Crafthouse Oy
Crafthouse toimittaa Odoo-järjestelmään pohjautuvia ratkaisuja kaikille toimialoille kuten vähittäiskauppaan, tukkukauppaan, valmistavaan teollisuuteen ja palvelualalle. Henkilöstöllämme on yli 6 vuoden kokemus Odoo-järjestelmästä ja siihen liittyvistä konsultointi- ja kehitystehtävistä.
Toteutamme vaativiakin sovituksia, räätälöintejä ja integraatioita Odoo-järjestelmän päälle. Konsulttimme ovat sertifioituja Odoo-asiantuntijoita valmiina palvelemaan Teitä ja täyttämään yrityksenne tarpeet.
Crafthouse provides Odoo-based solutions to all industries like retail, wholesale, manufacturing and service sector in Finland. Our people have 6+ year experience of working with Odoo.
We provide any kind of customizations and integrations tailored exactly for customer's requirements. Our consultants are certified Odoo experts, ready to serve and fulfill your needs.
Contact information:
Crafthouse Oy
Atomitie 5 C
00370 Helsinki
Tel: +358 10 8370120
Sales email:
Apuväline Avux, a wholesaler and retailer of various aids, previously used several different systems and countless excel tables to manage its operations. In 2018, they wanted to switch to a single system that would integrate the Magento 2 online store. Now Avux's inventory management, sales process from orders to invoicing and the POS are all handled by Odoo. Read more about the company:
Cambridge Ohjelma Finland on perustettu vuonna 2008 ja yritys on erikoistunut laihdutustuotteisiin ja painonhallintaan, jotka pohjautuvat Britanniassa perustettuun Cambridge-ohjelmaan. Ideologia tiivistyy vähäenergisiin ateriankorvikkeisiin, oivalluksien kautta oppimiseen ja uusien elintapojen harjoitteluun valmennuksessa.
Cambridge Programme Finland was founded in 2008 and specialises in weight loss products and weight management based on the Cambridge Programme, which was established in the UK. The ideology boils down to low-energy meal replacements, learning through insights and practising new lifestyles in coaching.
Hifikulma, established in 1997, is a store specializing in audio and visual solutions. Forssan Hifikulma Oy is a long-standing, expert retailer in home technology and entertainment electronics. The company offers its customers a wide range of high-quality audio, video, and home electronics products, along with personalized service that prioritizes customer care. Forssan Hifikulma is particularly known as a specialist in hi-fi and home theater systems, tailoring solutions to meet the needs of its customers.
Talouspörssi is a Finnish family business that has been serving its customers for years by offering weekly affordable deals and high-quality products to make everyday life easier. Talouspörssi has stores in Mynämäki, Uusikaupunki, Turku, and Paimio. Crafthouse has implemented a Retail extension in the Odoo database for the client.
Remomedi is a manufacturer of automatic pharmacy products. The company manufactures and sells drug safes that can operate either in pharmacies or even at end-customer locations (for example, at elderly care homes).
Rokomera Tukku Oy is an agency business founded in 1998. It is an import company for numerous independent retailers. Shareholders include companies such as Veljeksen Keskinen Oy, Saiturinpörssi, Tavaratalo Minimani, Hangon Halpahalli, and many other well-known retail businesses. Crafthouse has implemented comprehensive customization to the Odoo database, enhancing and streamlining Rokomera's extensive import process.
Säästötalo Latvala is a department store operating in Lohja and Karjaa. Crafthouse has developed a Retail extension for the customer's Odoo database.
Tavaratalo Valte Oy is a versatile and customer-oriented department store offering a wide range of products for everyday needs. At Tavaratalo Valte, you can find supplies for your home, leisure activities, and even the most unique small projects.
Vaalimaan Kauppakartano Oy (operating under the trade name Rajamarket) is a wholesale and retail company established in 1997. The company operates six stores in Southeast Finland: in Kotka, Imatra, two in Lappeenranta, and two in Vaalimaa. The product range includes groceries, household goods, textiles, car accessories and chemicals, as well as detergents and cleaning supplies. Crafthouse has developed a Retail extension for Rajamarket's Odoo database.