
The Members application is where all operations related to memberships can be configured and managed. The Members app integrates with the Sales and Accounting applications to sell and invoice memberships directly to customers.


To create a new membership product, navigate to Members app ‣ Configuration ‣ Membership Products, and click New to open a blank product record.

Complete the blank form with the necessary information, including the Membership Duration.


Membership products require a start and end date, as they are used to determine membership status. Membership products can be sold before their active start date.

A new membership product in the members app.

Membership products can be added to a sales order, and invoiced as regular products or subscriptions.

Activate a membership

To activate a membership from the Contacts application, navigate to Contacts app, and click on a contact to open that specific contact’s detail form.

From the resulting contact form, open the Membership tab, and click Buy Membership.

On the Join Membership pop-up window that appears, select a Membership from the drop-down menu. Then, configure a Member Price.

Click Invoice Membership when both fields are filled in. Doing so reveals a Membership Invoices page, wherein invoices can be confirmed and completed.

或者,要提供免费会员资格,请在联系表单的 会员资格 选项卡中勾选 免费会员 复选框。

Membership status

The Current Membership Status is listed on the Membership tab of each contact record:

  • Non Member: a partner who has not applied for membership.

  • Cancelled Member: a member who has cancelled their membership.

  • Old Member: a member whose membership end date has passed.

  • Waiting Member: a member who has applied for membership, but whose invoice has not yet been created.

  • Invoiced Member: a member whose invoice has been created, but has not been paid.

  • Paid Member: a member who has paid the membership fee.


要在网站上发布活跃会员名单,必须首先 安装 *在线会员名录* 程序。安装模块后,通过 编辑网站菜单,在网站菜单中添加`/会员`页面。

The Online Members directory module in Odoo.


返回 CRM 应用程序 ‣ 销售 ‣ 客户,点击会员的看板卡。在出现的客户表单中,点击页面顶部的 转至网站 智能按钮,打开会员的网页。

点击 编辑 按钮,显示编辑工具侧边栏。对页面进行必要修改后,点击 保存。在页面顶部,将 未发布 切换按钮滑动到活动的 已发布 位置。
