An adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A): translation
(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)
(gods in blue …mixed-breed demigods in teal…)
1-24 ……, lord, whom the Great Mountain engendered, whose magnificence has no equal.
(alien Prince Ninurta, giant mixed-breed king with dinner, & mixed-breeds unidentified)
Ninurta, magnificent in heaven and earth, surpassing among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.
(alien King Anu, father to royal gods inhabiting Earth Colony)
……, foremost among the gods, support of An (Anu).
…… imbued with ……, who roars like a storm, who growls in battle.
……, who butts like a huge wild bull, who destroys the fortresses of the rebel lands.
(Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, father to Ninurta)
…… of Enlil: no foreign land can escape from his grasp.
(Enlil & house)
…… by Nunamnir (Enlil), whose words are firmly established.
……, fit for princeship, the counselor of Ekur (Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur).
…… cannot be scattered, the neckstock of the gods.
approx. 7 lines missing
…… may …… be his helper.
…… (Bur-Suen) the son (grandson) of (alien giant god) Ickur (Ishkur / Adad).
(Enlil‘s son Adad, the God of Thunder, father to mixed-breed kings)
……, may he provide …… with good food.
May he regulate …….
May he be the constant attendant of the E-cumeca, his beloved residence.
May he never cease to …… daily his great offerings.
May …… prolong the years of abundance and a pleasant life ……
for Bur-Suen, well suited for kingship, beloved of An (Anu).
25 Sa-gida.
(Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son, last descendant to be born on Nibiru)
26 May Ninurta be the help of Bur-Suen, who is reverent towards him.
27 Its jicgijal.
28-46 ……, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands;
Ninurta, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands.
The king, whose rising is a flood no one can oppose.
Ninurta, the furious storm in battle, who tramples upon the enemy.
He is girded with heroism, a young man without rival.
The one given superior strength by Nunamnir (Enlil), who makes his father feel truly content.
Your mighty commands are lofty and great.
Ninurta, your mighty commands are lofty and great.
…… flattens …… in the rebel lands, who forces the enemy to bow low.
……, who roars like a storm.
3 lines fragmentary
4 lines missing
2 lines fragmentary
47 Sa-jara.
48 ……whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…….
49 Its jicgijal.
(warrior, giant alien god Ninurta)
50-52 Warrior, surpassing dragon ……; Ninurta, surpassing dragon ……,
…… Bur-Suen, whom you have truthfully chosen.
53 Its uru.
(Ninurta, giant alien who will one day, if not now, rule Nibiru & Earth Colony)
54 An adab to Ninurta.
(ll. 53 and 54 written as one line in the source)