Ur, Nannar‘s Patron City-State, Slide-Show:
2ab - Ur, Nannar's ancient royal city & home by the Persian Gulf
36 - Mesopotamia, Nannar's patron city of Ur
35 - Ur, patron city of Nannar
2 - ancient Ur, Nannar's long standing city, Ur was the commercial hub for Mesopotamian cities, agriculture, sheep, cattle pens, etc. traded & shipped up the Euphrates River to the others
Ur Law Code given to Ur-Namma, 2,112-2,095 B.C.
1ba - Lament of Ur text, SEE LAMENT TEXTS, & THE ERRA & ISHUM TEXT FOR THE NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION OF SUMER, Hymn of Nidaba - (Nisaba), the "lamentation of the fall of Ur", tells of a devastating storm sent by the god Enlil, which wreaked death and desolation to the town of Ur & the others, 3rd dynasty of Ur, 2112-2004 B.C., artifact from Isin, city of the goddess Bau
1a - Lamentation for the Destruction of Ur text
2a - Ur. 1926 excavation aerial photo, Nannar's mud brick-built Ur, 3 different times it was the capitol of Mesopotamia, the most advanced of all early cities in Sumer, trade, coins, education, sports, music, equal pay for women, etc., etc.
3da - brick-built ziggurat of mughair, Ur, Nannar & Ningal's brick-built house in Ur was occupied by gods until the "evil winds" of nuclear fall-out came, killing everything in all cities of Sumer, the alien gods evacuated by flight, avoiding their certain death, SEE LAMENT TEXTS ON SUMER & CITIES
3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest of this temple - house, Nannar's brick-built house, there was direct access to giant god Nannar by young Abraham & his high-priest father Terah, the mountain of brick gave passage by long, narrow steps that seem to lead up to heaven, thus the - "Stairway to Heaven" idea began
3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple, Nannar's mud brick-built temple - house, & the mud brick-built city of Ur was later developed way below the god, these high-tech bricks, fired very hot, have lasted for thousands & thousands of years, we can't do that today!, bricks today might last 100 years or so
3a - Nannar's temple, ziggourat, home in Ur, alien giant god Nannar - El was living among the earthlings in his beautiful brick-built ancient city of Ur, when the gods walked with & talked with men, & later had sex with the daughters of men, producing giant long-living mixed-breeds, that were appointed to positions of power over earthlings, as kings, queens, high-priests, & high-priestesses
3d - Nannar's Ziggourat Temple in Ur, features the "Stairway to Heaven", Nannar & Ningal's mud brick-built house in the ancient city Ur, the great god Nannar was the 1st son to Enlil & Ninlil, grandson to Anu, the King (father) in Heaven, Nannar was the Moon Crescent god of all Mesopotamia, Nannar was the Biblical god of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, named "El", means "god", "Elohim" means "gods"
3k - city & mountain house of Nannar, the large brick-built city below the massive brick-built house of Nannar, after the gods had fashioned man, they multiplied & cities developed below the gods houses, earthling workers were mostly loyal to the local giant alien patron god, in Ur's case, Nannar was that god for many thousands of years, & until the end days of Ur, his great city
3c - Nannar's Temple, place of Abraham from a child to an adult, brick-built home of the god Nannar & goddess spouse Ningal, many kings, high-priests, & high-priestesses, were mixed-breeds, Anunnaki & Earthling mixed, who were taller, stronger, smarter, lived longer, & served Nannar personally
3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur, featuring his "Stairway to Heaven", giant alien god El / Nannar's view from way above the city, thousands of artifacts were uncovered in Ur, gold, silver, cuneiform texts, etc., & items of daily life, treasures were placed in museums for safe keeping, but, artefacts of the gods are now being shamefully destroyed by Radical Islam
3da - Nannar's, Terah's, & Abraham's Temple in Ur, the top of the structure is missing, this is the original "Stairway to Heaven", meaning there was a pad to land & lift-off to the skies for the gods on top, where no earthlings were allowed
41 - ziggurat temple of Nannar in Ur with landing pad on top
42 - Nannar's ziggurat residence, the Temple of Ur
3 - Ur, Nannar's ziggurat & city ruins, Ur was destroyed by flood, then by fall-out, SEE THE LAMENT OF UR TEXTS
3ea - Nannar's Ur, city-state capitol of Mesopotamia, temple view from the city far below, Nannar stated his needs to the high-priest who immediately saw to them, if he had a directive, he gave it to the kings to execute, the kings passed the decree on to the people
3bc - Nannar's mountain-like brick-built house in Ur, it still stands the test of time for thousands & thousands of years, artifacts of the Mesopotamian gods are being destroyed by Radical Islam, attempting to eradicate any ancient historical evidence contradictory to the teachings of their 7th century prophet
3e - Nannar's house protected by walls, long narrow staircases, & much more, the gods themselves gave access to the people only in secure environments, they may live long lives, but they were still mortal, not immortal as the earthlings believed
3g - Nannar, Biblical "El", mud brick-built mountain ziggourat in Ur, fortified house of Nannar in his city of Ur, artifacts from Ur are in the thousands, most in good shape, showing a long history of thousands of years when the alien giant gods walked & talked with mankind on Earth
3f - Ur Ziggourat, Nannar & Ningal lived at the top of the mud brick-built mountain, home to the Moon Crescent god, the great god served by mixed-breed kings, mixed-breed high-priests, & mixed-breed priestesses for thousands of years in Ur
3h - Terah, Abraham's father, was the High-Priest of Nannar, Stairway to Heaven with Nannar & Ningal at the top, the idea that the gods lived in the sky is obviously true, the higher you go, the closer to the gods you get
3i -Stairway to Heaven with Nannar & Ningal at the top, the idea that the gods lived in the sky is obviously true, the higher you go, the closer to the gods you get, we now discover that so-called myths are being proven to be held true by ancient artifacts
3ia - climbing the Stairway to Heaven, still standing after thousands of years, Nannar's home, easily controlled earthling traffic of those who came & went, aircraft landings on top were far out of the way of mankind below, so were the resident alien giant gods
3j - Stairway to Heaven with Nannar & Ningal residing at the top, the idea that the gods lived in the sky is obviously true, the higher you go, the closer to the gods you get, we now discover that many so-called myths are being proven to be true
offerings to Nannar, laid at the residence door of Nannar's temple in Ur
20 - Ur, first with archways, the mud brick-built, advanced civilization of Ur, Nannar's home in Ancient Mesopotamia
19 - re-built home of Terah, Abraham's father, Ur ruins of the city Abraham grew up in, his father Terah was Nannar's selected high-priest of Ur, he was in charge of Nannar's mountain house, as if he was Nannar's personal butler, etc.
19a - Terah's courtyard in Ur, Ur's mud brick-built city ruins, this was Sumer's most advanced city, the hub for trade of goods produced there by Nannar & his kings, feeding & equipping the rest of Sumer
priestess & priests of Nannar, drum of Ur
5a - High Priest, Nannar,Utu atop disloyal earthling, & Ninurta
5 - above is a giant mixed-breed king & his mother goddess Ninsun, below is a high-priestess decorating Nannar's temple, the high-priests & high-priestesses were the mixed-breed offspring of the gods, as were the early kings, & were given positions of authority over earthlings directly by the gods
37 - reed huts with cattle pens in Sumer
38 - Nannar with his million cows & countless sheep herded in Ur, in the middle is Jacob's Ladder to Heaven & the gods
28 - Anu's daughter Bau, dark brown stone artifact, one of thousands of valuable artefacts found in Ur, Ninurts's spouse Bau - Gula, ancient cities, & artefacts of the gods & giant mixed-breeds are being destroyed by Radical Islam, attempting to eradicate knowledge of any contradictory history to their prophet's story from the 7th century, thousands of years after all of this evidence was recorded by gods & men in Ancient Mesopotamia
23 - Enkidu, companion to King Gilgamesh of Uruk, SEE GILGAMESH TEXTS, when the kings were giant mixed-breed descendants of the gods, claiming royal bloodline to the gods, & inter-marrying to preserve it, also found with every Biblical figure inter-marrying down to Abraham, as well with the bloodline to the prophet Muhammad, & even today the idea of Jesus & Mary Madeline's possible descendants, said to be protected by the Masons, all ideas of this type originated with the gods in Mesopotamia
33 - Sargon the Great's mixed-breed daughter Enheduanna, valuable artifact found in Ur, Enheduanna was Inanna's story-teller, author, etc.,these artifacts of gods & giants from Mesopotamia are being destroyed by Radical Islam, destroying ancient cities, museums, & artifacts from when the gods walked & talked with mankind thousands of years ago, attempting to eradicate thousands of conflicting historical artifacts, evidence directly contradicting their 7th century prophet's teachings
18 - Scribe of Ur, artifact found in Nannar's Ur, these artifacts of gods & giants from Mesopotamia are being destroyed by Radical Islam, shamefully, idiotically, ideologically, destroying ancient cities, museums, & artifacts from the time when the gods walked & talked with mankind thousands of years ago, their attempt to eliminate all these artifacts contradictory to their beliefs, is a task never to be fulfilled
29 - woman from Ur, these artifacts of gods & giants from Mesopotamia are being destroyed by Radical Islam, shamefully, idiotically, ideologically, destroying ancient cities, museums, & artifacts from the time when the gods walked & talked with mankind thousands of years ago, their attempt to eliminate all these artifacts contradictory to their beliefs, is a task never to be fulfilled
30 - ceremonial plaque from 3,000 + B.C., scene from Nannar's Ur, these artifacts of gods & giants from Mesopotamia are being destroyed by Radical Islam, shamefully, idiotically, ideologically, destroying ancient cities, museums, & artifacts from the time when the gods walked & talked with mankind thousands of years ago, their attempt to eliminate all these artifacts contradictory to their beliefs, is a task never to be fulfilled
Standard of Ur, war & peace in the city of Biblical Abraham
6b - Standard of Ur
39 - wheels, use of horses, & chariots are just a few modern items discovered in Ur
15 - Nannar's city & artifact of the invention of the wheel, these artifacts of gods & giants from Mesopotamia are being destroyed by Radical Islam, shamefully, idiotically, ideologically, destroying ancient cities, museums, & artifacts from the time when the gods walked & talked with mankind thousands of years ago, their attempt to eliminate all these artifacts contradictory to their beliefs, is a task never to be fulfilled
6a - Standard of Ur chariot scene, carvings of life in Ur, these valuable artifacts of Mesopotamia are being destroyed by Radical Islam, destroying ancient cities, museums, & evidence from when the giant alien gods walked with mankind thousands of years ago
Ur chariot of war artefact
6c - war marching scene, the gods directed the kings to war against other kings not loyal to the that particular patron god, alien giant cousins using earthlings to fight their battles, sometimes the gods would partake in the actual battle him or herself, using powerful alien weapons to soften the defences, & assure a favorable outcome, for instance Inanna - the Goddess of War fought along side with kings, SEE TEXTS ON KINGS
6 - Standar or Ur, war & peace, war comes to Nannar's city of Ur, as the giant alien gods squabbled with each other, it evolved into war between Enlil's descendants, battling Enki's descendants, cousins against cousins, eventually Ninurta & Nergal launched nuclear missiles against Marduk & his sons Ashur & Nabu
6b - Standard of Ur, war comes to Nannar's city of Ur, the nuclear war brought unexpected consequences, the "evil winds" came, poisoning the air in all of Mesopotamia, literally bringing Ancient Mesopotamia of tens of thousands of years to an end, SEE ERRA & ISHUM TEXT & THE LAMENT TEXTS FOR THE STORY & THE EVACUATIONS OF THE GODS FROM THEIR CITIES
10 - Royal Ur War Helmet, with images of Nannar, Ningal seated, & unidentified goddess on the front, the idea of war comes to us earthlings from the giant alien gods with their customs, they unified their planet by continuous wars under a one world order - kingship of the entire planet Nibiru, Anu was that king, his sons came down from Heaven to Earth, & brought with them their customary way of doing things, war is the Anunnaki way, taught to mankind on Earth Colony
14d - gold helmet from Ur, 2,450 B.C., when the giant alien gods came down from Heaven - Nibiru, they established Earth Colony with each royal descendant of the father in Heaven, getting their own city-state, established below their own mud brick-built ziggurat-mountain home away from home, each city-state later had kings appointed by the patron god, these kings would be ordered by that god to war against another giant alien god's city-state, cousin alien gods against the other cousins, SEE TEXTS ON THE ANCIENT KINGS
king's scepter, 2,600 B.C. artifact found in Ur, a city lasting thousands of years with many different kings, of which most of the early ones were giant mixed-breed sons of the giant alien gods, who lived a very long time
34 - artifacts found in Ur, when the sons of god(s) came down from Heaven, created man in their image & in their likeness to be their workers, saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, & had sex with any those chose, their offspring became the Biblical "Heroes of old, men of renown", the "mighty men", the giant 1st kings on Earth who lived a very long time
14e - gold dagger & sheath, Ur 2,450 B.C., these giant mixed-breed kings were found in Mesopotamia, but spread as the gods spread, all over the planet, kings & rulers such as Alexander the Great claimed to be mixed-breeds appointed to kingship by god himself, & so on with thousands of others
14f - collection of gold items , Ur artifacts from 2,450 B.C., the wars were exceptionally up close & brutal, the city massacres were total, the gods & kings caused these to happen so many times, & mankind still hasn't learned to stop being slaves to it, battling other slaves over the idea "god is on my side", there was always a giant alien god on everybody's side, cousin giant alien gods against cousin giant alien gods is all it actually has ever been
22 - Great Death Pit of Ur, Ur scene, war comes to Nannar's city of Ur, occupied by giant alien Nannar, his kings, high-priests, etc. for thousands of years, many, many kings came & went, Ur was the capitol city 3 different times, SEE TEXTS ON UR & IT'S KINGS
6d - Abraham's Promised Empire, to be established by the gods & their mixed-breed offspring, they were bigger, stronger, smarter, & lived a lot longer than the others, the mixed-breed advantage of long-life caused them to inter-marry, (ex: brother & 1/2 sister) so their offspring also had advantages, thus Adam to Noah, & Noah to Abraham, did the exact same thing, living longer than others as mixed-breed leaders
7c - artifact from the Royal Tomb in Ur, the ram Abraham sacrificed instead of Isaac, ancient evidence from the actual place of Abraham, suggests the story's authenticity, Mesopotamian artifacts are shamefully being destroyed by Radical Islam
40 - artifact from Biblical tale of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac - a ram substituted
ram & thicket of Abraham in Ur, sacrifice given Abraham to substitute for his son Isaac
Abraham's lapis-lazuli & gold ram, with a golden thicket
7a - Ur artirfact of Abraham's Ram, Isaac spared, the ram caught in the brush thicket that Abraham was instructed to sacrifice instead of his son Isaac....in Ur
7b - Ur artifact, Ram stuck in brush thickets, Isaac was spared, the Biblical story of this event must have been handed down in Ur as well, exquisite ancient artifacts left behind tell us a much different story than the history we are taught, sometimes religions get it right
7d - shell plaque from Ur, gold & lapis-lazuli artifact, sheep were brought by the gods to Earth, they taught Abel & descendants to raise them for the gods to eat, thus the sacrifice to the gods was born
8 - musical artifacts from Ur, 11 strings, gold & precious stones, lyres found with the story of Abraham & Isaac carved into their bases
8a - Lyre Instrument artifact of Ur, lyre depicting the ram caught in the brush to be sacrificed by Abraham, instead of killing his son Isaac, Nannar raised numerous sheep & about one million cows in Ur, feeding all the gods & earthlings in Mesopotamia & those mining in So. Africa
8b - lyre from Royal Tomb in Ur, Nannar's city was the most advanced of its day, Ur was the capitol of Sumer 3 times durings thousands & thousands of years, SEE KINGS LISTS OF SUMER & UR
12 - Ur, 40k gold, lapis-lazuli, & carnelian, valuable artifacts from Ur, the most advanced city of its day, the advanced civilization of Nannar's Ur existed for thousands & thousands of years on the Euphrates River in southern Sumer, located today in southern Iraq
12a - gold & precious stones, 2,450 B.C., valuable artifacts from Ur, the most advanced city of its day, the advanced civilization of Nannar's Ur existed for thousands & thousands of years on the Euphrates River in southern Sumer, located today in southern Iraq
13 - 2,000 B.C. near Babylon, symbols of the gods, Nannar's Moon Crescent symbol, figure of Ningal, 8-pointed star of Inanna & Venus, 12-pointed star of planet Nibiru, another 8-pointed star, figure of Lama, & Ningishzidda's entwined serpent symbol, the ancients obviously made fine jewelry with a message to us about the giant alien gods who established for themselves Earth Colony, so very long ago
13a - lapis-lazuli necklace, valuable artifacts from Ur, lapis-lazuli was the Goddess of Love Inanna's favorite stone, Marduk built an entire entranceway for her in Babylon entirely made of this beautiful blue-hued stone, the wall is preserved in a museum
13b - Ur skillfully crafted Jewelry, 2,600-2,400 B.C., valuable artifacts from Ur, the most advanced city of its day, the advanced civilization of Nannar's Ur existed for thousands & thousands of years on the Euphrates River in southern Sumer, located today in southern Iraq
13c - Ur jewelry, valuable artifacts from Ur, the most advanced city of its day, existed for thousands & thousands of years on the Euphrates River in southern Sumer, located today in southern Iraq
13d - King Amar-Sin gave this to a high-priestess in Ur, a time in our past, when the gods walked & talked with mankind, had sex with their daughters & produced offspring taller, stronger, smarter, & they lived much longer than the others, they were a perfect go-between for the gods to earthlings
20 - sports contests in Ur, contests between giant alien gods, then between giant mixed-breeds, & then it became sports contests between earthlings, the advanced city of Ur had many firsts in many areas, such as the 1st schools with classrooms, board games, dice, etc., etc.
31 - wrestling & boxing in Ur, contests between giant alien gods, then between giant offspring mixed-breeds, & then it became sports contests between earthlings, the advanced city of Ur had many firsts in many areas, such as the 1st schools, board games, dice, etc., etc.
31a - boxing in Ur, contests started between the giant alien gods, then between giant offspring mixed-breeds, & then it became sports contests between earthlings
16c - dice games in Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, many firsts in many areas, such as the 1st schools, board games, etc., etc.
16 - board games in Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, many firsts in many areas, such as the 1st schools, board games, etc., etc.
16a - board game, 2,600 B.C., in Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, many firsts in many areas of recreation, music, games, contests, etc., etc.
16b - rituals scenes for game boards in Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, the tales of the giant gods were passed down through thousands of years of their existance on Earth
17 - Ur artifact of standardized weights for scales in Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, in all matters of life, the giant alien gods were there to assist mankind along, could this still be the case today???
18b - Sumerian payroll, evidence of equal pay for women performing a man's work in Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, many firsts in many areas, such as education, recreation, music, literature, trade, currency, etc., SEE PAGE FROM MAN'S BASICS TO TECHNOLOGIES BEYOND TODAY
15b - OIL lamps 3,000 + B.C., from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, literally thousands of ancient artifacts were uncovered in Ur, these include cunieform texts of gods & mixed-breed kings, the 1st written records of his story (history), in greater Mesopotamia hundreds of thousands of artifacts & cuneiform records have been uncovered, what a record they are!!!
14c - model of a silver boat & lamp 2,450 B.C., from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, many kings were appointed to their position of power directly by the giant alien gods, no one dared to question their decisions
14a - artifact of a gold bowl from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, the gods acquisition of gold is the main purpose the aliens, called the Anunnaki, from their planet called Nibiru, came down to Earth in the first place, they discovered they must mine it to get the quantity they needed
14 - gold cup from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, the gold was primarily mined in South Africa, recently discovered, & it was to be shipped to Enlil's Eden for smelting, once down to pure gold, it was space-trucked to Mars, where it was stored until their planet Nibiru flys past the outside of Mars, then home to Nibiru it went
14g - gold vessels 2,450 B.C. from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, the Anunaki needed the gold to use, crushed & processed into a powder, then carefully placed into their atmosphere, which was destroyed with a gaping whole that they desperately needed to repair, the gold was to do just that
14b - Ur artifact, gold & lapis-lazuli make-up box, valuable artifacts from Ur, the Anunnaki atmosphere was badly damaged over many of their years, as they declared war upon each other nation until finally they created a "one world order" with a royal bloodline king to rule their world, they brought that custom to Earth Colony with them
27 - basin-shaped vessel depicting cows from Nannar's cattle pens in his great metropolis of Ur, a temple building with communication antennas on top, technologies of the giant alien gods long ago
15a - decorated bowl & lid 2,450 B.C., from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, literally thousands of ancient artifacts were uncovered in Ur, these include cunieform texts of gods & mixed-breed kings, the 1st written records of his story (history), in greater Mesopotamia hundreds of thousands of artifacts & cuneiform records have been uncovered, what a record they are!!!
24 - votive vase from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, existed for thousands & thousands of years on the Euphrates River in southern Sumer, located today in southern Iraq
25 - Sumerian jug finely ornated from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, existed for thousands & thousands of years on the Euphrates River in southern Sumer, located today in southern Iraq
26 - mase-head depicting Sumerian corn (Masonic), native to the Americas only, artifact from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, well this is puzzling
9a - artifacts from Nannar's city of Ur, a city lasting thousands of years with many different kings, of which most of the early ones were mixed-breed sons of the gods
14h - chariot ornaments of gold, silver, & bronze 2,450 B.C., from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, many firsts in many areas, such as the 1st schools, board games, etc., etc.
9 - 44k gold bull amulet artifact from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, it is unknown if the giant aliens are still gathering up the Earth's gold today
21 - artifact diagram of the ancient city of Umma, from Nannar's city of Ur, a city lasting thousands of years with many different kings, of which most of the early ones were mixed-breed sons of the gods
32 - stone ram artifact from Nannar's great metropolis of Ur, these are but a few of hundreds of thousands of Mesopotamian artifacts discovered in the ancient cities of the giant alien gods
Ur, Nannar‘s Patron City-State, Texts: (A MUST READ! – UNALTERED – EYE OPENING!)
(Fall-Out From Nuclear Attacks Sweeps Over Cities of the Gods in Sumer)
Lament for Sumer & Urim, Text (A MUST READ! ***), (A MUST READ! ***)
Lamentation for the Destruction of Ur, (Short Version) Text (A MUST READ! *)
Ur Unidentified Kings, Giant & Semi-Divine, Brought Before Nannar by Ninsun & Inanna, Slide-Show:
list of antediluvian kings, those mixed-breeds prior to the Great Flood
Sumerian Kings List, the 1st kings on Earth, a Kish artifact, Kish is where kingship re-began after the Great Flood
1d - Mesannipadda, Lugal of Ur & Kish, son of Meskalamu, mixed-breed "mighty man", 1st Dynasty of Ur kings, 3,000 B.C., Ur stood for thousands of years, until nuclear fall-out from the gods battling gods, turns it into deserted lands
2s - Nannar & King Ur-Gur of Ur, 2,500 B.C. (suspect), when the sons of god(s) came down from Heaven - Nibiru, had sex with daughters of men, produced offspring of giants, & were appointed to positions of authority over earthlings
2ba - king of Ur Bur-Sin, mixed-breed giant son to god Adad, 1,980 B.C., Amar-Sin / Bur-Sin was another giant king espoused to Inanna, the Goddess of Love, Nannar's daughter, after becoming widowed by husband Dumuzi's unexpected death, Inanna espoused many, many mixed-breed kings of many different cities, for many thousands of years in Mesopotamia, the ancient land of the alien gods
4a - Amar-Sin or Bur-Sin gave this to high-pristess of Anu's E-anna Temple in Uruk, artifacts of the gods are shamefully being destroyed by Radical Islam, attempting to eliminate all knowledge of the ancient alien gods & giant mixed-breed offspring on Earth, artifacts that directly contradict 7th century teachings of their prophet
5 - Goddess of Love Inanna presents spouse-king giant Shu-Sin to her father Nannar 1,972 B.C., Inanna espouses mixed-breed Shu-Suen, the son to Ninsun, & brings him to her father Nannar, she later had a son named Shara / Roman god Cupid with this king, Shara / Cupid was treated more like a god than a giant mixed-breed
7 - Lama, giant mixed-breed King Sinishmeanni, & Nannar-Sin of Ur 1,850 B.C., a time when the alien giants walked & talked with earthlings, later to have sex with daughters of men, producing giant mixed-breeds, the 1st kings, this is why Radical Islam shamefully trys to destroy these precious looks back to our ancient past
5h - Inanna, Nannar, & Lugal-dugedu, Ur "Mighty Man" official
42 - semi-divine high-priest upon Nannar's ziggurat residence, Ninsun, her semi-divine son-king, & Utu
17 - Nannar served by early semi-divine high-priests & kings of Ur for tens of thousands of years
5 - Ninurta attacks earthling with 50-headed mace, Ninsun, Nannar, Utu, & semi-divine high-priest of Ur
3 - high-priest, Nannar, semi-divine descendant-king, Utu, & king's mother Ninsun
2 - Nannar, patron god of Ur, mixed-breed new king, his goddess-mother Ninsun, & old king
11 - goddess Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant high-priest & king Sinishmeanni, & Nannar, god of Ur
10 - Ningal, semi-divine descendant high-priest, Nannar, & Utu
9 - Enkidu, Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar
8 - Ninsun, her mixed-breed descendant-king, & Nannar, their patron god of Ur
19 - Adad, Utu, Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar seated on his throne in Ur
18 - Ninsun, her descendant mixed-breed high-priest, Inanna, & Nannar, patron god over Ur
17 - bull-gods, Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king, & Nannar seated
16 - Ninsun, uncle Nannar, Utu, & semi-divine descendant to Ninsun appointed as king
14 - goddess Ninsun, her mixed-breed descendant-king who sometimes lived for a thousand years, & alien god Nannar
26 - alien goddess Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant, & Nannar who appoints him king of Ur
24 - Ninsun, her giant mixed-breed descendant-king who sometimes lived for a thousand years or more
21 - alien goddess Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant appointed to kingship of Ur, & Nannar
36 - Ninsun, her mixed-breed descendant-king, & Nannar, patron god of Ur
35 - Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar, with unidentified battles bull
34 - Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar with his flocks in Ur
33 - Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant whom Nannar made king of Ur, & Nannar
32 - giant Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar
28 - young semi-divine, his ancestor goddess Ninsun, her descendant-king, & Nannar
41 - Ninsun brings her semi-divine descendant before Nannar to be appointed as king of Ur
40 - Ninsun, her semi-divine mixed-breed advanced descendant-king, & Nannar
39 - Ninsun with another semi-divine descendant made king of Ur by Nannar, & Nannar
38 - Ninsun, her giant descendant-king, & Nannar, patron god over Ur for tens of thousands of years
37 - Ninsun, her mixed-breed descendant-king, & Nannar, who appoints him as king of Ur
49 - semi-divine descendant high-priest upon ziggurat temple, his ancestor goddess mother Ninsun, Nannar, & Utu
48 - Ninsun, her descendant-king mixed-breed, & Nannar
47 - Ninsun, peewee, semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar, patron lord of Ur
46 - Ninsun, her descendant & king, & uncle Nannar, patron god over Ur
45 - Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant wanting to be Nannar's king, & Nannar
43 - Ninsun, her semi-divine son, & Nannar
55 - wrestling scene, damaged semi-divine descendant made king, his ancestor mother goddess Ninsun, & Nannar
53 - unidentified winged pilot, Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant with wings to ascend, & Nannar; a time when the gods walked with mankind
51 - semi-divine descendant, Ninsun, Nannar, Utu, & semi-divine descendant in background
50 - Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar
1e - Inanna presents unidentified mixed-breed king to her father Nannar
1d - mixed-breed to be spouse & king, Inanna, another mixed-breed, & Nannar, giant alien god over Ur
1c - mixed-breed presented to Nannar by Inanna to be her spouse & Nannar's king of Ur
1b - Inanna, mixed-breed descendant king, & Nannar
1j - mixed-breed to be spouse-king, Inanna, & her father Nannar who appoints him king of Ur
1h - Inanna presents her planned spouse-king to Nannar for approval
1g - Inanna brings mixed-breed spouse-king before her father Nannar for appointment to kingship of Ur
1p - Inanna presents her pre-planned spouse-king to her father Nannar for approval & appointment to kingship of Ur
1o - another semi-divine king brought by the hand by spouse goddess Inanna, to see Nannar for appointment to kingship of Ur
1n - mixed-breed king, Goddess of Love Inanna, & her father Nannar, patron god over his residencial city of Ur
1m - naked Inanna, semi-divine mixed-breed king, & Nannar appointing him king of Ur
1l - high-priest & mixed-breed king chosen by Inanna as her spouse, & asking father Nannar to appoint him king of Ur
1w - semi-divine king brought by Inanna before Nannar for approval & appointment to kingship of Ur
1v - semi-divine lead by spouse goddess Inanna to her father Nannar, patron resident god of Ur
1u - giant semi-divine king of Ur, Inanna, & her father Nannar, resident giant god over Ur
1t - father Nannar being presented a mixed-breed for spouse & kingship by daughter Inanna, the Goddess of Love
1s - Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant & king, his goddess spouse Inanna, & his father-in-law Nannar who appoints him king of Ur
1r - naked Inanna, Martu, Nannar, & naked mixed-breeds appointed to kingships in background
2c - young semi-divine to espouse Inanna if father Nannar agrees, he'll appoint him king of Ur
2b - semi-divine spouse to Goddess of Love Inanna, & her father Nannar, resident giant alien lord over Ur
2a - semi-divine king, Inanna, another semi-divine, & Moon God Nannar who appoints him king of Ur
2 - semi-divine & semi-divine king with his spouse Inanna, & Nannar, resident giant lord over Ur
1x - Inanna leads her semi-divine spouse-king to father Nannar for approval & appointment to kingship of Ur
2h - semi-divine, Goddess of Love Inanna, & father Nannar who appoints him king of Ur
2f - semi-divine king, Inanna, & her father Nannar, resident lord over Ur
2e - semi-divine mixed-breed king, Inanna leading him, & Nannar who appoints him king of Ur
2d - semi-divine king brought before Nannar by Inanna, introduced as her spouse & asking for his appointment to be king of Ur
2p - semi-divine king of Ur brought by Nannar to meet his spouse Ningal
2o - resident god of Ur Nannar, his semi-divine king, naked Goddess of Love Inanna, & his ancestor goddess mother Ninsun, Babylonian cylinder seal
2n - ancient seal of mixed-breed king, Goddess of Love Inanna, & her father Nannar who appointed him king of Ur
2k - Inanna damaged with her father Nannar, patron god of Ur, & her semi-divine spouse appointed king of Ur
2z - early king of Ur appointed by Nannar, resident god over Ur Nannar, & naked daughter Goddess of Love Inanna
2y - Inanna presents unidentified mixed-breed king to her father Nannar for approval & appointment to kingship of Ur
2r - twice Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant to be appointed king, Inanna to be his spouse, & resident god of Ur, Nannar
2q - unidentified, semi-divine king, Inanna, & her father Nannar; repeat
8 - giant semi-divine mixed-breed king of Ur, Ninurta, brother Nannar, & their father Enlil, Earth Colony Commander
16 - semi-divine mixed-breed appointed to be king of Ur by Nannar
15 - Nannar with unidentified bringing dinner, sheep from Nannar's herds, & Ningal; a time when the gods walked, talked, & ate with mankind
14 - Nannar & semi-divine king, damage to the rest of the ancient artifact
11 - mixed-breed high-priest upon Nannar's residence temple ziggurat in Ur, Nannar, Utu with alien 50-headed mace over disloyal earthling, & Ninurta
22 - Enkidu battles beast, Utu, semi-divine king, & Nannar, resident patron god of Ur
21 - mixed-breed, unidentified god, semi-divine, & Nannar seated in Ur
20 - mixed-breed offspring king & Nannar, offspring appointed as high-priests, priestesses, & kings of Ur by resident god Nannar
19 - two unidentified, Adad with his Fork Lightning, & Nannar with his herds in Ur
18 - mixed-breed king standing before his god seated Nannar, resident patron over Ur
23 - giant semi-divine mixed-breed king stands before patron god Nannar, Ninurta, & Adad
25 - devoted semi-divine high-priest of Nannar inside Nannar's temple residence in Ur
Ur Giant Semi-Divine Kings, Texts: (A MUST READ! – UNALTERED – EYE OPENING!)
Complete Mesopotamian Kings List
Sumerian Kings List, Text (A MUST READ! ***), (A MUST READ! ***)
Chronicle of Early Kings, (ABC 20) Text
Kings of Ur Chronicle, Text
Genesis 6:4 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” (giant semi-divine mixed-breeds, the 1st Mesopotamian kings)
Genesis 3:22 “And the Lord God said, The man has become like one of Us, knowing good & evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
Ur-Namma, Ur Giant King , 2/3rds Divine Son To Goddess Ninsun & Lugalbanda, 2113-2095 B.C., Slide-Show:
2aa - Ur-Namma, goddess Ninsun's semi-divine son appointed to kingship of Ur 2047 - 2030 B.C. by the resident patron god Nannar
2ab - Ur-Namma, Ninsun's son-king of Ur, 2300-2000 B.C.
2m - giant semi-divine mixed-breed King Ur-Namma of Ur
2mm - king Ur-Namma stands before damaged Nannar
2h - foundation pegs of 2/3rds divine King Ur-Namma, King of Ur 2111-2094 B.C. by one count
2i - semi-divine mixed-breed Ur-Namma, appointed to kingship of Ur by resident god Nannar - Sin
2ii - Ur-Namma, two-thirds divine high-priest & king of Ur
1- goddess mother Ninsun brings her 2/3rds divine son-king Ur-Namma before Nannar, the residing patron god over Ur
1a - Nannar leads Ur-Namma to repair Enlil's home in Nippur
1 - Nannar & King Ur-Namma head to Enlil's house to make repairs
2 - Ur-Namma stele; top panel - Nannar, bottom panel - Nannar, King Ur-Namma, & high-priest go & repair Enlil's temple residence in Nippur, Command Central for the alien gods
4 - Ur-Namma Stele; top panel is King Ur-Namma & Nannar, bottom panel Nannar leads Ur-Namma to repair ziggurat residences of the gods
22 - damaged Ninsun, her semi-divine son King Ur-Namma, & Nannar seated
2n - Ur-Namma re-builds the gods' residence temples
9 - Ur-Nammu dedication tablet for the Temple of Nin-Sun in Ur; "For his lady Nin-Sun, Ur-Nammu the mighty man, King of Ur and King of Sumer and Akkad, has built her Temple"
2k - King Ur-Namma re-builds Nannar's ziggurat residence in Ur & many others; SEE UR-NAMMA TEXTS
3 - goddess of Ur Ningal, 2/3rds divine giant king of Ur Ur-Namma, & Nannar - Sin, his patron god, with his goddess mother Ninsun damaged
3b - Ningal, semi-divine King Ur-Namma, Ninsun; Ninsun, Ur-Namma, & Nannar
2rr - Enlil, giant 2/3rds divine mixed-breed king Ur-Namma, & his mother goddess Ninsun
7 - Nannar & Ur-Namma, mixed-breed king of Ur, semi-divine go-between from the gods to the black-headed earthlings
6 - Ninsun's mixed-breed son-king Ur-Namma receiving his directives from Nannar; a time long ago when the gods walked & talked with mankind of their image & likeness
2bc - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Namma standing before her in her courtyard receiving instructions
2p - Ur-Namma Law Code, 300 yrs before Babylonian King Hammurabi's Law Code
1k - Inanna, Ur King Ur-Namma, & resident patron god over Ur, Nannar seated
2ac - Hymn to Ur-Namma, ancient text written in cuneiform, the 1st language on Earth
2a - artifacts of giant 2/3rds divine King Ur-Nammu, son to goddess Ninsun & her husband Lugalbanda, a semi-divine
2q - royal tomb of giant 2/3rds divine King Ur-Namma of Ur
Ur-Namma, Ur Giant 2/3rds Divine King, Texts:
Ur-Namma by Wikipedia
(Ninsun’s Giant 2/3rds Divine Mixed-Breed Son-King of Ur, Elder Brother to Gilgamesh, Ruled 2,113-2,095 B.C.)
Ur-Namma, Quotes From Sitchin Books From Texts
A tigi to Enlil for Ur-Namma, (B) Text (A MUST READ! **)
A balbale to Enlil for Ur-Namma, (G) Text
Ur-Namma, the Canal Digger, (D +2) Texts (A MUST READ! **)
Praise Poems of Ur-Namma, (C & H) Texts (A MUST READ! ***)
shir-namshubs to Nanna for Ur-Namma, (E & F) Texts (A MUST READ! **)
Hymn to Ur-Namma, (I) Text
The Debate Between Silver & Copper, Text (A MUST READ! *)
Ur-Namma Law Code, Text (A MUST READ! **)
The Death of Ur-Namma, (Nippur & Susa Version) Texts (A MUST READ! *)
Shulgi, Ur Giant King, Semi-Divine Grandson to Goddess Ninsun & Lugalbanda, 2095-2047 B.C., Slide-Show:
1 - areal view of King Shulgi's palace in the fertile land between the rivers
1a - giant high-priest & king of Ur Shulgi, Ninsun's semi-divine grandson, bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived much longer than earthlings, the gods go-between for mankind
2 - giant mixed-breed King Shulgi, bronze statue artifact, earthlings follow the priest-king who walks & talks with the gods
3 - foundation peg as Shulgi, ceremonial peg establishing the foundation for ziggurat temples
4 - semi-divine giant Shulgi, High-Priest & King of Ur, one who knows the gods, whose grandmother is a goddess
5 - Ninsun, her semi-divine grandson-king Shulgi, & Nergal, the powerful lord of the Under World
5a - Ninsun, semi-divine grandson Shulgi, & Nergal, the spouse to the Queen of the Under World, Ereshkigal
6 - high-priest & king of Ur Shulgi, Ninurta's Storm Beast, & Enlil, Ninurta will replace Enlil's position as top commander when father Enlil retires
6a - high-priest & king of Ur, Shulgi, Ninurta's Storm Beast, & Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander
7 - Ninsun, her semi-divine grandson-king Shulgi, & Ningal, patron goddess over Ur & spouse to Nannar, the Biblical El
8 - Ninsun, her giant semi-divine giant grandson Shulgi, & Nannar, patron god over Ur
9 - Ninsun, her semi-divine grandson Shulgi, his goddess spouse Inanna, & her father Nannar, Inanna presents her spouse to Nannr in Ur
10 - mother goddess Ninsun, her giant semi-divine grandson Shulgi, his goddess spouse Inanna, & divine father-in-law Nannar
11 - Shulgi honored as High-Priest of Nannar in Ur, becoming Nannar's son-in-law
12 - decorative mace with goddess Ninsun, her giant grandson Shulgi, & Nannar, lord over Ur since Ur's beginning
13 - mixed-breed King Shulgi damaged statue, these artifacts lasting thousands of years
14 - religious stone artifact naming King Shulgi of Ur, bringing forth lost & forgotten ancient history
15 - King Shulgi artifact duck-weight reminds us of a time long ago & long forgotten, a time when man walked with the gods
Shulgi, Ur Giant Semi-Divine King, Texts:
Shulgi by Wikipedia
(Ninsun’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Grandson-King of Ur, ‘Valiant one whom An made known among the gods”, Ruled 2,095-2,047 B.C.)
Shulgi, Quotes From Sitchin Books From Texts
Tablet Inscriptions of Dungi (Shulgi), (2 Inscriptions)
An adab to Enlil for Shulgi, (Son to Nannar & High-Priestess in this Text), (G) (A MUST READ! **)
Shulgi & Ninlil’s Barge / A tigi to Ninlil, (R) Text (A MUST READ! **)
A tigi to Ninurta for Shulgi, (T) Text
A Hymn to Nannar for Shulgi, (O) Text
An adab to Nergal for Shulgi, (U) Text
An adab to Utu for Shulgi, (Q) Text (A MUST READ! *)
Praise Poems of Shulgi, (A,B,C,D,E,L,O,P,V,W,X,Y, & +1) Texts (A MUST READ! ***), (A MUST READ! ***)
Love Songs of Shulgi, (Z +1) Texts
Letters From Shulgi, (2) Letters
Letters to Shulgi, (2) Letters
The Debate Between Bird & Fish, Text
A Lullaby for a Son of Shulgi, (N) Text
Amar-Suen, Ur Giant Semi-Divine King, Adad’s Grandson, 2047-2038 B.C., Texts:
Amar-Suen (Bur-Suen) by Wikipedia
(Ninsun’s Great-Grandson-King, OR Adad’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Grandson-King of Ur & Isin, Ruled 2,047-2,038 B.C.)
Amar-Suen, Quotes From Sitchin Books From Texts
An adab to Enlil for Bur-Suen (Amar-Suen), (B) Text (A MUST READ! *)
Amar-Suen & Enki’s Temple (House in Eridu), (A) Text
An adab to Ninurta for Amar-Suen (Bur-Suen), (A) Text
Amar-Sin Tablet, Nippur Inscription
Shu-Sin, Giant Semi-Divine King, 1972-1964 B.C., Texts:
Shu-Sin by Wikipedia
(Ninsun’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Great-Grandson King of Ur, OR Adad’s Grandson- King, Ruled 1,972-1,964 B.C. – Short Count)
Shu-Sin, Quotes From Sitchin Books From Texts
An adab to An (Anu) for Shu-Suen, (E) Text
A balbale to Bau for Shu-Suen, (A) Text
A tigi to Ninurta for Shu-Suen, (D) Text (A MUST READ! *)
An adab to Suen for Shu-Suen, (F) Text
balbales of Inanna for Shu-Suen, (B & C) Texts (A MUST READ! *)
A Hymn to Shu-Suen, Text
Ibbi-Suen, Ur Giant Semi-Divine King, 1963-1940 B.C., Texts:
Ibbi-Suen by Wikipedia
(Ninsun’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Great-Great-Grandson King of Akkad & Sumer, Ruled 1,963-1,940 B.C. – Short Count)
Ibbi-Suen, Quotes From Sitchin Books From Texts
A tigi to Suen for Ibbi-Suen, (A) Text
An adab to Suen for Ibbi-Suen, (C) Text
A Hymn to Suen for Ibbi-Suen, (E) Text
An ululumama to Suen for Ibbi-Suen, (D) Text
A cir-namgala to Meclamta-ea (Nergal) & Lugal-era (Ninazu) for Ibbi-Suen, Text
Letter From Ibbi-Suen to Puzur-Shulgi, Text
Letter From Puzur-Shulgi to Ibbi-Suen, Text
Letter From Ibbi-Suen to Ishbe-Erra, Text
Letter From Ishbe-Erra to Ibbi-Suen, Text