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21 Reviews
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Tall Girl (2019)
Light hearted and enjoyable
7 February 2021
First, I need to address the avalanche of snowflake reviews. Yes, I said "snowflake", because so many people are criticizing this film based on their own experiences during highschool. News flash! This movie isn't! About! You! It's about Jody's journey, her story, and her experiences with bullying. Maybe you weren't bullied because of your height, but that doesn't mean it never happened for someone else. The idea is this film is addressing bullying, period. Do the teenagers say stupid things at time like stuff about C-sections? Yes, but that's pretty realistic cause real teenagers say stupid insensitive stuff all the time. And as for the Swedish accent being terrible, who CARES?! That's your concern?! You can't enjoy a film because the accent isn't perfect?! Critical snowflakes lol.

Movie review: personally, I enjoyed this movie a lot. Were there a lot of movies tropes? Sure. But I really enjoyed the relationship that had been developing between two of the leads. The music was modern and much of it was something you haven't heard before which is refreshing from the stereotypical highschool drama soundtrack. In the end, if you can manage to see this movie for what it has to offer and not make it all about you or your sensitivities, it's a fun, light hearted, and enjoyable movie.
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Episode 8: Wasted Opportunity
17 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First, I want to address the fact that the fans are getting so much hate regarding their expectations. Despite what some of you may think, our expectations regarding the characters was all created by the lore provided in TFA. If Disney didn't want us to have expectations, than they shouldn't have created the lore that fostered the possibilities for growth. Also, unlike other reviews, I will not be addressing Luke Skywalker. I'll admit, I didn't like his character that much, but he wasn't all that different from Ulic Qel-Droma (Redemption) and Jedi Master Lucien (KOTOR). Rather, I'm going to focus primarily on the major issues I had with TLJ.

Snoke: Episode 7 provides us with a mysterious figure who was well trained in the dark side of the force. He has clear battle marks of either force lightning or a saber. Additionally, we are informed in books that he is not a sith. So who trained him? Where's he from? How did become so powerful? What was full plan for Kylo Ren? What was the rest of the training in had in mind for Kylo Ren when he said it was time to complete the rest of his training? These were all elements raised in episode 7 and it was all "cut" down in episode 8. We were either given no details at all or the answers were basic with 0 depth. What happens? He dies and we learn almost nothing about him. So exciting!...

Kylo Ren: Why does Kylo Ren have such a massive fascination with Rey? (Based on his reaction towards the first order officer when he was informed that BB-8 had help escaping because of a girl. He never had this kind of reaction to anyone else, so why Rey?) How will Kylo Ren continue the remainder of his training? He doesn't really. He just keeps doing his own thing. Snoke doesn't continue his training. Instead, he's the same whiny emo kid that is laughable instead of terrifying. Rather than a Star Wars character, I felt like he was something out of a sitcom and I was just waiting for a laugh track to play.

Finn: Will Finn and Rey continue to develop their relationship in episode 8 now that we see a romance blossoming between them? Nope, some no body, that contributes nothing, shows up.

Rey: Who are her parents? No one important. Is Rey related to Kyle Ren? Nope, she's an average Joe. Why is Rey so strongly connected to the force? Just cause. Will Luke teach her the ways of the force? Nope. He gives her 3 lessons and only 1 we get to see. I honestly loved Rey. I thought she was a wonderful and exciting addition to Star Wars. I felt she was a great symbol for young girls everywhere that they could be heroes too. However, as much as I still appreciate Rey, her origin was a completely wasted opportunity.

Knights of Ren: they played a mysterious role in Kylo Ren's destruction of the Jedi temple, yet they make no appearance in episode 8 and are given 0 mention. How is it that Luke doesn't mention these cohorts of Ren at all when they clearly played a major role in the destruction of the temple?

Phasma: this was a great chance to flush her character out a bit more; however, she gets a small handful of lines and gets almost less time than she had in episode 7. This was a massive waste.

Too many new characters. J.J. Abrams already had a ton of potential growth for the new characters he added to the roster. Johnson added a whole new slew of characters that either had no depth, died, or were flat out boring. Rose, for example, had a flushed out back story, but it was dry and stereotypical. (I was a slave and suffered under the rule of the first order, blah, blah, blah, heard it before with the Empire).

Rushed romance and useless character. Rose barely knows Finn, in person, for more than 12 hours and she tells him she loves him?! Talk about a Disney moment much. The reality is she was a star struck horny teeny bopper who just lost her sister recently and was looking for someone to lean on. That's not love. She had practically 0 purpose in the film. Yes, she saved Finn, but she had no idea Luke was going to show up. If Luke never arrived, Rose's act to stop Finn would have doomed the entire resistance as the drill would have broken down the entrance and the first order would have killed everyone, including Finn, thus nullifying Rose's act of saving him. She was also clearly a plug. Disney released videos on facebook later to justify Rose by saying having an Asian female lead was a step forward for the franchise even though we already have had at least 3 Asian leads, 2 of which were in Rogue 1 and they were awesome! Plus, there was a female Asian who was a Jedi Knight that wielded a green lightsaber in the colosseum in TCW. So her presence, although clearly a plug, was not a step forward. Instead, she some how made Jar Jar look good. Furthermore, Disney shouldn't just be throwing in actors based on race. They should be adding them because their character actually has a function in the story.

Leia's use of the force: Leia some how has a strong connection to the force and uses advanced Jedi techniques to save her life in the vacuum of space and yet we are given 0 details as to how she learned these abilities. We don't know if Luke trained her or if her connection is as strong to the force as Luke's. All we knew from ROTJ was Leia had a connection to the force like Luke and that's it. So how did Leia know to use such advanced force abilities to save her life? Before anyone says, "Luke must have taught her cause it's been 30-40 years", Leia was busy rebuilding the New Republic and eventually had to create the Resistance as the New Republic was disassembling their militaristic might. Without explanation, it just seems as though Leia could use the force to save her life at the right time simply because.

The music: completely forgettable. Every Star Wars movie has at least one memorable soundtrack to match a scene that makes it unforgettable. (I.e. episode 1 *duel of fates*, episode 5 *the Imperial March* episode 4 *intro theme for the first time* episode 3 *battle of heroes*). Episode 8's music was bland and not a single person I spoke to, after the viewing, could remember a single tune. For a movie that people claim to be the best Star Wars film, how is it that almost no one remembers a single tune after first viewing?

In the end, TLJ was a terrible movie full of plot wholes and ignored the lore they created in their own films. They used plugs for the sake of mass appeal and attacked their fan base when the fans expectations were let down. Though the average viewer may not remember TLJ, the fans will remember it as the worst Star Wars movie of all time.
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Episode 8: The Wasted Opportunity
17 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I didn't want to write this review, but this movie was such an injustice to the franchise that I couldn't hold back any longer. Before I continue, yes, as a fan, I had expectations, but those expectations were fanned by the lore created in TFA. If you didn't want the fans to have expectations regarding certain elements, which I will cover in this review, than you shouldn't have created the lore responsible for said expectations. We were given so much possibility for potential growth and Johnson destroyed all of it. For the sake of this review, I will only cover a few major issue I had with TLJ. I will not be covering Luke Skywalker cause as much as I didn't like his direction, it did match similar Jedi in the past like Ulic Qel-Droma (Redemption) and Jedi Master Lucien (KOTOR).

1. Snoke: In TFA, we are presented with a mysterious figure who is extremely powerful and yet he is not a Sith Lord. He has scars all over his face and what appears to be a saber slash. We know almost nothing about the origins of this dark figure or the methods he will use to complete Kylo Ren's training and thanks to Johnson, you'll never know. Despite how TFA ended, Kyle Ren is given zero training and Snoke is killed without any further development of his character. What could have been one of the most fascinating characters was turned into a 2 dimensional villain. How exciting!...

2. Rey: I loved Rey as a new character and her development was awesome. I felt she was a refreshing change for Star Wars and a symbol for young girls that even they can be heroes. She had an interesting lore regarding her mysterious connection to her force as well as who she was related to. Additionally, TFA set viewers up with all kinds of exciting possibilities regarding her training with Luke as well as her relationship with Finn. However, TLJ gives us barely any training time with Luke, her parents are literally nobodies and her natural connection to the force exists simply because? I understand that this portrayal of showing the world how even the underdog can be awesome was their intended direction after watching the film, but this idea has been done to death! Rey's origin story was completely underwhelming and left me feeling disappointed.

3. Leia: I know that Leia has a connection to the force based on what Luke said in ROTJ, but we are given absolutely zero explanation to how she used such advanced force techniques to save her life in the vacuum of space. Yes, it's been 30-40 years since ROTJ, but the books made it clear Leia was busy dealing with the New Republic where she then created the Resistance to salvage what ships she could since the New Republic was destroying all of the militaristic devices. So when did she has time to learn the techniques she used to save her life? At least have a voice over from Luke to establish she learned something from him. Instead, she conveniently has the ability to save her life in an impossible situation simply because.

4. Kylo Ren: As much as some people loved his character, still trying to understand why, Kylo Ren was just as whiny if not even more emotionally annoying than before. His character just seems to be there. He doesn't continue his training and whenever he tries to be terrifying, people just laughed. It's okay to add comedy, but Star Wars needs to be taken a little more seriously. Look at TESB, there was organic comedy that made the characters lovable. That being said, every evil character was dark, terrifying, and powerful. Their presence was memorable and redefined the presence of darkness. Whenever Kylo Ren threw someone, people just cackled which shouldn't be the reaction a dark lord gets.

5. Rose: I can't even say that name without getting angry. Her character was completely useless and a clear plug. According to Disney, she was a step forward for the Star Wars franchise because she's an Asian woman. How is this a step forward?! We already had several Asian leads, 2 of which were from Rogue one and they were amazing! We also had a female Asian Jedi Knight in TCW colosseum fight scene. Plus! We already have had several amazing female leads! So how is she a step forward?! *takes a breath* Furthermore, her character background is overly simplistic. She comes from hardship and slavery under the rule of the First Order. Because this idea of hardship has never been done before right? Then, after only knowing Finn, in person, for maybe 12 hours, she says she loves him?! Come on Disney! at least make your romance believable in a Star Wars film. Now some people defend her purpose in the film because she saved Finn's life, but had Luke never shown up to save the Resistance, the drill would have destroyed the door and the First Order would have killed everyone, which includes Finn. The reality is Rose was just a star struck emotional horny teeny bopper that wanted to get some and she didn't care about anyone else. Her character, as a whole, was annoying and pointless. She some how made Jar Jar look good and that's a terrible achievement.

I could say more, but these are my major beefs with TLJ. The reality is this movie focused on new characters that were either useless or boring and gave zero respect to the lore created in TFA. It's a disgrace to Star Wars and a movie I assure you will only be remembered as the worst Star Wars movie of all time.
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Aldnoah.Zero (2014–2015)
Incredible! :D
8 February 2016
In 1972, an ancient alien hypergate was excavated on the surface of the moon. Utilizing this technology, humanity began immigrating to Mars. During their time on mars some colonizers uncovered some highly advanced technology originally left behind by some mysterious alien race. Through this technology, the recently established Vers Empire declared Mars and its secrets for themselves. Due to Vers Empire's technological pride, the Vers Empire declared war on Earth in 1999. Overwhelmed by the human martian's technological militaristic advancements, the people of Earth destroyed the hypergate, thus shattering the moon and dispersing the remnants of the Vers Empire into a debris belt around Earth. Cut off from Mars, the remaining members of the Vers Empire established several enormous orbital space stations within the debris belt and a ceasefire was inaugurated. However, after 15 years of tensioned peace, an attack on the Vers Princess, Asseylum Vers Allusia, during a peace mission, causes the Vers Empire to launch an all-out attack on the citizens of Earth. Overwhelmed by the Vers Empire's superior mecha militaristic technology, Earth's only true defense is the brilliant tactical mind of a high school student named Inaho Kaizuka.

As someone who has watched several different Mecha anime such as the Gundam franchise, Robotech, Code Geass, Neon Genesis Evangelion, etc… AldNoah.Zero, directed by Ei Aoki, originally created by Gen Urobuchi, is a brilliant story about a small handful of citizens from both Earth and the Vers Empire who are desperately trying to stop a war which was caused by an attack on Princess Asseylum Vers Allusia. This show is atmospherically driven by wonderful music, amazing characters, outstanding animation, and a pleasingly intense action-packed plot. This series successfully challenges the stereotypical archetypes of conventional anime and leaves you wanting more. My only suggestion is that you watch this anime in its entirety, (All Seasons!), because it will emotionally astonish you.

8 Stars
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Batman: Bad Blood (2016 Video)
Meet the family
22 January 2016
While on a routine patrol of Gotham City, Batman (Jason O'Mara) encounters a mysterious new villain known as Heretic (Travis Willingham). However during his investigation of this new evil, Batman goes missing and Batwoman (Yvonne Strahovski), a new addition to the Bat tree, was the last one to see him alive. Due to the absence of Batman, Gotham plunges into chaos and Alfred is forced recall both Damian (Stuart Allan) and Nightwing (Sean Maher). In order to fill the void of the Bat and restore order to Gotham, Nightwing must wear Bruce's mantel. In addition to temporarily being Batman, Dick must not only solve the mystery of his former mentor's disappearance, but keep his crime fighting family cohorts together.

Though Batman was fairly absent throughout this movie, I thoroughly enjoyed the new roster of crime fighters added to the roster. As many of us know, Batman's vast universe is constantly evolving as well as expanding and Jay Oliva masterfully presents us with a daunting dangerous universe that requires more then just the presence of Batman. That being said, it would be nice to see a future Batman movie that primarily centralizes on just Batman. A great area to focus on for such a project would be the Arkham atmosphere portrayed in the video games. In the end, the story, animation and music of Batman: Bad Blood made this animated Bat film an excellent addition to the DC animated film series.

7 stars.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Rocky start, but has potential :)
13 August 2015
Kara Zor-El, or Supergirl, is the daughter of Superman's uncle Zor- El and his wife Alura. Due to the fact that Krypton was dying, Kal El (Superman), and Kara Zor-El, were sent away to Earth where they could thrive and survive. Though both were sent so they could live, Kara was also sent to protect Kal-El; however, just as her pod was leaving Krypton's atmosphere, the planet exploded and the shockwave sent her pod off course into the Phantom Zone, a prison dimension used by Kryptonians. This prison dimension was originally discovered by Jor El, Kal El's father, and used by the Kryptonian Council as a humane prison. Although the zone is a barren wasteland, people trapped in the zone cannot grow old or die. As a result of being trapped in the Phantom Zone, Kara arrived at planet Earth several decades later only to discover that her cousin, Kal El, whom she was supposed to protect, was a full grown adult called Superman. After being adopted by the Danvers family, Kara slowly follows into the footsteps of her younger cousin as both a journalist and a Superhero known to the world as Supergirl.

Unlike other DC television series that have a darker and violent atmosphere that might be unappealing to some, "Supergirl" is a cheerful, action packed series that is both entertaining and amusing. That being said, it would have been nice if Supergirl's look were a little more modernized to match her appearance in the NEW 52. Although there are a few cheesy moments, Kara's innocent, energetic, quirky, playful personality makes "Supergirl" enjoyable to watch. In the end, "Supergirl" is a fun and interesting series that has excellent potential. That being said, the acting needs some improvement as the cheesiness of the show can sometimes come across as fake, or amateurous. Additionally, the writers as well as the researchers need to get there facts straight as a native citizen of the planet Krypton is a Kryptonian and not a "Kryptoniese". As for those of you disliking it from just the pilot episode, you should examine/recognize this shows potential as there are a lot of amazing TV shows that had a rocky start.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Good graphics, but boring plot.
13 August 2015
"Lucy" by Luc Besson, plays on an intriguing notion that humanity, if capable of using more than just 10% of their brain, could achieve incredible feats, and practically become gods.

"Lucy" is about a young woman (Scarlett Johansson) who quickly finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. When forced to deliver some drugs inside of her lower tummy, the package accidentally opens releasing the drugs into her system. However, rather than killing her, the drugs unlock her brains full potential.

Although the movie was not incredible, I did find it visually entertaining. Furthermore, the movie was full of action and interesting perspectives on the theory of evolution. However, the plot was a little underwhelming. There were many times where I was hoping the story's action would be a little more "up close and personal", instead, we are given "Limitless" meets "The Matrix". Which by themselves are perfectly good movies, but they could have maintained some element of Lucy's humanity as it was very hard to relate to what she was experiencing. In the end, it was as if she became like "Amazo", or "Data", which I understand was the director's intent, but it would have been interesting to see what Lucy would have been like had she maintained all of her humanity.

Overall, "Lucy" was entertaining, but it is not something I would go and see again. For this reason, I give "Lucy" a 6.
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Give It A Chance :)
22 July 2015
In an alternate universe, the Justice League is a brutal force that maintains order on Earth. As a result of the Justice League's savage tactics, their unaccountability is ultimately challenged by the world's governments following the suspicious deaths of renowned scientists.

Admittedly, I was initially influenced by some of the negative reviews that lashed out at the concept of Justice League: Gods and Monsters; however, this DC Animated Film was surprisingly entertaining. Directed by, Sam Liu, the dark and violent atmosphere suited the overall theme of the movie. Although this is an alternate Justice League from the one I grew to love over the years, this is definitely an exciting addition to the Justice League Animated Movie Series.

7 Stars.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
Absolutely Brilliant!
24 June 2015
For every child, growing up can be exciting, confusing, and difficult. For Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco, Riley is directed by her emotions, Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith) in Headquarters Control Center inside Riley's mind to help her overcome everyday life. However, Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to Riley's new life in San Francisco and emotional disorder arises. Although Joy, Riley's main and most fundamental emotion, tries to keep things optimistic, the emotions fight on how best to navigate Riley's new world.

After watching "Inside Out" with my wife, we both agreed that "Inside Out" is the perfect Pixar Animation movie for any family on a night out. It was both imaginative and relatable for both children and adults. I never thought "Inside Out" would be this enjoyable, but I was able to experience every emotion of "Joy", "Disgust", "Anger", "Fear", and "Sadness" for each and every moment of this film. At the end of the night, I was pleasantly unsatisfied because I wanted to watch the movie again and again. Parents, if you're looking for a fun filled movie night with your children, this movie will not only please them, but you as well.

A Definite 9!! Well done Pixar!
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1000 Ways to Die (2008–2012)
Morally Offensive!
17 June 2015
Normally I wouldn't give a show, or a movie for that matter, such a low rating; however, "1000 Ways to Die" is both inappropriate and disrespectful. Sure TV shows has shown violent as well as terrifying ways to die, but many of these deaths are used to amplify the type of atmosphere the Director is looking for in the story.

Although the stories in "1000 Ways to Die" might be slightly modified and the names changed, the fact is the creator of "1000 Ways to Die" chooses to mock real cases where real individuals have died as a result of unfortunate circumstances or poor decisions. Not only is the idea of this show completely insensitive and morally unacceptable, but the "humor" is utterly distasteful. It's one thing to laugh at someone's misfortune in a fictitious movie; however, it's another to laugh at a real individual's misfortune especially if that misfortune should lead to their death. In the end, a viewer should ask him, or herself if they would laugh at the death of someone they loved. If not, than why does it become acceptable to laugh at the death of another?

In the end, this show is a disgusting shameful stain that should be removed.
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Community (2009–2015)
Seasons 1-5 (9) Season 6 (2)
4 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I want to say that I am a huge fan of the show and love almost everything about it... except for season 6. This show is a true celebration to nerdism and almost all the characters are both lovable as well as irreplaceable. There is a level of excitement that just makes it so addicting to watch that I can watch it over, and over again with the same level of enjoyment. In the end, I would happily give Community Seasons 1-5 a 9.

That being said, the majority of this review is strictly targeting Season 6. In my opinion, Season 6 BLOWS! Let's be honest, the majority of us loved Community for it's character roster and what that roster brought to the atmosphere of the show. Could we have replaced Troy, Shirley, and Buzz Hickey? Sure, but the characters chosen weren't the greatest. Although L. Roy was okay, Frankie was not only useless, she was annoying and boring. Sure she had some moments, but she had no real personality that was in some way interesting, or lovable like Pearce, Troy, Shirley, Dunkin, or Buzz Hickey. Plus, Abed and Chang might as well have left the show too. Why? Because they were by no means the characters we loved! Abed is supposed to be quirky, fun, socially awkward, and imaginative. Chang is supposed to be psychologically insane who was living with a monkey and tried to take over Greendale. Also, what happened to the romance between Annie and Jeff that was slowly developing over the last 5 seasons?! In the last episode of Season 5, Jeff clearly displayed strong feelings for Annie that grew over time and then suddenly in Season 6 those emotions were completely absent. At the end of the day, we have a show inserting boring characters, and less interesting plots while stating in the first 3 episodes that fans may not respond well to the changes. At least Season 5 came back with a bang, but Season 6 "Frankly" killed the show for me and ruined a lot of amazing potential brought to us in season 5. Finally, where was the imagination?! Every season had some memorable wild adventure like blanket forts, 8 bit video games, themed paintball games, zombies, Inspector Space Time, claymation, cartoons, etc... Even Season 5 had Dungeons and Dragons, Lava World, and G.I.Joe. Season 6 had.... well.... a semi interesting episode of paintball. If a 7th Season is made, Dan Harmon really needs to rewatch seasons 1, 2, 3, 5, and give the fans what made them love the show in the first place! In the end, I give Season 6 a resounding 2!
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Best real life series comic-book adaptation!
12 April 2015
Blinded as a young boy, Matt Murdock fights injustice by day in "Hell's Kitchen" as a lawyer with his best friend, Foggy Nelson, and a recent acquaintance Karen Page. At night, he combats against the corrupt as a vigilante first known as, "The Man in Black". With the help of his colleagues, Matt Murdock cleans up Hell's Kitchen eventually becoming "DareDevil".

Though I am more of a DC fan, Marvel and Netflix's "DareDevil" was the best real life series adaptation of a comic book character I have ever seen. This Marvel/Netflix original series provides us with an incredibly addictive story, and superb acting brought to you by Charlie Cox (Dare Devil), Elden Henson (Foggy Nelson), as well as Deborah Ann Woll (Karen Page). And let's not forget the amazing choreography for every action sequence. Everything about this series was remarkable and a significant improvement to the 2003 "DareDevil"; however, the graphic realism for some scenes is not for the faint of heart, so parental discretion is strongly advised.

In the end, this series was both thrilling and mesmerizing! If you weren't a fan of "DareDevil" before, you soon will be.

9 Stars!
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Batman vs. Robin (2015 Video)
A major "hoot"!
10 April 2015
Batman vs Robin, directed by Jay Oliva and written by J.M. DeMatteis, was an action packed, whirlwind of a ride and a significant improvement to Ethan Spaulding's "Son of Batman". In addition to choosing a life with his father, Bruce Wayne (Batman), Damian (Robin) assists his father's continued fight at night for Gotham's soul as the next Robin. However, Damian finds himself struggling to cope with his father's "no- killing" policy due to the philosophical form of combat training he received under Ra's al Ghul. As a result of this philosophical conflict between Damian, and Bruce Wayne, Damian is forced into a lifestyle of isolation. As Bruce Wayne tightens the noose around Damian's freedom, Damian is sought out by a member of the Court of Owls. While struggling with his own identity, Damian must decide whether he will adhere to his father's morals, or become a member of the Court of Owls.

First I would like to say that this DC animated film was spectacular! The animation was fluid, flawless, and the voice acting was superb. Though I wasn't initially a fan of Jason O'Mara, I have definitely come to appreciate him as the new Dark Knight. With the level of graphic realism as well as the psychopathic trills currently shown in the recent DC animated Batman series, I believe Jay Oliva has perfectly presented us with an accurate portrayal of Gotham's twisted atmosphere. However, the title was slightly misleading as Batman and Robin only fought against each other for a short time. If anything, it should have been called "Batman: The Court of Owls". In the end, Batman vs Robin is an excellent addition to the DC animated series as well as is something every Batman fan will appreciate.

7 Stars.
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Incredibly entertaining!
21 January 2015
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, directed by Ethan Spaulding, written by Heath Corson as well as Geoff Johnson was an exciting and entertaining animated film. Though Aquaman has made many appearances in the Justice League Animated Series, this was the first time he stared in his own animated feature film that was full of Shakespearian twists.

Not too long after the events in Justice League: War, directed by Jay Oliva, Metropolis faces a new aquatic threat as the Ocean Master Orm attempts to persuade Queen Atlanna, of Atlantis, to fight the surface dwellers in an all-out war for the death of their king. Meanwhile, a young man named Author Curry, who will be later dubbed Aquaman, is thrown headfirst into the fray. After learning his true identity as a royal son of Atlantis, an Atlantian named Mera, at the request of her queen, retrieves Author so that he could fulfill his destiny as the new king of Atlantis. However, unlike Queen Atlanna's desire to use her son Author as a beacon that would bridge everlasting peace between Atlantis and the surface dwellers, Orm, also known as Author Curry's half-brother, yearns for the annihilation of the surface dwellers by using the destructive militaristic might of Atlantis. Through the aid of the Super 7, which will later be crowned the Justice League, Author Curry must accept his destiny as the future king of Atlantis and prevent a war that could destroy both worlds.

Unlike most Warner Brother DC Animated Films, Justice League: Throne of Atlantis focuses more on a monarchial power struggle which was quite refreshing as it had a classical approach. Be that as it may, there were still plenty of realistic action scenes as Author Curry and the Super 7 fight an abundance of foes. Furthermore, the animation was absolutely stunning! While some might complain about the level of graphic violence, I personally believe this level of carnage creates a convincing atmosphere which has made DC animated films more enjoyable to watch.

In the end, this animated feature film was an exceptional addition to the Justice League Animated Movie Series and will make any DC fan an enthusiast of the legendary Atlantian King, Aquaman. A definite 7.
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Psycho-Pass (2012–2019)
Addictive! :)
6 November 2014
This anime is brilliant! Psycho-Pass is a very smart series that deeply analizes freewill and whether or not a person's "hue", when cloudy, can determine if they will become a threat to society. Using a special weapon known as "The Dominator", detectives are able to continuously read and send psychological data to determine a persons crime coefficient. Depending on how clouded a persons "hue" is, they will either receive mandatory rehabilitation, or an execution on the spot.

At first I was not going to give this anime a chance, but I am thrilled I did! I love the dark, mysterious, and serious atmosphere of this anime. Additionally, the logical questions postulated regarding aspects of freewill and whether or not a person can be judged before they commit a crime were magnificent! Furthermore, every character added a significant element that made them both likable and unforgettable. Finally, the animation was beautiful, and the music significantly heightened every situation. In many ways I would say this series is already comparable to a series like "Cowboy Bebop".

In short, Psycho-Pass is a juicy sophisticated anime that will appeal to many mystery/sci-fi fans. It is animated craftsmanship and definitely worth the watch.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Basic and Boring...
23 October 2014
Once again I was deceived by the trailers as they made this movie look absolutely amazing; however, the trailers were the only good things that came out of this movie, and that says a lot.

First of all, we have the common Christian movie stereotype where some of a family is for God, and some of it is against God. Than we are provided with the frequent misunderstandings non-Christians face regarding the meaning of scripture due to Christians who have almost 0 theological education. So because the Christians fail to provide an adequate answer, the non-Christian lashes out. At least provide the audience with some level of complexity if you're going to have some kind of a theological debate. Your audience understands more than you think. Now if we could simply ignore the horrendous script not to mention the awful acting, we still have a movie full of stereotypes regarding non-Christians, Christians, Muslisms and even smaller people (just trying to be politically correct) which got old very fast.

But believe it or not, this is not even the worst part of the movie! The worst part is the terrible background music! To put it bluntly, it was GARBAGE!! It was so floaty and totally ruined the atmosphere. Now don't get me wrong, some movies require floaty music, but it would have made more sense to have music that was thematically apocalyptic. For example, Armageddon, Independence Day, or World War Z each had excellent pieces which blend perfectly into the atmosphere of the movie. The fact is even if the script to a movie is mediocre, having an excellent soundtrack can drastically improve the atmosphere. With a corny 80's saxaphone piece playing in the background, or cheesy orchestral music, which sounded digital, my wife and I walked out of the movie going "what did we just see?"

Though I am a pastor, I was hoping to be raptured during the movie. Do what I should have done and save your money by not seeing this film.
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Sword Art Online (2012– )
Pretty Decent!
21 August 2014
In the year 2022, thousands of people get trapped in a new virtual MMORPG (Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) known as Sword Art Online. Where death normally causes you to respawn to a safe zone, Sword Art Online was reprogrammed to kill anyone who dies in the virtual world. The only way to exit the game, is to defeat the final boss. Eager to escape this virtual nightmare, a lone beta player called Kirito fights his way through each floor of the game; however, this lone wolf soon recognizes the need for companionship, and the cost for his freedom. In the end, SAO Season 1 was packed full of mythical virtual excitement, beautiful animation, wonderful orchestral pieces, and intriguing character development. Even if you never watch SAO Season 2, SAO Season 1 is a must see for any Anime enthusiast and deserves a solid 10.

Sword Art Online Season 2, brings us back to the mmo virtual world. However, unlike SAO Season 1, the first half of SA0 season 2 is primarily based on a gunslinger motif known as Gun Gale Online,

In a virtual world comprised of guns and bullets, Kirito, uses a female avatar whilst duel wielding a violet energy sword and a 5.7mm FN Five Seven handgun. Not long after his experiences in Alfheim Online, Kirito is asked to assist in finding a mysterious player called Death Gun who is targeting the best players in the game, and is some how killing them in the real world.

Though we reunite with some familiar characters in the past, GGO introduces a sexy sniper named Sinon who uses a PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II which is a .50 caliber anti-material sniper rifle. As awesome as this season has been, it does lack a few of the intense emotional elements that made the first season so amazing. (Ex: The romance that developed between Kirito and Asuna, or the intense rage Kirito expressed to certain members of Laughing Coffin)

Upon the conclusion of SOA season 2 mid-season finale, we are brought back to Alfheim Online where we are reunited with everyone in Kirito's party from SOA season 1. After a brief 4 episodes, the remainder of the SAO season 2 focuses on an entirely new guild known as the "the sleeping knights" guild. In a desperate attempt to achieve the unachievable "the sleeping knights" request Asuna's help after assessing her combat skills in a duel against their strongest member Yuuki.

Growing up on anime, I have seen my fair share of classics, but the beautiful atmosphere, the breathtaking music, and the fantastic character development has quickly made SAO my favourite anime series. That being said, those who were a fan of SAO season 1 will notice an almost different atmosphere in SAO season 2. Personally I feel that SAO season 1 was better because the second half completely fed off the first half of the season. However, SAO season 2 had what appeared to be 4-5 parts. Although this introduces us to new characters, the plot felt a little scattered as it lacked the kind of consistency and the emotional build that was provided by SAO season 1. Overall, the second season of SAO was not fantastic, but I still believe it deserves a 7.
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2 August 2014
DC animated movies almost never fail to please me and Batman: Assault on Arkham, directed by Jay Oliva and Ethan Spaulding, portrays criminals with a vicious and sexy attitude.

With almost all the same voice actors from the Batman Arkham series including Kevin Conroy, Oliva and Spaulding take the Batman animated movies into Arkham Asylum just as portrayed in the Arkham video games series. In my opinion, it's about time Warner Brothers created a Batman animated movie based on the atmosphere of the Arkham games as it is so popular with the fans.

Interestingly enough, this movie focuses more on a criminal special task force created by Amanda Waller, who also created the Suicide Squad, rather than Batman; however, there was still enough of Batman to satisfy our Dark Knight needs especially when the voice is Kevin Conroy. What surprised me the most was Troy Baker as the voice of the Joker. Though he has been the voice of Joker before, I almost thought it was Mark Hamill until I looked up the cast. With that in mind, Baker's acting inspires me with high hopes for the Jokers future.

Overall, this Batman animated movie had a sexy, trilling, attitude which was packed full of lethal action that would please any Batman fan. A perfect 10!
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2 August 2014
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, by Christopher Berkeley, Lauren Montgomery, Jay Oliva, was a complete disaster! I don't know if a curse was put on the Green Lantern, but almost every movie starring him has been an abomination.

Unlike other Warner Brothers animated movies which offer us a complex and thrilling plot, Emerald Knights examined back story, after back story, after back story for almost every character which not only bored me to death, but it exasperated all the time that could of been used to focus on the main plot. I understand some people don't know the back story of the Green Lanterns, but character development should not consume more than half of the movie especially when the back stories were thematically unoriginal and one dimensionally monotonous. Furthermore, having so many origin stories was incredibly distracting to the flow of the movie. As a TV show this concept would have been much more successful; however, such a theme is completely irresponsible in a movie due to the time restraints of a film.

If you examine every DC animated film, you'll notice that maybe 10- 15 minutes is given for a super heroes origins, than it focuses on the main idea which will drive the bus the rest of the way. An excellent example of this structure would be the animated movie Wonder Woman.

As much as I like Green Lantern's character, Emerald Knights was incredibly mundane and ultimately scattered. For this reason, I give it a 3.
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Man of Steel (2013)
An Epic Ride!
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
At first I was very nervous at the prospect of another Superman movie. Especially considering how horrible "Superman Returns" was; however, "Man of Steel" was a roller coaster of a ride as we not only witness Kal El's (Clark Kent's) origins, but we are shown Superman the way he is supposed to be.

With expert direction brought to us by Zack Snyder and the assistance of Christopher Nolan, "Man of Steel" is packed full of action and emotional depth. No Superman movie has ever come close to achieving the atmosphere illustrated in the comics or the cartoon series until Zack Snyder's "Man of Steel". Sure it has a lot of action, but anyone who is a true Superman fan knows that Kal El's battles were almost always explosively long. Furthermore, the biblical metaphors were absolutely brilliant! As Superman was intended to be portrayed as a "Christ Like" figure, you see his journey in "Man of Steel" not all that much different from the New Testament. (Ex: When Clark Kent asked the priest for advice, behind him was a stained glass window of Christ praying to His Father before He was arrested and crucified. Next scene Clark Kent willingly submits himself to be arrested, ascends into the "heavens", and than descends in a crucified form) As Superman's story is not about becoming the best, but an immigrant facing the challenge of home VS heritage, we see Zack Snyder's portrayal of Superman reflect the "Man of Steel" originally designed by Joseph Shuster.

Furthermore, who could forget such actors like Henry Cavill (Clark Kent),or Amy Adams (Lois Lane). Every actor in this movie left their mark, but I needed very little convincing to believe that Cavill was the face of Superman, or that Adams could be a persuasive Lois Lane. And although I am not particularly a fan of Michael Shannon, he was the perfect General Zod. With the level of ferocity Shannon provided, not to mention his one liners, this was by far his best role yet!

This movie soared through my expectations and it will be the first time I ever give a Superman movie a perfect 10!
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Prisoners (2013)
Amazing!!! 10/10
21 September 2013
"Prisoners", directed by Denis Villeneuve and written by Aaron Guzikowski, was an incredible story of one man who will do anything to find his daughter.

Although the plot appears slow moving at first, your emotions are quickly taken for a wild ride as the plot constantly turns from one dilemma to the next, and just as soon as you think you've solved the case, a new twist sends you spiraling into a whole new line of reasoning forcing you to continuously ask "who is really guilty?"

Furthermore, the cast chosen for this spectacle did a stunning job. Not only was the crises believable, but the characters were portrayed so well, that you yourself will ask "where is his daughter?!" This was by far one of Hugh Jackman's greatest performances where you truly saw a father who knew the questionable measures he'd have to take if he wanted to find his daughter. As time passes on, Keller Dover, (Hugh Jackman), displays overwhelming levels of desperation and the methods he uses, though could be considered cruel, forces the audience to question their sense of objective morality. Additionally, I tip my hat off to Jake Gyllenhaal, who also did an equally spellbinding performance as Detective Loki. From what was just another case, became the focal mission of his career as he anxiously desires to find both missing daughters alive.

Finally, you will not be disappointed with the conclusion, as you see that every ounce of what appeared to be trivial information is actually fundamentally one great big basket weave of a greater evil truth. This movie will constantly leave you on the edge of your seat, and I assure you, that this movie will be something you'll want to watch again and again.

Amazing!!! 10/10
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