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Eezee-it SA
Avenue Edison 20
1300 Wavre
+32 10 87 00 24

Eezee-it SA

Your challenges, our expertise, your success

Whether you are a retailer, distributor, or a company operating in another sector, we understand that your priorities are unique: improving your processes, simplifying your operations, and delivering a seamless customer experience across all your channels. 

At Eezee, we understand your needs because we have spent over 14 years designing tailored solutions that fit your reality.

Why choose Eezee?

  1. We are passionate about your success
    Our goal is to turn your challenges into concrete opportunities by aligning Odoo with your strategic objectives to maximize performance, reduce costs, and boost profitability.

     Odoo client success stories to see how we’ve helped businesses like yours achieve measurable results.

  2. Your omnichannel and retail specialist.
    With recognized expertise, we help you connect your physical and digital channels to deliver a seamless customer experience and increase your sales.

    omnichannel strategies with Odoo for your business.

  3. A Gold Odoo Partner and much more.
    With over 250 successful projects since 2010, a privileged relationship with Odoo, and offices located close to their headquarters, we ensure ongoing and effective collaboration.

    best Odoo partner, we are committed to delivering outstanding results.

  4. High-performing and measurable collaboration.
    Our dedicated teams work closely with you to ensure availability, responsiveness (< 1h), and client satisfaction (4.8/5).

A group with an international vision

Eezee Belgium is part of Eezee Group, an international player present in 6 countries. 

This global reach enables us to support our clients wherever they are, while delivering local expertise tailored to each market. 

Our international network also strengthens our ability to manage complex, multisite, and large-scale projects.

Let’s turn your challenges into opportunities

Get in touch with our experts today to discover how we can put Odoo to work for your success.

=> Book a discovery call now


All4IT met à votre disposition des moyens technologiques, organisationnels et humains. Elle s’appuie sur une méthodologie ITIL et l’amélioration continue constitue le coeur de notre offre afin de vous accompagner dans un esprit de partenariat
ABACA studio, Julie de Cartier
For over 25 years, Abaca has been committed to being a source of inspiration... and a partner in the development of its clients' businesses.

Composed of specialists in graphic design, publishing, web design, and digital solutions, Abaca is a reliable, responsive, and efficient team. They have the expertise needed to help their clients reach their target audience and secure a leading position.

They listen to their clients' needs and work with them to define their goals,
They adapt to their clients' requirements and the most demanding constraints,
They create effective communication tools.
Have a new project? Looking to modernize your brand image?
Need to boost your online visibility? Trust Abaca.
Altius is a firm of independent Belgian lawyers who offer their legal skills to an international clientele. She supports companies in resolving their disputes and carrying out their legal transactions.

In regards to :

Altius is an independent Belgian law firm, putting their legal expertise at the service of clients around the world. They advise companies that trust them on the legal aspects of their disputes and transactions. Their scope of action extends in: digital, energy, infrastructure, life, health, trade, logistics, mobility, arts, media and leisure.
Main modules:

Timesheets, Email Marketing, Events, Recruitment, Project, Time Off, Website, Surveys and CRM.

Amifor offre une assurance incendie spécifiquement conçue pour les propriétaires forestiers, qu'ils soient publics ou privés. En tant que compagnie d'assurance indépendante, elle opère sous la forme d'une Mutuelle réassurée par « QBE Re », assurant la protection des forêts contre les dommages causés par les incendies.
AVL limauge
Inspired by the Abbey of Aywiers, Lutgarde Brewery offers authentic Belgian beers, available in supermarkets and online. Their range includes Blonde, Blanche, and IPA, blending tradition with innovation. Each beer is a testament to passionate family craftsmanship, delivering unique flavors for a rich tasting experience.

Active Building Isolation
Active Building est spécialisée dans la rénovation de bâtiments, en particulier pour les travaux d'isolation, étanchéité et esthétique des facades, toitures et chassis.

Active Building utilise Odoo pour son site web, CRM, ventes, chantiers, plannings, facturation, achats.
Allrest Meer NV est une boutique en ligne spécialisée dans les accessoires pour camions. Ils proposent une gamme complète de produits pour l&#39;aménagement intérieur, l'optimisation et l'embellissement des camions. De la garniture de cabine aux équipements de cuisine en passant par les petits matériels, est l'adresse incontournable pour tous les besoins liés aux camions.
Alpha Technology
Alpha Technology, votre spécialiste en ordinateurs, smartphones, télécoms et réparations dans la région de Gembloux
BESO LUX Sp. z o.o.
Beso Lux Group (BSG) se spécialise dans le design et la vente en ligne de canapés, objets décoratifs, et mobilier. Depuis 2012, l'entreprise s'est développée en B2B, distribuant ses marques sur les grandes plateformes de e-commerce européennes. Elle propose également des solutions personnalisées pour les clients professionnels tels que l'hôtellerie, la restauration, les bureaux, les architectes, les décorateurs d'intérieur et les revendeurs.
BIM Consulting
BIM CONSULTING is a company specialized in the management and management of IT projects, mainly related to ERP Odoo.

We offer custom consultancy and implementation services to help you get the most out of Odoo ERP, a versatile business management solution.
Baobab Collection SA
Baobab Collection is a Belgian company specializing in luxury craft candles and diffusers. Baobab has several companies in Europe and the United States. Odoo has made it possible to integrate multi-companies and provided a global view of the stages of the business in real time.

About :
Baobab Collection is a Belgian creator and retailer of diffusers and luxury craft candles. The collections are unique in their size, quality and originality of their candles. The know-how, the selection of their materials and above all the highlighting of European craftsmanship have contributed to Baobab's reputation. They have an international presence through their boutiques and E-shops.

Challenges :
Integrate the various Baobab companies and all stages of the business to have an overall view of all the companies in real time with better control over production (stocks, delivery, etc.) and an integrated and central database.
Main modules:

Sales, Purchasing, Inventory, Accounting, Point of Sale, Production (phase 2) and Connectors (Shopify, Sendcloud, JAS …).

Link to the case:
Base de Baronville
Base de Baronville met à disposition des espaces de stockage et de manutentions de marchandises telles que explosifs civils, artifices de joie et munitions.
Be Lounge
Be Lounge est fière de compter 3 agences sur le territoire français, chacune possédant son propre stock locatif.

ERP, Onderwijs, Health, eCommerce, … zijn enkele voorbeelden waarvoor we specifieke modules beschikbaar hebben. Binnen “Try Before You Buy” kan u deze specifieke modules uittesten.
Biofin is a Belgium-registered company. The company was set up to import and distribute sustainable solid fuels in Europe, with the intent to become a major distributor of industrial and household biomass. Our vision is to fuel the energy needs with sustainable solutions in order to provide vital power that does less harm to the environment.

Our mission is to be a global preferred biomass partner, developing sustainable solutions by adding value to final customers in the retail, industrial and fuel markets through a portfolio of sourcing and distribution activities. Biofin is an expert energy supplier with experience and long-standing relationships at every stage in the energy supply chain, and uses these relationships and their energy expertise to negotiate the most cost and time effective solutions.

Our People have more than 10 years of experience in commodity trading. We has managed to create long standing relationships that have allowed the group to become a prominent player in niche markets such as Asia and Europe in Biomass markets.

BIOFIN has excellent links with Russia, Africa and South East Asia having been present on the continent since the creation of the company . This enable BIOFIN to have a real and up-to-date understanding of the commercial and social situation in the regions where it operates. Through engagement with its local partners BIOFIN ensures to be able to bring the best opportunities in the energy markets to clients, whilst centrally managing the supply chain and all it encompasses: trading, logistics, storage, and delivery, nurturing the local partners in these markets, to create strong partnerships with our suppliers and to make strategic acquisitions.
BRUGEL est le régulateur bruxellois pour les marchés du gaz et de l'électricité.
BRUGEL est investi d'une mission de conseil auprès des autorités publiques en ce qui concerne l'organisation et le fonctionnement du marché régional de l'énergie, d'une part, et d'une mission générale de surveillance et de contrôle de l'application des ordonnances et arrêtés y relatifs, d'autre part. BRUGEL a également défini de manière stratégique ses engagements pour un fonctionnement efficace du marché, un réseau intelligent et une protection vigilante du consommateur.
BRUGEL est entre autres compétent pour :
• octroyer les licences des fournisseurs d'électricité et de gaz actifs en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
• contrôler le gestionnaire du réseau de distribution pour l'électricité et le gaz : Sibelga
• contrôler le gestionnaire du réseau de transport régional d'électricité : Elia
• assurer le respect de la législation régionale
• assurer le respect des missions de service public
• octroyer les certificats verts
Enfin, BRUGEL a développé et mis à disposition des citoyens Bruxellois un simulateur qui permet de comparer l’ensemble des offres proposées par les fournisseurs d’électricité et de gaz en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.
Bruss'Help Asbl
Bruss'Help Asbl is a key player in the coordination of emergency assistance and integration services for homeless people in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Brussels Kart
Welcome at the fastest indoor & outdoor karting track of Brussels.
Invite your friends, familiy or your company event for a great karting session on our in&outdoor track!
Brussels Kart offers you a full-option kartfleet with also junior karts

Discover the case:
Brussels Kart :
Carbomin is a small, family-run business specializing in graphite and carbon components, primarily serving the metallurgical industry. Established in 1993, the company has developed extensive expertise in processing these materials at its facility. Their streamlined organizational structure enables them to respond swiftly to customer inquiries, offering short lead times and competitive pricing.
ConnexAfrica est une agence logistique multimodale, présente sur l’entièreté des territoires congolais et zambien, de Matadi à Goma, de Aru à Kasumbalesa et de Lubumbashi à Lusaka. Également présents à Hong Kong afin de desservir les corridors asiatiques.

🇧🇪 | Cosmétique (Siprès)

Modules : Vente, Connecteur Woo-commerce, Achat, Inventaire, Production, Comptabilité.

Siprès est la première marque belge de cosmétique végétale en circuit court. Une nouvelle génération de produits de soins 100% naturels & 100% traçables à partir de plantes cultivées en France et en Belgique.

Leur activité en pleine croissance, il était temps pour eux d’analyser plus précisément leurs coûts de productions et leur rentabilité.

Ils ont donc tout naturellement opté pour l'ERP Odoo grâce auquel ils peuvent dorénavant gérer leur comptabilité de manière efficace avec un coût précis de production de leurs produits.
Grâce à l’intégration Woo-commerce, ils ont également pu garder leur site internet. Ce dernier est synchronisé en temps réel avec leur Odoo.

Centre Indépendant d'aide aux familles (CIAF)
Le CIAF propose de l'aide aux familles et aux personnes âgées en leur mettant à dispositiond des travailleurs sociaux, des aides familialesn ou encore des aides ménagères titres-services.
Centre indépendant d'aide sociale (CIAS)
Le Centre indépendant d’Aide Sociale a pour but de permettre aux personnes qui ont des capacités restreintes de continuer à vivre chez elles dans de bonnes
Le CIAS donne des conseils pour l’aménagement des lieux et loue du matériel adapté pour les familles nécessitant du matériel médical adapté.

Découvrez le case:
Centrum Ronde van Vlaanderen
CRVV a flemish non-profit, and represents the central hub for cycling enthusiasts and sport-oriented cycling lovers in Flanders. We offer a wide array of activities: a museum, workshops, teambuildings, organised cycling tours, an online and offline shop, a legendary pub and many more.
Using Odoo we've managed to integrate all our administrative needs into one suite of applications.
With the help of Clubit we've analysed and optimized our business processes, integrated our accounting and reduced the loss of time to a minimum. This way we can focus on what we love most: giving cycling tourists a great time!
Château de Gragnos SARL
Château de Gragnos, nestled in the prestigious Saint-Chinian wine region, shines with its 100% organic viticulture. Merging heritage and ecology, this family estate produces distinctive wines, reflecting a unique terroir and a deep commitment to quality and the environment.

At Cleanset, we don't just clean – we elevate. Our mission is to "Elevate your space with satisfaction", delivering impeccable cleaning results that leave a lasting impression on your business.
Croix Chatelain SA
Croix Chatelain is a family business specializing in garden items and pottery for over 60 years. Having gradually adopted a vertical integration of its activities, Croix Chatelain wants to be professional, close to its customers and wishes to bring to this one the pleasure of landscaping. To do this, Croix Chatelain praises personalized contact, favors simple products and puts at the heart of its offer the cheerfulness that a beautiful decor can bring to everyone's daily life.

Croix Chatelain feels the need to replace its traditional system and to consolidate the activity of all the company, and this, by guaranteeing the quality of the data, from the sale of the articles on the website to the management of the accounts. Guarantee which aims to optimize the relationship with the customer through effective monitoring of their various processes.

The solution:
Eezee-It is currently developing an Odoo environment based on standard modules, for commercial management at through an eCommerce site, rigorous stock management and a precise sales flow. Croix Chatelain will also see its integrated and facilitated accounting in Odoo.

The result: The project is still ongoing… We can't wait to update the results!

Main modules: Accounting, Sales, Website, CRM and Inventory.
Cronos DMS
Program Management. Throughout Damien’s career, he has been challenged with a multitude of IT challenges converting / transforming an AS-IS situation into a new state, addressing technology, applications, integrations and business ,service delivery and operational models.
About : The Personal Assistance Department oversees various services offered by Partenamut in the areas of home support and maintenance, such as: social assistance, family caregivers, occupational therapists, equipment rental or sales and service coordination. It is in the front line in the information, the care of the patients and in the dispatching of these in the various services. All these services work together and in close collaboration with numerous partners. These include home care and assistance coordination centers, family assistance centers, various associations and Telesecours.

The challenges : To improve the coordination of all these services to optimize customer service, and to be able to respond more quickly and effectively to patients' needs.

The result : The teams of the coordination centers are facilitated in their daily file management, the relationship between their beneficiaries and their service providers is optimized: standardization of the anamnesis process, time saving in the communication between all parties, reduction of double encoding, etc. The care processes of each service are constantly being improved.

The solution : The implementation of multiple levels of patient support, with personalized care, more optimal allocation of service providers, and comprehensive patient follow-up.

Main modules : CRM, Helpdesk, Project, Accounting, Documents, Website, Sign, eLearning, Employees en Data cleaning.

Dr. Jérôme utilise la Médecine Vétérinaire Traditionnelle Chinoise pour guérir votre ami à quatre pattes de la douleur et de la maladie. Il propose des services d'acuponcture, Tui-Na, d'Electro-acuponcture, de phytothérapie chinoise mais encore de thérapie nutrionnelle.
L'entreprise Distritec, spécialisée dans l'équipement pétrolier et la climatisation, rencontre actuellement des problèmes avec son logiciel de gestion actuel, qui est obsolète et ne répond plus aux besoins de l'entreprise. L'équipe de Eezee-IT a eu une conversation avec les représentants de Distritec pour comprendre leurs besoins et leurs attentes en vue de la mise en place d'un nouvel outil de gestion.

Chiffres clés :
- Distritec est une entreprise spécialisée dans l'équipement pétrolier et la climatisation.
- Ils sont présents dans trois agences différentes en République démocratique du Congo.
- Distritec compte environ 10 ans d'expérience dans le secteur.
DNS Belgium
DNS Belgium is a non-profit Belgian association focused on managing the top-level domains .be, .brussels, and .vlaanderen. As a domain name registry, its primary role is to ensure the security and quality of use of these domains, thereby contributing to consumer trust in the digital world.

Diensten Ter Ondersteuning Van Het Katholiek Onderwijs (DOKO)
DOKO fungeert als aankoopcentrale voor het uitrollen van raamovereenkomsten, geeft juridische ondersteuning en advies met betrekking tot de wetgeving overheidsopdrachten, stelt voorbeeldbestekken op, organiseert vormingen en ondersteunt netwerkgroepen.

DOKO staat niet alleen in voor de ondersteuning op het vlak van aankoopbeleid en overheidsopdrachten. Ook de verkoop van leermateriaal, ontwikkeld door Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen behoren tot haar portefeuille.

Voor het beheer en het gunningsproces van overheidsopdrachten maakt Doko gebruik van Odoo Aankoop, Projecten, Documenten, Planning, eSign, Helpdesk, Email Marketing, Enquêtes en goedkeuringen.

Via de Odoo webshop kunnen scholen, vzw's en belanghebbenden hun aankopen doen van leer- en lesmateriaal.
Easyfairs Events
Easyfairs Events : du premier Salon de l’étudiant organisé par une bande d’amis sous la houlette d’Eric Everard, à la multinationale des foires et salons qu’est devenue Easyfairs, l’enthousiasme des débuts est toujours là. Créée en 1997 sous la bannière Artexis, la société a d’abord connu une importante phase d’expansion en lançant et en rachetant de nombreux salons B2C et B2B en Belgique ainsi qu’en acquérant ou en gérant des halls d’exposition. Les modules Odoo sont Events, Website et Email Marketing pour 4 users.
Ecopoon propose une gamme de couverts comestibles. De la cuillère apéritive à la touillette pour café, ils ont le souhait de promouvoir une nouvelle façon de consommer : plus locale et écoresponsable. Lancés en 2021, ils ont rapidement eu le besoin d'outils de gestion. Un de leurs enjeux était la traçabilité des produits et leurs dates de péremption. Ils ont choisi le logiciel de gestion Odoo et Eezee-it accompagne Ecopoon dans le développement de leur activité avec la configuration d'Odoo. Le première phase concernent les modules CRM, Ventes et facturation. Dans un deuxième temps, Ecopoon a la volonté d’intégrer la partie logistique avec les modules Inventaire, Achat & Fabrication mais souhaite également développer un site e-commerce pour promouvoir leurs produits.
Ecoworld BVBA
About: Ecoworld's mission is to help individuals, small and medium-sized businesses and industrial zones find the right energy solutions for their needs. The goal is to provide a sustainable living environment, a key issue today that we all aspire to embrace. Investment in green energy is Ecoworld's main focus.

The challenges: Ecoworld wanted to have an overview of their solar panel inventory and manage the costs involved. A strong logistics policy was required to provide clarity on the flow of panels. The result: The project is still ongoing... We look forward to updating the results!

The solution: The technicians receive their schedule with an installation file and a list of the major materials needed for the installation. A stock management by van has been set up with scanning. A solution has yet to be put in place for the follow-up of small materials.

Main modules: Purchase, Sales, Inventory and Accounting.
Edition Ventures
Edition Ventures : Depuis 30 ans, le groupe Edition Ventures produit des magazines riches, innovants et répondant aux envies du lectorat belge. Les équipes d’Edition Ventures informent, divertissent et inspirent 2,6 millions de Belges qui, tous les mois, nous font confiance en lisant nos magazines, en consultant nos sites web ou en se rendant aux évènements organisés par le groupe. Modules : CRM, Sales, Invoicing, Accounting, Purchase, Project pour 25 utilisateurs.
Embelco Art Shipping
Embelco Art Shipping is specialised in transporting works of art and valuable objects. Thanks to Odoo, the entire process is centralised and automated.

Embelco Art Shipping is an expert in the packaging and transport of valuable items. Active since 1948, Embelco Art Shipping offers customised packaging, transport, customs formalities as well as storage and handling of exceptional goods.

Embelco Art Shipping worked with different management systems. The processes were managed through several software programs and then processed via Excel or Word, before being finally stored in binders. Embelco Art Shipping wanted to centralise the entire process into a single software program.

Eezee-it has enabled the centralisation of the entire work process: prospection, quotation, customer management, purchases, transport/deliveries, collection orders, invoices and official documents. Exchanges with prospects, customers, suppliers and accounting are also managed within Odoo.

Thanks to automation of all the steps via Odoo, Embelco Art Shipping can work more efficiently and focus on the data security of works of art.

Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Projects, Invoicing, Field Service, Documents, CRM, Email Marketing
Etablissements De Simone
Un contrôle de qualité automatisé à mettre en place, un processus à robotiser, une ligne de production à construire ou moderniser ? L’équipe de Desimone, composée de techniciens et ingénieurs spécialisés et passionnés en mécanique, pneumatique, hydraulique, électricité, automation et robotique vous attend pour, ensemble, vous aider à produire avec la plus grande efficacité et à moindre coût.

Découvrez le business case

Ethnicraft est une entreprise qui conçoit et fabrique des meubles et objets décoratifs d'une grande beauté, devenant ainsi les éléments fondamentaux des intérieurs de leurs clients. Forte d'une expérience de plus de 25 ans, la marque propose une gamme variée de meubles et d'accessoires de décoration, offrant des solutions esthétiques et fonctionnelles pour enrichir les espaces de vie.

European Business Aviation Association
What is the mission of EBAA ?


EBAA enables responsible, sustainable growth for business aviation, enhancing connectivity and creating opportunities.

Business Aviation provides closely tailored, flexible, point to point air transportation for individuals, governments, businesses and local communities in the most time-efficient way possible. It generally refers to an on-demand industry that consists of a mixture of commercial and non-commercial services that encompasses everything from charter to corporate and emergency medical flights.
Fadade Bijoux offers a premium selection of gold-plated jewelry, featuring an exquisite range of rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Each piece is crafted to add a touch of affordable luxury to everyday fashion.
Fruitcollect La mission principale de FruitCollect est de récolter les fruits non-consommés des jardins de particuliers afin de lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire. Cette ASBL soutient également les producteurs en rachetant leur surplus à prix juste. Une partie des fruits et légumes récoltés est directement redistribuée à des organisations sociales partenaires. Et afin de, l’autre partie récoltée est transformée en délicieux jus 100% belges et naturels dont les gains sont destinés à soutenir les actions sociales de FruitCollect.
FutureWave est une start up qui aide les organisations à mettre de nouveaux produits sur le marché grâce au design et à l’ingénierie. De l’idée à la production, FuturWave axe la conception et le développement des futurs produits sur l’innovation, l’esthétique, les interactions et les performances en associant designers et ingénieurs tout au long du processus.
GMG Consult specializes in functional architecture for omnichannel flows, focusing on e-commerce, online platforms such as Amazon, La Redoute, Vepee, Zalando, and POS systems. They excel in integrating external connectors like Klaviyo, Sendcloud, Shopify, enhancing e-commerce and logistic operations. GMG Consult provides tailored solutions to boost digital commerce and improve operational efficiency, leveraging their expertise to advance omnichannel strategies for businesses.
Giunti Psychometrics
Giunti Psychometrics, a company operating in the psychological assessment and educational sector, reached out to Eezee-IT for assistance with implementing a comprehensive invoicing system for their operations across multiple countries. Specifically, Giunti Psychometrics is looking to streamline and automate the invoicing process for their entities in five different countries. Given the complexity involved in handling different legal and financial regulations across various jurisdictions, they need a solution that ensures compliance with each country’s invoicing rules while maintaining efficiency and accuracy in their billing operations.
Groupe FDL
About :
The French company FDL is located in the wholesale category, and more specifically, its activity is the commercialization of furniture, carpets and lighting devices. FDL Groupe has registered a number of brands reflecting its expertise in furniture and decoration, such as SIA, MOODI, Practissimo Mobili Convertible, Home Sign and many others. FDL distributes its products to the four corners of the globe, and its internationally renowned brands are now essential references in the field of design furniture and interior decoration.​

The challenges :
FDL Groupe called on Eezee to sculpt and optimize the ecosystem of SIA, a pioneer in the world of decoration, to set up a single, centralized database, to manage the brand's sales on the various Marketplaces, and to simplify the management of logistics. ​
Also, FDL does not want to carry stock unless it is essential, which adds an additional constraint to inventory management and production orders. ​

The solution :
Eezee-It is putting in place the necessary connectors to allow for a seamless integration of Marketplaces into FDL's new database, in order to centralize the various sales channels: Shopify, Veepee, Mirakl, Wayfair and other marketplaces.​
Upstream, for the management of purchases, Eezee-It has developed a tool to optimally link the content of orders to the various suppliers, while taking into account their logistical methods (containers for bulky items, small shipments, etc.): the "Multi-supplier" tool. ​
In addition, certain orders will also generate manufacturing orders, in accordance with a kit guide developed by FDL, which must also be linked to the company's panel of suppliers. ​

The result :
The project is still in progress... We can't wait to share the results with you!​

Main modules :
Purchase, Sales, Accounting, Barcode, Inventory, Connectors (Shopify and Lengow).​
Heart of Gold
Heart of Gold propose une collection de vêtements pour enfants « pleine de couleurs chaudes et de tissus doux ». Pour leurs ventes en ligne, ils ont choisi les modules Calendar, Contacts, CRM, Sales, Inventory, Accounting, Barcode et Live Chat chez Odoo pour 3 utilisateurs.

Découvrez le case:

Heart of Gold :
Hydrolease est une entreprise spécialisée dans la location et la vente de machines de laveries résidentielles et professionnelles. 
ID Tech est une société experte dans le développement et la fabrication de systèmes de contrôle d’accès et de gestion de temps située à Isnes (Gembloux). ID Tech a choisi Odoo car leur système actuel est devenu obsolète et ne répond plus aux défis de la transformation digitale dans le monde de plus en plus concurrentiel du développement de solutions technologiques. Ils ont 29 utilisateurs et disposent des modules de CRM, facturation, ventes, website, eCommerce, comptabilité, inventaire, timesheets, abonnement, helpdesk, planification, etc…
In4care is a member organization that inspires and provides solutions by bringing people, organizations and resources from the healthcare sector, white economy, education and patients together.
The organisation collects a unique mix of people and organizations that find each other within In4care to exchange experiences and stay ahead of meaningful evolutions, innovations.
In4care is managing their operations with Odoo subscriptions, website (blog + forum), sales (coupon programs), invoicing, inventory, events, email marketing and purchases.

Décourvrez le case
In4Care :
InterServices Srl
RSM is a powerful network of audit, tax and consulting experts with offices all over the world. As an integrated team, we share skills, insight and resources, as
well as a client-centric approach that’s based on a deep understanding of your business. This is how we empower you to move forward with confidence and
realise your full potential. This is The Power of Being Understood.

Découvrez le case:
J&JOY est une marque de mode belge pour toute la famille. Nous concevons des vêtements colorés, fun, pensés dans les moindres détails et inspirés de voyages, de culture ou d’événements à travers le monde afin d’offrir à nos clients des moments d’évasion au quotidien. La marque a choisi Odoo pour avoir une gestion intégrée de leur site et suivi de commande. Ils ont 23 utilisateurs et disposent des modules de CRM, facturation, ventes, website, eCommerce, comptabilité, inventaire, etc…
Aubier Depuis 1985, L’Aubier met sa créativité et son savoir-faire au service de vos espaces d’exception. Spécialisés dans la conception de mobilier sur mesure haut de gamme, ils réalisent chacun de leurs projets avec une exigence constante de perfection. La société a choisi Odoo pour avoir une gestion intégrée de leur activité. Ils ont 4 utilisateurs et disposent des modules de vente, facturation, Inventaire, achats, feuille de temps, comptabilité, …
Les Parquets du Monde ( BHE)
Les Parquets du monde, spécialiste du parquet depuis plus de 30 ans, conseille et accompagne ses clients de la sélection de parquet massif, multicouche et/ou parquet stratifié/laminé de haute qualité et de fabrication locale, au choix d’essence de bois. De la pose à l’entretien, une vaste de gamme de produits, de conseils et de machines en location est proposée. Un système intégré devenait indispensable pour améliorer le suivi des commandes et locations et les modules Odoo suivants ont été sélectionnés : Inventaire, Contacts, CRM, Facturation, Location, Achats, Sign, Ventes pour 6 utilisateurs
Live Light BV
Live Light : Ne regrettez plus jamais d'avoir acheté le mauvais meuble. Live Light vous permet d'obtenir le design de vos rêves à un taux mensuel avec une flexibilité totale. Retournez, changez ou achetez quand vous voulez sans jamais payer plus que le prix de détail. Modules : Sales, Invoicing, Inventory, Website, Subscription, Purchase et eCommerce
Livorno Salotti Europe bvba
Livorno Salloti manufactures and imports functional furnitures such as Liftchairs, Recliner Sofas and Sofa Beds.
Luminus : Rechargez votre véhicule électrique à domicile ou sur la route avec les solutions de recharge Luminus e-Mobility. Les solutions de recharge de Luminus e-Mobility pour particuliers sont adaptées à tous les véhicules électriques et plug-in hybrides et vous sont proposées sous forme de packs adaptés à vos besoins afin de vous simplifier le passage à la mobilité électrique.
Maison Chardin
Apiculteurs depuis 1883.
Odoo V16 - Online
Applications Odoo : Ventes, Achats, Stock, E-commerce, Comptabilité, Notes de frais
Mexie, Orlans
Mexie combines a love story between Mexico, animals, and craftsmanship, originating from a personal journey and the rescue of a small furry friend from the streets of Mexico. Launched in 2019, Mexie offers unique, handmade items crafted by the Tzotzil community in Chiapas, Mexico. Purchasing Mexie products supports local weavers and helps preserve their customs and traditions. Additionally, Mexie contributes to "Dog Prana," an organization aiding street dogs in Mexico, with each collar sold​​.
Mix Gym
Where hotel and restaurant, library and gym, events and bar mingle.

Ready to revitalize your body and mind?
Sweat it up with a workout of your choice. Then let loose with a moment of relaxation or wellness. Find the perfect playground for adults only. All the fun under one roof.

For wonderful naps, long sleeps and soft wakings.
Whether you’re in town for a night or a little while, our 4 star hotel will help you get a good night’s rest. 180 rooms that exude a soft warmth, inviting you to unwind after a busy day. No frills and frivolity, but a timeless minimal aesthetic.

For breakfast, lunch and late-night diners
The Mix brings together 3 restaurants under one iconic roof. For those on the go and those who rather take it slow. Exquisite dishes for breakfast, lunch, cocktail and late night dinner with locally sourced ingredients for every occasion.

For colleagues and friends, presentations and parties.
15 spaces to bend and combine, for every need. Room for up to 300 guests. 1000 ways to bring your event ideas to life, just you imagine it. All in one location.
Aujourd’hui, nous sommes heureux de proposer notre « Stone Collection » comprenant cinq gammes complètes de produits, comme les PearlStone ou les LifeStone, entre autres. 

Des solutions idéales pour l'aménagement d'espaces extérieurs et intérieurs, comme les sols, les allées, les plans d’eau, les jardins et les terrasses.
NBN - Bureau voor Normalisatie - Bureau de Normalisation
Het Bureau voor Normalisatie (NBN) is verantwoordelijk voor het ontwikkelen en verkopen van normen in België. Daarnaast organiseert het NBN ook opleidingen over het gebruik van managementnormen.
Nobel Collection
The Noble Collection France, active for over 14 years, stands out in the wholesale market with a unique specialization in "Noble Collection" brand products. This company offers an exquisite selection of detailed figurines, refined trinkets, and objects in precious metals. Featuring a catalog of officially licensed products from captivating worlds such as Harry Potter™, Fantastic Beasts™, The Lord of the Rings™, The Hobbit™, Game of Thrones™, and DC Comics™, The Noble Collection France provides high-quality replicas and derivative products, designed to transport consumers into their favorite narrative universes.
Omexco is a Belgian brand of fine wallcoverings, founded in 1976. In our atelier close to Brussels, we design and manufacture exquisite wall decorations to dress your rooms in tactile beauty. Printed, woven or natural, each one of our creations is custom cut to bring poetry to your space. Reducing our environmental footprint is at the heart of every decision we make, since the seventies. We don’t cover your walls, we make them stand out.
OneLife SA is a biomedical company specializing in decontamination solutions for Medical Devices and the hospital environment. OneLife is a spin-off of Realco SA, world leader in enzyme-based hygiene. OneLife provides innovative enzymatic detergence products, protocols and services that support high-level decontamination, including detection and treatment of biofilm and bioburden in health care facilities.
PCB Decontamination
Founded in 1995, SUEZ PCB Decontamination sa is the SUEZ company specialized in the management and treatment of electric appliances and other waste contaminated with PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls).

Découvrez le case
Suez :
Partenamut propose des assurances hospitalisation et soins dentaires adaptées aux besoins de chacun afin de bénéficier des meilleurs remboursements.
Partena Promeris
Partena Promeris a constitué plusieurs fonds d'investissement à vocation sociale pour aider les gens à vivre aussi longtemps que possible de manière autonome à domicile, ou pour encourager l’entrepreneuriat social, au travers de quelques entreprises affichant une plus-value sociale pour la collectivité.
Pimalion (Romulus) : Pimalion est une plateforme SaaS collaborative qui accompagne les équipes Marketing, IT, Web, Digital, Achat, et bien d’autres départements afin d’assurer une gestion performante et qualitative des données du référentiel produit jusqu’au niveau de toutes les opérations de communication et toutes les publications online et offline. Avec Pimalion, vous optimisez avec agilité et rapidité votre communication multicanale, sa complexité, son niveau de qualité et son coût.
About : Politeia is THE specialist in public sector contact data. It can assist you in an elaborate communication plan or in a simple search for a specific contact. Politeia is RGPD compliant and is the result of a public-private partnership between the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities and Politeia NV, which specializes in the publishing of public sector publications. 

Challenges : With the objective to succeed in fluidifying its processes and to reduce the loss of information, Politeia wishes to centralize its various sources of information and to set up an integrated tool in order to automate and optimize its daily work. A unification of the CRM, the sale and the accounting is required. The result : The project is still ongoing... We look forward to updating the results! 

The solution : A CRM to facilitate the follow-up of a request and better determine the reasons for lost opportunities, a rigorous sales flow to optimize subscription sales as well as their renewal, an autonomous and complete accounting software to simplify the daily operations and to facilitate the reporting. 

Main modules: CRM, Sales, Accounting, Subscriptions and E-mail marketing
Prodata Mobility
PPT Excellence fournit des équipements de validation pour intégrer des portails tiers, des validateurs de plate-forme, des systèmes de parking, des systèmes de péage. Ne disposant pas d’un système intégré, ils ont choisi Odoo pour installer un système plus performant, notamment grâce aux modules suivants : Purchase, Invoicing, Sales, CRM, Studio, Inventory Management, Project, Timesheet et Approvals pour 6 utilisateurs.
Forts de plus de 10 ans d’expérience, nous nous positionnons comme experts en matière d’étude, de conception et de réalisation de pièces mécaniques et électrotechniques. Ils ont une vingtaine d’utilisateurs Odoo et ont choisi les modules suivants : CRM, Timesheets, facturation, ventes, achat, inventaire, document, projet, comptabilité, qualité, congés, maintenance, manufacturing.
Radiologic Park
Radiologic Park est une initiative de l'association des Assistants et Anciens Assistants en radiologie de l'UCLouvain. Ce site, à vocation exclusivement pédagogique, est destiné aux étudiants et aux médecins et est orienté essentiellement vers l'imagerie diagnostique. Radiologic Park utilise les modules Site Web, Membership, Ventes, Facturation et E-learning.
Thanks to its enzyme discoveries and its mastery of the natural protein, for more than 30 years REALCO has pushed the limits of classic chemistry. Its enzymatic technology research allows it to propose new and high-performance solutions.The compa...

Découvrez le case:
Rhea NV
Rhea : At Rhea we specialize in Business applications for corporate environments and have broken down our services in 3 main topics: Enhanced development, Re-development of legacy applications and Maintenance and support. Odoo modules: CRM, Website, Project, Invoicing, Email Marketing, Subscription, Sales, Timesheets, Events, Helpdesk for 9 users.
Smico is a financial institution specialized in providing microcredit in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Their objective is to promote financial inclusion by offering loan services to small businesses and individual entrepreneurs who have limited access to traditional financing.

About: SMICO SA is a Congolese (DRC) microcredit company, whose head office is located in Goma. Its objective is to provide its clients with a range of credit and savings services adapted to their needs. It participates in the economic development of micro- entrepreneurs and the individual development of individuals.

The challenges: Optimize customer relationship management by capturing, processing and analyzing information about customers and prospects. This is done in order to improve acquisitions and build customer loyalty by offering them quality services. The objective is to make the work of sales teams more efficient by determining a framework for steering and monitoring interactions with customers.

The solution :A centralized CRM that allows us to easily track defaulted borrowers, follow the prospecting of potential customers, track inactive customers, do marketing campaigns via email and SMS. 

The result: The project is still ongoing... We look forward to updating the results!

Main modules: CRM, Email marketing, Documents, Social marketing and Helpdesk.
Shape your future bv
SHAPE YOUR FUTURE! werkt met een hart voor doeners met ambitie die op een authentieke manier leiding en richting willen geven aan mensen of organisaties én daarbij ook leiding willen nemen van zichzelf.

We begeleiden organisaties & mensen in hun persoonlijke en professionele ontdekkingstocht om hun toekomst zelf vorm te geven
Socofor has been managing forest properties for over 40 years. The cooperative now has complete monitoring of its activities and members, thanks to Odoo.

About: Socofor is a cooperative forestry company, run by forest owners who want to develop their wood and resell it. Created more than 40 years ago, the cooperative offers its members the possibility to manage their forest property. Socofor’s specialties are the sale of wood, management and forestry expertise.

The challenges: In order to improve management overall, Socofor wanted to have a centralized view that brings together the forest properties it manages, its members and all information related to the cooperative.

The solution: The project comprised the integration of Socofor’s accounting within Odoo plus the development of specific modules for the management of forest properties, timber resale and membership.

The result: Thanks to Odoo, Socofor has a tool to manage and track the forest properties, the cooperative members and all the diverse information, such as change of ownership,  surface area, etc. The system also enables Socofor to automatically calculate commissions related to the sale of wood.

Main modules: Accounting, Invoicing, Members Management, Forest Properties Management
Solution Mobilité
Solumob offre des solutions de transport avec accompagnement dans des véhicules professionnels adaptés au profit des malades et des personnes souffrant d’un handicap. En tant qu’entreprise sociale, Solumob offre du travail à des chômeurs de longue durée.
Srl Kult Kefir

Kult Kefir propose bien plus qu'une simple limonade - c'est une boisson ancienne et traditionnelle élaborée à partir de la fermentation de fruits frais biologiques et de plantes naturelles, créant une boisson pétillante riche en acides organiques variés. En mettant de côté les sucres et les ingrédients aux noms imprononçables, KULT allie la puissance de la bioscience à l'art de la fermentation pour offrir une boisson unique.
Stijn Events BV is a platform offering both online and physical networking events focused on authenticity and goodwill. It's designed for entrepreneurs looking to make smarter connections without sales pitches, but through discussions on common interests and touchpoints. Their events, spread across all Flemish provinces, aim for fun, friendliness, and sustainable growth, often accompanied by fine dining and inspiring speakers. Participants highlight the value of unforced contact, human-to-human dialogue, knowledge sharing, and building relational networks. Discover more about their unique approach to networking on their website.
Stéphanie Manneh
Stéphanie Manneh is a Brussels Bar attorney, specializing in human rights, family law, and civil liability law. A graduate of the Saint-Louis University Brussels and the Catholic University of Louvain, she has offered her legal expertise since 2014 and joined the firm Dayez Avocats Associés in 2019.
R&C Desk is your provider for all your documents needed to move your product safely in different parts of Africa. We are here to help you with a CTN request. AKA CTN, ECTN, e-ICTN, FERI, BESC, BIETC, CEE, waiver, certificates - this document is mandatory for all shipments to different ports in Africa.

An ECTN contains all necessary information about the exporter and importer, cargo type / quantity, type and quantity of cargo, ship information, value of goods, freight costs, etc.

In other words, everything that is important to ensure a fast and efficient unloading of goods at destination.
Depuis 2010, TechIT s'est imposé comme l'interlocuteur privilégié en matière de technologie. En se spécialisant dans les domaines de la téléphonie, de l'informatique, de l'internet et de la comptabilité, TechIT offre des services axés sur les dernières technologies éprouvées, assurant ainsi la durabilité du travail de leurs clients.
The 12th Player BV
About : Eleven Sports is the #1 platform for sports fans in Belgium. The best of Belgian and international soccer, through the NBA, not to mention the NFL, UFC and many more. The channels meet the highest national and international standards, with French and Dutch commentary. The channels are broadcast 24/7 on multi-screen and full HD.

The challenges : Eleven launches a B2B offer dedicated to the Horeca for the start of the new Jupiler Pro League season. As of July 22, 2022, a license will be required for all establishments that wish to broadcast the Eleven Pro League channels on their screens. A license that is an additional charge to a subscription of a sports package with the operator of the establishment. With this offer, bars and restaurants will have free access to the application "Footbar" where they can promote their products.

The result: The implementation of the B2B solution was completed in a record time of 8 weeks! The season can begin...

The solution : A platform for account creation and invoicing. The Horeca public will be able, after creating their account, to subscribe to licenses, choose a payment frequency, have access to a customer portal through which Eleven will centralize its communication, use "Footbar" to boost their visibility and consult their invoices. In a second phase, Eleven will integrate "E-goi" to manage its CRM.

Main modules : Sales, Subscriptions, Invoicing, Helpdesk, Website en REST API.
The Food Family
The Food Family positions itself as a dynamic partner for consumer goods companies aiming to enter the retail market. They provide a comprehensive service package that includes market induction, coaching, manuals, as well as commercial and financial advice, all tailored to the specific needs of each client. Their expertise is encapsulated in five key areas: Go-To-Market Analysis, Sales Growth, Negotiation, Strategy, and Key Financial Metrics, ensuring a holistic approach to market entry and business growth.
The Society Shop
"Dutch mentality and Italian luxury with an English twist since 1934"

The Society Shop kiest stijl boven fashion, denken tijdloos en vinden dat je met kleding laat zien wie je bent. We geloven in value for money, eerlijke producten tegen een eerlijke prijs. We houden van een gekke mix van kleuren en patronen, alles klopt wanneer het net niet perfect is. We verkiezen maatwerk boven confectie. We zijn een ‘Amsterdam brand’, maar onze stoffen komen van over de hele wereld. We bestaan sinds 1934 en geloven in service, maar dan ook echte service.
Top On Web
Créée en 2009 de l’expérience commune de ses deux fondateurs, Gil Goorman et Benjamin Lemagne, Top On Web est une agence de référencement et de création de site web située à Nivelles. L’objectif permanent est d’offrir une approche personnalisée et adaptée aux besoins de chaque projet. La société a choisi Odoo pour avoir une gestion intégrée de leurs commandes. Ils ont 15 utilisateurs et disposent des modules de facturation, ventes, abonnement, helpdesk, comptabilité et studio.
Tuinhoutcentrum Kontich, Jeroen De Troyer
The garden wood specialist in Antwerp

Tuinhoutcentrum specialises in garden wood. Garden gates, sheds, playground equipment, carports or custom fences. Tuinhoutcentrum has many years of experience as wood specialist for gardens.

The durability and quality of the wood are its most important assets.

Tuinhoutcentrum has chosen Eezee-it as a partner for its overall management through Odoo.
We've got a fine selection of wines from France and around the world, as well as yummy fine foods.
Vermeir Lansen Metaalconstructie
VLM montage propose une gamme complète de services, tels que le montage, le gréage, la maintenance mécanique et les révisions, les constructions métalliques et en inox, le déplacement interne de machines, les déménagements industriels, ainsi que les travaux de soudage sur site, et bien d'autres encore. Leurs compétences sont mises à disposition d'une variété d'entreprises industrielles, de PME et d'organismes publics.
Vlaamse Audiovisuele Regie
est une chaîne belge de la radio-télévision publique flamande.

WOODSTAG est une marque belge spécialisée dans la création d'accessoires recyclés, tels que noeuds papillons, portefeuilles, chaussettes et boutons de manchettes, conçus à partir de bois, cuir et coton. Avec un webshop et une présence dans les commerces, WOODSTAG se distingue par son engagement envers une vision écologique, locale et sociale de la mode.

Zonga offers new group accommodations for +50 people located in 'Domaine du Bonsoy' in Hastière with 3 dormitories for 20, 14 and 16 people. Combined with a wellness area that offers a sauna and two whirlpools for 2 people and a large covered terrace with barbecue, it is the place to be for group excursions. They chose the following modules from Odoo: CRM, Sales, Invoicing, Accounting and Website for 2 users.
Digital Dot was founded to support the digital printing company of tomorrow. Companies like yours. Whether you need technical support, you’re looking into buying or selling a new printer, you want to optimize the output quality and colors or you’re searching to reduce production time and cost.

Découvrez le case digital dot:
mdcm, MDCM admin
MDCM sprl, led by an independent consultant since 2006, specializes in ICT and payments sector projects, including IT strategy, electronic payments, and e-commerce. Serving Belgian and international clients like Mastercard, it focuses on delivering concrete results through a blend of business and technology skills, program management, and team development.
mvnh, Matthieu Vanheer
MVNH excels in customer consulting and after-sales service within the Odoo ecosystem. They focus on enhancing customer satisfaction through tailored solutions and improving processes to ensure high-quality service experiences. MVNH guarantees service levels and SLAs, managing teams effectively to deliver exceptional client support and operational improvements, ensuring clients receive comprehensive, efficient service tailored to their needs.