I stumbled across this obscure Hammer pirate adventure on Tubi and was greatly entertained by it. The premise is a novel one...a ship of bloodthirsty pirates joins the Spanish Armada on their unsuccessful attack on England. Sustaining damage, the ship deserts the Armada and winds up aground in the remote English marshes near a small village. Led by Christopher Lee's morose Captain Robeles, the pirates convince the villagers that Spain has conquered England and set up shop in the town, using the villagers as slave labor to fix their ship. But things don't go as smoothly as the pirates hoped...
The movie has a great pace and the action never lags for long. When things are in danger of slowing up, a sword fight or a barroom brawl breaks out. Led by sturdy Andrew Keir, the villagers are scheming up a revolt right from the get-go, leading to some brutal retaliation by the pirates. The villagers find an unexpected aid from a disgruntled Spanish nobleman who is revolted by Robeles' cruelty.
Don Sharp was always a good action director who made the most of a low budget and "Devil Ship Pirates" is no different. The cast is very game, with Lee and Keir dominating. John Cairnley, later to be "Jason and the Argonauts", is a fiery young villager who leads the revolt. He gets whipped almost to shreds, but leaps back into action with superhuman vigor. Keep an eye out for Hammer mainstay Michael Ripper as the weaselly pirate Pepe.
OK, not an Oscar contender, but as a low budget period action flick, this worked really well for me.
The movie has a great pace and the action never lags for long. When things are in danger of slowing up, a sword fight or a barroom brawl breaks out. Led by sturdy Andrew Keir, the villagers are scheming up a revolt right from the get-go, leading to some brutal retaliation by the pirates. The villagers find an unexpected aid from a disgruntled Spanish nobleman who is revolted by Robeles' cruelty.
Don Sharp was always a good action director who made the most of a low budget and "Devil Ship Pirates" is no different. The cast is very game, with Lee and Keir dominating. John Cairnley, later to be "Jason and the Argonauts", is a fiery young villager who leads the revolt. He gets whipped almost to shreds, but leaps back into action with superhuman vigor. Keep an eye out for Hammer mainstay Michael Ripper as the weaselly pirate Pepe.
OK, not an Oscar contender, but as a low budget period action flick, this worked really well for me.
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