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Chapter Twenty-Four

The Great Depression and the New Deal, 19291940

Part One:

Chapter Focus Questions

What were the causes and consequences of the Great Depression? What characterized the politics of hard times? Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt and what were the two New Deals? How did the federal sphere expand in the West? What characterized American cultural life during the 1930s? What were the legacies and limits of New Deal reform?

Part Two:

Sit-Down Strike at Flint: Automobile Workers Organize a New Union

Sit-Down Strike at Flint

In 1937, the community of Flint, Michigan, went on strike at the General Motors plant. The depression hit this auto-producing town very hard. The United Auto Workers attempted to take advantage of the Wagner Act and organize a union, but GM resisted them. Strikers seized two GM plants and refused to leave. Supported by the governor, the strikers resisted efforts to eject them. The community rallied to support the strikers. GM gave in and recognized the UAW, a move that the other automakers soon followed.

Part Three:

Hard Times

The Bull Market and the Crash

During the 1920s, stock prices rose rapidly. Investors were lured by easy-credit policies like buying on margin. The market peaked in early September 1929, drifted down until late October, and crashed on October 29. By mid-November, the market had lost half of its value. Buyers on margin faced paying hard cash to the cover the loans they received for purchasing stock that sold well below what they had originally paid. Few people predicted that a depression would follow. Chart: The Stock Market 19211932

Underlying Weakness
The crash did not cause the depression but revealed the underlying economic weakness. Industrial growth during the 1920s had not been accompanied by comparable increases in wages or farm income. The gap between rich and poor widened, as did that between production and consumption.

Mass Unemployment
The stock market crash led manufacturers to decrease spending and lay off workers. Weak consumer demand and bank runs turned the slump into a depression. By 1933, nearly one-third of the labor force was out of work. Unemployment took a tremendous personal toll and undermined the traditional authority of the male breadwinner. Chart: Unemployment, 19291945

Hoovers Failure
The enormity of the depression overwhelmed traditional sources of relief. President Hoover seemed unable to accept the facts of the depression. He vetoed measures to aid the unemployed. His Reconstruction Finance Corporation failed to restore business confidence. Efforts to make government credit available saved banks but did not encourage business growth.

Protest and the Election of 1932

Map: The Election of 1932 In 1932, protests erupted throughout the country, including the Bonus Army of veterans in Washington. The Democrats, led by Franklin D. Roosevelt, won a massive electoral victory.

Part Four:

FDR and the First New Deal

FDR the Man

FDR came from a privileged New York background. His rapid rise in politics came to a halt when he was stricken with polio. The experience changed him, allowing him personally to understand struggle and hardship. He served two terms as governor of New York where he: established a reputation as a reformer put together the brain trust to help him implement changes

Restoring Confidence
To restore confidence, on his first full day as president, FDR called for a four-day bank holiday. In his fireside chat a week later, he told Americans of the steps he had taken, strengthening public faith in his ability to help. Congress passed legislation that strengthened the banking system, helping to avert the immediate banking crisis.

The Hundred Days

FDR called a special hundred days session of Congress to enact his program to revive industry and agriculture while providing emergency relief.

Part Five:

Left Turn and the Second New Deal

Roosevelts Critics
Critics from the right lambasted the New Deal as being socialistic. More troublesome for FDR were critics who claimed the New Deal had been too timid including:
Upton Sinclair lost the California gubernatorial election race in which he called for a government-run production system. Francis Townsend called for providing $200 monthly payments to all persons over 60. Huey Long, who served as governor and then as senator for Louisiana, called for a Share Our Wealth program to redistribute wealth. Longs assassination in 1936 ended his probable third-party candidacy.

Strikes and street demonstrations added to the pressure.

The Second Hundred Days

FDR responded by shifting leftward.

Labors Upsurge: Rise of the CIO

A militant group within the AFL formed the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO), later the Congress of Industrial Organizations, to organize mass-production workers. Led by John Lewis of the United Mine Workers, the CIO drew upon communists and other radicals to engage in the dangerous task of building industrial unions. The success at the Flint GM plant led to victories in other industries. The reinvigorated labor movement took a place as a key power broker in FDRs New Deal coalition.

The New Deal Coalition at High Tide

FDR easily won re-election in 1936. His supporters included:
traditional white southern Democrats big-city political machines trade unionists depression-hit farmers ethnic voters

Part Six:

The New Deal in the South and West

Southern Farming and Landholding

In 1930, less than of all southern farmer owned their land; over of the regions African-American farmers and nearly of its white farmers were sharecroppers or tenants. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) was able to boost prices by paying farmers to plow under take their land out of production. Many of the subsidies went to large landowners who used the money to buy labor-saving machinery, which put many out of work. Those who were put out of work were forced to migrate to industrial centers such as Memphis, Chicago, Birmingham, and Detroit.

The Dust Bowl

Map: The Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl, caused by farmers methods that stripped the landscape of its natural vegetation and left nothing behind to hold down the topsoil, swept through parts of the region.

The Government and the Dust Bowl

Farmers were encouraged to plant soil-enriching crops. The Soil Conservation Service provided assistance to farmers engaged in conservation work. The AAA provided subsidies to farmers who reduced their acreage. As landowners reduced acreage by evicting their tenants and sharecroppers, these families became part of a stream of Okies. Responding to rising racial hostility, officials carried out an aggressive deportation campaign against Mexicans and Mexican Americans.

Water Policy
Map: The New Deal and Water The New Deal built a series of water projects that allowed urban growth, agricultural expansion, and massive irrigation. These projects promoted flood control and supplied low-cost electricity. The consequence of these projects was that a few farmers became wealthy and thousands of Mexican workers labored in the fields for very low wages. A general decline in the environment also occurred.

A New Deal for Indians

John Collier, the new head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, reformed many harmful practices. The Indian Reorganization Act restored tribal ownership of land. Some tribes, such as the Navajos, rejected the IRA to protest the bureaus attempt to reduce their livestock. The Bureau of Indian Affairs grew more sensitive to Indian cultural freedom and supported efforts to restore tribal rights.

Part Seven:

Depression-Era Culture

A New Deal for the Arts

Due in part to government support, American culture was influenced by the depression. The New Deals Federal Project No. 1 provided assistance to artists and intellectuals. The Federal Writers Project enabled many of the countrys writers to survive and go on to prominence. The New Deal also funded theatrical performances, sent orchestras out on tour, financed new compositions, and supported new works of art.

The Documentary Impulse

A documentary impulse led many artists to try to record the extent of human suffering. Photographers employed by the Farm Security Administration traveled throughout rural areas, recording the faces of despair and resilience. Novelists like John Steinbeck portrayed the hardships of Okies but affirmed their willingness to persevere.

Waiting for Lefty

Marxist analysis, with its emphasis on class conflict and the failure of capitalism, had a wide influence on the eras writers. Alarmed by the rise of fascism, communists tried to appeal to antifascists by forging a popular front that helped to spread their influence.

Film in the 1930s

Millions of Americans found the movies an enjoyable escape. By and large Hollywood avoided confronting controversial social issues and relied upon indirect comments in gangster films and screwball comedies. Walt Disneys cartoons were moral tales that stressed following the rules. Frank Capras comedies idealized small-town America and suggested that solutions were to be found in the oldfashioned values of common people.

Radio in the 1930s

In 1930, 40 percent of American homes had a radio. Ten years later, 90 percent did. Network radio relied on older forms, vaudeville, and blackface minstrel comedy. Soap operas dominated daytime radio and featured strong women who gave advice to weak, indecisive friends. By the end of the decade network news had become the prime news source for most Americans.

The Swing Era

Radio stations helped to popularize jazz music. White performers like Benny Goodman popularized African-American musical forms for a mass audience, initiating the swing era.

Part Eight:

The Limits of Reform

Court Packing
By 1937, the New Deal was in retreat. FDR became frustrated when the Supreme Court overturned several key New Deal programs. He asked Congress to allow him to appoint a number of new judges. New Deal sympathizers feared this would disrupt the constitutional balance and blocked the effort. In time FDR got a more sympathetic court, but the battle cost him heavily.

The Womens Network

The New Deal brought significant changes for women. Women who had been engaged in reform work increased their influence. Eleanor Roosevelt promoted a number of reforms, particularly around issues pertinent to women. The New Deal saw the first female Cabinet member, Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, a long-time reformer. New Deal agencies opened up spaces for many women, particularly in social welfare programs.

A New Deal for Minorities?

The New Deal did not directly combat racism. NRA codes allowed for lower wages for black workers. Blacks were among the people left unprotected by the gaps in New Deal reforms, such as Social Security. FDR banned discrimination in WPA projects, leaving African Americans to find jobs. A Black Cabinet led by Mary McLeod Bethune advised FDR on black issues and got a number of second-level positions opened up. By 1936, a majority of black voters supported the Democrats. The New Deal did little to help Mexicans and Mexican Americans.

The Roosevelt Recession

By 1937, FDR had become convinced that the federal deficit had grown too large. He cut spending, creating a severe recession that increased unemployment and weakened popular support for the New Deal. The 1938 elections increased Republican strength and made further reforms nearly impossible.

Part Nine:


The Great Depression and the New Deal

Media: Chronology

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