Seriously, every college student/random young adult, planning on coming to party in South Beach ( or LA or NYC ) should view this film. It's a serious look at the party " do and don't " list.
Basic party manners and how to avoid the pitfalls of everyone not wanting you to come to the next party are contained.
View it with the same mind that had to sit through the stupid movies in traffic school. It's not meant to be anything but a guide. I don't think the characters were supposed to evolve. They set out with basic characters that the viewer could identify with ( at least one of them for each viewer ). They put them in a party situation and allowed each to stay in that environment with the aide of the guide.
If you're viewing hoping to get an academy award performance from a virtually unknown cast of party peeps in LA - you're out of luck. If you'd like to go and party like a rock-star, take notes. Nothing worse in a party than someone who has no class or party savvy.
Basic party manners and how to avoid the pitfalls of everyone not wanting you to come to the next party are contained.
View it with the same mind that had to sit through the stupid movies in traffic school. It's not meant to be anything but a guide. I don't think the characters were supposed to evolve. They set out with basic characters that the viewer could identify with ( at least one of them for each viewer ). They put them in a party situation and allowed each to stay in that environment with the aide of the guide.
If you're viewing hoping to get an academy award performance from a virtually unknown cast of party peeps in LA - you're out of luck. If you'd like to go and party like a rock-star, take notes. Nothing worse in a party than someone who has no class or party savvy.
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