Tikli and Laxmi Bomb
Laxmi Malwankar is a sex worker in Mumbai who works on S.V. road and has been part of Mumbai's thriving sex trade for nearly two decades. She's 40, jaded and at some level has a deep seeded loyalty towards Mhatre, the pimp, who takes care of all the girls on that street.
Putul, 22, hails from Bangladesh and Mhatre the pimp has brought her to Laxmi to be taught the ropes. Putul, rebellious as she is, is full of questions about how this system works and why all the men in this system of prostitution profess to provide protection but then end up becoming predators themselves from whom then there is no protection.
For Laxmi this is how the world works, it is a patriarchy and her only advice to Putul is to quickly adapt to the ways of this world of men.
Over time, Putul is able to convince Laxmi that things need changing. Laxmi though still not convinced enough to take it up as her own cause, decides to stand by Putul thanks to a sequence of irrefutable events that occur on the street.
Together they get to be known as Tikli and Laxmi Bomb and start off this mini revolution in which they set up a system for women, run by women, in which the final customer is a man but the women run it the way they want and in almost total control.
How far are they able to go in this endeavour? How tall is their new organization able to grow before it becomes too big a threat for patriarchy to let it exist? Are they able to make a change that is permanent or another flash in the pan?
Does Laxmi, who initially only stands behind Putul's cause, take this up as her own cause soon enough, realizing that women of the world are sisters in what they go through and their power lies in knowing that?
Living in what could well be the strata of society that is most oppressed by patriarchy, as it doesn't even officially exist in India, can these girls forge a new path for sex workers in the country? Or do they rise only to finally be overcome by a claustrophobic man's world?