
Il existe de nombreux types de taxes et leur application varie considérablement, en fonction principalement de la localisation de votre entreprise. Pour s’assurer qu’elles soient enregistrées avec précision, le moteur de taxes d’Odoo prend en charge toutes sortes d’utilisations et de calculs.

Taxes par défaut

Default taxes define which taxes are automatically selected when creating a new product. They are also used to prefill the Taxes field when adding a new line on an invoice in Accounting Firms mode.

Odoo remplit automatiquement le champ de taxe en fonction des Taxes par défaut

To change your default taxes, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Taxes ‣ Default Taxes, select the appropriate taxes for your default sales tax and purchase tax, and click on Save.

Définir les taxes à utiliser par défaut sur Odoo


Default taxes are automatically set up according to the country selected at the creation of your database, or when you set up a fiscal localization package for your company.

Activate sales taxes from the list view

As part of your fiscal localization package, most of your country’s sales taxes are already preconfigured on your database. However, only a few taxes are activated by default. To activate taxes relevant to your business, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Taxes and enable the toggle button under the Active column.

Activez les taxes préconfigurées dans Odoo Comptabilité


To edit or create a tax, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Taxes and open a tax or click on New.

Modification d'une taxe dans Odoo Comptabilité

Basic options

Tax name

The tax name is displayed for backend users in the Taxes field in sales orders, invoices, product forms, etc.

Tax computation

  • Groupe de taxes

    The tax is a combination of multiple sub-taxes. You can add as many taxes as you want, in the order you want them to be applied.


    Assurez-vous que l’ordre des taxes est correct, car l’ordre dans lequel elles se trouvent peut avoir un impact sur le calcul des montants des taxes, surtout si l’une des taxes affecte la base des suivantes.

  • Fixe

    The tax has a fixed amount in the default currency. The amount remains the same, regardless of the sales price.


A product has a sales price of $1000, and we apply a $10 fixed tax. We then have:

Product sales price

Prix hors taxe







  • Percentage of price

    The sales price is the taxable basis: the tax amount is computed by multiplying the sales price by the tax percentage.


A product has a sales price of $1000, and we apply a 10% of Price tax. We then have:

Product sales price

Prix hors taxe







  • Pourcentage du prix toutes taxes comprises

    The total is the taxable basis: the tax amount is a percentage of the total.


A product has a Sales Price of $1000, and we apply a 10% of Price Tax Included tax. We then have:

Product sales price

Prix hors taxe







  • Python code

    A tax defined as Python code consists of two snippets of Python code that are executed in a local environment containing data such as the unit price, product or partner. Python Code defines the amount of the tax, and Applicable Code defines if the tax is to be applied. The formula is found at the bottom of the Definition tab.


Python Code: result = price_unit * 0.10 Applicable Code: result = true


Only active taxes can be added to new documents.


Il n’est pas possible de supprimer des taxes déjà utilisées. Au lieu de cela, vous pouvez les désactiver pour empêcher une utilisation future.


This field can be modified from the list view.

Tax type

The Tax Type determines the tax application, which also restricts where it is displayed.

  • Sales: Customer invoices, product customer taxes, etc.

  • Purchase: Vendor bills, product vendor taxes, etc.

  • Aucun


You can use None for taxes that you want to include in a Group of Taxes but that you do not want to list along with other sales or purchase taxes.

Tax scope

The Tax Scope restricts the use of taxes to a type of product, either goods or services.

Onglet Définition

Allocate with precision the amount of the taxable basis or percentages of the computed tax to multiple accounts and tax grids.

Allouer des montants de la taxe aux bons comptes et grilles fiscales
  • Basé sur:

    • Base: the price on the invoice line

    • % of tax: a percentage of the computed tax.

  • Account: if defined, an additional journal item is recorded.

  • Tax Grids: used to generate tax reports automatically, according to your country’s regulations.

Advanced options tab

Label on invoices

The tax label is displayed on each invoice line in the Taxes column. This is visible to front-end users on exported invoices, in customer portals, etc.

The label on invoices is displayed on each invoice line

Tax group

Select which tax group the tax belongs to. The tax group name is the displayed above the total line on exported invoices and in customer portals.

Tax groups include different iterations of the same tax. This can be useful when you must record the same tax differently according to fiscal positions.


Le nom du groupe de taxes est différent de l'étiquette sur les factures

In the example above, the 0% EU S tax for intra-community customers in Europe records the amount on specific accounts and tax grids. However, it remains a 0% tax to the customer. This is why the label indicates 0% EU S, and the tax group name above the Total line indicates VAT 0%.


Les taxes ont trois étiquettes différentes, chacune ayant une utilisation spécifique. Reportez-vous au tableau suivant pour voir où elles sont affichés.

Nom de la taxe

Étiquette sur facture

Groupe de taxes


Taxes column on exported invoices

Above the Total line on exported invoices

Include in analytic cost

With this option activated, the tax amount is assigned to the same analytic account as the invoice line.

Included in price

With this option activated, the total (including the tax) equals the sales price.

Total = Sales Price = Computed Tax-Excluded price + Tax


A product has a sales price of $1000, and we apply a 10% of Price tax, which is included in the price. We then have:

Product sales price

Prix hors taxe








Si vous avez besoin de définir avec précision des prix, hors taxes ou toutes taxes comprises, veuillez consulter la documentation suivante : Prix B2B (hors taxes) et B2C (toutes taxes comprises).


By default, only the Tax excluded column is displayed on invoices. To display the Tax included column, click the dropdown toggle button and check Tax incl..


Affect base of subsequent taxes

Avec cette option, le total TTC devient la base imposable des autres taxes appliquées au même produit.

You can configure a new group of taxes to include this tax or add it directly to a product line.

L'écotaxe est prise en compte dans la base de la TVA de 21%


L’ordre dans lequel vous ajoutez les taxes sur une ligne de produit n’a aucun effet sur la façon dont les montants sont calculés. Si vous ajoutez les taxes directement sur une ligne de produit, seule la séquence des taxes détermine l’ordre dans lequel elles sont appliquées.

Pour réorganiser la séquence, allez à Comptabilité ‣ Configuration ‣ Taxes, et faites glisser et déposer les lignes avec les indicateurs situés à côté des noms de taxes.

La séquence des taxes dans Odoo détermine quelle taxe s'applique en premier

Extra taxes

« Extra taxes » is a broad term referring to additional taxes beyond the standard or basic taxes imposed by governments. These extra taxes can be luxury taxes, environmental taxes, import or export duties taxes, etc.


The method to compute these taxes varies across different countries. We recommend consulting your country’s regulations to understand how to calculate them for your business.

To compute an extra tax in Odoo, create a tax, enter a tax name, select a Tax Computation, set an Amount, and in the Advanced Options tab, check Affect Base of Subsequent Taxes. Then, drag and drop the taxes in the order they should be computed.


  • In Belgium, the formula to compute an environmental tax is: (product price + environmental tax) x sales tax. Therefore, our environmental tax has to come before the sales tax in the computation sequence.

  • In our case, we created a 5% environmental tax (Ecotax) and put it before the Belgian base tax of 21%.

Environmental tax sequence in Belgium.