Romántico (2005)
A real touching true movie
This is such a strong movie. It shows the ordeals that hard working people have to endure in life in order to provide for their families. The sad thing is that many people think of the negative side of immigrants in this country. It is true that there are those, who abuse the system and make the rest of us seems like free loaders. But in this movie, we see how one hard working man only wants a job, any job so he can support his family. The reality of life is harsh and it can be seen here, those of us who take for granted the life and opportunities that this country offers us, should be ashame of themselves. I would rather see people like Carmelo be able to stay in this country and those who drink, do drugs and are breaking the law be kick out. He is what really represents the hard working immigrant that deserves the chance to the American dream.
Transformers (2007)
transformers an average movie after all
I waited a week before heading to see the Transformers. I have to give it 6 out of 10. First because it was freaking hard to actually enjoy the fighting scenes because they were so out of focus ( The movie was clear and sharp until the fighting scenes) They moved to fast and from one side of the screen to the other. As a fan I could not appreciate the action at all. Secondly, the plot was really bad, nothing to do with what we grew up (I understand is a new era but at least make the story interesting) And finally too many dumb ass jokes, what was the director thinking? Would had rather waited to see on DVD than to waste money in the theater. Just another average movie, this summer has really been a let down. Hopefully for the sequel they improve the plot and make it a more part of the story than just fancy graphics.