Variantes de produit

Les variantes de produits sont utilisées pour donner à un seul produit une variété de caractéristiques ou d’options différentes parmi lesquelles les clients peuvent choisir, telles que la taille, le style ou la couleur.

Les variantes de produits peuvent être gérées via leur modèle de produit individuel ou en allant aux Variantes de produits ou aux Attributs.


An apparel company has the following variant breakdown for one their best-selling t-shirts:

  • Unisex Classic Tee

    • Couleur : bleu, rouge, blanc, noir

    • Taille : S, M, L, XL, XXL

Here, the T-shirt is the product template, and T-shirt: Blue, S is a specific product variant.

Color and Size are attributes, and the corresponding options (like Blue and S) are values.

In this instance, there is a total of twenty different product variants: four Color options multiplied by five Size options. Each variant has its own inventory count, sales totals, and other similar records in Odoo.

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Variantes de produit


To use product variants, the Variants setting must be activated in the Odoo Sales application.

To do that, go to Sales app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, and locate the Product Catalog section at the top of the page.

In that section, check the box to enable the Variants feature.

Activating product variants on the Settings page of the Odoo Sales application.

Then, click Save at the top of the Settings page.


Before product variants can be set up, attributes must be created. To create, manage, and modify attributes, navigate to Sales app ‣ Configuration ‣ Attributes.


L’ordre des attributs sur la page Attributs détermine la façon dont ils apparaissent sur les pages Configurateur de produts, le tableau de bord du Point de Vente et eCommerce.

To create a new attribute from the Attributes page, click New. Doing so reveals a blank attributes form that can be customized and configured in a number of ways.

A blank attribute creation form in the Odoo Sales application.

First, create an Attribute Name, such as Color or Size.

Next, in the optional Category field, select a category from a drop-down menu to group similar attributes under the same section for added specificity and organization.


To view the details related to the attribute category selected, click the internal link ➡️ (arrow) icon to the far-right of the Category field. Doing so reveals that attribute category’s detail form.

A standard attribute category detail page accessible via its internal link arrow icon.

Here, the Category Name and Sequence is displayed at the top. Followed by Related Attributes associated with the category. These attributes can be dragged-and-dropped into a desirable order of priority.

Attributes can be directly added to the category, as well, by clicking Add a line.


To create an attribute category directly from this field, start typing the name of the new category, then select either Create or Create and edit… from the drop-down menu that appears.

Clicking Create creates the category, which can be modified later. Clicking Create and edit… creates the category and reveals a Create Category pop-up window, in which the new attribute category can be configured and customized.

Beneath the Category field are the Display Type options. The Display Type determines how this product is shown on the online store, Point of Sale dashboard, and Product Configurator.

The Display Type options are:

  • Radio: options appear in a bullet-style list on the product page of the online store.

  • Pills: options appear as selectable buttons on the product page of the online store.

  • Select: options appear in a drop-down menu on the product page of the online store.

  • Color: options appear as small, colored squares, which reflect any HTML color codes set, on the product page of the online store.

Display Types on Product Configurator on the online store in Odoo.

The Variants Creation Mode field informs Odoo when to automatically create a new variant once an attribute is added to a product.

  • Instantanément: crée toutes les variantes possibles dès que les attributs et les valeurs sont ajoutés à un modèle de produit.

  • Dynamically: creates variants only when corresponding attributes and values are added to a sales order.

  • Never (option): never automatically creates variants.


Une fois ajouté à un produit, le mode de création de variantes d’un attribut ne peut être modifié.

Lastly, the eCommerce Filter Visibility field determines whether these attribute options are visible to the customer on the front-end, as they shop on the online store.

  • Visible: the attribute values are visible to customers on the front-end.

  • Hidden: the attribute values are hidden from customers on the front-end.

Attribute values

Attribute values should be added to the Attribute Values tab. Values can be added to an attribute at any time, if needed.

To add a value, click Add a line in the Attribute Values tab.

Then, enter the name of the value in the Value column. Next, check the box in the Is custom value column, if the value is custom (i.e. the customer gets to provide unique specifications that are specific to this particular value).


If the Display Type - Color option is selected, the option to add an HTML color code will appear to the far-right of the value line, to make it easier for salespeople and customers to know exactly what color option they’re choosing.

Attribute values tab when add a line is clicked, showing the custom columns.

To choose a color, click the blank circle in the Color column, which reveals an HTML color selector pop-up window.

Selecting a color from the HTML color pop-up window that appears on attribute form.

In this pop-up window, select a specific color by dragging the color slider to a particular hue, and clicking on the color portion directly on the color gradient window.

Or, choose a specific color by clicking the dropper icon, and selecting a desired color that’s currently clickable on the screen.


Vous pouvez également créer des attributs directement à partir du modèle de produit en ajoutant une nouvelle ligne et en tapant le nom dans l’onglet Variantes.

Once an attribute is added to a product, that product is listed and accessible, via the attribute’s Related Products smart button. That button lists every product in the database currently using that attribute.

Variantes de produit

Once an attribute is created, use the attribute (and its values) to create a product variant. To do that, go to Sales app ‣ Products ‣ Products, and select an existing product to view that desired product’s form. Or, click Create to create a new product, to which a product variant can be added.

On the product form, click the Attributes & Variants tab to view, manage, and modify attributes and values for the product.

The attributes and values tab on a typical product form in Odoo Sales.

To add an attribute to a product, and subsequent attribute values, click Add a line in the Attributes & Variants tab. Then, choose the desired attribute from the drop-down menu that appears.


Attributes can be created directly from the Attributes & Variants tab of a product form. To do that, start typing the name of the new attribute in the blank field, and select either Create or Create and edit… from the mini drop-down menu that appears.

Clicking Create creates the attribute, which can be customized later. Clicking Create and edit… creates the attribute, and a Create Attribute pop-up form appears. In the pop-up form, proceed to modify the attribute in a number of ways.

Once an attribute is selected in the Attribute column, proceed to select the specific attribute values to apply to the product, via the drop-down menu available in the Values column.


There is no limit to how many values can be added.


Des processus similaires de création de variantes de produit sont accessibles via les applications Achats, Inventaire et eCommerce.

Configure variants

To the far-right of the attribute line is a Configure button. When clicked, Odoo reveals a separate page showcasing those specific Product Variant Values.

The Product Variant Values page accessible via the Configure button on a product form.

Here, the specific Value name, HTML Color Index (if applicable), and Value Price Extra are viewable.


The Value Price Extra represents the increase in the sales price if the attribute is selected.

When a value is clicked on the Product Variant Values page, Odoo reveals a separate page, detailing that value’s related details.

A Product Variant Values page accessible via the Product Variants Values general page.

On the specific product variant detail page, the Value and Value Price Extra fields can be found, along with an Exclude for field.

In the Exclude for field, different Product Templates and specific Attribute Values can be added. When added, this specific attribute value will be excluded from those specific products.

Variants smart button

When a product has attributes and variants configured in its Attributes & Variants tab, a Variants smart button appears at the top of the product form. The Variants smart button indicates how many variants are currently configured for that specific product.

The variants smart button at the top of the product form in Odoo Sales.

When the Variants smart button is clicked, Odoo reveals a separate page showcasing all the specific product variant combinations configured for that specific product.

The variants page accessible via the variants smart button on the product form in Odoo.

Impact des variantes

In addition to offering more detailed product options to customers, product variants have their own impacts that can be taken advantage of throughout the Odoo database.

  • Barcode: barcodes are associated with each variant, instead of the product template. Each individual variant can have its own unique barcode/SKU.

  • Price: every product variant has its own public price, which is the sum of the product template price and any extra charges for particular attributes.


    A red shirt’s sales price is $23 – because the shirt’s template price is $20, plus an additional $3 for the red color variant. Pricelist rules can be configured to apply to the product template, or to the variant.

  • Inventaire: L’inventaire est compté pour chaque variante de produit individuelle. Sur le formulaire du modèle de produit, l’inventaire reflète la somme de toutes les variantes, mais l’inventaire réel est calculé par variante individuelle.

  • Image: Chaque variante de produit peut avoir sa propre image spécifique.


Les modifications du modèle de produit s’appliquent automatiquement à chaque variante de ce produit.

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