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combination of Intolerance and The ten commandments
10 December 2014
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I don't know if intolerance came to The Austrian-Hungary Empire,but, Michael Curtis seemed to be a Cecile B.Demille and D.w. Griffith,in this epic film.It combines with a moral tale tied with a Biblical story. The main female character is Mary,portrayed by Lucy Doraine, who at the time was married to Curtis, portrays Mary.Her mother Agathe,portrayed by Erika Wagner is in debt and pressures Her daughter to marry a wealthy man name Harber ,portrayed by George Reimers, to pay the mother debts off.The daughter does not like this,cause she has a boy friend next door ,who is a sculptor,Harry ,played by Kurt Ehrle.Once she tells him he is heart broken.The engagement party Turns out to be a big subtle orgy.Sadistically Harry is invited to the party.He tries to persuade her to cancel the engagement ,but, she refuses to.He ends up shooting himself.This put her in more shame.A young lean Walter Slezak, portrays Harber's son Eduard,who is seduced By Mary.His friend ,a priest,portrayed by Victor Varconi.She tries to makes play on him too , which cause him to think of lustful thoughts.He start to doubt himself,as in later scene he is talking over the incident with his bishop.When discovering Habers son she too tries to seduce him.This lead to a father and son fighting over her,in which she gives a knife to Eduard to kill his father.with the aid of his priest friend,Eduard confess she gave him the knife.She ends up in prison sentenced to death,hanging.When the priest shows up again she tries to seduce him until she sees the hanging place being built ,then fear hits her.This is when it transfers to the Sodom and Gomorrah story.The set are huge and elaborate .This version of Lot an his wife,you have Harry playing Lot and Lucy playing his wife.In this case she is part of a temple orgy cult.Lot wants to get her out of this and leave the city.The avenging angel ,played by Varcony, helps him to get him and his wife out.When Lots wife she can't seduce the angel.She tries to have him burnt at the stake,in her 1922 fashion orgy dress,. Instead the whole city starts to burn .Lot manages to get our of the city with her,but,she looks back and turns into stone.Back to the prison,She's about to be executed screaming and hollering against it .All of a sudden she finds her self in bed.It was a bad dream.She regularizes that she has to go back to her boyfriend.The real father and son is begging to fight each other ,but, the priest stops it.Eduard mad at his father for his decadence and leaves with his priest friend.Mary goes back to the hospital to visits Harry and reunite .Very excellent Austrian silent film classics. 12/10/14
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An exciting Murder mystery,during the war
9 December 2014
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This was the type of movie that the state had allowed the studios ,in Germany, to produce to help citizens to forget the harsh realities of war.This was no political Nazi propaganda,It takes place in 1928,the height of the Wiemar period,but, as with Hollywood back in the forties ,when making a film about the twenties,the styles and hairdo's are in accurate and reflect 1942.So Germany was accurate about the Biedermeier period ,when they made films about that time,but, modern past inaccurate.This is about Murder planned by Dr Crippen,played by Rudolph Fernau, and his secretary and mistress , Lucy,played by Gertrud Meyen, against Crippen's wife,Cora,played by Anja Elkoff.She was a trapeze artist who retired,whom she had an admirers, a painter name Arnoldi ,played by Rolf Weih, and a wolf,who also performed on the stage professor Morrison,played by O.E Hasse. In a dinner party Morrison tries to make a pass at her behind Crippens back and she rejects Morrison .All of a sudden She disappears .Morrison,being in love with her makes checks to see what might of happened to her.Then Arnodi sees in a news paper that she is taking a trip to Rio.Not satisfied,he goes to the inspector Duwlle,played by Rene Deltgen,the big Game, and Inspector Michael,played by Walter Lieck,Munchhausen,Golden City.So both check around.They go to Crippens and ask him questions.They later get suspicious and come back to the house and their gone,He calls the new about suspicion that Crippen Murder his wife and he might be on that steam boat.The steward,played by Heinz Schorlemmer ,Gasparone ,looks at the news paper and gets suspicious at the orthodox Priest and a young boy with him. Both Crippens and Lucy in disguise.Well then you got Ernst Waldow as the Surgeon and Max Gulstorf as the Captain ,Once they have been convinced,they decide to trick Crippen playing the orthodox preacher to be sure .They send Rene the message,Rene goes to the ship and eventually traps Crippens.They take him back to France for an inquest.Paul Dahlke is his lawyer and tries to put the blame on Morrison,this case Rolf does not show up at all.Then Rene does something crazy to prove Crippens was guilty.He goes to the studio ,who made this film and takes the edited footage and set a projector at the inquest ,which reveals Crippens poisoning his wife .Where the film makers trying to be sarcastic?that was strange. 12/9/14
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Peter Pan Live! (2014 TV Movie)
Good,but was it live?
5 December 2014
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Was it being broadcast in New york live,but,digitally taped for delay broadcast where i live?Or was it being broad cast live at 9 pm in New York and I was getting it on my t.v. set at 7 pm? There have been changes .The darlings maid is just an extra in this version.The actor who played Mr Darling.Christian Borle did not play captain hook as in the other version,where one actor played both parts .I did not see Mr Smee.This version the number where peter pan portrays a women and sings opera to trick Captain hook was eliminated .Christoper Walken's performance as captain hook was weak,as if he just was not into.It took place during Christmas.The lost children in Never Never land were played by adults rather than children.Probably cause it was easier to choreograph dance numbers to adult dancer easier than child dancers.In spite of that the remake was good and the cast was excellent.Allison Williams was excellent as peter pan.They really made her boyish.Taylor Louderman was also good as Wendy.I was surprised that the number that peter pan originally sang about groping up was given to the Wendy character,but, then i regularize they gave Peter a new song.Nana the dog was played by a real trained dog.The way it was being digital taped gave a three dimension feel psychologically ,but, .after the show the DVD is being advertised .how fast,Traditionally such special would be repeated each year on t.v.but back then there was no home video.It was still a good t.v.musical .12/5/14
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Anti Biritsh and Dutch Nazi war propaganda classic
24 November 2014
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After the Movie there was a discussion about it .Was this a Nazi propaganda film? Yes it was ,But so was Hollywood's Action in the north Atlantic too an American propaganda film during the war.In Germany the government has banned the film from home video and are only showing it at the F.W. Marnua Institute with discussion afterwords.In the U.s.a.It's not banned on DVD home video,but, the mainstream broadcast classic film stations and mainstream distributors are politically correct against showing it or distributing it on home video.It available through specialty only.This was the first pro war Nazi propaganda film to be shot in a real submarine .It was also the first time a camera was place on board for the submerging sequences .The plot revolves around a bunch of Kriegsmarine on a U boot who go on a furlough before they are called back.Josephs Sieber,playing Boatman Buttgereit comes home to a children of 4,wheres the mother?Karl John,two in a city,has a problem .His girl friend is pregnant ,played by Ingeborg Senkpiel, and need to get married.Kriegsmarine Friends played by Clemens Hause and Herbert Klatt are in love with the same women,played by Carsta Locks.When Klatt takes her out to café,with Michael Jary and his swing Band,nope!it's a band alright but only plays the Nazi patriotic march and song," Waiting my Girl there in the home",conflict arises when they are confronted by Hasse.She sneaks out.Then there's Heinz Englemann.He's home to listening to his girl friend ,played by Ilsa Werner ,who's a singer,her voice is dubbed in this film,who sings the same song and has not answer his proposal about marriage.The Request concert shows up in this film and unlike the movie,Ilsa Werner sing in this film on the radio,although dubbed,and the propaganda song is sang by the Nazi Choir on the radio too ,but, they are all called back to fight ,the good guys,the British.Carl is so frustrated that he could not get married and that his child will be a bastard,then Herbert Wilk send a message to have them married by Proxy,in which Ingerbors is aided by Wilk's wife ,played by Clementia Egies and Ilsa ,at home.Boy !this plot is exactly almost like action in the north Atlantic.How did Warner pick up the plot?There's a very brutal scene in which the Krieg's blows up a boat with three Brits,played by German actors speaking English Phonetically.There's a dutch ship that tries to sneak in plane parts ,but the Krieg boys catch them.So they set dynamite to blow up the ship while the dutch sailors jump into the sea.Joseph Sieber and the few end up getting out of the ship too late that they get caught by another British ship,but, they manage to escape with prisoners This film seem to be as entertaining as Two in the city and the Great love.,The cinema photographer of popular German silent classic and early talkies, in the united States , ,Metropolis to Blue angels,Gunther Rittau ,directed this film .Hitler;s Chief Commander of the Kriegsmarine ,Karl Donitz makes an appearance The film ends with an anti British hate song,"Some where in a distance"excellent Nazi propaganda classic,for dark film history fans 11/24/14
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Another Cinerma classic
16 November 2014
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Finally on DVD and Blu-ray, the restored version of Seven wonders of the world.It was wonderful with Lowell Thomas as the narrator. Where in a small little screen he tells you and I where we are going to see. The surviving of the sen wonder of the world.Then the curtains open up to large smile box screen with the Stereophonic sound of Emil Newman's music and from a plane's perspective showing Egyptian pyramids back on the 1950's.Even a American oil company and an oil pipe in the Saudi Arabian desert,where it pumps 1 million dollars a day for the king of Saudi and American boys are boy scouts,in that country is viewed as one of the seven wonders of the .You see an aerial view of Rio with Rio carnival type music as the back ground with a good beat.What I really enjoyed was the Japanese segment with the Takarazuka Dancers.They do an out door elaborate dance with the use of the fan.Costume in traditional Geisha out fits.This proceeds to the Takarazuka theater where one of the singers in 1950's , in modern pink dress starts to sing ,which proceed to the finishing of the dance on the stage.Then the Cine Crew proceed to Africa,where they meet the seven foot tall Watusi tribe.A dance is performed for the king of the Watusi and his Belgium ambassador and the Cinerama crew by Watusi dancers including a famous Watusi dancer in Africa ,the Nijinsky of the Watusi dance Butera.Pope Pius the 12th shows up the give fellow Romans a blessing from Vatican city.Later on Lowell and the crew go back home to show Americas wonder of the world,like Hoover Dam ,New York City.Lowell goes up to one average women at a picnic area and ask what she thinks is the seven wonder of the world.She points to her seven kids.This proceeds with a chorus singing, "This is my country.What Wonderful 1950's American patriotic propaganda Cinerama classic.11/16/14
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Wonerfully restored Cinerma classic
15 November 2014
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I finally got to see this Cinerama Classic in great shape.On blue ray and DVD Combo.Both disc are excellent.In this episode Lowell Thomas informs,this time in small color screen,that he and the Cinerama crew are going to explore the Himalayas as well as a royal celebration of possibly the late Durbar in Nepal of a king coronation , since Asia was getting modern.He invited his secretary to with him too.Right in the airplane the Cinerama crew meet two military men air force. Sergent,played by James Parker,who died in this film drowned from an accident on the boat in the Induce as well as a an air force Major ,played by poet and personal friend of Lowell Thomas ,Christoper Young.They are being carried by a military carrier.Then one of the assistance looks out of the plane windows to see what going on ,then Lowell looks out and Boom!,the screen get huge as the curtains open up and the sound becomes stereo and Lowell narrates.Thousands of solder jumping off airplanes and parachuting in a wonder decorations on the sky fill the whole curb screen in this 1950's American patriotic ,military, propaganda travelogue .This movie would offend demo publican and pseudo liberal conservatives ,since they want to deny bad things in the past.This is when the whole plane carrier ,in side, becomes very spacious itself,thanks to the very small lens. Robert Merrill,when he was really young, sings some of the Song in the back drop of the film with Dimitri Tiomkin music and Chorus,which is excellent in it's stereo.The songs are ,The happy Land of Hunza.The Kashmir Street scene,Search for Paradise ,Shalimar,which shows a beautiful garden in the east as Gary sings in the back drop.The most exciting scene is when you see this big huge Cinerama camera in a sound blimp on an inflatable boat ready to ride the induce .Although my screen was small ,in a huge Cinerama screen it would be very affective .I read that Cinerama had water squirts all over the theater for that sequence for the affects and everyone was given a rain coat.That's when the accident happen, in the Induce .Lowell Thomas and the crew participated in the coronation of the king in Nepal.The visit included the representative of the Chinese communist as well as the founder of the Mayo Clinic to.The Cinerama camera is put on one of the elephants for the affect.As the elephant ride was over,the crew went back to America and focus on the Air force and it's new planes .This started to remind me of A Nazi propaganda war movie ,but, this was the 1950's.There's a fake set up of an alleged laboratory to test the sound barrier as the plane our being tested .One of the test cause the glass to shatter on the windows of the phony laboratory .Near the end Dimitri Tiomkins music was the best with the chorus as it swells up as the planes go forward into space .Good entertaining Cinerama classic .11/15/14
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Why Be Good? (1929)
Rare Colleen Moore feature
14 November 2014
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You can say that this is a mix of It,Saturday Night kid and Love Trap and our Modern Maiden. Colleen Moore did a few of her vehicles ,back in the twentieth ,focusing on the flapper, such as Flaming Youth, which only a fragment survives.The music that was used in this silent film sounded exactly like the music of Hugo Riesenfeld , that was used in the King of Kings.I though First national had used him,but, the credit stated Max Terr and Irving Talbot.So they were copying some of his king of king score.They had also include pop tunes of that times in the score,some that I heard live 365 oldies station.What made me think of Saturday night kid was the fact that Jean Harlow played a part in it and she had an uncredited part in This feature.I did not notice her .I also did not notice Micha Auer in it neither.Like Clara Bow,Colleens character is a good girl who pretends to be sexually wild ,out of fear she won't be excepted .A working girl in a department store She goes out with her friends for dancing and drink booze moderately.She live with her parents,played by Edward Martindel and Bodil Rosing.Her father disproves of it , but her mother is understanding knowing she does not do wrong.I got the impression that it was made in 1927 and held back until 29,because it looked that way,but, in the inter title card the date mentions 1929.It's when Colleen is going out with her new beau played by Louise Natheaux, is when she meets Winthrop ,played by Neil Hamilton, practically almost the same similar role he played in the Love trap, that she falls in love with him.His father ,who runs the department store,in which Winthrop manages,does not think she good for him ,so he fired her.Collen thinks it might of been Winthrop,but Winthrop did not realize it.The father disapproving the engagement for the ex shop girl,suggest to test her of her virtue.The test all falls out,that she hold her virtue.Considered a lost classic for years and was restored last year with the aid of the Vitaphone project .Worth collecting 11/14/14
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Widow Blue! (1970)
I got the restored Version
5 November 2014
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Originally I had got it from Something Weird Video, It was called Sex Psycho.It was advertised as being made in 1971.Then I got the DVD upgrade .It was retitled ,The Demon in Miss Jones.It was an awful print some of the scenes were shifting to the pink side .The color of the back ground looked mono tone.The print was not sharp .It was fuzzy.Well now I got the restored one ,from Amazon, Vinegar Syndrome label. It was great!Now for the first time you could see the details of the color of the back ground.The Bringing in the coffin and the friends come visit unexpectedly sequence,the whole of the wall was pure white ,No dirty color tint over it,like the bad print.The restored version came with credit titles .Surprisingly the gay sex scene ,between Charles and Walt, was a bit longer then the non restored version .You could clearly tell that Walt Davis was either gay or bi . He had no problem getting an erection,but, Charles clearly was all an act and as a heterosexual was not enjoying it.He was not getting no erection.You did not see the penetration that scene cause it was all fake.The cum was fake.This restored version you see poor Charles struggling to Jack off on another man .You saw no ejaculation ,cause he never got off.It was advertise originally as being made in 1971,but, I would find out later it was made in 1970 ,probably right at the same time Mona came out. You had some early porn a stars in it .John Holmes, in the beginning of his hard core sex career.Susan Westcott ,Charles Lish and porn stalwart of the early seventies ,Nick Elliot ,whom appeared in another John Holmes classic ,flesh of the Lotus ,1971.The restored version revealed the blood being so fake ,look more like acrylic paint.It also revealed in one scene where Susan smudged some of the paint on her face to give an impression it got on her hands.There was one thing that the non restored version did not have ,the ending was vague.In the restored version ,it revealed that she was just having a bad dream.If your a fan of sex and violence and horror ,this would be god for you.This is the type of movie that if a pseudo liberal conservative politicos ,especially if they were gay. if they got this movie in their hands ,they would scream Snuff film and homophobia ,before they ever finish seeing it.They would try to have it banned on the allegation that a film like this can cause homophobia and influence them to murder gays with meat cleavers .Conservative and Pseudo liberal conservatives don't even know this film exist .Fair early porn, 11/5/14
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Wonderful musical from the Weimar period
2 September 2014
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This was one of the best early musical made in Germany before 33. A world war 1 romance musical.Friedel Schuster plays the countess of a Budapest estate,whose husband ,played by Ivan Petrovich and his servant,played by Erno Verebes, are going to war.Her Brother.played by Willey Stettner , whose the count doesn't .When Ivan is missing in action with his servant, Freidel thinks he's dead,so she ends up marrying the American ambassador,played by Bass And Baritone singer Michael Bohnen.It turns out that both Ivan and Erno are in a Russian prison for spying.They are about to be executed,but Willey gives his violin to the Russian cassock,played by Julius Falkenstien,so they escape.They both end up in Japan and Ivan discovers that Friedl is in Japan to,only to discover she's married Michael.Not knowing that Ivan is her husband Michale agrees to take Both men back to Budapest ,since he's going to be a consulate there.Freidl acts discreet.Erno fall in love with Lady in Waiting played by Gretl Theimer.Willey is in engaged to Japanese girl name O Lia played by Else Elster.One their way to Budapest by Russia ,at the consulate A bunch of Cossacks, with their leader played by,Gyula Szorenghy,Michael is given a paper that explaining that Ivan was a spy and must be shot and is revealed to be his wife's first husband.Michael gets mad a Freidal .Freidal and Erno are upset at this .She ends up divorcing Michal.Back at home in Budapest,Michael show up begging to start all over again,when all of a sudden Ivan show sup too .He was never shot.They are back together .There are some good musical number with this.One of the main song played a few times.09/02/14
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This version is in color
31 August 2014
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Paul Horbingers hair was dyed cartoon red.It looked terrible. There was a difference in this remake.Lumpi is an bad fairy,played by Gunther Luders.Then there's the good fairy,played by Jan Tildman,as Fotuna.Theadore Danegger plays a heavenly father.Both Lumpi and Fortuna makes a bet if money would change three vagabonds.An ex Taylor played by Gunther Phillips .an ex Shoemaker ,played by Paul Horbinger ,who's an alcoholic.Joachim Fuchburger,who quits ho carpenter job.When Hans Moser want his daughter ,that Joachim is in love with,to marry the Mayor played by Fritz Muliar.When all three wins a lottery all go their separate ways.Gunther dumps his waiters girl friend ,played by Renate Ewert and Goes for Senoria Palpiti,played by Jester Naefe and becomes a count.Joachim gets his girl back ,but does nothing. Horbinger find a decrepit Castle and invites other hobo's to get drunk with.It all turns sour.Gunther realizes that Palpiti is a gold digger.Paul Horgbinger realize he has had too much. Joachim want to practice his craft back and go to America with his now wife.All three realized that money does not bring happiness.Fortuna wins the bet.Other actor you got in the film is Fritz Imhoff as the owner of the restaurant and bar and Rudolph Carl shows up s one of the drunks.I have to say that the original one was a little bit better.08/31/14
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Opernball (1956)
Colorful remake
29 August 2014
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This is the remake of the 1941 German classic,The only difference that it was shot in a.g.f.a color showing the art direction and it;s costumes to its best.Hans Moser is the remake and portrays the head waiter at the Opernball.Theo again plays the butler,The other differences that it has song numbers.About the story Hertha and Sonja want to test their husband fidelity,when they go to the Opernball.They both agree to write a letter claiming to be mysterious women ,who wan to meet then at the ball,their husband played by Johannes Heesters and Joseph Mienrad.They tell the both men that they will be wearing pink dresses.Johannes finds out that Hertha is going to be one of those women.He teaches Hertha lesson by getting the maid ,played by Doris Kreysler to dress up in the same pink out fit and in the ball switch Hertha place with Keysler for Meinradand Jopie with Hertha.Jopie ask his girl friend played by Francis Martin, to meet with his friend at the Opernball,played by Rudolph Vogel,who wants to get away from his bossy diet demanding wife played by Fita Benkhoff,who would not let him go to the ball.But it gets all screwed up at the the private rooms it turn out that Doris ends up with Johannes and Hertha ends up with Joseph accidentally .This angers Johannes.Sonja thinks Meinrad is making out with Hertha,so, she gets revenge by flirting with young new composer played by Adrian Hoven.Theo and Hans have to search for Rudolph before his wife find out where he was.His wife finds out and tries to look for him and sees Sonja is deciding to go further with Adrian for revenge.Fita stops her and takes her place both her and Adrian get drunk.Eventually this is straightened out. One would of thought that this would have been shot in cinema scope and Technicolor ans stereo,since it was available in Germany,but,having to still pay world war 1 dept and rebuilding Germany No bank would give studios big loans.This is my guess.The end of it advertise it as being restored .08/29/14
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Early German musical
28 August 2014
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This in a way was equivalent to the American Broadway Melody of 1929 of Germany.I though it was made in Austria.It has that flavor.The focus is the making of a stage musical.As they would put it, Operetta.Years later this would be adapted into a stage musical in that country, Willi Forst and Oscar Karlwells portray brothers,who are librettist of a produced stage musical.Their friend is a composer of the operetta ,played by Walter Janssen.The actress in this m musical is played by Irene Eisenger,who's Jewish heritage forced her to leave Germany by 1940.You see a lot of interesting numbers on the stage,the scene where she is singing to a toy soldier played by Tibor Halmay, and they both dance.The marching and dancing of chorus girls playing soldier with Irene, in the middle.Paul Horbinger plays a small part of the coachmen.Cuddles Sakall in one of his early film roles before he moved to the untied states,plays the director.Acting the same way he would act in American films.Gretl Theimer plays the s sister Nicky and Vicky,that they keep a secret from Walter Janssen ,due to his ways with women.During the rehearsal Walter has a dry spell and having trouble to finish the musical.So he has party ,which no one will go to .It turn out that the sister of the two brothers show up and then inspires Walter to complete the musical.At Gretls' birthday and a lawyer reveals to the brother that she was never their blood sister .Walter is waiting for Gretl to show up for to sing the song that she was inspire to do in his place.Both brother want to marry her ,but, by the time they go to the theater it's too late .Good early talking Euro musical.This was the first German film to be release in the united states with subtitles 08/28/14
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Fine Willi Forst Comedy with songs and music
26 August 2014
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I have a feeling that this film was made strictly to sell the song,Women are no angels.This film with a fine Austrian cast.This is the second feature ,that I seen ,that stars both Axel Von Ambesser and Marta Harell.It also stars Austrian character actress stalwart Hedwig Bleibetreu as well as Richard Romanowsy.Axel plays a bothered film producer along with his screen play writer.Richard on a cruise for a rest,but, a lot of the female passengers knows he's there and they want to get into picture so badly.Margot Hielscher.who is showing her pop singing talent in this movie,plays a cruise singer who's fed up with this job.She gets chummy with Richard in her attempt tog et him to introduce her to Axel,in her attempt to get into pictures.Its when Axel is out on the deck he see a women in distress with a man threatening her .They both don't notice him.When they're gone he see her purse and open it up and there is a gun.That's when he take it out and puts in in the pocket It's dark and she come back thinking its the same man and he give her back her purse She opens up her purse and the gun is gone ,but, she put on an act.A young Brown hair Kurd Jurgens plays the man ,who threatens her .Obviously Axel wants to know what's going on.Well it turns out that she is a screen play writer who want to get into the movies and she trying to sell her play,with the help of an actor played by Kurd Jurgens and her Aunt,played by Bliebtre.She fall in love with Axel and as he taking her to see his old friend ,played by Beibtrue,she starts to feel guilty.Once he find out when Richard get the script,all hell breaks loose.This film contain two songs by Margot .One of the funny scenes is in which the studio he works for ,Olympic Pictures. is is disguised as a government building to mock a state wedding them the w all the props are immediately eliminated,after tricking Marta .A fun film 08/27/14
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Traummusik (1940)
Nazi Opera and Jazz Together ,a conflict ,poltically. at that time.
26 August 2014
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This is one of the best German back stage musicals,but,i.m.d.b has and some mistakes.I just saw the movie and sent them the correction ,but they have not changed it yet.Werner Hinz is advertised as playing Ronny.Wrong! he plays Michele Donato and Pop musical composer Mac Dynar.Albrecht Shoanhals is advertised as playing Michele Danato and Dynar.Wrong!He played Maestro Hutter.Axel Von Ambesser,is advertised as playing Hutter .Wrong he plays Ronny.If they make these changes by the time this article is printed then ignore what I said.Beniamino Gigli makes a cameo appearance as himself Marta plays an aspiring opera Singer,who is studying in Italy,Mussolini controlled Italy.Her boy friend played By Werner Hinz aspire to be a composer of Opera and their best friend Axel Ambesser want to from a Swing band and put on revues.This is sure a double standard of the Nazi Regime.Well it turns out that Albrecht ,who is the maestro,discover her an n makes her an big opera star.Whether Marta is actually sing or is her voice dubbed is a question.The voice is excellent Werner finished his Opera ,but ,is discourage by the maestro ,who claims he need to work on it better.Lizzie Waldmuller is the cabaret singe and Axel interest.So Werner end up writing music for revues starring Lizzie and orchestrated by Axel.the numbers are good.There is another segment in which an excerpt of h Werner's revue is shown on experimental television,at that time.One number in involves a hug record disc with and a needle arm with chorus girls and Lizzie singing .Lizzie voice gets stuck and Ambesser shows up taking the worn huge needle and replacing it with a new one.Finally convince Albrecht to put on Hienz's Opera ,Marta discover that it's being changed into a jazzy Musical revue.Hienz first reject the making it back to an opera ,feeling it's too late,angering Marta,then he changed his mind and his opera is is finalized.A well entertaining dramatic musical from the third Reich .08/26/14
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Spiel an Bord (1936)
Welcome to the Nazi Love boat Bremin
25 August 2014
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When I Saw this on you tube,I read the story at the bottom of the picture.The translation was horrible.I read the review on Wikipedia,after the movie,I under stood it better.This is a Wiemar style comedy that takes place on the Cruise boat Bremen.It includes songs,as a part of the background,by German pop singer and later laundry man.Rudi Schuricke,when he was working with his brother as a team,The Schuricke Three.Two Con men ,played by Hubert Von Meyerick,as Marquis De La Tour and Paul Heidemann as Baron Von Western,are on the boat to see who's rich and famous they can con. Hennings,played by Joseph Tiedke and his daughter Astrid,played by Erika Bert arrive.The other passengers are President Miller Corner,played by Alfred Abel and his Secretary,played by Ernst Waldow.For some reason Viktor Dekowa.As Viktor Muller sneaks into the cruise boat for some reason, disguised as a car mechanic. As he Cruise around the boat he meet another secretary ,this time a women,Susi crying for some reason,played by soon to be an ex patriot,Sussane Rauh.The boat is on it's way to New York.Viktor and Alfred eventually meet on the boat and become friends.The last customer on the boat is Carsta Locks,she on the boat too for some reason.The con men discover that Henning has rare stamp in his collection and they end up thinking that Victor is president Corner.So they convince him to be a part of their influence to Henning selling his stamp then stealing it to sell it for the money.When Both Miller and Muller get drunk,Miller,played by Abel ask Miller ,played by Dekowa, to front for him ,Abel.In this case The con men think Dekowa is really President Corner.Now Corner is playing his Secretary and Ernst his butler.Sussi find out and get mad with Dekowa cause she know he's lying to her.Then the con men hire Susi to type the a papers for the deal and then Henning does the same thing.Then the two con men find out that they have been working for the wrong person and try to make trouble for Muller.When the Bremen arrive in new York,the two con men are arrested and Henning find out he's been robbed,but Dekowa has retrieved the stamp.From the Wikipedia a review,Dekowa character was a reporter and Carsta was a police women.Miller and Susi make up in New york .a Good Romantic comedy.08/25/14
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A Viennese Nostalgic musical
6 August 2014
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Back in the fifties,the Austrian movie going audiences loved films that focused on their history,focusing on the Austrian - hungry past.this was also their favorite subject back in the thirties.It was convenient for film makers to use the government buildings and the Royal place museum as the exterior.Using the blvd for the Kaiser parade.This is a musical about the Austrian military and their individual shenanigans.It stars Rudolph Prack,but, instead of Sonja Zieman,Winni Marcus is the leading lady playing the countess.Her Father, played by Harry Hardt ,who portrays the commander ,has her engaged to Eric Frey,but,she is in love with Rudolph.Walter Muller portrays one of the soldier who is great with the ladies.One day when he's doing a maneuver,he rescues a runaway carriage.It turns out that Winnie's lady in waiting ,portrayed By Hannahlore Bollman is in the carriage,but, the new paper states it was the countess .This put pressure on Winnie to use her lady in waiting to portray her.all through the film Walter is duped.The plot is that Rudolph has written a book ,in secret, criticizing the Austrian military.He keeps it a secret in hope of convincing Winnie's father to allow him to marry her in this film you got other Austrian stalwart actors ,like,Josef Mienrad,who showed up in some of Romy Schneider films,like Die Halzerte.Gunther Phillips ,who goes after Susan Nicolete.When Winnie Reject Frey for Rudolph,at the ball, Erik tells Winni's father about Rudolph book.Rudolph then challenges Eric to a duel.Winne begs Erik to spare Rudolph life and promise that she would marry Erik.Rudolph finds out after and thinks that Winnie does not love him,so he rejects her.Later on Walter still thinks that Hanna is the real countess,he get mad when he finds out that she 's engaged.She tries to tell him the truth,but, he runs mad.Rudolph breaks up the wedding and he get in troubles.As he's about to be kicked out Hans Moser goes to the Kaiser and tries to clear it out. Now as i said earlier,Austrian audience enjoyed film that took place under Emperor Franz Joseph period,there were a lot of them,worth watching 08/7/14
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Excellent after the war Viennese comedy film
10 June 2014
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Germany ,after the reviving film business up their was filing Rubble,but by 1950 began to film Heimat movies.Austrian film Industry ,after the war, began to film comedies,such as more Hans Moser film and other subject.This one, shot in 1950 in now Independent Austria.Stars two comedians of both German and Austria cinema .Theo Lingens and Hans Moser,at their best,playing servants.In this case Theo is working for Joseph Meinrad, of Sissie fame , and Susan Nicoletti as a servant.As Theo sends breakfast up to them,Pusan notices a letter on Joesph tray.She grabs it and it turns out to be one of his ex girl friends,She get mad at Joseph an fires Theo.The comedy starts when Hans Moser as Ferdinand is hired to take Theo and he bumps into Theo and accidentally takes Theo suit case and Theo take Moser's .As Theo is at an eatery he reads an article about a Murder and the photo of the murderers back.It looks like Hans.He thinks that Hans is the murder and he found out Hans has his suitcase.Hans gets a ride for Walter Muller to go to Meinrad and Nicoletti's house,which looks like the front of the Von trap Families original home.Walters character knows Joseph's.Well Hans finds out he has the wrong case and with murder mys try dime novels in the case , he finds in Theo's suitcase picture of women and two sharp knives.Now he thinks Theo a murders.Nicole's' friend,played by Eva Leiter, shows up on the weekend,after Nicole invited her,but,Nicole start to suspect even her best friend might have been an ex girl friend of Joseph.Well as it turns out almost everyone is accusing each other for being the murderer.Theo comes back to try to stop the murderer .Before you know it Hans and Walter thinks that Joseph and Eve and Nicole are a criminal gang.One mishap to another.Fritz Imhoff shows up as a head of an employment agency.A funny comedy from the early years of Austrian cinema after the war,when they were independent again from Germany . 0611/14
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Excellent British Technicolor comedy
8 June 2014
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Years ago, I remember, seeing this a lot of time on nostalgia channel.It was a shrunk color print,The scene where Anna is begging Nicholas Phip to except her as an equal,in post Crimean war sequence,I, remember seeing the red in that uniform so weak,bad print.But now It's been remastered from the original elements. It's A sparkling Technicolor print now and the uniform is so red it bleeds. Now Ladymead looks better than ever,the costumes and art direction is superb.Anna Neagle,who later became Dame Anna Neagle, plays four women,in four periods,The Crimean war ,the Boer war,right after the end of world war 1 .a day before 1920 and after world war2 .She pro trays women ,whom when they got married were originally submissive to their husbands,The first one 1946,Sir John Beresford,1946, played by the handsome Hugh Williams ,the 1854 version played by Nicholas Phip, the 1903 version played by James bond boss,when he was young,Bernard Lee.Michael Lawrence in 1919, but, when these men came back the women have changed.These women want more responsibility and to be equals with them.This angers the husbands.Then there's the interfering friend who show upright after the husband come home from war, delaying Liz, Betty,Beth,Elizabeth from being alone with her husband.The only problem is the 1919 right before 1920,The Betty sequence,there's some inaccuracy of the period.The music that Betty played,on her record was the Sheik of Araby,which was not published until after 1920.Women began to get more wild right after 1920,by the mid 20's,I think.Not before the end of 1919.Women I don't think started wearing heavy make up until after 1920.The Betty character was wearing heavy make up in 1919.All in all this was a good example of a British Technicolor production.If Natalie Kalmus did not try to sell the Technicolor process to Britain,this film would have Duffey color,which was not a very good color process, 06/08/14
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How did they survive?
4 June 2014
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I just discovered that after the war, the french and British and American allies ,as well as the survivors of the concentration camp,did not follow the ethical treatment of p.o.w. and took the law into their own hand and committed violent revenge against many Germans,which cause another holocaust .So I don't know how the motion picture business was able to rise up that year,in Germany in 1947.This was the first film since the war, or what the info claims,I though it was,"Murderers amongst us.This is a Rubble film. A few boys ,who are living in a country school,who's parents sent them to protect them from the violent bombings.well .They want to leave school and participate against the Americans and french and Germans and Russians .The four boys, Wolfgang,played by Lutz Moik,Manfred ,played by Hans Neie,Max ,played by Horst Gentzen and the youngest Ulli ,played by Dieter Bauer.Wolf gang remembers one of the teachers and then all decide to leave to go back to Berlin and fight ,Paul Dahlke ,plays the peaceful teacher and when he discovers they are gone try to search for them.Kathe Haak plays Wolfgang mother ,This movie contains actual footage of the bombings and fighting in Berlin ,when citizens did not give up yet .Wolf gang finally meets the teacher that encouraging him to support the Nazis and he gives him his old military coat .On their way to Berlin they observe people escaping from the bombed cities.They are confronted by a dead mother and her daughter on the side of the road.Eventually they meet Corporal Gehlhorn, played by Will Rose.He decide to join them to make sure the kids get to Berlin.The problem is that when the youngest Ulli,played by Deiter Bauer,as every one goes on the side of the road to hide behind a wall as the bombs hit that Area,Ulli goes on the middle of the road to get his dog ,then after another bomb attack kills him.Paul Dahlke is confronting the teacher for encouraging the kid to fight .Wolfgang realizes how dangerous war is and decide snot to fight.Will then send him t his mother .This was an good rubble film,with actual documentary film footage.The only problem is that the film don't show the other kids being turned to their parents.Probably budget,may be. 06/4/14 Correction it was 5 boys, Erich ,played by Gunther Seehaus.The other teacher Wolfgang knew was Paulke, played by Kurt Langake,Paul had a friend and a fellow teacher Hoefert,played by Helmut Heyne. 06/5/14
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More Propaganda fun
23 May 2014
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Good god! Now you see the Nazi Germans,the poor ,poor Nazi German, being put in A french Concentration camp!How opposite that was compared to real life.As much as I complained that I.h.f is discriminatory against the non political entertainment sides of the third Reich ,Thanks to Rare films and more dot com has more variety,but uneven quality, most mainstream companies won't touch either.Turner classic movies has not premiered another Nazi classic film ,since Titanic.Janus, Warner home video, Kino on video,except for what they had already sold, I believe are politically correct against dealing with these films.This is stupid.Thank goodness for i.h.f.I think this is the second political Nazi propaganda film that teamed both Berta Drews, the wife of Heinrich George, and Fritz Camper ,once again as husband and wife, Since Furlough on words for honor ,1938. This ,of course, was directed by the king of Nazi propaganda cinema,Karl Ritter.He must have been really booed of the industry after the war.His last involvement in film was 1950.This funny Nazi propaganda film. Portrays Nazi Germans as the victims of the United states ,Britain , France and the Czech republic as the bad guys.A bunch of Tyrolean singers,who look like they are imitations of the Von Trapp Family,are immediately arrested and sent to a french concentration camps.Fritz attempts to escape it twice.He wins the second ,but, this concentration camp looks more like a cheap hotel resort.His son ,played by Son .played by Joachim Brenneke volunteers to fight for his family and sorry a- furor.,leaving Berta by her self working in the Nazi factory ,In France Carl Raddatz and his french Girl friend , played by Maria Bard, is arrested.She does not end up in this resort looking concentration camp ,but ,Carl does.She get help from Anti Nazi Oscar Sima,who portrays a Austrian radio personality.Carl goes along with him to get out and go back to Germany,meantime he's worried about his brother ,who's serving the sorry furor, played by Hannes Stelzer,who has been in other Nazi propaganda films.Three Luftwaffe's, who are being attacked,I think, by American soldiers, get rescued by other Luftwaffe,portrayed by Carl John,George Thomalla and Joseph Dahmen, actors who appeared in other pro war Nazi propaganda films.Maria Von Ditmarr, of Munchhausen fame ,as well as in films like g.p.u. shows up in the film as well.There's a anti french anti British Burlesque show,in one of the french night club ,topped off with an integrated man and women dance teams,The man white and the women black.Is that suppose to be Nazi racism? It's more topped off by lies .That once very on gets back to Germany and they all volunteer and succeed in bombing France, Poland and England,over throwing these country's This provers how delusional Goebbels was .What a fantasy,that the poor German people were duped to believe .As I stated the Classic corporate and broadcast classic film distributor are politically correct against Broadcasting any of these films or distributing them. The money grubbing Corporate film Journalist pretend that they don't exist. They been this way since 1977,when the video revolution started.Worth seeing. From original 35mm print. including footage of Loyd George and Winston Churchill 05/23/14 Corrections 05/25/14. The soldier that were shooting at Hans Stelzer ,Joseph Damen and George Thomalla were Poles. Oscar Sima portrays a Jewish radio personality, of a human rights organization. The Von Trapp family impersonators are sent to a British concentration camp.Carl John was in a different airplane, not with Damen,Stelzer or Thomalla
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In glorious Geva color
19 May 2014
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This is another form of a.g.f.a color.or is it really Eastman color? This is the second Heimat film re teaming post was Rudolph Prack and the newer ,actress Sonja Zeaman,Who started after the war.Other post war charterers actors Otto Gebuhr, of Frederich the Great series and Immensee,Joseph Sieber.To character actor of Germany Oscar Sima as well as Ernst Waldow.You have the first introduction of the three mistral men play by excellent sing Kurt Riemann and Hans Ritcher,who was a child actor before and under the third Reich, and Ludwig Schmitz.These character are probably based on ex soldiers of the military ,who couldn't find jobs and did street singing ,Now this is a may be.The colors of this beautiful print are great,Since the focus is green ,has the tendency to spill into the other colors, showing reflections of magenta a little bit.The plot,Soja uncle and aunt ,Margrete Hagen, as the aunt with Otto as the uncle,Run a country inn. Hans Stuw,who in real life was a schizophrenic, plays Sonja's father and i think owns the estate, breaks the conservation laws and occasionally shoots dears,behind the back at night , of Forest Ranger Rudolph Prack ,who avoided playing bad guys out of ear he offend the women audience ,probably . Sonja later discover it and tries to get Hans to stop this.Eventually Maria Holst ,of Vienna's blood, 1940,show up re teamed with stalwart actor,Willy Fritsh , aka Villy Frrritsh , of an over expose, popular 1928 silent film Spione by Fritz Lang and the mainstream classic film fans only under stand him on that. There are plenty of German folk song sang by sing Kurt Rieman.The three minstrel men would show up in a few more Heimat fantasy's .Will Fritsh sing to Maria Holst a song," Rosemarie,nope that Rosemarie,I love You, another song with the same name .With the Heimat film there is always celebration,the circus come to the country hick town.Oscar Sima is the ring master .Obviously That the reason why Mara is visiting her best friend Zonja ,cause she a hose ride in the circus. Holst,,You also have a fair and German folk dancing contest and some old ex Nazi officer who, who was let go in the Nuremberg trial,talking about the good old days,when Hitler was their Furor ,Ha!Ha!Ha! Just kidding .I'm referring to the scene in which Hans Stuw is being toasted by other friend at the table, at the fair .Well a murder happens in Heimatville.Some one has killed one of the citizens at night .One would suspect Hans Stuw.When he walking in the woods and find out the lion Tamer ,played by Karl Finkenzeller has killed dear meat for the lions. Hans Stu tries to stop him ,but Karl kills him.I still did not understand who killed the Heimat citizen and why the filmmaker only showed his feet and not the face .Still it's a good Heimat classic for those who include German Austrian film history. 05/19/14 Corrections 05/20/14 It was one of the policemen who got shot.It was the lion Tamer who shot him.He was killing dear for lion meat.That was a farewell at the fair.Sonja and Hans decide to leave their relative inn to stop him from hunting and not get caught. I also forgot to rate it.I just did . Also in the drug store there is a German version of the early Ivory soap box advertisement, on the counter ,in which years later ,in the United States another model would replace the one in the fifties and become top adult star,Marlyn Chambers
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A good version of the operetta
26 April 2014
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This was probably Ilsa Werners first film in German ,since her divorce from an American journalist that same year,Lets face it the 1940 version was a lot better than this.I had not seen the 1935 version,but, this was the first version to be shot in color and made as a Hiemat type film .Gerhard Reidmann made an good Adam, but Jopie Heesters version was a lot Better, but nevertheless his Adam was good,Eva Probst Christal was a lot better in the singing department, since the 1963 version, Cornelia Froboess only had a fair voice .Both Reidman and Probst were married in real life at one time.This was Wolf Aulbachs Retty's first appearance in a color film as well as Character actor and some time directer,Gunther Luthers, he appeared in make love to me and great freedom street, also his first appearance in a color feature.It's about the same story Christl wants Adam to have a better job so they can get married ,bu, Adam gets mad at her when she talk to the Prince for the position out of fear they might be carrying on.When Chrtistel goes in instead of Wolf Aulbach Retty,its Gunther taken his place ,while wolf goes to the gambling casinos.Gerhard feels she having an affair and grabs the firs women that show up Princess Marie Louise , incognito , with her friend? or lady in waiting?Ernestine,played by Erni Mangold ,to catch Wolf coming back from having his affairs though the small town,This movie starts during the celebration.This is also a Heimat version of the play.In Hiemat film there is always one celebration after another. Ilsa displays her whistling talents , but ,only in a non singing sequence ,where she is admiring Adams birds.She does a singing number and like Her role as Jenny Lind,since her voice was small it was dubbed by an operetta type voice.The Irony of this is that Wolf Aulbach Retty did the Adam role in 1935 version,So in this version he has been raised to a Prince.The Object of the Prince's desire is a dancer,Played By Sybil Werden, who's married to a Marquis ,played by Siegfried Breuer.Invites both of them down for the weekend to get to her when she's Ise and he Sigfried , are not looking not looking,A excellent out door Dance number , away of saving money by shooting it out doors, with Sybil as the lead dancer. The only problem with the film is when Eva is singing in the top of her voice it cuts quickly in the stage coach where Ilse and Erni are having a conversation rather than waiting for Eva to finish.The night time sequence where Gerhard is romancing Ilsa and sing her a song ,it's shot on a sound stage and it shows , a fake unrealistic night sky .Brigadoon' set were more real,Sigfried Breuer, the one that was in the third man and the way of freedom,As with Gabriella his portrayal of the Marquis in this film was the wrong kind of role for him,and in a Hiemat film itself.In spite of all this it's entertaining film made a the time where the motion picture biz technology was improving in the united states .Germany would not shoot their first and only CinemaScope feature till 1955,As i said a very entertaining film from the republic of Germany , very colorful 04/26/14
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The first talking musical ,film version.
26 April 2014
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This is the first 1935 film version of the operetta, the first talking version.This is the better version than the a.g.f.a color ,1952 version,produced by Willi Forst .It takes place in the modern ,1935 , times, although you have your traditional Austrian Folk music and dance numbers in this film.It's also one of the earliest Hiemat film made, before the term came out by frustrated Germans ,which meant that it would take 1980 to pay their world war 1 dept and 1990 for full recovery and had to escape with film that focus on nature and mountains.There are a few more songs in this film.The one I like is the one sang by Chritstl Mardayn, as the host Josepha in the white Horse inn, when she's singing to the guest who had come in from Austria's traditional showers.This was made wen Austria was still a democracy and independent.Herman Thimig plays the best Leopold,of the other version,in his hear sickness for Josepha.Frtiz Odemar ,character actor , plays a non singing ,no Glamorous D.r,Siedler.I have to admit I like Jopies version better , but, Odmars performance is good too.Jolly big character actor Willi Schaeffers,of Fool in the snow,plays a version Giesecke that runs a bathing suit industry, who want His daughter to marry his competitor.Ann Markart plays Ottillie , who prefers D.r. Siedler.Theo Ligens usually plays butler roles.In this case he playing the business man Furst,Giesecke is trying to hook up with his daughter to.The actress Marion Stanior,Who plays Clara, the one that Furt Falls for , has a slight Betty Boop type voice.German fat character actor Frtiz Imhoff, plays the mayor ,who organizes the towns Hiemat celebration Other number that I like is the combo slight tap dancing and Austrian folk dance that Marion does with another dancer.It all culminate in a mock wedding participated By a mad Herman with Christl as participating in a historical event that happen in their town.This is the best of all the film version.although the print is sharp and has no shrinkage ,it has scratches that could have been digitally eliminated.Made before Hitler's invasion. 03/26/14
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A great German classic
25 February 2014
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You American broadcast classic film channels,always over repeat the Blue angels and praise Emil Jannings for his performance,yet they refuse to explore Emile's German works,just to punish him, as well as not to offend the Jewish and families of world war two veterans audience , cause that classic broadcasting channel is hypocritically politically correct against his German films after the blue angels.Yet they will show our own hate classic birth of a nation.Double standard.Emile performance as doctor Koch is excellent,In spite of Hitler's attitudes against the sick and disabled, Koch is almost portrayed accurately,the real on was married twice.Emile version is mainly one wife,played by Hildegarde Emmy , both old enough to be grand parents, and yet has a daughter ,young enough to be his Granddaughter, could not get her name.Viktoria Von Ballasko , portrays his faithful nurse,sister Else.Right out of graduation ,Robert has an assistant, D.r. Firtz Von Hartwig ,portrayed by Raimund Schelscher, in which later both Else and him would develop a Romantic interest in each other , Joseph Sieber and Hilda Korber portray the victims of their daughter dying of polio Ironically there is a Christian church sequence,in spite of the fact it was outlawed in the real world .Where all the church goers get mad a t Koch to think he's killing their children. One of the local school teachers,played by Paul Dahlke, is one of his enemies who tries to petition him out of Roberts practice .There's a funny sequence where the wife of the Baron,portrayed by Elizabeth Flickschilt, has the hots for Koch and tire to get him to examine her,surprising her with a bucket of freezing cold water,at her.Werner Krause portrays Rudolph Virschow ,a famous surgeon and teacher,who gets too busy to meet Koch with Koch's new findings of the Bactria that cause polio.After Kirschows witnessing the discovery of the polio bacteria ,he immediately leaves to the kaisers ball,at the surprise of the member of the medical profession and Koch, just to meet the Kaiser portrayed by Rolf Prasch,only to come back to Koch for assistants ,in which they end up arguing.It's also a the first German feature to use the ,at the time still experimental 35mm a.g.f.a. color in a sequence,Although its not that great.Bismark,portrayed by Friedrich Otto Fischer, makes an appearance in his debate,which Kirschow found more important than meeting Koch.This movie cannot be compare to Friedrich the great film series,which had political propaganda .You just can't compare Robert Koch to Hitler .You know what Hitler would have done to the sick. 02/ 25/14
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Hans Moser reprises his role
6 February 2014
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When I saw the milk in the office scene ,immediately I began to remember a famous German actor and director who was Jewish,who was kicked out of the film business,also rumored that billy wilder offered him a third class ticket to escape from Germany and turned it down cause he wanted first class he eventually died in a concentration camp.Kurt Geron!Yes this is a remake of a 1932 Heinz Rumann comedy.All in black and white too.This was 1953.In this case George Thomalla takes Heinz Ruhamanns place,Joe Stockel, filmmaker,playing the banker,that was played by Kurt Geron originally.Waltraus Haas takes place of Hedy Lamar's role.Heinz Rumann could of been rehired to play the same role.Hans Moser once again plays the role of the rich uncle.It should of been more appropriately been Great uncle, Gross Onkel.It's the same story a relative of family that own and industry ,now broke,their uncle is visiting them.They believe he is wealthy .The broke bank president in debt find this out.With the help of George Thomalla, tries to get the uncle to invest in the city.But Moser character is broke.Know body know this .But his presents seems to encourage investment .Now the family is well of and so is the German city.but, now the banks in debt.,There is a scene in which Mose and his relatives celebrate at a German version of a a country western bar.The Irony is that they are not playing any of hank Williams hits, or any other American country pop star of the time ,but Jazz This .like the first one ,funny,but, Heinz Ruhmanns role was a bit funnier than George's version.Funny comedy from the federal republic of Germany.02/06/14
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