A Million-Year-Old Mammoth...
By Irena Šoljić
First Nation Shell Middens And True Oysters
Does Learning A Foreign Language Stimulate Cerebral...
The Thorny Problem Of COVID-19 Vaccines And Spike...
By W. Glen Pyle
Getting To The Heart Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
By W. Glen Pyle
Production of most major foods involve nitrate and phosphate fertilizers, but excessive fertilizer use is bad for the environment. That is why scientists came up with modern technologies that use less fertilizer and, on the other end, fewer pesticides. But some countries or processes like "organic" ban modern>
If you read almost any science blog other than mine, you're probably aware of Brown University biologist Ken Miller's smackdown of Intelligent Design (ID) shill Casey Luskin, posted on Carl Zimmer's Loom: part 1, part 2, and part 3.At issue is the tired old concept of irreducible complexity, and it's amazing that>
Soybeans greatly benefit from nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which reduces the need for fertilizer, and a new study shows that gene-edited bacteria can supply the equivalent of 35 pounds of nitrogen from the air during early corn growth as well. Agricultural scientists tested products from Pivot Bio called PROVEN>
If a giant bọ biển (“sea bug”) in Vietnam hasn't been 'named' by an academic in a journal, does it really exist?Yes, because they are impossible to miss. Isopods of the genus Bathynomus are 10 inches long so they are hard to miss, but discovery is a lucrative business in academia so a new one has been>
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that causes urethritis and pelvic inflammatory disease. Before AIDS, this was what you got for having promiscuous, unprotected sex with many anonymous partners in a consequence-free environment (a period known as "The 1970s" yet often assumed to be>
A new study examined the effects of marijuana use of 1,003 adults aged 22 to 36 from the Human Connectome Project collected between August 2012 and 2015 and found that 63% of heavy lifetime cannabis users exhibited reduced brain activity during a working memory task, while 68% of recent users also demonstrated a similar>