Basically the so called comedians that say the "right" stuff I miss the days when comedians mocked the establishment. Just a party political for the left.
11 Reviews
The Amazing Mr Blunden
(2021 TV Movie)
Just a very poor box ticking version of a classic
2 January 2022
Hannah Gadsby: Nanette
(2018 TV Special)
Comedy, more like a bad therapy session
23 October 2021
I would say the problem is that Hannah Gadsby doesn't know how to be funny, not that she doesn't want to be funny. It plays more like a boring TED talk. Stands on stage, makes hack jokes, then talks about herself for the rest. It's all identity this and lesbian that, and not one shred of humour. It's everything that is wrong with the latest wave of hacks. It's everything that people hate about PC collectivism and the desperation to push an agenda at any cost.
Another political point scoring film that forgets to entertain.
12 March 2021
Just awful. the only reason this film has the score it does is people giving it a ten to push a political narrative. No one could honestly watch this and think it is in the same league as some of the greatest films ever made.
Taking Chance
(2009 TV Movie)
This film should be compulsory viewing in in universities and schools
2 March 2021
A wonderful tribute to these brave men and women. I just wish we in Britain had the Americans overt respect to our armed services that they do in the USA. Kevin Bacon is brilliant. One of those films you are still thinking about the next day.
A Call to Spy
What a wasted opportunity
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Such a shame that a great untold story was reduced to this. It was like reading a comic with the plot just jumping from one story to the next with zero build up of tension or detail. They all meet to discuss blowing up a railway train, no idea why but's thousands may die if they don't do it. Next scene. They are at the railway track and run off. apart from one who is captured. The next scene they are discussing how worried they are that he will talk because he hasn't had the training to withstand torture. Given me a break. Then onto a completely different narrative. Prior to this i watched a film with Kevin Bacon and all that film was about was a soldier escorting a coffin across the country. That simple story was ten times more absorbing with a fraction of the possible content this film had. Trust me the only ones rating this high are the pc brigade who want to push the feminist narrative and don't really care how poorly it was done. These brave women who risked their lives deserve a better tribute than this. I actually could not watch it all the way to the end and i was so angry how lazy this film was with the talent they had at their disposal
I only have myself to blame!
30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have actually watched this film before. I am in enforced quarantine, I love sci fi movies and loved the original. So much so I thought, look i know it's not great but it will pass the time with a genre i love. I am not going to go into details of what make this film so bad as they are too numerous and i have already wasted too much of my time already. For that read the other reviews as i am in agreement. I am now sat here typing this and as soon as i finish i am going to get a pair of scissors and cut this DVD in half to ensure no one else falls victim to this turgid piece of crap. PS I was hoping Klatu was going to end humanity. it would have been a price worth paying to shut that kid up.
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Spencer Tracy's finest moment
20 November 2020
Lifelong fan of Tracy and Hepburn but somehow i have never got around to watching this film with my wife. Until last night. At the end i just thought. How does a fifty year old film manage to make two grown adults cry. Easy because watching two masters of the screen act, is timeless. Yes the film is a little dated the ice cream scene and the delivery boy made me squirm a little. But how many films do you watch and you are thinking about it after, the next morning. and all you can do is come on here and tell others. If you haven't seen this film. Do. The last scene with Tracy is simply stunning, that man is living that part. And Hepburn well where do you start. She can convey more through her eyes than most actors can with a long speech. Surely No one before or since comes close.
More woke than a Gillette Ad
6 October 2020
One of my favourite films was Ridley Scott's Alien. That was the epitome of showing the strength of a female character and was totally believable. It didn't feel the need to show every single male character in that film negatively. Which seems a popular trend these days. I pity my eighteen year old son having to grow up in a world where he is force fed this rubbish. The only good thing about this was that it took my attention away from the ploddingly slow story. This film had every negative male cliché. a list too long that you might begin to think that men are simply unable to play a positive role in society. It would be quite reasonable to suggest i am being hyper sensitive and a snowflake. But It seems relentlessly predictable in almost everything you see come out of Hollywood today. I am not expecting much just a little balance to this propaganda that is so transparent Joseph Goebels would be proud. And i might have even been forgivable if the film had any merit in any other department. the only thing i liked was the Sade music.
Have I Got News for You
(1990– )
Its become all so predicable
12 September 2020
How is the show unable to find anything funny in the feminist movement, remainers, being woke, being politically correct, the democrats, extinction rebellion. they seem like a goldmine of material. It's all so depressingly predictable, going after the usual suspects, isn't edgy or clever. Trump is an idiot, Brexit was bad we get it. oh Lord we get it. like a stuck record.
The Mash Report
Unable to find anything worthy of mockery on the left, says it all.
12 September 2020
So the show is unable to find anything funny in the feminist movement, remainers, being woke, being politically correct, the democrats, extinction rebellion. they seem like a goldmine of material. It's all so depressingly predictable, going after the usual suspects, isn't edgy or clever. attacks older white people for bringing up the blitz all the time telling them they didn't experience it. then attacks the same people for the evils of colonialism. You can't have it both ways Nish. The end result of living in an echo chamber of like minded people. And we saw an example of just how "gifted" Nish is when he ventured outside the bubble he lives in when he visited the Lord Taverners club to perform. It must have come as a shock to realize without canned laughter he really isn't that funny I remember when comedy mocked everyone, now the BBC use it as a vehicle to peddle their narrow PC narrative. and it is why the BBC is losing license fee payers hand over fist. You have to ask yourself, when will they actually notice.
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