Printable delivery PDFs

Automatically print delivery-related PDFs documents and labels in Odoo, containing package recipient details, contents, or handling instructions.

The following PDFs can be configured to print upon validating an Inventory operation (e.g. receipt, picking, delivery orders, quality checks):

  1. Delivery slip

  2. Return slip

  3. Product labels of items in the order

  4. Lot and serial number labels

  5. Carrier labels

  6. Export documents

  7. Package content

  8. Package label

To automatically print these forms, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Operations Types, and select the desired operation type.

In the Hardware tab, tick each of the desired options available in the Print on Validation section to download the PDF of those selected documents automatically after validating the Operation Type. For details on what each of the checkbox options do, jump to the related section.

Show the *Print on Validation* option in the "Pick" *Operation Type*.

Delivery slip

A delivery slip contains recipient and package details, usually placed inside (or attached to) the package.

After enabling the Delivery Slip setting in the Hardware tab configuration options, clicking Validate on the desired operation type downloads a PDF of the delivery slip.

The delivery slip shows products, quantities, the delivery order reference number, and the total order weight.

Example delivery slip.


打印 退货单,将其包含在客户退货包裹的送货单中。它可识别退货、链接到销售订单,并包括商品详情和客户信息。它还可以包括给客户的具体退货说明。

硬件 选项卡配置选项中 :ref:` 启用退货单设置 <inventory/shipping_receiving/print_setup>` 后,点击所需操作类型上的 验证 可下载 PDF 格式的退货单。


Example return slip.

Product labels

打印 产品标签,贴在订单中的产品上,提供产品名称、条形码和价格等基本信息。

导航到目标操作类型(库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 操作类型)后,在 硬件 选项卡中勾选 产品标签 选项。

Doing so makes the Print label as: drop-down menu visible, where each product label can be printed as:

  • 2 x 7 with price: PDF displays product name, barcode, and price, fitting two rows and seven columns of product labels per page.

    Example 2 x 7 with price.
  • 4 x 7 with price: displays product name, barcode, and price, fitting four rows and seven columns of product labels per page.

    Example 4 x 7 with price.
  • 4 x 12: displays product name and barcode. Fits four rows and twelve columns of product labels per page.

    Example 4 x 12.
  • 4 x 12 with price: displays product name, barcode, and price. Fits four rows and twelve columns of product labels per page.

  • ZPL Labels: prints labels in the Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) containing the product name and barcode. Readable for Zebra printers to automatically print labels.

  • ZPL Labels with price: prints labels in the ZPL containing the product name, barcode, and price.


Product labels can be manually printed from any delivery order, by clicking the Print Labels button.

批号/SN 标签

Print lot/SN labels to affix to items in an order, providing essential information, such as product name, lot or serial number, and the barcode.

To automatically print this PDF, navigate to the intended operation type’s options page (Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Operations Types). Then, in the Hardware tab, tick the Lot/SN Labels option.

Doing so makes the Print label as: drop-down menu visible, where each product label can be printed as:

  • 4 x 12 - One per lot/SN: PDF with labels for unique lot/serial numbers in the order, including product name, lot/serial number, and barcode. Fits four rows and twelve columns per page.

    Order with only one unique set of lot/serial numbers.

    Labels for an order with only one unique set of lot/serial numbers.

  • 4 x 12 - One per unit: PDF with labels matching the quantity of items, displaying the product name, lot/serial number, and barcode. Fits four rows and twelve columns per page.

  • ZPL Labels - One per lot/SN: prints labels in ZPL, containing the product name, lot/serial number, and barcode.

  • ZPL Labels - One per unit: prints labels with the quantity of items in ZPL, containing the product name, lot/serial number, and barcode.

Carrier labels

To automatically print a carrier label with the recipient address, tracking number, and carrier details for specific third-party shipping carriers, complete the following setup:

  1. Tick the Carrier Labels checkbox in the operation type settings.

  2. Connect a printer to Odoo’s IoT app.

  3. 将承运商标签分配给打印机

  4. 配置出货方式的 标签类型


请参阅 连接打印机 <…/…/…/…/general/iot/devices/printer>`文档,了解将打印机连接到 Odoo 的 *IoT* 应用程序的详情。完成后,通过导航至 :menuselection:`物联网应用程序 –> 设备,并选择所需的打印机,将承运商标签分配给打印机。


在打印机配置表中,转到 打印机报告 选项卡,配置打印机自动打印的文档类型。点击 添加行,打开 添加:报告 弹出窗口。在 搜索… 栏中,键入`出货`,然后选择 运输标签



显示已添加到 *打印机报告* 中的承运商标签报告。

打印机报告 选项卡中添加 运输标签 报告后,确保 报告类型 与连接的物联网打印机类型相匹配。

  • 对于激光打印机,将 报告类型 设置为 :guilabel:`PDF。

  • 对于 Zebra 打印机,将 报告类型 设置为 文本


接下来,完成 第三方运输连接器 的设置。然后,进入 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 运输方式,选择所需的运输方式。

在运输方法配置表单的 [承运商名称] 配置 选项卡中,确保 标签格式 与早先分配的 报告类型 匹配:

  • 对于激光打印机,将 标签格式 设置为 PDF

  • 对于 Zebra 打印机,将 标签格式 设置为 ZPL2

在 FedEx 的运输方式配置页面上显示 *标签类型* 字段。



显示 FedEx 的承运标签示例。

FedEx 承运标签,包含收件人地址、追踪号码、条形码和其他托运信息。


按照以下步骤,可在 Odoo 中自动打印从一个国家向另一个国家运送包裹时海关所要求的*出口单据*:

  1. 操作类型设置 中勾选 出口单据 复选框。

  2. Connect a printer to Odoo’s IoT app.

  3. 将出口单据分配给打印机。


与:ref:承运商标签 <inventory/shipping_receiving/assign-printer>`的打印机分配说明类似,将兼容打印机连接到 Odoo *IoT* 应用程序后,转到:menuselection:`IoT 应用程序 --> 设备,然后选择所需的打印机。

在打印机配置表中,转到 打印机报告 选项卡,然后点击 添加行。在弹出的 添加:报告`弹出窗口中,添加 :guilabel:`运输文件 报告,将出口单据分配给打印机。




包装内容 PDF 包括包装的条形码、包装日期以及所含产品和数量的清单。

要自动打印此表格,请转到 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 操作类型,并选择所需的操作类型。然后,转到 硬件 选项卡,勾选 包装内容 复选框。


If the option is not available, enable the Packages feature, by going to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, ticking the Packages checkbox, and clicking Save.

硬件 选项卡中启用该功能后,验证操作会打印 PDF 格式的软件包内容。






The Put in Pack button is available only when the Packages feature is enabled in Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings.

启用后,放入包装 按钮可用于所有库存操作(如收货、分拣、内部转移、交货单等)。

要在点击 放入包装 按钮时自动打印包装标签,请转到 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 操作类型。选择所需的操作类型,并勾选 硬件 选项卡中的 包装标签 复选框。标签可以按照 PDFZPL 文件格式打印,具体格式在 打印标签为 字段中定义。

PDF 格式的包装条形码和包装日期。