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13 Reviews
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Sanctuary (I) (2022)
26 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ever wondered how a script of adult movie would look like with normal actors? Well this is as close as it gets minus the naked parts.

Some harlot business, daddy issues, cringe blackmail and absurd decisions. Nothing about this film feels real, not for a minute one could care about those two characters.

Really there is little to no point watching the movie.

The only explanation i could give as to what happent with the script is that people who wrote it were trying to make a joke.

This movie was on my radar for quite a while until i finally was able to watch it, but what a pathetic let down it turned out to be.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Decent, not great
23 July 2023
One of the most anticipated movies, because of the man behind it, happent to know the story before going into movie. Frankly, the movie feels stretched, wanted to just leave the theatre about 2 hrs in, but stayed in respect of those 2 hrs. Legal proceedings just such a bore, shouldn't have been given this much significance, just flooded the movie, also I wasn't confident about where his wife's motivation comes from. For the first time ever I noticed this style of movie making that is present in this movie actually bothers me. Whole movie divided into 5-10 seconds scenes, what is it Mr. Nolan, don't trust your viewers to have longer attention spans?
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
Season 2 does not let down
24 December 2022
This is not squid games and I don't see the point of comparison just to criticize one show at some aspect that it did better than the other. Both shows are phenomenal.

Happy to see season 2 turned out to be so great, because in some series with sequel seasons the quality drops, this is not the case here. My favorite games were Jack of hearts and queen of hearts, it was so unexpected.

I was happy to see this development of main characters, questions about the virtues, ideals and freedom that they showed. There really aren't that many shows as interesting as this one, I recommend it to everyone.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
Illogical disappointment
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
According to rating and reviews this movie was supposed to be cherry on top for a good Saturday evening. Movie is nicely shot i give it that, but the script is lowest quality ever and it's not even funny.

Movie takes forever to get to 'horror'/thriller scènes. It was a long while since I saw something that i find so illogical it infuriates me.

Somebody kidnaps ur daughter at your sight and all it takes to stop u just 2 punches? And then u sit happily in the car? Mother didn't even do anything and was just upset?? You do as other unarmed people say just undress and get killed on the spot?

Also if u cut someone's tongue out they can still write it all down about the crime that happent. Really nobody thought about that making this movie?
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Nope (2022)
Good, but weakest of 3 movies so far
14 August 2022
I just came back from cinema. Was looking forward to some quality movie. Went in without any spoilers yet thinking it will be something unexpected and special, hence the director. Now maybe i didn't understand something about the movie but it stroke me as an insignificant predator vs prey movie with not much deeper theme than that. I had a fine time with the movie, thank you, however i wouldn't watch it again. Current rating 7.4 is way above what it delivers, I'd say it's more in territory of 6.
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Excision (2012)
Cheesy children business
18 January 2019
Must see? someone actually called this a masterpiece... Gave this movie 3 chances. I am sorry guys, the longest I can do before turning it off is around half an hour. Movie is full of toxic characters. Main character requires mental help (delusional, ego problems etc.) and so does her mother. And this is a serious issue, clearly not a time and place to make some stupid over the top 'horror comedy' about it. Dream sequences seem unnecessary and look cringy. And wtf is with those confession scenes, who on earth thought that was a good idea? To me this is piss poor over the top cheesy horror comedy targeted at teenagers. For me there was just nothing to hold on to: why would you cheer for main character? what on earth would make you feel invested in any of this mess? Suspense? in no way. Horror, gore, something exceptional? absolutely not. If you genuinely enjoyed this i know another absent minded abomination you may like - the loved ones. If you want something similar but actually decent just watch - raw.
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Waste of time
26 December 2018
Choices that the victim takes in this movie makes no sense. She was she left alive for no good reason. Not for one minute was I invested in this movie. Score is pretty good though, other than that just skip this movie for good, its meaningless crap, bunch of cries and not really anything thrilling at all.
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Tau (2018)
If you crave sci-fi, AI you may find it passable
29 June 2018
This movie is for passing time, turn it on and browse on your phone. But when you start to pay attention, some of the details, character decisions and dialogues seem cringy and also not much action here, motives not convincing, cheesy turn of events. Infinity chamber also explored similar topic and it is far superior in my opinion. I can give 4 stars to encourage exploration of such topic in movies, but something in this is lacking. it's close but sorry i just can't call it decent.
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Alien Code (2018)
18 June 2018
I am a sucker when it comes to sci fi movies about time paradox and aliens. This movie explores very interesting topics, its well acted, pacing is good, keeps you invested, doesn't become boring. Believe the hype in reviews, it is solid movie that nobody talks about. I would go even further and say I would enjoy a sequel movie exploring origins and purposes and etc It is really worth your time. I don't understand why it has low rating. Yes it is budget sci fi movie, but i think the story that's most important and not the cinematography and cgi.
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Unsane (2018)
WARNING: This film does not explore mental health, please do not be misguided!!!
2 June 2018
After reading the premise of the film and watching first 30mins of the film I expected that we will see an authentic point of view of someone who has mental illness and how irrational such patient's thoughts and behaviour could be. Exploring such topic would have made this more reasonable of a movie, but unfortunately it turns cheap and cheesy grab of shock value with imposible full of holes plot. Why do films of such topic need to go in direction of protagonist being captivated against their will in a scary, dangerous mental institution for only purpose - to harm them, not to help them, also we learn that you can not trust your psychiatrist. This movie had opportunity to be something serious, reasonable, relevant, but instead it became a joke.
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Psychos (2017)
5 March 2018
Lets get it straight from the start - this movie is on the level of such films like 'the room'. It looks pretty amateur, editing and acting is hilarious but the score is good. That being said, it is a pretty entertaining seeing it more as a comedy than horror movie though. If you enjoy watching odd amateur movies every now and then, you should give it a go.
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Just skip this bore
6 January 2018
I had a feeling this movie may be be overrated because of what it is about, but maybe such a high rating and metascore could mean that its a good time nonetheless. i hoped for something more to it than just depiction of events. I was wrong. This movie is not a good time at all. It is just boring and it does not make you care for characters. Did not buy Jessica's character. Imagine going to this movie without knowing what 9/11 is, there would literally be no reason to watch till the end.
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Wondering if it's worth it? Trust me, it's not.
30 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So I read that this film is nothing less than a masterpiece, a must watch for a science fiction fans. I had polarizing feelings questioning myself how haven't I heard of this movie if it was so brilliant. But then I read the summary and I got excited. Only now I can tell that how far from the truth I was. Things I did not buy: Since the very beginning until the end there was no reason to care about anyone in this movie. People keep dieing for no reason. 3 sisters already died and they keep trying to rescue monday. People are expected to believe that in over populated world they put children to sleep instead of killing. Government that control population in order for human race to survive is portrayed as evil villains who go against living. Acting is decent, film is good looking, unfortunately it can't make up for all the flaws in plot, character development. This is not a serious film. I do not recommend this. I wasted my time so that you would not have to.
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