Wow. Every cliche under the sun -- times 10 -- and multiple plot holes large enough to hold the Titanic. I thought Frank Grillo could act (what was that movie again?)...but after seeing this I may have been wrong. And Rhona Mitra -- sweet sexy Rhona Mitra -- she should fire her agent. Stunningly bad.
It's not even worth detailing the many specific shortfalls, cuz they're all terrible. If you watch this -- and I don;t recommend that you do -- keep your finger poised on the fast-forward button. You'll be scrubbing forward looking for a redeeming scene...but you won't find one. Not even one.
You have been warned.
It's not even worth detailing the many specific shortfalls, cuz they're all terrible. If you watch this -- and I don;t recommend that you do -- keep your finger poised on the fast-forward button. You'll be scrubbing forward looking for a redeeming scene...but you won't find one. Not even one.
You have been warned.
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