In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
One of the best horror films ever made!
On new years day 2024 at 6am I write this... I just showed this to a room full of people who all were laughing and talking during Sisu *a pretty decent movie* after the ball dropped and everyone got real quiet, suddenly very invested in what was going on. Sam neill is friggin perfect and you will never hear a name as cool as sutter cane ever again. Nearly everything about this film is perfect and begs you to investigate further/watch many times. It's basically an adult goosebumps episode that pays off in more ways than you could ever imagine. My personal favorite "meta" horror movie. John carpenter is the GOAT!!!!!!!!!
Seppuku (1962)
Believe the hype
This is one of the best movies you will ever watch. Hara-Kiri pierces the ethereal soul like a blade cuts across stomach flesh. A spectacular tragic mystery builds up with tremendous pace to the point you feel this nearly 2hr20min is just 90 minutes of pure, unfiltered samurai intrigue. This film is one of the few I would personally break the scale for and give an 11/10. Beyond perfection. Pretty much to the point of transcending our reality as it has long since transcended the film medium to become the Ronin gospel. The lead actor gives a haunting performance that has lingered in my mind for awhile and is the main reason I am writing this review. It simply must be seen by anybody who likes good movies... that's everyone last I checked.
Dark Harvest (2023)
It's like Children of the Corn meets The Purge but way better than both. Sawtooth Jack rules!
This movie is way better than it has any right to be. What a fantastic film to add to the halloween tradition. Dark harvest has loads of atmosphere and a cool, unique folk horror plot that i found riveting all played by a bunch of fresh faces. I've seen some call this movie confusing but that could only be the case if you're looking at your phone the whole time... I really hope people see the magic in this movie because so many modern movies are just not original and interesting anymore and even if you don't like this movie there's no way in hell you call it "unoriginal". Sawtooth Jack rules and will forever hold a space in my horror addicted mind.
Scream 2 (1997)
Honestly... It's better than the 1st film
Even though this could not exist without the foundation of the 1st movie I think this surpasses it in almost every way. The kills are better, bloodier and gorier. The way in which they give the "Scream" treatment to the 1st scream movie is quite simply hysterical and had me entertained throughout as well as the characters who by this time have definitely grown into their roles a bit. I think people have overrated the 1st one to the point they think it's a legendary, great film but I thought it was just okay and horror is my favorite genre (my personal favorite horror films: Pieces, Ebola Syndrome, Cannibal Holocaust, Seeding of a Ghost, Halloween 1&2, The Thing). This is where the series really grabbed my interest.
Ai no bôrei (1978)
A wonder to look at... Both a visual and thematic feast!
I have seen a few Oshima films and they have all been fantastic. Empire of Passion is no exception. It is a subtle horror story of a lovers affair turned cold blooded murder. Naturally the victim comes back as the undead for some spooky justice. You almost have to wonder if it is just the guilty conscience of the murderous wife that manifests the ghost at first... and then everyone around town starts seeing him and the cops straight up take it as serious evidence of a murder and proceed to investigate. This is why I love movies from the far east. Something like that sounds ridiculous but is totally plausible within the realm of this movie. Besides all the genre fun within this movie it was filmed impeccably. Almost every shot is pure beauty you would hang on your wall, especially the scenes where they're looking down the well that holds their senseless crime. If you liked this movie and are wanting to watch more of his films I recommend In The Realm of the Senses, Japanese Summer: Double Suicide
and Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.
Requiescant (1967)
One of the finest westerns you will ever see!
I just had to write a little something to combat the folks on here calling this mediocre or worse... This is one incredible epic that will satisfy your lust for revenge & adventure! Pasolini makes an infamous cameo so if you're a fan of his for outrageous work like "Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom" then this is a must watch on that merit alone. I would put it in the top 10 westerns ever, for it's almost biblical storytelling, that pays off in the best ways as if God's judgement is handed down right in front of the camera. I really cannot fathom such a low rating. I found this movie to be full of soul, like the people who made it cared a lot about their precious baby. I think this should be mentioned in the same breath as Leone even if it's not as groundbreaking as some of his films.
The Last of Us (2023)
Doesn't even come close to the game
Why are almost all the scenes of violence completely toned down/take place off screen or in the dark? Is this censorship or merely a way to hide the budget for this show wasn't actually that high? I can see how a normie mainstream viewer would like this show but as someone who's beat the game twice, with the last time being right before the show premiered, i cannot condone this adaptation. I mean they literally told the cast not to play the game so they didnt understand the source material at all. Sound logic, right? Well it shows... If you are reading reviews on here to decide whether to watch the show or play the game: game all the day baby. Hell, i would recommend just watching a full gameplay video on youtube before i would tell someone to watch this lackluster re-imagining of the last of us.
Mo (1983)
If you have any interest in hong kong cinema whatsoever WATCH THIS NOW!
I have been a long time fan of hong kong movies as they have a certain vibe that no other film industry has been able to replicate. The films usually move at an incredibly fast pace with you only being able to comprehend all that is happening if you give it your utmost attention (and hopefully having proper subs). The Boxer's Omen follows this practice of break-neck speed, but is filled with so many mind melting effects and plot twists that you could be the most jaded of filmgoers and still walk out of this a better man/woman just for having been exposed to such artistic magnificence. Your brain will race to conclusions only to find true subversion of your expectations. Without a doubt one of the most creative and unique movies I have ever seen... and I have seen A LOT, making it my life's mission to seek out the craziest movies in existence. Really the only thing that compares to this film is The Seventh Curse with Chow Yun Fat (one of my absolute favorites... Honorable mention to Mystics in Bali) yet The Boxers Omen far surpasses the black magic/spiritual horror of that and quite frankly every other film in the genre at large. Almost every single scene is working off twisted mad scientist ideas like it was directed by Dr. Mangele on ayahuasca. Like other reviewers have said it does seem the filmmaker was influenced by Lucio Fulci and Alejandro Jodorowsky's work (in terms of sheer visual imagination/materializing the most ludicrous thoughts one could conceive + the heavy reliance on traditional zen Buddhism that is contorted by the directors more malicious sensibilities). This simply must be seen to be believed. 13/10. Admittedly it is not for everybody but for me it breaks the scale.
Banned! In America II (1998)
For those looking for extreme content only
This film exceeds the gore of the previous film but something about the opening scene in the 1st Banned in America really set the tone and truly disturbed the hell outta me. Not that basically every clip in this series isn't disturbing by nature but there is a certain power to the man protesting the American Healthcare system by tragically committing suicide. Banned in America II is an onslaught of graphic imagery including car accident victims and bizarre cultural rites that render young boys circumcised in an unbelievable fashion. If you are into this kinda thing this is a must see but if you are not why are you even on this page?
Yeh sang woo lui wong: Ha je chuen kei (1991)
Here to set the record straight... This film was great!
As of this writing all the reviews here say this movie is mediocre or worse and they couldn't be more wrong. Just because this film is not as over the top as Ebola Syndrome or Red To Kill does not make it any less of a wild movie by western standards. It absolutely deserves its place alongside all the other insane hong kong Category III films. I thought Amy Yip was incredible in this film, showing off talents I did not know she had. Helena's story was also fantastic and full of misery and grief. Some reviewers said this was generic but only in the way it is a mob/revenge movie and must play with those archetypes but I assure any curious observers that this movie has many scenes that set it apart and absolutely make it unique and worth watching.
Grim Prairie Tales: Hit the Trail... to Terror (1990)
An incredibly solid Horror Anthology with amazing performances from Brad Dourif and James Earl Jones
As it stands right now this film has a 5.7 and that is criminal. This movie flows like water, the pacing is amazing and I really did not find any of it dull. As stated above the main performers will blow you away even if you think their stories needed another draft. If you like westerns, horror or both this is definitely worth tracking down and that's exactly what you'll have to do because this movie has sadly never been released outside of VHS and Laserdisc.
Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Save your soul and watch the original series instead
This has to be one of the worst adaptations in modern history. None of the characterization is correct and the plot is a jumbled mess. They took the general plot point of the original episodes but changed all the dialog to make it cringey and it is a damn shame. There is absolutely nothing redeeming this pile of filth. I am doing a rewatch of the anime just to scrub this from my brain.
Apocalypse domani (1980)
A feast for cult/horror fanatic's eyes
If you like cult/horror films do not listen to the bad reviews on here with people complaining this movie isn't deep enough or whatever. Sorry this isn't a Tarkovsky movie my friends. I can say that if you just don't take it as seriously as some reviewers here you will have an amazing time. People are also saying this is a boring film... did we watch the same movie?! Did they watch a super edited UK cut of it? This movie has maybe 15min of fluff out of the total 95min runtime to kinda move the story along and is a little dull but this is only to offset how insane this movie is. Yes this isn't as gory as something like cannibal ferox but it is certainly a very R Rated movie with that classic Italian absurdity we all know and love.
Superstition (1982)
This should satisfy any 80s horror/gore fan
Not sure why this has such a low rating. Sure it's not citizen cane but this was a pretty damn good horror film with a massive body count and bloody, creative deaths throughout the whole film. I highly recommend this to anybody looking for some spooky, wet, demonic fun.
Halloween Kills (2021)
I really liked this movie! The critics definitely are not in touch with the true fans.
Micheal Myers is an absolutely relentless killing machine... and we all knew that, but this film shows us for the first time that no matter how big the opposition, Myers will overcome with gloriously savage results that will have you screaming in pain with the victims on-screen. To me this is clearly the best Halloween film since the original sequel. It's easily the 3rd best in the franchise. Everyone who loves slasher/horror films owes it to themselves to see this bloodbath.
Dekalog (1989)
Easily the most magnificent thing I have ever seen.
I don't have much else to say other than to tell you to watch this masterpiece as soon as possible. After having seen it you will realize you have been living your whole life without the full range of emotions we are capable of. This is the most "human" cinema has ever been while still somehow retaining an otherworldly atmosphere.
To live without seeing the work of Kieslowski can almost be considered not living at all. Mark my words this will be your new gospel.
Hereditary (2018)
This is a truly terrible movie and the only ones holding it up are people who have bad mouthed the horror genre their whole lives because they think themselves critics
This movie is basically The Wicker Man but a million times worse. Do yourself a favor and watch pre 2000's horror, especially 70s and 80s for a much better time. There is a new breed of film "nerd" (they sometimes like to call themselves cinephiles because they inject cringe into their bloodstream every morning) that seems to like any motion picture that is slow and pretentious, or as they might call it: "artsy". One of my favorite movies is Stalker so believe me I know "slow" movies have just as much potential to be good as any other movie so inb4 someone tries to say i have no patience. Well I guess if somebody accused me of that they would be right because I don't have patience... for bad movies!
Le notti di Cabiria (1957)
If you're gonna watch one Fellini film make it this one!
Here i am at 12:35 am thinking about Cabiria... Once again. This is a film that will actually change your life. You will not be the same once the credits roll, you will be humbled and sanctified by Masina's performance, Pasolini's script and Fellini's direction. This is hands down not just Fellini's best movie but the best film i've ever seen come out of Italy (the only thing that comes close is Bicycle Thieves) and absolutely in my top 10 of all time. Do yourself a huuuuge favor and watch this masterpiece!
Ren zhe wu di (1982)
Easily one of the finest Martial Arts films ever made. An insanely bloody affair laced with dismemberment!
The headline says it all. If you have even the faintest interest in kung fu movies or Asian cinema in general this film will rock your world. It is incredibly paced with a high octane action scene around every corner. You owe it to yourself to see this menacing entry into the Shaw Brothers catalog.
Prologue (2003)
A total disappointment. Don't waste your time...
The first in this series, Cutting Moments, is quite good. The second, Home is good, not great. But this one is completely worthless please just watch the first 2 and skip this one altogether!