
Odoo 服务台论坛在线学习指示 应用程序整合,创建了 帮助中心帮助中心 是一个整合的位置,团队和客户可在此搜索和共享有关产品和服务的详细信息。



To activate any Help Center features (Forums, eLearning, or Knowledge) on a Helpdesk team, go to Helpdesk app ‣ Configuration ‣ Helpdesk Teams and select a team, or create a new one. Verify the Visibility of the team is set to Invited portal users and all internal users (public) in the Visibility & Assignment section.

Additionally, the Website Form option on the Helpdesk team page must be enabled to activate any of the Help Center features. When one or more of the Help Center features is enabled, the Website Form is automatically enabled, as well.


Since all of the Help Center features require integration with other applications, enabling any of them may result in the installation of additional modules or applications.

Installing a new application on a One-App-Free database will trigger a 15-day trial. At the end of the trial, if a paid subscription has not been added to the database, it will no longer be active or accessible.


Odoo’s Knowledge application is a collaborative library, where users can store, edit, and share information. The Knowledge app is accessible throughout the database by clicking on the Knowledge (bookmark) icon.

View of a message in Helpdesk focusing on the Knowledge bookmark icon.


To enable the Knowledge feature on a Helpdesk team, go to Helpdesk app ‣ Configuration ‣ Helpdesk Teams and select a team, or create a new one.

选择或创建一个团队后,Odoo 会显示该团队的详细表单。

On the team’s detail form, scroll down to the Help Center section. Then, click the box next to Knowledge to activate the Knowledge feature. When clicked, a new field labeled, Article appears.

点击 文章 字段会显示一个下拉菜单。起初,下拉菜单中只有一个名为 帮助 的选项,由 Odoo 默认提供。从下拉菜单中选择 帮助 即可选择该文章。


要创建新文章,请进入 知识库,然后将光标停留在位于左侧边栏的 工作区 部分标题旁边。将光标移至该处,会显示一个隐藏的 :guilabel:` ➕(加号)` 图标。

Click the ➕ (plus sign) icon to create a new article in the Workspace. In the upper-right corner of the page, click the Share button, and slide the Share to Web toggle switch until it reads Article Published. It can then be added to a Helpdesk team.




To search Knowledge articles, open a ticket — either from the Helpdesk app dashboard, or by going to Helpdesk app ‣ Tickets ‣ All Tickets, then select a ticket from the list.

When a ticket is selected, Odoo reveals that ticket’s detail form.

Click the Knowledge (bookmark) icon, located at the top-right of the page, to open a pop-up search window.



Knowledge articles can also be searched by pressing Ctrl + K to open the command palette, then typing ?, followed by the name of the desired article.

当 Odoo 显示所需的文章时,点击它,或高亮显示 文章 标题,然后按 进入。这将在 知识库 应用程序中打开文章。

要在新标签页中打开文章,请按 Ctrl + Enter


If a more in-depth search is required, press Alt + B. That reveals a separate page, in which a more detailed search can occur.

Share an article to the Help Center

To make a Knowledge article available to customers and website visitors, it must be published.


Even though the Help article has been enabled on a team, Odoo does not share all the nested articles to the web. Individual articles intended for customers must be published for them to be viewable on the website.

To publish an article, navigate to the desired article, by following the above steps, and click the Share icon in the upper-right corner. This reveals a menu. Slide the toggle button labeled Share to Web to read Article Published.


Solve tickets with a clipboard box

Clipboard boxes can be added to Knowledge articles to allow content to be reused, copied, sent as messages, or added to the description on a ticket. This allows teams to maintain consistency when answering customer tickets, and minimize the amount of time spent on responding to repeat questions.

Add clipboard boxes to articles

To create a clipboard box, go to Knowledge app ‣ Help. Click on an existing nested article or create a new one by clicking the ➕ (plus sign) icon next to Help.

Type / to open the powerbox, and view a drop-down list of commands. Select or type clipboard. A gray block is then added to the page. Add any necessary content to this block.

View of a clipboard in knowledge with focus on send and copy options.


Clipboard boxes only display the Use as description or Send as Message options if they are accessed directly from the Helpdesk.

Use clipboard boxes in tickets

Clipboard boxes can be used to respond directly to a Helpdesk ticket as a message, or to add information to the ticket’s description.

To use clipboard boxes in a Helpdesk ticket, first, open a ticket, either from the Helpdesk dashboard or by going to Helpdesk app ‣ Tickets ‣ All Tickets and selecting a ticket from the list.

Click on the Knowledge (bookmark) icon in the top-right corner. This opens a search window. In this search window, select, or search, for the desired article. Doing so reveals that article page in the Odoo Knowledge application.

To use a clipboard box to respond to a ticket, click Send as message in the upper-right corner of the clipboard box, located in the body of the article.

Doing so opens a Compose Email pop-up window. In this window, select the recipients, make any necessary additions or edits to the clipboard content, then click Send.


To use a clipboard box to add information to a ticket’s description, click Use as description in the upper-right corner of the clipboard box, located in the body of the article. Doing so does not replace the existing text in a ticket’s description. The content from the clipboard box is added as additional text.




To enable Community Forums on a Helpdesk team, start by navigating to Helpdesk app ‣ Configuration ‣ Helpdesk Teams and select a team, or create a new one.

Selecting or creating a team reveals that team’s detail form. Scroll down to the Help Center section of features, and enable Community Forum, by checking the box beside it.

激活后,下方会出现一个标有 论坛 的新字段。

点击空白的 论坛 字段,显示一个下拉菜单。默认情况下,只有一个选项,标注为 帮助。这是启用 社区论坛 功能时 Odoo 自动创建的选项。从下拉菜单中选择 帮助 以启用该论坛。

要创建新论坛,请在空白的 论坛 字段中输入名称,然后点击 创建和编辑 选项。可在该字段中选择多个论坛。


服务台 团队启用了 论坛 时,提交给该团队的工单可转换为论坛帖文。

要执行此操作,请从团队管道或 服务台 应用程序中的 工单 ‣ 全部工单 选择工单。

在工单详情表单顶部,单击 在论坛上分享 按钮。

Overview of the Forums page of a website to show the available ones in Odoo Helpdesk.

When clicked, a pop-up window appears. Here, the Forum post and Title can be edited to correct any typos, or modified to remove any proprietary or client information.

Tags can also be added to help organize the post in the forum, making it easier for users to locate during a search. When all adjustments have been made, click Create and View Post.


Odoo 线上学习 课程以视频、演示和认证/测验的形式为客户提供附加培训和内容。通过提供附加培训,客户可以自己解决问题并找到解决方案。他们还可以更深入地了解自己正在使用的服务和产品。


To enable eLearning courses on a Helpdesk team, go to Helpdesk app ‣ Configuration ‣ Helpdesk Teams and select a team, or create a new one.

On the team’s settings page, scroll to the Help Center section, and check the box next to eLearning. A new field appears below, labeled Courses.

点击 线上学习 功能下方 课程 旁边的空白区域,显示一个下拉菜单。从下拉菜单中选择可用的课程,或在字段中键入标题,然后单击 创建并编辑 从本页创建新课程。可为一个团队分配多个课程。


可以通过 服务台 团队的设置页面(与上述步骤相同)或 线上学习 应用程序创建新的 线上学习 课程。

要直接通过 线上学习 应用程序创建课程,请导航至 线上学习 ‣ 新建。将显示一个空白课程模板,可根据需要进行自定义和修改。

在课程模板页面,添加 课程名称,并在其下方添加 标签

Click on the Options tab.

Under Access Rights, select which users are able to view and enroll in the course.

The Show Course To field defines who can access the courses. The Enroll Policy field specifies how they can register for the course.

Under Display, choose the preferred course Type.


要为课程添加内容,请单击 内容 选项卡并选择 添加内容。从下拉菜单中选择 内容类型,然后上传文件或粘贴链接。完成后单击 保存。 单击 添加章节 按章节组织课程。

View of a course being published for Odoo Helpdesk.


要在课程中添加认证,请访问 线上学习 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置,选中标有 认证 的复选框,然后 保存,以激活设置。


To allow customers to enroll in a course, both the course and the contents must be published.


If the course is published, but the contents of the course are not published, customers can enroll in the course on the website, but they are not able to view any of the course content. Knowing this, it may be beneficial to publish the course first, if the course contents are intended to be released over time, such as classes with a weekly schedule.


要发布课程,请从 线上学习 面板选择课程。在课程模板页面,单击 前往网站 智能按钮。

这将显示课程网页的前端。在课程网页的顶部,将 未发布 切换开关移至 已发布


要从后台发布 线上学习 课程内容,请从 线上学习 面板选择一个课程。在课程模板页面,单击 已发布内容 智能按钮。

这样就会出现一个单独的页面,显示与该课程相关的所有已发布内容。从右上角的搜索栏中移除默认的 已发布 筛选器,即可显示与课程相关的所有内容,包括未发布的内容。

Click the ≣ (bars) icon in the upper-right corner, directly beneath the search bar to switch to list view.

While in list view, there is a checkbox on the far-left of the screen, above the listed courses, to the left of the Title column title. When that checkbox is clicked, all the course contents are selected at once.

With all the course content selected, click any of the boxes in the Is Published column. This reveals a pop-up window, asking for confirmation that all selected records are intended to be published. Click Confirm to automatically publish all course content.

视图:Odoo 服务台后端正在发布的课程