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One of the Best Thrillers of 2016
25 March 2016
10 Cloverfield Lane is one of the best thrillers of 2016 so far. One note I would like to say is that this is not a sequel to the original Cloverfield. The film could take place in the same universe in Cloverfield but this is not a sequel. Also if your suspecting the Cloverfield monster to be in this film, your going to be disappointed. This film is a drama, and tense film with some horror elements in it. The acting in the film is great but the one person that stood out the most was John Goodman. He is one of the most underrated actors working in Hollywood today. I believe John Goodman is Oscar-worthy for his performance. This is Dan Trachtenberg's first film he has ever directed and I can't wait to see what he brings in the future. The film also does have an amazing score from Bear McCreary. One other thing a really liked about this film is the sound. The only negative I can say about this film is the ending. The ending felt rushed. The mystery in the film keeps you hooked until the very end and then near the end it felt okay but, this is a film that needs to be viewed a second time. Overall if your a fan of thrillers or very tense films then this is for you. And if they plan on making an anthology with this movie then I'm excited to see what they do next.
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Deadpool (2016)
One Of The Best Superhero Films Since The Dark Knight Rises
21 February 2016
Deadpool is one of the best films so far of 2016 and one of the best superhero films since The Dark Knight Rises. The marketing for this film is some of the best but I was worried that the film wouldn't live up to the hype. So I went into this film with low expectations. When I came out of the film I LOVED this movie. Ryan Reynolds was born to play Deadpool and he gave one of his best performances of his career. The film is directed very well from first time director Tim Miller. I honestly thought there would be shaky camera action but I was wrong. The action is quick, fast, and very brutal. One of the best things for this movie is the writing. The movie is very funny and it's one of the best comedies that came out in recent year. I do agree with the film being R rated because it fits with the character and if this film was PG-13 it wouldn't be good and the film would hardly have a story to tell and I do hope they start to make more superhero films R rated. Overall if your a fan of Deadpool this movie is for you and even if your not a fan of him or superhero films this is still a great movie to check out.
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The Best Horror Film of 2016
21 February 2016
The Witch is one of the best horror films of 2016. This is a film that you'll either love it or hate it. I'm one of those people that loved this film. The film is creepy but not really scary. What's creepy about this film is the atmosphere and the musical score. What was scary about the film was the haunting imagery. The acting for the film is phenomenal everyone does a great job. When I was watching this film it felt like I was in the 1600's. Whoever did the set designs and the costumes all deserve an Oscar nomination. The directing for this film by Robert Eggers did a fantastic job for his directorial debut and I can't wait to see what he does next. There were a couple problems that I had with the film but they're only minor ones. The pacing of the film does have a couple slow parts and the language that the characters speak is hard to understand but later on in the film you start to have a better understanding of what they are saying. A lot of people didn't like the ending but I thought it was a good ending and I will be remembering that last shot for awhile. Overall if you're a fan of these art house horror films then this is for you. I think this is a film that will be analyzed in film schools and will come down to a horror classic.
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Sicario (2015)
"One Of The Best Films Of 2015 So Far"
24 October 2015
Sicario is so far one of my favorite movies of 2015 so far. The acting in this film is outstanding. This is probably one of my favorite performance from Emily Blunt and Josh Brolin is also really good in the film too. The one performance that really sticked out the most was Benicio del Toro. His character was just scary and a bad-ass. I really do think Benicio del Toro is Oscar-worthy. Same thing goes for the score and cinematography. Also the directing from Denis Villeneuve is also Oscar worthy and it's one of the best directed films so far this year. Villeneuve is starting to become one of my favorite directors in Hollywood. The story is very tense and in the end you'll feel disgusted and shocked. Overall if your a fan of thrillers or very intense story telling then this is the film for you.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
One Of The Best Thrillers In Years
8 August 2015
The Gift is one of the best thrillers I've seen in a long time. This Gift is almost a perfect film. When I first saw the trailer for this film I really didn't think it would be that good. But when the film was released it was really good reviews and everyone was praising the movie. Everyone was also saying how the ending is shocking so I decided to check it out. After seeing this movie all I can say is "This is probably one of my favorite films of 2015 so far." The acting in this movie is amazing. Joel Edgerton and Rebecca Hall are really great in this film but the one person that stand out the most was Jason Bateman. Bateman's performance in the film is probably his best role yet and I think his is one of my favorite performances of the year so far. When I was watching this film I didn't see actors acting I saw real people and that why Edgerton's writing was so good. And his directing was also great in the film. This is probably one of the best directorial debuts from an actor I've seen in a while. The film did have a Hitchcock feel to it because every scene is slow and very tense and my heart was pounding in those moments and I was on the edge of my seat. The ending of this film is shocking and it made me feel sick in my stomach for awhile. One minor problem I have with this film is the jump scares now there weren't that many in the film but it felt cheap and didn't feel right. But I would have to admit there was one good jump scare in the film and if that was the only one in the film that would've been great. Overall please see this movie it deserves all the money it could possibly get and whatever you do don't see the trailer just look up what the film is about and see this movie you won't be disappointed by it.
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Trainwreck (2015)
A Film That Amy Schumer Fans Will Enjoy
19 July 2015
Trainwreck is a pretty good comedy film but it's not as great as everyone says it is. Some people believe it's the funniest film of all time and some think it's the best comedy of this decade so far but I would have to disagree with them. The film is funny but it's not gut busting laughing. The laughs are more of a chuckle. The acting is great everyone played their part very well. Amy Schumer wrote this film and I think she did a great job for writing this film. The chemistry between her and Bill Hader is great. Also this is probably Judd Apatow's best film since 40 Year Old Virgin. The film is more of a chick flick but there are some chick flicks that I thought were funnier than this film like Bridesmaids. Also this could be a great date film for couples. I do find this film way over-hyped and probably one of the most overrated films so far this year. Overall if your a fan of Amy Schumer or Judd Apatow then you'll enjoy this film.
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Why Was This Movie Made?
16 July 2015
Why did this movie need to be made? The first Joe Dirt film I thought was okay it wasn't great but it was okay but the sequel is really bad. I honestly thought it was going to get released in theaters but now I see why it was released online. There were a couple times where I did chuckle but that couldn't save this movie. The acting just feels like the actors really don't care about this film and they're just waiting for a paycheck. I get where the story is going but there are points where it gets very confusing. It gets confusing with the time travel because near the end of the film you don't know what year he's in. Also there are cringe moments where your just confused. Don't check this film out if your a fan of the first Joe Dirt. After seeing this movie I appreciate the first film even more.
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Hot Pursuit (2015)
One Of The Worst Films Of 2015 So Far
9 July 2015
One of the worst movies of 2015 so far. Hot Pursuit is unfunny and very annoying. The two main leads are so annoying and never shut up. All they do is argue and scream. There are some parts in the film where they have to be quiet and they decide to talk very loud. Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara have no chemistry at all. I'm a huge fan of Witherspoon I think she's a great actress but one question I have is "Why?". Witherspoon shouldn't have been in this film. Sofia Vergara's character is exactly the same from Modern Family, loud and always complaining. But I really enjoyed Vergara's performance in Chef because it was a different role for her. Jim Gaffigan is in this movie and I'm a huge fan of him I think he's really funny but in this movie he was unfunny but he did have a scene in there that did make me chuckle a little bit. The entire film just feels sloppy and lazy. Don't bother checking this film out because after seeing this film I believe this film ruined the whole road trip genre.
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Ouija (II) (2014)
One Of The Worst Horror FIlms I've Ever Seen
9 July 2015
Ouija is one of the worst horror movies I have ever seen. The acting is horrible but the only person that did a decent job was Lin Shaye and she was in the movie for 5 minutes. The main actors didn't even put emotion in their characters and I was hoping that the ghost would get them because I didn't care for any of them. The story is so boring and it's not even scary. The movie felt so long that I just wanted it to end. Also the twist in the film was so stupid and predictable. The jump scares in the film aren't even scary. What Insidious did right is that when a jump scare happened it had a scary image. In this it didn't have scary images. This movie makes Annabelle look like a masterpiece. Hollywood needs to stop making films like this. Who ever found this movie scary needs to be medicated. DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE I BEG OF YOU DON'T DO IT!!!
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A Great Horror Sequel/Prequel
7 July 2015
A lot of horror sequels don't work especially the 3rd film but this film actually did work. I was a huge fan of the first Insidious film I thought it was a great horror film and I also enjoyed the 2nd one also. The 2nd one had a great mystery to it and it had some great jump scares in it. This one is a little bit better than the 2nd one. When I saw the trailer for this film I thought it was going to be awful because James Wan wasn't directing it also it's the 3rd film and most horror movies have a 3rd film and its awful but this movie was actually good. This is Leigh Whannell's first film he has ever directed and he did a decent job at directing. The acting is also great but the one who caught my attention was Lin Shaye. She's probably one of the best character that ever came out of the Insidious films because her character felt real and believable. The demon of the film was pretty cool but it could've been awesome if it looked more powerful because it just looked weak. The 1st and 3rd act are really good but in the 2nd act it started to become slow and started to lose its scares. Overall if your a fan of the other Insidious films then you'll enjoy this film. Some people believe that there shouldn't be anymore of these films because this one ended so perfect but I believe there should be more because they can do so much with these movies and turn it into a franchise. If they keep the same people that made these films then they could all make great Insidious films.
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Ted 2 (2015)
An Enjoyable Comedy Sequel
6 July 2015
Ted 2 is actually not that bad of a comedy sequel. The chemistry between Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane is still very good. The jokes in the film are very funny. There are some great cameos in the film especially from Liam Neeson. But there are a few problems with this film. One is Amanda Seyfried's character. I really didn't care for her character and I think they should've picked a different actress for the role or just let her character out of the story. Also the film does have some slow parts to the film and then it gets all serious. Also Giovanni Ribisi's character also shouldn't have been in the film because he wasn't that funny in the film even though he was really funny in the first Ted film. If your not a fan of the first Ted film or Seth MacFarlane's humor then your not going to enjoy this film but if you were a fan of the first Ted film and MacFarlane's humor then you'll enjoy this sequel.
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Chappie (2015)
I Don't Understand Why People Hate This Film
17 June 2015
I really don't understand why people are hating on this film so much. Yes it's not a perfect film and it's not Neil Blomkamp's best film but I still enjoyed this film. I thought it was enjoyable, unique, and fun. What I recommend is not watching the trailers because you think it's going to be a story like Short Circuit or E.T. but it's not. That's a reason why people hated this film because they want it to be what they want not what Blonkamp wants. The acting was decent the only good actors in the film were Sharlto Copley and Dev Patel. Sigourney Weaver's character didn't serve a purpose in the film. If Blonkamp just wrote better his characters better this film would've been a lot better. Also the rap group that's in the film they were okay I think there should've been different actors for their part. The story was good overall and Blomkamp's direction is also good. The visuals in Chappie are amazing they look very real. Blomkamp said he was interested in making sequels of Chappie which I would see but it has to be something different that we haven't seen in a A.I film. I know that Blomkamp is going to make Alien 5 which is something that I'm excited for. I know it might not be better than Alien and Aliens but I think it will be better than all the other Alien films. So far Neil Blomkamp is 3 for 3 for me for the films that he made so far in his career and I think he has potential on becoming one of the next best directors in film making.
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Spy (2015)
One of The Best Comedies of 2015 So Far.
12 June 2015
Spy is one of the best comedies of 2015 so far. The film is just a giant spoof on spy films. This is probably one of the best performances that Melissa McCarthy has given since Bridesmaids. One person that I was surprised to see in this film was Jason Statham. This is something new for Jason Statham and once he was on screen he would steal every scene because his character was very funny. Paul Feig is starting to become one of my favorite comedy directors because he's probably the only one in Hollywood who makes great comedy films. I think everyone played there part well and the whole film wasn't just about Melissa McCarthy's character because when she's on screen in most of her movies she always steals the show but when there are different characters and are actually funny you actually have a great comedy film. Now in near the end of the film it started to lose some laughs which is the only negative part of the film. If your a fan of spy action films this is a film that you should check out or if your a fan of Melissa McCarthy you won't be disappointed. After seeing this film I'm really excited to see what Paul Feig will bring us with Ghostbusters 3.
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Mad Max Fury Road Is A Action Masterpiece
17 May 2015
Mad Max Fury Road is one of the best action films I've seen in a long, long time. George Miller is back with Mad Max after Beyond The Thunder Dome which was 30 years ago. Directors who usually return to a franchise who started it don't end up really good. Some examples are George Lucas for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Or Steven Spielberg for Indiana Jones 4. But George Miller proves that he can bring a franchise back to life. This is probably one of the best action films of the summer so far. Tom Hardy as Max did a fine job but Charlize Theron as Furiosa is amazing. Her character kicked some major ass. The story was also great and it was very simple. It's just getting from point A to point B. The action was amazing and there wasn't any of that shaky cam. George Miller's direction is amazing because he uses some wide shots which looks amazing. The movie is also very intense I also felt hot while I was watching this movie because it takes place in a desert like area. I really loved how much of the action was done practical because today action films do CGI for tough shots but in this film it was all done with practical effects which made it feel real. This film isn't for everyone. The film is very weird and crazy which most people can't take. If your a Mad Max fan you'll enjoy the hell out of this film. Mad Max Fury Road is one of the best films this summer and one of my favorite films this year. I really hope we get to see more Mad Max films in the next couple years because this film deserves all the money it needs and sequels it needs. I would say that Mad Max Fury Road is considered a action masterpiece.
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It Follows (2014)
The Creepiest Film I've Seen In A Long Time
10 April 2015
It Follows is probably one of the most creepiest movie I've seen in a long time. The movie is not all that scary as people say but it is very creepy. There are only two jump scares in the film which is something different because today most horror films have a ton of jump scares. The film is just very creepy. The acting in this film is very good but Maika Monroe steals the entire film with her acting and I believe she will be the next scream queen in horror films. Her character reminds me of Jamie Lee Curtis character from Halloween. It Follows does remind me of Halloween a little bit. The story of this film just feels new and different. Some people might like the story but some people might not like it. I really enjoyed the story because it kept me hooked and it was very interesting. Also how this film was shot looked amazing. The score for this film was totally awesome because it had an 80's feel to it. And the score kept tension and it was very creepy. I would highly recommend checking this film out if your a fan of horror films or if your interested to check out something new.
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Bradley Cooper Gives One Of The Best Performances Of His Career.
17 January 2015
American sniper is probably one of the best war films I've seen since Saving Private Ryan. Now I would probably won't consider this a war film because it mostly focuses on one character. One of the most recent war films that I really enjoyed last year was Lone Survivor. Now I thought that movie was really good but it was just handle very overly dramatic. I think this is probably one of the best performances Bradley Cooper has given in his career. I also think this is Clint Eastwood's best movie he has directed since Gran Torino. The action scenes were handled very well and it felt real. One problem I had with the film were the supporting characters. Now the acting for them were good but it's just you never get to know most of them their just there for the main character. The story is mostly just learning about one character. There really isn't that much to say about this film but if your a fan of war films then I would highly recommend checking this film out.
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A Very Funny Sequel
26 November 2014
Dumb and Dumber To is a good comedy sequel. Now I don't think it's as good as the original but it's still very funny. But there are some problems with the film. One thing I would like to say about the film is that Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels have great chemistry together when they do these roles that's the best thing about this movie. However the story of this movie is just not that interesting. But the original movie didn't that have a good story either, you just see these movie to laugh at the characters. Also the girl they're looking for was just pointless she was very annoying and wasn't funny at all in this movie. The 3rd act of this movie wasn't that funny at all. Maybe I chuckled a couple times in that act but the 1st and 2nd act are hilarious. There's really much to say but if your a fan of the first Dumb and Dumber then your going to like this movie. If you go see this movie and you think it's going to be better than the original then your going to be very disappointed.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
One Of My Favorite Films Of 2014 So Far.
5 November 2014
Nightcrawler is one of my favorite films of 2014 so far this year. Gyllenhaal is starting to become one of my favorite actors. He has changed his whole career around by playing more serious roles and different roles. This is probably one of the best movies he has acted in. Gyllenhaal's character is kind of like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho he's just creepy and scary. The story of Nightcrawler is very interesting and different. The film looks beautiful especially when scenes are taken place at night. There are some really cool shots in the film that have a point of view in the car. Now this film is not for everyone some people will like this movie and some won't like it. There's going to be people that will root for Gyllenhaal and some just want to see his character dead. The acting is fantastic but I think the most important character from this movie is Gyllenhaal because the movie just focuses on him. I really think Gyllenhaal will get a nomination for an Academy Award and I won't be surprised if he won. The screenplay of this movie is also fantastic and I think it will get a nomination for that. There are some very intense moments in the movie especially in the last 30 minutes. Nightcrawler is one of my favorite movies of 2014 and I hope everyone has a chance to see this movie.
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Gone Girl (2014)
One of My Favorite David Fincher Films Ever Made
4 October 2014
Gone Girl is probably one of my favorite David Fincher films he has directed. The story for Gone Girl is amazing even though it's slow in the beginning but it gets even better during the 2nd act. The story keeps you hooked until the very end. And the story gets crazy and crazier as the story goes on. The acting is very good everyone did great. This is probably one of the best performances Ben Affleck gave and I think Rosamund Pike deserves to be nominated for an award for her performance. Also Tyler Perry gave a good performance too which really surprised me. This movie is based on a novel which I read and the story follows really close to the movie. One thing that they should've changed was the ending. Now I liked the ending but I wished that the filmmakers changed it up a little bit like a "I didn't see that coming" moment. If your a fan of David Fincher films check this movie out. If your into mysteries I highly recommend checking this film out you won't be disappointed.
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Tusk (I) (2014)
What Did I Just Watch???
20 September 2014
*Plot: When a pod-caster goes missing while interviewing a man name Howard Howe, his best friend Teddy and girlfriend Allison try to find out what happen to him.

*Review: Tusk is probably one of the most disturbing and strangest movie that I've ever seen. The plot of this movie just sounds stupid. It's about an old guy wants to turn this other guy into a walrus. And does it work. Yes it does. I think Kevin Smith proved to himself that he can direct a horror movie. The acting in this movie is really good and Michael Parks is just fantastic in this movie. There were a couple scenes in this movie that made me laugh too. Also there's a great cameo in this movie that was pretty funny too. The movie also feels original I can tell you that this movie is better than Human Centipede. However there is some problems in this movie. There were a couple of dialogue scenes that dragged on for too long. Also when you finally see what the walrus looks like it seemed a little to early for the film to show what it looks like. Also there's a point at the end of the film where it kind of got a little ridiculous and a little confusing. Those are mostly the problems about the film. I think Tusk can be related to the films Enemy and Under The Skin. Mostly because they feel like a Twilight Zone episode but longer. I heard that this film will be part of a trilogy. The final 2 movies are Yoga Hosers and Moose Jaws. I think in a couple years this film could reach of being a cult classic. Also this film is very memorable because when people say Tusk then another person will say "Oh I remember that film". Overall it's just a solid horror flick and I think it's a movie where you get a couple of your friends and just enjoy the film.

"There, there. It'll be all right, Mr. Tusk".- Howard Howe
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Locke (2013)
Another Fantastic Performance From Tom Hardy
5 August 2014
*Story: Ivan Locke who is a family man and a construction worker and he is driving to one destination and is calling some people on a Bluetooth that's connected to the car. That's all you need to know about this film.

*Review: Now when I heard about this movie I thought this movie was just going to be boring and not interesting because the film takes place in a car and it's Tom Hardy talking on the phone. Man was I wrong. This movie is just amazing. Tom Hardy is just "Fantastic" in this film. The Academy needs to give this guy an Best Actor nomination. Now I don't think he'll win but it would be awesome if he got nominated. But it would be better if he won. As the movie progresses you start to find out where Locke is going and why. Also the phone conversations he has with people are entertaining. And when somebody calls you want to know who it is and what they're going to say. When you find out where he's going it didn't seem that interesting to me but it's acceptable. I just wanted it to be intense. The movie is very short it's 1 hour and 25 minutes long. One thing I wished that was better is the ending. Now I'm not saying the ending wasn't terrible but if there was an extra couple minutes that could've been better. One thing I would like to point out is that based on how long the movie is and who the actor or actress is, and who the director is this movie reminds me of Enemy and Under the Skin which I haven't seen yet. Which all movies that surrounds one character who is played by a great actor or actress and the story is about them. And the director is only known from one movie they made. And the movies are short too. So Locke, Enemy, and Under the Skin are like a Twilight Zone episode but it's made into a movie. And I hope more people will make movies like this because these movies have really interesting stories and they seem new and original. Overall Locke is a amazing movie. Tom Hardy did fantastic. The direction of the film and the camera shots in the movie are also fantastic because it all takes place in a car.

"I want to know that I'm not driving in one direction." -Ivan Locke
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One Of The Best Sequels That I've Ever Seen.
11 July 2014
*Story: 10 years after Rise of the Planet of the Apes humanity is dying and the apes nation is growing. After a virus infects the human population people are dying because of this virus. For the next 4 years humans were fighting this virus. Then another 4 years fighting each other. Caesar who leads a community of apes has a wife and 2 children. A couple humans walk into Caesar's community and ask him if they can fix a dam that can help their community of survivors have electricity. This leads to a peace agreement between the apes and the humans. But that only last for awhile while each side is preparing for war.

*Review: This is probably one of the best sequels that I have ever seen. 1. The Dark Knight 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Those are my top 3 sequels ever made. Andy Serkis as Caesar is amazing the academy needs to give him a Oscar nomination for this role. Or once he stops doing motion capturing the academy needs to give him an honor award for his career. The visual effects even look better than Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The visual effects also need a Oscar nomination. The acting is really good too also there are better characters. In Rise there seemed to be some characters that were just useless. Also the action scenes are just amazing and they are very intents. I was at the edge of my seat during those scenes. They don't reference that much from the old Planet of the Apes but some from Rise. The score in the film feels like from the 1968 version. The story is very interesting but it does feel slow at times but that doesn't bother me one bit. This movie just has some great moments. You get to see apes fight a bear and another ape riding a horse while shooting 2 machine guns. Overall this is probably one of the best movies that I've seen so far this summer. Also I can't wait for the sequel and Matt Reeves is returning to direct the next movie and I trust him.

"War has already begun."-Caesar
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All Hail Caesar!
10 July 2014
*Story: A substance that helps a person with Alzheimer's is given to an chimp for testing. The chimps name is Bright Eyes. After Bright Eyes escapes from its cage it gets shot. Then a scientist discovers that the mother had a baby chimp and was trying to protect it. A scientist named Rodman who works for Gen-Sys decides to take care of the baby chimp at his own home. He named this chimp Caesar. As the years past the chimp gets older and when the chimp gets older it becomes smarter. This intelligent chimp leads to an ape uprising that could change the world as we know it.

*Review: I'm glad that 20th Century Fox decided to reboot the Planet of the Ape series because that remake of Planet of the Apes was just a huge disappointment. But this movie is actually an origin story for the franchise. Andy Serkis is just perfect for this movie and this is probably one of his best motion capture acting ever. In this movie they do make some references to the 1968 film Planet of the Apes which is really awesome and it actually works. One word to describe the visual effects.... "Amazing." The apes look so real. The story is interesting and the acting is really good too. The story gets better when Caesar gets older. One complaint that I have is that I wanted this movie to be just a little bit longer. This is probably one of the best Planet of the Apes films since the original 1968 version. Overall this a movie everyone should see this movie even if your a fan of this franchise. And I think the sequel is going to be even better.

"Caesar is home." -Caesar
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Classic Film
6 July 2014
*Story: Based on the play. 12 men of the jury are deciding if a 18 year old boy is guilty or not guilty for killing his father. 11 men decided that the boy is guilty but one man said he's not guilty. So this single juror tries to prove to the other 11 jurors why the boy is not guilty. The movie then turns into a huge argument between the jurors to put this case to rest.

*Review: 12 Angry Men is one of the best dramas ever made period. And this movie is right up there in my favorite movies of all time. What's really good about this movie is that it all takes place in one room and that's the jury room. The dialogue between the jurors is just phenomenal because you just don't know what the next person is going to say. Also each character is different their not the same which is great. During the film you get to learn about the case and try to piece it all together. This movie is amazing. Everything about this movie is perfect from the acting, writing, and plot. Overall if you love dramas or courtroom dramas then this is your movie.

"Prejudice always obscures the truth." -Juror #8
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Collateral (2004)
Fantastic Performances From Tom Cruise And Jamie Foxx
5 July 2014
*Story: A cab driver name Max Durocher has been driving a cab for nearly 12 years and he's trying to save money to make his own limousine service. One night Max picks up a man named Vincent. Vincent ask Max to stop at 5 locations where Vincent plans to kill 5 men. The film then turns into a hostage situation between a cab driver and a contract killer.

*Review: I think this is one movie that needs more attention because it seems that a lot of people have just ignored the movie. This movie is so close to being one of the best thrillers that I have ever seen so far. Everything about this movie is great like the acting, directing, story, writing, and the dialogue between these men. One thing that I did not like about this movie is the ending. The ending just didn't feel right because there were some holes that needed to filled and your just begging for more. This movie made a turning point in Tom Cruises career which made him a great actor. Also this proved that Jamie Foxx can play any role you give him. Overall if you like films that are thrillers or if you want a film that feels like a film noir then this is your movie.

" You attract attention, you're going to get people killed who didn't need to be." - Vincent
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