The Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) is one of the Agencies under the Ministry of the

Interior. The Service was re-established by an Act of Parliament in 1997, Ghana National Fire Service Act, 1997, Act 537. The objective of the Service is to prevent and manage undesired fire.

Under the strategic objectives of the mother ministry, The Ghana National Fire Service is required to provide adequate protection of life and property and sensitize and provide technical assistance and advice to schools, markets, MMDAs, lorry parks and other institutions nationwide on fire safety measures. The major programme and project assigned to the Service is Fire Management, Rescue and Extrication services.


The GNFS is required to perform the following functions to achieve her objectives:

  1. Organize public education programmes to create and sustain awareness of hazards of fire; and heighten the role of the individual in the prevention of fire;
  2. Provide technical advice for building plans in respect of machinery and structural layouts to facilitate escape from fire rescue operations and fire management;
  3. Inspect and offer technical advice on fire extinguishers
  4. Co-ordinate and advise on the training of personnel in firefighting departments of Institutions in the Country;
  5. Train and organize fire volunteer squads at community level;
  6. Offer rescue and evacuation services to those trapped by fire or in other emergency situations; and
  7. Undertake any other function incidental to the objective of the service.


The Ghana National Fire Service is committed to ensuring safer communities throughout Ghana by containment of fire and reduction of fire-related accidents and deaths.


The mission of GNFS is to provide an efficient and valued Fire and Rescue Services, as well as meeting the Statutory requirements so as to maintain and improve on public safety from fires and related emergencies thereby protecting the people, the environment and the economy through a motivated workforce and adequate resources. 



The Chief Fire Officer, Ghana National Fire Service, P.O. Box 4129, Cantonment, Accra


Tel:  +233 302 2772446, 0299340383

Emergency No.: 192 (Toll free for all Networks)

