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Matching of Charts

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The document discusses the importance of matching horoscopes before marriage in Hindu culture and outlines various astrological factors that are analyzed, including the Kuta agreement system.

The document is about analyzing the compatibility of horoscopes for marriage purposes in Hindu astrology.

Important factors for matching horoscopes for marriage include the Kuta agreement system, general analysis of charts for aspects like longevity and finances, and the proper timing of the marriage indicated by the charts.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility
(Part I)
Through Anukulyas
(Sources of Agreement)


Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes




No. Description Page
1 Introduction 3
2 Marriage 5
3 Important things to be seen while matching 6
4 What is Kuta system of matching 8
5 Importance of the Kutas 11
6 Tables required for matching 14
7 Anukulyas (Sources of agreement) explained 17
8 Principles involved in other Kutas 53
9 Special Considerations 64
10 Common Janma Rasi 66
11 Common Janma Nakshatra 67
12 Destructive or Harmful Nakshatras 69
13 Summary 70
14 Some example charts analysed 73
15 Common table of Compatibility 95
16 Conclusion 97
Navamsa Table 100
Nakshatra-wise Compatibility 103

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


1. Introduction:

Today we are in a modern world. Marriages are not made in heaven nowadays but are
decided by the boy and the girl themselves. Gone are the days when the parents of the boy
and the girl decide on the suitability of the relationship between the boy and the girl and
then decide on the unification of them. But, to some extent, it is still considered as a sacred
occasion by the Hindus at least. Even when a boy and a girl decide to unite themselves in
wedlock, majority of them still feel that whether their horoscopes are matching or not.

It is always advisable to approach a well known astrologer before marriage and have his
opinion regarding the adaptability of the boy and the girl.

There are various factors which assume importance while matching of horoscopes for the
purpose of marriage. I propose to divide them into three groups, first being the so called
Kuta Agreement, the second - General study of the charts of the boy and the girl for various
facets of life like Longevity, Financial soundness, Multiple marriages, various Doshas etc.,
etc. The last part will be the timing of marriage as unless the chart promises proper timing
of marriage, there is no point in going ahead with the matching. The first part viz. Kuta
agreement is dealt with in this book.

Apart from the numerous articles that I had studied, I made a thorough study of Prasna
Marga English translation of Dr. B.V.Raman. The Chapter No. XXI deals totally with
Marriage Compatibility. Every one will agree with me that Prasna Marga is one of the most
important classics dealing in predictive astrology. According to Dr. B.V.Raman it reveals
methods peculiar to the genius of Kerala. One important aspect of Prasna Marga is that - it
considerably reduces the work load of many astrologers who had to refer to various classical
treatises as references - on various celebrated treatises such as Mahadevas Muhurta,
Santana Deepika, Prasna Sangraha, Gnana Pradeepika, Brihat Jataka, Shatpanchasika and
Vidwajjana Vallabha to emphasize certain combinations. Another important book of which
only portions are available with me namely Kalaprakashika was also referred and
wherever there is a discrepancy between the two, I have mentioned it at the appropriate
I also would like to place on record my sincere thanks to great authors like Dr.
B.V.Raman, R. Santhanam, M.Ramakrishna Bhatt, Sanjay Rath, Sanjay
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Prabhakaran, PVR. Narasimha Rao, Iranganti Rangacharya and many more
persons from whose writings I could gather many intricate things which I have
used in this book. I heart fully acknowledge them through these lines as I could
not get their permission directly to reproduce their principles.

It is quite possible that I might have made some grave mistakes in presenting the details
and the fault is entirely my own. If the readers could bring out the errors or discrepancies
found in this book, I shall be grateful to them and in my next edition, I shall have them

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


2. Marriage:

What is marriage?

Marriage is a social, religious, spiritual, emotional and/or legal union of a man and a
woman. It is the physical, mental and spiritual union of two souls. The physical union
creates a progeny so that the culture and civilization can be transferred from one generation
to another. The mental union creates an atmosphere to withstand the various vicissitudes in
life only to grow stronger and more stable. The spiritual union leads to love, loyalty,
compassion, self-control, self-discipline and above all commitment to each other and then to
the society at large. It is not a contract entered into for a specific period and to be broken at
ones own whims and fancies. The intention is to make it a permanent one. Under the Hindu
Dharma, marriage was and is regarded as a religious sacrament and comprehends the
equality of the partner to follow the path of Purushartha which are Dharma (Righteousness),
Artha (Wealth), Kama (Desire) and Moksha (Salvation).

When the question of marriage is taken up in a Hindu family, many things demand their
attention. The important parameters to be taken into consideration are the physical fitness,
mental qualities, heredity, sexual compatibility and social and economic status of the boy
and the girl. Sex element takes the precedence in todays position leaving out the social and
psychological factors. As per Hindu Shastras, there are minimum and maximum age limits
for marriage. Marriages between same Gotra (Sa-Gotra) are not favored as it will have an
adverse influence on the offspring. Inter-racial, inter-communal and inter-religious
marriages are frowned upon or are not accepted as in such unions there are cultural

Taking into consideration of various factors like this, the Hindus have taken recourse to
astrological means of judging marriage compatibility so that the relation between the
persons to be united can withstand the strains of life. If a proper matching of the
horoscopes of the bride and the groom are undertaken before marriage, there will be fewer
separations than at present. The physical fitness of the bride and groom can be done by a
medical expert. What about the mental fitness or the happiness or unhappiness that is to
come after marriage? According to Dr. B.V.Raman Happiness largely rests upon so many
factors that the aid of astrology should be sought for by every sensible individual.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


3. Important things to be seen while matching of charts:

Dr. B.V. Raman emphasizes on three factors in selecting horoscopes for marriage purposes.
The longevity of the bride and the bridegroom, the strength of the 7
and 8
houses and
agreeability in regard to the Kutas or Poruthams should be the main criteria.

Inherent Compatibility must be present in the horoscopes of both the boy and the girl. The
kuta system is to be used only as a supplement and to be considered only when there is
general compatibility between the horoscopes of the parties who are to be united. In certain
parts of India, many horoscopes are getting rejected simply because some of the Kutas are
not matching. We come across in various forums and groups questions regarding the non-
matching of Kutas. Majority of such people solely rely on the free matching services
rendered by innumerable web sites. Therefore it is essential to study the general strength of
the charts before going into the Kuta System. While looking at the General Strength the
following points need to be considered at length

1. Longevity
2. Physical fitness, emotional mind and status
3. Lagna matching
4. Subhapati matching
5. Upapada matching
6. Ghataka matching
7. Dasavidha porutham or the Ten Kuta or agreement
8. The non-scoring Kuta
9. Presence of Dosha
10. Strength of planets according to their placements
11. Strength of Bhava
12. Effect of planets placed in a particular Bhava

When so much is to be analyzed while matching of charts, it becomes essential to have the
assistance of an astrologer as he alone can find out the details on the above aspects and
give the result. Nowadays, in the Internet, there are various sites offering free matching of
charts which are mainly based on the ten kuta or eight kuta only which is definitely not
sufficient. In this book I am taking up only the kuta matching both the scoring and the
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


non-scoring ones as it is also essential part of matching and which can be understood by
everyone even without any knowledge of Astrology. The other aspects required for the
purpose of matching of horoscopes will be taken up by me in the 2
part of this book.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


4. What is Kuta System of matching?

Kuta means multitude, uniform substance. Kuta agreement is based on the birth stars as
well as the Janma rasi of both. Each Kuta has a specific role to play and reveals the result
like a scanning machine. There are as many as 40 kinds of agreements listed in various
ancient books. It is not possible to fix a matrimonial alliance having all these agreements in
a perfect condition. However, some of the most important agreements cannot be
overlooked. The list of Kuta agreement also varies according to Desh, Kaal and Paatra. In
the south India they rely on 10 Kutas whereas in the north they take into account only 8
Kutas. Points are also given to the 8 Kutas. In Kalaprakashika it is given as Dasavidha
Porutham (Ten Kuta/agreements). Narada Purana states only 8 kinds of agreement. I give
below the main Kutas which are to be seen while matching of charts.

List of important Kutas to be seen are:
1. Dina
2. Gana
3. Mahendra
4. Stree Deergha
5. Yoni
6. Rasi
7. Rasyadhipa
8. Vasya
9. Rajju
10. Nadi
11. Vedha
12. Varna

The order of Kutas as given above from Dr B.V.Ramans Muhurta (Electional Astrology) with
a slight change of bringing in the Nadi as the tenth one which is the last one as given by
him. The order has no relevance here. It can be in any manner. But while considering the
Point based Kutas where a score or point has been assigned to each of the Kutas, the order
is important.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


In the point system of matching (as seen in many web sites) they assign 36 points. The
Kutas taken for this purpose along with the marks for each are given below:

Kuta Marks
Varna 1
Vasya 2
Tara or Dina 3
Yoni 4
Rasyadhipa or Graha Maitram 5
Gana 6
Rasi 7
Nadi 8
Total 36

The other non-scoring Kutas are Mahendra, Stree-Deergha, Vedha and Rajju.

According to Prasna Marga, there are 23 items or sources of agreement. They are grouped
as below:
Group is based on Janma Rasi They are 4 in number - Rasi, Rasi Yoni, Vasya Rasi, Rasi
is based on Lord of the Janma Rasi Rasyadhipa
is based on Chitta (love)
is based on Vayas (Age)
is based on Nakshatra which has 16 agreements. They are:
1. Nakshatra (Dina)
2. Gana
3. Mahendra
4. Stree Deergha
5. Yoni
6. Vasya
7. Rajju
8. Vedha
9. Varna
10. Gotra
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


11. Vihanga
12. Yonyanukulya
13. Bhuta
14. Ashtakavarga
15. Aya-Vyaya (Income and Expenditure)
16. Rina

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


5. Importance of the Kutas:

According to Sarvartha Siddhi, 20 items of compatibilities are to be looked into. Important
among them are Janma Rasi, Lord of Janma Rasi, Vasya, Mahendra and Yoni.

According to Prasna Marga, for matrimonial purposes the most important items of
concordance to be considered are: Janma Rasi, Lord of Janma Rasi, Vasya, Mahendra,
Gana, Yoni, Dina and Stree Deergha.

According to Muhurthabharana, Janma Rasi, Lord of Janma Rasi, Mahendra, Yoni and Vasya
are the five most important sources of agreement that should be considered.

Madhava gives 15 items for consideration in all. Of these, Mahendra, Yoni, Janma Rasi and
Lord of Janma Rasi are the most important. Brahmins should look into the Gotra they are
born in. Others should consider the agreement in respect of Varna.

According to Kalaprakashika, Dina, Gana, Mahendra, Stree Deergha, Yoni, Rasi, Rasyadhipa,
Vasya, Rajju and Nadi are important for Brahmins. Dina, Gana, Yoni, Rasi and Rajju are
indispensable for Brahmins. Gana is essential for Kshatriya, Rasi for Vysya and Yoni for
Sudra. But for all casts Rajju is important. If 5 or more Kutas including Rajju is found to be
in agreement then the marriage can be performed.

The following are the 8 factors as given in Muhurta Chinthamani:

|'|| |7| ||| ||| ||l|%| | |||
|'||| +| | ||| || |'||l||:

(1) Varna; (2) Vasya; (3) Tara; (4) Yoni; (5) Grahamaitri; (6) Gana (7) Rasi; (8) Nadi.

In the point system out of 36 points if the score comes to 18 or more then the charts are
said to be in agreement. However in this case, the most important factor of Rajju kuta has
not been taken into account. Since there are conflicting views on this, it is better we study
the underlying indications of each of these Kutas and then take a final decision as to which
one is important and which is not so important. The following table gives a list of the Kutas
and their indications:

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


List of Kutas and their indications as stated by many writers:
Kuta Indications
Dina Dinath Ayushyam Aarokyam
Ensures that the couple remains healthy and free from diseases and enjoy all
comforts of life. Absence of this agreement may lead to difference of opinion
on day to day matters leading to arguments and hence lack of support to
each other.
Gana Sobanam Ganam Evacha
Some view it as Compatible sex life and some others are of the opinion that it
is the matching of minds and temperament. We will go with the explanation of
temperament and character of the couple.
Mahendra Mahendram Puthira Vrithisyath
Deals with good and prosperous children. Assures progeny. It also indicates
the longevity of the relationship.
Stree Deerga Sarva Sampaththa
Promotes welfare. Mainly deals with prosperity and wealth. Gives lasting
relationships where the couples also enjoy rapport and togetherness. It also
indicates a woman who will not become a widow.
Yoni Yonitho Dhampathy Sneham
Indicates sexual compatibility.
Rasi Rasinam Vamsavirthi Kiruth
Growth of family through the birth of a son. Another interpretation is cordial
relationship between daughter-in-law and her in-laws. Madhavacharya says it
indicates loss of money, sorrow, quarrels and misunderstanding, loss of
children, diseases, danger and separation depending on the placement of
males Janma rasi in an unfavorable position from that of the female.
Rasyadhipa Santhanam Rasiyathipathy
Santhana refers to progeny which has already been indicated by other Kutas.
It appears to be duplication. Elders are of the view that it does not merely
indicate progeny but noble children with yoga which may lead to prosperity.
The underlying meaning is that it indicates the psychological dispositions of
the couple, their individual mental attitudes and their affection to each other.
Vasya Vasyath Anniyonnia Vasyaham
Development of posterity, Assures mutual love and attachment. Vasya means
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


subdued, tamed or humbled. And this is used to determine whether one
partner will win over the other. It suggests the degree or magnetic control or
amenability that one would be able to exercise on other.
Rajju Rajju Mngalya Vrithysyath
Felicity, great happiness in marriage and immunity from widowhood. This
bestows on the wife Deergha Mangalya Balam means living happily with the
husband for a long time.
Vedha Vedhava Sohanasanam
Vedha means affliction, penetration, piercing and disturbance. This agreement
wards off all evils and pitfalls in married life and a happy and prosperous
married life is assured as a result.
Varna Varna is colour or nature or caste. It indicates the spiritual development of
the couple.
Nadi It shows how a couple works on spiritual plane and how their union will
impact their children through the genes they inherit. Nadi means pulse which
is a medical term and hence this agreement ensures health, longevity of the
couple and happiness of children.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


6. Tables required for Matching

Before going into the rules for identifying the presence or absence of the above agreements,
we have to prepare a table of Nakshatras and their various gunas so that the understanding
of our rules becomes simpler. We know there are 27 Nakshatras which are taken into
consideration. The 28
Nakshatra Abhijit is not taken into calculations except in certain
specific Kutas which we will see later. When we talk of Nakshatra, it refers to the Janma
Nakshatra or the Nakshatra ruling on the date of birth or we can say it is the Nakshatra
where Moon is placed on the day of birth. It is also to be remembered that each Nakshatra
consists of 4 padas and each Pada is of duration of 3 degrees and 20 minutes. There are 12
rasis and each rasi has 9 padas or two and a quarter nakshatra making it equal to 30
degrees. There are nine planets which are taken into consideration. The farthest planets like
Uranus, Neptune etc. are not considered for this purpose. This constitutes the Rasi Mandal
or Surya Mandal. With these basic principles the following tables are prepared.

Nakshatra Padas in Rasis:
Pisces (Jupiter)
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Aries (Mars)
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Taurus (Venus)
2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2
Gemini (Mercury)
3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
Aquarius (Saturn)
3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
Nakshatra Padas
In Rasis
Cancer (Moon)
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Capricorn (Saturn)
2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2
Leo (Sun)
1, 2, 3, 4
Purva Phalguni
1, 2, 3, 4
Uttara Phalguni
Sagittarius (Jupiter)
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Scorpio (Mars)
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Libra (Venus)
3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
Virgo (Mercury)
Uttara Phalguni
2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2

The names of Rasis are given in red with a yellow background. The planets owning the rasis
are given in brackets in red.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


The Nakshatras are also classified into 3 groups. Each group is assigned 9 Nakshatras. The
first cycle is called 1
Paraya or Janma, the 2
one is called 2
Paraya or Anujanma and
the 3
cycle is termed as 3
Paraya or Trijanma. The given below Table illustrates the

Classification of Nakshatras:

Aswini Makha Moola
Bharani Purvaphalguni Purvashada
Krittika Uttaraphalguni Uttarashada
Rohini Hasta Sravana
Mrigasirsha Chitra Dhanishta
Ardra Swathi Satabhisha
Punarvasu Visakha Purvabhadrapada
Pushya Anuradha Uttarabhadrapada
Aslesha Jyeshta Revathi

Planetary Friendship Table:

Planet Friend Neutral Enemy
Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn
Moon Sun, Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn ------
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Venus, Saturn Mercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Mercury, Venus
Venus Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon
Saturn Mercury, Venus Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars

Planets Rahu and Ketu are not taken into consideration for the purposes of determining the
friendship at least for the purpose of matching. But they do have friends, enemies also.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Classification of Nakshatras (Gana, Yoni, Rajju, Vedha and Nadi):

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7. Anukulyas (Sources of agreement) explained

Now let us go to the rules or principles under each of the agreements. For easy
understanding, I will give the rules first and then take a sample data and arrive at the result
under each kuta. The sample data has the following birth details:

Boy: Born on 10
June, 1981 at 6:37 AM at Mumbai.
Girl: Girl born on 18
September, 1984 at 19:55 at Mumbai.

We do not need the horoscope at this moment. It is enough if we know the Janma
Nakshatra and its Pada of both. This can be easily got from any Panchanga of that year or
from the Internet also. Or if you can have access to any Astrological software, by giving the
birth details, you will come to know of the star and its Pada on these days.

Let us construct a working table for the boy and the girl separately using the above tables:

Boy Girl
Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni Mrigasirsha
Taken from Panchanga
Pada 2 4
Rasi Virgo Gemini
Taken from the Nakshatra Pada table
Rasi Lord Mercury Mercury
Friend Sun, Venus Sun, Venus
Taken from the Planetary Friendship table Neutral Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Enemy Moon Moon
Gana Manushya Deva
Taken from the classification of Nakshatra table
Yoni Male Female
Yoni class Cow Serpent
Rajju Nabhi (Navel) Siro (Head)
Vedha Purvabhadrapada Chitra, Dhanishta
Nadi Vata Pitta

Now we will study the rules and apply them to the charts whose details we have culled out
and see whether the charts are matching or not.
One important thing to remember is that the all the reckonings are done beginning
from the nakshatra of the girl unless otherwise specifically mentioned.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.1. Dina:

Rule: Count the nakshatra of the boy from that of the girl and divide it by 9. If the
remainder is 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0 then the Dina agreement is present. If the remainder is 1, 3, 5
or 7 then this agreement is not present. While dividing the counting by 9, if the count itself
is 9 or less than 9, then the number counted is to be treated as the remainder.

Another way of calculating is that the boys nakshatra counted from the girls should not be
the 3
, 5
, 7
, 12
, 14
, 16
, 21
, 23
or 25

The bridegroom born in the 3
and 7
Nakshatras from the girls brings in trouble. One born
in the 5
causes more trouble. If both the Nakshatras are the same a separate treatment is
to be given for which a separate chapter has been given. Kindly refer to the same.

The above calculations have their basis on Tara Bala. There are nine Tara balas. Their
names, meanings and effects as below:

No. Name Meaning Effects
1 Janma Birth Danger to Body
2 Sampat Wealth Wealth and Prosperity
3 Vipat Danger Danger, Losses, accidents
4 Kshema Well-being Prosperity
5 Pratyak Obstacles Hindrances
6 Saadhana Achievement Realisation of ambitions
7 Naidhana Death Danger, death inflicting
8 Mitra Friend Good, friendly
9 Param Mitra Good friend Very favourable.

From the above we see that the numbers 1, 3, 5 and 7 forebode evil or bad things. So it is
better to avoid such constellations.

The number of units of compatibility assigned to this Kuta is 3

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Special: If the girls nakshatra is 22
from that of the boy it is called Vainasikam and
should be avoided according to some astrologers. But when we apply the above rule 22
when divided by 9 yields 4 as the reminder which is Kshema and hence could be considered
auspicious. Similarly, I came across another saying that the 27
star is also to be avoided.
This is also not acceptable as 27 divided by 9 yields zero which is nothing but 9 and this
indicates Param Mitra.

In respect of common Nakshatras, where the rule will give you number 1. I shall be giving
the rules for common Nakshatra compatibility separately but for the time being remember
that If Bharani, Aslesha, Swathi, Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Purvabhadrapada
are the common Nakshatras of the boy and the girl they should not be united.

One more addition given in Prasna Marga deals with the Navamsa. For this book, since we
are not going to construct any horoscopes, it will be difficult for the readers to follow this
rule. So at the end of the chapters I have given a Navamsa table for all the 108 padas of
the Nakshatras. From the table it will be easy to locate any particular Navamsa.

According to Sloka 23 of Prasna Marga If the boys Navamsa Moon is of 88
or 108
that of the girl, it is inauspicious.

How to find out the Navamsa mentioned here. Just go the Navamsa Table given at the end
of this book and locate the Nakshatra Pada of the person. Add 87 to the Pada number. The
number you get is the 88
Navamsa. Scan through that row.

Let us experiment this with our sample chart. The girl belongs to Mrigasirsha-4
Locate this Nakshatra and Pada in the Navamsa table which is as below:

Nakshatra Pada Rasi Longitude
Pada sign
20 630.20660-40 Mrigasirsha 4 030.20060-40 20 Scorpio

Add 87 to 20 which come to 107. Now find out the row corresponding to 107. This is the
Navamsa for the girls Nakshatra Pada.
Nakshatra Pada Rasi Longitude
Pada sign
107 3530.20-3560.40 Revathi 3 230.20-260.40 107 Aquarius

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


The Navamsa Moon of the girl will be in Scorpio as per last column. The 88
Navamsa will
be Aquarius. As per the rule, the boys Navamsa Moon should not be in Aquarius.

You will observe that the 88
Navamsa will always be the fourth from the Natal Moon
Navamsa. This is true for all cases. Hence in the Navamsa chart if the Boys Moon is in the
fourth to that of the Girl, then as per this rule, there is no agreement present. If we go a
little further, and do calculations as per Nakshatra, you will find that the Nakshatra of the
Navamsa will be the 23
from Janma Nakshatra or the Nakshatra for which we are
calculating the 88
Navamsa. This I leave it for the readers to verify. Now if we apply the
original rule of division by 23 divided by 9 leaves a reminder of 5 which in any case we
will not accept.

Now let us take up the 108
Navamsa. Applying the same principle the 108
Navamsa will
be just the Navamsa before the Moons Nakshatra as there are only 108 Navamsa padas.
However, in this case the original rule of division by 9 will not be working as the Nakshatra
will be the 27
and dividing by 9 you get 0 which according to the original rule is an
acceptable one. But according to this rule of Prasna Marga such a position is to be rejected.

In our example chart, Counting from girls nakshatra Mrigasirsha to boys nakshatra
Uttara Phalguni it is 8 (Mrigasirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Aslesha, Makha,
Purvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni). So Dina agreement is present in the charts.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.2. Gana:

This kuta has an important bearing on the temperament and character of the couple.
According to Dr. B.V.Raman Compatibility of temperament and not the identity of
temperament are called for in astrology. A difference of temperament may be harmonious
and complimentary. But a compatibility of temperament is essential to a satisfactory
marriage union.

Three types of temperaments have been recognized viz. Deva (Divine), Manushya (Human)
and Rakshasa (Demonic). Deva is indicative of divine qualities such as goodness of
character, charitable nature etc. Manushya is a mixture of good and bad. Rakshasa is
dominance, violence and self-will. Each Nakshatra is assigned one these natures which can
be seen from the Classification of table above. However for the benefit of the readers I give
below the Nakshatras that fall under each of the three.

Gana Nakshatra
Aswini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swathi, Anuradha, Sravana,
Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, , Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Purvashada,
Uttarashada, Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada
Krittika, Aslesha, Makha, Chitra, Visakha, Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishta,

Rule: A deva can marry a Deva, a Manushya can marry a Manushya and a Rakshasa can
marry a Rakshasa This is highly propitious.
Boy Deva Gana and Girl Manushya Gana Fairly Good.
Boy Deva Gana and Girl Rakshasa Gana Not to be brought together.
Boy Rakshasa Gana and Girl Manushya Gana Ordinary. - Some consider this bad.
Boy Rakshasa Gana and Girl Deva Gana Ordinary.
Boy Manushya Gana and Girl Deva Gana Bad. Some consider this as Ordinary.
Boy Manushya Gana and Girl Rakshasa Gana Not to be brought together.
There is a difference of opinion in respect of two combinations viz. Girl is of Manushya Gana
and Boy is of Raskshasa Gana and the other one is Girl Deva Gana and boy is of Manushya
Gana. But according to Dr B.V.Raman marriage between a Raskahasa man and a Deva or
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Manushya girl is acceptable. Hence we will take this as our rule for matching. A Deva will be
full of piety and religious disposition and a Manushya will have a mixture of good and bad.
Hence it may at times lead to differences. Since Dr. B.V.Raman is silent about this group we
will go according to Prasna Marga which is that a man of Manushya gana and a girl of Deva
Gana are bad.

Neutralizing factor: If the Nakshatra of the bride is beyond the 14
from that of the
groom, the evil influences may be nullified and that it is all right to wed.

The Gunas represent different psychological temperaments. We can roughly equate Deva
with Satwic nature, Manushya with Thamasic nature and Rakshasa with Rajasic nature.
According to Dr. BV Raman, a Rakshasa Gana girl is generally quarrelsome and capable of
keeping the husband in perpetual tension, despite all the other desirable qualities she may
have. If both the boy and the girl belong to Rakshasa Gana stars, the home will be virtually
a battlefield, magnifying even the smallest issues as the biggest one. Either the husband or
the wife should have an adjusting capacity if peace is required at home.

Prasna Marga gives some exceptions also.
Exception rule: (Sloka 34-Chapter 21) three types of exceptions are stated here to override
the objection of a boy born in a Manushya Gana Nakshatra marrying a girl born in a
Rakshasa Gana Nakshatra.
a. Nakshatra of the Lagna of the boy and the girl should indicate agreement by the rule
of Gana stated above.
b. Nakshatra of the Lords of Chandra Navamsa (i.e. Lord of Navamsa sign where Moon
is placed) are in agreement as per the rule.
c. If there is Stree Deergha agreement present between the Nakshatras.
Here while the conditions b and c can be verified with the help of this book, the first
condition cannot be verified as we are not preparing the horoscope at present. So we can
reserve the same later. Or if the horoscope is available, it can be verified also.

The number of benefic units for this agreement is 6.

In our example chart from the table that we have prepared, we notice that the boy belongs
to Manushya Gana and that the girl is of Deva Gana and hence this kuta is matching.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7. 3. Mahendra:

Rule: The Nakshatra of the boy counted from that of the girl should be the 4
, 7
, 10
, 16
, 19
, 22
or 25
According to Prasna Marga, if the girl is born in the 4
Nakshatra from that of the boy, it is
Mahendra; if she is born in the 7
it is known as Upendra. Mahendra gives wealth and grain
and Upendra gives children.
The farther the birth Nakshatra of the boy is from the girls Nakshatra, the better it will be
for their happiness.

Special: There seems to be a conflict between Dina Kuta and Mahendra Kuta. As per Dina
Kuta the 7
, 16
and 25
Nakshatras are to be avoided. But according to Mahendra Kuta
they are acceptable. We should not jump to the conclusion that the rishis have given a
contradictory statement. As the contexts are different, we should not take it as
Actually this is related to Rajju agreement about which we will be seeing a little later. The
above referred Nakshatras if they fall under Madhyama Rajju dosha about which we shall
see under Rajju, the alliance should not be recommended.

The stars that have mutual Madhyama Rajju dosha are:
(1) Bharani (2) Mrigasirsha (3) Pushya
(4) Purva Phalguni (5) Chitra (6) Anuradha
(7) Purvashada (8) Dhanishta (9) Uttarashada

In our sample chart we find that the boys nakshatra is the 8
from that of the girl. Hence
this alliance can be accepted.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.4. Stree Deergha:

There are conflicting rules under this agreement.

Rule: Boys star should preferably be beyond 7
or 9
or 13
or 15
. So there are 4
different views. All of them have their own explanations in support of this. The principle is to
see the distance between the boys natal Moon and the girls natal Moon. The farther the
distance the better is the compatibility. This may be overlooked if Rasi Kuta and Graha
Maitram are present. Such exceptions are also listed separately under a separate heading.

In our example the boys Nakshatra is the 8
from that of the girl. According to one rule as
it is beyond 7
, we can say that Stree Deergha agreement is present.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.5. Yoni:

Yoni means the female sexual organ. The Nakshatras are divided into male and female
energies. Male is the more active and dynamic one while the female is a passive one. Each
Nakshatra is also given a class of animal as per the table given above (See the Classification
of Nakshatras). Here also there are two views. Some include a third class other than male
and female Eunuch. The Nakshatras Mrigasirsha, Mula and Satabhisha are considered as

There are certain controversies regarding the animals assigned to each Nakshatra. Even
though the animals for each Nakshatra is given in the Characteristics of Nakshatra table, it
is better we prepare a fresh table taking into account various controversies.

Male Female Animal
Aswini Satabhisha Horse
Bharani Revathi Elephant
Pushya Krittika Sheep
Rohini Mrigasirsha Serpent
Moola Ardra Dog
Aslesha Punarvasu Cat
Makha Purvaphalguni Rat
Uttaraphalguni Uttarabhadrapada Cow
Swathi Hasta Buffalo
Visakha Chitra Tiger
Jyeshta Anuradha Deer
Purvashada Sravana Monkey
Purvabhadrapada Dhanishta Lion
Uttarashada Mongoose

This is in accordance with Vakya Panchanga as well as Kalaprakshika. This is the table we
will be following for testing Yoni Kuta.

While classifying the Nakshatras as Male and Female also, we find some differences. Prasna
Marga treats the Nakshatras Sravana and Uttarabhadrapada as male which are female as
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


per above table. Rohini and Uttarashada which are male as per above table are treated as
female in Prasna Marga.

In Prasna Marga Part II English translation by Dr BV Raman has given the following:

Stanza 38 Page 166 The constellations have been assigned to the Yonis of certain
animals in the order beginning with Aswini: (1) Horse (2) Elephant (3) She-Goat (4)
Serpent (5) Dog (6) Cat (7) Sheep (8) Cat (9) Mouse (10) Rat (11) Camel (12) He-Buffalo
(Bull) (13) Lion (14) He-Buffalo (Bull) (15) Tiger (16) Stag (17) Deer (18) Dog (19) Monkey
(20) Ox (21) Monkey (22) She-Buffalo (23) Horse (24) Woman (25) Cow (26) Elephant.
Thus the English translation is short of one animal for a Nakshatra. Also we find that new
animal names are included like He-Buffalo, She-Buffalo, Stag, and Ox. In 24 it is mentioned
as woman. In view of this confusion it is better to avoid this classification.

According to Brihaspati, Chitra governs the yoni of tiger. In Muhurta Ratna, it is said that
Chitra governs Lion. As it is controversial, I also would like to quote the words of Dr BV
Raman- It is left to the discretion of the learned to settle one way or the other.

There are two kinds of Yoni. One is the Nakshatra Yoni for which we refer the table above.
The second one is the Rasi Yoni. First let us see the rule for the Nakshatra Yoni:

1. Marriage between the same class of Yoni of male and female brings happiness, as it
shows natural harmony, progeny and adaptability. Herein there can be two
possibilities. Girl having female Nakshatra and boy male Nakshatra All texts agree
that it will be a good match. The other possibility that boy having female Nakshatra
and girl with male Nakshatra is not considered as good by some texts. Prasna
Marga is silent on this specific combination.
2. Compatibility between friendly Yonis, with both having female Nakshatras, will bring
at least some amount of harmony and agreement. According to Prasna Marga if both
are female asterism there will be loss of wealth. But there is no specific mention that
such nakshatras are to be rejected. Hence we will take it as acceptable.
3. Marriage between male Nakshatras always forebodes evil, as both will try to wear
the dhoti so to speak. Prasna Marga also agrees that if both are female Nakshatras,
it is to be rejected.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


4. Again in the class of Yoni the following pairs are to be avoided as these animals are
natural enemies:

Horse and Buffalo
Elephant and Lion
Sheep and Monkey
Serpent and Rat
Cow and Tiger
Rat and Cat
Mongoose and Serpent
Deer and Dog

Since we have different classes of animals to some of the Nakshatras as per Prasna Marga it
is better to study the rules as given therein:
1. If the Nakshatras of the couple come under the influence of the following animals,
there will be family felicity and happiness. They are elephant, horse, cow, woman,
stag, goat, she-goat and cat.
2. If tiger and serpent happen to be the animals of the couple, death may ensure.
3. Regarding Natural enemies Stanza 40 of Prasna Marga says:
The Cat and the serpent.
Rat and the dog
Horse and she-buffalo
Lion has no natural enemy.
Dog, mouse, cat, dog and serpent are mutual enemies. Hence yoking persons
ruled by these will be disastrous.

According to Madhaveeya, tiger is the enemy of cow, dog, woman, he-buffalo, stag, goat
and monkey.
Dog is the enemy of cow, goat, she-goat, monkey and stag.
Cat and rat are the mutual enemies.
Elephant and stag are enemies.
Horse and he-buffalo are natural foes.
Cat and serpent are traditionally averse.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


If we are to take the Eunuch class also into account then the following table will illustrate
the compatibility:
Girls Star Boys Star Effect
Male Male Bad
Female Male Good
Eunuch Male Good
Female Female Moderate
Male Female Bad
Eunuch Female Very Bad
Male Eunuch Unacceptable
Female Eunuch Moderate
Eunuch Eunuch Very bad

The number of units of Yoni Kuta is 4.

Hence to avoid all these confusions, we will be using the given below table as given by Dr.
B.V. Raman in Muhurtha and stick on to this principle while deciding the compatibility of
Yoni between the boy and the girl.

How to use the table:

Find out the class of Yoni (Animal) of the girl. Locate the column having this animal. Run
down the same column until you reach the animal containing the boy. The units given
therein will be taken as the point for Yoni Kuta.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



If the unit is 4 OR 3 we will say it is good and if it is 1 or 2 we will consider it as Ordinary
and if it is zero there is No yoni agreement and it is treated as bad.

For our example chart the girls star is Mrigasirsha signifying Serpent and the boys
Nakshatra is Uttaraphalguni signifying Cow. Now locate the column containing Serpent and
go down until you reach the row corresponding to Cow. You get the number 3. So the unit
of agreement is 3.

Now let us look at the rules of Rasi Yoni
Here all the 12 signs are classified into 4 classes of animals as birds, reptile, animal and
human based on the rasi signs. They are:
1. Second half of Capricorn and Pisces belong to bird Yoni
2. Cancer and Scorpio are of reptile Yoni
3. Aries, Taurus, Leo and first half of Capricorn are of animal Yoni
4. Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius are of human Yoni

If the Yonis of both are the same it is good. If one is animal and the other is human it is
moderate. Rasi Yonis to be avoided are:
Animal Yoni should not be joined with reptile or bird Yoni
One of human origin should not be combined with reptile or bird Yoni.

If we make a table it will be clear. We get the below position from the rule stated above. In
this compatibility between reptile and bird Yoni has not been stated either as bad or good or
as ordinary. It is also taken to be bad as for example Garuda (bird) is considered as the
enemy of snake (reptile). Since it is a derived one it is shown in red. Readers may correct
the same if it is wrong with proper quotes.
Reptile Animal Bird Human
Reptile Good Bad Bad Bad
Animal Bad Good Bad Ordinary
Bird Bad Bad Good Bad
Human Bad Ordinary Bad Good

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Let us apply these two rules of Yoni to our sample chart.
Nakshatra Yoni: Girl is of Female Yoni and the class is serpent. Boy is of male Yoni and the
class is Cow. From the first rule we find that Yoni matching is good. Also the animals are not
of inimical nature because for serpent mongoose is the enemy and for cow tiger is the
Rasi Yoni: Girl belongs to Gemini rasi and boy is of Virgo rasi. Since both the Yonis are
same it is also good.
So Yoni agreement is best for these charts.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



This indicates the emotional compatibility of the couple and as such is also indicative of
prosperity, growth and happiness. Rasi is the Moon sign and here we see how each others
Moon is related. This is based on the natural friendship or Sambhanda of the lords of the
Moon Rasis of both. Readers may also refer to my article on Sambhanda or Planetary
Relationships to have a more detailed understanding of the friendship between the planets.

There is conflicting information available as to this compatibility. For the benefit of the
readers all the views that are prevalent under this head.

Rule 1: If both the rasis are the same and they are sama-sapthaka (i.e. one rasi is the 7

from the other) then it is considered as good. If the rasi of the boy is more than 6 from that
of the girl it is considered as good. If it is 3 or 4 then it is moderate. If it is 2 or 5 or 6 or 8
then it is bad. In this also some are of the opinion that for Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra,
Sagittarius and Aquarius there is no shashtaka dosha (6-8) and for the rest of the rasis no
dwisvabhava dosha (2-12).

According to Dr. B.V. Raman if the placement of Moon is in 6
and 8
from each other, the
marriage will prosper. But Muhurtha Chinthamani disagrees as it feels that these positions
are negative. However, if these lords are friends, they are in a better position as there is a
possibility to improve their misunderstanding.

and 12
position is a total loss. This will lead to complete lack of understanding of each
other resulting in emotional set backs. In this, it is to be taken that the rasi of the boy is the
from that of the girl and the rasi of the girl is 12
from that of the boy. According to Dr.
B.V. Raman, if the rasi of the boy falls in the 12
from that of the girl and of the girl is in
the 2
from that of the boy this indicates longevity of the couple and a happy married life.

If the rasi of the boy is the 3
from the girls there will be misery and sorrow. But if the rasi
of the girl is the 3
from that of the boy, there will be happiness.

If the rasi of the boy is the 4
from that of the girls, there will be great poverty; but if the
rasi of the girl happens to fall in the 4
from the boy there will be great wealth. 4
and 10

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


is also of positive nature. Even here if the lords are inimical to each other, the combination
will not work.

If the boys rasi falls in the 5
from that of the girl, there will be unhappiness. But if the
girls rasi falls in the 5
from that of the boy there will be enjoyment and prosperity.
If the boys rasi falls in the 6
from the girls there will be loss of children, but if the girls is
the 6
from the boys, then the progeny will prosper.

Where the rasis of the boy and the girl are in the 7
houses mutually, then there will be
health, agreement and happiness. 1 and 7 positions are the best as each one will be
reflecting the needs of the other. In this also the two combinations of Cancer - Capricorn
and Leo Aquarius are not to be matched as their lords are of inimical nature.

We can assign points as far as this agreement is considered as below:

Points House Combination Result
7 5:9 Good
5 3:11 Ordinary
3 4:10 Moderate, Hidden respect for each other
3 1:7 Moderate, but one tries to dominate other
1 2:12 Tolerable
0 6:8 Disputes
3 In one sign up to 15 Treat as 4:10
1 In One sign above 15 Treat as 2:12

The number of units for Rasi Kuta is 7.
But always remember this exception:

When both the rasis are owned by one planet or if the lords of the two rasis happen to be
friends, the evil attributed above to the inauspicious disposition of rasis gets cancelled.

Rule 2: It is worth mentioning Madhavacharyas words as to the effect of the placement of
the boys Moon from that of the girl. If the boys Moon is placed in the 2
from that of the
girl it indicates Loss of Money. If it is in the third sorrow, in the fourth quarrels and
misunderstanding, in the 5
loss of children and in the 6
diseases, danger and
separation. However, if the lord of the signs of the two is the same planet or if they are
mutually friendly as per the planetary friendship table, it need not be rejected.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Other rules: According to M.Ramakrishna Bhatt (Essentials of Horary Astrology) if there be
agreement in respect of Vasya and Vedha, this flaw could be ignored.

According to Brihaspati a male born in the 7
sign from that of the bride (sama-Saptama) is
exceptionally good in spite of the lords of the two signs being mutually inimical.

Some exceptions:
Any negativity in this agreement can be overcome if any of the Vasya (which we will be
dealing with later), Dina and Graha Matre Kutas is present. Remember that if the lords of
the Moon rasis are not enemies then any problem arising out of this compatibility can be
sorted out. There is a possibility of reconciliation and hence can be advised that this
agreement is present. If there is Vasya agreement then there exist a mutual attraction
between the boy and the girl or if there is Tara Bala i.e. Dina kuta is positive then it can be
safely presumed that the negativity of this kuta agreement is greatly removed. But rasi
position is also negative and the lords are inimical, then there can be problems. Analyzing
this kuta is very essential but do not forget to study the cancellations as they can take away
the sting from the lack of compatibility.
There are some more exceptions also which may also be taken care of:

1. If the girls rasi is odd then the man having his rasi in the 6
or 8
there from can be
taken as optional. If the girl is born in an even rasi, then the man born in the 6

there from accepted.
2. If the Janma rasi of both have Vasya and not Vedha, then the 6
and 8
position of
the mans rasi from the womans one can be accepted.
3. Harihara does not attach much blemish to the 3
and 4
positions for the Janma
Rasi of the male from that of the female as this shall neither indicate poverty, nor
serious quarrels leading to estrangement nor loss of children. Sorrow is a part and
parcel of human life and hence this need not be taken as criteria for mismatch.
4. The same Janma rasi is allowed as long as the couples do not have the same Janma
Nakshatra. I will be dealing with under a separate sub heading in the later part of
this book. In this also the Nakshatras Jyeshta, Mula, Purvashada, Pushya, Aslesha,
Makha, Hasta, Rohini, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Ardra and Bharani if they are same
for both should be avoided.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Final Rule: So there are many confusing findings given by the ancient sages. However, in
my experience I have found the rules elucidated by Sanjay Rath in his article Sambandha
based on the advice given in Prasna Marga to be of much use. I follow this rule in deciding
about Rasi Kuta.
Count from the sign occupied by the Moon in the male chart to the sign occupied by the
Moon in the female chart. Here the counting is done from the Moon of the Boy to that of the
girl instead of vice versa as is done in majority cases. The resulting number gives the
results as indicated below:
[CARE: Note the change in the counting which is not the one used for the other
Number Indication
General well being and compatibility is indicated. Check the nakshatra match. If
the nakshatra are different, it is excellent and in the case of marriage, sons and
grandsons will issue from the wedlock. If they are the same then there shall be fear
of poison and one of them could suffer severe ill-health and/or children could also
suffer due to naga nadi or other flaws. This is sure to happen if the nakshatra is
Bharani (2), Rohini (4), Ardra (6), Pushya (8), Aslesha (9), Magma (10), Hasta
(13), Jyeshta (18), Moola (19), Purvashada (20), Dhanishta (23) or Satabhisha
2 Good compatibility; financial problems and hardships (Harihara).
3 Excellent friendship and relationship; long term if planets concerned are friends.
4 Very compatible; growth in wealth
5 Very compatible; many children
Fairly compatible; short term relationship; destruction and ruin (Brihaspati) unless
the Subhapati are mutually friendly; separation or quarrel - if the Subhapati are
mutual foes or there is Vedha, then the intensity of evil is very high (Harihara). If
they are friends, then this can be considered.
7 Excellent compatibility, especially in matters concerning the opposite sex.
Diseases (Madhavacharya); destruction and ruin (Brihaspati) unless the Subhapati
are mutually friendly; separation, quarrel or death and if the Subhapati are mutual
foes or there is Vedha, then the intensity of evil is very high (Harihara). However, if
the passive partner (Moon) has an even Janma rasi, then this match is to be
rejected (Harihara).
No compatibility and no growth; in case of a marriage, loss of children is indicated
Quarrels and misunderstanding (Madhavacharya); marriage maybe considered if
the Subhapati are friendly (Brihaspati) and will last, but there will be many
11 Sorrow is indicated (Madhavacharya).
No compatibility and many problems; especially financial losses (Madhavacharya)
and poverty (Harihara).
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Let us apply this conflicting or rather confusing rule to our chart.
The girl belongs to Gemini and the boy is of Virgo.
1. As per rule 1 the boys rasi is the 4
from that of the girl. So we will say moderate
compatibility. So the points give would be 10 as per the points table given under this
rule. (4:10)
2. As per rule 2 it indicates quarrels and misunderstandings. If we apply the exception
that if the lords of the two rasis are the same or mutually friendly they need not be
rejected. Since both the rasi lords are one and the same Mercury, we can conclude
that this is acceptable.
3. Since we do not have total disagreement applying the above two rules we need not
see Vasya, Vedha etc.
4. As per the final rule we note that the female rasi is the 10
from that of the male.
The indications as per the table are: Quarrels and misunderstanding
(Madhavacharya); marriage maybe considered if the Subhapati are friendly
(Brihaspati) and will last, but there will be many quarrels.
So the final conclusion is that there is a Rasi agreement between the boy and the chart
and that it can be considered as moderate only.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.7. Rasyadhipa or Graha Maitram:

This is also one of the important agreements to be seen as it deals with the psychological
dispositions of the couple, their individual mental attitudes and their affection for each

The friendship or otherwise between the lords of the Janma Rasis of the boy and the girl are
taken into consideration. Planetary friendships are given in almost all Astrological books.
However, I have given at the beginning the friendships table (Refer chapter 6). Here we
take into consideration only the Naisargika Sambandha between the planets. Some
astrologers are also of the view that the Tatkalika Sambandha is also to be taken into
account. According to Dr B.V.Raman it is not required as we are considering only the birth
Nakshatras and not the birth horoscope as a whole here.

1. When both lords are friends Agreement has Full strength
2. One is a friend and the other is Neutral Agreement is Moderate
3. Both are Neutral Ordinary agreement
4. Both are enemies Agreement does not exist

If we look at the planetary friendship table we find three columns Friend, Neutral and
Enemy. The above are the only rules specifically stated in almost all books. There is no
mention regarding the following pairs:

a. If one is a friend and the other is an enemy Just as Mercury and Moon. Moon treats
Mercury as a friend while Mercury considers Moon as his enemy.
b. One is a neutral and the other is Enemy Like (1) Moon Venus and Moon Saturn
(2) Mars Saturn (3) Mars Mercury (4) Mercury Jupiter (5) Venus Jupiter.
Since one planet involved is an enemy in both the cases we shall treat the same as bad.

There is an exception to this rule also. If the lords of the rasis are not friendly, then look for
the relationship in the Navamsa between the lords where Moon is placed therein. If those
lords are friendly there, then Graha Maitram is present in the chart. So here it becomes
essential to have the charts prepared to find out the placement of the Moon in the
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Navamsa. But this can be done only when we have the horoscopes. But our aim here is not
to refer to the horoscopes. Yes. There is a possibility of doing this. I have given in the end
by way of Annexure, the entire list of Navamsas for all the 27 Nakshatras 27 x 4 padas =
108 padas along with their lords. So from the table it will be easy to find out the result.

The number of units for this kuta is 5.

In our sample chart in Rasi chart both the boy and the girl have Mercury as the Rasi Lord
and hence Graha Maitram agreement is present.
Just out of curiosity, if we want to look at the Navamsa Moon lords of the boy and the girl,
we can do so from the table at the end.
Girl is in Mrigasirsha-4
Pada From the Navamsa Table we note that the Navamsa for this
Pada is Scorpio whose lord is Mars and that of the boys constellation is Uttaraphalguni-2

Pada whose Navamsa Moon will be placed in Capricorn lorded by Saturn. Now from the
friendship table we can see that Mars treats Saturn as neutral whereas Saturn treats Mars
as an enemy. Hence in this case we can say that the agreement is only ordinary.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.8. Vasya:

The term Vasya means having control over another person. In ancient days this kuta was
used in determining whether a husband will have influence on his wife or not. As in the
olden days the women were expected to follow the rules made by men. But under the
present conditions where women are given equal opportunities in almost all fields, we
cannot rely much on this principle. But to know whether there will be a compatible and
dedicated relationship between the couple or not this kuta is necessary. This is based on
Janma Rasi.

Rule: If the Janma Rasi of the boy is the Vasya Rasi of the girls or vice versa, then Vasya
Kuta is present. If the Janma rasi of the boy and the girl happens to be the Vasya Rasi of
each other, then the affection and love between them is the strongest.

The Vasya Rasi for different Rasis is given as under:

Rasi Vasya Rasi
Aries Leo, Scorpio
Taurus Cancer, Libra
Gemini Virgo
Cancer Scorpio, Sagittarius
Leo Libra
Virgo Gemini, Pisces
Libra Virgo, Capricorn
Scorpio Cancer
Sagittarius Pisces
Capricorn Aries, Aquarius
Aquarius Aries
Pisces Capricorn

From the above table (as per Dr. B.V. Raman) it appears that there is mutual attraction only
between Gemini and Virgo and again between Cancer and Scorpio. For other signs there is
no mutual attraction. For instance for a Capricorn Rasi the Vasya sign is Pisces where as for
Pisces - Aries is Vasya and hence there is no mutual attraction. Also it is possible that the
Rasis of both may not come fall under the Vasya table given above. In such a situation what
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


is to be decided upon? Such a situation is quite possible. We cannot always expect that
there will be matching between a girl of Pisces Moon sign and an Aries boy. Boys Rasi may
be different say anything other than Aries. In that case how are we to know whether Vasya
Kuta exists or not. Normally it is concluded that no Vasya is present, when both the rasis
have no Vasya as per the given table.

There is another practice according to which if the rasi of the boy is Vasya to the girl or if
both the rasis are same it is treated as auspicious and good. On the other hand if the girls
rasi is Vasya to that of the boy, then it is treated as Ordinary.

Even in the list of Vasya rasis there are certain anomalies. Prasna Marga states that For
Aquarius and Pisces Capricorn is the Vasya rasi whereas in the above table for Aquarius
Aries is shown as Vasya rasi.
Another variation given in Triganith Panchang is
For Leo Capricorn
For Virgo Taurus and Pisces
For Libra Capricorn
For Scorpio Cancer and Virgo
For Capricorn Aquarius
For Aquarius Pisces are Vasya rasis.

We will take the list as given by Dr. B.V.Raman as the correct one.

In our sample chart the girls rasi is Gemini and the boys rasi is Virgo. As per the Vasya
table both have mutual Vasya. Hence this kuta is present for these two charts.

The Unit of agreement is 2.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.9. Rajju:

Rajju is an indicator of longevity of the marriage and is based on the relative position of the
two Nakshatras; all the stars have been classified into five categories. Rajju pertaining to
each Nakshatra has been given in the table Classification of Nakshatras.

Rule: If the Nakshatra of the couple do not fall in the same Rajju, it is good. In case the
Nakshatras fall in the same category then the results are as follows:
1. Pada Rajju Problems while undertaking distant travels
2. Ooru or Kati Rajju Poverty
3. Nabhi Rajju Loss of Children
4. Kanta Rajju Widowhood
5. Siro Rajju Death

There is also another more clear explanation as below:
In case the Rajju of both are same, count from the prospective grooms Rajju to the
prospective spouses Rajju. The resulting number will give results as below:
One The couple will wander and not be settled in life (Pada Rajju)
Two Have monetary problems (Ooru or Kati Rajju)
Three Children can suffer (Nabhi Rajju)
Four Wife may die or have ill health (Kanta Rajju)
Five Husband may have ill health or die (Siro Rajju)

The allocation of Rajju to different Nakshatras is worth studying. Look at the following table:

Rajju Nakshatras
Pada (Foot) Aswini Aslesha Makha Jyeshta Moola Revathi
Ooru (Thigh) Bharani Pushya Purvaphalguni Anuradha Purvashada Uttarabhadrapada
Nabhi (Naval) Krittika Punarvasu Uttaraphalguni Visakha Uttarashada Purvabhadrapada
Kanta (Neck) Rohini Ardra Hasta Swathi Sravana Satabhisha
Siro (Head) Mrigasirsha Chitra Dhanishta

Look at the order First 5 steps forward and then backward 4 steps beginning from the last
but one and again going forward by 5 steps and the 5
one placed in the previous group
and again backward as earlier and again forward and so on.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes




Various exceptions are also given by eminent authors.
1. If lords of Janma rasis of both the boy and the girl are one and the same or if they
are mutual friends or if the Janma rasis of the boy and the girl are in 1: 7
(Samasaptaka) position, Rajju dosha need not be considered.
2. Another view is that if both are having the same Rajju and if one is in the ascending
order and the other is in descending order, there is no Rajju dosha. For the purpose
of determining the Ascending as well as descending order, the following table will be

Rajju Ascending Descending
Aswini Aslesha
Makha Jyeshta
Moola Revathi
Bharani Pushya
Purvaphalguni Anuradha
Purvashada Uttarashada
Krittika Punarvasu
Uttaraphalguni Visakha
Uttarashada Purvabhadrapada
Rohini Aridra
Hastha Swathi
Sravana Satabhisha

An example will clear the concept. Supposing the girls Nakshatra is Rohini and the boys
Nakshatra is also in Kanta rajju and it is Satabhisha. Since Rohini is in the Ascending list
and Satabhisha is in the descending list, it is considered auspicious. If the boys star is
either Hasta or Sravana then the same should not be matched. It can be either of the three
descending Nakshatras viz. Ardra, Swathi or Satabhisha.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


3. Some astrologers are also of the opinion that if there is agreement in respect of
Dina, Mahendra and Rasyadhipa, Rajju agreement need not be considered.

Some are of the Opinion that the last two Rajjus viz. Kanta and Siro are less important and
need not be worried about unless in the couples charts indicate otherwise. Matches
involving the first three Rajjus should not be advised.
Based on this corollary, M.Ramakrishna Bhatts explanation of Rajju Kuta is worth
mentioning here. He has classified all the 27 Nakshatras into three categories going three
steps forward and three steps backward continuously as shown below and the same is also
mentioned in Prasna Marga.

Group 2
Group 3
Aswini Bharani Krittika
Ardra Mrigasirsha Rohini
Punarvasu Pushya Aslesha
Uttaraphalguni Purvaphalguni Makha
Hasta Chitra Swathi
Jyeshta Anuradha Visakha
Moola Purvashada Uttarashada
Satabhisha Dhanishta Sravana
Purvabhadrapada Uttarabhadrapada Revathi

If the two stars be found in the same column, it will be a blemish called Sama-Rajju. So the
alliance should not be recommended. If they are found in the Central Avenue, it will be
called as Madhyama Rajju and the result will be death, quarrel and loss and hence this is
supposed to be very inauspicious. If they fall in the 1
and the 3
, it also causes calamities.

Readers might remember that we talked about this Madhyama Rajju under Mahendra Kuta
and also given a list of Nakshatras which you will find listed in the central avenue here.

This agreement is considered as one of the essential requirements for matching in South
India. If there is no Rajju agreement, they totally reject the alliance. However, in the North
Indian system of Ashta Kuta, this agreement has not been taken into account at all.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Let us take our sample chart now for this agreement.
The girls Rajju is Nabhi and the boys Rajju is Siro. So the Rajjus are not the same. If we
apply the rule as given by M.Ramakrishna Bhatt, Mrigasirsha falls under Central avenue
where as Uttaraphalguni falls under the first avenues. Hence Rajju Kuta is present in the

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.10. Nadi
This is one of the important agreements and should not be overlooked as it shows how a
couple work on a spiritual level and hoe their union will impact their children. In the Scoring
Kuta system, you will find that this has the highest score. Hence absence of this agreement
will considerably reduce the score.

Nadi is a term taken from Ayurveda. It means pulse which is a medical term. NADI Kuta
compares the Ayurveda temperaments of the couples Moon Nakshatras, which indicate
their psycho-physiological energies resonate with each other. There are three types of body
as per Ayurveda based on the biological humors or Dhatus. They are Vata, Pitta and
Sleshma. Each Nakshatra is classified as a specific body type which can be seen from the
Classification of Nakshatra table. When all of them are in required proportion in the body,
we are healthy. When one or the other predominates, it creates imbalances and illness.

Vata the Air quality. The natural qualities of Vata are action, sensation and enthusiasm.
If both the partners are of Vata this will lead to adverse health effects on the couple,
financial crisis and worries may result. Vata people are by nature worrisome one. They are
nervous and prone to tension. If both are of worrying type, that will increase the tension

Pitta the Fire quality: Pitta produces heat, desires, cheerfulness, intelligence, vision.
When two such people join together, that may lead to anger, overt ambitions and too many
desires. That will be a fire out of control. Pitta can create unexpected events that create
major stresses on the relationships.

Sleshma the water quality: Sleshma being potency or strength and forbearance. Both
having this may find lack of energy, lethargy and selfishness. They can be too lazy to make
any efforts. Their emotions will be ruling over their relationships.

For the sake of convenience, I am giving below the Nakshatras that belong to the three
different kinds of Nadis so that it will be easier to follow the rules:

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Vata Pitta Sleshma
Aswini Bharani Krittika
Ardra Mrigasirsha Rohini
Punarvasu Pushya Aslesha
Uttara Phalguni Purva Phalguni Makha
Hasta Chitra Swathi
Jyeshta Anuradha Visakha
Moola Purvashada Uttarashada
Satabhisha Dhanishta Sravana
Purvabhadrapada Uttarabhadrapada Revathi

Rule: If the Nakshatra of the boy and the girl fall in different rows, then agreement
between the couple will be good. They should not fall in the middle least there will be many
fights, as they both will be fiery in nature. Nakshatras may fall in the first and last line
under certain circumstances.

In our sample chart the girl belongs to Pitta and the boy belongs to Vata and hence different
rows and so Nadi Kuta is present.

Nakshatra Pada Kuta:

Principle: If the Nadi kuta is not present on the basis of Nakshatras, then the same may be
reckoned taking into account the Nakshatra padas. Thus the different padas of the
Nakshatras will be grouped with the same principle as done for Nakshatra vis. beginning
from Aswini 1, counting forwards and then backwards. I am giving below the entire table for
all the 108 padas.

Rule: If Nakshatra Pada Kuta is in agreement then Nadi Kuta is in agreement. The same
rule is applicable as given in Nakshatra Nadi Kuta. That is to say both the Nakshatras should
not fall in the same column. If they indifferent columns it is good. If it is in the first column
or the last column it is moderate. Both the Nakshatras should not fall in the middle column.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Vata Pitta Sleshma Vata Pitta Sleshma
Aswini 1 Aswini 2 Aswini 3 Chitra 3 Chitra 4 Swathi 1
Bharani 2 Bharani 1 Aswini 4 Swathi 4 Swathi 3 Swathi 2
Bharani 3 Bharani 4 Krittika 1 Visakha 1 Visakha 2 Visakha 3
Krittika 4 Krittika 3 Krittika 2 Anuradha 2 Anuradha 1 Visakha 4
Rohini 1 Rohini 2 Rohini 3 Anuradha 3 Anuradha 4 Jyeshta 1
Mrigasirsha 2 Mrigasirsha 1 Rohini 4 Jyeshta 4 Jyeshta 3 Jyeshta 2
Mrigasirsha 3 Mrigasirsha 4 Ardra 1 Moola 1 Moola 2 Moola 3
Ardra 4 Ardra 3 Ardra 2 Purvashada 2 Purvashada 1 Moola 4
Punarvasu 1 Punarvasu 2 Punarvasu 3 Purvashada 3 Purvashada 4 Uttarashada 1
Pushya 2 Pushya 1 Punarvasu 4 Uttarashada 4 Uttarashada 3 Uttarashada 2
Pushya 3 Pushya 4 Aslesha 1 Sravana 1 Sravana 2 Sravana 3
Aslesha 4 Aslesha 3 Aslesha 2 Dhanishta 2 Dhanishta 1 Sravana 4
Makha 1 Makha 2 Makha 3 Dhanishta 3 Dhanishta 4 Satabhisha 1
P.Phalguni 2 P.Phalguni 1 Makha 4 Satabhisha 4 Satabhisha 3 Satabhisha 2
P.Phalguni 3 P.Phalguni 4 U.Phalguni 1 PBhadrapada 1 PBhadrapada 2 PBhadrapada 3
U.Phalguni 4 U.Phalguni 3 U.Phalguni 2 UBhadrapada 2 UBhadrapada 1 PBhadrapada 4
Hasta 1 Hasta 2 Hasta 3 UBhadrapada 3 UBhadrapada 4 Revathi 1
Chitra 2 Chitra 1 Hasta 4 Revathi 4 Revathi 3 Revathi 2

Among the various noting done by my grandfather, who was my Guru for Astrology, I
gathered the following information in respect of this Kuta:

Nadi is not evil in the case of the same birth sign with different Nakshatras and in the case
of different signs with the same Nakshatras.

Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Ardra, Pushya, Jyeshta, Sravana, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati
do not have Nadi blemish.

If the lord of Janma rasi of the boy and the girl is Venus or Jupiter or Mercury, one need not
think of Nadi blemish.

Nakshatra Nadi Kuta is to be applied only when Nadi Kuta as per Nakshatra is not present.
In any case, if we consider our example chart, we note that the girls Mrigasirsha 4
Nakshatra comes under Pitta Nadi and the boys Uttaraphalguni 2 falls under Sleshma Nadi.
As both the nadis are different we conclude that Nakshatra Nadi Kuta is also present in the

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


7.11. Vedha:
Vedha means affliction. This agreement wards of all evils and pitfalls in married life. A
happy and prosperous married life is assured. This is based on the fact that some pairs of
Nakshatras are mutually incompatible.

Rule 1: Marriage between two people falling under this group is not recommended. Even
though the Vedha for each Nakshatra is already given in the Characteristics Table, for the
sake of easy understanding, I am giving the pairs of Nakshatras who are Vedha to each
# Aswini and Jyeshta
# Bharani and Anuradha
# Krittika and Visakha
# Rohini and Swathi
# Ardra and Sravana
# Punarvasu and Uttarashada
# Pushya and Purvashada
# Aslesha and Moola
# Makha and Revathi
# Purvaphalguni and Uttarabhadrapada
# Uttaraphalguni and Purvabhadrapada
# Hasta and Satabhisha
# Mrigasirsha and Dhanishta

According to Prasna Marga Mrigasirsha, Chitra and Dhanishta are mutually Vedas or
mutually repelling. The Nakshatras of the couple should not fall in the Vedha group.

Rule 2: The Vedha is also divided into five categories according to Prasna Marga. The given
below table will illustrate the different kinds of Vedha: If the Nakshatras of the couple do
not fall in the same division, it is productive of good results. If they fall under
Kanta The result is widowhood.
Kati poverty results.
Pada distant travels.
Siro death will ensure
Kukshi Loss of children.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Type of Vedha Nakshatras covered Hurt or Pierce
Pada Aswini, Jyeshta, Aslesha, Moola, Makha, Revathi feet
Kati (Ooru) Bharani, Anuradha, Pushya, Purvashada, Purvaphalguni, Uttarabhadrapada hips or thighs
Nabhi (Kukshi) Krittika, Visakha, Punarvasu, Uttarashada, Uttaraphalguni, Purvabhadrapada stomach
Kanta Rohini, Swathi, Ardra, Sravana, Hasta, Satabhisha neck
Siro Mrigasirsha, Chitra, Dhanishta head

This is exactly the same as given above as the pair of nakshatras causing vedha to each
other. Only addition here is the type of Vedha and where it hurts. However, Prasna Marga
states that if the nakshatras of the couple do not fall in the same varga or division, it is
productive of good results.

This is similar to Rajju classification. In both the cases note the similarity between the
allotments of stars from Aswini to the five limbs in an ascending order from foot to head.

I would like to quote the words of M. Ramakrishna Bhatt (Essentials of Horary Astrology)
here for the readers to understand the effect of Vedha agreement: (Also found in Prasna

This Vedha scheme has been mentioned in Electional Astrology in connection with house
construction. How to find out which star is hurt on a particular day? See if any plant is
posited in any star of any of the five groups. If there be one, treat the whole group as
Vedha (pierced), and so none of the stars can be elected for house construction or house
warming. Similarly, if the stars of the groom and bride occur in the first group, there would
be (neck piercing) Vedha leading to death of either partner. If it be in the second group, it
would be Kati-Vedha (piercing of the hips or thighs) whose effect is poverty. If in the 3rd
group, Pada-Vedha resulting in wandering from place to place, poverty or loss of position. In
the 4th group it is Siro-Vedha resulting in the husband's death. In the last group, Kukshi-
Vedha this would bring about destruction of children. Hence the stars of the two ought not
to belong to the same group. In the absence of this blemish alliance would be beneficial.
This is one way of finding Vedha."

If there is Vedha affliction both the husband and wife will go to rack and ruin. Even if there
are other items of agreement as Vasya etc. Vedha will prevail. The Vedha stars are
connected with the 6
and 7
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Since in almost all agreements we are following the principles as enumerated by Dr.
B.V.Raman, here also we will stick on to the individual nakshatras causing veda to each
other and not by the groups of stars as defined in Prasna Marga.

In our sample horoscope, the girl belongs to Mrigasirsha and the boy belongs to
Uttaraphalguni. From the first pair of Nakshatras to be avoided, we find that these two
Nakshatras does not fall under any group. From the Vedha classification table we find that
both the Nakshatras does not fall under any one category. Hence Vedha matching is present
for the chart.

7.12. Varna:

Varna means Caste. In the present day context this has no relevance as Inter Caste
marriages are common. The prevailing Caste system in India is Brahmins (Vedic scholars),
Kshatriyas (Warriors and administrators), Vaishyas (Traders) and Sudras (the labour class).
Here the order of Varnas is of descending: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudra. In
addition to this there are two more castes called Anuloma and Pratiloma. Anuloma are those
born of higher class father and lower class mothers. Pratiloma are the children born of lower
class fathers and high class mothers. Each of this class has been allotted certain stars as

Class Nakshatras
Brahmin Aswini, Punarvasu, Hasta, Moola, Purvabhadrapada
Kshatriya Bharani, Pushya, Chitra, Purvashada, Uttarabhadrapada
Vaishya Krittika, Aslesha, Swathi, Uttarashada, Revathi
Sudra Rohini, Makha, Visakha and Sravana
Anuloma Mrigasirsha, Purvaphalguni, Anuradha, Dhanishta
Pratiloma Ardra, Uttaraphalguni, Jyeshta, Satabhisha

We will see more about the Varna classification after studying the rules. In regard to rules
there are two schools of thought. One is based on the Nakshatra and other is based on
Janma Rasi. First let us complete the Nakshatra part:

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Rule 1: It would be excellent if the stars of both be of same class. So also is the marriage
between a boy born in a star of higher class and a girl born in a star belonging to a lower
class. If the girls star is of higher class and that of the boy is lower class, such an alliance is
to be rejected as it is inauspicious. According to Harihara (Prasna Marga), if one partners
Nakshatra is Anuloma (mixed-caste), then it is acceptable if the partners Nakshatra falls
under any one of the four discrete classes viz. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Sudra. If one
partners nakshatra is Pratiloma (no-caste), then the other partners nakshatra should also
be the same. If it falls under any one of the four castes it is to be rejected.

Brihaspati also endorses the above view. Union between the same castes is the best, Union
between a man of higher caste and a girl of lower caste is ordinary, and the third one viz.
union between a higher caste girl with a lower caste man is lowest.

Now let us go into a little deeper into the Caste classification. The so called Caste is a social
division and by so saying, we do not understand the true meaning of these spiritual
divisions. Yes. Varnas are spiritual divisions of man. The horoscope indicates the true
inclination and temperament of a person and his life is guided towards the same. Each of
the 12 signs has a particular spiritual quality that takes them towards the path of self-
expression in the material life. So Varnas are corresponding to the Gunas (qualities) and the
Karmas (actions). These are not divisions imposed by mankind but who you really are. The
four different directions of life namely, Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are manifested in
the form of Varnas.

It is a fact that the birth caste of a person is not at all important in regard to spiritual
development, habits or work. Hence this star based caste-division is not considered now a
days by astrologers. On the other hand, classes or castes are allotted to the Rasis in
comparing the horoscopes.

Castes of Signs:
(1) Brahmins (Scholars) represented by watery signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
(2) Kshatriyas (Warriors) represented by fiery signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
(3) Vaishyas (Traders) represented by earthy signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
(4) Sudras (Workers) represented by airy signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


This is in tune with the Bhagavad-Gita Gita-18
Chapter: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer it
represents the highest development - Brahmin (B.G.18:42.); Leo, Sagittarius and Libra
indicate the second grade - or Kshatriya (B.G.18:43.); Aries, Gemini and Aquarius suggest
the third or the Vaishya (B.G.18:44.); while Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn indicate the last
grade, viz., Sudra (B.G.18:44.). This seems to be the degree of advancement of spiritual
development and application of those qualities of the marrying partners.

Rule 2: A girl belonging to a higher grade of spiritual development should not be mated to
a boy of lesser development. The vice-versa or both belonging to the same grade or degree
is allowed.

The unit of agreement is 1.

Another school of thought is to compare the ruler of the Janma Rasi. In such cases the
following Varnas are allotted to the planets.
Sun - Kshatriya
Moon - Vaishya
Mars - Kshatriya
Mercury - Sudra
Jupiter - Brahmin
Venus - Brahmin
Saturn - Sudra

The rule of compatibility of course remains the same.

Now let us apply the two rules of Varna Nakshatra based as well as Rasi based to our
sample chart.
According to Nakshatra Girl belongs to Anuloma (Mrigasirsha) and the boy belongs to
Pratiloma. As per rule 1 there is no Varna match as Anuloma person can marry any of the
higher four castes viz. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Sudra and not the lower caste
Pratiloma. Again Pratiloma man can marry only from the same caste.
Now when we consider the Rasi based Varna Kuta, the girl is from Sudra (Gemini) and the
boy is from Vaishya (Virgo). The girl belongs to a lesser grade of spiritual development than
the boy. Hence this is acceptable as per Rule 2.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



So that completes the essential Kutas for the purpose of marriage matching. As stated
earlier there are other Kutas which are not generally looked into for alliance. For the benefit
of the readers, I shall give the details of them also.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


8. Principles involved in Other Kutas:

8.1. Gotra

Gotra means family lineage. Ancient Sages who handed down the Vedic lore are seven in
number. They are Marichi, Vashishta, Angirasa, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha and Kratu. There are
also many other ancient sages who are called progenitors of Gotras like Vishwamitra,
Kashyapa, Gautama, Jamadagni and Bharadvaj. This lineage (Gotra is based on two factors,
birth and learning, i.e. from father to son; and teacher to disciple. According to
Kalaprakashika the family lineages which are referred to as Gotras are of 49 kinds.

The 28 Nakshatras including Abhijit (which is packed in Capricorn between Uttarashada and
Sravana) are distributed among the above sages at the rate of four Nakshatras per sage as
per table below:

Gotra Nakshatra 1 Nakshatra 1 Nakshatra 1 Nakshatra 1
Marichi Aswini Pushya Swathi Abhijit
Vashishta Bharani Aslesha Visakha Sravana
Angirasa Krittika Makha Anuradha Dhanishta
Atri Rohini Purva Phalguni Jyeshta Satabhisha
Pulastya Mrigasirsha Uttara Phalguni Moola Purvabhadrapada
Pulaha Ardra Hasta Purvashada Uttarabhadrapada
Kretu Punarvasu Chitra Uttarashada Revathi

Rule: It is said that identical gotra of a boy and girl lead to calamity. If they belong to
different Gotras, their union will lead to happiness, prosperity and progeny.

In Kalaprakashika I found a different classification. I quote below the translation found in
Page 77 which defines the 7 Gotras as follows:

Divide the 28 asterisms including Abhijit into seven sets of four each. The first set (1, 2, 3,
4) represents the Gotra Marichi; the second set (5, 6, 7, 8) represents Vashishta Gotra; the
third set (9, 10, 11, 12) is Angiras Gotra; the fourth (13, 14, 15, 16) is Atri Gotra; the fifth
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


(17, 18, 19, 20) is the Gotra of sage Pulastya; the sixth (21, 22, 23, 24) is that of sage
Pulaha; the seventh (25, 26, 27, 28) is Gutha Gotra (4, p.77)
Ideally two partners should belong to different Gotras

According to the above the first four Nakshatras viz. Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini will
belong to Marichi Gotra which is not so in our above table. In all the books I have referred
to, the classification as given in Kalaprakashika is not being followed. So it is better we stick
on to the classification as given in the table only which is in tune with Prasna Marga

Dr BV Raman is of the opinion that if there is no agreement between the Gotras of the boy
and the girl based on Janma Nakshatra, and then we have to ascertain the Nakshatras on
the basis of Lagna. If the Gotras are same here also, then the compatibility in respect of
Gotra is ordinary only...

In our sample chart the girl as well as the boy belongs to the same Gotra-Pulastya. Hence
Gotra matching is not OK for these two charts.

This factor of compatibility of horoscopes is not taken into consideration too much these
days, unfortunately with the decline in Vedic culture and pure family lineages.

In many of the South Indian Brahmin families they follow the Gotra as stated by their
forefathers. They do not attach importance to the Gotra division according to Nakshatras.
One of the main criteria in these families is that, before even asking for the horoscope of
the boy or girl for matching, they first ensure that the boy or girl is of different Gotra other
than their own. Of course this Gotra following is totally different from the one as stated in
the classics.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


8.2. Vihanga:

Vihanga means birds. The Nakshatras possess habits of birds. Birds of similar type will have
greater compatibility than those which are radically dissimilar and which are naturally
inimical to each other.

This is based on Pancha-Pakshi Shastra for which we find the reference in ancient Tamil
literature. Even today In Vakya Panchanga a reference to this has been made. Pancha
means five and Pakshi means bird. As such it resembles the Pancha-Bhuta (five elements)
system of Vedic Astrology. It is believed that the five elements viz. Fire, Air, Earth, Water
and Aakash represented by the five birds, influence and control all the actions of human
beings. These five birds take their special turns in a special sequence and radiate their
powers during day and night. The power that takes effect first on a day and the sequence
that follows depends on the day of the week and the Paksha (waxing and waning of Moon)
of the Moon.

The five birds are: Vulture, Owl, Crow, Cock and Peacock.

One of these is assigned to a person according to their birth star of the person and the
Paksha of the Moon at the time of birth. The list of Nakshatras and the birds representing
them for both the Pakshas are given below. Though this Shastra is not used nowadays for
Match making, yet it is better to know of this system also. I understand that some
softwares available in the market do include this Vihanga Kuta.

Rule: If the Nakshatra of the couple indicate the same bird, it is good. Otherwise, one bird
will dominate the other in the descending order: Peacock, Cock, Crow, Owl and Vulture. If
one is friendly to the other, it is passable. If one is the natural enemy of the other, it is bad.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Birth in
Birth in
Aswini Vulture (Bharandhaka) Peacock
Bharani Vulture Peacock
Krittika Vulture Peacock
Rohini Vulture Peacock
Mrigasirsha Vulture Peacock
Ardra Owl (Pingala) Cock
Punarvasu Owl Cock
Pushya Owl Cock
Aslesha Owl Cock
Makha Owl Cock
Purvaphalguni Owl Cock
Uttaraphalguni Crow Crow
Hasta Crow Crow
Chitra Crow Crow
Swathi Crow Crow
Visakha Crow Crow
Anuradha Cock Owl
Jyeshta Cock Owl
Moola Cock Owl
Purvashada Cock Owl
Uttarashada Cock Owl
Sravana Peacock Vulture
Dhanishta Peacock Vulture
Satabhisha Peacock Vulture
Purvabhadrapada Peacock Vulture
Uttarabhadrapada Peacock Vulture
Revathi Peacock Vulture

However, in Prasna Marga there is no mention of this division of birds according to Paksha.
It simple refers Aswini to Mrigasirsha signify the bird Bharandhaka; Ardra to
Purvaphalguni Pingala; Uttaraphalguni to Anuradha kaka (Crow); Jyeshta to Sravana
Cock and Dhanishta to Revathi Peacock.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



8.3. Yonyankulya:

We find a reference to this in Prasna Marga., Yoni means sex organ and anukulya means
source of agreement. There two ways to find out this agreement.

Rule 1: If the girl is born in a female Nakshatra and the boy in a male Nakshatra, the
couple will be happy. If both are female Nakshatra, there will be loss of wealth. If both are
male Nakshatra, then it is to be rejected.

The categorization of Nakshatras into male and female are as below:

Aswini, Bharani, Pushya, Aslesha, Makha, Uttaraphalguni, Swathi, Visakha,
Jyeshta, Moola, Purvashada, Sravana, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.
Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Purvaphalguni, Hasta, Chitra,
Anuradha, Uttarashada, Dhanishta, Satabhisha and Revathi.

Rule 2: This introduces another gender viz. Eunuch. The classification according to this is
as below:

Aswini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Anuradha, Sravana, Purvabhadrapada
and Uttarabhadrapada.
Bharani, Krittika, Ardra, Aslesha, Makha, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Chitra,
Swathi, Visakha, Jyeshta, Purvashada, Uttarashada, Dhanishta and Revathi.
Eunuch Mrigasirsha, Moola and Satabhisha.

So now we have 9 combinations giving different results. They are tabulated below:

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Combination of Nakshatra Results
Man male Nakshatra and woman male Nakshatra Inauspicious
Man male Nakshatra and woman female Nakshatra Good
Man male Nakshatra and woman Eunuch Nakshatra Good
Man female Nakshatra and woman male Nakshatra Nindya fit to be censured
Man female Nakshatra and woman female Nakshatra Ordinary
Man female Nakshatra and woman Eunuch Nakshatra Not favored
Man Eunuch Nakshatra and woman male Nakshatra To be rejected
Man Eunuch Nakshatra and woman female Nakshatra Passable
Man Eunuch Nakshatra and woman Eunuch Nakshatra Not favored

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


8.4. Bhuta:

There are two kinds under this agreement Nakshatra Bhuta and Rasi Bhuta

Nakshatra Bhuta: The 27 Nakshatras have been classified into Pancha Bhuta or five
elements namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether as below:

Element Nakshatra
Earth Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasirsha
Water Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Aslesha, Makha, Purvaphalguni
Fire Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swathi, Visakha
Air Anuradha, Jyeshta, Moola, Purvashada, Uttarashada, Sravana
Ether Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada, Revathi

Nakshatra of couple Result
Same Bhuta Good
Air Fire Good
Earthy Any other Bhuta Good
Water Fire Bad
Ether Any other Bhuta Passable

In Sarvasiddhi it is stated that Bhutas are to be classified as above only. Same Bhuta is
auspicious. Only watery and fiery Bhutas are not to be accepted. All others are passable.

Rasi Bhuta:
Bhuta Lord Rasis covered
Earth Mercury Gemini, Virgo
Water Venus, Moon Taurus, Cancer, Libra
Fire Mars, Sun Aries, Leo, Scorpio
Air Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius
Ether Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


It is stated that Nakshatra Bhuta indicates Psychological nature where as Rasi Bhuta
indicates Spiritual nature.

8.5. Vayanukulya:

Rule: If the bridegroom is three times older than the bride, it is considered as good; if he is
twice old, it is passable; if he is older only by a few years it results in sorrow. If the bride is
older, the family will become extinct.

Of course such conditions cannot be applied in modern times. Majority of the cases fall
under the category i.e. bridegroom is only a few years older than the bride.

8.6. Ashtakavarga:

There are two principles involved in this.
Principle 1: If the Janma Rasi of the boy falls in a sign which, in the Moons Ashtakavarga
of the girls chart, has more bindus it is good. Similarly, if the Janma rasi of the girl falls in a
sign which, in the Moons Ashtakavarga of the boy, has more bindus, it is equally good.

Principle 2: Find out the kaksha in which the Moon is found in the girls horoscope. If the
Janma Rasi of the boy falls in the sign of the lord of this kaksha, the compatibility is good.
The same is the case in respect of the boys horoscope.

In order to verify the first principle we need horoscopes of the boy and the girl along with
each planets Ashtakavarga bindus. Since at this stage, we are not going into the horoscope
position, we shall skip this principle and reserve it for the next part of the book.

For the second principle also we need the Longitude of Moon at the time of birth. According
to Ashtakavarga scheme, each sign is divided into 8 parts or kakshas of 345, the lords of
which are respectively Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus Mercury and Moon. In our sample
chart the girls Nakshatra Mrigasirsha is in 4
Pada. So it must be in Gemini between 320
and 640 (You can verify from the Navamsa Table at the end). So dividing Gemini into 8
kakshas this will fall under the 2
Kaksha which is ruled by Jupiter. If the Grooms Janma
rasi falls in the sign ruled by Jupiter it is good which is not the case in our sample chart.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Similarly, for the boys Uttaraphalguni-2
Pada, Moon must be between Virgo 000 and
320 which will be the first kaksha and is ruled by Saturn. The girls Janma rasi does not
fall under any of the rasis owned by Saturn.

8.7. Chittanukulya:

If a boy and a girl love each other, they can enter into wedlock, even if there is no
agreement in other ways. This is very important in the matter of marriage. One who loves a
girl sincerely from his heart should marry her. Pure love is greater than any other virtue.
But nowadays we come across so many breaks in love marriages. Why? It is because that
there was no sincere love. It is just lust which is transient and disappears the moment initial
infatuation ends.

8.8. Aya-Vyaya:

Aya means gain or income and Vyaya means expenditure. Naturally one would like to have
his income higher than his expenditure. Prasna Marga has a way to calculate and find it with
the help of the Janma Nakshatra.

Rule: Count from the Nakshatra of the girl to that of the boy. Multiply this number by 5 and
divide the product by 7. The remainder is Expenditure number.

Then count the Nakshatra from the bride groom to that of the girl and multiple by and
divide the result by 7. The remainder is Income number.

If income is greater than expenditure, marriage brings in all-round prosperity. If expense is
greater, the couple will experience much poverty.
In our sample chart let us apply this principle:
Counting from Mrigasirsha (Girls Nakshatra) to Uttaraphalguni (Boys Nakshatra) comes to
8. Multiplied by 5 means it becomes 40. Dividing this by 7 we get a remainder of 5-
Counting from Uttaraphalguni to Mrigasirsha comes to 21 and multiplied by 5 it is 105 and
divided by 7 remainder is 7 Income.
So in this case the income and expenditure balance themselves.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



8.9. Rinanukulya:

Prasna Marga gives three Principles under this heading.

Principle 1:

Count from Aswini to the Nakshatra of the boy as well as the girl and total them up.
Add to this sum 13.
From the total figure subtract 32
Divide the difference by 5

If the remainder is
1 - the result is acquisition of children.
2 - death of one the couple.
3 prolonged illness.
4 prosperity.
If the total after adding 13 does not come to 32, then the counting should be made from
birth Nakshatra to Aswini.

In our sample chart
Aswini to Mrigasirsha = 5
Aswini to Uttaraphalguni = 12
Total of this = 17
Adding 13 we get = 30
So the total is not 32. Hence we have to count from Nakshatra to Aswini.
Mrigasirsha to Aswini = 24
Uttaraphalguni to Aswini = 17
Total of this = 41
Adding 13 to this we get = 54
Subtract 32 = 22
Dividing by 5 we get a remainder of 2

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Principle 2:

Count from the birth Nakshatra of the couple to Aswini.
Add the two figures and divide the sum by 5.

If the remainder is
1 Prosperity is indicated.
2 General progress.
3 Calamities.
4 Acquisition of wealth.
5 - Disasters.

In our sample chart
Counting from the asterisms of the couple comes to 24 and 17 as per previous principle.
Adding these two we get = 41
Dividing this by 5 we get a remainder of 1.

Principle 3:

Birth stars are divided into three Vargas and the results are ascribed depending on their
position in the Vargas. Here it is to be seen whether both the Nakshatras of the boy and the
girl fall under any one of the Vargas. If they fall under different Vargas, then this rule is not

Varga 2
Varga 3
Great Progress Prosperity Expenditure and debts
Ardra Krittika, Rohini Aswini, Bharani
Hasta Mrigasirsha Punarvasu
Purvashada Makha Pushya, Aslesha
Uttarashada Purvaphalguni Chitra, Swathi
Uttaraphalguni Visakha
Anuradha, Jyeshta Uttarashada
Moola, Dhanishta Sravana
Satabhisha Revathi
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


9. Special Considerations:

We will see some of the exceptions if some of the Kuta agreements are not present or they
are not favorable. Thereafter, we shall look into the various Other Kutas mentioned at the
beginning. I have also mentioned under each category some of these exceptions. Though it
is only repetition, still if all of them are present in one single piece, it will be easy for the
reader to refer to them immediately.

1. The absence of Stree Deergha may be ignored if Rasi Kuta and Graha Matre are
2. If the Rasi of the girl is odd, the 6
and 8
rasis there from are friendly. If the rasi of
the girl is even, the 2
and 12
there from become friendly. The evil due to the birth
of the bride in a Rakshasa Gana star may be ignored if Janma rasi being 2
and 12
and 5
or 6
and 8
, the lords of the rasis are the same or are mutual friends.
3. Though Graha Maitram is the most important, it need not be considered if the couple
has their Janma rasis in 1:7 relationships.
4. Rajju kuta need not be considered in case Graha Maitram, Rasi, Dina and Mahendra
Kutas are present.
5. The evil due to Nadi Kuta can be ignored subject to the following conditions:
a. The Rasi and Rajju Kuta prevail.
b. The same planet is Lord of the Janma rasis of both the boy and the girl.
c. The Lords of the Janma rasis of the couple are friends.
6. No two Nakshatras will have all the Kutas matched. As the importance of the Kutas
vary, it becomes difficult to judge. Even if we take the point system, it is not final.
We have to rely more on the various other factors which will be dealt with in the
second part of this book.
7. If the Lords of the Janma Rasis of both are the same like Aries and Scorpio, Taurus
and Libra, Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius then
the absence of Rajju, Vedha, Gana and Rasi kutas need not be considered.
8. It is better to avoid marriage between the following pairs of Nakshatras as they were
found to be not favouring happiness in marriage:
a. Krittika Aslesha
b. Aslesha Swathi
c. Chitra Purvashada
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


d. Anuradha Dhanishta
e. Dhanishta Bharani
f. Satabhisha Krittika
9. The following pairs of couple are found to be a happy one:
a. Purvaphalguni and Anuradha
b. Chitra and Pushya
c. Punarvasu and Hasta
10. There are certain pairs of Nakshatras which are observed to give some specific
results. Though the results as stated cannot solely be attributed to the Janma
Nakshatras, it is better to be on guard.
a. Jyeshta and Satabhisha Family will be ruined.
b. Uttaraphalguni and Mrigasirsha indicative of death.
c. Hasta and Moola shows financial set backs.
d. Rohini and Makha or Purvabhadrapada and Rohini Many sons
e. Aswini and Punarvasu or Swathi and Uttarashada More daughters
f. Revathi and Ardra or Jyeshta and Uttaraphalguni Bitterness
g. Visakha and Makha Wicked sons
h. Visakha and Sravana Enmity between couple
i. Aswini and Sravana Separation
j. Uttarabhadrapada and Mrigasirsha Loss of spouse
k. Uttarashada and Revathi Enjoyment
l. Purvashada and Uttarabhadrapada Prosperity
m. Bharani and Pushya - Affluence

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


10. Common Janma Rasi

There are various views regarding the results if the Janma rasi of the boy and the girl
happen to be the same.

1. According to Narada, common Janma Rasi would be conducive to the couple provided
they are born in different constellations.
2. Garga opines that under the above circumstance, the Nakshatra of the boy should
precede that of the girl for the union to be a happy one. In case if it is reverse i.e.
the Nakshatra of the girl precedes that of the boy, the alliance should be rejected.
This view is also supported by Brihaspathi and Bhrigu.
3. Muhurtha Tatwa says that in case of common Janma Rasi, if the boys Nakshatra is
preceding the girls, the Kutas or adaptability need not be applied at all.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


11. Common Janma Nakshatra

1. Common Janma Nakshatra is acceptable in respect of certain specified stars only. For
certain Nakshatras the effect will be ordinary. The rest are categorized under
Avoidable common Nakshatras.

The following table lists out the Nakshatras coming under the three categories stated above.

Acceptable Ordinary To be avoided
Rohini Aswini Bharani
Ardra Krittika Aslesha
Makha Mrigasirsha Swati
Hasta Punarvasu Jyeshta
Visakha Pushya Mula
Sravana Purvaphalguni Dhanishta
Uttarabhadrapada Uttaraphalguni Satabhisha
Revati Chitra Purvabhadrapada

2. Here again certain ancient authors hold that even though the Janma Nakshatra are
the same, the evil becomes nullified if the Padas are different.
3. If the Janma Nakshatra belongs to two signs the Pada of the bride should relate to
the previous sign. If, however, the common Janma Nakshatra belongs to two signs
equally, the sign for the first 2 quarters should be that of the bridegroom. The
Nakshatras Krittika, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Uttaraphalguni, Chitra, Visakha,
Uttarashada, Dhanishta, Purvabhadrapada cover two signs. Of these Visakha is the
only Nakshatra which fall under acceptable category. The two Nakshatras that fall
under to be rejected category are Dhanishta and Purvabhadrapada. Rest all are
under ordinary column. The following table illustrates such Nakshatras.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Nakshatra Pada Rasi Pada Rasi
Brides Pada should relate to preceding sign
Krittika 1 Aries 2, 3, 4 Taurus
Punarvasu 1, 2, 3 Gemini 4 Cancer
Uttaraphalguni 1 Leo 2, 3, 4 Virgo
Visakha 1, 2, 3 Libra 4 Scorpio
Uttarashada 1 Sagittarius 2, 3, 4 Capricorn
Purvabhadrapada 1, 2, 3 Aquarius 4 Pisces
First Two quarters should be of bridegroom
Mrigasirsha 1, 2 Taurus 3, 4 Gemini
Chitra 1, 2 Virgo 3, 4 Libra
Dhanishta 1, 2 Capricorn 3, 4 Aquarius

The couple should not have the same Janma Rasi, same Janma Nakshatra and pada.
However, in regard to Aswini, Krittika, Mrigasirsha, Makha, Hasta, Swat, Purvashada,
Satabhisha, the evil given rise to by virtue of common Janma rasi, Nakshatra and Pada gets
cancelled if the couple are born in the first quarter.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


12. Destructive or Harmful Nakshatras

One more point to be seen is the belief that some Nakshatras are harmful or destructive.

For a long time since, it is a strong belief that certain Nakshatras are Dosha Nakshatras and
that too only for girls. So parents of both the boy and the girl try to avoid such Nakshatras
while finding a suitable partner for their ward. Almost all authors agree that certain parts of
Moola, Aslesha, Jyeshta and Visakha are destructive constellations. The padas of these
Nakshatras and their effects are as below:

1. Moola 1
Pada Evils/Death to husbands father.
2. Aslesha 1
Pada Evils/Death to Husbands mother.
3. Jyeshta 1
Pada Evils/Death to husbands elder brother.
4. Visakha 4
Pada Evils/Death to husbands younger brother.

Barring these padas, the rest are not to be considered as evil. Such people who take the
entire Nakshatra as harmful should bear in mind that the so called Dosha Nakshatras cannot
re-write the fate of another person as his/her fate has already been written. Unless such a
person concerned is having such a destiny, nothing untoward will happen, just because a
dosha Nakshatra girl is married into the family. Again Kalamrita at the end states that such
doshas are to be applied for boys also.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


13. Summary

All the sources of agreement described above are very effective in results. The effects of all
of them have already been given. Of the compatibilities suggested above, some are strong
and others are weak. The relative importance of all these will have to be noted. Next
question that arises is how many of these agreements must be present so that the alliance
can be confirmed? As said earlier, we cannot say all of them or some of them. But all the
writers of the view that the essential ones like Janma Rasi, Lord of Janma Rasi, Vasya,
Mahendra and Yoni should be definitely acceptable one if the marriage is to be analyzed.
Besides Brahmins should look into Gotras they are born in. Others should consider the
agreement in respect of Varna in addition to the five mentioned above. Again we can
consider the point based system wherein 8 of these agreements are taken into
consideration. Mahendra, Stree Deergha, Rajju and Vedha are not included in the point
based system. Hence to have a better compatibility, we can include these four Kutas. Since
in the point based system Vasya and Mahendra are not included and since they are falling
under the five important agreements stated above, we should not omit the same.

We have already discussed a sample chart and the presence or absence of each of these
agreements in both have been explained. However, for more clarity, let us consider some
more charts and find out their compatibility.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



14. Example charts taken up for Compatibility

Before going into the compatibility as such, let us make a sample table listing out the details
that are required for finding out the compatibility.
1. Table of Data

Boy Girl
Take from Panchanga
Rasi Take from the Nakshatra
Pada table Rasi Lord
Take from the Planetary
Friendship table
Taken from the Nakshatra
Character table
Yoni class
Varna - Nakshatra
Varna - Rasi

2. Table of Compatibility:

The following Anukulyas (Kutas) as per Prasna Marga are not taken into consideration:
As some of the Kutas are partly acceptable subject to various conditions, we will have a
column OK which means the agreement is Ordinary or passable. When there is no
agreement in respect of a Kuta we will reject it. We name it as bad meaning that the said
agreement is totally not acceptable.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



S.No Kuta Good OK Bad Points
1 Dina 3
2 Gana 6
3 Mahendra
4 Stree Deergha
5 Yoni (As per table) 4
6 Rasi 7
7 Rasyadhipa 5
8 Vasya 2
9 Rajju
10 Vedha
11 Varna-Star
12 Varna-Rasi 1
13 Nadi 8
14 Rasi Yoni
15 Gotra
16 Vihanga
17 Yonyanukulya
18 Bhuta
19 Common Nakshatra
20 Common Rasi

The points to each of the applicable Kutas have already been mentioned. If any Kuta is not
acceptable, then we have to remove the points.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


15. Some Example Charts Analysed

Example Chart 1:
Table of Data:
Boy Girl
Nakshatra Purvabhadrapada Ardra
Pada 3 3
Rasi Aquarius Gemini
Rasi Lord Saturn Mercury
Friend Mercury & Venus Sun & Venus
Neutral Jupiter Mars, Jupiter & Saturn
Enemy Sun, Moon & Mars Moon
Gana Manushya Manushya
Yoni Male Female
Yoni class Lion Dog
Rajju Nabhi Kanta
Vedha Uttaraphalguni Sravana
Nadi Vata Vata
Nadi - Nakshatra Pada Sleshma (Kapha) Pitta
Varna - Nakshatra Pratiloma Brahmin
Varna - Rasi Sudra Sudra

Let us apply the rules for all the 20 Kutas and arrive at the result and then fill up the table
of Compatibility.
1. Dina: Girls star Ardra is 6
and boys star Purvabhadrapada is the 25
star in the
natural order of Nakshatras. Hence the boys star is (25-6) +1 = 20
star which is
not listed in the Nakshatras to be avoided (3
, 5
, 7
, 12
, 14
, 16
, 21
, 23
). So this agreement is present. We will fill up the table now by putting a Tick
mark () under the column Good. Next fill up the points column with 3 as this is the point
allotted for this Kuta under Points system.
2. Gana: From the table of data we note that both are under Manushya Gana. Same
Gana is good. So another tick mark under Good column and the points column will
get 6.
3. Mahendra: Boys star from that of the girl is 20
. It is not in the list of (4
, 7
, 13
, 16
, 19
, 22
or 25
). Hence Mahendra agreement is absent. Tick the
column bad. As no points are allotted under the Point system for this Kuta leave it
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


4. Stree Deergha: Distance of the boys star from that of the girl is measured here.
Various authorities have different views. Should the boys star be 7 stars or 9 or 13
or 15 away from that of the girl. It is left to your discretion. I take the lowest one i.e.
7. Since the boys star is 20
from that of the girl in the present case, this
agreement is present. So fill up the Good column only as this Kuta also has no
5. Yoni: As per the table given under Yoni chapter, the points that are assigned to this
agreement come to 1. Locate dog column and go down until you reach lion row. You
will find the point.
6. Rasi: Aquarius is the 9
rasi from Gemini. Hence it does not fall under the avoidable
rasis (2
, 3
, 4
, 5
or 6
). Hence Rasi Kuta is present. Points to be given are 7.
7. Rasyadhipa: For Saturn Mercury is a friend but for Mercury Saturn is Neutral. As no
mutual friendship prevail, the agreement cannot be said to be good. But it is
passable. Hence Ok column will be ticked and the points will be given full i.e. 5.
8. Vasya: Gemini and Aquarius are not Vasya rasis. Hence this kuta is not present.
Mark the column Bad and give no points.
9. Rajju: The charts were of a Tamil Brahmin family where Rajju Kuta is given
importance. If in the charts Rajju is not present, there is a custom to reject the
charts in Toto even if other Kutas are present. Rajju of the girl and the boy are
different. Hence Rajju kuta is present. Under the point system, no points are given
for this Kuta.
10. Vedha: The Nakshatras are not in the list of Vedha stars. Hence this Kuta is also
good but no points are allotted to this Kuta.
11. Varna-Star: Boy is Pratiloma Varna and the girl is Brahmin. For a Pratiloma any of
the four Varnas viz. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudra are not acceptable.
Hence this Kuta is not present.
12. Varna-Rasi: Both belong to the same Varna which is considered good. The points
allotted are 1.
13. Nadi: Both the Nadis are same. Hence not acceptable. However, let us see if any of
the exceptions fit in here. They are not under Madhyama Nadi. They both belong to
Dakshina Parswa Nadi which should indicate short life of wife. However this could be
ignored in this case as one of the exceptions-viz. Rasi and Rajju Kuta prevails. If we
take the Nakshatra Padas One is Sleshma (Kapha) and the other is Pitta. Hence
Nadi Kuta as per Nakshatra Pada is present. Hence the points 8 can be given to this
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


14. Rasi Yoni: Gemini and Aquarius Both are of nara-yoni or human sex. Hence it is
15. Gotra: As per custom, it was ascertained that they both belong to different Gotra.
Now in Astrological terms the girl belong to Pulaha Gotra and the boy belong to
Pulastya Gotra. Since the Gotras are different here also, matching is good.
16. Vihanga: Ardra is Owl and Purvabhadrapada is peacock. Since the Nakshatras do
not indicate the same bird, it is not auspicious.
17. Yonyanukulya: Boy is male and girl is female. Hence it is good. None of the
Nakshatra is Eunuch.
18. Bhuta: Girl is water element and boy is Akasha element. Since akasha element can
be matched with any other element, this kuta is good.
19. Common Nakshatra: Not Applicable
20. Common Rasi: Not Applicable
S.No Kuta Good OK Bad Points
1 Dina 3
2 Gana 6
3 Mahendra
4 Stree Deergha
5 Yoni 1
6 Rasi 7
7 Rasyadhipa 5
8 Vasya
9 Rajju
10 Vedha
11 Varna-Star
12 Varna-Rasi 1
13 Nadi 8
14 Rasi Yoni
15 Gotra
16 Vihanga
17 Yonyankulya
18 Bhuta
19 Common Nakshatra Not applicable
20 Common Rasi Not applicable
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



So out of the 18 Kutas 11 Kutas are Good and 2 Kutas are passable. According to the point
system the total points come to 31. Most important thing to see is if the five essential kutas
are present or not. Out of the five - Janma Rasi, Lord of Janma Rasi, Vasya, Mahendra and
Yoni Vasya and Mahendra are not present. However, according to Vakya Panchang and
Kalaprakashika, Dina, Gana, Yoni, Rasi and Rajju are indispensable for Brahmins. As both
the boy and the girl belong to the Brahmin community as per social norms, I consider this
as a perfect matching.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Example Chart 2:
Table of Data:
Boy Girl
Nakshatra Swati Aswini
Pada 4 1
Rasi Libra Aries
Rasi Lord Venus Mars
Friend Mercury, Saturn Jupiter, Moon, Sun
Neutral Mars, Jupiter Venus, Saturn
Enemy Sun, Moon Mercury
Gana Deva Deva
Yoni Male Male
Yoni class Buffalo Horse
Rajju Kanta Pada
Vedha Rohini Jyeshta
Nadi Sleshma(Kapha) Vata
Nadi - Nakshatra Pada Vata Vata
Varna - Nakshatra Vaishya Brahmin
Varna - Rasi Sudra Kshatriya

Let us apply the rules for all the 20 Kutas and arrive at the result and then fill up the table
of Compatibility.
1. Dina: Counting from Aswini to Swathi we get 15. This when divided by 9 yields a
remainder of 6 which is good.
2. Gana: Both have same Gana. Hence good.
3. Mahendra: Boys star from that of the girl is 15
. It is not in the list of (4
, 7
, 13
, 16
, 19
, 22
or 25
). Hence Mahendra agreement is absent. Tick the
column bad. As no points are allotted under the Point system for this Kuta leave it
4. Stree Deergha: Since the boys star is 15
from that of the girl in the present case,
this agreement is present.
5. Yoni: The boy is of Male-Buffalo Yoni and the girl is of male Horse Yoni. Both are
enemies. And also as per the table the point is zero. Hence this agreement is not
6. Rasi: Libra is the 8
rasi from Aries. Here the position of Rasi is 8:6. All authorities
are of the opinion that a bridegroom, having his radical Moon in 7
, 8
, 9
, 10
, 11

or 12
from the radical Moon of the bride can be considered for marriage. Brihaspati
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


is the exception as he feels that the 8
position should also be considered as bad.
But he gives one exception that there should not be any Vedha between the stars
and Vasya should be present. In the present case there is no Vedha but there is no
Vysya also. Hence we can safely presume that this agreement is present as it
satisfies the major condition that the boys rasi should not fall in the avoidable rasis
, 3
, 4
, 5
or 6
). Hence Rasi Kuta is present. The purpose of giving this
explanation is to enlighten the readers that in majority of the softwares that I have
come across, this position is considered as negative.
7. Rasyadhipa: Both the rasi lords are neutral to each other. Hence this agreement is
only ordinary
8. Vasya: Aries and Libra are not Vasya rasis. Hence this kuta is not present.
9. Rajju: Rajju of the girl and the boy are different. Hence Rajju kuta is present.
10. Vedha: For Aswini Jyeshta is the Vedha star and for Swati-Rohini is the Vedha Star.
Hence this Kuta is also good.
11. Varna-Star: Boy is Vaishya and the girl is Brahmin. Girl is of higher caste. Hence it
is not permissible.
12. Varna-Rasi: Boy is of lower grade (Sudra) and the girl is of higher grade
(Kashatriya) Hence this kuta agreement is not present. No points are allotted.
13. Nadi: Nadis of both are different. They fall in the 1
and the 3
that is to say Vama
Parswa Nadi and Dakshina Parswa Nadi. Hence Nadi Kuta is present. Nakshatra Nadi
Kuta need not be seen here.
14. Rasi Yoni: Girl is of Animal yoni and boy of Human yoni which is considered as fair
15. Gotra: The Nakshatra gotra agreement is not present as they both belong to
Marichi Gotra.
16. Vihanga: The girl is a vulture and the boy is a crow. Since they do not have the
same bird, this kuta is not present.
17. Yonyanukulya: Both boy and girl are male Yoni. Hence Yonyanukulya is absent.
18. Bhuta: Girl is earthy element and boy is fiery element. Since earthy element can be
matched with any other element, this kuta is good.
19. Common Nakshatra: Not Applicable
20. Common Rasi: Not Applicable

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


S.No Kuta Good OK Bad Points
1 Dina 3
2 Gana 6
3 Mahendra
4 Stree Deergha
5 Yoni
6 Rasi 7
7 Rasyadhipa 5
8 Vasya
9 Rajju
10 Vedha
11 Varna-Star
12 Varna-Rasi 1
13 Nadi 8
14 Rasi Yoni
15 Gotra
16 Vihanga
17 Yonyankulya
18 Bhuta
19 Common Nakshatra Not applicable
20 Common Rasi Not applicable

In this case also like in the previous case out of the five essential agreements viz., Rasi,
Rasyadhipa, Mahendra, Vasya and Yoni, Mahendra and Vysya are not present. Under the
point system it comes to 30. Even if we remove the points given to Rasyadhipa as the
agreement is only ordinary, still the point will be 25 which is well above the average of 18
points. Hence the two charts can be matched.

This is a case of love marriage. The boy is from a South Indian Brahmin family who value
the tradition and customs very much. The girl is a foreigner hailing from Belarus. Both were
living in Germany and fell in love. When the boys parents approached me they did not
reveal the truth to me. They simply gave me the Nakshatra and the pada. Later on when I
said that there is a very good compatibility, they came out with the truth and after some
days came with the full birth data. I told them that enough is enough. Normally, I do not
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


match the charts when there is a love between the boy and the girl as Chittanukulya is
above all. However, since they were very good friends to our family, I agreed upon and to
my surprise, I found the charts also presented a very good picture. I shall be discussing
more on these charts in my second volume.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Example Chart 3: This is also a case of love marriage
Table of Data:
Boy Girl
Nakshatra Purvabhadrapada Mrigasirsha
Pada 1 3
Rasi Aquarius Gemini
Rasi Lord Saturn Mercury
Friend Mercury, Venus Sun, Venus
Neutral Jupiter Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Enemy Sun, Moon, Mars Moon
Gana Manushya Deva
Yoni Male Female
Yoni class Lion Snake
Rajju Nabhi Siro
Vedha Uttaraphalguni Dhanishta, Chitra
Nadi Vata Pitta
Nadi - Nakshatra Pada Vata Vata
Varna - Nakshatra Brahmin Anuloma
Varna - Rasi Sudra Sudra

Let us apply the rules for all the 20 Kutas and arrive at the result and then fill up the table
of Compatibility.
1. Dina: Boys star is the 21
from that of the girl. Hence Dina kuta is absent.
2. Gana: Deva gana and Manushya gana is also considered good.
3. Mahendra: Boys star from that of the girl is 21
. It is not in the list of (4
, 7
, 10
, 16
, 19
, 22
or 25
). Hence Mahendra agreement is absent.
4. Stree Deergha: Since the boys star is 21
from of the girl, this agreement is
5. Yoni: Serpent and Lion gives a point 2 as per Yoni table. Hence it is only ordinary.
6. Rasi: Aquarius is the 9
rasi from Gemini. Hence Rasi kuta is present.
7. Rasyadhipa: For Saturn Mercury is a friend but Mercury treats Saturn as neutral.
Hence Rasyadhipa agreement is ordinary.
8. Vasya: There is no Vasya between the rasis of the boy and the girl.
9. Rajju: Rajju of the girl and the boy are different. Mrigasirsha falls under Madhyama
Rajju. But Purvabhadrapada falls under the 1
column. Hence Rajju kuta is present.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


10. Vedha: Both are not coming under the list of Vedha star. Hence this Kuta is also
11. Varna-Star: Boy is Brahmin and the girl is Anuloma. For Anuloma any of the 4
varnas is passable.
12. Varna-Rasi: Both belong to the same Varna. Hence matching is approved.1
13. Nadi: Nadis of both are different. They fall in the 1
and the 2
that is to say Vama
Parswa Nadi and Madhyama Nadi. Hence Nadi Kuta is present. Nakshatra Nadi Kuta
need not be seen here.
14. Rasi Yoni: Both have same-human yoni which is considered good.
15. Gotra: The Nakshatra gotra agreement is not present as they both belong to
Pulastya Gotra.
16. Vihanga: The girl is a vulture and the boy is a crow. Since they do not have the
same bird, this kuta is not present.
17. Yonyanukulya: Girl is in female Nakshatra and the boy is in male nakshatra which
is considered good.
18. Bhuta: Girl is watery element and boy is akasha element. Since akasha element can
be matched with any other element, this kuta is good.
19. Common Nakshatra: Not Applicable
20. Common Rasi: Not Applicable

The agreements table is given in the next page.

Here again out of the essential 5 kutas, Mahendra and Vasya are not matching. Point-wise it
comes to 29. Even if we are to remove the points for the ordinary match of Rasyadhipa, it
comes to 24 which is an acceptable score. Hence even though the marriage is a love
marriage, the Kuta agreement is also favourable.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



S.No Kuta Good OK Bad Points
1 Dina
2 Gana 6
3 Mahendra
4 Stree Deergha
5 Yoni 2
6 Rasi 7
7 Rasyadhipa 5
8 Vasya
9 Rajju
10 Vedha
11 Varna-Star
12 Varna-Rasi 1
13 Nadi 8
14 Rasi Yoni
15 Gotra
16 Vihanga
17 Yonyankulya
18 Bhuta
19 Common Nakshatra Not applicable
20 Common Rasi Not applicable

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Example Chart 4:

Next I would like to discuss the charts of a boy and girl whose parents came to me for the
purpose of matching. They presented me 5 print outs taken out by them using the facility of
Internet. They were confused. I present below the results as shown by them. 2 were of
South Indian Parameters of 10 Kutas and three were under the Ashta Kuta. For South
Indian parameters they have given descriptions and for the North Indian style points have
been given. In the table the first two are South Indian parameters and the rest North Indian

Kuta 1 2 3 4 5
Rasi Very Good Good 7 7 7
Rasyadhipa Very Good Good 5 5 5
Vasya Very Low Bad 2 2 2
Mahendra Very Low Bad
Gana Very Low Ordinary 1 1 0
Yoni Very Low Ordinary 3 2 1.5
Dina Very Good Good 2 3 3
Stree Deergha Very Low Bad
Rajju Very Good Good
Vedha Very Good Good
Varna 1 1 1
Nadi 8 8 8
Final result/Total Points Average Good 29 29 27.5

So we notice that there is difference in respect of Gana, Yoni and Dina agreements as per
the point system. Vasya, Mahendra and Stree Deergha are listed as Very Low in one and
they are treated as bad by the other one. Gana and Yoni also in the South Indian parameter
needs verification. The Very Good in one software may be equated to Good in another. So
here we will discuss only the following: Vasya, Mahendra, Gana, Yoni, Dina, and Stree
Deergha. The data is given below:

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Table of Data:
Boy Girl
Nakshatra Aslesha Pushya
Pada 2 3
Rasi Cancer Cancer
Rasi Lord Moon Moon
Friend Sun and Mercury Sun and Mercury
Neutral Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus
Enemy None None
Gana Rakshasa Deva
Yoni Male Male
Yoni class Cat Sheep
Rajju Pada Kati
Vedha Moola Purvashada
Nadi Sleshma Pitta
Nadi - Nakshatra Pada Sleshma Vata
Varna - Nakshatra Vaishya Kshatriya
Varna - Rasi Brahmin Brahmin

1. Vasya: Rule is that if the rasis fall under the Vasya list or if both have same rasi
Vasya Kuta is said to be Good. This is correctly judged by the Ashta Kuta software
whereas the Dasavidha Porutham has not judged it correctly.
2. Mahendra: Mahendra is applicable only when the boys star is beyond the 4
the girl and then continues to increase. Since the boys nakshatra is the second,
Mahendra Kuta is not present. Very Low may not be the correct judgment and it
should be bad.
3. Gana: Rakshasa boy and Deva girl is only ordinary. Very Low may not be correct
and 0 points is also wrong.
4. Yoni: Sheep-Cat combination gives 2 points as per Yoni table. Hence we must say
that it has been correctly judged by the softwares.
5. Dina: Boys Nakshatra is the 2
one from the girl and it is a good match.
6. Stree Deergha: This is always subject to controversy as the distance between the
girls Nakshatra and the boys Nakshatra differs from authority to authority. In any
case the lowest minimum we have taken is 7. Since the boys star is the 2
from the
girls definitely, Stree Deergha Kuta is totally absent.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


This is how I explained the things to them and of course I took up the rest of the
parameters and advised them that the matching is good and they can go ahead with the
marriage. Both of them are married now and are having a girl child also.

The boys parents were much worried as his Nakshatra was Aslesha and every other girls
parent immediately said that Nakshatras do not match as majority of them feared that it will
harm the girls mother. I assured them, nothing of that sort will happen as the Nakshatra is
only in the 2
Pada and assured them that the boy would get a girl definitely.

So far we have seen three charts wherein the matching was favourable. Now let us see
some charts wherein, we find some problems. First I will give the data and then do the
matching. In the end I will spell out the problems of the persons. I am also incorporating
the basis of compatibility or otherwise of the charts in the table itself.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Example Chart 5:
Table of Data:
Boy Girl
Nakshatra Krittika Aswini
Pada 2 4
Rasi Taurus Aries
Rasi Lord Venus Mars
Friend Mercury, Saturn Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Neutral Mars, Jupiter Venus, Saturn
Enemy Sun, Moon Mercury
Gana Rakshasa Deva
Yoni Female Male
Yoni class Sheep Horse
Rajju Nabhi (Navel) Pada (Feet)
Vedha Visakha Jyeshta
Nadi Sleshma Vata
Nadi - Nakshatra Pada Sleshma Sleshma
Varna - Nakshatra Vaishya Brahmin
Varna - Rasi Vaishya Kshatriya

S.No Kuta Good OK Bad Points Reason
1 Dina
Boys Nakshatra 3rd
2 Gana 6
Only ordinary
3 Mahendra
Boys star not beyond 4
from girl
4 Stree Deergha
Boys star not beyond 7
from girl
5 Yoni 2
From the table
6 Rasi
2:12 Dosha
7 Rasyadhipa 5
Mars and Venus are only neutral
8 Vasya
Both rasis are not Vasya to each other
9 Rajju
Both are different Rajju
10 Vedha
No vedha between the stars
11 Varna-Star
Girl higher-Boy lower varna
12 Varna-Rasi
Girl higher Boy lower varna
13 Nadi 8
Different Nadi
14 Rasi Yoni
Same Yoni - Animal
15 Common Nakshatra Not applicable
16 Common Rasi Not applicable
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Here as per Kuta points the total comes to 21 which is to be considered as good. But if we
take into consideration the Gana, Yoni and Rasyadhipa agreements they are only ordinary.
If we deduct the points for Gana and Rasyadhipa (as Yoni has already been taken care of in
the table for such ordinary or passable agreements) the three the points come to only 10.
Hence it is always advisable to do the matching as per rules and do not blindly accept the
points as given in some softwares. Also note that the most important agreements like Dina,
Mahendra, Stree Deergha, and Rasi are totally negative. Under such circumstances it is
better to go in for a complete study of the charts and then come to a conclusion. Here in
this case the marriage took place on 30.04.2005 and due to differences of opinion, they
started living separately from 04.07.2008 and now the husband has filed a divorce. It is
true we cannot ascribe the absence of agreements as mentioned above for the happenings
but care could have been taken and the charts could have been studied well before advising
them about marriage.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Example Chart 6:
Table of Data:
Boy Girl
Nakshatra Dhanishta Moola
Pada 2 1
Rasi Capricorn Sagittarius
Rasi Lord Saturn Jupiter
Friend Mercury, Venus Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral Jupiter Saturn
Enemy Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Venus
Gana Rakshasa Rakshasa
Yoni Female Male
Yoni class Lion Dog
Rajju Siro (Head) Pada (Feet)
Vedha Mrigasirsha, Chitra Aslesha
Nadi Pitta Vata
Nadi - Nakshatra Pada Vata Vata
Varna - Nakshatra Anuloma Brahmin
Varna - Rasi Vaishya Kshatriya

S.No Kuta Good OK Bad Points Reason
1 Dina
Boys Nakshatra 5

2 Gana 6
Both same Gana
3 Mahendra
Boys star 5
from girl
4 Stree Deergha
Boys star not beyond 7
from girl
5 Yoni 1
From the Yoni table
6 Rasi
2:12 Dosha
7 Rasyadhipa 5
Saturn and Jupiter are only neutral
8 Vasya
Both rasis are not Vasya to each other
9 Rajju
Both are different Rajju
10 Vedha
No vedha between the stars
11 Varna-Star
Girl higher-Boy lower varna
12 Varna-Rasi
Girl higher Boy lower varna
13 Nadi 8
Different Nadi
14 Rasi Yoni
Animal-Human - acceptable

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


The total points come to 20. If we remove the points of the matches pertaining to
Rasyadhipa it is only 15. In spite of this the marriage was performed. Both the couples are
not separated. But there is almost oral fight between both of them daily on almost each and
every aspect. Even the small things each one takes it seriously and finds fault with the
other. Because of social obligations they are living as husband and wife-just for name sake.
Also there was no issue to them. After much objection from the husband, the wife adopted a
male child which was totally opposed by the husbands other family members.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Example Chart 7:
Table of Data:
Boy Girl
Nakshatra Aslesha Makha
Pada 4 2
Rasi Cancer Leo
Rasi Lord Moon Sun
Friend Sun, Mercury Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Neutral Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn Mercury
Enemy --- Venus, Saturn
Gana Rakshasa Rakshasa
Yoni Male Male
Yoni class Cat Rat
Rajju Pada (Feet) Pada (Feet)
Vedha Moola Revathi
Nadi Sleshma Sleshma
Nadi - Nakshatra Pada Vata Pitta
Varna - Nakshatra Vaishya Sudra
Varna - Rasi Brahmin Kshatriya

S.No Kuta Good OK Bad Points Reason
1 Dina 3
Boys Nakshatra is 27
from girl
2 Gana 6
Both same Gana
3 Mahendra
Boys star 27
from girl
4 Stree Deergha
Boys star beyond 13
from girl
5 Yoni
Both male and Cat & Rat are enemies
6 Rasi 7
Boys rasi more than 6 from girl
7 Rasyadhipa 5
Sun and Moon are friends
8 Vasya
Both rasis are not Vasya to each other
9 Rajju
Both have same Rajju
10 Vedha
No vedha between the stars
11 Varna-Star
Boy higher varna
12 Varna-Rasi 1
Boy higher varna
13 Nadi 8
Different Nadi
14 Rasi Yoni
Reptile and Animal to be rejected.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


As per Ashta Kuta system 6 kutas are agreeable giving a handsome point of 30 out of 36.
Probably keeping this in mind they were married. The points overlooked are (1) Absence of
Rajju agreement (2) Bad Yoni agreement. Both are essential one. Thanks to South Indian
rule of Dasavidha Porutham or the ten kuta agreement. Here Rajju is given the utmost
importance. If there is no Rajju agreement, the charts are summarily rejected. How true it
is in this case. Both are now heading for a divorce.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Example Chart 8:
Table of Data:
Boy Girl
Nakshatra Purvaphalguni Anuradha
Pada 4 3
Rasi Leo Scorpio
Rasi Lord Sun Mars
Friend Moon, Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Neutral Mercury Venus, Saturn
Enemy Venus, Saturn Mercury
Gana Manushya Deva
Yoni Female Female
Yoni class Rat Deer
Rajju Ooru (Thighs) Ooru (Thighs)
Vedha Uttarabhadrapada Bharani
Nadi Pitta Pitta
Nadi - Nakshatra Pada Pitta Vata
Varna Nakshatra Anuloma Anuloma
Varna Rasi Kshatriya Brahmin

S.No Kuta Good OK Bad Points Reason
1 Dina 3
Boys Nakshatra 22
from girl
2 Gana
Girl Deva and boy Manushya
3 Mahendra
Boys Nakshatra 22
from girl
4 Stree Deergha
Boys Nakshatra beyond 13
from girl
5 Yoni 2
From the Yoni table
6 Rasi 7
Boys rasi 4
from girls rasi
7 Rasyadhipa 5
Lords of Rasis Sun and Mars are friends
8 Vasya
Rasis does not fall in Vasya
9 Rajju
Both have the same Rajju
10 Vedha
Nakshatras are not subjected to Vedha
11 Varna-Star
Both have same Varna
12 Varna-Rasi
Girl is of higher Varna than boy
13 Nadi 8
Both are of same Nadi. Exception of Lords
of Janma rasi being friends can be taken.
14 Rasi Yoni
Leo is Animal and Scorpio is Reptile and
hence do not match
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



In this case also there is no Rajju agreement. If we remove the points given to the OK
column LEAVING Yoni it totals to only 10. Hence matching should not be advised. The
reality is that both of them met on 09.04.2000 and engagement was done on 16.04.2000
and the marriage was held on 03.07.2000. Now numerous petty fights are going on almost
daily between them. Again due to social obligations they are not separated.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


15. Common Table of Compatibility

Also why not we make out a master table listing out all the possible Nakshatras suitable for
a girl or boy. Let us proceed in this way. For each star of girl we are going to examine, we
will prepare a separate table and list the results. We may have to make 36 tables (as some
Nakshatras cover two rasis) which will serve as a ready reckoner for all. We will also omit
Gotra, Vihanga, Yonyanukulya and Bhuta agreements as these are not considered as
important. Those who are interested in knowing the agreements of these can refer to the
respective heads given above. If the agreement is Good it is mentioned as G and
highlighted with green color. And if it is OK or ordinary or just acceptable it is mentioned as
O and highlighted with yellow color. If there is no agreement or if the agreement is one
that is to be rejected it is just highlighted in red. The parameters used will be a common
one for all and is summarized below:

1. Dina: If the Nakshatra of the boy from that of the girl is 2
, 4
, 6
, 8
, 9
, 11
, 15
, 17
, 18
, 20
, 22
, 24
, 26
or 27
it is denoted as G. If the Nakshatra
of the boy from that of the girl is 1
, 10
or 19
it is treated as just acceptable and
denoted by letter O. All other countings are left blank.

The following table will be a ready reckoner for the same:

2. Gana: If both the boy and the girl belong to the same Gana or if the girl is of
Manushya and the boy is of Deva it is denoted as G Good. If the boy is of
Rakshasa Gana and the girl is of Deva or Manushya Gana it is treated as Ordinary
O. All other combinations are shown a blank. Exception of bridea star above 13
when counted from the boy or the Lords of Janma rasis of both are friends or same
is applicable then it is treated as Ordinary.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



The Following table will be a ready reckoner for the same:

Girl Boy-Good Boy-Ordinary
Deva Aswini, Mrigasirsha,
Punarvasu, Pushya,
Hasta, Swathi, Anuradha,
Sravana, Revathi
Aswini, Mrigasirsha,
Punarvasu, Pushya,
Hasta, Swathi, Anuradha,
Sravana, Revathi
Krittika, Aslesha,
Makha, Chitra, Visakha,
Jyeshta, Moola,
Dhanishta, Satabhisha
Manushya Bharani, Rohini, Ardra,
P.Phalguni, U.Phalguni,
P.Ashada, U.Ashada,
P.Bhadra, U.Bhadra.

Bharani, Rohini, Ardra,
P.Phalguni, U.Phalguni,
P.Ashada, U.Ashada,
P.Bhadra, U.Bhadra.
Aswini, Mrigasirsha,
Punarvasu, Pushya,
Hasta, Swathi, Anuradha,
Sravana, Revathi
Krittika, Aslesha,
Makha, Chitra, Visakha,
Jyeshta, Moola,
Dhanishta, Satabhisha
Rakshasa Krittika, Aslesha, Makha,
Chitra, Visakha, Jyeshta,
Moola, Dhanishta,
Krittika, Aslesha, Makha,
Chitra, Visakha, Jyeshta,
Moola, Dhanishta,

3. Mahendra: Counting of Nakshatra from girl to boy comes to 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19,
22, 25 treated as Good- G. All others are blank meaning not in agreement.
4. Stree Deergha: If the boys star is beyond 7
from that of the girl it is treated as
Ordinary O and if it is beyond 13 from that of the girl it is treated as Good G.
Rest are left blank.
5. Yoni: Here we are not considering the Eunuch class. Much has been discussed on
this principle and hence as decided above we will use the table as given by Dr.
B.V.Raman in his Prasna Marga to decide about this agreement. As stated earlier if
the unit is 4 it is denoted as G and if it is zero it is bad and hence left blank and all
other units are represented as O. [Please refer the table given at the end of the
chapter on Yoni]
6. Rasi-Yoni: Same yoni of the boy rasi and the girl rasi is given as G. If one is
animal and the other is human it is fair and hence O is given. All others are bad and
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


left blank. Here Capricorn is considered as BIRD even though the first half is animal
and the second half is bird. This is because, as we do not prepare the horoscopes
and hence we are not aware of the exact degrees of the birth stars this assumption
is taken for preparing the table. In view of this wherever matching is done with
Capricorn it is treated as Ordinary. In case if the same is in the first half of Capricorn
then it will be an animal and hence Rasi-Yoni agreement with respect of Human rasis
has to be Ordinary (viz. with Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius) and with
respect to animal rasis (Aries, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn) it has to be treated as
Good. If the same falls in the second half then it is a bird and compatibility will be
Good only with respect to Bird rasis (Pisces and Capricorn) and for all others it will
be bad. Readers must remember this point whenever the rasi of the bride or
bridegroom falls in Capricorn.
7. Rasi: Readers are advised to go through the entire chapter on Rasi agreement and
come to a conclusion as this agreement has lot of ifs and buts. As this is a
generalized table for an easy reference for the readers, the following parameters
only have been taken into consideration. Good rating is given for those rasis of the
boys which are more than 6 from the girl. Girl and boy born in the same rasi and
having different Janma Nakshatra is also considered as auspicious. If the boys rasi is
or 4
from the girl it is treated as Ordinary. All other exceptions have not been
taken into account while preparing the table.
8. Rasyadhipa: If the lords of rasis of the boy and the girl are same or friends it is
treated as Good. If they both are Neutral or one is neutral and the other is friendly it
is treated as Ordinary. Rest are left blank. The position obtaining in Navamsa has not
been taken into account while preparing the tables. Hence readers are requested to
refer to the Navamsa lords relationship also if the agreement here is not favourable.
9. Vasya: If the boy rasi is Vasya to Girl or if both the rasis are same it is given a G. If
the girl rasi is Vasya to boy it is treated as Ordinary. Enemy rasis are left blank.
10. Rajju: If the rajju of the boy and the girl are different it is given G. All others are
treated as bad. All the various exceptions as also the differing views have not been
taken into consideration while preparing the table.
11. Vedha: If there is Vedha between the stars of the boy and the girl it is considered
inauspicious and they are left blank. All others will be marked as G.
12. Varna-Rasi: Girl and boy having same Varna or Boy having higher Varna are
treated as G. Others are left blank.
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


13. Varna-Nakshatra: Here Anuloma and Pratiloma are also taken into account. Girl
and boy having same Varna or boy having higher Varna are treated as Good.
Anuloma with other 4 categories are passable and hence given as O. Rest are bad
and hence left blank.
14. Nadi: If the Nadis of the boy and the girl are different, it is good. If same Nadi is
found then the exception that if Rasi and Rajju agreement are Good or if the lord of
Janma rasis are same or friends it given a rating of Ordinary. All others are rejected
and left blank.
15. Nadi-Pada: If the Nakshatra Pada of the boy and girl fall under the 1
column and
the last column as given in the Nadi Pada table it is treated as Ordinary. If both fall
under the middle column as per Nadi Pada table, they are rejected and shown a
blank. Rest are treated as Good.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


16. Conclusion:

In the foregoing chapters, I have tried to present all the available facts with regard to Match
making. Nothing stated above is my creation and I do not want to take credit for the same.
It is only a compilation of various views that are prevalent on the subject of Match Making.
It is quite possible, during the course of compilation I might have made mistakes for which I
fully own the responsibility. It might have kept in inadvertently and not done intentionally.
Readers may go through the entire book and send in their comments/observations to me at Mistakes if any found can also be pointed out so that the same can
be rectified by me. As also suggestions for additions/ deletions are also welcome.

Last but not the least I have a request to make to the readers. I am doing a lot of
research on the subject for which I need lots of horoscopes. So readers if they have no
objection can send in as many charts as possible. I can assure that the names of the
persons will never be disclosed to any one. I just need the birth details only like Date of
birth, Time of birth, Place of birth, if possible Latitude and Longitude of birth place, gender
and important events and their approximate dates. This can be sent to the same email id
given above.

In the second part pertaining to the same subject viz-Marriage Compatibility, I shall be
dealing with Kuja Dosha, Papa Samayam, Dosha Samayam and various other aspects of
Dosha and appropriate remedial measures to overcome the Dosha. Also the planetary
positions of the charts will also be dealt with. In addition, there will be separate sections for
divorce, separation and life after marriage. I also intend bringing a third part which will be
purely on Timing of marriage. So please look forward to the next additions on the subject.

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Navamsa Table:
Nakshatra Pada Rasi Longitude
Pada sign
1 00
20 1 Aries
2 03
-40 2 03
-40 2 Taurus
3 06
.00 3 06
.00 3 Gemini
4 10
.20 4 10
.20 4 Cancer
5 13
.40 5 Leo
6 16
.00 2 16
.00 6 Virgo
7 20
.20 3 20
.20 7 Libra
8 23
.40 4 23
.40 8 Scorpio
9 26
.00 Krittika 1 Aries 26
.00 9 Sagittarius
10 30
20 10 Capricorn
11 33
-40 3 03
-40 11 Aquarius
12 36
.00 4 06
.00 12 Pisces
13 40
.20 13 Aries
14 43
.40 2 13
.40 14 Taurus
15 46
.00 3 16
.00 15 Gemini
16 50
.20 4 20
.20 16 Cancer
17 53
.40 17 Leo
18 56
.00 2 26
.00 18 Virgo
19 60
20 19 Libra
20 63
-40 4 03
-40 20 Scorpio
21 66
.00 21 Sagittarius
22 70
.20 2 10
.20 22 Capricorn
23 73
.40 3 13
.40 23 Aquarius
24 76
.00 4 16
.00 24 Pisces
25 80
.20 Punarvasu 1 Gemini 20
.20 25 Aries
26 83
.40 2 23
.40 26 Taurus
27 86
.00 3 26
.00 27 Gemini
28 90
20 4 Cancer 00
20 28 Cancer
29 93
-40 Pushya 1 Cancer 03
-40 29 Leo
30 96
.00 2 06
.00 30 Virgo
31 100
.20 3 10
.20 31 Libra
32 103
.40 4 13
.40 32 Scorpio
33 106
.00 Aslesha 1 Cancer 16
.00 33 Sagittarius
34 110
.20 2 20
.20 34 Capricorn
35 113
.40 3 23
.40 35 Aquarius
36 116
.00 4 26
.00 36 Pisces
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Nakshatra Pada Rasi Longitude
Pada sign
37 120
20 Makha 1 Leo 00
20 37 Aries
38 123
-40 2 03
-40 38 Taurus
39 126
.00 3 06
.00 39 Gemini
40 130
.20 4 10
.20 40 Cancer
41 133
.40 Purvaphalguni 1 Leo 13
.40 41 Leo
42 136
.00 2 16
.00 42 Virgo
43 140
.20 3 20
.20 43 Libra
44 143
.40 4 23
.40 44 Scorpio
45 146
.00 Uttaraphalguni 1 Leo 26
.00 45 Sagittarius
46 150
20 2 Virgo 00
20 46 Capricorn
47 153
-40 3 03
-40 47 Aquarius
48 156
.00 4 06
.00 48 Pisces
49 160
.20 Hasta 1 Virgo 10
.20 49 Aries
50 163
.40 2 13
.40 50 Taurus
51 166
.00 3 16
.00 51 Gemini
52 170
.20 4 20
.20 52 Cancer
53 173
.40 Chitra 1 Virgo 23
.40 53 Leo
54 176
.00 2 26
.00 54 Virgo
55 180
20 3 Libra 00
20 55 Libra
56 183
-40 4 03
-40 56 Scorpio
57 186
.00 Swathi 1 Libra 06
.00 57 Sagittarius
58 190
.20 2 10
.20 58 Capricorn
59 193
.40 3 13
.40 59 Aquarius
60 196
.00 4 16
.00 60 Pisces
61 200
.20 Visakha 1 Libra 20
.20 61 Aries
62 203
.40 2 23
.40 62 Taurus
63 206
.00 3 26
.00 63 Gemini
64 210
20 4 Scorpio 00
20 64 Cancer
65 213
-40 Anuradha 1 Scorpio 03
-40 65 Leo
66 216
.00 2 06
.00 66 Virgo
67 220
.20 3 10
.20 67 Libra
68 223
.40 4 13
.40 68 Scorpio
69 226
.00 Jyeshta 1 Scorpio 16
.00 69 Sagittarius
70 230
.20 2 20
.20 70 Capricorn
71 233
.40 3 23
.40 71 Aquarius
72 236
.00 4 26
.00 72 Pisces
73 240
20 Moola 1 Sagittarius 00
20 73 Aries
74 243
-40 2 03
-40 74 Taurus
75 246
.00 3 06
.00 75 Gemini
Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


Nakshatra Pada Rasi Longitude
Pada sign
76 250
.20 4 10
.20 76 Cancer
77 253
.40 Purvashada 1 Sagittarius 13
.40 77 Leo
78 256
.00 2 16
.00 78 Virgo
79 260
.20 3 20
.20 79 Libra
80 263
.40 4 23
.40 80 Scorpio
81 266
.00 Uttarashada 1 Sagittarius 26
.00 81 Sagittarius
82 270
20 2 Capricorn 00
20 82 Capricorn
83 273
-40 3 03
-40 83 Aquarius
84 276
.00 4 06
.00 87 Pisces
85 280
.20 Sravana 1 Capricorn 10
.20 85 Aries
86 283
.40 2 13
.40 86 Taurus
87 286
.00 3 16
.00 87 Gemini
88 290
.20 Sravana 4 Capricorn 20
.20 88 Cancer
89 293
.40 Dhanishta 1 Capricorn 23
.40 89 Leo
90 296
.00 2 26
.00 90 Virgo
91 300
20 3 Aquarius 00
20 91 Libra
92 303
-40 4 03
-40 92 Scorpio
93 306
.00 Satabhisha 1 Aquarius 06
.00 93 Sagittarius
94 310
.20 2 10
.20 94 Capricorn
95 313
.40 3 13
.40 95 Aquarius
96 316
.00 4 16
.00 96 Pisces
97 320
.20 Purvabhadrapada 1 Aquarius 20
.20 97 Aries
98 323
.40 2 23
.40 98 Taurus
99 326
.00 3 26
.00 99 Gemini
100 330
20 4 Pisces 00
20 100 Cancer
101 333
-40 Uttarabhadrapada 1 Pisces 03
-40 101 Leo
102 336
.00 2 06
.00 102 Virgo
103 340
.20 3 10
.20 103 Libra
104 343
.40 4 13
.40 104 Scorpio
105 346
.00 Revathi 1 Pisces 16
.00 105 Sagittarius
106 350
.20 2 20
.20 106 Capricorn
107 353
.40 3 23
.40 107 Aquarius
108 356
.00 4 26
.00 108 Pisces

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


3 Girl Star & Pada Krittika(2-4) Rasi
No Boy's Star & Pada Rasi Dina Gana Mahendra
Rasi Rasyadhipa Vasya Rajju Vedha
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Aswini (1-4) Aries G G O G G O G G G G G
2 Bharani (1-4) Aries G G G G G O G G G G G
3 Krittika (1) Aries O G G G G O G G G
3 Krittika (2-4) Taurus O G G G G G G G
4 Rohini (1-4) Taurus G O G G G G G G O G
5 Mrigasirsha (1-2) Taurus O G G G G G G O G G
5 Mrigasirsha (3-4) Gemini O O G G G G
6 Ardra (1-4) Gemini G G O O G G G G G
7 Punarvasu (1-3) Gemini O O G G G G
7 Punarvasu (4) Cancer O O G G G G G
8 Pushya (1-4) Cancer G G O G G G G G G
9 Aslesha (1-4) Cancer G G O O G G G G
10 Makha (1-4) Leo G G O O G O G G O G
11 Purvaphalguni (1-4) Leo G O O G O G G G G
12 Uttaraphalguni (1) Leo O G O G G O G G G
12 Uttaraphalguni (2-4) Virgo O G O G O G G G G G
13 Hasta (1-4) Virgo G O G O G G G G G G
14 Chitra (1-2) Virgo G O O O G G G G G G
14 Chitra (3-4) Libra G O O O G G G G G G
15 Swathi (1-4) Libra G G O G O G G G G
16 Visakha (1-3) Libra G G O O G G
16 Visakha (4) Scorpio G G O G O O G
17 Anuradha (1-4) Scorpio G G O G O G G G G
18 Jyeshta (1-4) Scorpio G G G O G O G G G G G
19 Moola (1-4) Sagittarius G G G O O G G G G G G
20 Purvashada (1-4) Sagittarius G G O G G G G G G
21 Uttarashada (1) Sagittarius O G G G O G G G G
21 Uttarashada (2-4) Capricorn O G G G O G G G G
22 Sravana (1-4) Capricorn G G O G G G G O G
23 Dhanishta (1-2) Capricorn G G O O G G G G O G G
23 Dhanishta (3-4) Aquarius G G O O G G G G G
24 Satabhisha (1-4) Aquarius G G G G O O G G G G G G
25 Purvabhadra (1-3) Aquarius G O O G G G G G
25 Purvabhadra (4) Pisces G O G G G G G
26 Uttarabhadra (1-4) Pisces G G G G G G G G G
27 Revati (1-4) Pisces G G G G G G G

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


4 Girl Star & Pada Rohini(1-4) Rasi
No Boy's Star & Pada Rasi Dina Gana Mahendra
Rasi Rasyadhipa Vasya Rajju Vedha
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Aswini (1-4) Aries G G G G G G O G G G G G
2 Bharani (1-4) Aries G G G G G G O G G G G G
3 Krittika (1) Aries G O G O G G O G G G G
3 Krittika (2-4) Taurus G O G O G G G G G G G G
4 Rohini (1-4) Taurus O G G G G G G G G
5 Mrigasirsha (1-2) Taurus G G G G G G G G G O G G
5 Mrigasirsha (3-4) Gemini G G G O G G G O G
6 Ardra (1-4) Gemini G O O G G G
7 Punarvasu (1-3) Gemini G G G O O G G G G G
7 Punarvasu (4) Cancer G G G O O G G G G G G
8 Pushya (1-4) Cancer G O O G G G G G G
9 Aslesha (1-4) Cancer G O O O G G G G G
10 Makha (1-4) Leo O G O G O G G G G
11 Purvaphalguni (1-4) Leo G G O O G O G G O G G
12 Uttaraphalguni (1) Leo G G O O G O G G G G
12 Uttaraphalguni (2-4) Virgo G G O O O G G G G G
13 Hasta (1-4) Virgo O G G O O O G G G G G
14 Chitra (1-2) Virgo G O O O O G G G G G G
14 Chitra (3-4) Libra G O O O O G G G G G G
15 Swathi (1-4) Libra G O O O G G G
16 Visakha (1-3) Libra G O G O O O G G G G G
16 Visakha (4) Scorpio G O G O O G O G G G G
17 Anuradha (1-4) Scorpio G G O G O G G O G G
18 Jyeshta (1-4) Scorpio G O G O G O G G G G
19 Moola (1-4) Sagittarius O G G O O G G G G G G
20 Purvashada (1-4) Sagittarius G G G O O G G G G G G
21 Uttarashada (1) Sagittarius G G G O G G G G G
21 Uttarashada (2-4) Capricorn G G G O G G G G G G
22 Sravana (1-4) Capricorn O G G G O O G G G G G
23 Dhanishta (1-2) Capricorn G O G O O G G G G O G G
23 Dhanishta (3-4) Aquarius G O G O O G G G G O G
24 Satabhisha (1-4) Aquarius O G G O G G G G
25 Purvabhadra (1-3) Aquarius G G G G O O G G G G G G
25 Purvabhadra (4) Pisces G G G G O G G G G G G
26 Uttarabhadra (1-4) Pisces G G O G G G G G G
27 Revati (1-4) Pisces G G G G G G G G G

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes


5 Girl Star & Pada Mrigasira(1-2) Rasi
No Boy's Star & Pada Rasi Dina Gana Mahendra
Rasi Rasyadhipa Vasya Rajju Vedha
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Aswini (1-4) Aries G G G G G G O G G O G G
2 Bharani (1-4) Aries G G G G G O G G O G
3 Krittika (1) Aries G O G O G G O G G O G G
3 Krittika (2-4) Taurus G O G O G G G G G G O G G
4 Rohini (1-4) Taurus G G G G G G G G G O G G
5 Mrigasirsha (1-2) Taurus O G G G G G G G G
5 Mrigasirsha (3-4) Gemini O G G O G G G
6 Ardra (1-4) Gemini G O O G G G G
7 Punarvasu (1-3) Gemini G O O G G G O G
7 Punarvasu (4) Cancer G O O G G G O G G
8 Pushya (1-4) Cancer G G G O O G G G O G
9 Aslesha (1-4) Cancer O O O G G G O G G
10 Makha (1-4) Leo G O O G O G G O G G
11 Purvaphalguni (1-4) Leo G O G O G G G G
12 Uttaraphalguni (1) Leo G O O G O G G G G
12 Uttaraphalguni (2-4) Virgo G O O O G G G G G
13 Hasta (1-4) Virgo G G O O O G G G O G G
14 Chitra (1-2) Virgo O O G O O O G O G
14 Chitra (3-4) Libra O O G O O O G G O
15 Swathi (1-4) Libra G G O O O G G G G O G
16 Visakha (1-3) Libra O O O O G G G G O G
16 Visakha (4) Scorpio O O O G O G G O G G
17 Anuradha (1-4) Scorpio G G G O O G O G G G G
18 Jyeshta (1-4) Scorpio O G O G O G G G G
19 Moola (1-4) Sagittarius G O G O O G G G O G G
20 Purvashada (1-4) Sagittarius G G O O G G G O G
21 Uttarashada (1) Sagittarius G G O G G G O G G
21 Uttarashada (2-4) Capricorn G G O G G G G O G G
22 Sravana (1-4) Capricorn G G G O O G G G G O G G
23 Dhanishta (1-2) Capricorn O O G G O O G G G G
23 Dhanishta (3-4) Aquarius O O G G O O G G G
24 Satabhisha (1-4) Aquarius G O G G O G G G G G
25 Purvabhadra (1-3) Aquarius G O O G G G G O G
25 Purvabhadra(4) Pisces G O G G G O G G
26 Uttarabhadra (1-4) Pisces G G G O G G G O G
27 Revati (1-4) Pisces G G G G G G O G G

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



23 Girl Star & Pada Dhanishta(1-2) Rasi
No Boy's Star & Pada Rasi Dina Gana Mahendra
Rasi Rasyadhipa Vasya Rajju Vedha
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Aswini (1-4) Aries G O G O G G G O G G
2 Bharani (1-4) Aries G G O G G G O G
3 Krittika (1) Aries G G O O G O G G G O G G
3 Krittika (2-4) Taurus G G O O G G G G O G G
4 Rohini (1-4) Taurus G O O G G G G O G G
5 Mrigasirsha (1-2) Taurus O G O O G G G G
5 Mrigasirsha (3-4) Gemini O G O O O O G
6 Ardra (1-4) Gemini G O O O O G G G
7 Punarvasu (1-3) Gemini O O O O G G O G
7 Punarvasu (4) Cancer O O G G G O G G
8 Pushya (1-4) Cancer G G O O G G G O G
9 Aslesha (1-4) Cancer G G O G G G O G G
10 Makha (1-4) Leo G G G O G G G G O G G
11 Purvaphalguni (1-4) Leo G G O G G G G G G
12 Uttaraphalguni (1) Leo G G O G G G G G G
12 Uttaraphalguni (2-4) Virgo G G O O G O G G G G
13 Hasta (1-4) Virgo G G O O G O G G O G G
14 Chitra (1-2) Virgo O G G G O O G O O G
14 Chitra (3-4) Libra O G G G O O G G O O
15 Swathi (1-4) Libra G G O O G G O G G O G
16 Visakha (1-3) Libra G G O O G G O G G O G
16 Visakha (4) Scorpio G G O G G G O G G
17 Anuradha (1-4) Scorpio G G G O G G G G G
18 Jyeshta (1-4) Scorpio G G O G G G G G
19 Moola (1-4) Sagittarius G G G O O G O G G O G G
20 Purvashada (1-4) Sagittarius G G O O G O G G O G
21 Uttarashada (1) Sagittarius G G O O G O G G O G G
21 Uttarashada (2-4) Capricorn G G O G G G G G O G G
22 Sravana (1-4) Capricorn G G O G G G G G O G G
23 Dhanishta (1-2) Capricorn O G G G G G G G
23 Dhanishta (3-4) Aquarius O G G O G G G G
24 Satabhisha (1-4) Aquarius G G O O G G G G G
25 Purvabhadra (1-3) Aquarius O O G G G G O G
25 Purvabhadra (4) Pisces O O O O G G O G G
26 Uttarabhadra (1-4) Pisces G G G O O O G G O G
27 Revati (1-4) Pisces O O O G G O G G
For Rasi Yoni Capricorn was treated as the first half and compatibility worked out.
If it is in the 2nd half then it will be a bird yoni and except Capricorn all other rasis are bad

Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



Marriage Compatibility through Matching of Horoscopes



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