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11th Jun 1999
26th Jul 1999
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23rd Jan 2009, 1,000 points
30th Sep 2008, 1,000 points
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3rd Sep 2015, $9.99
8th Oct 2015, £8.99
Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack (Subscription)
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Review Mario Golf - Strait-Laced Fun On The Fairway
Mario hits the links
This review originally went live in 2008, and we're updating and republishing it to mark the game's arrival on Switch as part of the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack. After Mario's forays into non-platforming genres — you know, the Karting, the Picross-ing, the Dr. Mario...ing — Nintendo realised something: put Mario...
Screenshots 8
Mario Golf Guides
Guide Best Mario Golf Games Of All Time
Every Mario golf game, ranked
There's nary a sport that Mario hasn't turned his hand to, but beyond the realm of karting, only the plumber's prowess with a tennis racquet can rival his pro-level golf game. Over the years Mario has managed to squeeze in a round of golf on most Nintendo systems, and today we're checking his scorecard to determine the...
Guide Every Nintendo Switch Online N64 Game Ranked
All the N64 games on NSO
Updated with Ridge Racer 64. Enjoy! The library of Nintendo 64 games on Switch boasts some of the system's heaviest hitters - a great selection of quality 64-bit games easily accessible to anyone subscribed to the 'Expansion Pack' tier of the Nintendo Switch Online service But which N64 games on Nintendo Switch Online are...
Mario Golf News
Anniversary Mario Golf On N64 Is Now 25 Years Old
Believe it or not, Mario Golf for the N64 is now 25 years old following its Japanese release on 11th June 2024. 25 years! A quarter of a century! We need to sit down... The game has received multiple re-releases since on the Wii, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, so if you're a paying member of the higher tier on Switch,...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (April 16th)
A long weekend? More time for video games
If you celebrate it, Happy Easter! If not, we hope you at least have a nice, long weekend, or perhaps you're just going to relax more than normal. Whatever you're doing, we hope video games factor into your plans. This week, we got a new Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes trailer, which introduces us to...
Gallery Here's A Look At The Switch Online Version Of Mario Golf, Plus A Comparison Video
See for yourself
Earlier today, Nintendo released its N64 classic Mario Golf on the Switch Online Expansion Pack service. If you are curious to see how the game looks, and don't happen to have access to the Switch's higher-tier subscription, you've come to the right place. Nintendo's Japanese website has released some additional screenshots of the...
News Mario Golf Now Available On Switch Online's Expansion Pack
Tee off with this N64 classic
Update [Fri 15th Apr, 2022 02:10 BST]: Mario Golf has now been made available to Switch Online Expansion Pack subscribers. You'll be able to access it via the Nintendo 64 games library, once you've updated the N64 app to version 2.2.0. Original article [Thu 7th Apr, 2022 02:25 BST]: Nintendo recently uploaded an...
Nintendo Download 14th April (North America)
Nobody Saves the World! Star Wars: The Force Unleashed! Cat Cafe Manager!
The latest Nintendo Download update for North America has arrived, and it's bringing new games galore to the eShop in your region. As always, be sure to drop a vote in our poll and comment down below with your potential picks for the week. Enjoy! Switch eShop - Nintendo...
Poll Box Art Brawl: Duel #91 - Mario Golf
N64 classic tees off
Hello and welcome back to Box Art Brawl! We can't quite believe a week has already flown by, yet here we are. Hope you're all doing well! Last week, we checked out Super Paper Mario for the Nintendo Wii, throwing the North American, European, and Japanese box arts into the ring to kick off a battle for the ages (alright, calm...
Talking Point What's Your Comfort Food Game?
When you find yourself in times of trouble
What with one thing and another, it's fair to say that 2020's been a challenging year, and many of us have been retreating into digital spaces for comfort and escape in our off-hours. Whether you find comfort in an old familiar favourite, or prefer to lose yourself in something unknown, the ability to...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (August 31st)
Here are our picks, but what are yours?
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Feature The Legacy Of Nintendo 64's Transfer Pak
Marrying console and handheld hardware long before Switch
Following the 16-bit glories of the Super Nintendo, its successor often gets short shrift from gamers these days. Of course, it’s adored by Nintendo fans of a certain age who doubled down on it during the PlayStation generation, but it’s a wilfully ‘odd’ system and arguably tough to...
Nintendo Download 8th October (Europe)
STARWHAL! Sporty Mario! 3D Sonic 2! Pac-Man! More!
The start of another week has rolled around, so that means it's time for more Nintendo Download Update news in Europe. This week serves up some promising downloads with a frantic multiplayer Nindie game, a couple of Mario sporting games, another potentially wonderful 3D Classic from SEGA and more...
About The Game
Tee off with Mario and friends as they put a new spin on golf! Choose from 14 different characters, each with their own power and swing styles. You can even taunt opponents to break their concentration!
Mario Golf is packed with features, including 10 different modes (such as Tournament, Speed Golf and even Mini-Golf), and six different courses to play through by earning Experience Points to progress.
With easy-to-learn gameplay and a four-player competitive mode, anyone can get into the swing of Mario Golf!
Comments 60
Great I loved the Gamecube version! I'll have to check this out since I never owned an N64. Camelot makes really good sports games
It's about time for it to be released.
I still play it to this day. I even liked it way more than Mario Tennis.
Fun game and I am not even a golf game fan.
Good game. I also like the idea of putting non-Mario characters in it.
Great game!
Just not enough courses - and the last ones are too freaky in my opinion - but all in all a must have!
Oh the memories. I loved this game back when it came out on the N64. Good times. Some very inventive but strange courses though.
If only I could transfer the characters from my Gameboy Color version.
@ RadioShadow :...Ooh, the GBC version rocked
I absolutely loved the N64 Mario sports games, so it's good to see them reappearing on VC. I was always more for Tennis than Golf but both are excellent and incredibly fun games.
I also really liked the handheld versions, which are proof that the world needs more sports/RPG hybrids! I imagine quite a lot of people missed out on them so hopefully they'll get a new leash of life via a handheld VC.
i love this game, i love golf, and i love golf games. i hope this come to america someday. would definetly buy it! I'd also like to see Mario Tennis.
Hmmm, should I wait for this, or just get Neo Turf Masters? I haven't played too many Mario sports games, but so far I haven't liked a single one of them. I heard the Gamecube version was good though, so it might be worth it. Or I could just get the Gamecube one.
@Mickey. If you hate the other Mario sports games, but are curious about Golf, I'd get the Gamecube version. After all, these days it'll be about the same price as a VC N64 game. XD
As for Neo-Turf, I can't help you there.
@Radioshadow & Maxplastic. I never played the GBC mario golf, but I did play the GBC Mario Tennis. It was cool beans.
Speaking of Mario Tennis, I hope that comes to VC eventually (the N64 version I mean), as well as Mario Party.
poor luigi
I rented this once a few years ago. I liked it a lot. I'd recomend it whenever it comes out.
Looks Like a good N64 game. There hasn't been a new N64 game on vc for a while now.
this is a really fun game can't wait 4 this 1 either hope we get it soon
w00t! the only golf game i know that has a fun putt-putt mode! must get asap .
I am not a golf fan and is my favorite N64 title,5 BIG stars!
easy gameplay,difficult to master. just ask me!
I can't wait for this to come to the Virtual Console! I never got a chance to buy this game and I don't want to miss out! As long it is 5 stars it is a instant download! We really need more N64 classic like this!
I loved this game. Me & My dad used to play it all the time. I really hope it comes out soon. I already own Tennis so I'm not hoping too much for that.
This game was really fun back in the day. I was thinking they would release Mario Party first, but I guess not.
After reading the review it does not sound that different than the GC version, except you can use any character at the start.
how many stars does it get?
thats about right, really.
Great review! I always found this game very hard and i only managed to unlock a couple of characters (up to Yoshi I think). Shame there's no other way to unlock the hidden characters from the GBC version.
^LOL at pun
Oh my, that intro video is so cute I passed out.
I only ever played the mini-golf, but that was definitely fun.
This is the kind of game I'm hoping can get an update later to connect to the DS if they release the GBC Mario Golf on its download service
I just realized, today we got two games from Camelot.
5 STARS! great game! super entertaining.
This isn't a negative review. The game just has its superiors.
next friday, prince. this week is WiiWare week.
Dammit, people, Nintendo COULDN'T keep the GBC characters in the game, because they aren't complete characters, just character models who will recieve the stats your GBC guys have when you link them over. It was a bonus feature allowing you to use the characters you've been building yourself in a different game, not "unlockable content".
I'm not quite sure what they mean by this game isn't quite so "mario-ized" since I've never played any other mario golf but I have somewhat of and idea, personally this game is perfect to me the way it is. Definitely better than any other golf game I know of.
I love the main theme!
so, what are the best golf games on the VC?
Wasn't NES Open Tournament Gold technically the first Mario sports game on a console? I mean I know it didn't have the Mario name in the title, but you played as Mario...
It was called Mario Open Golf in Japan.
i remember when a brought this game to my friends house, he sucked so much that he slammed his clear rumble pak on the desk in frustration and it shattered. I however was doing an awesome job at getting birdies
get it for the mario, and the putt-putt (or miniature golf, whatever you want to call it)
@ dr.mario: Later Mario sports games feature crazy stuff like character-specific special abilities, obstacles (Like Chain Chomps on the golf course) and other things. This game has none of that.
There's a lot of SNES games missing that should be on the VC. Both the Genesis and NES have about twice as many games than the SNES bizarrely.
Must... Buy... Mario Golf... after... PAL... release... * drool *
If i'm still not playing Earthworm Jim when this come out i may buy it !
I regret buying this....
Thank God. A Nintendo 64 title. I have never played this but I got it just because I was craving some N64. It's a good game. I wish I had it when I had a N64 because I had the Game Boy version of the game and I hear the GB game and the N64 game are interchangeable.
Mario Golf: 5/5 stars.
It's a really good game. It is easy to learn but it takes a while to master. It is easily one of the greatest golf games I've played other than the Tiger Woods games.
I cant wait my little brother will be so happy he loves sports games thats something to do with Yoshi
looks interesting ill definitely look into it
Finaly another N64 game I only wish that Nintendo would release more. At least we can all now buy Mario Golf.
Looks rather fun however, the graphics look sort of odd for a N64 game.
When is this out on UK vitrual console? Love this game still, even thou it can get as frustrating as hell. Managed to get a few hole in ones, all the stars on ring shot, and unlock all characters. Took me ages to get metal Mario by getting all 100 + something birdie badges.
maybe this week? maybe in two weeks after? we just don't know.
God i hope mario golf gets an Eu Vc release this friday considering ONM is teasing us with a two page spread review and stating its already out, do they know something we don't?
they did the same with secret of mana - two page spread and saying its already out. they review american VC games assuming they will be released in the UK during the next available update. NGamer on the other hand looks back on the month just gone at the time of writing and offers thoughts on the games actually released in the U.K. I also noticed a distinct lack of VC games in this month's NOM. Maybe they had reviewed them already when they came out in America. Anyway, I hope we get SoM and Mario Golf tomorrow.
come on nintendoe wheres mario party its like they love keeping us waiting
Would it REALLY be that hard to have added the unlockable characters?
They were already in the game's code.
well other people have said that they'd be pointless since they are only custom characters using the stats from the GBC game. I say that Nintendo should have made up some stats for them and have them unlocked from the start just so you could play as that particular character if you wanted to. i think its too much to hope for a GBC MG on DSi connectivity.
@vegeta217: Tell me about it! MP2 and MP3 are must-buys!
Is this game worth getting? I have the GBC game and i like almost every Mario Game i have.
Now all we need is Mario Tennis
8:10 good but a hard game at times
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