Project Almanac (2015)
Could've been 10 times better!
Well, the story and the idea of the movie is really good and I absolutely love similar type of movies. I went to the theater with high hopes,without even watching the trailer or reading other reviews. I surprised to see the theater was only 1/3 full. However half an hour through the movie more and more people started to leave saying they have a headache and can't handle the bad camera work.
I endured half of the movie before feeling a bit light headed. I would've loved to continue watching,but my eyes were in pain! The camera-work is probably the worst I've ever seen. POV are great,but that doesn't mean it can't be made smarted for people who actually watch it. If you watch these kind of movies at home on a tiny screen, you are OK,but on a large screen where your eyes are constantly moving and things are always shaking, it is pretty bad.
I almost don't know what to do as I do want to know how the rest of the movie played out and I even have an idea of getting a DVD release and putting it through anti-shake software to stabilize it a bit.
When will the people behind these flicks understand that nobody likes these type of movies. If you want to make it POV, stabilize the camera!! This movie would've been brilliant if they would've actually made it like a typical movie with normal camera-work. There was absolutely no point in using this technique here!!!
After the Dark (2013)
Very interesting concept of the movie
I have to say, I found the movie very interesting and the concept and plot is quite unique. I think most people who gave it a bad review either weren't paying attention or don't enjoy movies where you actually need to think.
For some reason this movie reminded of of the "Cube" movies, even though the ideas and plot are completely different. I guess it's more for the "out of the...cube" thinking :)
This is definitely not for those who like quick action flicks as this is not one of them. If you don't watch it carefully and miss something, you may not understand something further in the movie and then you'll post a bad review how the movie was stupid...
I give it a good 8/10 for original concept. -2 for acting and some bad cgi
Transcendence (2014)
Wow, more than what I hoped for!
I absolutely enjoyed this movie. Yes, it does leave a few unanswered questions and perhaps we would do things a bit different in their shoes,BUT if we take our own ideas away and watch a story in front of us, there's a great message about humanity and what is is like to be human. I have a feeling we may have to be dealing with humanoid-machines in the next 30-40 years. There are already computers who can do a lot of things and make decisions. It was a good opportunity to look into the future and see how it may happen. Again, great movies for those who enjoy some thinking during screening.
9/10 -1 for ending that I'd rewrite a bit.
Hercules Reborn (2014)
Should have spent more time on the story...
I love history and movies about ancient times and was eager to watch this movie. Unfortunately, the movie just didn't do it for me. Story is very narrow and almost pointless - there's pretty much no story or anything behind the possible story. You are pretty much watching a bunch of men fight for the whole movie with a little understanding why. Acting is probably some of the most horrible I've seen in years. Fight scenes look extremely fake. The "extras" used for background fights and for general movie roles probably were never in any movies as they look lost. I was laughing a few times while watching as I could not believe producers and directors let this go for production. Even swords look fake(plastic and dull)!
I feel like I wasted 1.5 hours of my time that I never get back. This isn't 300 or anywhere close to it.
The only reason I gave it 2 stars and not 1 because I liked the architecture,scene designs and wardrobes.