I don't know what is like to go insane but I think this movie gives you about a close a look at it as you can get. I honestly don't know how I feel about this film. At times it was SO out there I almost shut it off and yet I couldn't. It was so insane I just had to see what happened next. I applaud a film maker to take a dare and do something this different and crazy. I mean nothing made sense in this movie and it was creepy as hell. Overall I am glad that I watched it. I like movies that are out there and this has to be the most out there movie I have ever seen. It kind of messes with you mind a bit and puts you in a "strange" mood. Overall, I liked it and am glad I saw it.
4 Reviews
Sam Was Here
(II) (2016)
I really liked it!
30 November 2017
I am most likely going against the grain in my review here but I really liked this movie. I took a chance on it despite some bad reviews and am glad I did. That being said, I can see why a lot of people don't like this movie. It does not explain much. In fact it doesn't explain anything really. But that is part of what I liked. Movies today leave nothing to the imagination as everything is completely spelled out. Besides, how many times have you watched a film and said "I hate that ending" even when it was concluded at the end. Yes, this film does leave the viewer to do a lot of concluding on their own. Still, I loved the scary and very eerie atmosphere. Not a whole lot happens until the very end and yet even early on I could not stop watching. Everything was so eerie that I had to keep watching. I could really put myself in the almost lone actor's shoes and feel the fear and confusion he was feeling all through the movie. I do recommend trying this movie even though I know many will not like it. For some like myself, I think you will really like it!
Found Footage 3D
9 November 2017
I Loved this movie. It scared the crap out of me. Can't really understand the bad reviews but I guess it's like any movie. Some will love, some will hate. I am constantly looking for good scary movies but they are so hard to find. Most suck really bad. Not only was this one good but it far exceeded my expectations. Scary and spooky as hell!
Catching Faith
Good idea but AWFUL movie
3 February 2016
I am a Christian and love a good faith based movie but this was not one of them. I HATED this movie. The acting is awful and awkward. The way the movie was written is very un- natural, over-dramatic, labored and too deliberate. It is actually rather painful to watch it was done so poorly. The editing is very poorly done as well and there are many inconsistencies. Also the movie is not based in reality. People don't act in real life at all like they do in this movie. The movie suggests that life is perfect and everything has to be done perfectly which is not realistic at all. I could' even finish it and only got about 3/4 through it. If you want a good faith based movie try Gods not dead or do you believe or war room but stay far far away from this one!!! It is easily one of the worst movies I ever saw!
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