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IMDb member since March 2018
Spinster (2019)
Good movie
18 September 2021
I like it. It tells the story of a girl, that is brave enough to look for love, even it never happens. She doesn't settle just with somebody to have company, she is looking for meaningful relationship.
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The Office (2005)
The funniest TV show
17 September 2021 - 16 out of 20 users found this review helpful.
That is the best TV show I've ever watch. Recommend. The first 4-5 episodes are not so good, but then...omg. I've laugh through tears.
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Novogodniy angel (2018)
Copy of "While you were sleeping"
10 April 2021
The movie was good, just only it's copy-paste from the movie "While you were sleeping". The plot is the same.
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