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13 Reviews
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Dark Signal (2016)
Genuinely creepy. Acting lets it dow.
28 February 2023
This movie frustrated me. The footage was really well done, very effective use of dark shadowing and an overall creepy, atmospheric gothic vibe. Had some genuinely scary section reminiscent of The Ring.

I thought the directing and editing was really well done.

But 'oh man' the acting was pretty bad, nearly everything was overacted. To be fair, it was mostly the lead female roles. When the lead blonde actress wasnt speaking, or crying, it was okay. When she was silent, she was okay. I just felt that this could have been a horror classic with better acting.

The twist was good, i didnt predict it, that helps.

Overall I loved the plot too.

It's rare I say this, because most most modern remakes arent wonderful. But PLEASE redo this with different actors.
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Frogs (1972)
Not scary...But different...
26 February 2023
And in a world with a million horror movies with similar plots. Different is good.

I would hardly describe this aa horror though, moreso a blend of science fiction and nearly moreso like a wildlife documentary on aggressive amphibian behaviour.

The snakes provided a few chills, but thats about it.

It keeps your interest mostly because its one of those rare gems where there is nothing quite like it.

Acting was a touch wooden, but i generally overlook that if movies have other qualities and its not downright horrible.. Downright horrible can also be hilarious too.

Im a sucker for oldschool horror, so i am quite lenient on inconsistencies.
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Zaat (1971)
Why the low rating?
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly obviously this is a B grade 70s horror/sci fi movie, which is exactly what I was expecting.

But aside from the creature suit being slight shoddy as you would expect from a 70s film and perhaps some weak editing at times.

I actually found this a unique breath of fresh air, with reasonable acting, and generally kept my interest and had some good conflict scenes too. Was fairky thought provoking too.

It think when it came out, people didnt really get it. But when you compare this to Manos..Hand of fate, this is far superior to that. I cannot justify a rating of 2 for this.

Loved the aquatic footage too.
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Pretty much what you expect from the era.
4 February 2023
It was okay. Too many pointless scenes with people lying around and the leeches were obvious people in leech costumes.

A lot of these 50 movies tend to end up accidental comedies, as they sid the best they could, but didnt have thr technology to be able to install genuine fear found in 70's movies and beyond.

A few of the scenes where people are just lying there and you're thinking..Yes SURE killer leeches roaming around, WHY NOT lay half naked at the waters edge and scream occasionally.

50 movies always have the damsel in distress standing their screaming or fainting, waiting to be saved. Maximum cheese supplied again here.

But it kept my attention.
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I nearly wrote this movie off and didn't watch...However...
22 September 2022
Compared to the other B grade Amityville movies I have seen, this one was able to provide a few genuinely creepy moments, reminiscent to The Ring and Grudge.

The acting wasn't great, but I have seen much worse.

How it has the same low rating as Amityville im the Hood..No idea!

I't's better than that. This is actually able to keep you entertained and provide a few chills.

And the CGI whilst obviously B grade didn't stray too far off nailing the eeriness of the original grudge movies. In all honesty, I might Give the recent Grudge release another chance. But I actually thought this was a better film.
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Jaws 3-D (1983)
Actually I thought the suspense was great.
22 June 2022
I don't understand why there is so much dislike for this movie. I think it's was very different style to the first two Jaws movies and was moreso a standards 80's horror film, compared to the style of first 2 movies, this may have thrown some people.

But the fact is, I am a very seasoned horror film watcher and fanatic and I am very critical and hard to entertain and this movie was able to keep my eyes locked to the screen and on the edge of my seat for the vast majority of it.. Whilst the acting was so so, the suspense was incredible and nearly rivalled other popular 80's sci fi movies such as ALIENS, that I rank as the best suspense that I have ever witnessed on film.

I thought It was a huge jump ahead from the second movie and although the first is a classic.. If I am honest with myself, I think I enjoyed this more than the first one. Though incomparable and very different style. It could be my taste because JAWS 3 was a kinda movie and I don't think that the plot wasn't plausible at all, I think it a very realistic scenario.

I think even as a kid I like this one the most and as an adult, it seems that I haven't changed my mind.
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Reincarnation of Isabelle..
20 April 2022
Bizarre softcore porn vampyric fantasy!

I completely blame myself for not finding this film more entertaining and not following the plot. Obviously I needed to drop LSD beforehand.

Nice random boobs and completely unnecessary erotic scenes.

Still it had it's charms.... Unique.

Some films are so bizarre that people couldn't replicate even if they tried.
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Hatched (II) (2021)
So so..Entertaining enough...
5 April 2022
But my god!!!.....The characters were frustrating, just did so many things that made you think...Really?

Like waiting for a long period of time as the dinosaurs got closer and closer so they can eat them. Not doing obvious things like closing doors behind them when being chased by raptors in the house. And nearly EVERY time someone broke into a run they tripped over.

Some of the overreacting was hilarious.

The dinosaurs themselves were convincing enough.
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Parasite (2004)
Could have been a good movie...but..
7 February 2022
This movie frustrated me. I cannot say I disliked it as it had a few redeeming qualities.

The atmosphere, action and suspense was often quite decent, obviously borrowing heavily from the Aliens movies.

The CGI wasn't great, but passable... The concept in itself was promising..

But man.... The acting and script was very subpar. Killed the redeeming features.

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The acting isnt good enough to be considered wooden..
2 February 2022
And some of the characters are so irritating that you want them to die, so they do not say any more of the embarrassing script.

The only reason why this gets a 2 and not 1, is the goth chick is cute and not as cringeworthy when she spoke...
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I was hoping people were over exaggerating..
23 January 2022
The only way you could enjoy this movie is if you had not seen the original Rocky Horror.

I gave it a 4 because up until the floorshow, it was promising and those involved looked like they had a lot of fun making the movie.

I think the problem is the original cast was so incredibly convincing, suiting to the roles and acted so well, that it would be close to an impossible act to follow.

Also yeah, Frank'n'Furter dropped the ball completely. There was no charisma or charms of the original and Frank'n'Furter is the main drawcard with Rock Horror.

At this point I ended up turning the movie off.
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Hmmm...Could be worse.
7 July 2021
Yes its obviously and there is all kinds of faults. But at the endof the day, I was entertained throughout the whole movie.

Even if just when i'm laughing at how terrible some scenes are.

Most of these movies are meant to ne horrid. BUT they DO entertain.

To me the really atrocious and unwatchable movies are the ones that dont entertain. And you get bored snd choose something else.

This had a fairly quick pace that made up for it's flaws slightly.
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Creepy towards the end.
22 June 2021
This is my first movie review on imdb. I don't particularly agree with the harshness of how this has been recieved and reviewed by people.

It's obviously the silent arty style film and maybe that's not your interest and its not brilliant or anything. But it has some pretty creepy scenes and the werewolf transformation scene was fairly convincing compared to some werewolf horrors I have seen.

The silence is a bit frustrating and is slow until about halfway through the movie. But I preferred it to Blood Dynasty.

Decided to give it a 5/10.

These types of movies would be perfect at a halloween party playing in the background.

I don't think they are mean't to be completely viewer engulfing.
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