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Thesis Chapter No 3 - Rules, Curses & Remedies

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Chapter – 3

3.1) Framing of Rules for infertility and application of them

to Horoscopes

After a review of classical texts on Vedanga Jyotisha, Rules are farmed to check
infertility of a Horoscope. After framing rules, these rules will be applied to 224 Charts
under this research. If the rule applies to the chart, the chart is marked X in the data sheet

1) 5th House and 5th lord from Lagna and the Moon (Cols 2, 3, 4&5)

Occupation of malefics (paapaga`h) in fifth house or with fifth lord either from lagna or from
the Moon marked as negative(X). Definition of a malefic is as per Bruhat Parashara
Hora Shastra.

Sage Parashara irrefutably define malefics Grahas as below:

ta~aak- SainaBaUpau~aa: XaINaondu rahu koxtava:|

k`Uxra: SaoYaga`h saaOmyaa: k`Uxr: k`Uxryautaao bauQa: ||63
Meaning: The Sun, Saturn, Mars, decreasing Moon, Rahu &Ketu are malefic, Mercury,
however is malefic, if he joins a malefic.

5th house from Lagna and the Moon are scrutinized for occupation of malefics (The Sun,
Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Maandi & Gulika).

 If the Pakshabala of the Moon is low then it is also considered as malefic.

 The occupation of the lord in 6th, 8th and 12th houses then also the lord position is
marked as negative

 Occupation of 6th, 8th and 12th lords in 5th also marked as negative.
 Occupation of 5th lord in 4th is also included as negative, as 4th becomes the 12th
from the 5th house.
 If the house is empty or occupied by benefics, or by its lord then it is marked as

2) Jupiter and 5th house from it (Cols 6&7)

Position of Jupiter is marked as negative, if it is in combustion, debilitation or is placed

with malefics, or placed in 6th, 8th or 12th houses from Lagna. Retrograde Jupiter is not
included as negative, as classical texts do not support my view and observation. 5th house
from Jupiter is marked as negative, on the occupation of above mentioned malefics.

3) Kshetra Sputa and Beeja Sphuta (Cols 8&9)

Kshetra & Beeja Sphutas are marked as negative when the Sphutas are not in line with
the sex of the Rasis. (Beeja Sphuta should occupy odd Rasis in Rasi and Navamsha
Charts and Kshetra in even Rasis). If these points are located along with malefics and
occupation of malefics in 5th and 9th house also qualify them to be negative.

4) Santana Thithi (Col 10)

Santana Thithi is marked as negative, for Krishna Paksha Thithi and Chidra Thithies, (4-
6-8-9-12&14 Thithies of both pakshas) and for Vishti Karana when it is in Sukla Paksha

5) Santana Trisphuta (Col 11)

Santana Trisphuta is marked as negative in the following conditions.

 Santana Trisphuta is occupying 6th, 8th and 12th houses in the chart.
 If the Santana Trisphuta Nakshatra is Vipat, Pratyari and Vadha Nakshatra of
Janma Nakshatra, then it is marked as negative.

6) AS-3 and AS-9 (Col 12&13)

 Aruda of 3rd house and 9th house from the Sun is marked as negative when Venus
and/or Mercury occupy 8th house from them
 The Sun occupy 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th house from AS-3 and AS-9, or the Sun is in
AS3 or AS9
7) Saptamansha Charts (Col 14)

In the following conditions the D/7 charts are marked as negative:

 If the disposition of Lagna lord of D/7 Charts is in 6th or 8th house in the chart
 Occupation of 6th/8th lord of D/7 Chart in Lagna
 Lagna Lord is positioned with 6th/8th lord in D/7 Chart
 Mercury or Saturn occupy the trines in D/7 Charts
 Beeja /Kshetra points in this D/7 chart are with malefics or the trines from them
are occupied by Mercury/Saturn.
 For female charts, if the Moon or its trine are occupied with malefics, the also it is
marked as negative.

63. Bruhat Parashara Hora Shastra 3:11

Application of Rules for Infertility Page-1


5th House 5th lord 5th House 5th lord





5th from

5th from




















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 x x x x x x x x x 57 x x x x x
2 x x x x x x 58 x x
3 x x x x x 59 x x x x x x
4 x x x x x x 60 x x x x x x x
5 x x x x x x 61 x x x x x x x
6 x x 62 x x x x x x
7 x x x x x 63 x x x x x x x x
8 x x x x x x x x x 64 x x x x x x
9 x x x x 65 x x x x x x x
10 x x x x x x x 66 x x x x x x x x x
11 x x x x x x x 67 x x x x x x x
12 x x x x x x x x 68 x x x x
13 x x x x x x x x x 69 x x x x x x
14 x x x x x x x x 70 x x x x x x
15 x x x x x x 71 x x x x x x x
16 x x x x x 72 x x x x x x x
17 x x x x x x x x x 73 x x x x x x
18 x x x x x x x x x 74 x x x x
19 x x x x x x x x 75 x x x x x
20 x x x x x x x x x x 76 x x x x x x x x
21 x x x x x x x 77 x x x x x x
22 x x x x x x x 78 x x x x x x x x x x
23 x x x x x x x x x 79 x x x x x x x
24 x x x x x x x x x x 80 x x x
25 x x x x x x x x 81 x x x x x x
26 x x x x x x x 82 x x x x x x
27 x x x x 83 x x x x x x
28 x x x x x 84 x x x x x x
29 x x x x x x x 85 x x x x x x
30 x x x x x x x 86 x x x x x x x x
31 x x x x x x x x x 87 x x x x x
32 x x x x x x x 88 x x x x x
33 x x x x x x x x 89 x x x x x x x x
34 x x x x x x x x 90 x x x x x x
35 x x x x x x x 91 x x x x x x
36 x x x x x x x x x 92 x x x x x x
37 x x x x X x x 93 x x x x x x x
38 x x x x x x x 94 x x x x x x x x
39 x x x x x x 95 x x x x x x x
40 x x x x x x x 96 x x x x x x x
41 x x x x x x x x 97 x x x x x
42 x x x x x x 98 x x x x x x
43 x x x x x x x x x 99 x x x x
44 x x x x x 100 x x x x x x x x x
45 x x x x x x x x 101 x x x x x x x
46 x x x x x x x x 102 x x x x x x x
47 x x x x x x 103 x x x x x x
48 x x x x x x x x x 104 x x x x x
49 x x x x x x 105 x x x x x x x
50 x x x x x x x x 106 x x x x x x x x
51 x x x x x x x x 107 x x x x x x
52 x x x x x x 108 x x x x x x
53 x x x x 109 x x x x
54 x x x x 110 x x x x x x x x
55 x x x x x 111 x x x x x x x x
56 x x x x 112 x x x x x x
Application of Rules for Infertility Page-2

5th House 5th lord


5th House 5th lord





5th from

5th from


















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
113 x x x x x x x x 169 x x x x x
114 x x x x x x x x 170 x x x x x x
115 x x x x x x x x x 171 x x x x x
116 x x x x x x x x 172 x x x x x x x x
117 x x x x x x 173 x x x x x x
118 x x x x x 174 x x x x
119 x x x x 175 x x x x x x
120 x x x x x x 176 x x x x x x
121 x x x x x x x x x 177 x x x x
122 x x x x x 178 x x x x x x x x x x
123 x x x x x 179 x x x x
124 x x x x x x x x 180 x x x x x x x x x
125 x x x x x x x 181 x x x x x x x
126 x x x x 182 x x x x x x x x x
127 x x x x x x x 183 x x x x x x x
128 x x x x x x x x 184 x x x x
129 x x x x x x 185 x x x x x x x
130 x x x x x x x 186 x x x x x x
131 x x x x x x x 187 x x x x x x
132 x x x x x x 188 x x x x
133 x x x x x x 189 x x x x x x x
134 x x x x x x x 190 x x x x x x
135 x x x x x x x x 191 x x x x x x x x
136 x x x x x x x x x x x 192 x x x x x x x
137 x x x 193 x x x x x x x x x x x
138 x x x x x x x x 194 x x x x x x x
139 x x x x x x x 195 x x x x x x x x
140 x x x x x x x x x 196 x x x x x x
141 x x x x 197 x x x x x
142 x x x x x x x x 198 x x x x x x x x
143 x x x x x x x x 199 x x x x x x
144 x x x x x x x 200 x x x x x x
145 x x x x x x 201 x x x x
146 x x x x x x x x 202 x x x x x x x
147 x x x x x x x 203 x x x x x x
148 x x x x 204 x x x x x x x
149 x x x x x x x 205 x x x x
150 x x x x x 206 x x x x x
151 x x x x x x x 207 x x x x
152 x x x x x 208 x x x x x x x x
153 x x x x x x x x x 209 x x x x x x x x
154 x x x x x x x x 210 x x x x x x x x x
155 x x x x x 211 x x x x x
156 x x x x 212 x x x x x
157 x x x x x x 213 x x x x x x x x x x
158 x x x x x x x x x x 214 x x x x x x x
159 x x x x x x x 215 x x x x x x x x x
160 x x x x x x 216 x x x x x x x
161 x x x x x x 217 x x x x x x x
162 x x x x x x 218 x x x x x x x x x
163 x x x x x x 219 x x x x x x
164 x x x x x x x x x 220 x x x x x x x
165 x x x x x x 221 x x x x x x
166 x x x x x x x x 222 x x x x x
167 x x x x x x 223 x x x x x x x x
168 x x x 224 x x x x x x x
3.2 Indication of Curses resulted in Childlessness

The denial of offspring could be due to curses in the past birth. These have been
elaborately listed in the Bruhat Parashara Hora Shastra along with remedial measures.
Santana Deepika also mentions the reasons for curses and indications from a birth chart.
These include Sarpa Shapa (Curse of serpents), Brahma Shapa (curse of
priest/Astrologer), Pitru Shapa (Curse of mother or her lineage) Satru Shapa (Curse of
Condition for Brahma Shapa is as under:

(a) Rahu in Pisces or Sagittarius: Rahu represents the curse of past birth and is hence
a karmic control Graha. In the signs of Jupiter it shows the curse due to a priest,
Judge or a good Astrologer etc.
(b) Association of Jupiter with or aspected by Mars and Saturn: Jupiter is debilitated
in Capricorn owned by Saturn and exaltation sign of Mars. These Grahas
aspecting can look it to the extent of denying (Mars) or delaying (Saturn) the
fruits of Jupiter (Children). Simultaneously the ninth should be in eighth to
confirm the curse. If this condition is not fulfilled, remedial measures will help
(c) Sun, Moon or Jupiter as Fifth lord, if placed in eighth with malefics: Jupiter, the
Karaka of fifth is called Brahmanaspati (the fruits of Brahma) and hence, the
satwik grahas Sun, Moon or Jupiter will represent Saints, Brahmins, and learned
men respectively whose placement in the eighth house (Curse) with malefics will
deny progeny.
(d) Jupiter in the fifth house conjoined or aspected by sixth Lord: The Sixth house is
a Maraka for children and association of its lord with Jupiter in the fifth house
(already causing loss/denial due to Karako Bhava Nasaya will constitute a curse
(Sixth house, anger, enmity) from a Brahmin (Jupiter).
In this manner the type of curse can be understood and suitable remedial measures should
be seen from the Bruhat Parashara Hora Shastra

Santana Deepika explains the reasons (curses) for childlessness as follows:

1) sapa-Saapa :

navamao vaaqa cand`Wa saMisqatao fxiNanaayakox |

kxarkox balahInao va sapa-Saapaata\ sautaXaya: ||64
Meaning: Position of Rahu in 9th or second from the Moon and a weak Jupiter indicates
curse of serpents.
In chart no 212 (Male) Rahu is in second house from the Moon. Jupiter is with the Sun,
Mercury and Venus in Fifth house. In Navamsha Chart Jupiter is with Ketu, rendering it
very weak.
Chart no 212 (Male) 30-11-1982 / 21:54:00/79 E 06 / 21 N 09
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

This chart is typical example for Sarpa Shrapa (Curses of Serpents)

Chart no 221 (Male) 10-06-1945/16:12:00 / 76 E 13 / 10 N 31
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In chart no 221 (Male) fifth lord Saturn is with Rahu, and the yoga is in second from the
Moon. In Navamsha too this Saturn- Rahu combination persists. Both are in Dual Rasis,
indicating that this curse can be mitigated and overcome by suitable remedial measures.
Jupiter is weak, as third and sixth lord it is placed in 11th house. In Navamsha it is in
Scorpio Rasi. Another typical example for Sarpa Shrapa

sautaoSao rahusaMyau>o cand`saUya- yautaoiXatao |

kxarkox Sa~auraiSasqao sapa-Saapaata\ sautaXaya: ||65
Meaning: Association of Rahu with 5th lord, Sun-Moon aspects this combination and with
a weak Jupiter in an enemy’s house indicates curse of serpents.

sautaoSao vyayaraiSasqao vyayaoSao sautaraiSagao |

kxarkox paaparaiSasqao sapa-Saapaata\ sautaXaya: ||66
Meaning: Mutual exchange of 5th & 12th lords and occupation of Jupiter in a malefic
Rasi indicate curse of serpents.

pau~asqaanagatao rahaO pau~aoSasaihtao#qavaa:|

SauBaOrinarIXatao ivaVata\ sapa-Saapaata\ sautaXaya: ||67
Meaning: 5th occupation of Rahu or Rahu with 5th lord and this combination is devoid of
aspects from benefics, curse of serpents is the reason for childlessness.

2) ipataRSaapa:

lagnai~akxaoNagao mando taqaa maaindyautao yaid |

SauBaOrinarIXatao ivaVata\ ipataRSaapaata\ sautaXaya: ||68
Meaning: Saturn in lagna, 5th or in 9th along with Gulika, without the aspect of Benefics
curse of Elders is the reason for childlessness.

In Chart no 35 (Female) the above combination is seen. Saturn along with Maandi/
Gulika is placed in 9th house along with Jupiter, the Lagna lord, without any beneficial

Chart no 35(Female) 10-07-1980/18:15:00/ 75 E 46 / 21 N 03
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Navamsha, Jupiter is with some dignified figure, being Vargottama. To make remedial
measures impossible, the combination of Saturn- Jupiter- Maandi-Gulika is placed in a
fixed Rasi. These again worsen the situation for remedial measures.

3) Sa~audaoYa hotau

sautaoSao BaaOmasaMyau>ox irpaunaaqayautao # qavaa |

SauBaOrinarIXatao ivaVata\ irpaudaoYaata\ sautaXaya: ||69
Meaning: 5th lord is with 6th lord or with Mars, without the aspect of Benefics satru
dosha is the reason for childlessness.

paMÉcamao BaaOmasaMyau>o irpaunaaqayautao # qavaa |

SauBaOrinarIXatao ivaVata\ irpaudaoYaata\ sautaXaya: ||70
Meaning: Mars in 5th or 6th lord in 5th without aspect from benefics, Satru Dosha is the
reason for childlessness.

jaIvao jaayaaisqatao vaaipa Sa~auyau>o na #qa vaIiXatao |

paapaga`hoNa saMdRYTo Sa~auSaapaata\ sautaXaya : ||71

Meaning: Jupiter placed in 7th house along with an enemy or aspected by another papa
graha, reason for childlessness is Satru Dosha
Sa~ausqaanaM gatao jaIvao sautaoSao inaQanaM gatao |
cand`o paapasaMyau>ox Sa~auSaapaata\ sautaXaya : ||72
Meaning: Jupiter disposed in enemy’s house, 5th lord in 8th, and the Moon is with
malefics is the indication that the childlessness is Satru Dosha
sautaoSao inaQanao BaaOmao cand`tpaapa samainvatao |
kxarkxo ir:fxraiSasqao Sa~auSaapaM vadinta tata\ ||73
Meaning 5th lord in 8th, Mars in 5th from the Moon, Jupiter in 12th is the indication that
the childlessness is Satru Dosha
sautaoSao vyayagao saaOmyao Sauk`ox vaa saUya-saMyautao |
paapaga`hoNa saMdRYTo Sa~auSaapaata\ sautaXaya : ||74
Meaning: 5th lord in 12th with Mercury, Venus or with the Sun and this combination is
aspected by malefics, is the indication that the childlessness is due to Satru Dosha

4) dovaSaapa:

sautaaiQapao sautasqaanao SauBadRiYTivavaija-tao |

paapaga`hoNa saMdRYTo dovaSaapaata\ sautaXaya: ||75
Meaning: 5th lord and 5th house devoid of any benefic aspect with malefics aspects, curse
of Devas is the reason for childlessness.

sautasqaanagatao Sauk`ox cand`maaind samainvatao |

kxarkox rnQa` ir:fxsqao dova Saapaata\ sautaXaya: ||76
Meaning: Venus in 5th with the Moon or Maandi, Jupiter in 6th or 8th, curse of Devas is
the reason for childlessness.

In Chart 105 (Female) fifth house is occupied by Venus and the Mon along with the Sun
and Jupiter is in 8th house, fulfilling all conditions laid in the above stanza(saMtaana dIipakxa
Shloka no:63) for curses of pitrus.
Chart no 105 (Female) 02-09-1959/ 21:40:00 / 72 E 50 / 18 N 58
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

As this combination is in a fixed rasi, the remedial measures may not yield any results in
this case. Venus is fully combust within 30 range with the Sun. being a female Chart a
look at 9th house also deserve a look. Retrograde Saturn occupies the place, sealing all
hopes of children.

sautasqaanaaiQapao saaOmyao BaaOmaXao~aM gatao yaid |

kxarkox staMgatao jaIvao dova SaapaM BavaonnaRNaama\||
pau~asqaanaaiQapao mando rvaINaastaMgatao yaid |
jaIvao balahInao ca dovaSaapata\ sautaXaya: ||77
Meaning: Saturn as 5th lord is combust, and a weak Jupiter curse of Devas is the reason
for childlessness.
Such a position is visible in Chart no 2 (Male) and Chart no 100 (Male) under the study.
In chart no 2 (Male) Fifth lord is Saturn and is combust in 10th house. Sun 270 Saturn 170
(with in 11 degrees). In Chart no 100 (Male) Fifth house is Capricorn and Saturn is
placed in the Sagittarius rasi (28036’) and the Sun is 7006’ (difference is within 9 degrees

and hence is combust. Even though both are in adjacent Rasis, the difference between
The Sun and Saturn is within 9 Degrees.

Chart no 2 (Male) 14-07-1974 /11:00:00/ 78 E 08 /20 N 24

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

Chart no 100 (Male) 20-01-1961 /22:00:00/ 78 E 54 /17 N 52

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

sautaoSao naIca saMyau>ox sautao naIca isqatao yaid |

jaIva dRiYT ivahInao ca dova Saapata\ sautaXaya: ||78
Meaning: 5th lord is debilitated and devoid of aspect from Jupiter, curse of Devas is the
reason for childlessness.

In chart no 9 (Male) fifth lord is Mars and is placed in Cancer rasi. Both the fifth house
and fifth lord are without aspect of Jupiter, fulfilling terms of the Stanza.

Chart no 9 (Male) 30-07-1968/ 6:00:00 / 79 E 18 / 19 N 57

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In chart no 48 (Female) Fifth lord is Jupiter and is placed in its debilitated state. Being a
female chart 9th house assumes significance and is placed by Rahu- Moon-Mercury
Chart no 48 (Female) 18-05-1985 / 73 E 53 / 20 N 20
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

5) maataRdaoYahotau

maataRsqaanagatao paapao sautaoSao mandsaMyautao |

sautao paapasamaayau>o maataRkxaopaata\ sautaXaya: ||79
Meaning: A malefic in 4th, 5th lord with Saturn, occupation of a malefic in 5th, then the
curse of mother is the reason of childlessness.
Chart no 32 (Female) 28-08-1982 / 19:00:00/ 77 E 45 / 20 N 56
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 32 (Female) Fourth house is occupied by Gulika/Maandi. Fifth lord Mercury

is with Saturn placed in 8th house. Rahu occupies Fifth house from Lagna. All conditions
set out in the above stanza are met here. Fourth house occupation of Gk/Md combination
is the surety that this chart is of Matru Shapa one. When we see the Moon with Ketu it is
certain. Occupation of Fifth lord with Saturn in 8th house confirms some major flaws in
the chart.
Chart no 131 (Male) 08-04-1960 / 21:00:00/ 85 E 50 / 20 N 30
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In chart no 131 (Male) fourth and fifth house are occupied by two malefics. Fifth lord is
Jupiter and is placed with Saturn, fulfilling each conditions of the above stanza.

These curses and ways of overcoming their impacts have been given by the Great sage
Parashara and other authors dealt in detail in his classical texts. After being relived from
these curses (in a religious context) any infertile individual can visit the suitable medical
practitioners, take their consult of proper times and infertile couple should undergo any of
the I.U.I., I.V.F., I.C.S.I. tests.

64. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 69

65. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 70
66. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 71
67. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 72
68. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 47
69. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 48
70. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 49
71. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 50
72. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 51
73. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 52
74. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 53
75. Santana Deepika Shloka no:60
76. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 61
77. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 62-63
78. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 65
79. Santana Deepika Shloka no: 66

3.3) Remedial Measures as per Classic Texts on Astrology

Among the classical writers of Astrology, the authors of Phaladeepika, Prashna Marga,
Prashnanushtana Padhati, Jatakadesha Marga and Jatakalankar seem to have
conducted serious research in infertility on remedial aspect of astrology. They have
exhaustively quoted reasons and remedial measures in their books respectively.

As Per Phaladeepika

ivaiYT : isqarM vaa kxrNaM yaid syaata\ kRxYNaM yajaota\ paaOr]YasaU>xman~aO :|

YaYz\yaaM gauharaQanama~a kxaya-M yajaoccatauqyaa-M ikxla naagarajama\ ||
ramaayaNasya Ea`vaNaM navamyaaM yaVYTmaI caocC/vaNava`taM ca |
cataudiSa- caoVid r]d`paUjaa syaad\WadiSa caotsmaRtamannadanama\ ||
taRiptaM ipataRNaaimah paÉMcadSyaaM kRxYNao dSamyaa: partaao#itayatnaata\ |
paXai~aBaagaoYvaipa naagarajaM skxndM ca saovaota hirM k`xmaoNa ||80
Table no: 11
Santana Thithi & Remedial Measures as per Phaladeepika
Santana Thithi Remedial Measures
Vishti Karana & Other sthira To perform Archana with PURUSHA
Karanas SOOKTAM to Lord Krishna
6 Thithi To perform aradhana of Kartikeya
14th Thithi To perform Nagaradhana
9 thithi Hearing Ramayana recitation
8th Thithi To perform Shravana Vritha
14 Thithi To do devotion lord Shankarji
12th thithi To perform Annadhanam (poor Feeding)
Amavasya & Pournami To Propitiate Pitaras
KP-1 to KP-5 To do devotion of Nagraj
KP-6th to KP-10th To do devotion of Skanda (Kartikeya)
KP-10 to Amavasya To Perform Yagya
Last 5 Thithies To do Upasana of Hari
pau~aoSaao irpaunaIcagaao#stamayagaao ir:fxaYTmaairisqata
staWtpau~agaRhisqataao#ipa yaid vaa du:sqaanapastaWaSaata\ |
pau~aaBaavainadanamaova kxqayaota\ tatKaocarak`xantaBa
pa`ao>OxdO-vataBaUr}hOripa maRgaO:santaanahotauM vadota\ ||81
If the 5th lord is positioned in enemy’s house, or in debilitated, or combust or positioned
in 6th ,8th or 12th houses, or the Graha positioned in 5th lies in these conditions, or it is the
lord of 6th, 8th or 12th houses, infertility is certain. If a badhaka Graha is positioned in 5th
house, Upasana of the related Devata, Tree or animal cPan mitigate the dosha to great

d`aohacCmBausaupaNa-yaaona-ih sauta: SaapaaitpataRNaaM rvao

irndaomaa-taRsauvaaisainaBagavaitakxaopaanmanaaodaoYata: |
SaapaaWalakRxtaaiWlaalavaQata: Ea`IivaYNaukxaopaata\ bauQao ||
cCodad\dovagauraO taqaa saita BaRgaaO pauYpad`umacCodonaata\ ||
saaQvaIgaaokuxlajaatadaoYavaSataao yaXmaaidkxamaona saa
mando#SvatqavaQaad`uYaa ipataRpatao: pa`otaO: ipaSaacaaidiBa: ||
svaBaa-naaO sautagao sautaoSasaihtao sapa-sya Saapaa<aqaa
koxtaaO ba`HmaNaSaapaataSca gauilakox pa`otaaotqaSaapaM vadota\ |
Sauko`xndU gauilakxainvataaO yaid vaQaUgaaohi<amaahu: sautao

jaIvaao vaaqa iSaiKa samaaindirh caod\BaUdovahtyaa#sauta: ||82

Table no: 12
Fifth Lord & Remedial Measures as per Phaladeepika

If the Graha

is to be suggested by the astrologer considering the intensity

causing Reason
infertility is
Injustice done to Lord Shiva or Garuda and consequent curse
The Sun
of manes
Displeasure and wrath of mother, or a sumangali, or other
The Moon
respectable women for her feelings having been hurt.
Mo some wrong done to village deity, or to Lord Kartikeya, to
an enemy
Curse made by youngsters or the killings of spawns or to the
anger of Lord Vishnu
Harm done to family priest or the destruction of trees with full
of fruits.
Felling of trees with full of flowers, or harm caused to a
virtuous woman or to the cow breed

japa dana etc.

Mo due to felling of Pipul tree or due to the wrath of Yama
through departed souls
Rahu Curse of a serpent

Remedial measure
Ketu Curse of Brahmin

according to the
Maandi Curse of departed souls
Venus + Moon+
Maandi Murder of damsel or the killing of a cow
Jupiter + Maandi
Murder of Brahmin

saotausnaanaM kxIta-naM satkxqaayaa: paUjaaM SamBaao: Ea`Ipatao:sad\vaRtaaina |

danaM Ea`awM kxja-naagapa`itaYzaM kuxyaa-dotaO : pa`apnauyaatsantaitaM sa : ||83
Meaning: A holy bath in Rameshwaram, religiously reciting Holy Scriptures and epics,
worship of God Shiva, observance of holy austerities with advertence to propitiate God
Vishnu, Gifts, ceremonies in honor of departed spirits, installation of serpent deity are
some of the various modes advised by which native can be blessed with progeny.

As per Prashna Marga

………… fxiNanaaM baaQaaista ra+nvayao |

mando: pa`otakRxtaak-xjasya duirtaM XmaaBaUBavaao BaOrva -
ScaamauNDapa`BaUitaSca ivaGnakRxdvaSyasyaaidbaaQaa taqaa ||84

Meaning: If Rahu aspects or associates with Beeja/Kshetra childlessness or loss of

children will be due to the fury of the serpent God. The aspect or association of
Gulika/Maandi indicates trouble from Pretas. Saturn indicates sins committed in past
life. Mars shows trouble from enemies or deities like Bhairavas/Chamundi.

Weakness of Beeja & Kshetra:

etad\ duba-lataainadanamauidtaM WoQaa inajaM vaa +maI

tyaaVaipa<akxfxaid ta~a sauiQayaa vaacyaaiScaikxtsaadya: |
yajjanmaantarsaiÉcata<aM ih duirtaM jaayaota raogaatmanaa
tacCaintaja-padanaBaoYajamauKaO: pa`ao>xa maunaInd`iO rita ||85
Meaning: The weakness of Beeja and Kshetra is due to two reasons: 1) internal 2)
external. Internal weakness is due to dislocation of 3 humors. The remedy for this is
medical treatment and performance of other remedial measures. As these are due to sins
committed in previous births, these remedies viz, japa, daana & homas besides medical
treatment if done properly, will remove the evil and children will be born. This is the
opinion of ancient Rishies.

rXa:ipaSaacapa`Bauitapa`paIDa SaapaidkMxÉca iWjadovataanaama\|

ba+M Bavaod~a ca yau>xmaova &aatvaa ivaQaoyaM bailannata-naaVma \||86
Meaning: If the trouble is external, it is due to the hidden attack of rakshasas, yakshas
and paisachas or invisible influence of curses of Brahmins or Devas. Having ascertained
the source of the trouble, the requisite karmas or rituals should be performed
As per Prashnanushtana Padhati

kRxYNaaYTymyaaM igarISaaocyao-M navamyaaM pannagaaiQapa:YaYzyaaM skxnd: samaaraQya: catauqya-aM tau ivanaayak :|

yad\vaaYTmyaaM ba`Hma kuxca-M cataud-SyaaM taqaOvaca dSamyaamaYTkxaM kuxyaa-ta\ AmaavasyaaM tau paava-Nama\||
paUva-paXaitaqaaO ivaYNaupaUjayaa santaitaBa-vaota\ kRxYNaotvaISaaca-naata\ pa`ahurqavaa ipataRpaUjayaa ||
cataud-SyaaM taqaa YaYzyaaM kRxYNaayaaM sapa-paUjayaa itaqyaQao- isaMhSaad-U-lao k`UxrbaaQaaiBacaarkxO : |
varaho#ipa ca Qaonauko xQaUma`paIznama\ ikMxstaugnao ba`HmarXa: syaad\ Baar]NDo tau KagaoSvarIma\||
sapa-osapa-BayaM ivaVata\ ivaYTyaaM tau vanadovataama\ sata\kxma-Naa paUva-paXaopyaisatao naIca kxma-Naa||
daoYaaNaaM SamanaM ivaVata\ hotaunaaM taartamyata: [tyaovaM Saaintakxmaa-Vama\ ivaWanaova ivainaid-oSaota\ ||87
Table no: 13
Santana Thithi & Remedial Measures as per Prashnanushtana Padhati

If the Santana thithi is Remedial measures

KP-8 Pooja to Lord Shiva
KP-9 Naga Raaja
KP-6 Skanda (lord Kartikeya)
KP-4 Lord Ganesha
KP-8/14 Brahmakurcha
KP-10 Ashtaka Shradda
KP-30 Parvana Sradhha
Sukla Paksha rikta Thithi Vishnu Pooja
Krishna Paksha Pitru Pooja apart from Shiva Pooja
KP-4/6 Sarpa Pooja

Table no: 14
Santana Karana & Remedial Measures as per Prashnanushtana Padhati
If the Santana
Reason Remedy
Karana is
Bava/ Balav Krura/ Bhadha/ Abhichara
Taitila Varahi Bhadha
Vanija Dhumrabhadha
Kinstungna Bhramarakshas Remedy should be
prescribed by an able
Sakuni Khageswari
Naga Snakes (Sarpa)
Vishti Vanadevata
Sukla Paksha By doing good deeds
As per Jatakadesha Marga

kxaya-M ivaYNauinavaoSanama hI Qavalao kRxYNao iSavaaraQanama\ ||88

Meaning: If Santana thithi is coming in bright half, devotion to Vishnu is recommended
and if it is in other half devotion to Lord Shiva is recommended.

YaYz\yaaM kuxmaarM gaNapaM catauqya-aM dugaa- navamyaaM rivamak-xitaqyaaM

saovatao sapaa-na\ manau naaga itaqyaao: ipataRnamayaaM tanayaaopalabQyaO : ||89
Meaning: If Santana Thithi is coming in KP-4, devotion to Ganapati, if it is 6th thithi,
Lord Kartikeya, is 8th and 14th, then Sarpa , in 9th Durga, in 12th Lord Sun and in
Amavasya pitris.

As per Prashna Marga*

…Saapao vaacya: ipataRNaaM sautamadnavamao i~asfu Tsyaak-xjaScaota |

santaanaaKya: fxNaI caoidh KalaufxiNanaaM QaImataamaovamaU+M |

pa`ayaiSca<aÉca ikMxiÉcata sf uTyauitaBavaSaata\ kxItya-tao pau~alabQyaO||

vasvaaVaYTsau dugaa-caa- gaNahaomaScatauYva-qa baila: saptasau savaa-NaaMM iSaYTo Ea`vaNaBaaojanama\ ||90

Meaning: The absence of issue will be due to the curses of Pitrus or Serpents according
to as Saturn or Rahu occupies 5th, 7th or 9th from Santana Trisphuta. Remedial measures
should be prescribed on the basis of the asterism of Trisphuta. If it falls within the 8th
asterism from Venus, Durga should be worshipped. If it falls within four asterisms from
Rohini, Gana Homa should be performed. If within seven constellation from Pushya,
Sarpa bali should be performed. And the Trisphuta falls within 8 stars from Swati,
feeding of Brahmins should be done on days ruled by the constellation of Shravana.
Ganesha Kavi in his Jatakalankar says that:

paapaao vaa vaasavaojya: sauKaBavanagata: paÉcamao vaa#YTmao vaa

SaItaaMSau: santatao: syaata\ KagauNaimatasamaataulya eva pa`banQa: |

yaavanta:paapaKaoTastanayagaRhgataa: saaOmyadRYT\yaa na dRYTa-

staavaWYa-pa`maNaoa inayataimah Bavaotsantataovaa- ivalamba: || 91

Meaning: When Yogas for Children are present in a chart and position of a malefic or
Jupiter in fourth or the Moon is in fifth or in Eighth house children will be born only after
30 years. Or as many malefics in fifth house without the aspect of Benefics, so many
years are to be added to 30 to confirm birth of children.

Remedial Measures:

tatpa`aiptaQa-ma-maUlaa tadnau bauQakxiva SaÈkxrsyaaiBaYaokxaca\-

cand`Scao<aWdova i~aidvapaitagaur]ma-n~ayan~aaOYaQaInaama\ |

isad\Qyaa mandarsaUya-a yaid iSaiKatamasaI ta~a vaMSaoSapaUjaa,

kxayaa-#mnaayaao@tarItyaa bauQagaur]navapaa: iXapa`maovaa~aisaiw: || 92

Meaning: We get Children as per our past karmas. If Mercury, Venus or the Moon is the
obstruction for children, Rudrabhishekam (Abhishekam to Lord Shiva) is the remedy. If
Jupiter is the obstructer Mantra, Yantra and proper Medical treatment are the remedies.
If the Sun, Mars, Rahu, Saturn or Ketu are the obstructers, Kuldevata should be
worshipped properly. If Mercury, Jupiter or the ninth lord is the obstructer the result will
be very easy. For Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon, eleven Rudrabhishekam as prescribed
in Rudrashtadyayi as per rituals. For Jupiter for Mantras, Recital of Harivansha Purana,
Bhagawata Purana, Santana Gopala Mantra, Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra, observation of
Aditya Saptami Vruta, Durga path etc are the remedial measures.

80. Phala Deepika 12:13 to 18

81. Phala Deepika 12:19

82. Phala Deepika 12:20-22

83. Phala Deepika 12:24

84. Prashna Marga 19:8

85. Prashna Marga 19:15

86. Prashna Marga 19:16

87. Prashnanushtana Padhati 15: 21-27

88. Jatakadesha 15:17

89. Jatakadesha 15:20

90. Prashna Marga 19:20-21

91. Jatakalankar 2:15

92. Jatakalankar 2:16

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