-'-

AlQubool: AlBaqarah AlQubool: AlBaqarah AlQubool: AlBaqarah AlQubool: AlBaqarah
c-- :--- '--- c-- :--:--

Alinqiaad: AzZuma Alinqiaad: AzZuma Alinqiaad: AzZuma Alinqiaad: AzZumar r r r - :--~ --- _- :---

AsSidq: AlBaqarah AsSidq: AlBaqarah AsSidq: AlBaqarah AsSidq: AlBaqarah

---:-- - '- :=7 :-- ='- ' -- :-:-- - '-- -

Alikhlaas: AlBayyinah:5 Alikhlaas: AlBayyinah:5 Alikhlaas: AlBayyinah:5 Alikhlaas: AlBayyinah:5

>~- :---- !--= ---- - -~-=- = ---- V :- !-
---- - 4- ':- :-:-

AlMahabbah: Almu AlMahabbah: Almu AlMahabbah: Almu AlMahabbah: Almunaafiqoon:9 naafiqoon:9 naafiqoon:9 naafiqoon:9

:-- --- '+-'- ! = : - --- V ---:- --+-- V
:~=- - 4--'- 4- J-- -

B. Conditions of Muhammad ArRasoolullaah B. Conditions of Muhammad ArRasoolullaah B. Conditions of Muhammad ArRasoolullaah B. Conditions of Muhammad ArRasoolullaah
(2 (2 (2 (2
nd nd nd nd
part): part): part): part):

1. It necessitates: 1. It necessitates: 1. It necessitates: 1. It necessitates:
Belief that he was Belief that he was Belief that he was Belief that he was sent by Allah sent by Allah sent by Allah sent by Allah. .. .
Belief in Belief in Belief in Belief in what what what what he says. he says. he says. he says.
O OO Obey bey bey bey what he what he what he what he orders. orders. orders. orders.
Leave Leave Leave Leave what he what he what he what he forbids. forbids. forbids. forbids.
Worship Worship Worship Worship Allah, the way he Allah, the way he Allah, the way he Allah, the way he decreed decreed decreed decreed. .. .

2. He was the 2. He was the 2. He was the 2. He was the last last last last Prophet and Messenger of Islaam Prophet and Messenger of Islaam Prophet and Messenger of Islaam Prophet and Messenger of Islaam
to to to to mankind and jinns mankind and jinns mankind and jinns mankind and jinns. (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) . (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) . (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) . (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam)

3. It is inturn obeying Allah because Allah sent him 3. It is inturn obeying Allah because Allah sent him 3. It is inturn obeying Allah because Allah sent him 3. It is inturn obeying Allah because Allah sent him
as as as as: :: :
Bearer of Bearer of Bearer of Bearer of glad tidings glad tidings glad tidings glad tidings. .. .
Warner Warner Warner Warner
One who One who One who One who directs directs directs directs to Allah. to Allah. to Allah. to Allah.
A A A A lamp lamp lamp lamp emitting light (AlQuran and emitting light (AlQuran and emitting light (AlQuran and emitting light (AlQuran and
Sunnah). Sunnah). Sunnah). Sunnah).

Our Duties towards Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa Our Duties towards Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa Our Duties towards Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa Our Duties towards Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa
sallam): sallam): sallam): sallam):

1. 1. 1. 1. Believing in him: Believing in him: Believing in him: Believing in him:

Allah sa Allah sa Allah sa Allah said id id id: :: :

:+- - =-- '-

2. 2. 2. 2. Patterning after him: Patterning after him: Patterning after him: Patterning after him:

Allah sa Allah sa Allah sa Allah said id id id: :: :

---:- --- :-- = ---=- -:- -'- = :-=- --- J-
--= :-- =

And Allah sa And Allah sa And Allah sa And Allah said id id id: :: :

-~= :~ = :~ - --- ' --

3. 3. 3. 3. Decreeing his love: Decreeing his love: Decreeing his love: Decreeing his love:

Prophet (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Prophet (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Prophet (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Prophet (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

None of you is a None of you is a None of you is a None of you is a truthful truthful truthful truthful believer until he loves me believer until he loves me believer until he loves me believer until he loves me more more more more
than than than than his father, his son and all of mankind his father, his son and all of mankind his father, his son and all of mankind his father, his son and all of mankind

4. 4. 4. 4. Adoration of Allah the way he decreed: Adoration of Allah the way he decreed: Adoration of Allah the way he decreed: Adoration of Allah the way he decreed:

Allah said: Allah said: Allah said: Allah said:

:+- - =-- '-

Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

-= - :+- -- c--'- - '-:- -

5. 5. 5. 5. Avoiding causing harm to him: Avoiding causing harm to him: Avoiding causing harm to him: Avoiding causing harm to him:

Allah said: Allah said: Allah said: Allah said:

--- -- -+- = :~ :-

This includes: This includes: This includes: This includes:
His honorabl His honorabl His honorabl His honorable e e e body body body body
What he has sent with: What he has sent with: What he has sent with: What he has sent with:
a. a. a. a. AlQuran AlQuran AlQuran AlQuran
b. b. b. b. AsSunnah AsSunnah AsSunnah AsSunnah
His His His His family family family family
His His His His wives wives wives wives the mother of believers the mother of believers the mother of believers the mother of believers
His honorable His honorable His honorable His honorable companions companions companions companions

6. 6. 6. 6. Reciting Prayer and Peace upon him: Reciting Prayer and Peace upon him: Reciting Prayer and Peace upon him: Reciting Prayer and Peace upon him:

Narrated by Narrated by Narrated by Narrated by Abu Hurairah Abu Hurairah Abu Hurairah Abu Hurairah (radhi allaahu anhu) (radhi allaahu anhu) (radhi allaahu anhu) (radhi allaahu anhu): :: :

Prophet (salallaahu ala Prophet (salallaahu ala Prophet (salallaahu ala Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, ihi wa sallam) said, ihi wa sallam) said, ihi wa sallam) said, Whoever Whoever Whoever Whoever
recites Prayer and Peace upon me, Allah will bless him recites Prayer and Peace upon me, Allah will bless him recites Prayer and Peace upon me, Allah will bless him recites Prayer and Peace upon me, Allah will bless him 10 10 10 10
times times times times

Salawaatul ibraahimiyyah: Salawaatul ibraahimiyyah: Salawaatul ibraahimiyyah: Salawaatul ibraahimiyyah:

Narrated by Narrated by Narrated by Narrated by Kaab ibn Ujrah Kaab ibn Ujrah Kaab ibn Ujrah Kaab ibn Ujrah (radhi allaahu anhu) (radhi allaahu anhu) (radhi allaahu anhu) (radhi allaahu anhu): :: :

--:- _-- ~--~ - --=- ' _-- --=- _-- -~ -+--
--=- ---= 4- --:- ' _--
--:- _-- ~'- '- --=- ' _-- --=- _-- '- -+--
--=- ---= 4- --:- ' _--

What is Tawheed? What is Tawheed? What is Tawheed? What is Tawheed?

1. 1. 1. 1. Islamic Monotheism Islamic Monotheism Islamic Monotheism Islamic Monotheism to to to to consider consider consider consider and and and and believe believe believe believe i ii in n n n
One One One One God, God, God, God, unification unification unification unification of Allah in, of Allah in, of Allah in, of Allah in,

His Lordship ( His Lordship ( His Lordship ( His Lordship (Ruboobiyyah Ruboobiyyah Ruboobiyyah Ruboobiyyah) )) )
His Beautiful Names and Attributes His Beautiful Names and Attributes His Beautiful Names and Attributes His Beautiful Names and Attributes ( (( (AlAsma was Sifaat AlAsma was Sifaat AlAsma was Sifaat AlAsma was Sifaat) )) )
His Worship ( His Worship ( His Worship ( His Worship (Alibaadah Alibaadah Alibaadah Alibaadah) ) ) ) He alone He alone He alone He alone deserves deserves deserves deserves it it it it

2. Basis of Islam 2. Basis of Islam 2. Basis of Islam 2. Basis of Islam
ordinances, ordinances, ordinances, ordinances,
regulations, regulations, regulations, regulations,
orders, orders, orders, orders,
prohibitions prohibitions prohibitions prohibitions originate from i originate from i originate from i originate from it. t. t. t.

Surplus of AtTawheed: Surplus of AtTawheed: Surplus of AtTawheed: Surplus of AtTawheed:

1. It is a 1. It is a 1. It is a 1. It is a condition condition condition condition to to to to enter enter enter enter Paradise and Paradise and Paradise and Paradise and get out get out get out get out of the of the of the of the
Hell. Hell. Hell. Hell.
Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said,
Wheoever meets Allah Wheoever meets Allah Wheoever meets Allah Wheoever meets Allah without without without without ascribing partners to Him ascribing partners to Him ascribing partners to Him ascribing partners to Him
will enter will enter will enter will enter Jannah Jannah Jannah Jannah, whoever meets Allah , whoever meets Allah , whoever meets Allah , whoever meets Allah with with with with ascrib ascrib ascrib ascribing ing ing ing
partners to Him will enter partners to Him will enter partners to Him will enter partners to Him will enter Jahannam Jahannam Jahannam Jahannam

Hadith of Hadith of Hadith of Hadith of Utban Utban Utban Utban: :: :
Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Hell Hell Hell Hell
fire is fire is fire is fire is immuned immuned immuned immuned for one who says laa ilaaha illa allaah, for one who says laa ilaaha illa allaah, for one who says laa ilaaha illa allaah, for one who says laa ilaaha illa allaah,
seeking the face of Allah alone seeking the face of Allah alone seeking the face of Allah alone seeking the face of Allah alone

2. It is a condition to th 2. It is a condition to th 2. It is a condition to th 2. It is a condition to the e e e acceptance of deed acceptance of deed acceptance of deed acceptance of deed and and and and
polytheism polytheism polytheism polytheism makes it makes it makes it makes it null and void null and void null and void null and void. .. .

Allah says in AlQuran, Allah says in AlQuran, Allah says in AlQuran, Allah says in AlQuran, It has been revealed to It has been revealed to It has been revealed to It has been revealed to you you you you
and those before you and those before you and those before you and those before you - -- - If you join partners with Allah, all If you join partners with Allah, all If you join partners with Allah, all If you join partners with Allah, all
your deeds (in this world) will be your deeds (in this world) will be your deeds (in this world) will be your deeds (in this world) will be fruitless fruitless fruitless fruitless

Imam Imam Imam Imam Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah AtTastari AtTastari AtTastari AtTastari said, Faith is said, Faith is said, Faith is said, Faith is saying, saying, saying, saying,
deed, intention and sunnah. deed, intention and sunnah. deed, intention and sunnah. deed, intention and sunnah.

Saying without deed Saying without deed Saying without deed Saying without deed kufr kufr kufr kufr
Saying, deed without intention Saying, deed without intention Saying, deed without intention Saying, deed without intention hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy
Saying, deed, intention without sunnah Saying, deed, intention without sunnah Saying, deed, intention without sunnah Saying, deed, intention without sunnah
bidah bidah bidah bidah

3. It 3. It 3. It 3. It expiates sins and erases expiates sins and erases expiates sins and erases expiates sins and erases them. them. them. them.

Allah said, Allah said, Allah said, Allah said, O son of O son of O son of O son of Adam! If you were to meet Adam! If you were to meet Adam! If you were to meet Adam! If you were to meet
me with me with me with me with sins nearly as great as earth sins nearly as great as earth sins nearly as great as earth sins nearly as great as earth without ascribing without ascribing without ascribing without ascribing
partners with Me, I will give partners with Me, I will give partners with Me, I will give partners with Me, I will give forgiveness nearly as great as forgiveness nearly as great as forgiveness nearly as great as forgiveness nearly as great as

Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah: Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah: Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah: Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah:

1. Allah: 1. Allah: 1. Allah: 1. Allah: Creator Creator Creator Creator- -- -Protector Protector Protector Protector- -- -Destroyer Destroyer Destroyer Destroyer. .. .

2. Taw 2. Taw 2. Taw 2. Tawheed in regards to heed in regards to heed in regards to heed in regards to Allahs deeds. Allahs deeds. Allahs deeds. Allahs deeds.

3. 3. 3. 3. Early disbelievers, Jews, Magans, Sabians, Nazareth Early disbelievers, Jews, Magans, Sabians, Nazareth Early disbelievers, Jews, Magans, Sabians, Nazareth Early disbelievers, Jews, Magans, Sabians, Nazareth
believed in ArRuboobiyyah. believed in ArRuboobiyyah. believed in ArRuboobiyyah. believed in ArRuboobiyyah.

4. 4. 4. 4. Only Only Only Only Dahriah Dahriah Dahriah Dahriah denied it denied it denied it denied it

Proofs: Proofs: Proofs: Proofs:

1. No: 1. No: 1. No: 1. No:
impact without effect impact without effect impact without effect impact without effect
action without doer action without doer action without doer action without doer
creation without Creator creation without Creator creation without Creator creation without Creator

2. 2. 2. 2. Needle Needle Needle Needle has a creator. What about has a creator. What about has a creator. What about has a creator. What about sky, earth, sky, earth, sky, earth, sky, earth,
mountain, rain, sea, jinn, mankind mountain, rain, sea, jinn, mankind mountain, rain, sea, jinn, mankind mountain, rain, sea, jinn, mankind etc etc? etc etc? etc etc? etc etc?

3. Were they created from nothing or they the Creator 3. Were they created from nothing or they the Creator 3. Were they created from nothing or they the Creator 3. Were they created from nothing or they the Creator
of themselves? of themselves? of themselves? of themselves?
Allah is the creator of all things Allah is the creator of all things Allah is the creator of all things Allah is the creator of all things

4. Conversation between 4. Conversation between 4. Conversation between 4. Conversation between Abu Hanifah Abu Hanifah Abu Hanifah Abu Hanifah and a and a and a and a group of group of group of group of
scholastic people scholastic people scholastic people scholastic people (narrated (narrated (narrated (narrated other other other other than Abu Hanifa): than Abu Hanifa): than Abu Hanifa): than Abu Hanifa):

Ship Ship Ship Ship Dijlah Dijlah Dijlah Dijlah river river river river
loaded/anchored/returned/emptied by itself loaded/anchored/returned/emptied by itself loaded/anchored/returned/emptied by itself loaded/anchored/returned/emptied by itself

Note: Note: Note: Note:

1. 1. 1. 1. Polytheist believed Polytheist believed Polytheist believed Polytheist believed in Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah: in Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah: in Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah: in Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah:
If you ask them Who created the h If you ask them Who created the h If you ask them Who created the h If you ask them Who created the heavens and the eavens and the eavens and the eavens and the
earth? They will surely say earth? They will surely say earth? They will surely say earth? They will surely say Allah Allah Allah Allah. Say All Praise is to . Say All Praise is to . Say All Praise is to . Say All Praise is to
Allah, but most of them do not understand Allah, but most of them do not understand Allah, but most of them do not understand Allah, but most of them do not understand

2. Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah is 2. Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah is 2. Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah is 2. Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah is not alone enough not alone enough not alone enough not alone enough to to to to
embrace Islam embrace Islam embrace Islam embrace Islam until until until until it is accompanied by it is accompanied by it is accompanied by it is accompanied by Tawheed Tawheed Tawheed Tawheed
AlUloohiyyah. AlUloohiyyah. AlUloohiyyah. AlUloohiyyah.

Tawheed AlUloohiy Tawheed AlUloohiy Tawheed AlUloohiy Tawheed AlUloohiyyah: yah: yah: yah:

1. Tawheed regards to 1. Tawheed regards to 1. Tawheed regards to 1. Tawheed regards to worship worship worship worship none other than none other than none other than none other than
Allah deserves it Allah deserves it Allah deserves it Allah deserves it no matter how no matter how no matter how no matter how noble noble noble noble and and and and honorable honorable honorable honorable
they are. they are. they are. they are.

2. Allah sent 2. Allah sent 2. Allah sent 2. Allah sent all the Prophets and Messenger all the Prophets and Messenger all the Prophets and Messenger all the Prophets and Messenger with this with this with this with this
tawheed tawheed tawheed tawheed - -- - Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah was Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah was Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah was Tawheed ArRuboobiyyah was already there already there already there already there
admitted it and cal admitted it and cal admitted it and cal admitted it and called to AlUloohiyyah. led to AlUloohiyyah. led to AlUloohiyyah. led to AlUloohiyyah.

:-'=- :---= = --- V:~ - J - '--- ---

3. 3. 3. 3. First call First call First call First call of All the Prophets and Messenger. of All the Prophets and Messenger. of All the Prophets and Messenger. of All the Prophets and Messenger.

-:-- - - --- '- = --- :-'- '-

4. Statements of 4. Statements of 4. Statements of 4. Statements of Noah Noah Noah Noah Moses Vs Firown Moses Vs Firown Moses Vs Firown Moses Vs Firown Eesa. Eesa. Eesa. Eesa.

5. Order to 5. Order to 5. Order to 5. Order to Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wa sa (salallahu alaihi wa sa (salallahu alaihi wa sa (salallahu alaihi wa sallam): llam): llam): llam):

--- V ----- '---- ':~ -- _- :-'- '--- J'- J-
- '-'- '~- '-~- -=-- V '-~ - :~- V = V
:--~-'-'- -+~ :-:-- :-:- '- =

6. Order to 6. Order to 6. Order to 6. Order to mankind mankind mankind mankind: :: :

---- ----- - --- ----= -- = --- '-- '+-'-
- :--

Tawheed AlAsma was Sifaat: Tawheed AlAsma was Sifaat: Tawheed AlAsma was Sifaat: Tawheed AlAsma was Sifaat:

1. Tawheed in regard to 1. Tawheed in regard to 1. Tawheed in regard to 1. Tawheed in regard to Names and Names and Names and Names and Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes of of of of
Allah. Allah. Allah. Allah.

2. Reference 2. Reference 2. Reference 2. Reference only only only only in Quran and Sunnah. in Quran and Sunnah. in Quran and Sunnah. in Quran and Sunnah.

3. No 3. No 3. No 3. No
tahreef tahreef tahreef tahreef distortion distortion distortion distortion
tateel tateel tateel tateel suspension suspension suspension suspension
takyeef takyeef takyeef takyeef adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation
tamtheel tamtheel tamtheel tamtheel likening likening likening likening

Five Rules Five Rules Five Rules Five Rules: :: :

Rule No:1 Rule No:1 Rule No:1 Rule No:1

1. All of Allahs names: 1. All of Allahs names: 1. All of Allahs names: 1. All of Allahs names: Beautiful, Perfect, Superior Beautiful, Perfect, Superior Beautiful, Perfect, Superior Beautiful, Perfect, Superior

_--V J--- =

'+- :- '-~=- !-~V =

2. 2. 2. 2. Not Not Not Not limited to limited to limited to limited to any specific number any specific number any specific number any specific number. .. .

Rule No: 2 Rule No: 2 Rule No: 2 Rule No: 2

1. 1. 1. 1. tawkifiyyah tawkifiyyah tawkifiyyah tawkifiyyah decided upon revelation only decided upon revelation only decided upon revelation only decided upon revelation only
Quran and Sunnah. Quran and Sunnah. Quran and Sunnah. Quran and Sunnah.

2. No denial of Allahs Names and Attributes 2. No denial of Allahs Names and Attributes 2. No denial of Allahs Names and Attributes 2. No denial of Allahs Names and Attributes
found in AlQuran and Sunnah found in AlQuran and Sunnah found in AlQuran and Sunnah found in AlQuran and Sunnah Ishrak, tateel Ishrak, tateel Ishrak, tateel Ishrak, tateel

Rule No: 3 Rule No: 3 Rule No: 3 Rule No: 3

1. Names are known not the method of carrying 1. Names are known not the method of carrying 1. Names are known not the method of carrying 1. Names are known not the method of carrying
out its attribute out its attribute out its attribute out its attribute no no no no takyeef. takyeef. takyeef. takyeef.

'--- - :=-=- V

Rule No: 4 Rule No: 4 Rule No: 4 Rule No: 4

1. The Name or Attribute of Allah should not be 1. The Name or Attribute of Allah should not be 1. The Name or Attribute of Allah should not be 1. The Name or Attribute of Allah should not be
confirmed by a likening confirmed by a likening confirmed by a likening confirmed by a likening no no no no tamtheel tamtheel tamtheel tamtheel

:-~-- --~- : ~ --- c--

Rule No: 5 Rule No: 5 Rule No: 5 Rule No: 5

1. 1. 1. 1. Names may be similar not the named. Names may be similar not the named. Names may be similar not the named. Names may be similar not the named. The hearer The hearer The hearer The hearer
i ii is not like the Hearer, the seer not like the perceiver. s not like the Hearer, the seer not like the perceiver. s not like the Hearer, the seer not like the perceiver. s not like the Hearer, the seer not like the perceiver.

10 aspects contradicting Islam: 10 aspects contradicting Islam: 10 aspects contradicting Islam: 10 aspects contradicting Islam:

1. 1. 1. 1. Shirk in worshipping Allah: Shirk in worshipping Allah: Shirk in worshipping Allah: Shirk in worshipping Allah:

" !~- -- 4- '- :-- - :~- - :-- V = "

" -=- --- := --- ='- :~- - "

Includes: Includes: Includes: Includes: Calling dead Calling dead Calling dead Calling dead - -- - for hel for hel for hel for help p p p vows vows vows vows slaughtering slaughtering slaughtering slaughtering

2. 2. 2. 2. Taking other creatures as a means of worship Taking other creatures as a means of worship Taking other creatures as a means of worship Taking other creatures as a means of worship calling calling calling calling
and asking them to and asking them to and asking them to and asking them to intercede intercede intercede intercede. .. .

3. 3. 3. 3. Not considering Not considering Not considering Not considering polytheists polytheists polytheists polytheists as disbelievers as disbelievers as disbelievers as disbelievers doubting doubting doubting doubting
in their disbelief in their disbelief in their disbelief in their disbelief trying to accept trying to accept trying to accept trying to accept their religion. their religion. their religion. their religion.

4. 4. 4. 4. Not considering guidance o Not considering guidance o Not considering guidance o Not considering guidance of Prophet (salallaahu alaihi f Prophet (salallaahu alaihi f Prophet (salallaahu alaihi f Prophet (salallaahu alaihi
wa sallam) wa sallam) wa sallam) wa sallam) superior superior superior superior to others guidances to others guidances to others guidances to others guidances not considering not considering not considering not considering
his his his his judgements judgements judgements judgements as more perfect than others as more perfect than others as more perfect than others as more perfect than others wanting wanting wanting wanting
taaghoot as a law giver. taaghoot as a law giver. taaghoot as a law giver. taaghoot as a law giver.

5. 5. 5. 5. Hating Hating Hating Hating part of what Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa part of what Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa part of what Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa part of what Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa
sallam) brought with sallam) brought with sallam) brought with sallam) brought with even though i even though i even though i even though if he does it f he does it f he does it f he does it. .. .

This is because they hate the religion, their deeds This is because they hate the religion, their deeds This is because they hate the religion, their deeds This is because they hate the religion, their deeds
become fruitless become fruitless become fruitless become fruitless

6. 6. 6. 6. Moking Moking Moking Moking part of what Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa part of what Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa part of what Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa part of what Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wa
sallam) brought with sallam) brought with sallam) brought with sallam) brought with rewards or punishments. rewards or punishments. rewards or punishments. rewards or punishments.

Say! Is it Allah and His Messenger that you are Say! Is it Allah and His Messenger that you are Say! Is it Allah and His Messenger that you are Say! Is it Allah and His Messenger that you are
mock mock mock mocking? Make no excuses! You have rejected the faith ing? Make no excuses! You have rejected the faith ing? Make no excuses! You have rejected the faith ing? Make no excuses! You have rejected the faith
after accepting it after accepting it after accepting it after accepting it

7. 7. 7. 7. Magic Magic Magic Magic including including including including distraction distraction distraction distraction and and and and commiseration commiseration commiseration commiseration do do do do
not not not not do do do do it it it it do not do not do not do not accept accept accept accept it. it. it. it.

8. 8. 8. 8. Helping Helping Helping Helping the disbelievers against the believers. the disbelievers against the believers. the disbelievers against the believers. the disbelievers against the believers.

9. 9. 9. 9. Wanting to Wanting to Wanting to Wanting to keep away keep away keep away keep away from the religion of I from the religion of I from the religion of I from the religion of Islam. slam. slam. slam.

- :=7 - : -- J--- -- '-- >~V :-- --- -

10. 10. 10. 10. Turning Turning Turning Turning away from Islam away from Islam away from Islam away from Islam not learning or teaching not learning or teaching not learning or teaching not learning or teaching
except under except under except under except under compulsion. compulsion. compulsion. compulsion.

Fundamentals of Islamic Doctrine: Fundamentals of Islamic Doctrine: Fundamentals of Islamic Doctrine: Fundamentals of Islamic Doctrine:

Sayings and deeds Sayings and deeds Sayings and deeds Sayings and deeds not accepted not accepted not accepted not accepted unless originate unless originate unless originate unless originated d d d
from from from from true doctrine true doctrine true doctrine true doctrine. .. .

Belief in Allah: Belief in Allah: Belief in Allah: Belief in Allah:

1. Allah is the 1. Allah is the 1. Allah is the 1. Allah is the only one only one only one only one who deserves to be who deserves to be who deserves to be who deserves to be
worshipped. worshipped. worshipped. worshipped. Cherisher Cherisher Cherisher Cherisher Protector Protector Protector Protector Sustainer. Sustainer. Sustainer. Sustainer.

2. 2. 2. 2. Rewards Rewards Rewards Rewards pious pious pious pious punishes punishes punishes punishes rebellious. rebellious. rebellious. rebellious.

3. 3. 3. 3. ---- V -=- ~--= '-

Belief in An Belief in An Belief in An Belief in Angels: gels: gels: gels:

1. Allah created angels and molded them to 1. Allah created angels and molded them to 1. Allah created angels and molded them to 1. Allah created angels and molded them to obey obey obey obey
Him. Him. Him. Him.

2. Types of angels: 2. Types of angels: 2. Types of angels: 2. Types of angels:

Throne bearers Throne bearers Throne bearers Throne bearers
Treasurers of Hell and Heaven Treasurers of Hell and Heaven Treasurers of Hell and Heaven Treasurers of Hell and Heaven - -- - Malik Malik Malik Malik
Recorders of deeds Recorders of deeds Recorders of deeds Recorders of deeds
Horn blower Horn blower Horn blower Horn blower Israfeel Israfeel Israfeel Israfeel
Messenger Messenger Messenger Messenger Jibraeel Jibraeel Jibraeel Jibraeel
Rain, thunder Rain, thunder Rain, thunder Rain, thunder Michaeel Michaeel Michaeel Michaeel

3. Hadith of 3. Hadith of 3. Hadith of 3. Hadith of Aisha Aisha Aisha Aisha (radhi allahu anha): (radhi allahu anha): (radhi allahu anha): (radhi allahu anha):

Angels Angels Angels Angels light light light light
Jinn Jinn Jinn Jinn fire fire fire fire
Adam Adam Adam Adam dust dust dust dust

Belief in Books: Belief in Books: Belief in Books: Belief in Books:

1. 1. 1. 1. Generally Generally Generally Generally Allah has sent down Books to His Allah has sent down Books to His Allah has sent down Books to His Allah has sent down Books to His
Prophets and Messenger Prophets and Messenger Prophets and Messenger Prophets and Messenger to to to to clarify His right upon them clarify His right upon them clarify His right upon them clarify His right upon them. .. .

2. 2. 2. 2. Specifically Specifically Specifically Specifically those named those named those named those named Taurah, Injeel, Zaboor, Taurah, Injeel, Zaboor, Taurah, Injeel, Zaboor, Taurah, Injeel, Zaboor,
AlQuraan. AlQuraan. AlQuraan. AlQuraan.

3. AlQuran 3. AlQuran 3. AlQuran 3. AlQuran last, best last, best last, best last, best confirm confirm confirm confirm what came before what came before what came before what came before
entire nation entire nation entire nation entire nation resort in Judgement resort in Judgement resort in Judgement resort in Judgement. .. .

Belief in Prophets & Messengers: Belief in Prophets & Messengers: Belief in Prophets & Messengers: Belief in Prophets & Messengers:

1. 1. 1. 1. Generally: Generally: Generally: Generally:

=- :---= = --- V:~ - J - '--- --- :-'

2. 2. 2. 2. Specifically: Specifically: Specifically: Specifically: Those Allah named like Those Allah named like Those Allah named like Those Allah named like Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah,
Abraham, Hud, Salih, Yusuf, Yunus, Moosa, Eesa, Abraham, Hud, Salih, Yusuf, Yunus, Moosa, Eesa, Abraham, Hud, Salih, Yusuf, Yunus, Moosa, Eesa, Abraham, Hud, Salih, Yusuf, Yunus, Moosa, Eesa,
Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad etc (alaihum salaam) etc (alaihum salaam) etc (alaihum salaam) etc (alaihum salaam)

3. Muhammad (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) 3. Muhammad (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) 3. Muhammad (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) 3. Muhammad (salallaahu alaihi wa sallam) last n last n last n last n
best best best best to mankind and jinn. to mankind and jinn. to mankind and jinn. to mankind and jinn.

Muhammad is not a fa Muhammad is not a fa Muhammad is not a fa Muhammad is not a father for any among you, ther for any among you, ther for any among you, ther for any among you,
but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of Prophets but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of Prophets but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of Prophets but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of Prophets

4. 4. 4. 4. Follow Follow Follow Follow the path of prophets the path of prophets the path of prophets the path of prophets happy happy happy happy. . . .
Leave Leave Leave Leave the path the path the path the path regret regret regret regret. .. .

Belief in the Day of Resurrection: Belief in the Day of Resurrection: Belief in the Day of Resurrection: Belief in the Day of Resurrection:

1. Believing in 1. Believing in 1. Believing in 1. Believing in everything everything everything everything that Allah and His that Allah and His that Allah and His that Allah and His prophet prophet prophet prophet
informed. informed. informed. informed.

2. Includes 2. Includes 2. Includes 2. Includes events events events events after death like: after death like: after death like: after death like:

Trail in Grave Trail in Grave Trail in Grave Trail in Grave its punishment and ease its punishment and ease its punishment and ease its punishment and ease
Siraat Siraat Siraat Siraat
Mizaan Mizaan Mizaan Mizaan
Account Account Account Account
Distribution of Books Distribution of Books Distribution of Books Distribution of Books
Punishment and Reward. Punishment and Reward. Punishment and Reward. Punishment and Reward.
Aimed Basim o Aimed Basim o Aimed Basim o Aimed Basim of Prophet (salallaahu alaihi f Prophet (salallaahu alaihi f Prophet (salallaahu alaihi f Prophet (salallaahu alaihi
wa wa wa wa sallam) sallam) sallam) sallam)
Believers seeing and speaking with Allah. Believers seeing and speaking with Allah. Believers seeing and speaking with Allah. Believers seeing and speaking with Allah.

Belief in Allahs decree and predestination: Belief in Allahs decree and predestination: Belief in Allahs decree and predestination: Belief in Allahs decree and predestination:

1. Allah is the 1. Allah is the 1. Allah is the 1. Allah is the creator creator creator creator and and and and owner owner owner owner of everything. of everything. of everything. of everything.

2. He 2. He 2. He 2. He preordained preordained preordained preordained the the the the destiny destiny destiny destiny of everything of everything of everything of everything
guidance, misguidance guidance, misguidance guidance, misguidance guidance, misguidance under His control under His control under His control under His control

3. Preord 3. Preord 3. Preord 3. Preordainment in His ainment in His ainment in His ainment in His knowledge and Wisdom. knowledge and Wisdom. knowledge and Wisdom. knowledge and Wisdom.

4. Necessitates 4. Necessitates 4. Necessitates 4. Necessitates Knowledge, Writing down, Will, Knowledge, Writing down, Will, Knowledge, Writing down, Will, Knowledge, Writing down, Will,
Creation Creation Creation Creation

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