Scheduled actions

예약된 작업 은 지정된 일정이나 발생 횟수에 따라 데이터베이스 내에서의 특정 작업을 자동화할 수 있도록 사전 설정되된 프로세스입니다. 이러한 작업에는 이메일 보내기, 청구서 생성, 데이터 정리 등이 있습니다.

Odoo에서는 특정 기능이 자동으로 실행되도록 예약 작업 일부가 기본적으로 활성화되어 있으나, 동시에 데이터베이스에 있는 예약 작업 옵션 중에는 기본값이 활성화되지 않은 작업도 다수 있습니다.

In Odoo Subscriptions, there are two scheduled actions that initiate the billing process for active recurring subscriptions, as well as when billing should stop due to subscription expiration.

They are turned on, by default and can be deactivated at any time in order to manage subscriptions manually.

Access scheduled actions


In order to access scheduled actions, developer mode must be activated.

With developer mode activated, navigate to Settings app ‣ Technical ‣ Scheduled Actions.

The scheduled actions option under the technical menu in the Odoo Settings application.

Doing so reveals a dedicated Scheduled Actions dashboard. On this page, there is a complete list of scheduled actions for the entire database.

From here, enter Subscription in the search bar. Doing so provides three subscription-specific results. The following documentation focuses on the last two results in the list:

  • Sale Subscription: generate recurring invoices and payments

  • Sale Subscription: subscriptions expiration

The subscription-related results on the scheduled actions page in Odoo Settings.

예약한 활동이 활성화 상태인지 확인하려면 예약된 활동 현황판에 있는 해당 행에서 활성화 열 아래쪽에 있는 확인란에 표시가 되어 있는지 확인합니다. 확인란에 초록색으로 확인 표시가 되어 있으면 예약된 작업이 활성화되어 있는 것입니다.

If a scheduled action needs to be activated, click into the desired scheduled action from the list.

The scheduled action form in the Odoo Settings application.

그런 다음 예약된 작업 양식에서 활성화 토글 스위치를 오른쪽으로 전환합니다. 그러면 스위치가 초록색으로 바뀌고 예약된 작업이 이제 ‘활성화’ 상태라는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

The ability to set up how often the scheduled action runs is also available on the scheduled action form, in the Execute Every field.


The scheduled action does not function correctly if the execution time is less than five minutes. This is a general rule for all scheduled actions.

For more information, read the Frequent Technical Questions documentation.

Generate recurring invoices and payments

판매 구독: 반복 청구서 및 결제 생성 활동을 예약하여 구독에 대한 반복 청구서 및 결제를 알맞게 생성하려면 반드시 이연 비용이연 수익 계정을 설정해야 하며, 이를 통해 Odoo에서 구독과 관련된 다양한 청구서 및 결제 항목을 처리할 수 있습니다.

To set up Deferred Expense and Deferred Revenue accounts, navigate to Accounting app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Both accounts can be configured in the Default Accounts section.

The necessary deferred account settings in the Odoo Accounting app's settings page.

Once the correct accounts are entered in the Deferred Expense and Deferred Revenue drop-down menu fields, click Save in the upper-left corner.

청구서 생성

Elements related to the Sale Subscription: generate recurring invoices and payments scheduled action can be found on confirmed subscription sales orders.

To examine these elements, open any confirmed sales order in the Subscriptions application to reveal the subscription sales order form.

On a confirmed subscription sales order form, focus on the Recurring Plan and Date of Next Invoice fields.

A confirmed subscription sales order in the Odoo Subscriptions application.

The scheduled action creates an invoice when today’s date is the same date as the Date of Next Invoice.

Odoo uses the information in the Recurring Plan field to update the next invoice date accordingly.


제품에 설정된 청구서 발행 정책이 납품 수량 기준 (수동) 으로 되어 있고 납품 수량이 `0`인 경우, Odoo에서 청구서는 생성되지 않으며 고객에게 요금이 청구되지 않습니다.

Instead, the subscription is processed as a free recurring product, and is reflected as such in the chatter of the subscription sales order.

When this occurs, the following message appears: Automatic renewal succeeded. Free subscription. Next invoice:[date]. No email sent.

구독용 판매주문서에 대해 청구서가 생성되면 구독용 판매주문서 상단에 표시되는 청구서 스마트 버튼을 클릭하여 청구서를 확인할 수 있습니다.

An email is sent to the customer notifying them of the recurring subscription charge, if there is a Payment Token on the account.

To check if there is a Payment Token, open the Other Info tab, and look at the Payment Token field, under the Subscription section.

The Payment Token field under the Other Info tab on a subscription sales order form.

결제 토큰 이 없는 경우에는 청구서를 생성한 후 고객에게 전송합니다. 이 경우 결제 등록은 반드시 수동으로 진행해야 합니다.

Closing invoices

The Sale Subscription: generate recurring invoices and payments scheduled action also has the ability to close a subscription, if the following conditions are met:

  • If the subscription has no Payment Token, create and post the invoice.

  • If the subscription has a Payment Token, try to charge.

    • If the charge is successful, create and post the invoice.

    • If the charge fails, send reminders periodically.

      • Close the subscription if it continues to fail for more than fourteen days.

Subscriptions expiration

구독 판매: 구독 만료 에 대한 작업을 예약하면 구독이 자동으로 종료되는 다른 조건들을 모두 확인할 수 있습니다. 일정한 조건이 충족될 경우 예약해 놓은 작업을 통해 해당 구독이 종료됩니다.

First, the Sale Subscription: subscriptions expiration scheduled action checks to see if the end date has passed, which is configured on the subscription sales order.

The expiration date on a subscription sales order in Odoo Subscriptions.

Then, the Sale Subscription: subscriptions expiration scheduled action checks if the invoice has not been paid within the payment terms deadline.

To access the invoices attached to a subscription, access the sales order for the subscription product, and click the Invoices smart button. Then, look at the Invoice Date column.

The Invoice Date column on subscriptions invoice page in Odoo Subscriptions app.

미납 구독의 청구일정기 결제 요금제자동 해지 필드에서 지정한 날짜 수를 초과하여 미납된 경우에는, :guilabel:`판매 구독: 구독 만료’ 에서 예약된 활동에 따라 자동으로 해지됩니다.

The Automatic Closing field on a Recurring Plan form in Odoo Subscriptions.

For example, if the next invoice date is July 1st, and the Automatic Closing is set to ‘30 Days’, the scheduled action would close the subscription on August 1st.