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Fargo: The Tiger (2023)
Season 5, Episode 5
Wondering whats next..
15 December 2023
Do not get me wrong! This season is quite great, the acting, the pacing, the dialogue, you name it. I am a bit concerned on where the show is headed, but have faith in Hawley. Each episode since episode 1 of Year Five seems to keep building, but then with the very next episode, more questions are asked and previous answers are given... but not in the satisfying way i had hoped for. We are only halfway into the season and i am excited to see where the series goes from here. Jennifer Jason Leigh and Jon Hamm are fantastic in this episode as their conversation really drives home the stakes of the season, as well as getting to show off Leighs fantastic monologue. Overall a good episode, hoping this season sticks the landing!
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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
Everything i hoped for
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The 1 star reviews are people who had the highest expectations for the finale but what they are blinded by is how emotional it is. Every character gets a nice send off, no one is butchered, the deaths that occur are sad and honour the nature of the show. It truly was a great finale for me.

Rick and Michonne showing up was nothing but a pleasant surprise. The ending was very nice in which older characters were honoured and given a spotlight.

For the final season being rushed, they managed to hit the finale with solid (though small) action, great dialogue, cool effects, outstanding music and as always, great acting.

Sorry to people that hated it, i loved the ending to this powerhouse show.
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Impractical Jokers: Jillian Bell (2022)
Season 9, Episode 19
Joes departure is felt but doesn't kill the show
17 June 2022
May not be be the same without Joe... but Murr Q and Sal are still hilarious to watch. Only critique is to incorporate the celebrity guest into more of the episode but other than that, still a great comfort and funny show.
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Was not expecting it to be this great!
12 April 2022
TWD Webisodes have not always been great. The original ones by Greg Nicotero (Torn Apart, Cold Storage and The Oath) were all very great! But after that, they went downhill. Flight 462, Passage and Red Machete were meh. Dead in the water was a great standalone short that shed light on an intriguing villain and expands the universe. I was seriously expecting to hate this! But wow this was loads of fun. Nick Stahl absolutely killed it! If it's possible to get him an Emmy for this, do it! The ending was brilliant to. Awesome work team.
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Zombie Apocalypse (2011 TV Movie)
Cheesy but so fun
12 February 2022
Title says it all. Don't expect the godfather. Go in with the lowest expectations possible and enjoy the ride, stacked cast though. Horrible effects that'll make you giggle but the effort on display is inspiring. I'm guessing the budget was $5k and 4.9k was probably spent on securing Ving Rhames.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Reclamation (2021)
Season 7, Episode 6
Bad Ass Morgan is back !!!!
14 November 2021
So awesome seeing Morgan in this state! He is an amazing character and is finally given some bad ass material! Such an enjoyable episode! The stuff with Al and Isabelle was also very much enjoyable.
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Survivor: A New Era (2021)
Season 41, Episode 1
23 September 2021
The audience is completely insulted by egotist Jeff Probst. Changing elements about the show to appear Woke instead of just playing the game is insulting enough. A horrible Cast with only a few gems. The show lost its touch and instead of showing a "new era", they jumped the shark.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The New Frontier (2017)
Season 3, Episode 2
You kill your best character in the opening scene?!
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Travis was the heart of the show. He had gone through so much so to kill him off in the opening scene was insulting. Whether it not the actor wanted off the show, there were a million better ways to do it.
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The Walking Dead: Splinter (2021)
Season 10, Episode 20
Seriously it isn't that bad
22 March 2021
This was a fine episode. So what it is not the high paced game episode YOU wanted.. we get to learn more about characters. It is far from a perfect episode but the 5.3 rating it currently has is disgusting because it is only from people who expected something different.
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Nice watch
17 October 2020
Not worth the low ratings it's getting. Watch it and enjoy.
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Blood Quantum (2019)
It's great, fun, and even more great
16 August 2020
Don't listen to the 1 star reviews... this movie was amazingly made with great actors, great effects, and amazing cinematography. As a zombie fan, I truly enjoyed every moment of this.
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Went to trash after they wrongly fired Andy Signore
23 June 2020
For the first 10 years, the show was the place for movie fans!!! You could get everything you wanted from different segments, games, etc. When Andy was fired and the rest decided not to back him up, that's when they lost all respect. The show is boring now and feels very produced. Shame
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A perfectly fun and enjoyable movie
2 May 2020
Don't listen to critics. Watch the movie on your own and make up your own opinion. The animation is brilliant no doubt about that. While having a predictable plot, the movie still has tons of laughs as well as some nice and heartwarming moments.
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Unpopular opinion. Loved it
7 April 2020
Thought this was hilarious! Laughed all the way through. Thought it had some pretty touching and jaw dropping moments. Yes it's not Citizen Kane but just watch if your bored. The kid was super annoying but once you get past that, thought it was good!
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The Walking Dead: The Tower (2020)
Season 10, Episode 15
Thought it would suck, was actually great!!
5 April 2020
When I heard this episode was a let down, I was skepticism, but after watching, I am very happy to say that this is a great episode. Tons of great character building moments, great tension, and great acting (but you already know that). Please give this episode a shot before rating it 1 star
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The Walking Dead: Look at the Flowers (2020)
Season 10, Episode 14
Don't be quick to judge!
29 March 2020
YES! The walking dead is back! Episodes just keep getting greater. This episode sets up so much for the future of the series! Don't be to quick to judge just because it isn't the episode you wanted and expected.
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Surprisingly great
29 March 2020
The movie, while slow, had some very touching elements to it and had some thrilling sequences. The lead boy carries a big part of the movie and did a great job! Aaron Paul also played his role very well. It was a touching and heartbreaking story that was a surprise for me
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The Walking Dead: What We Become (2020)
Season 10, Episode 13
Great send off for Michonne!!
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a terrific final episode ! We learned So much for the future of michonne as well as the world of the walking dead. Multiple heartbreaking moments were shown, as well as some great green screen! Can't wait to see michonne in the upcoming movies
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The Walking Dead: Walk with Us (2020)
Season 10, Episode 12
So much fantastic-ness
15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Best episode of the season by far! Chilling character deaths, stellar acting, and intense survival. The episode features 3 key character deaths that were all impactful! Man this episode had it all! The final death, being Alpha, was shocking yet so well deserved!
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The Walking Dead: Morning Star (2020)
Season 10, Episode 11
Samantha Morton is stellar
8 March 2020
Very chilling episode. Not as great as the previous episode but a damn great episode! Further proves that alpha is a great villain
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The Walking Dead: Stalker (2020)
Season 10, Episode 10
1 March 2020
What a chilling and creepy episode. More suspense in this episode than the entirety of season 8! Very excited for what's coming next
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The Walking Dead: Squeeze (2020)
Season 10, Episode 9
Solid episode
27 February 2020
While season 10 hasn't been my favourite... this is a solid episode that had an amazing set, as well as very intense scenes and stellar acting (as usual though). This episode won't be for everyone but give it a shot! Btw I only give it a 10 to cancel out the loads of people trolling and giving it 1 star. But I would actually give it 8/10
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The Week Of (2018)
Not that bad
13 December 2019
It's actually funny. Got some dry humour sandier fans will love. a few drinks and some buddies will make this film better, but give it a shot. My friends and I died laughing, some actual quality jokes!
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Mediocre first half. Bad last half
26 August 2019
Many positives about the movie. But the bad out way the good. First half was intriguing with a few mediocre elements but nonetheless entertaining. During the last half the movie strays off and losses it's touch and becomes very stupid within the last 20 minutes.
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