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This Week's Topic:

Is BPA Safe Or Not?

BPA has been in common use for decades but recent experiments using rats have found it can cause abnormalities. And that media attention has caused companies to voluntarily stop using it. But the US FDA says it is safe while Canada bans it.

Is science on one side and activists on the other, like with GMOs and vaccines, or haven't enough studies been done?  As always, Science 2.0 wants to help you cut to the heart of the matter rather than simply promoting fear and doubt.
California, Get Rid Of Paper Receipts But Don't Use Anti-Science Scaremongering As The Reason

A California lawmaker wants to ban paper receipts - those annoying long things that immediately...

BPA Causes Diabetes? Fred Vom Saal Is Proof Aging Researchers Sometimes Lose Their Minds

Dr. Jane Goodall is in a panic about GMOs and all of modern agriculture. What isn't plagiarized...

The Silence On BPA Is Deafening – Let The CLARITY Data Speak!

For years it would not have been possible to use the word “silence” in the same sentence...

Dissent Over Results Of Federal CLARITY-BPA Study

Last week, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in Research Triangle...

Exposure To BPA – It’s Not What Some People Think

Both the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...

Does BPA Make You Fat?

Does BPA make you fat?...

The FDA On BPA Safety

In June 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) answered the question “Is BPA safe...

BPA Implicated In Primate Organ Development

Bisphenol A (BPA) has been used for decades in a wide variety of consumer products, like metal...

If You Are Scared Of BPA, JAMA Will Make You Happy

Human exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) has recently been linked to negative health claims, like a...

The Dopes Make The Poison

 Wherever he is, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim a/k/a Paracelsus...

Close Enough For NIEHS Work

The subject of endocrine disruption is not particularly new, with extensive scientific and regulatory...

BPA Levels Are Too Low To Affect People - Unless It Takes Lower Doses Than Studies Show

Bisphenol A (BPA) in high quantity can harm people, just like almost anything. BPA has been labeled...

BPA Causes Miscarriages (Or So The Headlines Say)

It was the late astronomer and author Carl Sagan who popularized the phrase “extraordinary claims...

What Do We Really Know About BPA And Fertility?

Last week, a study published in the journal Human Reproduction reported that bisphenol-A (BPA)...

Hysteria On BPA Debunked Again

Bisphenol A, widely known as BPA, has recently become a controversial science issue, along with...

Microbiologist Says BPA Seen Causing Disease Generations Later

A group of researchers say they have shown environmental toxicants can negatively affect as many...

An End To The BPA Controversy? Toxic Effects Not Reproduced

BPA - Bisphenol A - has been besieged by so much negative public relations that it is almost indefensible...