I absolutely hate Mary Poppins and I think that it is a terrible film. Dick Van Dyke does a bad imitation of an English accent in this film. Also I find Mary Poppins too gloomy a film, for example it makes me sad how unhappy Mr Banks seems in this film. I find this film boring and cheesy. Also I don't like Mary Poppins as a person. She is vain, like when she says that she is perfect. She is manipulative, she shows Jane and Michael magic then denies having done it. She is too distant with people. She forces other people who might babysit Jane and Michael to go away in a way which is bullying them. She is arrogant and too stern. She forces the mouth of a bird shut, which is cruel. I don't like how Mary Poppins tells Jane and Michael not to fly up a wall, instead of just letting them do something which seems enjoyable. There is no explanation at the end of this film as to how Mr Banks becomes happier than he used to be. Also Mrs Banks is fighting for women's rights which is a good thing but I don't like how despite that Mr Banks acts like he is in charge of her. She should fight for women's rights at home as well by not acting like Mr Banks is in charge of her. Also Mary Poppins gives the Ageist message that it is acceptable for an adult to be really dislikeable around children and manipulate them. I have not seen anyone else except me complain about the Ageism of Mary Poppins, but when I point it out people generally agree. It seems that we live in a society where Ageism against children is so normal that people don't even notice it. But the world is unfair enough on children in some ways already [some children don't even have free healthcare and there is some very bad cruelty against children in the world, like that Trump separated children from their families which is a mixture between Xenophobia and Ageism] so I don't like the thought of a film which is unfair on children. Just because Mary Poppins says that she is practically perfect, it doesn't mean that she is or that this film is [people make it seem this way though]. Also when I reviewed Mary Poppins and spoke about this, my review was declined [at least I still rated it and gave it 1 out of 10, I would give it 0 out of 10 if I could], it seems as if people aren't even allowed to go into detail on the imdb about how Ageism is wrong, I'm not sure why but we live in a time where discrimination is often considered wrong, Ageism should be considered wrong too. I have rated Mary Poppins again in a way which gives less detail than before about it's Ageism, hopefully the imdb will accept that rating this time. I have now seen that it hasn't, I don't understand why or why it didn't last time, because I don't know of any ways in which what I wrote has broken the rules of the imdb but now I have at least had a review I wrote of it approved!
On the other hand, I think that The Cat In The Hat is a better film than most people think and that it is underrated. The acting in it is good, except for Mike Myers. But I think that Mike Myers was a good casting choice for this film, he played Shrek and did very well in that role, and Shrek is a film which is aimed at children and adults just like The Cat In The Hat is and is supposed to be. I think that it would have been better for Tim Allen to play the role of The Cat In The Hat is this film but he wasn't available even though he was intended to. But the set design in The Cat In The Hat is good, it is very colourful. I like how the main villain in this film [his name is Larry Quinn] gets his comeuppance. I think it is good that this film adds in subplots which are not in the book which it is based on and has a complicated storyline. Also the name Humberfloob is in this film and that is the kind of name that sounds like a Doctor Seuss character. It is funny when the fish in this film says "Oh my cod''. Also the conflict in this film is done well, with lots of different parts to it and in a lot of ways this film is true to the book which it was based on. It is very stupid at certain points but often in a way which makes it a so bad that it is good film. The ending of this film, when Sally and Conrad have learnt from their mistakes is moving and it is interesting how they are under pressure to keep their house clean because their mum is under pressure to please her boss, but the cat in the hat makes everything in their house messy which is the opposite of what Sally and Conrad's mum's boss wants. I don't like everything about this adaptation of The Cat In The Hat and would give it 5 out of 10 but it is better than Mary Poppins. I suppose the Nostalgia Critic would very much disagree with my opinions on The Cat In The Hat and Mary Poppins [I know which one he prefers] but everyone has their own opinions. If people say that they don't like The Cat In The Hat because Doctor Seuss's wife didn't like it, well I point out that the author of Mary Poppins didn't like that either, and this was actually the author of it, not their spouse. A film isn't necessarily bad just because an author of the book of it doesn't like it, though I think that Mary Poppins is a terrible film. But I don't think that a film is necessarily bad because the author of the book which it is based on doesn't like it. Also people say it is annoying when the cat in the hat constantly says "Oh yeah'' but I find it annoying when Mary Poppins constantly says "Spit spot''.