Two young men who bear a physical resemblance to Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper perform a slow-motion home invasion while on-the-lam from a crime so despicable as to get them ejected from an erstwhile biker gang.
Somehow the writers discovered a way to start at the bottom and go downhill from there. The victims are as helpless, unsympathetic and cooperative as possible which is important as the perpetrators are as hapless as they could be.
It begins as a "biker-gang" movie made just two years after "Easy Rider" hit the big screen and could have been named "Queasy Rider" as the bikes these "gangsters" use appeaar to be 75cc miniature ponies rather that the big ole Harley hogs used in similar productions.
In terms of technical achievement continuity wasn't a big issue for the movie-makers so it better not be for those of us who are watching.
If you are inerested in a derivative "B" movie from the very early 70s this is your cup of COORS (product placement).
5 Reviews
March or Die
18 July 2018
Essentially a story of survival. Five men on a trek across a desert.
But not, necessarily a "desert planet."
They crash in or by an ocean. Plenty of water there. They have to get across a desert. Okay.
Maybe they will, maybe they won't.
But earth is much the same. Breathable atmosphere and desert bordering ocean. Southern California, Northern Africa present the same geography.
Not a lot of a-c-t-i-o-n as it is more of a psychological story than an action one.
I gave it a four because I have been spoiled by modern special effects and glitzy production but the scenery during the desert day shots is great.
I gave it a four because I have been spoiled by modern special effects and glitzy production but the scenery during the desert day shots is great.
Where oh where has my little dog gone?
6 July 2018
People find themselves on a deserted piece of road. Multi-car crack-up.
Unfortunately none of the characters is either developed or attractive so there is no sense of identification to involve the viewer in their story. The music soundtrack only serves to be annoying.
These people are quite apparently in England. How far can they all be from somewhere?
Then, it's the past the middle of the night. One couple are coming back from a play- it's gotta be late. Daylight in just a few hours.
Play cards? Take a nap. FOUR cars already there, seems highly likely another car will be along any minute.
And then, of course... who cares about any of this?
At least there isn't a cute little dog.
The Maus
A Weak Man is Easy to Find
6 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My title says it all.
He is a weak willed pacifistic good for nothing but platitudes and empty promises spineless twit.
Everything bad happens to her, she is solely responsible for taking care of herself and, in the end, he is bound and determined to deprive her of closure.
Unfortunately most of the dialogue is (in the english version at least) is indecipherable.
CIA Code Name: Alexa
Another Lorenzo Lamas family affair
26 April 2018
Lots of shooting. Awesomely improbable plot combined with unbelievable action. Lamas gets to show off his wife-of-the-moment and she gets a chance to try her best to act. His efforts exceed hers marginally. O.J. Simpson plays a policeman which is an ironic turn and he uses all the acting skills he learned at USC and in Buffalo.
The movie is little more than a really poor take on 'La Femme Nikita' and serves as a vehicle for the Lamas/Kinston family to make some unearned buck. This is what happens when you're good looking and your father is a big name in the business.
I will not go into detail on how ridiculous the movie is because that would require some "spoilers" for examples. Watch at your own risk.
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