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Like a Traffic School Movie for Party Goers
21 October 2008
Seriously, every college student/random young adult, planning on coming to party in South Beach ( or LA or NYC ) should view this film. It's a serious look at the party " do and don't " list.

Basic party manners and how to avoid the pitfalls of everyone not wanting you to come to the next party are contained.

View it with the same mind that had to sit through the stupid movies in traffic school. It's not meant to be anything but a guide. I don't think the characters were supposed to evolve. They set out with basic characters that the viewer could identify with ( at least one of them for each viewer ). They put them in a party situation and allowed each to stay in that environment with the aide of the guide.

If you're viewing hoping to get an academy award performance from a virtually unknown cast of party peeps in LA - you're out of luck. If you'd like to go and party like a rock-star, take notes. Nothing worse in a party than someone who has no class or party savvy.
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Pretty Things (2005 TV Movie)
Could this be anymore of a disappointment?
15 March 2007
I was excited to see how HBO would capture the realm of the Burlesque. There were so many ways to make an award winning documentary - and only one way to really fail. Strangely, Liz chose the one way to make such a promising film a bomb... she made it all about herself.

Liz is actually quite attractive, but all you see in the film is that she's an attention whore. The few moments she gave to her "guests" was the substance of the show, the rest was like being stuck in a room with a little girl playing dress up.

It bothers me that she wants us to view her " coming of age " but pulls back anytime there is something actually sexy. She even states again and again that she doesn't want to show the camera too much. The naughty bits are what the whole thing was about. It's like making a documentary about war, but not showing any fighting.

I hope that HBO gives an opportunity to someone else to do a real documentary about Burlesque. This was a waste of time.
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Scrubs: My Lunch (2006)
Season 5, Episode 20
Emmy Worthy
23 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Historically, hospital related dramas were always able to infuse comedy when things were too heavy to the viewers. The same in reverse isn't always an easy transition. I can't begin to think of how many hospital related comedy movies failed miserably to invoke heart wrenching moments. The few "deep moments" are typically so light in nature that the viewer can't empathize and the moment comes off as a kindergarten lesson of sorts.

Writer Tad Quill again lends his pen in achieving comedy with such a dark twist. He took a character ( Nicole Sullivan ) from a previous episode who already has a seasoned comedic persona with a dark twist - and pinned the hopes of salvation to her. Even the disease was somewhat silly - but it's effects are so devastating.

John C. McGinley's performance was nothing if not Emmy worthy. His range as an actor was put to the test. How can you go through the whole gamut of emotion and personality - and still make it believable? John C. McGinley did it and left viewers with a heavy heart. Braff shines again as well as one of the young " Super-Actors,"

Quiet kudos to the whole cast and crew... thanks for the ride.
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Chilling Look At Children of Divorce...
10 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie contains some of the best acting by Ally Sheedy and Tyne Daly. The story is strong, characters are hilarious, and there's enough of a twist to wreck the most stoic person.

The movie revolves around a family... or fractions of a family brought together after some time. Unaware sisters seek out a long lost brother and father. Their journey takes them to the other side of the tracks, into unknown territory, and establishes that family is tighter than all known boundaries - even stronger than the truth.

So many movies delve into the surface of " children of a divorce." This movie rips into the core of the damage two adults can have on their children. It should be required viewing for any parents splitting up.
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Watch 3 Episodes and You're Hooked!
21 January 2007
I never judge a show by a single episode, so I only write this after viewing several episodes on a marathon.

I wasn't sure I could accept the actors playing new characters - as several came from some of my all time favorite shows. They took the best qualities of each actor and evolved them into the characters in this show. While the face and some of the behaviors seem familiar... there's something genuinely new with each.

Studio 60 is smart, charming, and involves a deep root core view of conflict. The writers brilliantly allow speculation, provide misdirection, and catch you with a left hook when you're not looking.

It took a quiet Sunday to view this program for the first time - now it will take a bulldozer to get me away from it's regular schedule.
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