Upgrade utils

Upgrade utils is a library that contains helper functions to facilitate the writing of upgrade scripts. This library, used by Odoo for the upgrade scripts of standard modules, provides reliability and helps speed up the upgrade process:

  • The helper functions help make sure the data is consistent in the database.

  • It takes care of indirect references of the updated records.

  • Allows calling functions and avoid writing code, saving time and reducing development risks.

  • Helpers allow to focus on what is important for the upgrade and not think of details.


Clone the Upgrade utils repository locally and start odoo with the src directory prepended to the --upgrade-path option.

$ ./odoo-bin --upgrade-path=/path/to/upgrade-util/src,/path/to/other/upgrade/script/directory [...]

On platforms where you do not manage Odoo yourself, you can install this library via pip:

$ python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/odoo/upgrade-util@master

On Odoo.sh it is recommended to add it to the requirements.txt of the custom repository. For this, add the following line inside the file:

odoo_upgrade @ git+https://github.com/odoo/upgrade-util@master

Using upgrade utils

Once installed, the following packages are available for the upgrade scripts:

  • odoo.upgrade.util: the helper itself.

  • odoo.upgrade.testing: base TestCase classes.

To use it in upgrade scripts, simply import it:

from odoo.upgrade import util

def migrate(cr, version):
   # Rest of the script

Now, the helper functions are available to be called through util.

Util functions

Upgrade utils provides many useful functions to ease the upgrade process. Here, we describe some of the most useful ones. Refer to the util folder for the comprehensive declaration of helper functions.


The cr parameter in util functions always refers to the database cursor. Pass the one received as a parameter in migrate(). Not all functions need this parameter.


Utility functions for module-level operations.

In most cases module operations (rename, merge, remove, …) should be performed in a base script. The reason is that once the base module is upgraded, all the information regarding modules should be already set in the DB for the upgrade process to function correctly.

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.modules_installed(cr, *modules)[broncode]

Return whether all given modules are installed.


modules (list(str)) – names of the modules to check

Return type



In the context of upgrades a module is considered as installed if it is marked for upgrade, or for installation; even if they are not yet fully installed.

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.module_installed(cr, module)[broncode]

Return whether a module is installed.


module (str) – name of the module to check

Return type


See modules_installed().

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.uninstall_module(cr, module)[broncode]

Uninstall and remove all records owned by a module.


module (str) – name of the module to uninstall

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.uninstall_theme(cr, theme, base_theme=None)[broncode]

Uninstall a theme module and remove it from websites.

  • theme (str) – name of the theme module to uninstall

  • base_theme (str or None) – if not None, unload first this base theme


This function can only be used in post- scripts of website module as it relies on the ORM.

See remove_theme() and uninstall_module().

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.remove_module(cr, module)[broncode]

Completely remove a module.

This operation is equivalent to uninstall and removal of all references to the module - no trace of it is left in the database.


module (str) – name of the module to remove


Since this function removes all data associated to the module. Ensure to reassign records before calling this function.

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.remove_theme(cr, theme, base_theme=None)[broncode]

Uninstall a theme module.


This function can only be used in post- scripts.

See remove_module() and uninstall_theme().

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.rename_module(cr, old, new)[broncode]

Rename a module and all references to it.

  • old (str) – current name of the module to rename

  • new (str) – new name of the module to rename

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.merge_module(cr, old, into, update_dependers=True)[broncode]

Merge a module into another.

This function moves all references and records from the source module to the destination module.


This functions does not remove any record, but it removes xml_ids from the source module with a conflicting name in the destination module.

  • old (str) – name of the module to be merged

  • into (str) – name of the module to merge into

  • update_dependers (bool) – whether the dependencies of modules that depend on old are updated

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.force_install_module(cr, module, if_installed=None)[broncode]

Force the ORM to install a module.

  • module (str) – name of the module to install

  • if_installed (list(str) or None) – only force the install when these modules are already installed

Return str

the original state of the module

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.force_upgrade_of_fresh_module(cr, module, init=True)[broncode]

Force the execution of upgrade scripts for a module that is being installed.

Standard Odoo doesn’t run upgrade scripts when a module is being installed. This makes sense because, technically speaking, the module is not being upgraded. Still, it happens that a (new) module needs to perform some operations for it to be correctly installed, like grabbing data from another module. This is common when a module is functionally split into several ones.

  • module (str) – name of the module for which to force the execution of upgrade scripts

  • init (bool) – whether to set the module to be in init mode

Being in init mode has the side effect of not respecting noupdate flags, in XML file nor in ir_model_data.

odoo.upgrade.util.modules.move_model(cr, model, from_module, to_module, move_data=False, keep=())[broncode]

Move a model from one module to another.

  • model (str) – name of the model to move

  • from_module (str) – name of the module where the model is originally defined

  • to_module (str) – name of the destination module where the model is to be moved

  • move_data (bool) – whether to also update ir_model_data for records of the model

  • keep (list(str)) – list of XML ids to keep - not move

This function can be called for moving overrides of a model to another module. As it cannot distinguish between source model or inherited model, it raises an exception if the destination module isn’t installed.


Utility functions for modifying models.

Model operations are best done in pre- script of the involved modules.

odoo.upgrade.util.models.remove_model(cr, model, drop_table=True, ignore_m2m=())[broncode]

Remove a model and its references from the database.

Some required indirect references to the model are replaced by the unknown model - an empty model that serves as placeholder for gone models.

  • model (str) – name of the model to remove

  • drop_table (bool) – whether to drop the table of this model

  • ignore_m2m (list(str) or str) – list of m2m tables to ignore - not removed, use "*" to ignore (keep) all m2m tables

odoo.upgrade.util.models.delete_model(cr, model, drop_table=True, ignore_m2m=())[broncode]

Remove a model and its references from the database.

Some required indirect references to the model are replaced by the unknown model - an empty model that serves as placeholder for gone models.

  • model (str) – name of the model to remove

  • drop_table (bool) – whether to drop the table of this model

  • ignore_m2m (list(str) or str) – list of m2m tables to ignore - not removed, use "*" to ignore (keep) all m2m tables

odoo.upgrade.util.models.rename_model(cr, old, new, rename_table=True)[broncode]

Rename a model.

  • old (str) – current name of the model to rename

  • new (str) – new name of the model to rename

  • rename_table (bool) – whether to also rename the table of the model

odoo.upgrade.util.models.merge_model(cr, source, target, drop_table=True, fields_mapping=None, ignore_m2m=())[broncode]

Merge a model into another one.

This function moves all the references from source model into target model and removes source model and its references. By default, only the fields with the same name in both models are moved from source to target, optionally a mapping with differently named fields can be provided.


This function does not move the records from source model to target model.

  • source (str) – name of the model to be merged

  • target (str) – name of the destination model to merge into

  • drop_table (bool) – whether to drop the table of the source model

  • fields_mapping (dict or None) – mapping of field names from source to target model, when None only fields with same name are moved

  • ignore_m2m (list(str) or str) – list of m2m tables ignored to remove from source model.


Utility functions for modifying model fields.

Field operations are best done in pre- script of the involved modules. In some cases a preliminary operation could be done in pre and finished in post. A common example is to remove a field in pre- keeping its column, later used in post when the column is finally dropped.

odoo.upgrade.util.fields.remove_field(cr, model, fieldname, cascade=False, drop_column=True, skip_inherit=())[broncode]

Remove a field and its references from the database.

This function also removes the field from inheriting models, unless exceptions are specified in skip_inherit. When the field is stored we can choose to not drop the column.

  • model (str) – model name of the field to remove

  • fieldname (str) – name of the field to remove

  • cascade (bool) – whether the field column(s) are removed in CASCADE mode

  • drop_column (bool) – whether the field’s column is dropped

  • skip_inherit (list(str) or str) – list of inheriting models to skip the removal of the field, use "*" to skip all

odoo.upgrade.util.fields.move_field_to_module(cr, model, fieldname, old_module, new_module, skip_inherit=())[broncode]

Move a field from one module to another.

This functions updates all references to a specific field, switching from the source module to the destination module. It avoid data removal after the registry is fully loaded. The field in inheriting models are also moved unless skipped.

  • model (str) – name of the owner model of the field to move

  • fieldname (str) – name of the field to move

  • old_module (str) – source module name from which the field is moved

  • new_module (str) – target module name into which the field is moved

  • skip_inherit (list(str) or str) – list of inheriting models for which the field is not to be moved, use "*" to skip all

odoo.upgrade.util.fields.rename_field(cr, model, old, new, update_references=True, domain_adapter=None, skip_inherit=())[broncode]

Rename a field and its references from old to new on the given model.

The field is updated in all inheriting models, except for models specified in skip_inherit.

This functions also updates references, indirect or direct ones, including filters, server actions, related fields, emails, dashboards, domains, and many more. See update_field_usage()

For the update of domains a special adapter function can be used. The default adapter just replaces old by new in each domain leaf. Refer to adapt_domains() for information about domain adapters.

  • model (str) – model name of the field to rename

  • old (str) – current name of the field to rename

  • new (str) – new name of the field to rename

  • update_references (bool) – whether to update all references

  • domain_adapter (function) – adapter to use for domains, see adapt_domains()

  • skip_inherit (list(str) or str) – models to skip when renaming the field in inheriting models, use "*" to skip all

odoo.upgrade.util.fields.invert_boolean_field(cr, model, old, new, skip_inherit=())[broncode]

Rename a boolean field and invert its value.

odoo.upgrade.util.fields.change_field_selection_values(cr, model, field, mapping, skip_inherit=())[broncode]

Replace references of values of a selection field.

This function replaces all references to selection values according to a mapping. Domains are also updated.

  • model (str) – model name of the selection field to update

  • field (str) – name of the selection field to update

  • mapping (dict) – selection values to update, key values are replaced by their corresponding values in the mapping

  • skip_inherit (list(str) or str) – list of inheriting models to skip in the update of the selection values, use "*" to skip all

odoo.upgrade.util.fields.update_field_usage(cr, model, old, new, domain_adapter=None, skip_inherit=())[broncode]

Replace all references to the field old by new in different places.

Search in:
  • ir_filters

  • ir_exports_line

  • ir_act_server

  • mail_alias

  • ir_ui_view_custom (dashboard)

  • domains (using domain_adapter)

  • related fields

This function can be used to replace the usage of a field by another. Domains are updated using the domain_adapter. By default the domain adapter just replaces old by new in domain leaves. See adapt_domains() for more information about domain adapters.

  • model (str) – model name of the field

  • old (str) – source name of the field to replace

  • new (str) – target name of the field to set

  • domain_adapter (function) – adapter to use for domains, see adapt_domains()

  • skip_inherit (list(str) or str) – models to skip when renaming the field in inheriting models, use "*" to skip all


Utility functions for record-level operations.

odoo.upgrade.util.records.remove_view(cr, xml_id=None, view_id=None, silent=False, key=None)[broncode]

Remove a view and all its descendants.

This function recursively deletes the given view and its inherited views, as long as they are part of a module. It will fail as soon as a custom view exists anywhere in the hierarchy. It also removes multi-website COWed views.

  • xml_id (str) – optional, the xml_id of the view to remove

  • view_id (int) – optional, the ID of the view to remove

  • silent (bool) – whether to show in the logs disabled custom views

  • key (str or None) – key used to detect multi-website COWed views, if None then set to xml_id if provided, otherwise set to the xml_id referencing the view with ID view_id if any


Either xml_id or view_id must be set. Specifying both will raise an error.

odoo.upgrade.util.records.edit_view(cr, xmlid=None, view_id=None, skip_if_not_noupdate=True, active='auto')[broncode]

Context manager to edit a view’s arch.

This function returns a context manager that may yield a parsed arch of a view as an etree Element. Any changes done in the returned object will be written back to the database upon exit of the context manager, updating also the translated versions of the arch. Since the function may not yield, use skippable_cm() to avoid errors.

with util.skippable_cm(), util.edit_view(cr, "xml.id") as arch:
    arch.attrib["string"] = "My Form"

To select the target view to edit use either xmlid or view_id, not both.

When the view is identified by view_id, the arch is always yielded if the view exists, with disregard to any noupdate flag it may have associated. When xmlid is set, if the view noupdate flag is False then the arch will not be yielded unless skip_if_not_noupdate is set to False. If noupdate is True, the view will be yielded for edit.

If the active argument is True or False, the active flag of the view will be set accordingly.


If active is “auto” (default value), the view will be activated if selected via xmlid and left untouched if selected via view_id.

  • xmlid (str) – optional, xml_id of the view edit

  • view_id (int) – optional, ID of the view to edit

  • skip_if_not_noupdate (bool) – whether to force the edit of views requested via xmlid parameter even if they are flagged as noupdate=True, ignored if view_id is set

  • active (bool or None or "auto") – active flag value to set. Unchanged when None.


a context manager that yields the parsed arch, upon exit the context manager writes back the changes.

odoo.upgrade.util.records.remove_record(cr, name)[broncode]

Remove a record and its references corresponding to the given xml_id.


name (str) – record xml_id, under the format module.name

odoo.upgrade.util.records.is_changed(cr, xmlid, interval='1 minute')[broncode]

Return whether a record was changed.

This function checks if a record was changed before the current upgrade start time. See upgrade-util/src/base/0.0.0/pre-00-upgrade-start.py

This utility will return a false positive on xmlids of records that match the following conditions:

  • Have been updated in an upgrade preceding the current one

  • Have not been updated in the current upgrade

  • xmlid (str) – xmlid of the record to check

  • interval (str) – SQL interval, a record is considered as changed if write_date > create_date + interval

Return type


odoo.upgrade.util.records.if_unchanged(cr, xmlid, callback, interval='1 minute', **kwargs)[broncode]

Run callback if a record is unchanged.

This function will run a callback when the referred record is unchanged. The xmlid and any extra parameter, but not interval, will be passed to the callback. In case the record was changed it will be marked as noupdate=True. See also is_changed() and force_noupdate().

This function is useful to take an action only when a record hasn’t been updated, a common example is to force an update from XML even if the record was noupdate=True

util.if_unchanged(cr, "mymodule.myrecord", util.update_record_from_xml)
  • xmlid (str) – xml_id of the record to check

  • callback (function) – callback to execute in case the record was not changed, all extra parameters to this function are passed to the callback

  • interval (str) – interval after create_date on which a record is considered as _changed_, see is_changed()

odoo.upgrade.util.records.rename_xmlid(cr, old, new, noupdate=None, on_collision='fail')[broncode]

Rename an external identifier (xml_id) of a record.

A rename cannot happen when the target name already exists on the database. In such cases there are two options to control how this function behaves:

  • fail: raise an exception and prevent renaming

  • merge: rename the external identifier, remove the old one, and replace references. See replace_record_references_batch()


This function does not remove records, it only updates xml_ids.

  • old (str) – current xml_id of the record, under the format module.name

  • new (str) – new xml_id of the record, under the format module.name

  • noupdate (bool or None) – value to set on the noupdate flag of the xml_id, ignored if None

  • on_collision (str) – how to proceed if the xml_id already exists, the options are merge or fail (default)


the ID of the record referenced by the new xml_id, None when the record doesn’t exist

Return type

int or None

odoo.upgrade.util.records.ref(cr, xmlid)[broncode]

Return the id corresponding to the given xml_id.


xml_id (str) – record xml_id, under the format module.name


ID of the referenced record, None if not found.

Return type

int or None

odoo.upgrade.util.records.force_noupdate(cr, xmlid, noupdate=True, warn=False)[broncode]

Update the noupdate flag of a record.

  • xmlid (str) – record xml_id, under the format module.name

  • noupdate (bool) – value to set on the noupdate flag

  • warn – whether to output a warning in the logs when the flag was switched from True to False

odoo.upgrade.util.records.ensure_xmlid_match_record(cr, xmlid, model, values)[broncode]

Ensure an xml_id references a record with specific values.

This function ensures the record pointed by an xml_id matches the values for the fields specified in the values parameter. When the xmlid exist but it points to a record that doesn’t match the values, the xmlid is updated to point to a record that matches the values if one is found. If the xmlid doesn’t exist, it is created with the found record. When no matching record is found, nothing is done. In all cases the referenced record, after a possible update, of the xml_id is returned.

  • xmlid (str) – record xml_id, under the format module.name

  • model (str) – model name of the record

  • values (dict) –

    mapping of field names to values the record must fulfill


    values = {"id": 123}
    values = {"name": "INV/2024/0001", "company_id": 1}


the ID of the matched record, None if no record found

Return type

int or None


This function is useful when migrating in-database records into a custom module, to create the xml_ids before the module is updated and avoid duplication.

odoo.upgrade.util.records.update_record_from_xml(cr, xmlid, reset_write_metadata=True, force_create=True, from_module=None, reset_translations=(), ensure_references=False)[broncode]

Update a record based on its definition in the Data Files.

This function ignores the noupdate flag on the record. It searches in all XML files from the manifest of the module in the xmlid, or the from_module parameter if set, for a matching definition. When found, it forces the ORM to update the record as in the specs in the data file.

Optionally this function can reset the translations of some fields.

  • xmlid (str) – record xml_id, under the format module.name

  • reset_write_metadata (bool) – whether to update the write_date of the record

  • force_create (bool) – whether the record is created if it does not exist

  • from_module (str) – name of the module from which to update the record, necessary only when the specs are in a different module than the one in the xml_id

  • reset_translations (set(str)) – field names whose translations get reset

  • ensure_references (bool) – whether referred records via ref XML attributes should also be updated.


This functions uses the ORM, therefore it can only be used after all models referenced in the data specs of the record are already loaded. In practice this means that this function should be used in post- or end- scripts.


The standard behavior of ORM is to create the record if it doesn’t exist, including its xml_id. That will happen on this function as well.

odoo.upgrade.util.records.delete_unused(cr, *xmlids, **kwargs)[broncode]

Remove unused records.

This function will remove records pointed by xmlids only if they are not referenced from any table.


The records that cannot be removed are set as noupdate=True.

  • xmlids (list(str)) – list of xml_ids to check for removal

  • deactivate (bool) – whether to deactivate records that cannot be removed because they are referenced, False by default

  • keep_xmlids (bool) – whether to keep the xml_ids of records that cannot be removed, True by default


list of ids of removed records, if any

Return type


odoo.upgrade.util.records.replace_record_references_batch(cr, id_mapping, model_src, model_dst=None, replace_xmlid=True, ignores=())[broncode]

Replace all references to records.

This functions replaces all references, direct or indirect to records of model_src by the corresponding records in the mapping. If the target model of the mapping is not the same as the source one, then model_dst parameter must be set.

  • id_mapping (dict(int, int)) – mapping of IDs to replace, key value is replaced by the mapped value

  • model_src (str) – name of the source model of the records to replace

  • model_dst (str) – name of the target model of the records to replace, if None the target is assumed the same as the source

  • replace_xmlid (bool) – whether to replace the references in xml_ids pointing to the source records

  • ignores (list(str)) – list of table names to skip when updating the referenced values

odoo.upgrade.util.records.replace_in_all_jsonb_values(cr, table, column, old, new, extra_filter=None)[broncode]

Replace values in JSONB columns.

This function replaces old by new in JSONB values. It is useful for replacing values in all translations of translated fields.

  • table (str) – table name where the values are to be replaced

  • column (str) – column name where the values are to be replaced

  • old (str) – original value to replace, can be a simple term (str) or a Postgres regular expression wrapped by PGRegexp

  • new (str) – new value to set, can be a simple term or a expression using <number> notation to refer to captured groups if old is a regexp expression

  • extra_filter (str) – extra WHERE compatible clause to filter the values to update, must use the t alias for the table, it can also include {parallel_filter} to execute the query in parallel, see explode_execute()


Utility functions to perform operations via the ORM.

The functions on this module allow to use the ORM safely during upgrades. They enhance or patch the ORM such that it can handle high volumes of data in a performant way. In some cases totally different alternatives to the ORM’s own functions are provided. The functions on this module work along the ORM of all supported versions.


Create a new environment.


This function does not empty the cache maintained on the cursor for superuser with an empty environment. A call to invalidate_cache may be necessary every time data is modified directly in the database.


the new environment

Return type


odoo.upgrade.util.orm.recompute_fields(cr, model, fields, ids=None, logger=<Logger odoo.upgrade.util.orm (WARNING)>, chunk_size=256, strategy='auto')[broncode]

Recompute field values.

This function will recompute fields of a model restricted to a set of records - or all. The re-computation is not done on all records at the same time. It is split in batches (chunks). This avoids performance issues, and, in the worse cases, failures due to MemoryError. After each chunk is processed the data is sent back to the database according to one of the following strategies:

  • flush: use the flush method of the ORM

  • commit: commit the cursor - also flush

  • auto: pick the best alternative between the two above given the number of records to compute and the presence of tracked fields.

The commit strategy is less prone to cause a MemoryError for a huge volume of data.

  • model (str) – name of the model to recompute

  • fields (list(str)) – list of the name of the fields to recompute

  • ids (list(int) or None) – list of the IDs of the records to recompute, when None recompute all records

  • logger (logging.Logger) – logger used to report the progress

  • chunk_size (int) – number of records per chunk - used to split the processing

  • strategy (str) – strategy used to process the re-computation

class odoo.upgrade.util.orm.iter_browse(model, *args, **kw)[broncode]

Iterate over recordsets.

The callable object returned by this class can be used as an iterator that loads records by chunks (into a recordset). After each chunk is exhausted their data is sent back to the database - flushed or committed - and a new chunk is loaded.

This class allows to run code like:

for record in env['my.model'].browse(ids):
    record.field1 = val


in a performant way while also avoiding MemoryError, even when ids or values have millions of entries. The alternative using this class would be:


MyModel = util.env(cr)['my.model']
for record in util.iter_browse(MyModel, ids):
    record.field1 = val

util.iter_browse(MyModel, ids)._compute_field2()
util.iter_browse(MyModel, ids).create(values)
  • model (odoo.model.Model) – the model to iterate

  • ids (list(int)) – list of IDs of the records to iterate

  • chunk_size (int) – number of records to load in each iteration chunk, 200 by default

  • logger (logging.Logger) – logger used to report the progress, by default _logger

  • strategy (str) – whether to flush or commit on each chunk, default is flush


the object returned by this class can be used to iterate, or call any model method, safely on millions of records.

See also env()

create(values, **kw)[broncode]

Create records.

An alternative to the default create method of the ORM that is safe to use to create millions of records.

  • values (list(dict)) – list of values of the records to create

  • multi (bool) – whether to use the multi version of create, by default is True from Odoo 12 and above

odoo.upgrade.util.domains.adapt_domains(cr, model, old, new, adapter=None, skip_inherit=(), force_adapt=False)[broncode]

Replace old by new in domains using model and inheriting models.

adapter is a callback function to adapt leaves. Adapter functions must take three arguments and return a domain that substitutes the original leaf. The arguments are:

  • leaf: a domain leaf which is a tuple of the form (left, op, right)

  • in_or: a boolean, when True it means the leaf is part of an OR ("|") domain, otherwise it is part of an AND ("&") domain

  • negated: a boolean, when True it means that the leaf is negated ("!")


def adapter(leaf, in_or, negated):
    left, op, right = leaf
    ok, ko = (1, 2) if not negated else (2, 1)
    if op == "="
        return [(left, "=", ok)]
    elif op == "!=":
        return [(left, "=", ko)]
    return [leaf]

adapter is called only on leaves that use the old field of model as last part of the left part of leaves, unless force_adapt is True. In the latter case the adapter is called if the field appears anywhere in the path, useful for relational fields only.

The domains returned by an adapter do not need to have the old field replaced by new in the left part of the input leaf. The replace will be done anyway to the whole domain returned by the adapter. The usual purpose of the adapter is to modify the operator and the right part of the input leaf. When adapter is not set only the replacement takes place.


When replacing "field1" by "field2", the following happens:

  • ("foo.bar.baz.field1", "=", 1) gets adapted only if the record pointed to by foo.bar.baz is of the requested model.

  • ("foo.field1.baz", "=", 1) is not adapted even if foo points to model, unless force_adapt is True, because field1 is not the last part of left in this leaf.


This function will replace domains in all standard domain fields. Including filters, dashboards, and standard fields known to represent a domain.

  • model (str) – name of the model for which to adapt the domains

  • old (str) – name of the field to be adapted

  • new (str) – name of the field that should replace old

  • adapter (function) – adapter for leaves

  • skip_inherit (list(str)) – list of inheriting model names to don’t adapt (skip)

  • force_adapt (bool) – when True, run the adapter on all leaves having new in left part of the leaf (path), useful when deleting a field (in which case new is ignored).


Utility functions for interacting with PostgreSQL.

class odoo.upgrade.util.pg.PGRegexp[broncode]

Wrapper for semantic meaning of parameters: this string is a Postgres regular expression.

See replace_in_all_jsonb_values()

odoo.upgrade.util.pg.parallel_execute(cr, queries, logger=<Logger odoo.upgrade.util.pg (WARNING)>)[broncode]

Execute queries in parallel.


util.parallel_execute(cr, [util.format_query(cr, "REINDEX TABLE {}", t) for t in tables])


If looking to speedup a single query, see explode_execute().

  • queries (list(str)) – list of queries to execute concurrently

  • logger (Logger) – logger used to report the progress


the sum of cr.rowcount for each query run

Return type



  • Due to the nature of cr.rowcount, the return value of this function may represent an underestimate of the real number of affected records. For instance, when some records are deleted/updated as a result of an ondelete clause, they won’t be taken into account.

  • As a side effect, the cursor will be committed.


If a concurrency issue occurs, the failing queries will be retried sequentially.

odoo.upgrade.util.pg.format_query(cr, query, *args, **kwargs)[broncode]

Safely format a query.

The str arguments to this function are assumed to be SQL identifiers. They are wrapped in double quotes before being expanded using str.format(). Any other psycopg2.sql.Composable are also allowed. This includes ColumnList, see also get_columns()


>>> util.format_query(cr, "SELECT {0} FROM {table}", "id", table="res_users")
SELECT "id" FROM "res_users"

query (str) – query to format, can use brackets {} as in str.format()

odoo.upgrade.util.pg.explode_execute(cr, query, table, alias=None, bucket_size=10000, logger=<Logger odoo.upgrade.util.pg (WARNING)>)[broncode]

Execute a query in parallel.

The query is split by buckets of ids, then processed in parallel by workers. If the query does not include the special {parallel_filter} value, it is added to the last WHERE clause, possibly also adding it if none found. When the query already has the filter nothing is done. The filter always expands to the splitting strategy. The split is done into buckets where no more than bucket_size IDs are updated on each individual query.


    UPDATE res_users u
       SET active = False
     WHERE (u.login LIKE 'dummy' OR u.login = 'bob')
       AND {parallel_filter}
  • query (str) – the query to execute.

  • table (str) – name of the main table of the query, used to split the processing

  • alias (str) – alias used for the main table in the query

  • bucket_size (int) – size of the buckets of ids to split the processing

  • logger (logging.Logger) – logger used to report the progress


the sum of cr.rowcount for each query run

Return type



It’s up to the caller to ensure the queries do not update the same records in different buckets. It is advised to never use this function for DELETE queries on tables with self references due to the potential ON DELETE effects. For more details see parallel_execute().

odoo.upgrade.util.pg.column_exists(cr, table, column)[broncode]

Return whether a column exists.

  • table (str) – table to check

  • column (str) – column to check

Return type


odoo.upgrade.util.pg.column_type(cr, table, column)[broncode]

Return the type of a column, if it exists.

  • table (str) – table to check

  • column (str) – column to check

Return type

SQL type of the column

odoo.upgrade.util.pg.create_column(cr, table, column, definition, **kwargs)[broncode]

Create a column.

This function will create the column only if it doesn’t exist. It will log an error if the existing column has different type. If fk_table is set, it will ensure the foreign key is setup, updating if necessary, with the right on_delete_action if any is set.

  • table (str) – table of the new column

  • column (str) – name of the new column

  • definition (str) – column type of the new column

  • default (bool) – default value to set on the new column

  • fk_table (bool) – if the new column if a foreign key, name of the foreign table

  • on_delete_action (str) – ON DELETE clause, default NO ACTION, only valid if the column is a foreign key.


whether the column was created

Return type


odoo.upgrade.util.pg.remove_constraint(cr, table, name, cascade=False, warn=True)[broncode]

Remove a table constraint.

This function removes the constraint name from table. It also removes records from ir_model_constraint and its xml_ids. It logs not found constraints.


If there is no constraint name, this function will attempt to remove {table}_{name}, the latter is the default name the ORM uses for constraints created from _sql_constraints.

  • table (str) – table from where to remove the constraint

  • name (str) – name of the constraint to remove

  • cascade (bool) – cascade the constraint removal

  • warn (bool) – use warning level when logging not found constraints, otherwise use info level


whether the constraint was removed

Return type


class odoo.upgrade.util.pg.ColumnList(list_=(), quoted=())[broncode]

Encapsulate a list of elements that represent column names.

The resulting object can be rendered as string with leading/trailing comma or an alias.

  • list (list(str)) – list of column names

  • quoted (list(str)) – list of quoted column names, it must correspond with the list_ parameter


>>> columns = ColumnList(["id", "field_Yx"], ["id", '"field_Yx"'])
>>> list(columns)
['id', '"field_Yx"']
>>> columns.using(alias="t").as_string(cr._cnx)
'"t"."id", "t"."field_Yx"'
>>> columns.using(leading_comma=True).as_string(cr._cnx)
', "id", "field_Yx"'
>>> util.format_query(cr, "SELECT {} t.name FROM table t", columns.using(alias="t", trailing_comma=True))
'SELECT "t"."id", "t"."field_Yx", t.name FROM table t'


This class is better used via get_columns()

using(leading_comma=False, trailing_comma=False, alias=None)[broncode]

Set up parameters to render this list as a string.

  • leading_comma (bool) – whether to render a leading comma in front of this list

  • trailing_comma (bool) – whether to render a trailing comma

  • alias (str or None) – alias of the table of the columns, no alias is added if set to None


a copy of the list with the parameters set

Return type



Iterate over the raw column names, non quoted.

This is useful if the quoting is done outside this object. Also to get access to raw column names as in Postgres catalog.


an iterator for the raw column names

odoo.upgrade.util.pg.get_columns(cr, table, ignore=('id',))[broncode]

Return a list of columns in a table.

  • table (str) – table name whose columns are retrieved

  • ignore (list(str)) – list of column names to ignore in the returning list


a list of column names present in the table

Return type


odoo.upgrade.util.pg.rename_table(cr, old_table, new_table, remove_constraints=True)[broncode]

Rename a table.

This function renames the table old_table into new_table, as well as its primary key (and sequence), indexes, and foreign keys.

  • old_table (str) – name of the table to rename

  • new_table (str) – new name of the table

Para bool remove_constraints

whether to remove the table constraints


Miscellaneous standalone functions.


Return whether currently running Odoo version is greater or equal to version.

This function is useful for conditional execution in an upgrade script that applies to multiple versions, e.g. 0.0.0 scripts.


version (str) – Odoo version, must follow the format [saas~]X.Y where X is the major Odoo version, saas~ is necessary only when Y is nonzero

Return type


odoo.upgrade.util.misc.version_between(a, b)[broncode]

Return whether currently running Odoo version is in the range [a,b].

See also version_gte()


The bounds are inclusive.

  • a (str) – Odoo version, lower bound

  • b (str) – Odoo version, upper bound

Return type



Expand braces in the input.


>>> util.expand_braces("a_{this,that}_b")
['a_this_b', 'a_that_b']

s (str) – string to expand, must contain precisely one pair of braces.


expanded input

odoo.upgrade.util.misc.import_script(path, name=None)[broncode]

Import an upgrade script.

This function allows to import functions from other upgrade scripts into the current one.


In mymodule/

def my_util(cr):
    # do stuff

In myothermodule/

from odoo.upgrade import util

script = util.import_script("mymodule/")

def migrate(cr, version):
    script.my_util(cr)  # reuse the function

This function returns a Python module.

>>> util.import_script("base/0.0.0/end-moved0.py", name="my-moved0")
<module 'my-moved0' from '/home/odoo/src/upgrade-util/src/base/0.0.0/end-moved0.py'>
  • path (str) –

    relative path to the script to import in the form $module/$version/$script-name


    The script must be available in the upgrade path.

  • name (str or None) – name to assign to the returned module, take the name from the imported file if None


a module created from the imported upgrade script


Return a context manager to allow another context manager to not yield.

See edit_view() for an example usage.

odoo.upgrade.util.misc.chunks(iterable, size, fmt=None)[broncode]

Split iterable into chunks of size and wrap each chunk using fmt function.

This function is useful for splitting huge input data into smaller chunks that can be processed independently.


>>> list(chunks(range(10), 4, fmt=tuple))
[(0, 1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6, 7), (8, 9)]
>>> ' '.join(chunks('abcdefghijklm', 3))
'abc def ghi jkl m'
  • iterable (iterable) – iterable object to split

  • size (int) – chunk size

  • fmt (function) – function to apply to each chunk, when None is passed fmt becomes "".join if iterable is a string, otherwise iter


a generator that iterates over the result of fmt applied to each chunk