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Wetware (2018)
Interesting Concept plot... but lacking
17 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the idea of futuristic indentured servitude. Having studied the concept on working a historical fiction based on the Indian Diaspora indenture labour after the end of slavery around 1885, the idea itself is old.

Here, we get to see a modern/future look at the aspect of our history which makes this an interesting tale.

However, though the story is intriguing and the low budget sometimes hinders, sometimes helps it, there is a lot lacking ast to why these mungos are placing them in these states.

Why don't see the wider world in some way so that we understand the desparation of these humans selling themselves over like drones?

What do they get in return?

How does it help them?

Is life so unbearable that they rather become drone/slaves?

Then what is that life they are running from?

I think if these things were shown the movie, despite the low budget might have even been a better story.

There is no emotional connection between the vuewer and the characters who plave themselves into the program.

I mean Kay could have gotten the drug addiction programmed out before she even got to the lab.

So, there would be no need for her to even become a mungo.

Seriously, this alone makes the story fall apart.

I can see there being a poor/rich dichotomy aspect to this story and the whole slave/master aspect. But, the world of the poor isn't even explored to make you see the desperation for the need to enslave themselves this way.

I did enjoy it for what it was and wonder what the novel it's based on entailed or if it showcased the wider world.
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Worth watching
2 September 2023
Really enjoyed this one. Wasn't sure what to expect since I didn't watch the trailer but I am glad I gave it a watch.

It reminded me of one the stories in the 1980s story from Alana Moore's run on the Saga of the Swamp Thing.

There is a man made lake which is caused by a damn beinf released and a town and it's people are drowned by it.

Soon, children playing in the lake start disappearing. That series is still worth reading and I remember enjoying it as much as I did when I read the series couple years back for the second time.

Give this movie a watch ignore the low rating. Watching it if you are fan of Horror. Just the cinematography is alone worth watching. A nice 'cabin in the woods' trope. Also watch TANK, which was made in NZ which came out last year.
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STOP CGI versions of Anime
13 August 2023
It hurts the eyes.

Stick with producing the way the original series is was made without CGI.

This was a really hard watch after such amazing previous shows and even movies.

Netflix needs to return to the natural feel and emotion of the hand drawn feel of the manga or it will lose audiences who are loyal to the series and franchise.

The story is good and I feel if it was done without CGI it would have been more enjoyable and lead into the new series with more fanfare and enthusiasm.

This is one of the better manga/anime series and has a very strong loyal fanbase though it hasn't got the young Pokemon audience.
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Leave (I) (2022)
Unbearable after 87mins mark
6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the rating i decided to give it a chance as I wanted to watch a few horrors in a row tonight.

Started with The Ritual (2017), then Evil Dead: Rise (2023) and now this one. Sadly this one was the worse out of the bunch with The Ritual actually delivering on what was a low budget flick.

This one could have had a great 3rd act like The Ritual if it didn't try to stick with sterotypes and short cuts.

A nice slow burn with an interesting twist that is let down with the usual, oh no its a bible thumping patriarchal led family who are trying to save the females.

If the writer just stayed with a evil cult it would have had a much higher reception and rating.

I think viewers are tired of the same streotypical shortcuts that film makers take these days that let down what could be a great story driven film.

Also, the lead is supposed to come from a loving adoptive family who care very much about her. Yet, she, an adult females goes overseas without telling the one person who has always had her back. Imagine being a female in todays world and doing going to a foreign land not knowing anyone or the language thinking you a Sherlock Homes.

The fact she fact telling strangers, even if they are supposed to be her family, that she didn't even tell her father where she was that very moment?

Imagine raising a child, specially a female to be that naive.

I am a male and even I have been assualted in another city walking home at night, so even I am careful about who knows how much about me.

There is no love for the lead character as a viewer because you ecpect her to be hurt because of all the stupid decisions she keeps making.

Oh, remember her father was a cop?

Well, no cop parent would raise a naive child like her. They would be drumming into them about precaustions to take every single day the moment they stp out into the world.

Pros: Interesting plot Originality Great twist

Cons: Terrible acting by lead Stereotypical male characters Lack of realism Terrible parenting tropes.
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The Tank (2023)
Mediocre at best...
27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste of an interesting premise. The child parts are written terribly and the actor has no idea what to do witht eh terrible directing.

I was waiting in the third act for the mom to die. Please I just want to see it happen, but couldn't be bothered to wait around for the last 15mins to finish.

With a better writer taking the same premise and tweaking it, it could have been more interesting and scarier.

The creatures were interesting but again not much effort was made to make it anything other than walking fish.

I gave up at the end with the kid in the car. How does the creature open the car windows? And why does the kid keep screaming one minute in fear and then sounds perfectly fine the next moment.

Oh, and the cops gun just happens to have landed next to the family car door and mom picks it up like its meant to be there.

Anyway, what made me turn off my brain was how does someone just turn up to a house decades later and then just go to sleep in a house that is so rundown after all those decades, and yet its liveable.
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Its a chore just to make it through the minutes...
12 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And its 2hrs long!

Cassie is the most obnoxious self-centered written character.

Right from the moment she is introduced its like "I am the only one who cares about anything in the world. No one can help anyone but me. My teenage life has experienced so much that I know more than those with decades of experience."

THe fact they humiliate the police in that moment should tell that a socialist leaning anti-fa fan wrote this drivel.

No wonder this trash of a story bombed at the cinema. People are smaeter than Hollywood gives us credit for.

We are tired of trashy self-hating ignorant, yet thinking they are smart, writers who just write these stupid stories and characters that bring the entire story down.

But, hey keep hiring them and keep losing money. Soon comes bankruptcies.

No wonder 7K people lost their jobs when the ones who weild the pen write these types of movies and ruin entire workforces just cause they hate the very thing that gives lets them have those jobs. Capitalism.

This whole year has been one trashy written movie after another for Disney.

Time for alternatives. Instead of bottom up firings, they should do lot more top down clearing house firings.

Still Kathy Kennedy is runining Lucas Film so maybe Iger will fire her, here's hoping.
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What rubbish
3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to see this movie after having watched a couple of the series.

However, I just spent the entire week watching every single episode of all 5 seasons of Luther.

I wanted to get caught up on the awesomeness of the character so it's fresh in my mind when I watched this movie.

What utter rubbish.

People and cops especially are not behaving naturally like they have and do in all previous seasons of the show.

Those who have probably only watched a season or two are rating this high cause they haven't watched every episode.

This 'movie' wastes and dumbs down what the previous episodes have.

For the sake of a quick, I mean its in the theatres, so they are expecting to make bank.

Then again on Netflix.

What a way to ruin something that had both style and sibstances.

Luther gets a call from crim, tells him he was at the scene.

Rather than tell the DCI to check the footage of those at the bus stop, cause thats a normal thing to do, he ignores that.

Then there is Cullen's mother, she gets a call from her missing son, and without calling the cops goes off on her own to save him, like some superhero.

Also, the third ar reveal of the inside copper, selling out others to be murdered cause he has a secret? Seriously, thats some evil right there. A normal person would just come forth and say thats enough.

I was wondering who wrote this dribble, but was stupefied to see it was Neil Cross.

What the hell happened?

IS this what happens when a ton of money is waved in front of a writer to go from TV to film?

What a waste of an awesome character.
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Mayor of Kingstown: Staring at the Devil (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Iris the dog that returns to its vomit.
7 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Iris the dog that returns to its vomit is the most apt way I can describe this character/person type.

I know of people like this.

They use people and then return to the same place where they ran away from to seek help.

Then when given help, like a restless animal they run back to the abuser.

It make's ones heart harden over time when you keep seeing these self destructive people.

But the problem is you end up wasting time on them when you could be helping those who actually want and need that same help.

I wish Mike would just cut her off. But, I am sure the writer's want us to hate watch this with her in it when they could just cut her character out and move on with a better story.

I am here for Bunny and Mike story not some simping on Iris by Mike.
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The Orville: Domino (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is always this thing with scifi wars or battles and this they ignore all others sacrifices and just prop up the one that loses their lives because they are part of the main team.

I mean there were so many loses that were part of teh assault to stop teh weapon going off. Yet, we are meant to think only of the one out of thousands that laid down their lives.

These endings that only pull a single name out of the hat to make us feel said cause we knew her.

Anyway this was a good episode. We saw some very good moments with Charlie and her character arc and it paid off in the end with death.
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The Orville: From Unknown Graves (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
Claire, oh Claire
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where for art though, oh Claire?

The character is such an immature topsy turby person.

She falls for a robot without emotions.

Everyone thinks she is daft. But forever she says she loves him.

However, despite all her words and claims of love, she wants to chang him instead of just letting him be his own person or, wait for it, have him look like half her age.

Not, to mention now she also wants him to be lobomotized for her. I mean that is what she is wanting here. A total change to her character.

It's not enough that she is the one who has been chasing him, not the other way around. And as far as I remember he has never asked her to change for him.

So, like the first episode and the second one, she continues to be the weak one onthe team who is always self absorbed and self-centered.

She's basically a cougar who wants a cabana boy at this point.
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7 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Everything is enjoyable and interesting until the bodyguards of the dumb kid gets thrown a greanade and rather then throw it back looks at it for ages and wonders what to do with it.

1. I mean anyone who has seen any war movie knows there is a 2 second count at least before the thing blows up in your face. And of course it does.

2. A flash bang is thrown into the room. So, everyone looks at it. Blows up blinding everyone.

3. Another bodyguard pulls gun and points it at assassins head and says 'feeze'. This after she has shot thrown grenades, fired machine gun rounds, killed his partners, and yet, this dumb idiot thinks if he says freeze, she will put her gun down and wait nice for the cops. Or, worse get taken by Mrs Villain Mom to be tortured and killed.

I know writers have to create some tension but, for f's fake there are better ways of doing it than writing some stupid stuff that takes the viewer write out of the movie.

Seriously, at this point I don't even know if I should bother to watch the rest of the movie or, not.

The last one was very enjoyable as was this one until the night club target singing on the stage and then eating the tracker. Even that was a good move since we already got foreshadowing that the kid was a total moron.

But, we shouldn't think that guards that would sacrifice their own lives for Mrs Villain Mom would be this stupid.

All the good writing ruined up till this point. Someone should have edited the script just to make sure this didn't happen. Audience are smart not stupid as Hollywood has learned in 2022 by losing billions.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
S34, Ep12 1 Jan. 2023 My Life as a Vlog 2 stars
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whatever happened to comedy on The Simpsons?

Gone are the fun and groundbreaking ideas that other anumated shows would try to immulate and now we just get mediocre writing that is trying to play catch up.

The series had the best writers at one point then they try to apologise for being comedy.

Now we get this episode where they seem to take shots at YouTubers cause legacy media is finding out that a person with a webcam or a pgone camera can entertain their audience better than a writers room filled with writers who get paid top dollar to produce that can't even entertain their target audience.

I can see all these shows wring their hands over not gettting the same viewer numbers.

Thats why this episode targets each aspect of the various popular channels on Yotube.

Maybe this is why YouTube just changed its rules without telling their creators. Maybe these legacy media types are afraif to lose their ad revenue.

I've been watching these show since it started on Tracy Ullman Show. It used to be funny. Now it's like they are dragging the barrell for ideas.

This year looks like it will be their last if they don't replace the writers room with new blood and unafraid comedians.
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Finnick (2022)
Decent fun movie
23 December 2022
I enjoyed it.

It was really interesting with a different take on the parent's careers etc.

It didn't try to be anything more than it was, movie for kids, yet it was enjoyable to watch as an adult. The characters were fun. The main plot was fine.

Hope to see more like this. Kind of bored of Disney. Definitely recommend you watch with the young ones. They will love it.

I think the dub was fine except for the music with it being a bit too loud.

Had the same issue a few years back when the sound dub thought that every song had to be loud when it time for music over the voice work.

But, if you ignore that you will have a blast.
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It is fun and humorous at times... but.
23 October 2022
The MC is annoying and so self-loathing that it put me off enjoying the first episode.

I wanted to enjoy it but he very naval gazing that it becomes a shore just to.

I am hoping that the manga it's based off isn't like the anime cause it doesn't seem balanced at all as it's central character weakens the whole story.

Though there are moments of humor and inside jokes that are smart it is let down by the MC's tedious personality.

I will try to push through hoping it gets better with next episode or two.

However, I know it is going to be hard especially when I don't like the personality of the MC.
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Nope (2022)
Gave up after 40mins
18 September 2022
The slowest of slow nothings.

Been watching Night Gallery and The Outer Limits to see what the old tv shows were like witht heir storytelling.

Some fantastic old classics in those old series in black and white and with Night Gallery there is also the added color that showcased some amazing acting by actors who became household names.

Sadly, this one was too boring to keep watching. Having wasted 40mins I could've spent watching an old tv episode better written and directed.

I don't understand how much hype was put into this movie since it's just plain boring.

The only way I can think of it is that Peele is trying to go for the M. Knight style of directing, except he fails hard at it.
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Shetland (2013– )
Brilliant at times....yet
15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's every now and then let down by silly behaviour by the supporting cops on the team who make the most idiotic of actions.

Sandy wakes up in the car on the shore after chasing a car in season 6. Instead of letting his team know where he is he continues with the chas with no one knowing his whereabouts.

Danny, season 7 ep2. Brashes his head into the door of his DCI enough to leave blood. Same day, not even a bandage or scar is seen. Is there no Continuity on the production team?

Toss, ep. 3 again with the tossing aside of basic police training, goes off alone to a mysterious place. Sights a caravan and sees all this tech and stuff, even I know something's up when I see wires and mobile phone. And I am not a career police officer, but even I know not to move an inch, or leave asap.

Also, rather than being calm, she panics and so instead of looking for something to smash the big back glass window, she rages against the which is not gonna budge.

I put it all down to the writers wanting to drive to story forward, and so try to cheat by taking these ridiculous plot twists which make the characters look stupid and not behave like trained professionals.

Mind you, every UK and not just UK cop has trained in domestic terrorism since 9/11, so putting the characters through these silly hurdles bring the series down.

This series is among some the finest Brit cop dramas. The is great. Season 6 really showed how good of an actor he is with the most stressful arc yet. Douglas Henshall as Jimmy is worth watching.

I also like teh fact that these short seasons really work and aren't dragged out into 12 episodes just to get more filler episodes in to stretch out the tales.
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Perfect until 1.23hr mark
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How does one make such an interesting and very different story and then ruin it putting in a couple over the top characters that don't belong in the story at all?

What a way to take your audience out of the story.

Seriously what the director wanted to preach to the audience for a couple twitter retweets?

He would have done well to leave that entire scene on the cutting floor. After that scene I couldn't even be bothered watching.

How does one make such an interesting and very different story and then ruin it putting in a couple over the top characters that don't belong in the story at all?

What a way to take your audience out of the story.

Seriously what the director wanted to preach to the audience for a couple twitter retweets?

He would have done well to leave that entire scene on the cutting floor. After that scene I couldn't even be bothered watching.
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Day Shift (2022)
Fun watch
16 August 2022
Wasn't expecting much. But after the first couple minutes it won me over.

It's not slow paced and has some funy moments, even it silly.

It's worth a watch for as a good popcorn flick with yesteryear feels and no nonsense current year dross added to make a point about whatever percieved idiocy.
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Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks (2022 TV Special)
The best Bill Burr standup
16 July 2022
This definitely takes the cake.

Its so well written and delivered and shows why both Burr and Chapelle are standup icons taking no prisoners on the stage today.

It's hard to not to laugh at what Bill talks about cause if you're honest with yourself and been through some things and seen a bit more than the average Joe or Josephine, well you would understand and laugh too, cause he makes it all too real and funny at the same time.
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Super Cub (2021)
A pleasant break from suspense, thriller and action
4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I own a moped. I've had it for nearly 4yrs, but haven't ridden it.

I have an injury and a friend who is paraliysed on his left side of his body so instead of riding the moped, I have been happy with just walking the short distance it takes to get to where I want in my local area and to necessities. One day when I can't walk due to the injury, I use a cane at the moment, I will start riding the moped, afterall I bought it for the future.

Now, thats out of the way, lets talk about this very visually enriching and emotional rewarding anime series.

Every few adventure/action based anime viewing, and I watch alot to break the monotony of digital art and creativity, to watch a series thats just a bit more about human interaction than action itself.

Nothing wrong with all that action based shows offer, since I am a comic book writer/creator. But, every so often it's good to touch base with a different genre like "slice of life" that fills that space in our hearts that isn't about tradegy or trauma.

Super Cub has a beauty of it's own. There were times where I thought that the writer should have made a different choice in an episode, there was only the one -episode 8, with Koguma not calling for help finding Shii right away, even after arriving at the scene.

Then, I realised that Tone Koken, the writer of initial Light Novel, was trying to show us that, possibly in my opinion, Koguma has an emotional disconnect when it comes to seeking help, figuring out that she can rely upon others. And then there is what I think is her ADHD elements/ideations due to being an orphan and having to rely on no one but herself.

This also comes in factor when all she can think of the motorbike as person and not an object, which really disconnects her from seeing the various needs of those around her. Especially Shii, who is craving friendship and a human connection with a peer as a friend.

I could see that all Shii wanted was for Koguma to say, "hey, how about you get a Super Cub too?" "You can save all that energy and time traveling on your pefal bike by just purchasing a moped." But, she doesn't cause she has that disconnect. Which is a reward in itself as a character arc for both the characters and even, Reiko doesn't butt in and say, "Shii, have you thought about getting a moped?" Though, it feels like a nuisance that they don't arrive at Shii getting her own moped for a while, it is important to note that early on, Koguma does tell Shii to make sure that she is confident about want to get on one. She is actaully talking about it as a horse. Something living, which for someone with Shii's own characteristics makes her retreat into herself, cause someone she looks up to dismisses and dissuades from making a change in her life, even though it was just a short interaction.

Back to the earlier personal notes, I have come to realise at a mid point of my life (49), that I have to be carefull how I speak to younger folk around me, cause I run my own pop culture convention, which has a aim to promote art and literature at it's core, that you can either discourage or help by providing a positive encouragement towards getting some who may have the tiniest inkling of interest in what I do.

I base that on my own life and those who have said negative or positivie things. It doesn't take much to change oneself to be a positive influence without pushing one's own ideals onto others.

Encouragement and resources provided can have a lifetime of good in young one's life.
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Woody is in his element
24 June 2022
Like in Zombieland.

I really enjoyed this one.

Good popcorn fun.

Kevin was annoying at times but thats on the 'Kevin Hart vehicle' bit, so you just have to ignore it.

But, definitely worth a watch better than most out right now.

Seems the older actio/comedy films are starting to get back to basics.
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Might seen callous
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But at the end I wanted to see her in the hole.

Everything that happened, happened because off all the choices she made.

And yet, he has to suffer all through it. Even her parents sided with her and blamed him.

All cause she was about filling her own hole and not actually showing any concern or care for how he felt.

He made all the sacrifices and she just enjoyed the ride and still wasn't satisfied.

He was chump for letting her screw around and not dump her ass.
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Swap Me, Baby (2022)
Went in with no expectations and came away happy and content.
17 June 2022
I really enjoyted this one.

The in-jokes worked really well.

The stance on parenting and having a new born was very cool and very different to what the media wants us to believe right now cause it sells ad revenue.

It was a joy to see a back to basics gilm that was entertaining and funny.

Worth watching. Best comedy movie of the year I would say.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Forgiveness... hmm
6 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really feel like they tried really hard to take on too much in this first episode.

I am a huge fan and believe it is a way better presentation of Star Trek since Enterprise ended.

However, this episode tries to hard to play coombaya with emotions here and force forgiveness of one's enemies so quickly after an all out war where the perpetrator is still on the ship.

I kept thinking to myself, what if it was a r*pest instead of a murderer, and Charley was being asked to fogive her him instead of a killer.

It seems that we would never ask a person to forgive someone for r*aping then, but we are quick to jump to make people forgive any other crimes. We even applaud them and think of them as some enlightened being, who has a godly aura around to be able to forgive.

I really feel for Charley in this episode. I think the whole episode is spent seeing how much "holier than thou" moments the writer can put into an week long, it seems that was the time with the death etc, but then, it then they also tell us it's okay to let someone commit suicide cause its okay on another planet.

Why spend the time telling us death means nothing than force Charley into saving someone AGAINST HER WILL, who has commited suicide.

This is both a preachy episode and a fence sitting episode.

I didn't want to watch after she was taken off duty when she decline to help bring Isaac back.

Then of course we got to use the kid to make Charley feel bad cause the adult couldn't do it.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Much better than ex[ected given the low rating
6 June 2022
I thought it was gonna be up to par with other Neeson flicks, but once again Liam proves why he has had such a long and storied film career as a leading man in cinema.

His acting is always a marvel to watch.

Though he doesn't talk much, nor there seems like there is much dialog in the film at all at times, it moves at such a solid pace you wonder who is on which side.

A worthhile watch.
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