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Chimp Crazy (2024)
OK, so... I AM 100 percent FOR the animals! ALWAYS the animals first and foremost
28 August 2024
... and I am so every time, it is, and should be, the default. You can see even my signin on is the genus for the whale known as orca - I AM an animal person, a 'non-human' person - so it's difficult for me to review a documentary on the treatment of animals and do so unbiased or merely to look solely at the technical merits of the docuseries and not the subject of the docuseries - which is the treatment of these chimpanzees.... or is the subject, the humans that captivate, care and grow to love them? Emphasis on the 'captivate' - but granted they DO love, I mean LOVE them and I get it, I do - I really do

I want to say that I truly believe that there are situations, where on occasion the welfare of the animal and the desires of a humans like Tonia, correspond, and I'm all but certain that she means all the best and wants all the best for her primate cousins - however.... ya However, ULTIMATELY it's definitely in the best interests of the animals (and ultimately the humans as well as CERTAINLY the environment and ecosystems of the planet) that PETA's ideology and tactics win the day - I understand that's harsh to suggest, to say that Tonia, who has ostensibly given her time torwards the betterment of these primates, as it relates to thier (and hers) immediate 'wants' and shortsighted needs but sheesh... We have to, now (more than ever and forever more) no longer function 'shortsightedly' - and yes I do realize that when an organism is born within and to captivativity - new fascists are created as to what's 'best' or even 'possible' for the individual and it's a very difficult catch-22, however and again we as the captors and the SELF PROCLAIMED "dominant" species of earth, SELF PROCLAIMED 'superior' species of earth - must not continue to behave shortsighted - we know better let's BEHAVE better, let's behave SELFLESSLY

Please, I IMPLORE YOU - and to Tonia and others , I say 'I'm so very sorry for your loss, your losses and your grief - ironically I'm filled with the same empathy torwards you as am I to the chimps - I don't want you to hurt either - I hope that you can come to peace with this and that you can find a suitable compromise where you can still visit with your loved ones (and I know they are 'loved ones') but try and do so as inhumanely (and i know that sounds like I should mean 'humane' but the definition of 'humane' is to 'act or behave like a human' and to me, that has always meant 'selfishly' as to what's best for the individual) and to do so with the most farsight as you can muster - and thank you for all of your efforts - I KNOW you mean well :)
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I CAN'T friggen take it guys!
24 August 2024
E1 sum sum and oh geez was the soup d'jour to tag back to the OG r&m and he tried to pull his wool hoodie over our collective eyes with the throwaway multiverse and Simulation reality lines right? So now, e2, we get endless "space mom" which just hits the ear SO harshly it's painful at least throw in a 'SM' or something but my gowd - then today's bowl of plop is "time doesn't matter" to parrot the moronic 'time is a contruct' pop culture nugget - and for the official record - EVERYTHING is a construct of society or academia et al - SURE times a construct but guess what? It's also an extremely relevant, significant and important metric to measure things like, oh idk... Solar orbits , lunar rotations, earthly rotations - and it's EXTREMELY USEFUL in how we... Oh geez why am I explaining it to you all? Sorry, Im a man (lol plus winky face)

Bleh! Im trying to get thru the 'sode but it's difficult - I'm gonna go dunk my head in my cats litterbox and come back refreshed

OH don't forget this chestnut

' I wish I was a egocentric dueche enough to create the portal gun ' or some shiz - it's like, toss in a few Rick&Morty tidbits and we'll be all hard for more? No sir! No.
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Can we talk about this lake scene? Please? Anyone?
17 February 2024
Is this a joke now? It's devolved into something quite silly, which is unfortunate - I feel it's a sad state of affairs that the mighty HBO / max cosigned on this documentary - granted this was a bad man, objectively even for the times he was in - I have no doubt that his sexual predation was real and traumatized several girls - but I don't see the violent tendencies to suggest he would escalate and in truth had commited serial killings back in the early 70s, Statistically him stopping entirely, is extremely rare and unlikely - especially having been in gold health, having opportunities and not being incarcerated - the documentarian (if you can call her that, and I'm sorry for saying that) often puts words into peoples mouths, never consulted law enforcement nor any professionals of any kind, save for one PI late in her exploits - this in itself is terribly troubling to why the viewer should take stock - perhaps she had and didn't like what she found? Furthermore, and this is big for me, notice the staged meetings and interviews - (obviously HBO lent it's might as a studio in the form of cameramen and editors etc etc) many of these 'first time meetings' were filmed with multiple cameras that had to be set up long before she arrives - these meetings are at best recreations of the original event and at worst, produced and loosely scripted - finally I'd like to add my take on how part of this came to be - SADLY I feel the mother / Jim's step daughter, so fervently indoctrinated her daughter with this fear and caution (albeit warrented), at such a young age, that she did not even need to be told, she could intuit her mother's trepidation, this alone is enough for a formative human to create these core memories that color much of her subsequent years - HOWEVER, this much is true - Sierra has been victimized over and over and over and as she stated, she felt that only her mother cared at all - well I care about you Sierra - I may be critical of this project but I absolutely care about you! I.
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Monsterland: Port Fourchon, Louisiana (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Kaitlyn Devers is probably the best actor of her age bracket...
3 October 2020
... and likely just in general - I truly believe this young woman will grow up continuing to perfect her craft till shes up there with the Streeps and Therons and I better include Robbie who is sensational beyond comprehension - anyhoo, the writing could have sucked but I'd of still given it a 7 for her performance - and for anyone paying attention who wants a protip - any and I mean ANY film or television that has been produced by or in part by Megan Ellison and Annapurna is almost a shoe in for a very good to great (to excellent of course) film or show - (in fact I'm crushing on her so hard just cause she'd saved me with this week's release of kajillionaire and Monsterland - sooooo Kk enjoy yall
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Lovecraft Country: I Am. (2020)
Season 1, Episode 7
I don't give out one stars lightly
30 September 2020
This episode devolved into a worthless rewrite or dreck that I've ever been subjected to - although the message is valid, the content is horrible
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Love Fraud (2020)
seriously, who cares? This is not 'toppling the patriarchy'.....
21 September 2020
It's deliberately chosen, mistakenly so (because it's underwhelming and to be fair only proved no crime was committed), by a hand-picked group of story driving women (such as the bond woman, who herself made 'terrorist threats' of violent desires, which I find troubling, disturbing and hypocritical) and the wounded parties, some legitimate victims - ugh tbh it upset me and I had no sympathy for the man, rather the opposite, and still was upset by the nature of the production and the methods of these producers - I believe there's enough shame to go around for all involved
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The Vow (2020–2022)
ugh, the 2 star is to offset the basisis of the vast friends of crew
5 September 2020
Listen, here's my thing, as a documentary the subject matter is fair game for review - it seemed as if the group set out to do good based on some sound tenets and the mere issue of something as benign as branding (such as a fraternity lad might do with a tattoo) has become something evil. The way I view this is that we have a documentarian in the form of Mark, compiling all this footage, who comes across the perfect opportunity to use his own footage inward on the very subject he was an integral part of - my point is this feels sensationalized for the sake of drama - it's like who cares? does it negate the good both in intent and actuality that was endeavored upon? sighhhhhh - it's a shame
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G-Loc (2020)
why? why does the stick man hologram have a face and a back of the head....
14 August 2020
..... does not bode well for the remaining hour and thirty-four mins (also and this is only for content and word count - go Lando Norris at the grand prix this weekend - f1 rules! come on my fellow Americans, catch the fever! it's miles better than any other sport and makes Nascar look as lame as it is)
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this is a joke, and not in a good way-but worse even, it's abuse and exploitation
9 August 2020
I have so many issues with this but could overlook most - however the misinformation and anthropomorphizing are just too egregious
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Black Is King (2020)
31 July 2020
I mean..... oh well, it's a fine effort - but it's no ten yall
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Irresistible (I) (2020)
I'm not even gonna take the bait to say how irresistible it is to make a pun...
26 June 2020
But this is gawful! A proper stinker on all fronts! Surprisingly so, the writing and acting are proper atrocities and I truly can't understand how or why but it's painfully so - I never say not to waste your time because I feel different people may have completely opposite opinions but, sigh.... DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME - which I say in spite of the message being indeed very relevant and important, and certainly valid (which I can't say here without later checking the 'spoiler' button), but ultimately any staved off viewers would have already understood this concept and perhaps the inevitable back and forth by propaganda types who come on not to review a film but to opine on the political subject matter (which you'll soon see popping up under and around my humble review) - in short this is Jon Stewart and Steve Carell specifically that I referred to earlier, and my expectations were sky high, however even had they been grounded they would still be dashed :{
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
it's a 6 guys, don't listen to these 'purists' whinge about straying from the novel, for... this is NOT the novel
14 June 2020
So for any human watching that hasn't read the book, your good to go
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
I wish I could give it less stars - I'm so against this, living with depression I feel I'm justified to opine....
9 June 2020
... I feel this is extremely dangerous to dipict the selfishness and arrogance of this suicuded young lady - to think anyone would entertain her posthumous wishes and "suicide scavenger hunt" is argh... nvrmind u lemmings and sheeple
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Ramy: Ne Me Quitte Pas (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
1 June 2020
... just in case the end song was miscredited to Bruce Springsteen, who did cover it I believe, 'Jersey Girl' was written and in this case, performed by Tom Waits - I know I know but it's an important distinction and the captions said Springsteen... sooo yaaa
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