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Twisted Metal (2012 Video Game)
Great story, mediocre gameplay
7 December 2019
Okay, I'm one of those people who plays games for story and cutscenes a lot, so I kind of loath the other twisted metal games aside from maybe 1, I like black, but I didn't care about the characters that much, dark and extreme doesn't necessarily mean good, but definitely a step in the right direction, and the others.... The goofiness is not... For me, sweet tooth wishing for all the sweetes in the world, wow, just wow. And that's just the beginning of how bad the stories get, but they always had pretty fun gameplay.

So naturally I was pretty interested in this, and this game has a soundtrack in my top 5, and one of the best stories in gaming, it's good it's real good. It's actually too good, let me explain, so focusing on three characters means they miles of development. Take Mr Grimm for exampl, fighting to save his father, and his young self from the pain that led him to kill, desperate for redemption. What does he do? He... Races. And fights weird mechs. Why?! It's too much to go back to that style, maybe it's just because I'm not a car person, but it's kind of hard to turn stories like this into a video game.

While sweet tooth is by far my favorite in this, dollface takes a close second, she may have a better origin, but every action she takes makes sense for her, and you can by her motivation of being pushed by extremely poor mental health and insecurity, but sweet tooth has better filmed cutscenes and voice acting.

Just saying, calypso looks like Adam sandler, I don't know if it's a pro or a con, so it's going here.

Now enough of how great that stuff is, and onto the flaws that bring it down. I don't like the gameplay, it's pretty smooth, but sometimes it's pretty bad. The races are IMPOSSIBLE. I had to bring a friend in just to beat them, as for the combat, it's hard to aim, and sometimes annoying, but still okay. As for the big flaws? THE BOSSES. I HATE THE BOSSES. No boss except for the first land, at all. The dollface mech makes no sense for character or story, and is boring. The best they could come up with to combat it, is to collect thugs, drag them to a truck, and turn them into remote missiles to launch them into the weak spots. This takes so long, even when your over the average level of experience with the game, it's just pure boring. But by far the worst boss has to be, the final boss, sweet tooths carnival of carnage. Again, it tried to be classic, with the impractical cartoonyness, so it doesn't make sense. YOU CANT HAVE THE STYLE AND REALISM OF THE CUTSCENES, AND THE CLASSIC GOOFYNESS. this boss is pure monotony. It's not hard, you die, but it's a good two to three hours you won't get back.

This game is okay, it's not worth playing really, if you like good stories, go watch the cutscenes on YouTube, if you like good music, go find the soundtrack desperately.
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Gayle (2012– )
31 October 2019
Every episode brings something new to the table, each one is relentlessly funny. This binge worthy show definitely deserves the most love you can give it, Chris Fleming NAILS his performance as gayle Waters Waters into the ground, it doesn't take that much time to watch, and episodes very in quality, but that doesn't change much, because when it's good, it's amazing. This is definitely worth a watch, if you haven't checked it out yet, go do it.
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A Heist with Markiplier (2019 TV Movie)
He has outdone himself
30 October 2019
This is great, this is really good. It has a great balance of comedy and everything else! This might be the best thing Mark (Markiplier) Fischback has ever made, extremely emersive, sometimes things that could have been a bit better, and more fleshed out that are swapped for a joke, but aside from the sometimes missed opportunities, there are PLENTY of endings to make up for it. In some places there are obvious stunt doubles, or dummies, but it doesn't have much of a budget so I forgive it. Definitely check this one out!
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Um... The banana splits movie exists. I guess.
11 September 2019
So right off the bat, I'll address the elephant in the room, yes, it is a canceled fnaf script, and I'm glad this script was canceled for fnaf. Five nights at Freddy's is actually quite an interesting story, and way more than it looks, this movie and fnaf, are very different. So any hardcore five nights fans, don't expect the story you love.

This movie is not for everyone, I can see why some people don't like it, it is pretty... Much, at times. But still, I had a pretty good time. There are jokes, there stupid, but amusing. Like a character putting a phone in a bag and saying abra kadabra before beating the bag with a stick, it's stupid, but amusing. The gore was actually pretty graphic at times, but other times (a particular scene with a Mach and hairspray) is laughably stupid. Sometimes the kills are hard to take seriously when an animatronic does a happy dance after it... Some of the characters were okay, there two characters that really stand out as great, but than like 3 that are so unlikable it's pretty funny, like a performer who goes out on stage drunk. Everyone one else was kind of just okay.

Things in the movie actually caught me off guard, like one scene witch turned into almost satire for the cruelty of modern game shows. I couldn't help but be like, good job, banana splits movie, you surprised me.

It really isn't without flaws, there is some spooky images, but ruined when there eyes glow red. It is painfully obvious that their humans in suits, like, way to obvious. There's one scene where two of them fight, yeah it's bad. And a kid dances with the "nice one." Also the movie kind of glosses over the fact that these kids will never be the same, like they come out of the building, after seeing some really ****ed up ***t, and are just like "oh you, hahaha!" And just go play or whatever

I don't know, I didn't know what to expect going in, but it was kind of fun. But I can definitely see why so many didn't like it
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Super (I) (2010)
Absolutely amazing (but misunderstood...)
4 September 2019
This film has everything, it's funny, sad, graphic, heartwarming. Honestly one of the most underrated movies ever. If your going into this expecting kick-ass, it's not, they are both VERY different, so don't expect that feeling. It's way more realistic and isn't as much of a comedy. It's actually kind of hard to find flaws, Ellen Page's character did get on my nerves sometimes, but that's just my opinion, some veiwers will probably disagree. It has an unexpected satire on mainstream Christianity, witch if you look deep enough is very true, and exposes the issues of it. Some people think that what the film means is (and I quote) "a preachy message about violence", I can't help but disagree with this, the violence used I see as just being realistic, I mean you can find anything if you want to in any movie, but I think the film is just saying what it says on the surface. If you haven't already, I highly recommend this,
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