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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Overall, not bad but not as good as the hype.
I have waited some time to do a review on this title so that I could see the market response to the film in addition to having seen it the movie on its opening day. I am happy I let the dust settle on this so I could be level-handed in how I appraised this film. Overall, the film is 'good' but has significant problems throughout. It does not disappoint, I am sure (and given it has already made almost 2 billion globally at the time I write this review). Still, I caution those going into the film with HIGH expectations - like I did. For those that are very detail-oriented, I'd have to say... you'll be disappointed to some degree but will not consider the film a waste of time and money to see. I'll break it down with positives and negatives. The positives are many. First, there seems to be solid continuity between part 1 and part 2. I was happy to see this. I can envision putting these two films together and it would not miss a step or skip a beat. Second, the acting was, as expected, around the same quality we've come to expect from those that have a history of acting in the Avengers and Avengers-related franchises. The special effects, as always, were superb. Now, for the negatives. First, it seems that putting Captain Marvel in there is basically forced and uncomfortable. This character did not belong. Second, this piece does too much social justice warrior messaging. We have Captain America's shield going to Falcon? Since no super capabilities is a part of his physical build, how does he replace a super-human like Captain America? You have a string of female heroes in the battle scene that all the sudden find themselves 'together' to fend off Thanos and company while transporting the glove with the infinity stones. "Oh, don't worry, we'll take it from here, fellas". And some stupid message that is guiding Thor is to be who he is and not what he is supposed to be (these were words from his mother as well). So, he gives up his kingship to Valkyrie? What? Yes, Valkyrie, "you'll be a good queen." And, lastly, holy smokes, this whole dimension of time aspects where you can go back and make changes with no consequences just cannot seem to be logically dealt with in any way. If it was true, why would the stones need to be returned? If it is false, then so many decisions change and likely problems result from the time rifts. In either case, the storyline was poorly written on this aspect and destroys the underlining mission right on up to wonderboy, Captain America, who did not move on from his old flame, staying with her after returning the stones to their original places (thereby interfering with a husband-to-be and children that she had). Irresponsible to significant degree that morally cannot be justified. And let's not even discuss how all these humans are able to hold infinity stones now, okay? The rest, see for yourself. Yes, it is worth seeing but if you try to make sense of it, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Still worth some good, nonsensical fun.
Rampage (2018)
Wow... illogical.
Planes and helicopters that can fire long-range more destructive weapons make sure to fly in close enough to be taken down by these huge CG monsters. Yeah... that's how this whole picture was written. Oh, lets not forget that the government agent, presumably FBI, wears a front holstered nickel-plated firearm - which looks absolutely stupid in EVERY scene it can be seen.
La Guerre des trônes, la véritable histoire de l'Europe (2017)
Excellent! Well-developed historical series.
The series The Real War of Thrones was absolutely awesome from beginning to end. Well-developed characters, solid acting, solid directing, and pretty good period specific dress, armor, and fight scenes. Very little drawbacks to this and, it is so good, you'll actually forget in some places that you're watching actual history. It is these kinds of pieces that can keep younger generations enthralled in history while older generations are reminded (and maybe learning for the very first time) about European history while being entertained.
A Quiet Place (2018)
Not worth the price of admission even if it was the price charged in 1950.
How horrible was the writing of this script? Let me describe the opening sequence to drive this irrefutable fact - not opinion - home.
We begin this movie by seeing a five year old scurrying around all over the place as a mother searches for much needed medicine for the ailing older brother. The father is also searching out much needed items for radio upgrades and such. The older sister is left watching the little boy and trying, unsuccessfully to keep him out of trouble. The boy is chalk drawing on the floor, jumping up on furniture and steps, reaching for a toy space shuttle on a high shelf and, of course, it falls. This time the sister saves the day as she runs to catch the shuttle in mid-air. Whew! Life sure does so easily hang in the balance in this film. Inexplicably, the rest of the family turns their attention away from this ADHD holy terror when they're together as a group and the boy, aged 5, is not with them. Oh, look, here he comes now. Everybody has a careful, frightful, look as I guess finally they all notice that the toy shuttle the sister caught has two batteries in it and is now being held by the young boy as he slowly approaches. The father carefully moves to take the shuttle away from the boy. The father quietly removes the batteries and places both the batteries and the shuttle on a table top easily reachable by the child. The sister, feeling pity for her brother, smiles, hands him the shuttle, then walks away to catch up with the rest of the family who had already left the shop. Oops! The boy was left behind, alone and unsupervised, so he could pick up those batteries and stuff them in his pocket. Then we see that they've walked a bit out of town which, in these unbelievably dangerous times, the young boy is, yet again, unsupervised and bringing up the rear. Yes, that is right, folks, everybody is facing forward and away from the 5 year old hellion. The little devil puts the batteries in and, of course, presses the on button then big toy noises are made by the shuttle and scratch one little precocious 5 year old from the film... bye bye.
Do you understand what I mean now? The stupidity displayed in the opening scene was written in, everywhere, as the movie continued. Horrible. Just AWFUL writing.
The Dark Tower (2017)
Not as bad as the critics state but needs character and story development
Dark Tower was enjoyable and better than the critics appraisal. Yes it suffers from mediocre acting by the lead child actor. Yes, the story line is disjointed because of so much material being crammed into a typical commercial movie time (95 min.). But, many of the same critics that gave this film a thumbs down were unbelievably forgiving wither there REAL disaster known as Eragon. Now, you want to know an unoriginal piece of crap - that's Eragon. Still, the acting by almost everyone else in this one was, well, almost superb and, on top of that, at least the story is original which, as all of you out there know, is next to impossible to find such in Hollywood this day and time. I suggest you watch it and enjoy when you want to not think too much and watch some great special effects and fight choreography. Party on!
Suicide Squad (2016)
I couldn't actually spoil this film :P
I am usually a fan of super hero films. Certainly, the recent Dead Pool was excellent (Marvel). But, I am thinking that Marvel is winning the whole super hero flick war. For instance, Avengers series with significant spin offs and surprises have had solid character development, of course, amazing special effects, just all around great films (not one from the past three years rates under an 8 out of 10 in my book, and I am picky). What is going on with DC? Why are they putting this poorly written crap in our laps? I must say, Batman v. Superman was pretty bad. Very poorly written stories, unbelievable rationales, poor character development and, yes, this film was more of the same but EVEN worse. It is an evolution of a team yet no one will understand why they start calling themselves, "family". Not much evidence to lead us down the loyalty path. The wonderful thing about Marvel is that their writers are just plain leaps and bounds better than these DC debacles - they make the unbelievable, believable. DC writers seem to make the believable, unbelievable which is basically cancer to super hero flicks I say save your money - an A list actor like Will Smith was not even able to save this one.
Mythica: The Darkspore (2015)
Still doing above average work with below average financing!
This film, the second in a three part series, was very well-done and enjoyable. I thought the character development in the first would have done well to continue in the second but there seems to be a disconnect in the relationships amongst the main characters that should not have existed based on the limited information that everybody had - especially at the beginning. Still, overall, a good product but just a tick less than the previous installment. Great acting, good storyline, sub-par CG/special effects (which is to be expected). ARROWSTORM knows how to make really good B movies. Now they have a good enough reputation that I am going to look up by production company to see what else they've put out. Enjoy this most recent installment of Mythica and we all await, Mythica: Necromancer (out this year, 2015, according to IMDb.com). This movie rates better than a 4.1 which shows as of the time I am writing this review. Get out of the visual dependency on high-end CG/special effects and enjoy these good stories for what they are... good stories. Be entertained, folks!
Mythica: A Quest for Heroes (2014)
To review this series of films by Arrowstorm is why I registered
Again Arrowstorm Productions and Splendid films knocked this out of the ballpark... home run. This is a story, similar to SAGA: Curse of the Shadow, where a motley crew accidentally gather to retrieve a priestess from the clutches of a giant ogre. The main plot starts with a slave that has been informally instructed by another necromancer in the dark arts. She's a quick study. But the long journey that her powers take her on (as well as her desire to be physically whole and respected as a person) will be three movies in a series in the making. The acting is superb; the casting is well-done; character development good; CG/special effects are sub-par but the storyline is just AWESOME. If you're looking to be entertained, this is a must see surprisingly good B movie. I never thought I would say that... ever. See it and keep an open mind (remove yourself from your visual dependency on high-end CG graphics). Enjoy the story for what it is... a good story.
SAGA - Curse of the Shadow (2013)
Pretty awesome low budget film from ARROWSTORM!
I am writing this in 2015 and Arrowstorm Entertainment as well as Splendid Films (Mainstay Productions for this piece) are getting a reputation for being masters of good, low-budget films. One of their first films was this piece, SAGA: Curse of the Shadow, which is a story of a rebellious bounty hunter she-elf that finds herself, unwittingly at first, within the mix of a motley crew (paladin and orc) that ends up saving the world while looking past their differences and becoming the best of friends. Yes, it is low budget so the CG, by today's standards, is sub-par. But, if watchers can get out of their visual-dependent box and take in all that matters in terms of movies, then this movie certainly stacks up to be... dare I say, "excellent"? I never thought I would like B-movies until I saw the several from Splendid films and Arrowstorm Entertainment. SAGA: Curse of the Shadow has a strong storyline, solid character development, well-done environments/scenery, REALLY good soundtrack (and they mix the music well). The music by Panu Aaltio really adds a lot to this piece. I highly recommend this film if you are out to be entertained. That is what movies really are for, aren't they?