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Dororo (2004)
The most underrated video game ever
This game is freaking sweet. It starts out kind of slow so you have to kind of stick with it for a few hours, but if you do this game will definitely keep you entertained for a long time. The graphics look just o.k. in some places and really good in most places, but this game isn't really about graphics, this game is about being freaking awesome. You play as a samurai with a cannon in your leg and a machine gun and swords embedded into your arms because 48 fiends stole 48 parts of your body when you were born. The game plays kind of like devil may cry, only I thought it was a lot more fun, plus the main character is cooler, I mean he has swords for arms. The main focus of the game is the boss battles, you have to battle 48 fiends throughout the game, some of which are hidden in the levels, to get your body parts back. The boss battles are a throwback to old school action games as they are all about timing and figuring out the bosses attack patterns. The body parts you get back sometimes grant you new abilities, some of which are really cool. this game is really long and is broken down into chapters that each have their own theme kind of like episodes of a t.v. show and the environments vary greatly from chapter to chapter. this game is severely underrated and is now out of print so if you find a copy buy it and consider yourself lucky.