Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Super-Resolution with Auxiliary Generative Adversarial Networks
"> Figure 1
<p>Illustration of EDSR architecture with four residual blocks, with layers for convolution (blue), normalization (green), ReLU activation (red), and pixel rearrangement (orange). <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>x</mi> <mrow> <mi>L</mi> <mi>R</mi> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math> is the input low-resolution image, and <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>x</mi> <mrow> <mi>S</mi> <mi>R</mi> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math> is the output super-resolved image.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Illustration of the results provided by EDSR: high-resolution (HR) image at 12.5 cm/pixel and its artificially reduced (LR) version at 50 cm/pixel (enlarged for better visualization), SR results (12.5 cm/pixel) were provided by bicubic interpolation and the EDSR technique with a factor 4 (EDSR-4).</p> "> Figure 3
<p><b>Top</b>: super-resolution by a factor of 8: HR image at 12.5 cm/pixel and its artificially low-resolution version (LR) at 1 m/pixel (enlarged for better visualization), SR results (12.5 cm/pixel) provided by bicubic interpolation and by EDSR-8. <b>Bottom</b>: zoom on a vehicle of size <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mn>40</mn> <mo>×</mo> <mn>20</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math> pixels.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Comparison of super-resolved images generated by EDSR-8 with 16 residual blocks of size <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mn>64</mn> <mo>×</mo> <mn>64</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>left</b>) and the improved version including 32 blocks of size <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mn>96</mn> <mo>×</mo> <mn>96</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>right</b>).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>SR-WGAN architecture with the generator (super-resolution network) at the top and the discriminator at the bottom. The layers are: convolution (blue), reduction <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mn>1</mn> <mo>×</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math>1 (light blue), ReLU activation (red), normalization (green), and rearrangement (orange).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Architecture of a cycle network: super-resolution generator and its discriminator (<b>top</b>), and low-resolution generator and its discriminator (<b>bottom</b>).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>SR-WGAN architecture with the addition of YOLOv3 as an auxiliary network (i.e., SR-WGAN-Yolo).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Visualization of the super-resolution results (factor 8) provided by the EDSR, SR-WGAN, SR-CWGAN and SR-CWGAN-Yolo compared to the LR version (1 m/pixel) and HR version (12.5 cm/pixel).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Examples of detection results.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Comparison of detection performance (with YOLOv3 as detector and IoU 0.05) provided by different SR networks.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Illustration of a residual channel attention block in RCAN. Color codes: convolution (blue), global pooling (gray), ReLU activation (red).</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Example of object reconstruction with super-resolution (factor of 4) of an xView satellite image. Left, LR 30-cm xView image zoomed by factor 4; Right: super-resolved image by SR-WGAN learned from HR aerial images of the Potsdam images.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Precision–recall curves of detection performance using Faster-RCNN detector on both standard and super-resolved images using SR-WGAN (xView dataset) with different levels of IoU.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Detection results from original xView images (<b>top</b>) and from the super-resolved images by SR-WGAN (<b>bottom</b>). Color codes: green: True Positive, red: False Positive, blue: False Negative.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Residual Block-Based Super-Resolution
3. Network Improvements
3.1. Adversarial Network
3.2. Cycle Network
3.3. Integration of an Auxiliary Network
- of generator;
- of discriminator (Wasserstein GAN) as in Equation (1);
- of the YOLOv3 detector, which seeks to minimize the difference between the detected bounding boxes and the ground truth bounding boxes:
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Evaluation of the Improvements in Detection Performance
4.2. Performance with Another Baseline Super-Resolution Network
4.3. Evaluation with Various Object Detectors
4.4. Transfer Learning to Satellite Images
5. Conclusions and Perspectives
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | TP | FP | F1-Score | mAP |
HR | 707 | 32 | 0.90 | 93.57 |
Bicubic | 268 | 13 | 0.48 | 71.82 |
EDSR-4 | 648 | 27 | 0.86 | 90.73 |
Method | TP | FP | F1-Score | mAP |
HR | 707 | 32 | 0.90 | 93.57 |
Bicubic | 34 | 9 | 0.02 | 17.40 |
EDSR-8 | 14 | 1 | 0.03 | 18.10 |
Version | TP | FP | F1-Score | mAP |
HR | 707 | 32 | 0.90 | 93.57 |
EDSR-8 (16 ) | 14 | 1 | 0.03 | 18.10 |
EDSR-8 (32 ) | 116 | 8 | 0.25 | 42.32 |
Cycle | TP | FP | F1-Score |
1 | 116 | 8 | 0.25 |
2 | 53 | 12 | 0.12 |
3 | 85 | 15 | 0.18 |
4 | 105 | 8 | 0.22 |
5 | 46 | 10 | 0.10 |
Mean | 81 | 10.6 | 0.17 |
Standard deviation | ±27 | ±2.65 | ±0.06 |
Method | IoU = 0.05 | IoU = 0.25 | IoU = 0.5 |
HR | 96.36 | 93.57 | 82.14 |
Bicubic | 22.80 | 17.40 | 09.53 |
EDSR | 47.85 | 42.32 | 34.43 |
SR-WGAN | 63.76 | 59.54 | 44.67 |
SR-CWGAN | 66.72 | 62.82 | 47.18 |
SR-CWGAN-Yolo | 76.74 | 71.31 | 55.05 |
Method | IoU = 0.05 | IoU = 0.25 | IoU = 0.5 |
HR | 96.36 | 93.57 | 82.14 |
RCAN | 44.58 | 40.21 | 33.67 |
RCAN-WGAN | 64.67 | 60.76 | 47.73 |
RCAN-CWGAN | 67.42 | 63.28 | 47.80 |
RCAN-CWGAN-Yolo | 76.89 | 72.01 | 55.76 |
Method | HR | Bicubic | EDSR-8 | SR-CWGAN-Yolo |
YOLOv3 | 96.36 | 22.80 | 47.85 | 76.74 |
Faster R-CNN | 96.55 | 38.34 | 68.95 | 86.04 |
RetinaNet-50 | 91.37 | 15.64 | 27.32 | 63.03 |
EfficientDet(D0) | 96.90 | 45.08 | 67.77 | 85.70 |
Method | IoU = 0.10 | 0.20 | 0.30 | 0.40 | 0.50 | 0.60 | 0.70 | 0.80 | 0.90 |
Faster R-CNN | 62.05 | 60.82 | 55.64 | 48.90 | 32.78 | 21.84 | 7.54 | 1.29 | 0.31 |
SR + Faster R-CNN | 83.36 | 83.14 | 82.85 | 78.41 | 75.26 | 54.55 | 27.44 | 10.39 | 0.65 |
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Courtrai, L.; Pham, M.-T.; Lefèvre, S. Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Super-Resolution with Auxiliary Generative Adversarial Networks. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3152.
Courtrai L, Pham M-T, Lefèvre S. Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Super-Resolution with Auxiliary Generative Adversarial Networks. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(19):3152.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCourtrai, Luc, Minh-Tan Pham, and Sébastien Lefèvre. 2020. "Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Super-Resolution with Auxiliary Generative Adversarial Networks" Remote Sensing 12, no. 19: 3152.
APA StyleCourtrai, L., Pham, M.-T., & Lefèvre, S. (2020). Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Super-Resolution with Auxiliary Generative Adversarial Networks. Remote Sensing, 12(19), 3152.