Tag: Polls
Poll What Switch Game Could You Not Live Without?
Desert Island Dekus
As we approach the end of the 'Switch 1' generation (at least, we hope we're approaching the end), we're starting to get all whimsical about the last eight years. In truth, the Switch has brought us some of our favourite games of all time, and the list of certified 10/10 bangers to have landed on the console is enough to keep us...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship Of Doom (NES)
Hello chums, and welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Last time, we looked at Pokémon Trading Card Game for the Game Boy Color, and the result was pretty definitive. The Western design won with 69% of the vote, with some of you noting that the Japanese variant didn't even look like it belonged to the Pokémon franchise. User...
Opinion Legends Z-A's Xenoblade-Style Battles Are Pokémon's Most Exciting Evolution In Years
What? Pokémon is evolving!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say something crazy: I like the look of Pokémon Legends: Z-A. I reckon I have about five minutes before the torches are lit and an angry mob appears outside my house, so let me throw another bombshell out there. I think the series' turn-based battles have grown stale, and no amount...
Talking Point What We Expect From The Switch 2 Direct
In four weeks' time...
In exactly four weeks, we're all going to know more about Switch 2 - hopefully a lot more. Wednesday 2nd April is the day of Switch 2 Direct when Nintendo lifts the lid on its upcoming console and gives us a much better idea of what's in store beyond the initial reveal. Will we get a release date? Are there hardware secrets...
Random C'mon Nintendo, You Can Design A Better Mario Plane Than This
One for Lakitu
With MAR10 fast approaching, Nintendo has announced a number of ways you can join in and celebrate the company mascot. The usual Switch OLED bundle with the newest Super Mario game, some discounts on Mario Switch games (from 9th March), wider distribution of Alarmo, and a Super Nintendo World sweepstakes to give fans the chance to...
Opinion Nintendo, Let Us Buy The Games Being Delisted From Switch Online
Well, it finally happened: the first game to be delisted from Nintendo Switch Online will disappear on 27th March. For years, the numbers have only gone up, and the total NSO game-count sits at an impressive 182 at the time of writing - with 109 more if you subscribe at the Expansion Pack tier. NSO was a slow starter, but the value has grown...
Feature Nintendo Life eShop Selects (February 2025)
Our picks for the best eShop games of February
Goodbye February, hello March! And an even bigger hello to eShop Selects. We're one month closer to the Switch 2's big bonanza, but hey, let's not get too ahead of ourselves yet. We've still got a fresh and full eShop on the Switch to go through. As is usual for February, things have been a little...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Pokémon Trading Card Game
Gotta trade 'em all
Welcome, Trainers! It's time to embark on another journey into the wonderful world of Box Art Brawl. Before we head out, however, let's visit the lab and recap what happened last week. It was the DS' River King: Mystic Valley that we put under the microscope and, surprising nobody, the awful European variant came dead last...
Poll Which Starter Pokémon Will You Choose In Legends: Z-A?
Choices, choices...
What's the most important part of a Pokémon game? The roster of 'mons? The setting? The story? Well, sort of the first, but tangential — it's the starter Pokémon. We now know just who the starter trio of Pokémon Legends: Z-A will be. And, similarly to Legends: Arceus, it's a triple threat of returning favourites. Chikorita,...
Guide Pokémon Presents February 2025: Every Announcement, Full Livestream
Legends Z-A! Champions! TCG Sets!
Well, there you have it, Trainers. The February 2025 Pokémon Presents showcase is behind us, delivering 19 whole minutes of news and updates across The Pokémon Company's apps, cards, shows and video games. It was a pretty busy one this year (at least, compared to previous events), so below, we have listed every...
News How Would You Rate The Pokémon Presents Showcase For February 2025?
Mega or mediocre?
Well folks, another Pokémon Presents has come and gone, and it pretty much delivered exactly what we were expecting. The biggest draw was obviously Pokémon Legends: Z-A, where we got a good look at some gameplay along with confirmation that Chikorita, Tepig, and Totodile will be the game's starter Pokémon. Not only that, but...
Talking Point Can Nintendo Keep Up The One-Game-A-Month Release Pace On Switch 2?
Keepie uppies
With Switch entering its ninth year on 3rd March 2025, and with over 150 million units sold and more million-selling games than we've had hot dinners, it's hard to remember a time when Nintendo pooling its portable and home console software teams behind a single system felt like a risky move. As Wii U foundered, it was the...
Talking Point Our 2025 Pokémon Presents Predictions - What Are You Hoping For?
Nintendo Life used Detect!
Much like the Mad Titan Thanos, the arrival of a Pokémon Presents showcase on Pokémon Day was inevitable. With the date now official and our faux surprise subsided, it's time to start laying down some predictions. To address the Phanpy in the room: yes, Pokémon Presents showcases can be a little dry. But aside from the...
Poll Will You Trade In Your Switch When Switch 2 Arrives?
Switch it up
Sometimes, it can be hard to let go. The next generation of Nintendo hardware is just around the corner. As we say that, we look fondly at our TV console stand where our Switch sits, docked and charging, not a speck of dust on it. For many of us, it's the console of choice — whether sitting around the TV with friends and family,...
Poll Box Art Brawl - River King: Mystic Valley (DS)
The good, the good, and the uhhh...
Hello folks, and welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Last time, we looked at Star Fox 64, and gosh, it was quite a close match. Both designs are pretty great in our eyes, but ultimately Japan won the day with 54% of the vote, while the Western design managed to nab 46%. Well done, Japan! We've got a bit...
Poll Which Pokémon Game Really Deserves A Remake Next?
Kanto blight
With a Pokémon Presents on the way soon, our foolish hearts have begun hoping for something a bit special. While Nintendo fans twiddle their thumbs awaiting the full reveal of Switch 2, an entire year without a Pokémon game releasing on Switch has helped us regain our appetite for console-based catchin'. It was a much-needed break,...
Talking Point The 3DS Library Is Ripe For Switch 2, But Is NSO The Way To Go?
Mo' dimensions, mo' problems
The 3DS has one of those libraries where the more you think about it, the better it gets. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask 3D, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Kirby: Planet Robobot, WarioWare Gold, Samus Returns
Talking Point Should We Actually Get Excited For Pokémon Day This Year?
Is it all Sleep Talk?
Next week, on 27th February 2025, Pokémon will be celebrating its 29th birthday. And you know what that means? It's time for some Pokémon Presents. After a relatively 'muted' 2024, there's a lot on people's minds. Inverted commas there because, come on, if muted means releasing a brand new mobile game which has taken the...
Opinion Scrapping Gold Points Makes Sense For Nintendo, But It's A Bitter Pill For Loyal Fans
Points taken
We're about six weeks away from Nintendo's Switch 2 Direct in April, and the company presumably preparing furiously for the full reveal of its upcoming hardware. Until then, we're left to analyse statements around its financial results and other little announcements for clues about the Switch successor beyond its form factor. The firm's...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Star Fox 64
Do a Box Art Brawl!
Open the wings and check your G-Diffuser system because it's time for another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we fly into combat this week, let's hit the brakes and recap what happened last time. In our previous match-up, we looked at two covers for Wario World on GameCube — two very different designs that produced a pretty...
Poll 10 Years On, Which Version Of Zelda: Majora's Mask Is Best?
No three-day countdown will prepare you for this one: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D is 10 years old today. Yep, on 13th February 2015, we all opened our 3DSes (some of you might have even landed one of those sexy gold special edition consoles — you lucky gits) and sat down to replay one of the weirdest Zelda entries to date in...
Talking Point Why An LCD Screen Isn't The End Of The World For Switch 2
How Sony is helping us LCDeal with it
The reveal of Switch 2 back in January answered some burning questions but mainly it confirmed rumoured details and leaked info regarding the size, shape, and magnetic Joy-Con of Nintendo's next console. Annoyingly, there are still a lot of unanswered questions and the platform holder is keeping shtum until 2nd...
Opinion The Okami Sequel Simply Has To Come To Switch 2
Let's just touch base
It's been an exciting few months for Okami fans, huh? Nearly 19 years after the release of the PS2 original, Capcom finally confirmed that a sequel is now officially in development at The Game Awards 2024. Plus, it's being developed at new studio Clovers under the direction of creator Hideki Kamiya. Speaking of which, the...
Talking Point Which 'Tales' Game Will Come To Switch Next?
It's Karma
Big, bold characters. Comfortable story beats that deal with multiple worlds, gods, and the power of friendship. Confusingly titled battle systems. And colourful anime openings featuring J-pop songs. The Tales series has made a name for itself over the last 30 years for many different reasons, and it's why many — myself included —...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Wario World (GameCube)
Hello dearest pals, and welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we dive into this week's battle, let's see how things panned out last time. The lovely Jim took the opportunity to crank out a few LotR quotes with a look at the GBA version of The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. Unsurprisingly, the Western design absolutely...
News Nintendo President Reiterates Switch Online Will "Continue To Be Available" For Switch 2
"We will continue to provide comprehensive services"
In case you somehow missed it, Nintendo has confirmed the Switch Online service will carry over to the Switch 2. With this in mind, during Nintendo's latest financial results Q&A, company president Shuntaro Furukawa reiterated how the service will "continue to be available for Nintendo Switch...
Talking Point Where Should 'Luigi's Mansion 4' Take Place?
One of the best reasons to play the Luigi’s Mansion series is the simple joy that comes with exploring new, spooky environments. Truly, the locations are the star of the show. The first entry in 2001 was arguably too short and a bit too easy and repetitive, but its titular mansion was a compelling backdrop. Cobwebs adorned the...
Poll Is It Finally Time For Castlevania To Rise Again?
Rumours point to a brand new whip-cracking game
Konami's beloved Castlevania series is back in the headlines at the moment — season 2 of Castlevania: Nocturne dropped on Netflix a few weeks ago (and, spoilers, it's very good). But the rumour mill is running, and it's pointing towards a brand new Castlevania game. Yesterday, Chinese-based...
Opinion Miiverse Was Fine, But Does Anybody Really Want It Back In 2025?
Stuck in Miiverse
It probably says something about the system that the question 'y cant metroid crawl?' is one of the most memorable nostalgia nuggets from the Wii U era. Don't get me wrong - while the initial messaging was poor, the GamePad's killer apps never really arrived, and the system itself was slow and bulky, I still loved my Wii U. But...
Opinion We Need More Couch Co-op RPGs
When the girl joined the party in Secret of Mana, a whole new world opened up to me. Bright-eyed, huddled close to our TV, a second SNES controller plugged into the little grey box, I didn’t just have to sit and wait my turn to play an RPG for once. I could play at the same time my mum could. Secret of Mana was the first time I felt like...
Opinion With Forecasts Slashed (Again), Absolutely Everyone's Antsy For Switch 2 ASAP
Sobering sales, analyst angst, obvious answer
Nintendo has lowered sales forecasts for Switch hardware sales for the second time in a row with the publication of its Q3 results for FY2024/5. With a 30.6% year-on-year drop in console sales across the Switch range, the platform holder now forecasts 11 million unit sales for the year ending March 31st...
News Nintendo Reconfirms Release Windows For Major Upcoming Switch Games
... and the Switch 2!
Nintendo has released its latest financial data covering the third quarter ending 31st December in FY2025 and, as per tradition, the company has reconfirmed release windows for its major upcoming Switch software. It's slim pickings, all told, but the games on offer here are sure to be absolute bangers. We've also got the first...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: The Lord Of The Rings: The Third Age (GBA)
Slim Pippins
My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles and Proudfoots (Proudfeet!), welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we get all Middle Earthy, let's quickly recap what went down last time, eh? Two covers from the NSO newbie Super Ninja Boy went head-to-head in last...
Poll With No Switch 2 News Until April, Is A February Nintendo Direct On The Cards?
A Switch 1 swan song?
February usually means a couple of things for us Nintendo fans: a disappointing Pokémon Presents showcase, and the first Nintendo Direct of the year (also, a Kirby game is normally right around the corner, but that's not all that important to this discussion). Pokémon is a no-brainer, obviously, but in the year of our lord...
Opinion Forget Themes, I Want A Switch 2 Start-Up Jingle
Jingles, all the way
I have been banging the 'Theme' drum for so long now, my hands have started to hurt. It doesn't make any sense to me that every Switch menu has been this music-less graveyard when Nintendo has churned out the likes of the Wii Shop Channel, 3DS Theme Shop and a multitude of other bangers in years gone by. But there's another...
Talking Point What Do We Actually Want From 'Mario Kart 9' On Switch 2?
Kart to kart
With the truly shocking confirmation that, alongside the new console, Nintendo is busy assembling a follow-up entry to the best-selling game on Switch, it's got us thinking about what we really want from a new Mario Kart. In all honesty, we've been thinking about this for years, arguably since before we knew that Mario Kart 8 would be...
Poll So, Were You Accepted For The Nintendo Switch 2 Hands-On Event?
Go on, tell us
One of the biggest surprises that came with Nintendo's announcement trailer for the Switch 2 was the confirmation that the company would be holding a number of global 'Nintendo Switch 2 Experience' hands-on events for members of the public following its April Direct presentation. You were free to file your application of attendance...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Super Ninja Boy
Welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl, everyone! In last week's battle, we looked at the N64 classic, Mario Kart 64. And goodness folks, it really wasn't a close one, huh? North America and Europe absolutely killed it with 88% of the vote; surely one of the most resounding victories we've ever seen! This time, we're going a bit...
Guide 15 Best Sidequests In Switch Games
Optional escapades
If you've played a handful of video games, chances are you've lost yourself in the side content more often than the main game. Sidequests are a procrastinator's dream. Don't want to finish the main story? Worried about missing some fantastic rewards or lore dumps? Well, thank goodness there are tons of people across the world...
Feature Switch 2's Mouse Support Is Exciting, But Which Current Games Might Also Benefit?
Flexing that backward compatibility
Prior to the official reveal of the Nintendo Switch 2, one of the late-game leaks revealed that the Joy-Con controllers would now house an optical sensor on the side, leading many to theorise that the console would support mouse functionality. Fast forward to the debut trailer, and yes, it seems that this may...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give Donkey Kong Country Returns HD?
Returns returns
Last week saw the Wii's Donkey Kong Country Returns return in HD on Switch. Following the first time it returned on 3DS, the Switch port — helmed by Forever Entertainment this time, with the original devs at Retro getting only a cursory nod in the credits this time — brought the levels of the 2013 3DS port to
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Mario Kart 64
Welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl, everyone! Last week, Klonoa: Empire of Dreams was thrust into the spotlight, with North America, Europe, and Japan all vying for the top prize (and yes, we mistakenly labelled it as a 'duel' – sorry about that). Ultimately, with its bold, simple design, Europe's offering won the week with 51%...
Poll So, How Would You Feel About 24 Racers In Mario Kart 9?
Go on, tell us!
Nintendo finally lifted the lid on the Switch 2 earlier this week and while most of the discussion is about the new hardware, there has also been plenty of conversation about the new Mario Kart game. Perhaps the biggest talking point at the moment about this new entry is the fact there have been 24 spaces spotted on the starting...
Talking Point Did All The Switch 2 Leaks 'Damage' Nintendo Or The Console's Reveal?
Nintendo will be just fine
In the leak-filled weeks prior to the Switch 2 reveal, we saw increasing incredulity from die-hard Nintendo fans on social media. We won't link specific examples, but you don't have to scroll far before seeing takes along these lines: All these leaks are ruining the reveal! Why isn't Nintendo getting ahead of this?!...
Poll What Do You Think Of Donkey Kong's Redesign In Mario Kart 9?
Got whiplash?
With the reveal of the Switch 2, Nintendo also gave us a brief glimpse at a brand-new Mario Kart game; something that many of us were hoping for after the last mainline entry launched over ten years ago. Yes, the game we're currently referring to as Mario Kart 9 is still somewhat shrouded in mystery, but the short tease
Poll So, What Did You Think Of The Switch 2 Reveal?
2 soon
They only went and did it! Yes, finally we can all relax and enjoy Nintendo's new hardware: Switch 2 is real, it's been officially revealed, and it's looking a bit sexy. Now that we've had a little time to digest the news after getting our first (official) look at the hardware — and some tantalising glimpses of brand-new Nintendo games...
Poll Are There Any Good Lord Of The Rings Games On Nintendo Consoles?
Please sir, can I have some Mordor?
The year is 2025 and Lord of the Rings feels very much like it's "a thing" again. We're not sure that it ever really went away, to be honest, but we've got The Rings of Power on TV (and it's actually rather good now), the War of the Rohirrim hit cinemas, a 'Hunt for Gollum' movie is planned, and, perhaps most...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (GBA)
Long live the Empire
Welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl, folks! Last week, we took a look at Crash Nitro Kart for the GameCube, a sequel to Crash Team Racing that never quite managed to step out of its predecessor's shadow. North America sealed the deal this time with 53% of the vote, while EU managed 30% and Japan just 17% (bit awkward -...
Talking Point Is The Switch 2 Going To Be Too Big?
Size isn't everything, except sometimes
How are we coping, nine days into the year of the Switch 2? It's been an utter onslaught of leaks and rumours and noise as everyone clamours to find out about Nintendo's to-be-officially-announced console. C'mon Nintendo, it's really time to say something. Anyway, let's cut through the noise for a second...
Talking Point Everyone Else Is Busy Revealing Switch 2 - What Gives, Nintendo?
It's the notes you don't play
If you've been browsing social media for the past few days (heck, let's not kid ourselves, past few years) you'll have seen plenty of prognosticating about the arrival of the Switch successor. The latest whispers suggested that Wednesday 8th January was the first sensible day after the holidays for Nintendo to finally...